Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on Jan 10, 2023


I was up before the alarm and it was 25 degrees outside but dry and was going for the run even if it was alone. I wanted two normal days before the trip to the West Coast. I was all smiles when Cole and then JJ joined me and it was a great run even if it was a bit nippy. When we finished at JJ's house he said we need to discuss this trip and his dad said he is taking your parents. We have room so we need to figure out who we are taking. I reminded JJ that we had to stop at St.Louis for David Fay. JJ said that was good as we will need fuel as it would be way to close without a stop. I'll work up a IFR plan and we can talk tonight. Then he asked if we could meet at 7:00. He looked at Cole and said no sex and he laughed and went inside. Cole and I walked the couple of houses to our place and I asked how he and his mom were. Cole shrugged and said, ok she is concerned about how much I drink. I didn't say nothing and we went our separate ways.

I put coffee on and jumped into the shower and as I dried off I was looking in the mirror and took some time to check myself out. What I saw I liked a lot and when I jumped on the scale and it was 222, down two pounds. I liked what I saw and thought no way would I want to get to 230. Then I wondered if they were thinking about playing me at middle backer. I was a bit bigger at 6' 4" for an outside backer but also faster. I simply shrugged and got dressed for school and work and then back to school. I finished my coffee, filled my travel mug and went to the closet for a jacked and for some reason I grabbed my letterman's jacket jumped into the Wrangler and drove to school. At school, JJ got there as I did and as typical we parked beside each other. He saw the jacket and asked, whats with the jacket. I shrugged and said just trying to be a high school kid. He had to stop as he was laughing so hard. When he got control of himself he said MJ, that ship sailed months ago. I shrugged and said JJ, after this recognition shit how about the 6 of us go to the tavern. An early dinner, it's on me. JJ said well there is that typical high school kid feeding teammates. Then he said I'll spread the word and we went inside.

Inside I dumped the jacket in my locker and went straight to AP English. I hadn't looked at anything and was hoping I could bull shit my way through anything that came up. It was going well at the halfway point when the six of us got called to the office. I was never so glad for that call and simply got out of Dodge. At the office we were all taken to the conference room and Doc. Johnson told us what he needed us to do which was basically be in the conference room at 2:15 and we were each handed a new high school varsity jersey and were told to wear these, then he added, well for one last time. I have to admit that got to me some but I took a deep breath and said no problem. I sat there and thought I have had a jersey with those colors and that number since 5th grade. It was a moment that I would always remember. Once I composed myself I looked around and everyone was still there. When I realized that, I asked who wanted to go to the Tavern after the event and I added my treat. Everyone was in and I was happy about that and we all went to class.

They were just a few minutes into History Class when I got there and I simply sat in my usual seat and pretty much zoned out. After class the teacher stopped me and asked Mike, are you ok? I smiled and said I'm good, I think. Before there could be a response I simply joined the slew of people in the hall and went to Physics. I got there just as the bell was ringing and Winnie smiled and whispered, glad you could make it. I smiled and sat down. Thankfully it was a lecture. Everyone was taking notes and I sat there simply listening. I noticed the teacher looking at me a few times but since he didn't react I just sat there, I was focused as these lectures were a review and I would need that for the AP test. Again, when class ended I was asked to stay behind. So Mike, why no notes as you might need some of what I reviewed. I smiled and simply spit out the important parts of the lecture. So Mike, how long will you retain all that? I shrugged and said I don't know but it seems that I can recall things that go back to pre school. If I write it down I don't remember it. I have never taken a note and see no reason to do that. The teacher shrugged and said well we will see how you do on the upcoming tests. I smiled and said I guess we will. At the classroom door, I stopped and said, oh thanks for making Winnie and me go on a date. With that I went to my locker and collected the jacket and jersey and then to the office and signed out for work.

