Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on May 20, 2023


I woke from a very rough sleep as Cole was in my head and the drama with Bill and now I was worried if this would damage my relationship with Tim. There was no evidence that Cole had been here and I assumed he spent the night with the rents. I prepped the coffee and changed into warm running close. Outside I saw Cole's car but knew he was gone and I assumed Liam was driving. JJ was waiting and he immediately asked if I was ok? JJ, there is a lot going on and I'm good with Cole being gone. I simply took off running, I laughed when JJ just blew by me when I caught up we just set a blazing pace. We were both sucking air when we got back to JJ's house. We just stood there looking at each other. If we could breath we would have laughed. As I started towards my place JJ yelled MJ, you can admit you miss Cole. I just waved and kept going. It was the usual routine and I headed for school. I enjoyed English and Physics and it History was last I would have signed out early.

At the office my day got turned upside down as soon a Kyle saw me and followed me to my office. I put the laptop on my desk and sat in the club chairs. Mike, Tim will be here in about 15 minutes and after you and him talk I'll need you for an hour around 2:00. I smiled and said Kyle I don't care if the President or the Pope are here I'm leaving at 3:15. Mike, that's fine as I know you have a need to workout. Ok Kyle, what is this all about? Mike, just someone I want you to meet. I smiled and asked, the new COO? Mike, that might be possible but you have the final say and he left. Tim appeared and he sat down and said Mike, I'm sorry about all this. I smiled and asked, so your sorry for trusting someone who works for you and who up to this point has been very professional. Tim just laughed and said, I guess. Mike I managed to get hold of Quinn last night and told him that we needed to meet with them here tonight at 6:30. We can meet with them in the conference room. Tim, thanks for doing that but we will meet them here in my office. I'll have security do a strip search.

Mike, Bill will be here any minute and my discussion with him has been limited to telling him he wasn't needed in Florida and getting Quinn's number and telling him to be here. My secretary personally told him about the time change. Look Tim, this isn't your fault and I want you to understand how much you mean to me and how much I trust you. Tim smiled and was much more relaxed. Then I said, if you don't mind I want to deal with Bill, but the final decision on his status is your call. Then Tim changed the subject to the Mayor and I told him I though he would resign and that he wasn't running for Governor as the time wasn't right. He has something else in the works and I have no idea what but we have new people to deal with. Tim said he knew most of the new people and that he would get on that on Monday.

There was a knock on the door and Bill was standing there smiling like he didn't have a care in the world. I said good afternoon Bill, have a seat. I was hoping that the club chairs would catch him off guard but he appeared not to have a care in the world. I decided to get right to the point and asked what was that last night? Mike, I have no idea why Cole and obviously you are upset. I was asked to recommend 3 firms to represent Cole and I chose three that were qualified and had three different approaches. One was very formal, one was very casual and younger and one that was very contemporary. Well Bill, I'll give you that but the fact remains that one of the 3 were not qualified and with the announcement on Wednesday they still wouldn't be qualified. Bill, I've interview a good many people and in each interview one statement stands out in every interview. There was on statement that had be up all night. Mike, what was that? I almost laughed but calmly replied Bill, it was when Colin said that he asked his dad to do whatever it takes to get me in front of Cole and his guys. Bill, shook his head and said hell, I didn't think anything about that. I thought it was in-house talk.

I just sat there looking out the window and the silence defining. I knew Tim wasn't saying anything and as the seconds dragged on Bill was getting a little uncomfortable and squirming a bit in the chair. I looked at Bill and asked, so in your dealings wit either Colin or Cole were you offered anything to include them in the meeting? Mike, what do you mean? Much more loudly than necessary I asked was there a fucking quid pro cuo in any of this? Did it include more than getting them in that meeting? Did you rig the opposition so that they looked good? What the fuck did they offer you and exactly what did you in return? Mike that's a lot of questions and accusations that I don't appreciate. Tim quietly said Bill, if I were you I would answer them understanding that neither Mike or I never ask a question that we don't already know the answer to. Then Tim said the reply better be in detail and the damn truth or you might be walking out of here in handcuffs. Oh, just so you know Mike and I have a meeting with Colin tonight.

