Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on Feb 10, 2022


I woke to what promised to be a great day weather wise as the high would be 52 and sunny and the low would be around 40. It was a pretty typical day but would be sunny and that always made things better. The run was JJ and Cole and Cole was still unhappy with Megan and JJ was quiet again. After the run I asked JJ, if he wanted to spend the night or at least part of it? I told him that Jace would most likely be there and that he would not be an issue. His entire attitude changed and he said MJ, I'm horny as fuck for your ass. I laughed and said good to know and went to my place. I put on black jeans and a hoodie and my letterman's jacket as it was football playoffs. I packed a pull over sweater with a 1/4 length zipper down the front for work.

At school, there was no Heather and JJ was pissed as he was the only senior without a letterman's jacket and I made a note to fix that and was sure Nancy would help. I made it through English but at the end was called to Dr. Johnson's office. Once there I was asked, what the heck happened yesterday? Well we were locked out, assigned seats and told we were under achieving. Chad blew a gasket, part because of his brother being in Iraq and flying combat missions and those worries and part because we were being treated like children. So what did you do? Well I called a players meeting, let ESPN stay, fluffed it off as an upset brother and playoff nerves. So what did you say to the coach? Well Doc. that we are who we are as a team and that there were 142 other coaches that would kill to have our team and that he needed to adjust to that and that he didn't have a choice. Doc. we can win with him adjusting or lose with him doing it his way. Chad had a point as a number of our class will be in the service in less than a year and we can even vote. Basically we need treated like we have those responsibilities. Doc. in the last two years we are 24 & 1. Coach was better last year and we will or can be better than last year. Sure we haven't played a complete game but we haven't had to, it is what it is. Mike, 3 assistant coaches were in here this morning all saying the same thing you just said. Chuck is a great guy but he feels a lot of pressure he is a great AD but Chad was right, he is very old school and you guys keep him up at night. Just go a bit slower and play hard, a win this week will settle a lot of things down. Doc. I need a favor. Ok Mike, what is it? JJ's football letterman's pin. He is the only one without a Jacket and I have an old one that will fit him. Mike, just give it to him and I'll say that I gave it to him, I just don't want to deal with that and Chuck right now. Doc. are you sure? He smiled and said get to class I said thanks and went to Physics. My lab partner said, well thanks for showing up. I looked at here and asked, would you like to get a bite to eat tomorrow night after practice. She smiled and said, fuck off and get to work. I shrugged and said well I won't ask again so the ball is in your court. She shook her head and started the project.

I watched gym class as I wasn't permitted to take part and signed out for work. Once in my office I changed from my hoodie to the sweater and went looking for the Major. Then I remembered he was picking Jace up. I found Liam in his office and went in and sat down. We just started talking and he still had the same girl and was still living at home and was desperately looking for an apartment and the girl would be moving in and his rents were pissed about that. We talked about Cole and golf and he snuck in a few questions about me and the business and we spent about an hour doing that. Then he asked what I had in mind for him here and I smiled and said well eventually you to run Enterprises and then Technologies. For now I needed him to be my right hand man and to weigh in on everything and learn to think like I do as he would be me, when I left for VT. Then I said, starting in January you will get $750 monthly raise and membership to the Duquesne Club and don't get like the rest of those clowns that belong there. He mumbled, thanks as he was clearly surprised. I needed to get to practice.

I parked at school and was relieved to see no one standing in the parking lot. Inside people were simply getting dressed and it was cold so lots of thermal underwear. We warmed up and quickly started running the new plays. The speed and hitting was a bit intense for a practice but none of the coaches seemed to care and Coach Weston was standing in the end zone watching and letting the assistants un practice. JJ and I were alternated between offense and defense. Then I noticed we were the only 2 way starters. I shrugged and wondered how long that went on, as I paid little attention about that. Actually JJ was on punt and kick off receiving so he barely came off the field. I was at spelled on offense. During my only break the linebacker coach came up to me and said thanks for yesterday. I shrugged and said no problem. Then I asked what's with him and indicated Coach Weston? Mike, back in a day he lost a game at this point in the tournament he lost a game he should have won, so he is feeling the pressure. I laughed and said he wasn't like that last year. Then it was the coaches turn to laugh and he said shit last year everyone thought you would be blown out, that you won by 10 is still a mystery to all of us. I shrugged and went back on defense. Practice ended at the usual time and after showers, JJ, Wyatt, Josh, Clark, Jim and I went to the Tavern and then to films with Wyatt's grandfather. Those sessions were still a bit strained but we learned a lot and after 2 hours, I thought we were ready.

