It Wasnt My Fault Series

By Brian

Published on Jun 26, 2014


It Wasn't My Fault

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 7

No way was I going to leave all my friends and my new Mom and Dad. I had a Statement from her when she got arrested. She said in it she never wanted to see or have anything to do with me ever again. She even said she had wished she had just aborted me when she became pregnant. I didn't know what that meant until I got into Junior High. That just finished anything I had ever felt for her.

I sat brooding on the couch for a while then went out and sat on the front porch. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I'd run away if she got to take me. I was so engrossed in my own thoughts I didn't even see Allan walk up.

"Hey my man. What's up?"

Seeing Allan and hearing him speak just did it for me. I started to cry.

"Oh gee Matt. What's wrong?" He sat beside me and put his arm over my shoulder.

I just leaned into him and started to bawl my head off. He just held me as I cried. When I got down to sniffles I blurted out what the problem was.

"Oh Man. That sucks big time. Why would she want you back after all this time? Must be something big."

"I don't know, but I ain't going with her no matter what the courts say."

"Well you are sixteen so in the eyes of the law you are an adult. I don't think they can force you. You should get your self a lawyer and let them handle it. My Mom works for a Lawyer firm so maybe we should talk to her. I'll bet they would help."

"What do I do to pay them? I got no money."

I hadn't heard Jim come out, but I guess he heard my last.

"Matthew, I'm way ahead of you. When we got the letter on Friday, I talked with Anna and she recommended we talk to the firm Allan's Mom works at. They have agreed to represent you pro bono. That means for free Son."

"Now I suggest you talk to Gary and Steven. Anna said she wouldn't say anything until you have talked to them. You could skate down and talk to them now if you want Son."

"Can you come with me Allan?"

"Sure bud. Grab your board I'll meet you in front of my place."

I met Allan at his place and we skated slowly to Steven and Gary's place. Looking at Allan I sure wished he could fuck me. He had a perfect cock for sucking and just knew it would feel great in my butt. He said he was just a bottom.

"I sure wish you were more than a bottom Allan. I had a great time those two nights."

"Matt, I kind of lied coz I knew you were in love with Gary and Steven. I didn't want to step on any toes. I guess I been dreaming of screwing you for a long time. I just didn't want to ruin anything with Steven and Gary."

"Oh fuck Allan. Both Gary and Steven wished you were more than a bottom. They hoped you'd fuck them too."

By the time I got to Gary's place I was a wreck. As soon as I saw Anna, Steven and Gary, I started to cry. Anna grabbed me and held me as I cried.

She guided me inside and onto the couch.

"Sit down boys. I don't think Matt is in any condition to tell you so I need to explain a few things."

She told them everything.

There's no way that fucking bitch is going to take Matt." Gary almost screamed.

"Gary Thompson. You watch your mouth in my house."

"I'm sorry Mom, but that's what she is. There's no way I'll just let her take Matt with her."

She then went on to say what steps had already been taken on my behalf. About the Lawyers and everything else. She said she had already hired a detective to investigate my real Mom. She also said that she and Jim and Elsie were going to fight this all the way to the State court if necessary.

She then went out and came back with four beers.

"I'm sure a couple of these won't hurt you and might calm your nerves Matt." Well Gary had been sneaking out a few beers for us before.

"Besides, I know Gary has been sneaking beers for you boys before." She said smiling.

"I'm sorry Mom." Gary said sheepishly.

"Don't be Son. If I had been mad about it I would let you know before now. Just don't make it a habit."

Allan called his Mom and told her he was going to be home late. I called my Dad and told him the same thing. He said I might as well stay over if I wanted.

"Well I could stay over. My Dad said I could, but I got no clean clothes for school.

That got a big laugh from Anna.

"What did I say that was so funny?"

"Matthew, you spend so much time here I think half the clothes in Gary's closet are yours. At least I know some of them are. I washed them."

"Oh Yeah, I guess."

We talked about Anna's up coming wedding. It was a change from my problem. Anna and Henry were getting married the next weekend and the reception would be here at the house if the weather was good or at the Base Officers mess if it rained. About nine pm we all headed up to Gary's room.

Allan never made it home that night. When he fucked me I was seeing stars, just like when Steven and Gary did me. I guess I was in love with three boys now. I was sure that was how Allan thought and Gary and Steven treated him like they did me. Allan and I were so much alike in many ways. Now we could love each other just like I loved Gary and Steven.

