Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on Aug 27, 2023


I was up way before the alarm and figured it was a result of all the rest I had been getting. I started the computer and while it booted up I put the coffee on. Back at the computer I sent Tim a message asking for a meeting either at 9:30 AM or 2:00 PM. I told him I would need a bit more than an hour. I also asked for the employment contracts for Kyle, Dillon and Jordan. With that I dressed for the run and went outside and found Cole waiting. We met JJ and it was our newer and lounger route. When we finished we stopped Cole asked JJ if he was available for dinner tonight, we are thinking Oakmont. JJ said he had flying lessons at 4 and then again at 5 so Oakmont is out. Then again if you guys wanted to meet at the Tavern at 6:00 I would be all in. Then we could hang out together at MJ's place. Cool said damn that would be awesome, let's do that. I also thought that was a good idea and quickly agreed. JJ went in to get ready for school and Cole and I walked to the house. Cole said he had a call with his agent and then would but school hours in as mom was watching. Then he said MJ, I can't he hung over as I have to practice tomorrow and it will be a long practice. With that we went our separate ways. Inside I turned the coffee on and jumped into the shower. It was black jeans and a grey mock turtleneck. I checked messages and Tim said he would be available at 9:30.

I finished my coffee and filled the travel mug, grabbed a jacket and left for the office driving the Wrangler. It was an easy ride to the office as I took the back way through Hazelwood. I pulled into the parking lot and parked in my spot. I was still uncomfortable about the spot but there was no budging security in the issue. Security was the same and I was in my office by 9:00. I noticed that dad was not in his office and was glad to see that. I turned on the lap top and set it up on the conference table. I immediately went to the financials and was pleased with what I saw. I quickly went into the Grade Book segment and there were a ton of proposals pending. Right on time TIm appeared with a brief case. When he opened it he removed two folders and handed to them to me. I set them aside and said Tim, I need a contract for dad, basically a non compete. Tim laughed and asked , WHY? I told Tim what happened in Florida and what we agreed to when we got back. Tim, dad will get bored and he will do the startup thing. I don't want it to compete with anything we are doing. Mike, can't you trust your dad? Tim, I trust him and he means what he said but thing change and he has done the startup before. That time it was on the fringe but he included me and quickly sold it. It lasted about a year and went belly up. He made a lot of money. Essentially I agreed to a ghost employee with a bonus. That will work and it should keep the peace and this is TRUST but Verify. So Mike does he know about the contract? I shrugged and said, nope. Tim, I'll deal with it. Tim smiled and said well I'm not doing that negotiation. Mike, you will have it Monday.

Tim took a beep breath and asked Mike, what's up with the other three? Tim, I need to know a few things and it could upset all three of them and I don't want to have them upset. Mike, what to you need to know? Well Tim, I need to know the value of the company and if I sold it what the value is. I also want to know how to take the company public. Then if I take it public how I can keep control.Mike, you keep control means you have the stock and can outvote the other shareholders. Tim, I understand a sale but I need a lot of advice on taking it public. Mike again why would you do this? Tim, I doubt that either thing will happen but I want options. I intend to be a college kid and trust me the company goes if it means that won't happen. Tim, I believe that Kyle, Dillon, Jordan and you can run this company and make money. I'm good for PR things and will deal with shit that is unusual. Allen and I will meet and he will get a raise and control of the construction of the buildings. In addition I will set aside an hour or two each week to chat with any of you.

Tim took out a legal pad and a pen and said what do you want changed? Tim if there is any substantial change in the ownership of the company, meaning my ownership, the non compete is null and void and they will receive 2 years salary, even if they stay. I want an employment contract for Allen to deal with him building the buildings. I'll talk with him on Monday and you and him can iron out the details. Tim, I hope that no matter what happens you and I can work together. I won't be in school long and I hope together you and I can continue to make a difference. Hell some day you could be my Chief of Staff. You know I like Central Pennsylvania and I've always wanted to live in Washington. Tim laughed and said well I hear the Pacific Northwest is a great place to live. I simply burst out laughing. Then Tim got serious and said Mike we need to cleanup Enterprises. Also, don't start anything until we work out things with your team here at Technologies. Mike, I'll have your dad's thing done Monday but I need to think about the other contracts. Oh, will you be using Tillinson for the financial things? I said I hope so but that depends on what happens between Winnie and me tomorrow as things have been complicated. Tim looked at me and said Mike she is good for you and think with your head that has ears. I just shook my head and said enjoy your weekend.