At my place I went to the house as I wanted to chat with Megan about Cole. All he did was bitch about her and I really wanted to know what was going on. As usual she was in the game room surrounded my papers. Ashley was nowhere to be seen and I assured she was with dad or sleeping. I asked Megan for a minute and asked about Cole. She shrugged and said well his school work is real good and no one messes with his golf, I just think him and Jessica are way too tight. Megan, about a week or so ago Cole and I had a talk and while they have sex and a lot of it, they are both careful. Cole is aware of the price of a mistake. You simply going to have to trust them. I assure you that you won't be able to stop them, I've been there and done that and you and I need to simply be there to pick up the pieces when it blows up and it will. You two being pissed off at each other won't help. Megan, there is a long way to go and you and him are going to have other issues, like when he wants to turn Pro at 18. She laughed and said well he might find his ass chained to a bed in some dorm room. Megan, have you heard the term gap year? She laughed and said yes I have and no way in hell. With things in no better place I said good night and went to my place.

I was surprised that the door was unlocked and then again that the lights were on but I figured Colleen must still be here as she needed to clean Jace's room. I was too tired to give it much thought as the weekend and a tough practice finally caught up with me. I grabbed a beer and threw myself on the loveseat and just sat there. All of a sudden the back door flew open and I must have jumped a foot. When I recovered there stood a laughing Jace. Mike, I didn't mean to scare you and I would have cooked a burger for you but I had no idea when you would be home. So Jace, how was the flight home? Mike, that was fucking awesome. Fuck, I thought the twin engine propeller plane made a difference. So Mike, how is flying that bird? Well Jace, the Major surprised me by letting me fly as I was unaware of your asshole brother and his plans. I also flew an F18 and I'm totally into those. Not enough though to enlist at an academy but the speed at Mach 1 is mind blowing. We are already looking for Riley's replacement and we are out of NASA all together and Jack will most likely be replaced by a CMU dude. Jace laughed and said you mean one that will do more than approve payroll? I smiled and said, exactly. Concentration will be on commercial devises to manufacture things, most likely we will concentrate on the Auto industry well at first. Then at some point we will merge that with our inventory and warehouse software. Besides, I was able to trade Jack for a couple of million and a second jet. Jace said, yeah the Major mentioned the flight school and a NASA buddy. Jace, the dude is an academy roommate. I'm also betting JJ will be involved.

Jace grabbed a beer and sat in a club chair and ate while we chatted. There wasn't a word about the winery and we just caught up on things. We talked about Jack and I was told that Jack was always obsessed about being in space and he would be like a kid in a sandbox if he could just sit there and look out the window. I just laughed, thinking well that's about what he is doing. We talked about the bachelor party and Jace wanted it at what he called the Simmons Family Compound. I said fine as I'm sure it was empty the weekend before Christmas. I said well just remember I'm in my own cabin. Jace I'll simply pay to have the three units cleaned by our service and there will be no charge for the cabins and the palace. It was late, I was exhausted and I still had school work.

In my room I started to work on English and after about 10 minutes, I packed my shirt in the backpack and figure it will be what it becomes. I simply jumped into bed after setting the alarm and was quickly asleep. Jace joined Cole and JJ and I for the run and he was obviously in shape as he kept up with us. It was a quick shower and I dressed in very typical school clothes and packed 3 outfits to leave at the office for work. Heather was there and when I asked about yesterday she said it was her private skip day. I laughed and walked her to class. In English, as the bell was ringing and Dr. Johnson was there and he announced that Mr. Murdock would be teaching the rest of the year and he thanks us for the cooperation and added that it damn well better continue. Class started and it was T S Eliot day and the poem was "The wasted Land" I wasn't a fan but had read it a while ago and remembered some of it. Until the end of class I was spared and then I was hit with an inane question about the poem. I simply shook my head and said, sorry I didn't read it. Not only was that unusual it was unheard of. Mr. Murdock simply moved on and when the bell rang I was asked to stay for a minute. I was immediately asked Mike, why did you do that? I smiled and said, well it was an inane question and you were cutting me a break because you figured I wasn't ready and you were right. Yes I could have bull shitted that answer and and my peers wouldn't have known any different. That's not me, I wasn't ready and I admitted it. Mike, now that I'm teaching are you going to stop cooperating? God no, I actually like you and I didn't get rid of the last teacher as while she was a bitch the eye candy was almost worth it. Mike, I won't cover these events and eventually they will impact you GPA (Grade Point Average). I laughed and said God, I hope so as I don't want to give a speech at graduation. With that I finished the school day and drove to work.