We showered two at a time in the morning. Steven and Gary and me and Allan. I even sucked off Allan in the shower with both Gary and Steven watching.

"Relax Allan; if you weren't here it would have one of us or both. For Matt that's a normal start to the day." He giggled.

I got clean clothes from Gary's closet. Steven went home to change. Allan fit some of Gary's clothes so he got dressed in clean clothes too.

Gary flung all our dirty clothes in the hamper.

"They'll be here for next time Allan." Gary chuckled.

Anna never commented when Allan came down with us for breakfast.

As soon as Steven arrived we all skated to school.

We didn't hear much about what was going on all week. We were mostly getting ready for the wedding. Us four boys were going to be ushers, so Anna took us to get special suits to wear. They were almost like the dress blue uniforms that The Army wore. They looked real good. We all hated the tight collar of the white shirt and bow tie.

The forecast was for sunny and warm so the reception would be in the huge back yard at Anna's place. They even took out the fence between Anna's and the next door neighbor so they had lots of room. The Caterers arrived at 6 in the morning to start setting up.

The wedding was at 11 am and the reception at 2 pm. It was originally going to be at the Base Chapel until it was decided there were too many guests. They held the wedding at the Cathedral in town. Pictures after would be at Battery Park.

Man I never saw so many men in uniform before. All had lots of stuff on the their jackets and looked real good. Henry had invited all his officers and some of the senior NCO's. They all looked good. After they were married the Officers formed two lines with swords out and Anna and Henry walked under them.

Limos took us to Battery Park for the pictures. We spent almost two hours at the park. When we got to the house, the street was lined in both directions with civilian and military vehicles. The biggest surprise was the M-1 tank that was parked in Anna's driveway. I thought I was a midget along side Gary, Steven and Allan, but along side the tank I thought I was more a mouse next to an elephant it was so huge.

The Reception was really great. I learned to dance at the reception, at least enough to dance with Anna. Henry had 10 days predeployment leave and they took off about 9 pm to catch a flight to the Bahamas for there Honeymoon.

Soon after Anna and Henry left, the reception started to shut down. By midnight you would not have known there was a reception. Everything was cleaned up and both yards were empty. It sure didn't take us four long to get out of the suits we had on and with the house to ourselves, we were just in briefs or boxer briefs real quick.

I was like a kid in a candy store. I had the three boys I loved almost more than life itself and I wasted no time in getting Gary's cock going down my throat. Steven started to fuck me as I sucked Gary. Allan was left out until I said for Gary to sit on my face so Allan could suck me while Steven fucked me. With the three going at me it didn't take long for me to cumm in Allan's mouth. That got Steven off in my butt. Gary almost chocked me when he came in my throat. Then we changed. I got screwed by all three and sucked off all three too. I wanted to drain all the stuff from my butt, but they took turns rimming me. That got me off again and I settled for licking the floor clean. I could have gone all night if my body would have let me. We ended up just cuddling together in bed.

After a late breakfast we headed to Rail Road Skate Park. We skated for a couple of hours before heading for the bridge. I sucked lots of guys off but wouldn't let anyone but Gary, Steven or Allan fuck me. Those three were the only ones I wanted in my butt.

After getting back to Gary's place and crapping out the stuff in my butt, we all showered. I sucked Gary and Steven off before Allan and I headed home. I promised Allan he could over later and I'd do him too.

We were right in front of my door. He pulled me into a real tight hug. I kissed him on the lips.

"You don't need to do anything for me Babe. I love you Matt, just like Gary and Steven."

"I love you too Allan."

I think Jim both saw and heard us but he never said a word when I came in except, he hoped I had a good weekend.

Another week and still no word on what was going on. We all stayed at Gary's house on the weekend. The weather was too cold for skating so we just worked mostly on Gary's railroad. We also worked on each other. I would never ever get enough of my three giants. God I loved them so much it hurt sometimes inside.

Jim called on Sunday and told me I had an appointment with the lawyers for Monday Morning. When Gary, Steven and Allan found out, they said they were coming with me. Jim never commented. I was glad I would have my three along for support. The weather was back to long pants, with cold winds and lots of rain. We all stayed at Gary's Sunday night. That was cool coz I got three cocks in my butt and emptied my butt into a glass. Tasted real good my three mixed together.