As I was leaving Doc Johnson said Mike, nice to see you in that jacket. I laughed and said Doc, it's like the jersey you gave me earlier, it's the last time I'm wearing it. Doc said Mike, I understand and that's why I didn't give you guys the jersey at the recognition. I knew it would hit you hard, enjoy your day. At the building I parked in my spot and left the jersey and jacket in the car, I easily cleared security and went to my office. Once there I took a look at my wall and decided to stay the course but I needed to find something that represented the school and the jersey wasn't what was needed. I sat at my desk and as I post the button to start my computer Liam appeared and said Mike, Kyle, Tim and the Major each asked for a meeting. I said well I have to be at school at 2:15 so Kyle first and the others at the same time and please make them aware of the time restraints. With that I turned the computer off and moved to the club chairs and simply looked at the grey winter sky and hoping for an early spring. Then I smiled thinking about the trip to the West Coast. Kyle was quickly there and he asked about VT and I said Kyle, I can't wait to get there. Kyle laughed and said well it's a good thing you have that jet and I'm thinking I'll be working a lot of Sunday's. Well Kyle what do you need today? Mike, we need to hire 25 people and I have 5 from CMU. It's a very specific need and it's for Textron. Mike, I need a knowledgeable recruiter and I want to send your Dad and Dillon to Brown, MIT, RIT and see if they can scare up some recruits. Mike, Dillon can go alone but the company founder would be a big help and you are the only one who can get your dad to travel for a week. Mike, the Major will have his crew here so he said he can fly them around and make it less painful. We need to use Dillon a lot more and he is up to it. Mike, there are so many proposals out there for the grade book of half hit we will be in a great position.

Just then Tim and the Major appeared and Kyle said, let me know as I'll set up the meetings starting Wednesday. I said Kyle, I'll let you know tomorrow. He said thanks and left. Tim and the Major sat down and I said, you guys have 30 minutes. The Major laughed and said Mike, I need to be at the high school as well. Then Tim said Mike, thanks for getting the land lease signed, we can start almost immediately as the plans are very generic, all I need is the money. Are you still paying for this? Yes and I can have the money tomorrow. Then Tim said Mike we need 25k to start. Tim, that's great. What else do you guys need? Then the Major said Mike, you know I am flying your parents to the event and that I am picking up my two partners and their wives. They have rented apartments and will be looking for a home. They each have 2 kids a male and a female each and all the kids are in Colleges. One is in the Naval Academy and the other three are in quality schools with technical majors. We are full go at the school and I will spend 3 days a week here and be in touch with Liam. So Mike, have you heard from Riley or Jack? Jim, I have not and I'll have Liam give that to HR. Riley can easily be replaced and I'll start on a backup for Jack. We can always use the current robotics crew. Thanks guys but now I had a problem and it was my fault as I wasn't paying attention. I just hope this didn't disrupt things at the winery. Then the Major returned and said Mike, they moved Jacks mission up and it is on the 18th. I'm sure that's why you haven't heard but I'm calling that asshole tonight. We can chat tomorrow.

With that I grabbed my laptop and and drove to school. I put the jacket on and grabbed the jersey and headed for the cafeteria. Once we were all together it was funny that we all had our letterman's jackets. The JJ said guys would it be ok if when we were introduced we went in with the jackets on. Then when Doc is done talking we all take the jackets off and as one put the Jerseys on and share the experience with the all. Chad said JJ, this is a great idea but you need to explain it to the all. I laughed and was glad that I was only a participant. Soon enough the vice principal came in and said guys here is the order. Tim (Duke) you are first, Sam (West Virginia, Jim (Pitt), Chad (West Point), JJ (Virginia Tech) and last Mike (Virginia Tech). Get you jerseys on and let's go, a lot of people are waiting for you guys. Chad said we are good and we all started for the gym. The assistant principal said guys I need you to put the jerseys on. Chad stopped and said dude, it's the last time we are putting these on and we are doing it our way, you ask again and we will simply sit here and trust me we will ONE you. Please get out of our way. I was loving it as I wasn't involved. With that we quietly walked to the gym. The gym which holds 2,000 people was already set up for the evening's basketball game and a different vice principal told us to please sit at the scorers table once we were introduced. We were able to hear what was going on but unable to see. Doc started by thanking every one for being there and the students laughed and he said well that was for the parents all of whom made it here. Their support for the past 18 years made what these young men accomplished possible. Then he introduced Tim and didn't react when he saw him in his letterman's jacket and holding his jersey. There was a loud applause and the place went nuts when Tim was introduced. That continued and the entire introductions took 30 minutes. When JJ was introduced he jogged out waving his jersey over head and the place went nuts. When I was finally introduced I walked out waving both hands to a tremendous roar and a few people were calling my name. It was like the pep rallies with a different feel. When things settled down Doc said, well almost ever member of the staff has been ONED by the students and it looks like these 6 just did it to me. You see I asked them to come in their jerseys and I get jackets so I guess one of them has an explanation. With that JJ stood up and Doc handed him the microphone.