I got out of the car, put the letterman's jacket on and my backpack and opened the trunk and grappled the suitcase with the 3 work outfits and walked to the building. I laughed as I still didn't have a parking spot. I shrugged and thought one day something is going to cause me to explode and I have a parking place. Then again I'm the youngest person in the building, I can certainly walk some. Inside the security people took one looked at me and laughed and I simply pointed to the suitcase and got in the elevator. On the 4th floor Amy pretty much had the same reaction. It was a good lesson about what I do and how I do matters. I quickly changed into "work clothes". At my desk there was a large envelop and when I looked at it the package and in the left corner there was the C & J Winery logo and it was taped closed and marked for Michael James Simmons, Jr. " PERSONAL and CONFIDENTIAL". While my computer was booting up I opened the package and found three 3 ring binders. One was an Audited Financial Report. The second one was a proposed budget. The third was a Profit and Loss document. I thought damn, I need help and immediately called Jordan.

I was looking at our sales figures and dad's new sales department. Jordan was right there and I handed him the audit and other stuff, he looked and said give me 15 minutes and he went and sat in one of the club chairs. I simply went back to sales figures and sent the latest numbers in an email to dad. They were good but not great. It was however new and the current results were encouraging. Then Jordan asked Mike, is there a mortgage on this place? I said nope, the investors and Enterprises hold all the stock and we paid cash. I got up and went and sat with Jordan. Mike, the audit is clean and there are no issues. The Profit and Loss statement reveals 51% gross profit, which is typical. Your store is also doing well with about 22% profit. There has been an increase in advertising costs and maintenance costs are high as the equipment is old.

Mike, you guys spend $600,000 for the winery and you netted $126,000. That's beyond good. Not only that the first 1/4 of the year was a disaster. The need for a sales increase to distributors goes without saying. I would give the investors $30,000 which is 5% and excellent. Then Jace and his assistant $3,000 each in a raise. That leaves you $90,000 and half of that in upgrades and the other half for issues. I thanked Jordan and went looking for Tim. As soon as I got to his office he shook his head and said, no news. I said ok but I think it's time to poke the bear or bears. I needed to talk with the Major but I also need to get to school for practice. The weather had warmed up so I didn't put on the jacket and tossed it in the suitcase along with my computer and started out. As I was leaving the building the security people all clapped and I assumed it was yet another message about what I was wearing.

As soon as I was out of the building I called the Major and when he answered I asked if he could get the business reporter or Patty (KDKA Reporter) to call me tonight to talk about our expansion plans. Jim laughed and asked if he could listen in. I said well if you pull this off sure. If not tomorrow in the office but I need to poke the bear and see if we can get this moving. He said he thought they would want video for the news so the office tomorrow would be better. I said ok, just let me know.

At school practice was a clone of the day before well the hitting slowed down a tic and Coach remained out of things with the assistants running the show and him watching. I was actually liking this approach. The fact that it ended about 15 minutes earlier than usual also improved my mood. Walking to the locker room I caught up with JJ and asked if he wanted to hang out tonight. He smiled and said, I thought Jace was back in town? Well JJ would that bother you if we were fucking our brains out and he was in his room? Besides he might not even be there. JJ said MJ, if you are that horny we could simply get a room. I laughed and said or we could simply hang out with our clothes on. JJ said, you know that hasn't happened months. I smiled and said well I'll order ribs and let's see what happens, besides I might have a business call. JJ said ok, I'll be over around 6:00 as I have school work.