Tim and I sat there looking at each other waiting for Billy's reply. I wasn't surprised when he said Tim, I did nothing legally improper and I won't put up with this shit. He reached in is jacket pocket and took out a white envelop and said this is my resignation. He stood up and started to leave and I said Bill just sit down. You are not wondering around my building without an escort and I'm not done. Tim immediately said Bill, you have a contract that you need to honor, if you are capable of doing that, if not I will see you in court. Then I added Bill, your buddy Quinn has a decision to make as you feel you are home free as the job you think Quinn has for you is in another state that takes care of the contract. You will be finding out who they want more you or Cole as he will not sign if they hire you in any capacity. For the first time Bill had a sick look on his face. I immediately called security and told them that I had someone in my office that needed n escort. Tim called over to his office in the other building and had Bill's office locked and said nobody in or out till I get there. Two security guys appeared and I said get him out of my sight and get his security badge. Without a word Bill quietly left with the security guards following a step behind.

Once we were alone Tim said Mike, I'll call Cole and see what he wants to do. I think Colin is going to be pissed at his dad but there is an outside chance he was involved or he just left the dirty work to his dad. We need to know. In the meantime I'll act as Cole's agent. This is a mess and I like that Colin dude. Tim, it's not that much of a mess as Cole can always say that he is negotiating with an agency and that is technically true as there are still two agencies under consideration and he can say your are serving in that capacity as you helped negotiated the Callaway deal. Tim smiled and said I have a lot of phone calls to make and I pointed to Liam's office and said, make yourself at home.

My laptop had just finished booting when Kyle appeared at the door and the guy he was with looked really familiar. Then I smiled as I remembered the article I had read and this was the guy in the picture. I stood up and went right to the guy and said Hi Rob, I'm Mike Simmons. Rob looked at Kyle and he just shrugged and said Rob, I have no idea. Rod then asked Mike, have we met? Rob I was reading an article about you and unless I'm mistaken you are Robert Westfield and you are the Eastern Region Vice President of Sales for Oracle Corporation. Rob laughed and said Mike, that's amazing but how about showing me around this palace you work in. I went right to the door to the outside area and said Rob, this is what it is all about, the view of city, the river, the marine, 100 Phoenix Alley, this building and the land that will soon be Phoenix Alley 200 and 202. That will be a totally energy efficient building and the cleanest industrial building ever built in this region. I know that's a low bar but it will be almost impossible to get over that new bar. I turned and went inside, leaving Rob and Kyle outside.

When they came back in Rod asked if I wanted to chat about the wall? Rob, actually I don't as it is a display of who I was. Rob looked at Kyle and they both laughed and Kyle said Rob, I told you. I looked at Rob and said, well I just told you what I'm about how about you taking a turn and fill me in on why you are sitting in my office? Well, I'm just in town visiting my old college roommate. Rob, it was nice meeting you and if you don't mind I'm meeting a buddy at the gym. Mike, I'm sure Kyle didn't go into details but I'm here to see if I am interested in coming here as COO and equally important to see if you would be interested in having me join. Kyle has told me a lot about you and what you were like. So far you are exactly as he said you were. You let him run the company but know where the profits are and what parts are preforming and which are not. If something get on you radar you hone in and talk it over before you act. Mike, I just saw you had a guy escorted out of her, mind if I ask why? Rob, actually I do but I will say this, there are a number of things that I won't tolerate two of them are anything unethical and hurting people I care about. Rob, here is a freebie, don't ever question my integrity. Mike, actually I heard that one.

Ok Rob, why would leave a very well paying job with the third largest computer company and come to work here? Well Mike, Oracle is not easy to work for, there is a lot of travel and it is very structured. Larry is a pain in the ass and wants it his way and only his way. In 1990 in the 3rd quarter we lost a ton of money and thousands of people lost their jobs. I survived but nothing has changed and I want to work somewhere that doesn't involve 4 or 5 management approvals to get something done. Mike, Kyle and I both have doctorates from CMU. The difference is in focus as mine is hardware and his is software. While doing his CEO job he is also CTO. I propose that with me as COO we could share the CTO responsibilities. Rob have you met Dillon? Mike, we had dinner last night. I found him thoughtful, articulate and very knowledgeable about the company and not at all intimidated by me. He is perfect as the face of the company and he works well with Kyle.

