Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on May 13, 2022


As soon as I walked into the athletic office Ruth broke into a big smile stood up and scurried around her desk and gave me a big hug. Mike, thanks so much for doing this, these tickets have been driving me nuts. Well Ruth, I'm always willing to help but to be honest we didn't have a choice, well much of one. She laughed and said well at least you are cooperating. Mike, we have 8,000 tickets to sell and that is about half of what we need and besides that the tickets are $8.00 each. I laughed and said so you got extra Georges? She said yes a $1,000 ones but that not enough. Well I'll get some and have some signs made that we need Georges. She laughed and said well you better just say ones. Oh, student tickets will be sold tomorrow in school. Mike, I'll have it all set up in the cafeteria. I simply drove to the bank and withdrew $200 in ones. Back to school I want to the Art department and made 3 large signs asking for Georges. The teacher laughed and added a picture of a dollar bill to each sign. I shrugged and said thanks. Back at the Athletic office I gave the ones and the signs to Ruth and headed to the field house for practice.

Inside I saw Josh and Jim meeting with Coach Weston. I wanted no part of that and started to get dressed for practice. Before I could get to the field Josh came up to me and sat on a stool and asked Mike, how the fuck did you do this since 8th grade? I pulled up a stool and asked what happened? Well Mike, Jim has been through a lot. He lost his QB spot and while he is a senior he is not at all sure of himself. Then he made a mistake and tried to cut a deal with Coach. Josh, Jim wrecked his arm by going to a bunch of QB camps and threw way too many passes, they all told him how good he was and then reported the truth to the college coaches. Jim is a very good D2 QB. He took drugs and finally surgery and came back way too early. The number of mistakes got us all where we are today. So what did you decide. Well Mike, he is back on the team and most likely won't play as I refused to venture an opinion as to wether the guys would block for him. He is no longer a Captain and Wyatt will take is place selling tickets and as Captain. I smiled and said well, that was a great job but you're not done. Mike, what else is there to do? Well Josh, I'll sell that to the seniors and simply tell the guys that they need to play for him if he gets in. I will do that after you get your minions on board. Josh took a deep breath and said consider that done. Josh simply started to dress and I thought damn it's a good thing Weston is done as coach and Josh will do well. I thought it was a very reasonable solution.

On the way to the field the new coach from another school came up to me and said Mike, we don't have much time so can we please talk while we walk to the field. Then he stuck out his hand and said I'm Tom Atkinson. I'm 30 years old and have been coaching at Bethel Park since I was 23. Two years ago, just in time for you beat our asses. Well coach, I'm not sorry about that. He laughed then said Mike, I'm all in for this gig and will do whatever it takes for you guys to win this game. Well coach, I guess that means you are calling the plays. He laughed and said Mike, that's a work in progress. On the field Coach Tom ran the entire practice, it wasn't till later that I found out he was hired for the week at assistant head coach. We ran plays and he put in two that were old stand by plays that we in my 4 years on Varsity never ran and I liked that. As for the QB situation Wyatt got most of the snaps and Clark got a lot and was mixed between starters and backups. Jim, got snaps but all with backups. For the first time all year things were good in my football world. When practice was over Coach Tom Said nice practice and I'll see you in the locker room. Once inside Coach Tom said guys so there is no misunderstanding this is a one week gig for me. I am a tenured Biology teacher and far enough up the payroll steps that a move is not easily done and I believe that you need to teach in the building with the dudes you coach. What we are all asking, the 4 of us, is that we all get on the same page and get this done. Heck, you are 15 - 0 and that has been accomplished in spite of yourselves. I am asking and in fact we are all asking that you let the 4 of us join you. Then he hesitated and quietly said and actually asked a question, One for All? There was a slight pause and suddenly the room erupted All for One. Then he asked again One for All and this time it was loud and clear from the entire team, All for One. I looked at Josh and asked Wales, you buying all that? He smiled and said the All for One, shit? Yup. That he won't be our coach next year? Nope. I just nodded and stripped and jumped into the shower. JJ caught up to me and said Mike, I wish we had that dude all year. So JJ are you buying that he won't be the coach here next year? JJ laughed and said well I would say this is an audition for the job but my guess is that it's up to you and Josh. I stopped and asked will you have an opinion? Mike, I have been involved in every bit of this drama all year. I was low key as I have made no secret about my goal to play Pro Football. My Texas image is a mess and I want to demonstrate how I can get along and yet have an opinion. That's what I have been doing all year. Hell, I went from not being mentioned to being one of the highest rated D back and all kind of schools are trying to get me to change my mind. Mike, I won't be doing that as you are going there, I like the VT Coaches and it wouldn't look good. Fuck Mike, VT looked at me first so I'm going there as they were willing to take a chance on a typical Texas football player from a small ass school. I have no idea how they even found or heard of me. However, I'm all in there and want to beat you for ACC rookie of the year. I laughed and said JJ, good luck with that but all I want is that diaper that Moses has been wearing. JJ laughed so hard he stopped walking. JJ and I jumped in his truck and went to McDonalds and ordered Big Macs, fries and an iced tea and ate in thee parking lot. He was quiet while we ate and I asked what he was thinking about? Mike, today was the best practice of the year and all Weston did was watch. JJ, is that a problem? Mike what if there is no coaching drama, well we play differently. I smiled and said JJ I have no fucking idea but it might be fun.