At my place I grabbed an iced tea, sat at the counter and started to read the next English assignment "Journey of the Magi" by T S Eliot. It was, in my opinion, better that the one that I blew off. This was about spiritual death and rebirth. I read it twice and the door opened and dad walked in. I smiled and asked, so who died? Dad laughed and said no one but I saw you were home and I wanted to talk. I laughed and said dad, I'm at my place, this isn't home, in fact I'm homeless. Dad just shook his head and said well I'm sorry you feel that way but I think of it as your room at home. Well Mike, I wanted to thank you for the email on the company sales. I'm pleased with the progress and I have given them 90 days, well till December 31st to hit certain goals and all but one are well on the way. I'll work with her and hope to get that accomplished as well. Dad, I sent that to you so that you knew I cared about what you are doing and to save you some time, but what's up? Mike, I don't come here often and I miss our chats so I'm checking on how you are doing.

Dad, you have come up here twice, so it seems to me that it's more than you checking on me, again what's up? Micheal, stop with the games, all I want is to see how you are as you are different especially about football. Dad seriously, the move to this place was my idea but what choice was there as there was no room at the Inn for what turned out to be my sister. Dad, the move here was more complicated than I thought. I have come to realize that it is like when you get dropped off at college with most of your stuff and the rents drive off. You change and mature and grow the fuck up or simply flunk out. You are on your own and that was what happened to me only I was a God damn high school senior and not a college Freshman. So yes I have changed. Then you stop working and I had to deal with that change. There are now people there in place that can deal with the day to day shit. I stop in and visit and that's like the weekly phone calls home from college. So yes, I have changed and I'm pretty please who I have started to become.

As for football, I fucking hate this year. Last year was fun as we had no pressure and I actually carried the team on my back, all the way through the district finals. This year is different we are fucking awesome. The drama is fucking pissing me off and I spend way too much time keeping things together. Fuck, it happened again on Monday. On the field I rarely have to play hard and that has been pointed out to me a lot lately. Wyatt, is for real and on his worst day he is better than Jim on his best. JJ, is way better than Ray and Josh is simply a surprise. Then there is the fucking kicker all we have to do is get the ball to the 35 and we have points. However, it isn't fun. Then I'm basically done with school and the only reason, I would stay for second semester is to tank my grades so I don't have to give a speech at graduation. Is that enough of an update for you or should I fucking continue? Because there is Cole and his girl and golf and his relationship with his mom and the fact that it would pop a fucking Cherry if I was ever invited to family dinner. Dad, I'm not mad and I realize that a good bit of this is my doing but you should know better than to ask me an open ended question. At least now I'm involved in the process instead of it being totally forced on me. Thanks for asking.

Dad took a big breath and asked Mike, should you be seeing your head doctor? I shrugged and said well I'm done with that shit. It's expensive and all that happens is what just happened here. I say what is in my head and once I hear it I'm good. Dad shook his head and asked, so you free for dinner Sunday. I just shook my head and said, actually I am not as win or lose Friday I am leaving for the cabin very early Saturday morning and returning at sunset Sunday. I'm going alone and I'm taking the single engine plane, back to the basics. I simply need time away as it has been a long and tiring week. Dad got up, went to the refrigerator and got two beers, handed me one and sat down. We talked for about 30 minutes and it was a great and friendly chat. It seemed that he got where I was and that while I wasn't mad I was impatient to move to the next phase.

As soon as dad was gone I ordered ribs, fries and a salad and went back to the poem. While there were religious overtones and it was about a spiritual death and a spiritual rebirth. For me it was about the end of something and the actual and often long and difficult road to the new and what that would be. I actually liked the poem as it applied to where I was, at the end of what was, the transition period (college) and the inevitable movement to what and who I would be. It also applied to our region, the death of steel and manufacturing, the transition of demolishing the old mills and the movement to education, healthcare and technology. Fuck it was fun to a part of that. I read it a third time and was hoping I would be called upon early in class tomorrow

JJ and Jace appeared about the same time and we each had a beer while waiting for the food. JJ and I seemed to be in a good place and I had made up my mind to steer clear of bets with Alex. Jace said he has spent the day with his rents and that ET had phoned home and was having the time of his life. I was glad he was happy but wanted his ass in my office as soon as he was debriefed. Jace asked all kinds of questions about the game and the opponent and the team and damn, JJ was feeling like I was, just bring on next year. It turned out to be a fun relaxing, nonsexual evening with a bit too much to drink. At one point JJ's dad called and said that Patty wanted to see the building and my office so she would bring a small crew and we could talk about the proposed project. He added that it would then be on the 6 & 11 news. I almost jumped for joy. JJ left saying he would see us in the morning for the run and I went to my room and was quickly asleep.