Guys, I was serious about needing to get to the gym and I need to be back here for a 6:30 meeting. Mike, my wife is flying in tonight is there any chance we could have dinner tomorrow evening. Rob, I have a lot going on and that isn't convenient. I am free for lunch, would 11:30 at Oakmont Country Club work? There was the reaction I had hoped for and he said Cheryl and I would love that. Oh Rob, they have a dress code that involves a coat and tie. Mike, I'm aware, I'll se you there. While I was turning off the laptop and clearing my desk, I call Oakmont and as it was a simple reservation it was easily done. I simply drove to the gym and was hoping to work hard and clear my head.

JJ and I arrived at the gym at the same time and as we changed we decided that we were not killings ourselves like the last time and we would do about 3/4th of our normal workout and hopefully be on our way slightly after 5:00. While we worked out we made plans to spend Friday evening together. We pressed it hard but changed the amount or reps and it was a good workout. I drove to my place and went into the house and Megan was in the game room and we discussed Cole and the agents. She had talked with Cole and they wanted to have Tim be the agent/attorney on an interim basis. She said that she wanted to meet with Colin and Quinn at some point during the tournament. She was leaning towards finding a more ethical group. The issue was that Cole really liked Colin and thought that she and Tim could keep them in line. I told her about the meeting in my office this evening and she said don't hire them and don't tell them they are done, just tell them that Judge Megan Simmons needs to meet with them at the tournament and if they don't like that tell then to go fuck themselves. Damn, I should have counted on this reaction. I said thanks and drove to the office.

I pulled into the parking spot 25 minutes ahead of the meeting and talked with security and told them that I wanted an enhanced security check but not so intense that they was insulted. When that was over they should call me and then 2 officers should escort them to my office and one should wait outside the door. I was told that Tim was already in my office and I went upstairs. Tim was outside looking at the very dark scenery. I knocked on the glass and waved him in. We sat in the club seating and I told him about Megan and what she wanted. Tim was good with that, not really having a choice. Then he said Mike, I want to know what they offered that asshole. I smiled and said well so do I but for a different reason. We just chatted and Tim looked at his watch nd said Mike, they are late. I laughed and said Tim, they are not late I ordered a rectal exam by security. About a minute later my desk phone rand and I walked slowly over and asked security to bring them up as we discussed. I looked at Tim and said, I want them as uncomfortable as possible and there will be a guard right outside the door the entire time. When they came in we shook hands and I said it's nice to you you two again, this gentleman is my Attorney and he represents Cole as well. Quill immediately asked so where is Bill? Tim replied he isn't available. Then Quinn asked, what can we do for you? I replied Quinn, I'm not sure you can do anything right now, we are just looking for a few answers. Last night after the interviews were over Cole was upset as he felt that the finalist were selected to favor one group in particular. Then there was the issue that one of the finalists wasn't certified to represent a Tour player and another seemed to have an advantage. Last night Bill tried hard to sort things out for us but when we questioned him this morning he simply resigned. Last night in his presentation Colin said he asked you to do whatever it took to get him in front of us. At the time none of us thought anything about the statement. However that has changed in all our minds. So Quinn what did you offer Bill to stack the odds in your favor? Quinn started to reply and I cut him off saying Quinn, I don't need the answer the person who needs the answers is a Federal Judge for the Western District of Pa and she is The Honorable Megan Simmons. She will see you and Colin at some point during the tournament. What you need to know is that Cole was going to announce that he is turning Pro, that his agent would be "X" and that he had a sponsor and that him and Liam had a long term deal in place. Everything was well thought out and all he had to do was play golf. Now there will be potential agents expressing interest and instead of playing golf and practicing he will be involved in all that. Then I said, thanks for coming this evening and I motioned for the security guard and he opened the door, I smiled and said these gentlemen are leaving.

Once we were alone Tim asked Mike, what did that accomplish? Tim, I was watching Colin the entire time and the dude is fucking pissed. I believe he didn't know what his dad did. Tim replied Mike, he damn well should have known. Tim, I agree. Mike, would your dad do something like that for you? I thought for a moment and said, yup. Tim there is a difference, I would not have asked. Tim laughed nd said Mike, your splitting hairs. I laughed and said good night, I need to talk with Megan and Cole. At my place I went right into the house and Dad, Megan and Ashley were all in the game room. I told the rents what happened and said that at some point you might l them know you wanted to talk. Megan asked Mike, what do you think? Mom, Colin didn't know but should have known his dad would do something as he asked. Dad laughed and I looked at him and said dad, the difference is that wouldn't have asked. Dad shrugged and said, well you wouldn't have needed to ask.Megan said, ok guys that's enough as none of this is right and there has to be other agents out there. Then she said, I knew I should had control of this crap. I simply said good night and went to my place.

