Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on Jan 19, 2020


The fucking alarm woke me at 5:00 I dressed for a cold run and made coffee and started the five miles. When I got home I was surprised to see Bill sitting at the table. He looked at me and said bro, thanks for the coffee. I poured a cup and sat down and started to read the paper. All of a sudden the paper flew out of my hand and Bill said asshole, I did not get up at this ungodly hour to watch you read the fucking paper. I decided to play it cool, took a sip of coffee and mentally counted to 10 then said ok, why did you get up at this ungodly hour? He looked at me and said Mike are you always a miserable son of a bitch or you just like that around me? I said Bill I am a son of a bitch because of our mom and dad, you don't always bring out the best in me, what's up? Mike, things are going much better at rehab and that restart after week one, your idea I'm thinking, really focused me. I could get out in two weeks would it be ok if I moved back here for a while. I said Bill, that's fine as long as you continue to respect what Carrie and I do here when the rents are not around. Then I added, Bill you better check with dad and his new wife, I have no idea where her head is. He laughed and said I get that you don't like her but I'll ask dad. Bill be careful, this could easily be a repeat performance. I'm betting right now she is playing me and you against each other. You should be aware that this time I'm not letting it happen.

I picked up the paper and started to read about the basketball team and their first round win in the Christmas tournament. Bill said Mike please put the paper down. When I did, he got up gave me a big hug and said thanks for being Mike, I need that sexy ass around. I said Bill my sexy ass is off limits but I'm glad to help when you deserve it. I hope that was not BS about how well you are doing. Just then Ryan flew in and I said dude, what's up? He said Mike, I did not realize you and Bill were here, I'm behind in the work around here so I thought I would get an early start. Besides I was awake as Jason just left. I said a new bf or a simple fuck? Mike, I don't know, but I saw him paying attention to Bill. I told him Bill would most likely be moving back in a couple of weeks and that his workload would increase around here. He said cool and went upstairs. He had sheets from all three rooms and said so Michael, I see Carrie was already here last night, as you dad is away. I said Ryan, thanks for doing the sheets but you are not my babysitter and please make sure the bed has sheets as she will be here later and Jim might need the guest room. He said unbelievable and went to the basement.

I went upstairs showered, shaved and dressed in total punk jock and went downstairs and said Bill you ready. He took one look at me and burst out laughing. Then he said Mike, what's with that outfit? I said Bill, I'm taking you to rehab, picking Carrie up and going shopping for new bedroom furniture, then Carrie and I am going to lunch, we are coming here and I am going to have very physical sex with her. Then Jim and Ashley are coming over and we are ordering in and then we are spending the evening here and I know what Carrie and I are doing as for Jim and Ashley that is up to them. Then we are taking the girls home and Jim is spending the night. As for the outfit it is get me a better price on the furniture as the poor salesman will think I am a punk taking up his time and when I bitch to the manager I'll get a better deal. So let's get you where you need to be, you want to drive?

As he drove to the Rehab center we talked about him coming home and Sally and how or if we had to deal with her. Once at the center we got out of the car hugged and I drove home. It was an easy drive home with no traffic, so I made more coffee and toasted a bagel and saw Ryan and said dude, please sit down. He got some coffee and said so what's up boss? I glared at him and said look bean counter cut the crap. He laughed and said so this is a non business chat? I said yes, that's correct. First of all I'm sorry about the earlier conversation. Second, I will be leaving early on the 26th for 3 days of skiing with Jim at Seven Springs and you are invited for an overnight with or without a date let me know. Finally, I have asked Tim for a total review of the Trust. He said Mike, I know and Tim and I have it under control. That's great to hear I'm hoping I have not broke the bank. Ryan smiled and said well there was a cash drain but the company and the investments held in the Trust are doing well. The rest is for a longer session. Mike I don't have to think about the ski thing, I would love to come up and stay the night of the 26th. Oh, and yes I'm bringing Jason. I said Ryan that cool and there are separate rooms. Then he said Mike, just so you know this is just a vacation fling for me with a kid from High School, I laughed and said I really don't give a fuck and I'm not planning on being an angle either. So no tails out of school. Then he said Mike, just so you know, I will talk with both Bill and your dad and most likely offer Bill the extra room in the apartment. I said Ryan, do what you want but make him pay some of the rent, nothing easy.

