Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on Oct 27, 2019


I woke up extra early and went for a quick run and then made a big breakfast. I'm starving again. While eating I was thinking about Ray and where our relation was and decided if it wasn't for the bets there would not be one. Other that football we have nothing in common and after being caught nude in the basement and drunk no girl wants any part of him. On the other hand Amy has guys falling all over her, it the times we live in.

At school I turned in the English assignment a few days early. I figured it was done so what the fuck. Lunch was fun again as Jim and I continued to eat with the team. Then in calculus it was announced we had a major test on Friday and I thought shit on game day? Then, it happened I heard, in my head, Michael, your in good shape and the damn school work is more important than football. Damn, my head thinks I'm Michael and that focuses me, damn I'm fucked up more each day.

Practice was a bitch but I spent the entire time on defense and on a few occasions Jim said Mike, just get out of my face we all know none of our people can block you. I said QB1 I'm teaching you to pass under pressure and he said, Mike fuck you. After practice Jim said ok Mr. I got the recruiting under control and fuck the rest of the NCAA schools, great job today, and we both laughed. I saw Ray just sitting there watching us. I figured WTF and went over and asked what you pouting about. He replied everything, I totally fucked up and no one, including you, want anything to do with me. Ray, I don't know about everybody but you and I could be good if you tried harder. He just put his head down and I went to shower as I needed to deal with Carrie..

I got home and Ryan was just leaving and said, Mike dinner is in the refrigerator and I changed you sheets, I hope the new Mikes, keeps them cleaner and we both laughed. I was about to eat as I was starving again but decided to call Carrie. She answered sayin hi babe we studying. I said nope we are just hanging out, talking and nothing overly physical. She said, Michael we will see about that, I'll be right over. I called her right back and she answered, now what? I said babe remember the time we were having sex and you did not like the approach and you said STOP. What did I do? She said you stopped. Correct and now this time I am saying STOP, please don't be mad. She said fine and hung up. I thought wow, this will be a real fight. I opened the refrigerator and there was a giant casserole. Damn this dude needs a raise.

Just as I started to eat the phone rang and it was Carrie. I figured, ok let's just have this out now. I said hi babe what's up? She said Michael, I'm sorry. I stopped her and said babe will you please apologize to Mike, Michael is not here and she laughed. Besides neither of those guys needs an apology, just a reasonable and understanding wife to be. She said Mike I get it but you are the only 17 year old male that would turn down an opportunity to fuck his girlfriend. Carrie that's the issue today it would be just that an obligatory fuck session. I don't want that with you. Please understand I don't want to fight. Well Mike or Michael, whoever you are, I'm not fighting. So what are you doing tonight and I said going out on the patio eat dinner and put my head phone on, hit the play button and figure out what's going on around me. I really need dad, so thanks for understanding and I love you and I hung up.

I grabbed the food out of the microwave found my headphone and went outside. I finished eating and must have fell asleep as I was startled and jumped up when I felt a hand on my back, I turned and it was dad. I threw myself into his arms, gave him a big hug and said, fuck I missed you. He said something told me I should come home. Dad I'm good, just need you around. What smells so good and I said there is plenty in the refrigerator see for yourself. A few minutes later dad came back and said Mike this is good, who made it, I said Ryan. Damn, he was a good find, the house looks great and he cooks. So Mike what you drinking and I said dad iced tea would be great. Dad came back with a scotch and my tea. He sat down, lit a cigarette and flipped the pack to me and I just set it aside. Ok Mike, what's going no drinking, no smoking, no beard and I was surprised not to see Carrie. Dad there is a very simple answer to all that. Earlier in the week I was running and was thinking I'm not happy with who I was becoming, so I changed. Mike, you just changed? It can't be that simple. Dad it isn't but since it was still developing, the things I did not like about my self, it is more easily fixed. Dad said, ok Mike I'll make it easier for you I'll cut back on the drinking and cigarettes as well. Dad, you don't have to do that. With that he got up and heated another helping of the casserole, refilled his drink and lit another cigarette. When I saw all that I got up refilled my iced tea and said thanks dad for all they support and he laughed.