I called Cole and he answered right away and asked so Mike what's your read on this shit show? Cole, I have no real idea, I think Colin didn't know but should have. Bill resigned at hiss morning and didn't say much. I think he expected Quinn to hire him and I told him if that happened you would not sign with them. Cole, that's your decision but it scared Bill. MJ, I just got off the phone with mon and I told her to work it out by dinner time Saturday as after thAt I'm 1000% golf. MJ, I have played this course before but not like this it is ridiculously difficult. The greens are every bit as fast as I have seen. thankfully they are fair you just have to know where to hit them. Water all over the place and more than a bit hilly. Liam and I walked the course for 6 hours. We will see how it goes as I'm playing with AP. MJ, I have my remarks finished, I'll send them to you tomorrow. Cole, don't memorize them just be natural. Call me anytime and get som rest. Cole laughed and said, yes mom. With that I hung up.

With that I went to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer. Sitting on the loveseat with my feet on the coffee table I took a drink and put my head back and tried to relax. I was close to calling the head doctor but there was no fucking time for that. I took another drink of the beer and called Winnie. She answered and was all excited. Winnie, what's up? Mick, I know what I would like to do Saturday but it's a big ask. Ok, Winnie what is it? Mick, I would like to go to Blacksburg. Winnie it's either 2 hours in an airplane or 6 hours by car. Why do you need to do this? Well Mick, dad said I could start early and I need a place to stay. Winnie, I have a few units and you can take one of those. Mick, I don't want to be the building where you will be. We might not be together and that would be awkward. If we are still together it will smother both of us. Winnie, if we do this you need to know that I'll have to check with the airport about the hanger and talk with the people managing the building. Mick, that will be fine as I'll have things to do. Willie, we can't take the jet as I'm sure JJ is busy so I'll figure this out tomorrow. So Winnie, what's with all the concern about our relationship? Mick, I'm sure we will be together in September but by Christmas we will be two very different people, so who knows? Winnie, I'll do what I can but it is only one day. I have an important lunch appointment tomorrow and with all the stuff going on I won't be in school tomorrow. I'll call you late tomorrow afternoon. We chatted about silly shit and then after 20 minutes said goodnight.

I was both mentally and physically exhausted so I stripped and pulled up the covers and was quickly asleep. I was up before the alarm and the the run with JJ was fun and somewhat relaxed, for a change. We stopped at his place and I told him Winnie wanted to go to VT. JJ asked if he could go as he had 4 people ready for check rides and dad is doing them so I'm free. So JJ you bringing the new girl? MJ, that's over and I'm still looking for a prom date. I laughed and said so she wasn't putting out? JJ smiled and said correct. We decided to take the jet and made plans to workout and JJ reminded me that his balls were more than a bit blue. I laughed and said well I'm in the mood to help with that and require nothing. I started towards my place and turned and yelled to JJ, I'm not doing school today. JJ waved and went inside.

I turned the coffee on and jumped into the shower and it was relaxing and long. I blew dried my hair and shaved. I then dressed in a suit, white tailored shirt. I addd a grey and red tie and added black shoes and belt to go along with the light grey suit. I jumped into the Mustang and drove to the office. It was early but the parking lot was full and I would have bet that early start meant early out and I was good with that. I went right into Kyle's office and asked him to tell me why I had to babysit the wife of our next COO. Kyle laughed and said Mike, just be yourself but she can say no as there are two preteen boys and a younger daughter. It's a big move from Columbus for the family. Then Kyle said the boys play football. Ok Kyle, what does mom think about all that. Mike, ask her and deal with the newer, I have no idea. I shook my head and said Kyle, I wasn't to be involved with this hire. Kyle shrugged and said well, thanks for help as it's above my pay grade. On the way to my office I realized I needed coffee and went downstairs to the cafeteria and got som coffee and took the stairs to the second floor and walked through and on occasion stopped to chat. Back in my office I started to review the candidates for my financial advisor. They were a mixed bag and then I realized that Winnie's dad would or could have some input. It was 10:30 and I packed up and drove to Oakmont.