I went upstairs and called. Carrie and we talked for awhile then I asked if she was ready to go shopping. I told her how I was dressed and she laughed and said whatever. Since Ryan was in a cleaning mode I left the kitchen as it was, started for Carrie's, stopped for gas and considered a pack of cigarettes and decided to pass. When I got to Carrie's Sam opened the door and burst out laughing at what I was wearing. I rubbed his head and said so dude you still a virgin? He turned bright red and looked at the floor and said yes. I gave him a hug and said good job and Carrie came down and I laughed. Sam said wasn't Halloween a couple of months ago. We got in the car and drove to a large furniture store. We walked in started to look around and not a salesperson approached us.

We were looking at the drawing and I found a bed and night stand I liked and that fit my sketch and still no salesperson. I thought well let the games begin. I went up to the customer service desk and asked if they could manage to materialize a salesperson? There was a curt reply and we waited and to my amazement a young guy came up to me and said, so Mike can I help you? I just looked and he said well I recognized you from the club last night, I work there part time and here part time. What can I help you with? I showed him the bed and night stand I wanted, then said that we would need a box spring and a mattress. He took notes and then I asked if they had any decent quality desks and he said, not for you needs but referred me to a contract furniture place down the road. He came back with the price and I thanked him for his time and said that based on this quote I need to shop more. Then he said oh,Mike I'm sorry I forgot the discount? I looked at him and said MANAGER NOW! Carrie said Mike, why bother let's just go somewhere else. I said babe that's a great idea and we started for the door. Just then a manager came up and asked, is there a problem here? I said not al all we were just leaving after being insulted by the quote we just received, Carrie added have a great day. He grabbed the quote and looked at it and said Mr. Simmons, I can take 25% off this price. Carrie said Mike let's go. Outside the door she said shit Mike, that was fun.

We elected to go the Contract Furniture dealership and I introduced myself and asked for a salesperson. I added the youngest salesperson you have. A few minutes passed and a guy looking to be in his early 30's came up and introduced himself as Bruce Lang and said Mike what can I help you with? I showed him the sketch and said something contemporary about this size. He said I'll be right back and indeed he was with a couple of binders turned over a few pages and said Mike, like this? I said that's close but less wood. A few more pages were turned and I stopped him and said that would work. It had no drawers and an aluminum base with a glass top. Then he said that the top could be modified in size and that he could do that locally and that the standard size, modified to my needs could be delivered in two weeks. I told him this was a residence and on the second floor and he said he would note all that for the installers. Then I must have sat in about 25 chairs before deciding on a very contemporary chair with no upholstery. He said he would have both items delivered at the same time and I said that's great how about a cabinet this size for files and papers. He brought back a few more catalogues and suggested a metal one. I said I did not like the paint and he said well Mike, how about an unfinished one? He said it would be smooth and silver in color. I looked at him and said dude what's up?

He laughed and said well Mike, you are the smart assed dude building a building on second avenue and some how a union friend of mine met with me to discuss furniture and built-ins for part of the 4th floor. I saw Your name somewhere on the documents. While your outfit amused me I wondered how long it would take you to figure out that I was pushing glass, aluminum and steel for a reason. I laughed out load and said Bruce, not that many people play those games that well. How much is this shit I am about to buy. He said well Mike, that depends? I said on what? A preferred opportunity to supply furniture to your suit and your tenants? I said Bruce, no promises but we can meet right after the first of the year? I said do you know who the other tenants are? He said Mike it is some company MJS Technologies with a big NASA deal and I believe you are chairman of the board? Oh, Mike we are the only union contract furniture dealership in the area and we represent the two largest manufacturers in the country. Bruce, here is the deal, I will give you the preferred opportunity and you impress the shit out of me but I need to play your manufacturers off each other and will get another dealership to quote on things. You good with that? He said absolutely. Ok Bruce how much for my small order? He replied, I'll add it to your order for the rest of MJS Enterprises but there will be a $150 delivery charge for the union delivery people and we shook hands and Carrie and I got in the car and I said babe lunch? She said absolutely you and your reputation are wearing me out.