Once I was alone I still had time so I went outside and leaned against the railing and watched a tugboat pushing a bunch of barges loaded with coal down the Monongahela River. I finally got cold and at any rate it was time to get to Dr. Adams. It was back towards home as the office on Brownsville Road in Brentwood. I was there 15 minutes early and checked in and got comfortable in the waiting room. Dr. Adam's was a bit late and when she appeared she said Mike, I haven't seen you in a while and I wanted to check my notes. We went into her office and I was asked to have a seat. In the office there was a desk and desk chair and 4 very comfortable club chairs. I just picked one and she sat in one opposite me. She had sat her notes on the desk and asked so what brings you here? Well the Major made me take a week off and made me promise to get an appointment with you. Ok, Mike why was that? Well we were in Orlando watching my brother turned Pro and it was his first event as a Pro and one morning dad picked a fight and I exploded and quietly told him he was an ass and didn't appreciate how hard I work. Mike, what did he say that set you off? He said I was lucky and that I reacted to that.

Doc, it was what he did when he and mom fought and most of the time it was her who started. I meant everything I said, I just shouldn't have taken the bate. Mike, why this time and why there? Well Doc, it's been brewing. I was given the control of the company, in a trust and dad simply vanished. He says he will be there but that might last a week. Now I want to go to college and can't trust him to be there and help. I went on and on about that whole thing and then just sat there. Dr. Adams calmly asked if I felt better? I shrugged and said yes but I need results. It's a shame that dad and I are in this position. Hell I'm down to Trust nd Verify with him. Mike, what's new in your dad's life? Well a third wife and a baby daughter. Mike, your dad has a new life and you, as I recall, have moved to an apartment and are pulling away to move to Virginia. That is always for a father and son to deal with. You need to simply let things play out and thrust that the two of you will figure it out. You will fight but fight fair. Then she smiled and said Mike, you have no idea who you will be or how you will change. Trust me by January you will have changed a lot. I laughed and said Doc, that's bull shit as I've been in a dorm room for months. Well since I moved out to make room for Ashley. I've already changed and what I came to understand is that the only person I can trust all the time is me. I have people I pay very well who I trust and there JJ my best bud. Mike, you have a steady girl? I simply said yes, I think. Then I added rough patch. Mike, you having sex with her? Yes! Ok what about different flavors? Yes, just with JJ. Mike are you bi or gay? Doc, I don't know. JJ is super special and I want kids. Neither of us can be OUT and it's very complicated. We both want kids. Mike, I know in this time that is tough to sort out and I get how tough that is in 1992. You, JJ and the women in your lives need to work it out, whoever that woman is. However, there is a lot of time for that unless you want to get married. I burst out laughing and said, there is no fucking way that is even a thought. Mike, what happens if this girl gets pregnant? Doc, that's why God invented condoms and birth control pills. Mike, with the flavors remember there are things you can get that can't be cured. I smiled and said Doc, thanks. Have a good day and I left.

Back in the Wrangler, I just sat there and shook my head as usually when I leave her office I feel better, this time I had more to think about. This was also the first time she had mentioned HIV and while it isn't curable it was treatable. I drove to my place and tried to sort all this out. The conclusion was that sex with JJ wasn't going away. Winnie wasn't going away and I would find a way to keep her around me until we were in Virginia and sex would happen. Dad remained an issue but would see if there was a workaround to the contract. I remembered how there should never be a total victory.

I just hung around the place and at 4:00 I called Winnie. She answered saying well you finally returning calls? I laughed and said well, I didn't expect you to answer. She didn't say anything so I said Winnie, let's not fight. Hell I'm fighting with dad and was hoping we could have lunch tomorrow and talk through our various issues. Mike, I would like that, can we go to that bar in Greentree? We talked some and I told her I was at the cabin all week and came home last night and had a doctors appointment today. She laughed and asked if I had my phone with me? I said yes but it was turned off. Winnie, we can talk tomorrow, I'll pick you up at 12:30. I need to spend time with Cole tonight, once he leaves on Monday I won't see him until the Masters. We hung up and that went better than I thought.

I but on some classical music and laid on the loveseat. I was just lying there totally relaxed as classical music had that effect when I realized someone was in the room. I opened my eyes and there was dad sitting in the club chair smoking. I just shook my head and asked, what's up? Well Mike, I thought I would stop by and see how you are doing. You feel that I don't visit you here so here I am. Dad, I'm not doing this again an we are not fighting, so why you here? Well Mike you were at the office today and that was unexpected. You had a long meeting with Tim and then left for the day. What was so important? I took a beep breath and said well, I'm exploring options in the event that I want out and I'm trying not to upset people when they find out what I'm doing. I'm reworking the contracts for Kyle, Dillon and Jordan. Those discussions will be early next week. Mike, what options? Well selling my part of the company or going Public. Mike, will I have a say in any of that? Dad, you can by my shares or you can build a team to control the Board if I take the company public.