It was a fun morning run and after a quick shower and some coffee, it was off to school dressed in school clothes. I had a change at the office and wasn't overdressing for the TV people. Heather was there and she was with a group of girls and I went over and gave her a hug and she said, you didn't tell me that because I'm dating you, I need to plan the theme for the games. I laughed and said babe they are fucking with you as that isn't part of the deal. Then I laughed said, have fun and went to English.

Once class started Mr. Murdock looked right at me and asked Michael, are you ready today? I said sure and simply started with how the poem was about a spiritual change in the poets life and a rebirth. Then I said, well it is also about what us Seniors are going through. Death is too strong of a term to use but a part of our lives is ending. This time next year we will be totally different people. Like in the poem there is an end, a transition and a rebirth. If you think about it in those terms it is very current today and I sat down to a very quiet room. The teacher let that set in and expounded on, in great detail, what I had said. Class ended and I went on with the school day. I sat through gym, skipped lunch and went to the office.

This time there was no reaction to my dress and the first thing I did was change into khakis and a casual shirt which was over a crewneck. Liam and the Major were there and almost immediately the phone rang and security said a reporter and cameraman were here and Liam went to retrieve them. As soon as Patty got there she said damn I thought the building was impressive but this is awesome. She looked at the cameraman and said get all this. I smiled and said follow me and we went outside. One look at the view and she shook her head and said unreal. Back inside we sat in the leather club chairs and she asked if it was ok to sit something on the noguchi table coffee table. I shrugged and said sure, why not? Michael it is a classic. I said yup, so how you been? She laughed and said good but what's up with the project. I was expecting a ground breaking ceremony. Well Patty, when we built this building there was a zoning issue as it was zoned industrial. We needed to make sure that wasn't an issue this time and the current sales agreement stated that the sellers had to have the property zoned Commercial before the closing. They are either unable or unwilling to get that done. There is a time limit and should that pass we will simply move on. Mike, are there other properties under consideration? I smiled and said yes in Moon Township out by the airport. Patty isn't that far? Well the land is big enough that I could simply move the company. It's close to the airport and I have a new Cessna jet on order. It would pretty handy. Mike, what does the Mayor have to say about all this? I shrugged and said he is unhappy but will either have to move the sellers along or live with it. I have the union people ready to work and architects lined up to design the building. We then spent some time explaining the room and I got another plug in for the jet. The entire thing took 40 minutes and she was off to edit things for the 6:00 news.

The Major, Tim and Liam sat around in the club chairs and chatted until it was time for me to go to practice.

Practice was shirts and no pads but helmets. We worked on special teams and walked through a few plays and Coach sent us to the locker room with instruction to have a seat. On the way up to the locker room I was thinking about the ways he could fuck this up and that if that happened it would be another team meeting and this time the ESPN people would get an ear full. Once we were all seated coach said well, here we are with one game left. You have so far taken care of business but this is different and one mistake and the season ends. You have only been tested once this year and you dealt with that. Remember what you saw in films and we all need to treat this like any other game. Let's just find a way to have another game. You as a team and as individuals have a streak of independence a mile long, I've come to trust that, just don't take advantage of that trust. Tomorrow's will be a pep rally and letters will be awarded and there will be a few surprises. Dinner will be provided by the boosters please thank them. Have a good night and Bo to be up late. With that he went to his office.