Lunch was a salad and iced tea for both of us and we chatted and I finally said ok babe, let's finish the shopping. We went into a different furniture store and I went right to the customer service desk and said could I please see the manager. The woman said may I ask why and I said no, just get me a manager. This older guy came over and I introduced my self and Carrie and said please track down you best no nonsense salesperson I need to get some bedroom furniture and I'm tired of the games. He shook his head and Carrie said Mike, let's just go? Just then a young woman came up introduced herself and said what can I do for you two, looking right at Carrie. Carrie replied, we need furniture for my boyfriends bedroom, Mike where are the drawings. I showed her the drawings and pictures of the desk and chair. Then I said Carrie get started, I need to find the men's room.

I just wandered slowly to the men's room, took a much needed piss, that damn iced tea and then wandered around the store. I eventually found Carrie and she seemed pleased that I was back and they had three ideas for the bed, night stand and two small lounge chairs. I looked carefully at all the options and asked the saleswoman for a minute. Then I said Carrie, please pick something that you like, having sex with you in any of those would be awesome and besides that's the first big boy bed for our son. As for the chairs something small comfortable and as for the upholstery pick a leather that goes with the office shit. Nothing shiny and a dark grey always works. Then I said I'm inviting Jim and Ashley over tonight and the sooner you get this done the sooner we can be naked in bed together. Oh, I don't care how much as the other furniture is basically free and dad is paying for this, but get a good price. I love you but I want to call Jim. She looked at me and said Michael you are out of you fucking mind, but damn you are sexy.

I went outside and called Jim, when he answered I said wingman what you doing tonight? He said going to a movie with Ashley. I said damn, have fun, I was going to invite you over to my place for dinner and fucking around. Fuck, Mike that would be outstanding. Then I added that after we take the girls home you can spend the night. Damn, let me call here and see if the plans are changeable, just the 4 of us, correct? I said dude you wanted a place, call me back

Then I called Tim and told him about the furniture dealership and Bruce Lang. I asked if he could find the second biggest dealership and we can play them off against each other. He said Mike, that's fine but we are both done working for the holidays. I asked about the Trust meeting and he said Mike, when you get back from the ski trip there will be a very detailed report on you kitchen table. I converted it to higher math so you could understand it. Please enjoy the holidays and leave Brian and I to enjoy our holidays. Happy New Year.

Back inside, Carrie was all smiles and she had pictures, finish and leather samples and said Michael, your credit card please. I pulled out my wallet and handed her the credit card and she looked at it and said Michael, what the fuck is this. The saleswoman got up and left and I said Merry Christmas, I added you to my account, there is a limit on your card, so you will most likely need my card. I gave her my card and she said Mike, what's the limit and I said not here, please. She got up found the saleswoman, gave her my card and while we were waiting for the order to process, she kissed me and said Mike, that was fun, you ok with this? I said yup and get used to it that's how we are buying all our furniture. I was handed the bill, signed it shoved it in my pocket and said two weeks, correct and the salesperson said, yup. Merry Christmas.

In the car she said ok Mike, what's the card limit and I said $500 a month and no it does not accumulate. That's the smallest, I could manage. Just give me a heads up if you get near $500 please. So babe, how much of dad's money did you spend? She said Mike, $2000 including taxes and delivery and those fucking leather chairs cost a fortune. I laughed and said Carrie

Let's go home.