We pulled into the parking lot and JJ laughed as the line was very long and we weren't starting for another 30 minutes. The JJ said no wonder you had me drive as there is no parking. I laughed and pointed to an empty space marked, Reserved, Band Director and JJ pulled in. Neither of us had noticed the media covering the ticket sales and we were immediately stopped and asked, so 5 coaches quit, do either of you have anything to say about that? I was shocked when JJ said guys, that a question for the School Board, we have tickets to sell. Then he turned and I followed him into the building. Inside helping Ruth set up was Josh, Chad and Wyatt. I looked at Wyatt and he asked, what's your problem? This is a captains selling tickets and Wales, made me a Captain. It started 10 minutes early and was a mess and we weren't selling student tickets. As they were being sold at school the next day. Then we were asking everyone for Georges and finally people wanted autographs. I signed hats, paper, ticket stubs as did the others. We sold 8,000 tickets in 90 minutes and there were still people in line. The explanation was that the place holds 16,000 people and we had half. Then Doc. Johnson said he had contacted the other school and they had sold just over 1,100 and the rest were available at the gate and that a game had never been sold out. Then he reminded everyone that 600 student tickets would be sold in school tomorrow. The doors were locked and money counted and we were spot on and Ruth handed me 2 Benjamins for the Georges I had provided. The 5 of us went to the Tavern for a snack and I left a Benjamin on the table and drove home.

At my place, I poured an iced tea and sat on the loveseat simply exhausted and damn that felt good. I called Winnie and she said Mick, how was your day. I laughed and said awesome and yours? Mick, it was ok except for that awesome lunch. I laughed and said well I'll do it again tomorrow if you promise to keep your hands to yourself. She laughed and said Mick, I'll try but no promises. Is there any chance you can take the student bus back? I simply replied, nope. She said damn, I wanted to make out with you for 3-1/2 hours. I laughed and said babe, let's not go there and we both laughed. Then she said well Mia and I could drive up and get a room and you and JJ could sneak over. I laughed again and did babe, look at it this way, it's a fucking business trip for JJ and I and a lot of eyes are on the two of us. Mick, I get that and I was just giving you a hard time. We chatted about normal shit for about 30 minutes and then hung up.

I was going to do some school work and figured fuck that. I grabbed a beer and grabbed a piece of paper and started to draw ideas for the new building. What I wanted was not a representation of where we were or where we are but of what we might become. Also, it could not obstruct any of the views from my building especially my office. I also wanted a different material Coal should be under consideration and that is dying slower than Steel and is a dangerous occupation. I needed something strong, flexible and easily maintained. I had a couple of sketches in mind and need to meet with the Architects. With that all done I simply jumped into bed.