Walking to the car JJ and I hadn't said a word and as we got to our rides we looked at each other and at at the same time we said HOME. We laughed and got in our rides. I remembered the interview and went straight to my place and turned on the evening local news. It was the third story and the pictures of my office were great and my concerns were left in tact as was my interest in the property in Moon Twp. They even kept in a Cessna plug. At the end Patty said we contacted the legal representative of the sellers at Kirkpatrick & Lockhart but they had no comment. Damn, she is good when she wants to be. Almost immediately by phone blew up and I just let it go as I would simply check the voicemail and see who to call back. After about 30 minutes things calmed down and I checked messages. I immediately called the Major back and he said well if you wanted to poke the bear don't use an assault weapon. I laughed and said I never mentioned a name or a law firm, she is just a good reporter. Mike, I know that as I was there. Just keep out of it at this point and no comment is a good idea as is not returning every call. I said Rodger that and hung up. Next I called coach and simply screamed saying that was shitty timing. I laughed and said look coach, I can multi task and this will be over tomorrow morning and I don't go into the office on game days, chill out and I hung up. My next and last call went to Heather who was laughing her ass off. She said her dad was was screaming at everyone at the office and he just left to go back in for some kind of a meeting. Look Heather I never mentioned your dad's firm. It was a reporter doing her job. She laughed and said well you will never convince my dad of that. Ok, I won't even try. I looked at the list and saw that Diane had called. I simply laughed at her message which said, DUDE, WE HAVE AN AFFILIATE IN YOUR CITY CUT US A BREAK ON OCCASION. I laughed and simply did not return that call.

It was still early when Jace came in and he grabbed a beer and when he offered me one and I declined saying game tomorrow. Then he asked about the package he left me and I told him what Jordan had suggested and he was good with that, especially the rise for him and Bill. Then he said that he needed to get back this weekend? Well I'm flying up early Saturday morning as I need some Mike time. I'll be glad to take you and as I'm taking the single engine plane, you can fly some. He smiled and said fuck, that would be great. Jace, I'm thinking wheels up at 8:00. He shrugged and said well it beats a 6 hour drive. With that I said goodnight and went to my room. Once there I found my Walkman and put classical tape in and hit play. I stripped to my underwear and just laid there. Eventually I got up and stripped and looked myself over in the mirror and wasn't unhappy and the scale said 226 and I was a bit happier with that. The long hot shower was wonderful and I jumped into bed nude and piled on the covers.

Friday morning was sunny and dry and warm and I was hoping it would stay warm. It was typical school clothes and coffee and off to school. I laughed when I saw JJ climb out of his truck wearing the letterman's jacked and shorts. He said dude, I'm used to this weather and this is a fucking heat wave. Heather came running up to me and I got a kiss and she said rents in white and students in Purple, I smiled and kissed her and started my day. Classes were a breeze and I was willing to bet that the players were being cut some slack. I sat through gym and went to lunch. That was a complete blast as I sat with JJ, Josh and Chad. Most of the building was already wearing purple. Once lunch was over I was free and simply went to the stadium and sat in the bleachers. This would be my last game in this stadium and possibly my last high school game. Just then Sean and Coach B appeared and Coach B said well you coach knows you pretty well, he said if you car was in the lot you would be here. I laughed and said well other than busting my balls last night we haven't chatted in days. I'm glad he knows I'm on the team. Sean laughed out loud and Coach B didn't. I said Coach, this year has been different and we are very experienced and very tight. We expect things that coach isn't comfortable with and that has been an issue all year. Every time he pushes back we push back. Look Mike, I know that and that you have built this team since you were in 5th grade. Not only that but everyone bought in and Chuck has to deal with that for years. What I need to know does it always have to be your way?

I was quiet and thinking how to say what I was thinking. Finally I just looked at the two for them and said guys, I simply don't know. I'm a a natural leader and usually I'm with the program. I was last year and carried this team on and off the field. This year we are so good that I haven't had to carry the team on the field, that changes tonight. This year the off field drama has been intense and often ugly and most of that is Coach being pressured. Yes, it has strained our relationship. Coach, all I want is State gold. So what you can expect next year from me is a relaxed hard nosed football player. I intend to start the first game and be all conference and rookie of the year. I'm doing whatever it takes to make that happen. Yes, you will want me in a freshman dorm and I'm telling you now I'll have an apartment, a car and a jet. I will spend some nights in Pittsburgh and never miss a team event. Can you live with that? Sean looked at Coach B and said, well answer the dude as that is exactly what you thought he would say. Coach B asked so Mike, do I need a linebacker coach? I laughed and said well cut his pay as I won't need him. So Coach we good or should I open my recruiting after the game. He simply shook his head and said get your ass down to see us as soon as you get you state metal and they were off to meet with Josh. Once alone again I was sitting there remembering how much fun I had on that field. I was totally relaxed and ready to go and went to the field house and locker room and in my locker I found hanging there an awesome new home uniform. It was an awesome purple with white trim. I simply put it on and went to the cafeteria and waited for the pep rally to start. As everyone arrived it was a very quiet room and I knew we were ready. There was an unusual number of adults around all in suits and ties.