So Mike how is your girlfriend? Dad Carrie is fine, thanks for asking. So what did you do all week? Dad, Jim was here Friday night and the girls were here most of the day Saturday. Jim and I both smoked and drank too much. Ok, Mike what else? Dad Carrie and I had sex a couple of times, get over it. Mike, what about Jim and his girl? Dad I don't know what they did while Carrie and I were in my room. Michael, that's a shit answer and you know it. Understand my house, our house, is not a motel for teen sex. There has been no one else here at all, I have been home alone. If you want to know I told Carrie that I did not want here here tonight, as it turns out, that was a good thing as you came home unexpectedly. So dad there is no stopping Carrie and I. Please trust us to know what we are doing. Dad replied, Mike you are giving yourself and Carrie too much credit, but I'll try to give you some space.

Well, what else happened this week? I told him about the football offers and got a giant hug. Then I told him I was closing the recruiting. So Mike what the ranking? I told him VT, Michigan and PSU. Mike you continue to surprise me, hold on he said I need another drink. He came back and lit another cigarette. I asked dad is your smoking like a chimney to tempt me? He said Mike not everything I do is about you, just tell me why that order, please? I replied, my research indicates that the computer science departments are ranked in that order. Also, I like the VT head coach, I pushed him hard and he pushed back. Oh, I'm having lunch Saturday at the club with some alumni from PSU. I'll try not to lose it and close that door. I really dislike that alumni guy and the Computer Science chairman is an arrogant jerk. So dad you ok with me shutting down the recruiting? Mike, if that how you feel, I'm good. So Mike you sure you are playing football? No, I should have added CMU to the list. Mike, you really want to be that close to home? Dad that's the only box that place does not check,

Ok Mike, how is Ray? Dad, I have no idea. He stopped calling and there is not a chick at school that will even talk to him. I really believe him and I are done. Dad, he doesn't work, he stopped trying, he pouts and I really believe I've grown, matured to a point, and he has done none of that. Dad I feel bad about this but so much has changed and it seems like he is stuck in his sophomore year. Then there is my physical development and growth, shit dad, I know neither of us can control how big we get but he has totally stopped working out. I know it is football season and it's hard but at least I run every morning. Dad thought for a minute and said Mike you can't expect everyone to work like you do, because I'm betting a lot of your classmates thinks you are nuts. I laughed and said dad I am aware and am working on softening my image. Dad, it is great to have you home but there is a gigantic calculus test Friday that I need to study for, I'll be down later. As I was leaving dad said, so Mike don't forget to call Carrie and he laughed.

The first thing I did in my room was call Carrie. She answered and said babe it is a damn good string you did not come over tonight, dad cut his trip short and walked in a few minutes ago. Damn, Mike would he be upset if he caught us? I replied what do you think. We talked for a while and then I said that I had a bunch of work to do and that I would see her in the morning. I spent the next two hours on calculus. Then I called Jim, he answered and I said so how were you meetings, dude you were to call me? Mike, my head is spinning. So Jim talk to me? Well, I still can't believe it, both think that with a little hard work I could play QB at their level. Jim, I replied, no shit but didn't you know that already? Honestly, Mike I did not. Ok, relax, what did Weston say? Mike that I did a good job and that I'm more polite and less complicated than you and we both laughed. He also said I should talk with you. So Jim is that why I had to call you, seriously? Here's the deal burgers and fries after practice, you can pay. He laughed and said so how was Carrie tonight, I said I called it off and it was a good thing as dad got bored and came home. Damn you must have a horseshoe up your ass to be that lucky. Then I said see you at lunch tomorrow.

I went downstairs and found dad in his office looking at papers. So dad what's the real reason you came home early beside you hoping to catch Carrie and I in the act? He laughed and said, Mike you are slipping, I expected that question a couple of hours ago. Dad I'm sorry I gave you too long to craft an answer, how about the truth instead? Damn you are back. Look I simply got bored, hated not knowing what was going on and worried about the business. Dad, that's bullshit. Just get to it, I don't have all night. This buying a property is complicated and not at the best time with the new hires for the contract we just got. So dad is the company bad off or just cash strapped? Mike, neither. I just don't want the hassle. I thought for a minute and said, how about my Trust buy the land and build a new facility to meet the companies' new needs and the Trust leases it to the company. So Mike in essence you will buy the land, build the building and lease it to yourself? Dad, I have no idea what all that means. Besides all that, what's the issue? Michael, enough, just go to bed. I simply sat down grabbed the cigarettes and reached for the lighter. Before I lit I said dad, I'm not moving till you tell me what the fuck is going on, I lit the lighter and dad yelled Michael, stop you don't need that, I missed Adam. We had great times at the cabin and it was awful being there alone. So did you torch the place? No I'm giving it to you to share with what I hope is a good and honest friend. Now please let me be. I handed him the cigarette and said thanks for not making me light this and Dad, I love you. He got up gave me a big hug and said, shit Mike you are taller than me. Dad, I've outgrown my football uniform so I might have a different jersey number Friday.