Thursday was a great day and the temperature was already upper 30's so it turned out we were all into a run and it was fun as we had missed most of the week. I stopped at JJ's house and Cole kept going. JJ said that it was strange as we never knew when it was the last practice and the last high school practice as well. I hadn't t thought about all that and thanked him for putting those thoughts in my head. At my place and it was a shower and dress for the office as I had to show up and wanted to get the finances started for the building. Then I laughed as that was putting the cart 50 yards away from the horse. We needed to close the sale and that was simply moving money from accounts A & B to C. It was a math problem that was more complicated than it looked. I jumped into the car and at school it started as a normal day. In English there was a pop quiz and a normal class. During class change it seemed like there were a lot of quizzes. Then there was another Quiz in History and after that class people were upset as it seemed that the staff was trying to keep us focused and settled. Then the hall just stopped and it was a complete logjam. Then people were saying no more, every answer on any quiz is FOOTBALL. We started to move and everyone was late for class and sure enough there was a quiz. I took my time and every answer was football. I didn't care and simply went to lunch. Winnie was all in but not thrilled with things.

Lunch was a lot of fun and all the talk was about the quizzes and what the blow back would be. I figured that some faculty would be bitchy and some would laugh and throw them out. I signed out for work and drove to the office. At the office, I stopped to chat with Kyle and that was 20 minutes well spent as he quickly filled me in on a number of things that were important. He also took the opportunity to tell me how well Dillon was doing and that he was knocking the damn grade book program out of the park. I thanked him for that info and then discussed the COO opening. Kyle said to go very slow as we were doing well and that Riley had been pulling back for a month. I looked at Kyle and asked do we need to fire her or simply buy her out? He smiled and said that he needed to think about that. With that I went to my office and called Tim and asked for a few minutes. Liam came in as the same time as Tim and we talked about the closing and we looked at the money in Enterprises and there was enough for the land and costs, that was largely due to the Highmark project. The 5 locations, 3 of which were built and the others were starting construction. I contacted the bank and asked for a certified check and that it be sent by messenger to Tim. With that done I called the new Architects and asked about Titanium. They said that they would research that and have something for me tomorrow and that they would messenger it. Then they started it as they were the first to say GOOD LUCK SATURDAY. I said thanks and hung up but I knew that would start all that. It was cool but a something I could do without and I was hoping luck would have nothing to do with it. I was on my way out when I noticed dad was in and I went into his office and sat down. We had a nice 10 minute chat about Hershey and how he was going and Megan would watch with Ashley on TV as she was starting a case and needed to Prep. I was told that Cole was doing the bus thing with Jessica. I just laughed and said well of course he is. Then dad said Mike, he has it bad for her and it all works as she is into his golf. Well, he better be into his golf as well as he has a big event at Pebble Beach in early February. With that I left for my last high school football practice.

At the field house things were tense and Coach Weston came in and asked were any of you responsible for the crap with the quizzes today? He looked right a Josh and I decided to have some fun and I said Coach, Josh had nothing to do with any of that, well except I would bet that he answered a lot of questions with the same answer. Ok Mike, who was involved? I laughed out loud and said it was the faculty and if they want to play the One for All game they were messing with the inventors of the concept. Coach asked so who participated in this stunt? Then it started when Clark stood and said, I'm D'Artagnan. That was followed by everyone else. Coach Weston was pissed and stood there shaking his head. What was interesting is that Coach Tom found it hysterical. With that done we had a very good practice and we ran the new plays, all of them over and over. It was a damn good thing the weather was reasonable. Back in the field house, I simply sat at my locker and and just looked around. Then I packed all my personal stuff, which was dirty clothes and finally took a shower. I slowly dressed and was finally on my way out when Coach Tom stopped me and asked Mike, why did you fuck with Coach like that? Well Coach it's been a long season and he deals with everything like that the same way. I have no idea who it was that came up with that stunt. The All for One thing is pervasive in the building. I started that to get us through the Sam drama and eventual transfer. It simply grew legs to the school board and even federal court in DC. Coach knows all that and you have to admit it was funny. Mike, how in the fuck did you guys get this far? Coach, you played against us and have been to a couple of practices you have to know that we are very good but more than that we are very tight? Coach we simply ONED everybody we played. Today the faculty tried to ONE us and we reacted, not the team that I know of. It is how things are and while it started in August it is now a building thing. Mike, if you guys end it will that stop things? Coach, you have me 2 more days and what you are asking is like turning the Queen Mary around. You need to talk with Wales. Coach Tom said who? I said the heir apparent, Josh. He was quiet for a minute and he said so the King is dead, Long live the King. I smiled and said that happens Saturday night when the scoreboard says 0:00. Then I'm done and will simply get back into shape and get ready to play at VT. Coach, thanks for the chat, but I need to get home and I'm starving.