Coach came in and said let's go and Captains last. JJ and I hung way back and we're the last two in line, right where I wanted to be. We waited at the gym door and the band played and finally Dr. Johnson said welcome the undefeated section champs and the place went nuts and we started to fill the seats that we're reserved for us. As the captains entered I was pulled aside and thought, damn I'll have to say something. Then Dr. Johnson handed the microphone to the Superintendent. He said today we are doing something that we rarely do and Mike was in 3 grade the last time we did this. So that Mike can relax he should know that his teammates were asked if we could do this at the rally and they all agreed. Then he said, Mike is a leader in this school both on and off the field. Today we are celebrating his athletic ability and his team leadership. Then in a frame was my uniform that I wore in the district championships last year. When Mike plays his last game no one will ever wear #24 in our football program again. Suddenly, Dad, Megan, Ashley and Cole were beside me. Hugs all around and when Megan hugged me I whispered, so who is dispensing justice? He rubbed my head and said don't be smug and accept this with grace and humility.

I was handed the microphone and the place erupted and they were chanting Mike, Mike over and over. I said thank you a number of times to no avail. I looked at the pep band and mouthed play something. They did the school fight song and things calmed down. As soon as the last note played I said very loudly into the microphone THANK YOU please stop that wonderful and much appreciated chanting of my name. I am humbled and honored by this recognition. Honestly, if it took them 9 years to find someone to honor like this they had to lower the bar a lot. This never would have happened without these guys and I pointed to the team. They was always here for this one and this one was always here for the team. More importantly this one has been and alway will be here for this school. For good or bad it has helped mold me into who I am. Now let's get back to what brought us here and celebrate an undefeated regular season and then go kick - I hesitated just a second deciding on ASS or Butt and everyone shouted ASS. I laughed and handed the microphone back to the Superintendent and sat down.

Once the pep rally was over and I spent time with dad, Megan, Cole and Ashley and a bunch of well wishers that wanted pictures and to simply hang on I went to the cafeteria, thanked the boosters for the uniforms and food, grabbed 2 slices of pizza and a soft drink and went to sit in the stadium. I wanted this to me like it has been for 3 years. JJ joined me and we just sat there not talking just sitting in our own world. Eventually we looked at each other and went to the locker room. I put on a complete uniform well complete as usual at this time, pregame. There was no shoulder pads, helmet or jersey. Then it was off to the bench. One person after another came up and JJ was the only one welcome. Security was ready and moved every one along. Finally it was time and JJ and I finished dressing. It was practice as normal scepter the coach just watched. The stadium was unreal, every seat taken and people standing there very where. Our student section was as full as it has ever been and there was a group standing by the school and watching for far away.

The band was ready to do their thing and we went to the locker room. We sat at our locker quietly and waited. Coach had very little to say other than we had work hard and earn d this opportunity, watch your reads and if you make a mistake someone will cover it. Remember that when we win you want to b available so no bull shit. When he was finished Josh yelled One for all and I would bet that they heard the all for one in the bleachers. Captains we first in line and we waited for the anthem to finish. Once that was done I turned around and said ok let's kick some ass, there was a big cheer and I stood to the side and we stormed the field and I joined in at the end of the pack.

At the coin toss it was the captains and it was no big deal as the visitors called HEADS and it wasn't. Before anyone could screw things up I said we defer. The visitors had no choice and elected to receive. I said we will defend the scoreboard end. Everyone shook hands and green Referee smiled and said Captain, I can put the ball on the 20. I just laughed and said I get that. Then it got strange. Our guy hit what looked like his typical kick but he must have hit it a tad off center. No one was ready, either team. The ball hit on the three yard line and bounced in the air. I'm yelling gat the ball. On kickoffs it is a free ball once it goes 10 yards. The ball just settled on the 10 yard line and everyone jumped for it and there was a mad scramble for the ball. Once the whistle blew North Hills had the ball on the 4 yard line. As I ran on the field the Referee asked if I wanted the ball. I said, nope I'm good.