I saw Jim first thing Thursday at school and he was still excited and I reminded him we had a date after practice. He laughed and then I realized no Carrie, damn wondering where she was. Lunch was with the team and Jim and again I noticed Ray was sitting with a new group of people, damn another puzzle. After practice, Jim said dude I'm hungry and since I am buying you are driving and picking the place. I drove to The Tavern and Jim said really Mike? I said Jim I bet they comp the meal, he replied that's a bet. I just smiled and said loser. I ordered a double burger and fries and iced tea and Jim ordered a Ruben and fries and a Pepsi. We talked about his two meetings and from what he told me he did really well as his parents sat there dazed over. He said for the most part coach just observed and I assured him that he does that but his comments after are worth note. We talked about the girls and were looking for a time for a double date. He asked for the bill and the owner came over and said you two are so good for business, no charge. Jim, looked at me and said fuck and I just smiled. We chatted with the owner for a while, thanked him for the meal and got in my car for the ride home. Jim looked at me and said Mike I hope this task is as much fun as the last time? I replied, Jim same task with a very small twist. Yup, it is the twist that will have me up all night.

There was no one home and there was dinner in the refrigerator and said shit I'll leave Ryan a not not to make anything for dinner tomorrow, then remembered it was game day and dinner with the team. I went upstairs and called Carrie and it went to voice mail. Damn and I was worried. I opened the math book and started reviewing and about an hour later my phone rang and it was Carrie. I answered so babe you ok? She said Mike remember about two weeks ago you had that physical and the talk from the doctor? Well it was my turn, so I blew off the day. In the course of my exam the doctor said so Carrie who you having sex with, I said some spoiled rich kid I'm dating. She asked me about protection and I said the jerk insists on it even though I'm on the pill and her reply he is an unusual teen and I said doc you have no idea. I got the same slow down talk you got and then went home got mom and went shopping. You fucking had me worried all day so share more, please. Yes, Michael. So what did you do today? I said same as always and had dinner at the Tavern with Jim and it was no charge again. Now that now that I'm not worried about you I'm getting ready for the math test tomorrow. I'll see you in school tomorrow and we need to find something to do after the game. Think about it and so will I.

I worked on the math again and finally gave up and went downstairs and found dad once again in his office, working. So dad now what you working on at 10:00 at night. He said you fucking company and we both laughed. Then he said remember I lost three board members when we fired Adam, I said yes and you mumbled something about me needing to do something. Well Mike I have two replacements but not happy with anyone for the third slot. So dad what do I need to do? Well Mike, Tim will call you and this time you need to sign the papers with him appointing these two guys and leaving the third a slot open. No problem dad, as soon as I hear from Tim, consider it done. Do you want to know who they are? I said nope, I trust you and besides on my 18th birthday I'm replacing them and I laughed out loud and so did dad. With that I went upstairs to bed.

It was game day and my typical big breakfast but I simply heated up the dinner Ryan made last night and took a shower and shaved again, looked for the right clothes which were jeans and a Nike tee shirt, I picked up another shirt and put it in the car and drove to school. The math test was a snap and I was finished before everyone else and turned in the test paper. A few minutes later the teacher motioned for me to come up to see him. He said Mike, how did you do this? I said what do you mean. He replied Mike, this was a hard test and you breezed through it in record time and it's perfect. I just shrugged and said, I've been working hard on this. So do you need something more difficult to occupy your time? I said not really but whatever. Mike I know you are busy with football and all but do you have time to meet with me before school some morning, I said no problem, when you free? He replied how about Monday morning, I would like 30 minutes and I said fine.

Routine teem meetings and the usual pizza for dinner with the team. As we were walking to the stadium Ray came up and said Mike, I have a bet if you are still willing? I put my arms around him and said sure, what's the bet that tonight you get an unsportsmanlike penalty. Ray that is a stupid bet, I have never gotten one of those in my live. He said dude that's the bet accept or not? I said I accept. Then Jim and I were killing time and said so Mike what's the new twist with the task? I said same task as last time, the twist is It has to be done at your house. I have never been there and want to see your room. Mike, that's easy enough Sunday morning around 10:00 I'm home alone for the day. Let's go win a football game.

Comments are encouraged as this is my first story.

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