On the drive home I was thinking about that conversation with Coach Tom and all it did was that he reinforced the thought I had that he would apply for the head coach job here. Whatever the reason he was trying to understand and that was more than a bit different. As I walked in the door my phone rang and it was JJ asking if I was all right? I smiled and said thanks and more than anything I'm glad it is almost over. He laughed and said MJ, even at the last practice Weston doesn't get it. JJ, just forget about him and let's win this last game, it's important. MJ, that other team will be confused as we have an offense that is almost totally different and also unseen. JJ, remember we haven't run it live and who knows what will happen. I hadn't lied to Coach Tom completely as I didn't have to get home but I was starving. I went to the house hoping to make a sandwich and found a ton of leftovers. I didn't question that and headed a bunch of stuff up, grabbed n iced tea and the paper. It was the first time I was free all day and it lasted till Cole blew in also looking for food. He was in a mood and I asked if there was Jessica troubles and he said nope. I tried to hit golf balls at the school golf room and there were too many people there. I need to get some wok in and soon. Once his food was ready he calmed down and we had a nice brotherly chat, something that hadn't happened in a while. Once I was done eating I cleaned up and went to my place and started school work, the entire time wondering what the fall back would be withe the quiz revolt. I was actually in good shape as I only had to participate in a one class revolt. I simply finished the school work and went to bed early.

Friday brought another decent weather day and JJ and I ran and there was no Cole. It was a good run and then a shower, coffee and dressed for school. I had no plans to go to the office. It started out as a normal day but in second period there was an announcement regarding a football team meeting after 3rd period and I could hear the bitching starting as some guys had 1st period lunch which was right after 3rd period. As for me I decided to simply show up for the meeting. Then during 3rd period there was an announcement changing the meeting till after 4th period. I was still shaking my head when there was a knock on the classroom door and the teacher was handed a note which was immediately handed to me. I looked at Winnie and asked if she wanted it. She laughed and said Mick, just deal with it nicely, everyone is under a good bit of pressure. I opened the note and it simply asked for me to report to the Athletic Office, what surprised me was that it said at my earliest convenience. I decided to go as soon as class was over and hopefully be able to eat lunch with Winnie. As soon as I got to the office I could see Ruth was unhappy and she said Mike, I'm sorry but Coach Tom wants to see you. I smiled and said Ruth, no worries and just then Coach Tom appeared. Mike, thanks for coming so quickly, I'm hoping w could chat some and how about I buy you lunch. Well coach, I came quickly as I was hoping to finish this up, whatever it was, and have lunch with my girl. He looked like he was in a tough spot so I said Coach, how about I eat lunch with Winnie and in 45 minutes I meet you in the mens' grill at South Hills and we can chat and you can eat lunch. He just stood there and I said Coach, I'm a mm er and since I'm 18 I'm good to go in the grill. I'll call ahead and all you have to do is tell them your my guest. Oh and if they ask which Mike Simmons, just tell them the kid. He laughed at that and I said just go over when you are ready and I went to the cafeteria an the first lunch period was ending. When Winnie came in she was surprised to see me. I smiled and said new coach and more reasonable and I'm guessing he knows I could simply tell him to fuck off. Mick, I thought you would cooperate? Babe, I did as I'm meeting him at the club after you and I have lunch, unless you want me to go now. She responded by grabbing my hand and said I can't wait till football is over and we have more time together. Lunch was different as we were in a room with a couple hundred kids and it seemed like we were alone just talking and laughing and into each other in a nonsexual way. Just totally focused on each other.