The first play was a QB keeper for one yard. I stopped the second run play for a 1 yard loss and JJ blasted the receiver who lost control the ball and it was 4th down on the 3 and they had to punt. The punter had a lot less room than usual. In the huddle we decided to try to pluck the punt. We didn't even have JJ back to receive. They snapped the ball and they were overmatched. My couple team disappeared and I had a clear shot. I launched myself in the air and my stomach the ball and the punters foot had a meeting and we fell in a heap and the ball was rolling around and Chad fell on it and we were up 6 - 0. The total elapsed time was 90 seconds. Damn that hurt and I just laid there catching my breath. The medical people came out and eventually I was helped to my feet and declined any help and walked to the bench. We kicked off again and this time the kick went through the end zone and they started on the 20.

I was out for 2 plays and simply put myself back in. They managed two first downs and punted and we had the ball on the 20. Jim was in at QB. There was just under 8 minutes left in the 1st quarter and with a lot of run play, screen passes and short passes. We moved the ball in small chunks but the drive stalled on the 15 and the final play of the quarter was 32 yard field goal and the Quarter ended with us up 10 -0. I was now more relaxed as we had a two score lead. We kicked off for the third time and the special teams coach asked Mike, what do you see? I said everyone thinking it's a touchback. He said correct and I think we can take a vantage of that. I said, I'm sure we could but not tonight. Let's just keep kicking it out of play and saving it.

It was a normal kickoff and the ball was on the 20. They broke the huddle and it was a strange formation. I had seen this before but not from the films and I called time out. Coach wasn't happy but I said we haven't see them in that formation. Mike, you have seen that before, Bethel ran it and they throw deep across the middle. It was like a light went off in our heads and we changed the defense and we changed the defense and it looked like we were in the same formation. They came out and lined up in the same formation. Josh, Chad and I were in what is being called the backer I. We knew it was a pass so we pinned our ears back and all three of us were blitzing. Josh picked up the double team and claimed that leaving me a single and hopefully a path to the QB. There was a path and I had him in my sights and all of a sudden I was on my ass as a hall back simply tackled me. I got up on my knees and all there was to do was watch the play unfold. JJ was there and looked like the receiver. It was an easy interception. He was quickly tackled and we had the ball. The holding penalty for me being tackled was declined and we were on offense.

Wyatt was in at QB the first play was in and he shook his head but ran the pitch to me for 10 yards. We ran 2 more run plays and we were 2nd down and 1 and another run play was sent in and Wyatt called the play and said audibles are operational pay attention. We broke the huddle and Wyatt was under center and he looked over the defense and moved back in shotgun formation yelling PURPLE 362. I thought well I'm the safety option and JJ was running a post pattern and Wes was going to the left pylon. The ball was snapped and Wyatt checked Wes and pumped faked and without looking lofted the ball towards the right upright. JJ was 3 feet in the clear and I was thinking that now we would be hard to bear. With the extra point we were up 17 - o the half ended with up 20 - 0.

In the locker room coach almost begged us to shut things down and don't give anything away. I was good with that as I was smarting from the blocked punt. I wanted another quick score co Clark could play QB. Turned out it wasn't a quick score. What it was was a clinic on how to run the football and control the line of scrimmage. The drive was 18 plays and consumed 9 minutes and 3 seconds of the 12 minute quarter. Leaving the field after the score, I put my arm around Wyatt and said, dude you grew up? He laughed and said, I hated every second of that drive. I laughed and took my helmet off figuring I was done for the night. Turned out I wasn't as the first team stayed in till the 4th quarter.

Clark finished up the rest of the game and North Hills scored twice and we won 30 - 14. There was the song with the band and a victory lap for student section and the adult fans. I was mobbed by the media answered questions for about 20 minutes and included as many teammates. I took a quick shower and spent some time with dad, Megan, Cole and Jessica then moved to JJ's parents. I finally hugged Heather and we went to the Tavern.



Next: Chapter 310

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