JJ said thanks Doc, then in his Texas accent he said, y'all I was moved here a little over a year ago by my rents and you all accepted this cowboy and now I say yinz and drink pop rather than soda (everyone laughed) and JJ said well sometimes. Mom and dad, it was the best thing that ever happened to me, thanks. This team, these guys, mean more to me than any team I was on in Texas. This morning when Doc gave us these jerseys he mentioned we would be putting them on for the last time, it was more than emotional. All of us sat in the conference room stunned and yes there were a few damp eyes. At some point, I though it would be great to share that moment with yo'll. He set the microphone on the table and motioned for all of us to stand and we removed our jackets. You could hear a pin drop in an arena filled with almost 2,000 people and we simply pulled our jerseys over our head we then moved together locked arms around each other and the place went nuts and I knew as we all did that we had put on a great show and the emotions would be dealt with later. Then JJ picked up the microphone and said this Texan will always be a Highlander. Then he said ALL FOR and the 5 of us yelled ONE and the place erupted with, ONE FOR ALL. Then JJ said I hope that lasts for ever, thanks.

We were there for another 40 minutes as people were congratulating us. Doc gave JJ a big hug and said thanks Tex. By the time we got out of there the parking lot was empty and the busses were gone but we all walked across route 51 to the Tavern. The Tavern was almost empty except for a few parents who has stopped for a drink. No one seemed to care and the parents seemed to want us to have some time with each other and were soon gone. The owner was glad to see us and yes, once the rents were gone we were served a beer. Food was ordered and we had a blast, it seemed that we had somehow formed a bond and a lot of that had to do with what JJ had done and said. We were well into our second hour and I tried to pay the bill but was told there was no charge. I was told that we were so good for his business that he would never charge a team member. I told him that I was paying and that I asked the guys here because we always had a good time here and that his business would always be good on Friday evenings during football season. Making no headway I took my jersey off and said well then you can have this. He looked in disbelief and shook his head saying no fucking way in hell am I taking your game jersey. Quickly a bill was produced and I handed him my credit card. When it came back I added a tip that doubled the amount of the meal and gave Alex a hug and said thanks for all the good times. We simply walked back across the highway and went our separate ways and JJ said he would see me at 7:00.

I went right to the house, hoping to see dad. Sure enough he was there having a pre dinner drink with Megan, I had seen Cole's car and asked where he was and Megan replied, in his room pouting. I called school and had them give him his assignments for the week. He flew into a rage saying I embarrassed him. Megan, why are you in his case? Mike, because he does just enough to keep me off his back and I'm raising the bar. The only thing he works hard at is golf and he drinks too much. I was somewhat aware of the drinking but I hadn't thought too much about it as it was one time. I looked at dad and said, I need some help with something at work. Dad laughed and said Mike, you don't need help Kyle does and he needs people and needs them soon. I laughed and asked so you are aware and will hold Dillon's hand for a few days? Mike, Dillon doesn't often need help and he is under appreciated but sure I'll tag along. Dad, you will have a jet available as Jim and one of his new partners will go along. Mike, I want the new jet as I was somehow booted to a longer flight this weekend. Then I said well I have to go and get ready for a meeting with Cole and JJ about the trip. Our flight isn't easy either as we have to pick up a passenger in St. Louis.