When lunch was over, I drove to the club and found Coach Tom sitting alone drinking an iced tea. Jake was there and I asked if he was slumming it as he usually worked the dining room. He laughed and said, I'm filling in as Andy called off. We chatted bout the wife and kid and I ordered two Arnold Palmers and winked at Jake. When the drinks arrived Jake simply removed the partially full that Coach was drinking from and set a full AP in its place. Both our drinks were spiked AP's and I simply took a sip and waited. Coach said thanks for doing this and you know we have to be back for the Pep Rally. I said yup, so what's up? Mike, I need to know how did you do it. I spent a lot of time talking to people about your team and your class in particular. You lost one game in 6th grade, one game in Junior high and we're undefeated in 9th grade and the same in JV. Last year you lost in the state semifinals and you didn't play. Coaches don't survive long around your class and you guys are tight and don't hang together socially but fuck with one of you and it's game over. Then if someone fucks up there isn't much help for that kid. I laughed nd said well we as a class require excellence and it isn't just sports, he'll I'm on my 3 AP English teacher. Coach, in football either you fit into the program or your out and it isn't and has never been a coaching program it is our class and last year the Seniors bought into it and this year Josh's class bought into it. It's simple, work hard, over achieve and take no shit. Win with grace and demand every one around you work as hard as you do. So coach when is it official that you are the next head coach? He smiled and said damn, Nancy bet me $10 you had that figured out. I laughed nd asked for the check and we were heading back to school. Coach, Nancy is the best, don't fuck her over. Then he asked Mike was your drink the same as mine and I smiled and said yup. We shook hands and drove to school for the Pep Rally.

It was the typical Pep Rally but on steroids and a very loud affair. Walking to the car and talking with JJ, who just had to give me a very hard time about missing the team meeting, I learned that we would be leaving at 8:30 and staying at an Econo Lodge on West Chocolate Avenue. Oh and that we had an 11:00 curfew. I thanked JJ for taking notes for me and he said that we were roommates, unless I pissed him off or missed another meeting. I laughed and jumped in the car determined to be in for the night. Once home I called Chocolate World at Hershey Park and ordered a 5 pound Hershey Har and 100 individual, normal sized, Hershey Bars and had them delivered to the Econo Lodge on West Chocolate avenue. They assured me it would be at the hotel by noon on Saturday. If we won once the Captains were presented our 5 pound bar we would take it and give it and 50 individual bars to the other team. If we lost we would have one for us to d round our sorrows in as well as 50 smaller bars. With that done I found my Walkman and put in a tape of various classical music composers and threw myself on the love seat. I was lost in plays and the playbook and must have doze off or simply zoned out when there was a tap on my shoulder and when I got back to reality there was Megan looking down at me smiling. I sat up and she sat beside me and said Mike, I know it's your special private time but I wanted to let you know that I'll watch every minute of it and hope your joy the event. I know you will play well. I have Ashley and a ton of work to get through as I have a major case starting Monday. I smiled and Sid mom, I get it and I really appreciate you ignoring all the warning you must have gotten about coming here. Megan laughed and said even Colleen Sid not to bother the lad. We chatted for about 15 minutes and she said she was leaving before she overstayed her welcome. Then she said play hard and come back in one piece with all your faculties. I laughed and told her I would try.once she was gone, I packed for the trip with good school clothes and included a VT hoodie. If I was interviewed I would simply make a VT statement. With all that done all that was left to do was ride the bus and play the game.

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