I went inside and went right to the restaurant and saw the receptionist and was seated by the window looking out on the putting green which was the back end of the 9th green. It would have been a great seat in the summer but it was typically grey and the 50 year old oak trees were barren. Rob and Cheryl were right on time and she was thin and very much in shape. As soon as they sat down the waiter asked for our drink order. Everyone ordered iced tea and when we were alone Cheryl asked Mike, is this a company membership? Cheryl, it is not and I am the member here and before you ask this meeting and the costs will eventually be charged to the company. This, as you know is a big time club and it took a lot besides money for me to be accepted here. In fact without Mr. Palmer's help it wouldn't have happened. However I am really involved here as I'm Co-Chair for the Women's Open and Chair for the Men's Open. However we have more important things to discuss. I hear you are the mother of two boys. She added twin boys just finishing 7th grade and a daughter finishing 4th grade. Mike, I hear you are a highly regarded football player. Well Cheryl I was a highly regarded high school football player now I'm an unproven college football player.

The waiter appeared with our drinks and we asked for mote time before we ordered. So Cheryl do your sons enjoy football? Mike, they both start on their team and they are into it 24/7. I'm on them about grades all the time. I smiled and said I bet that's is a major concern. Rob was drinking his iced tea and just listening while he looked out the window. Then Cheryl asked Mike, how much are you actually involved in the company? Cheryl, I believe Rob knows the answer to that and I am equally sure you have discussed all that. Why don't you just ask whatever it is that is actually on your mind and we can find out if I want to answer it. Ok Mike, when you are done playing with this business what happens then. I laughed out loud and looked her right in the eye and said who told you this was a game. I'm going to VT and CMU to study Computer Science and if this was about football then I could have gone to any of the football schools. You know what, not one of those schools even got a returned call, I had my coach tell them I wasn't interested. Then there are the 2 buildings and in less than two weeks I will start on 2 more. Most of what I have will be tied up in those. Oh and I already told VT that they have me for three years. I'm simply not playing a down longer. Thankfully the waiter came and we ordered and I ordered a Cobb Salad and didn't pay attention to what they ordered.

Once the waiter was gone, I said guys, as you know I got the company and a bunch of money from dad. Then I took the company from a pig sty behind the city county building to what we have today. I work well with the Unions and both buildings were finished early and under budget. Sales have increased and Kyle and Dillon run the company and I will tell you that those two are untouchable. They are important to me personally nd professionally. My other interests are the Winery in New York, my involvement here at this club and my desire to work with the USGA to make golf more affordable and attractive to younger people. I took a deep breath and asked, is there anything else? Mike, did we upset you? I smiled and said YOU did not. Cheryl, have you seen the building that houses our company? Mike, I have knot but I hear it has a terrific view of the river and the city. Rob is taking me there once we leave here. Well make sure Kyle gives you a proper tour.

Our food came and Cheryl was surprised that I had a salad, I told her I was watching my weight. Work and things have been complicated and my diet and workouts have slipped. I have mange's to keep the running every morning going. From here I'll be going home, changing and then working out. Things got more relaxed as we ate and that wasn't a high bar. Then Cheryl asked Mike, why this club? Well to be honest I belong to three. South Hills as I'm a Junior member but pay my was and Latrobe and that was because I did Arnie a favor and he paid me with a years membership. When the year was up he simply renewed it and I don't get there a lot but when I do I fly. Then Rob said Cheryl, that's enough and you haven't learned anything new. Rob, what I have learned here is that Mike, is smart, no nonsense and very honest and understates his accomplishments. Cheryl, Kyle told us all that. Yes, he did and I wanted to find out for my self. Mike, thanks for putting up with me and if Rob gets the job I'll move up here with the boys when school is out. I smiled and said well when the boys get here I would like to spend some time with them. I signed for lunch and we all walked to the parking lot and Cheryl just shook her head when she saw my Mustang. On the way home I realized I still hadn't thought about Saturday and Winnie. Well it all depended on JJ's availability and we could discuss that as we worked out.

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Next: Chapter 374

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