Once at my room I called David Fay. We chatted for a few and I asked how many seats he need on the jet and he said 2 as his wife would be coming. We discussed a time and I said that we will be at Spirit of St. Louis airport around 7:00 local time and he agreed. It was a short conversation as I had things to do. With the call complete I emptied the refrigerator of beer sitting the few bottles outside. I was checking of flight times to St. Louis when my phone rang and it was Winnie. I was surprised and asked, so what's up? Mick, I need a giant favor. That surprised me and I simply asked what do you need? Well, Uncle Bill would like to meet with you and he is suggesting you and me tomorrow night at the Duquesne Club. Winnie, since you asked I'll do that but not at the fucking Duquesne Club, I hate that place as it is like being with dad at South Hills. Winnie I get that he wants to pick the turf just have him pick another place. I could hear the smile but then she asked have you picked a design for the new buildings yet? Babe, that's for early next week as the deadline was extended to this Friday but I'm moving quickly. Also, I'm not looking for a sales pitch. This time there was no smile in her voice and she said Mick, I'll inform him, thanks. The she asked if I was leaving for California on Wednesday and I told her right after Cole and JJ are out of school. Mick, can I come along? Winnie, I would love to have you but seats are limited and this is very much a business trip and the two rounds of golf will be long and I have a USGA meeting and I have people to pick up in St. Louis. Finally it will be 2:00 AM or so when we get back Sunday. We can talk about it tomorrow, good night and I love you. The smile was back in her voice and she said I love you too and it was nice to hear you say that.

JJ arrived first and he handed me a flight plan and went right to the refrigerator and when he opened the door he started to laugh and said MJ, I've never seen it empty before, what's up? I shrugged and he said so you are taking a stand with Cole, damn that dude can hole his beer. MJ, it's a phase nd he will deal with it but he needs to hear about it from more than his rents. I smiled when he said, I have this. I looked at the flight and he had us going to Monterey Regional Airport and there was an ETA of 7:30 local time. Wheels up would be as close to 4:00 PM our time as possible. There was the stop in St. Louis and he had ready alerted them to the need for fuel. I looked at the detail and said JJ, your dad did this? MJ, don't underestimate me when it comes to flying. I sad sorry and we discussed the trip in detail. The USGA was paying for me, Cole and Liam. I had already reserved rooms at the club for dad and Megan and 3 additional rooms for JJ's rents and their 4 guests. Finally there were tickets at Will Call for everyone. I laughed when I thought about how much this was costing me.

Just then the door flew open and Cole said, sorry I'm late I got sidetracked with a Calculus problem. I shrugged and said been there and done that. Cole immediately opened the refrigerator and said, what the fuck where is the beer? JJ smiled and said well this is a sty trip and we are starting early and so are you. Get over her and let's figure out who is going on this trip. Cole said it was only him and Liam and that there were no girls. JJ laughed and said so we have 4 empty seats, that's just sick. 4 people or 8 it costs the same. I laughed and said, hell I told Winnie I didn't think we had room. Then I said well I'll add Tim and Kyle from work if they can get free so that fills the jet. I called Pebble Beach and was able to get two more rooms. Then I called both guys and laid out what I had in mind and fuck they were more than all in. I smiled and wondered if this could be a business trip. That was the easiest thing I had done all day. JJ said he had school work to do and he went home and left me the flight plan.