Dad just looked at me and I looked right back and said and then I was going to ask you to sign a noncompete. I have, however, decided not to do that. I will honor the verbal agreement we made last night but the minute there is a startup or anything similar that conflicts with the goals or business of MJS Technologies I will deal with it in a dramatic and final way. Dad business and family are always a difficult proposition but we now have well over 500 families that we have a responsibility to and by this time next year it will be over 700. Mike, what you going to do, fire me? I looked at him in such a way that no answer was necessary. Mike, aren't you even curious how I found out about your day? I laughed out loud and said nope. Dad you see unlike you I have more important thing to do that build a spy network. Besides, soon enough I'll be in Virginia and you will need a new network. You know there is an easier way and that would be for you to simply ask. I'll never lie to you and never make a commitment that I won't make with you. What we really need is for us to rebuild our relationship and get past this. I don't know why but you dumped this on me and while it was fun the responsibility is weighing on me and stunting my growth, goals and ambitions. What I think is that you worked hard, build a great company and at some point you realized you took it as far as it could go. I took it another step and while I'm not done I'm sick of the responsibility. I'm playing fucking football and getting a couple of degrees and then figuring things out. I just want to know my options and have a plan B. Is there anything else?

Mike, while I understand what you are going through, I love you and I respect you and appreciate everything you have done and will do. Through my life with your mom and Bill you kept me sane and gave me something to work for. I gave you the company in the Trust and you took over and I should have reigned you in. Damn Mike, you did things that I never thought possible. You are right and I will get bored and most likely start something, I promise it will include our company. I know the drones and the grade book things will be huge and that would have never happened with me in charge. Mike, I believe the company is wort between 75 and 85 million and by this time next year it will me 100 million. I'll talk with Kyle and will stay out of his way and let him know I'll be there if and only if he asks. Mike, that's the best I can do. With that we stood up and for the first time in ages we hugged. Dad left and I thought damn, he did it again, I left him off the hook. I took a deep breath and hoped he didn't make me fire him because that was the only option left. I hated that I was painted in this corner with no options. What worried me is that dad would never believe that I would do it. That elephant would always be in the relationship. Dad vs Son, the classic match.

Whit hall that floating in my head I headed for a long hot shower. I was looking forward to dinner and hanging out with Cole and JJ and as I showered I though there might be some fun. I took care to clean all of me just in case there was a lot of fun. While drying off I looked at my self in the mirror and thought I should split more logs as I was looking great. I decided not to shave but trimmed up a little but wasn't sure about that look and decided to give it a few more days. I threw on jeans and a hoodie and no underwear and running shoes with no socks. I turned the music down and laid on the loveseat and waited for Cole. This time I heard the door open and Cole laughed and said MJ, if we are hanging here tonight you will Ned to put some current music on. Then Cole said MJ, it appears you had a chat with your dad and I herd him tell my mom that you threatened to fire him, is that correct. Cole, not exactly but I can see how he might think that. We have a deal and while dad means it now, based on past experience, I need to make sure he doesn't fudge on it down the road. Cole shook his head and said don't blow up too many bridges. Turn that shit off and let's eat, I'm starving. I insisted on thriving and we took the Wrangler. I knew we would have one beer and I didn't want Cole driving as I was better suited to deal with that reputation wise and career wise. Just not taking any chances.

As luck would have it JJ pulled in the parking lot as we did but he was clearly in a mood. I went right to him and asked what was wrong? He shook his head and said MJ, it was that last student. She almost killed us as the landing approach was awful and I yelled my plane and she wouldn't let go of the controls. I shoved the throttle as hard as I could to increase speed and pulled back and she let go and we shot straight up. Once we were stable I told her we're would be flying in circled until she sat on her hands or we ran out of gas. Thankfully she sat on her hands and I landed the plane. Once on the ground I told her there would be no more lessons. She went right inside and bitched to dad. MJ, all he said was if JJ feels that way he had no problem with no more lessons. Inside we all ordered iced teas and naturally beer came. Cole ordered a double cheeseburger with bacon, lettuce, tomato and fries. JJ and I ordered a Ruben and fries and we chatted about this would be the last time we could do this for a while. jJ asked so Cole, how much pressure are you under? JJ it isn't an easy game and on the Tour you need to make the cut to get paid. High finishes are important and it means a lot that I have a sponsor. Then there was that second place finish at the Palmer. I netted 80,000 before taxes and that was for one week. JJ, I won't finish second all that often but I hope to make enough so that the Callaway money gets banked. Right now I really want to win again and get to Scotland. So the goals are a win before the Masters, making the cut at the Masters. JJ, that's the plan and as of now the pressure is more than manageable. The food came and the drinks were refilled with iced tea. The food came and we were all hungry and Cole got up and went over to the owner and the was a somewhat animated discussion and finally the guy took Cole's credit card and we were off to my place.