We went to the game room and I said babe, what you drinking? She said beer, so I got two beers and found a back of cigarettes threw them and a lighter on the table sat down put my arm around and rested my head on her chest. We sat that for a while and she reached for the cigarettes and I just looked and she lit one and said, I just needed to see why you like there's so much. She took a drag and I was waiting for the coughing but she exhaled and took another drag. I said babe so that's not your first cigarette, is it? No Michael it is not. I just don't do it often at all. Then she said Mike, what's the one thing you do that I don't know about? I thought shit, now what? She knows about everything but the kinky sex sex I have with guys. I said babe, I like kinky sex and toys in my ass. She said so Mike why are we sitting here and not upstairs exploring your kinky side? Just then my phone rang and it was Jim saying that they would be over around 6:30 and he could spend the night. I said great, hung up lit a cigarette and said babe let's go, that was Jim and I was waiting for his call and did not want interrupted. Him and Ashley are coming over and they are fucking for the first time.

Upstairs I sat on the bed and said ok what's kinky for you? Mike, nothing we do together will be kinky anything different and we like is fine just nothing permanent and real painful. I said babe, that sounds awesome. I would like to have sex with both of us wearing blindfolds. I got up and said babe get comfortable and I went to the closet and rummaged around till I found two old ties and when I looked she was naked laying on her side and she smiled and said you still want blindfolded? I stood there and slowly stripped, putting on a little show and said well what about you? I sat on the bed and we kissed and I tied a tie around her forehead and did the same to me. I said at the same time we need to pull the ties over each others eyes. We did and were kissing and making out hands were all over each other and I decided to see where I could go and I turned her on he stomach pulled he up on her knees and found her ass and started eating her hole and she screamed Mike, that's gross but don't stop that's an awesome feeling. While doing that I started to massage her pussy and she was moaning and begging me not to stop. Once her hole was all wet I gently pushed a finger up her ass and she flinched and I was working her ass with my finger. I said babe relax and just say stop. I pulled my finger out turned her over and while kissing her found the night stand opened the drawer and felt around for some lube. Flipped her back over and started licking her hole again, opened the lube and but a big glob on her hole and shoved a finger back in, then a second and there were no complaint so a third one went in and I was finger fucking her and she seemed to enjoy it. I whispered in her ear and said babe you know what the next step is? She said Mike, just go easy and I put more lube on her hole and positioned my cock at the hole and slowly started to push and she said damn Mike go slow and I pushed again and she said jut shove it it and get it over with and I did and she screamed. I pulled out and she said Mike just don't stop. I went back in and started to gently fuck her ass and she was relaxing and damn she was tight and I shot a load in her ass. We collapsed on the bed and she got up went downstairs and threw a bag at me. I opened the bag and shit there was a dildo that was giant in the bag. She smiled and said your turn big boy?

I got up bent over my desk and said what's taking so long? She got on her knees and started eating my ass and I already knew that it was awesome but she went at it in a more intense manner then I felt her tongue enter my hole and I was in heaven. Then I felt a glob of lube and she said hold on and she shoved that dildo right up my ass and I screamed. Then she pulled it out and drove it home time and time again and finally after several times started to fuck my ass with it. She said Mike, I'll stop when either this thing wears out or you shoot a load on that desk and within minutes there was a massive load on my desk. She pushed me away scooped it up with her tongue and pulled me into a kiss sharing my cum. She pulled away and smiled saying Michael we need to get me a strap on. I thought holy shit that's a box I thought I would never see open. I slapped her ass and pulled her to the bed and we laid there just holding each other and she started to play with my nipples and she said mike, make love to me and fill the last hole with that special juice. We made love and it was romantic and I thought damn, I need her any way she wants it and I'm thinking that was only the beginning. We laid there for a while and I looked at a clock and said babe, let's get dressed. She said Mike, how about a shower? I said two quick ones and she said Michael, one slightly longer one. I smiled and said as you wish.

Comments are encouraged as this is my first story.

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Next: Chapter 79

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