Cole started to leave and I said dude, please stay for a minute as we need to talk. Cole sat back down nd I said well the beer is outside the back door. Cole shrugged and said I don't need one, I just like it. Cole that's good to hear as there is a difference. Right now JJ and I think it's a phase but understand that the second I think it is more than that your ass is seeing a head doctor and know I'll have you in rehab before your next heartbeat. I watched my mom crawl into a bottle and my brother, well he did it all booz, drugs and random sex and yes he paid for it. Where do you think they are? Cole shrugged and I said well their ashes are mixed with the sand in the dunes in North Carolina. I will not let you become a drunken pro at a driving range. Cole, I get that the Junior year is a bitch but you don't have the college issues as you can go to college on the Palmer Scholarship at Wake Forest. MJ, my goals are different than mom's are for me. Sure I'll go to college but I don't want to play college or amateur golf. I can plY on the PGA level and I don't want held back. As I see it that's is what mom is doing holding me back. Cole, what about golf? MJ, I love it and nothing is more important to me than golf. Cole, even Jessica? Well MJ, that's close but yes. Cole, what's the fall back, if the golf blows up? College and a business career or a Club Pro and it won't be at a fucking driving range. Mike, drinking isn't a problem and I'll fucking prove it to you and thanks for the concern. He got up and went to the house. With that done I spent some time on English and History.

The morning run was good and Cole was in a good mood but I knew that the drama was nowhere over. At school everyone was excites as the event of yesterday made the evening news and the front page of the morning paper.I was totally unaware and simply went to English and was a full participant as it is amazing how much 15 minutes the night before mattered. History was boring lecture which was again aimed to get us ready for college classes. At Physics Winnie said her Uncle thought the Capital Grill was acceptable and that they would meet me there at 6:00 if that worked. I agreed and was wondering if this would end Winnie and me. If that happened I would ruin him in this region and it would be win at all cost. With another lecture and me being totally bored with two lectures in a row, I signed out for work, hoping the day would get better.

When I got off the elevator the receptionist was on the phone but pointed to Kyle's office. I smile and went to Kyle's office and he said Mike, thanks this is awesome as I need to get away and my wife got he mother to babysit within minutes but she has some questions. I laughed and said why don't you round up Tim and we can deal with both wives questions as it will save me time. Kyle laughed and said, some day you will have to deal with it. I shrugged and went to my office. In my office Liam appeared as I dad and we sat in the club seating and I asked how he thought Cole was doing? Mike, I haven't seen him in a while, why you asking? Liam when you two are away playing golf does he drink? Liam laughed and said Mike, sometimes I have to make him eat. It's all work and a bit too much of it but for now it works. So Liam how are you surviving? Mike, I'm learning a lot and that attorney Tim has working on the legal matters is real good. Bill really knows his way around City Hall. Mike, we need a design and plans. Liam, I'll make a decision early next week. Well Mike you have 11 proposals, 5 of which are reasonable. I'll have them set up in here and see what you think, I doubt that we will get more but you never know. I laughed and said well I'm betting you get one more.

Kyle and Tim showed up and I had to go into detail about my schedule and the timing for the trip. I explained bout the rooms and the golf and said tickets would be at Will Call and that everything was paid for except food and that would be on them. Then Kyle asked if they could bring food and drinks on the plane. I wanted to say no alcohol but that would be unfair, so I agreed. I took some time to tell them about David Fay and and his position and how important he could be for Cole. Guys it's a long flight and there isn't a lot of room, if there is an opportunity JJ and I will have you guys sit upfront for a few minutes and no you are not flying. They both laughed and I thought it would be a good trip for a lot of reasons. Once they had all the information they needed they left and I spent an hour reviewing the companies financials as I was about to need a solid financial statement for the construction loan but again having paid cash. Things continued to look good and Kyle was right about the pending proposals. At this point I had to go to my place and change as black jeans was not appropriate dress for the City Grill.