As soon as we got there Cole put some current tunes on and before I knew it JJ and I were on our second beer and Cole was still nursing his first. JJ went for another beer and Cole declined saying he had an early morning. JJ looked at me and I shrugged and said why not. I was handed a beer and JJ said well before MJ and I have too much to drink let's have some fun. He reached into his pocket and took out three quarters. Cole and I were given one and JJ said odd man gets naked and on all 4's and gets fucked. The other two will flip to see who tops and who gets sucked. Coins were tossed and I shook my head as all three coins were heads. Cole said well I guess JJ gets naked as his game just blew up. JJ smiled and said Pro it doesn't work that way. Coins were again tossed and this time it was two heads and a tail. Cole looked at the results and got up and went into the spare bedroom. He was gone a few minutes and when he came out he was naked and tossed JJ and me a condom and said anything in my ass is wrapped. Cole then flipped a coin and caught it and kept it hidden and said, so who call it? JJ immediately yelled, tails. Cole looked at JJ and said I don't care how you get hard but I'm not helping and if it gets hard cover up and he got on the floor on all 4's. I went over to JJ and kissed him and stroked his cock at the same time and he was instantly hard. I went over in front of Cole, knelt down and said, you better get to work as JJ won't go slow. Cole started sucking my cock and I saw JJ pull Cole's ass cheeks apart and spit on his hole then he worked the spit in and added more spit. I was hoping he would eat Cole's ass but he lined his cock. All wrapped in a condom, grabbed Cole's hips and went straight in balls deep. Cole, grunted and chocked on my cock. JJ pulled all the way out nd dove right in again this time he slowly fuck that tight hole slowly and increased the force of the strokes and was simply pounding Cole's ass. Finally JJ pushed in hard a nd kept it there and filled the condom.

JJ stood up and helped Cole to his feet pulled him into a hug and kissed him. I had turned away but heard this loud slap and when I looked JJ had a fed cheek and was looking shocked. Cole quietly looked at JJ and was inched from his face said, JJ a random fuck because of a game of chance is one thing. Something I actually on occasion but don't connect that to a romantic attachment of any kind. JJ I like you and respect you but a kiss is a step too far, outside the random game of chance or a bet. If that doesn't work we can simply stop the bets but that would be a shame. Now as I have said all night I have an early day tomorrow, practice, a call with the agent and school work. Then he went to the room and dressed. I got a big hug and Cole said MJ, I'll see you Sunday evening and I'll bet we have some fun, just you and me. Then to my surprise he grappled me and it was an awesome kiss. JJ, totally confused just shook his head. I thought the message was very clear, I was special. Then I smiled as apparently Cole and I would have some don Sunday night.

Turning back to JJ as we were alone I said dude, we are brothers and that is special but you are more important in almost every other way. So let's have another beer and see what happens next. JJ smiled and went to the refrigerator and grabbed two beers. We were both still nude and I was more that a bit clubbed up as I didn't cum in Cole's mouth. JJ and I chatted and we made out some and when the beers were finished. I leaned in and whispered in his ear, dude, do you have another load in you, I need to feel you inside me. JJ smiled and said well it might take a while but I would like that. We closed the apartment and went to my room. There I opened my bed stand and took out some lube, JJ immediately kissed and said MJ, you won't need that he he pushed me on my bed. With me on my back he got down on his knees and started to kiss the tip of my cock. Once I was hard he kissed and licked my balls and now I was leaking. Then he moved back to my cock and it was a slow sloppy sucking and every time I got close he would stop and grab my balls. Then he would start again and I was going crazy, I was leaking precum and I was wondering when he let me cum if there would be anything left. I shouldn't have worried as now he got serious and he took my entire shaft in this throat and worked my cock until I shot a massive load in his mouth.

I was immediately flipped over and he pulled my ass Cheka's apart and let my load drip on my hole. Then he grabbed my legs and turned me over, lifted my legs and not so gently rammed his cock up my ass. With his cock still buried in my ass he leaned forward and kissed me. Slowly he started to move his cock and unlike the first thrust it felt awesome and I was moaning and begging him not to stop. He did stop and there was another kiss and then his pace picked up and damn I was ready to cum again. JJ looking at my now rock hard cock smiled and slowed the pace. He managed to hold off and when I started to cum he unloaded in my ass and collapsed on top of me and we kissed as his cock slowly eased out of my ass. We fell asleep in each others arms and it was a great end to the week.

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Next: Chapter 383

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