At my place it was a quick shower and I shaved. Then I selected a tank top undershirt and a tailored white dress shirt and black dress pants. I added black socks and loafers and a braided black belt. I the closet I found a black leather jacket. I grabbed my keys for the Mustang and left for town and The CapitalGrill. There was little traffic and I arrived at the restaurant 5 minutes before 6:00. The valet took the car and inside I saw Bill and Winnie and simply went to the table. Bill stood up and we shook hands and I leaned down and gave Winnie a kiss on the cheek. There was some casual chat and the waiter took drink orders and Winnie and I ordered iced tea and Bill order d a Martini. When the drinks came Bill ordered Lobster and Crab Cakes. With that I knew he wanted to talk before we ate and I was wondering what he wanted. Once the appetizer was ordered Bill said Mike, thanks for meeting with me tonight. I know you have extended the deadline for proposals on your new building, well buildings, and I have a proposal I would like to discuss with you. I looked at Winnie and I though she might hide under the table. I let him go on and he said it is a simple design with exotic material. Then I said Bill, I have to stop you as we have a program and have stayed with it even with the time extension. My schedule has not been conducive it me making a decision. Rather than keeping everyone waiting we extended the process. We currently have 11 proposals and I would certainly welcome your proposal, if submitted like the others. Well Mike I was hoping that the family connections would matter. Bill, I'm dating your niece and she is very, very special to me but with all due respect what family connection are you talking about? I looked at Winnie and she had tears in he eyes and just then waiter came over and asked if we were ready to order and I said, I'll have the check please. Then I looked at Bill and said, submit your proposal if you want and as it is a blind process you have a chance. I looked at Winnie and said babe, I'm leaving are you coming with me or staying with your Uncle. She tried to smile and said Mick, please take me home. I handed the Waiter my card and left a tip as if we had actually eaten dinner. He was very thankful and looked at Bill and said sir, I assume you are leaving or going to the bar.

Winnie went right to the ladies room and I sat down and looked at Bill and said, you have no idea what you just did. I don't do business that way nd your biggest mistake was hurting Winnie. Well Mike what's it to you? You just told her and me she was you Senior year fuck and nothing more? So that's why we spent the weekend together at VT. Bill said I don't know why that matters as she is going to Ohio State. Bill, trust me on this you project with Continental at the old Homestead Works just got a tot more complicated. Winnie returned with smoke coming out of her ears but not crying. She grabbed my hand and said Mick, let's find better company to eat with. When we got in the car she asked if we could simply go to someplace simple and have a burger. I said sure then leaned over and kissed her and said don't apologize it wasn't your fault and we drove to the bar in Greentree. When we got on the Parkway she looked at me and said this is perfect, how do you do that? I smiled and said well I want a beer and you could use something besides iced tea as well.

Inside the bar was almost empty except for a few regulars sitting at the bar. We chose a booth and were talking and there was no sign of the owner. When the waitress asked about drinks we both ordered iced tea. Just then the owner, dad's friend, came up from the basement carrying a case of beer. He smiled and said, I'll be right back with a cold one and Winnie would you like wine or beer. Winnie replies, beer please. Mike, how does he remember my name? I laughed and said, well I guess we are special. This time there was no pretending and it was two frosted mugs of beer. Winnie ordered her burger and I ordered half an "Italian Delight" and a basket of fries. There was the usual visit and chat with the owner and when we were alone Winnie asked Mick, when will you decide about the building? I shrugged and said Monday or Tuesday. Will Bill have a chance? Winnie, I won't know whose proposal it is as all that information will be redacted from the proposal but I really don't want to work with your Uncle. Mick, I don't want you to pick his proposal it will be too stressful. Winnie, why does Bill think you are going to Ohio State. She smiled and said well he wants me to go there and mom and dad want me to go to Pitt and when I got early acceptance to VT and took it there was one hell of a fight. I wasn't staying home and the rents are good with VT once they saw the place. Bill, not so much. The food came and I explained about the trip and how it evolved into a business trip to save money. Then I said on Spring Break you and I are going to go some place sunny and warm all you have to do is pick a place and we will fly there. It needs to be in this country as I'm not comfortable flying internationally as a pilot. She smiled and said well I'll get the map out but right now I'm thinking something different, your cabin in New York. We switched to iced tea after one beer and sat for a long just talking. It was about 10:00 when I walked her to the door and kissed her good night.

At my place I had a lot of packing to do as there was gold and both casual and formal meetings. It took a large suitcase and a special bag for a suit and two business shirts. It had been a long and stressful day with a emotional roller coaster. I was glad to get into bed.

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Next: Chapter 361

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