They still thought it was pretty kinky for me to do that, but I didn't care.

We all dressed nice to see the Lawyer. Jim picked us up and took us to the office. Except for asking if my three were my body guards, the Lawyer never worried about them being in the room with us.

I learned a lot of stuff I never even dreamed of.

"First off Mathew, Benjamin Williams or as you knew him Big Ben was murdered in the Federal Prison in Kansas 3 months ago."

He had been convicted of Drug Trafficking laws plus several minor offences. He was also convicted of Child Sexual abuse because of what he did to you Mathew."

"Now in prison, other inmates don't like people who abuse children and he knew it. We have been informed that while he was in solitary confinement he wrote out a will. We don't as yet have a copy of that will and believe your birth Mother has it."

He also wrote a letter of apology to you specifically. We do have a copy of that and he says he was really sorry he put you through that hell and for all he made you do. He also says to make it up you never need work ever."

"Well how?" I asked.

"Mathew our investigations have brought to light a lot of things no one knew about Benjamin Williams.

"First off, he was the youngest of four sons' of Benjamin Williams Senior. Williams Textiles was and still is one of the largest textile manufacturers in Georgia. One of the things Williams Senior specified was that all his boys pay their own way through college. We think this was where young Benjamin first started to deal drugs."

"When the Senior Williams died he left the mill and manufacturing plants to his four sons. Benjamin Junior was not interested in working in his fathers business so the other sons bought Benjamin out to the tune of 750 thousand dollars."

"If he had that much money, why was he dealing drugs?"

"We don't know."

What we do know is that he invested over 500 grand in legitimate stocks and bonds. Because they were not classified as proceeds from crime they were not confiscated by the State on his arrest. We know that, that investment is worth well over a million dollars now and think your birth mother is after it."

So that was why she wants me back.

"WE believe that will leaves all Benjamin's stocks and bonds to you Mathew."

"Oh Wow!"

"Now there are several things that we believe your birth mother doesn't know. First off, Benjamin listed her as his next of kin. When he died, the prison officials contacted her. She signed for all of Benjamin's property, including a will as listed on the prison papers. She claimed to be the common Law husband of Ben."

"Common law is legal in Kansas, but is not recognized in the courts here in Georgia. She has to have you as part of the family to access any of that money if that will specifies it is all yours. You are sixteen so the courts can't force you to live with her, but they can designate her as your legal Mother which will give her access to the estate of Benjamin Williams until you are eighteen."

"By that time she would have put it all in her name." I said.

"Exactly our thoughts too Mathew or spent a large portion of it."

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"Simple really, we have to convince the courts that your birth mother relinquished all claim to you at the time of her arrest. It doesn't matter that she went into rehab and has more or less cleaned herself up, she still has to prove that she can take care of you in the Standards of the Child Welfare act of Georgia."

"At present your mother is working as a cocktail waitress in a bar. Hardly an occupation that will put her in good standing before the courts."

"WE know she has the Will. We plan on subpoenaing it. If she doesn't turn it over we will have her charged with contempt of court. That will guarantee she won't win in court."

"She wrote out a Statement when she got arrested with Big Ben." I said.

"Do you have a copy of that Statement Mathew?"

"Yes Sir. The lady from child welfare said I should keep it until I was eighteen."

"Do you have it with you?"

I pulled out the old yellowed envelope and handed it to the Attorney. He took it out and then walked to a copy machine. He made several copies, put the original back in the envelope and handed it back to me. Then sat down to read it. His eyes got real big.

"Mathew, with this I don't think the Courts could ever side with her, especially now that the Public Defender she used then is now the Assistant Attorney General of Georgia. His testimony alone will sink her plans."

"Mr. Weatherman, I understand you have applied to adopt Mathew. That decision by the courts will not happen until after this case is over."

"Okay that I pretty much suspected." Jim said.

"Now Mathew, your birth Mother may try to contact you personally or try to see you. Under no circumstances are you to meet with her or talk to her. With these three at your back you should have no problems. If she does show up, you are to contact me or someone here in my office immediately."

"Yes Sir. I don't want to ever see her again."

"Well you will have to face her in court."

"Now she has requested an early court date, but we have held it off until mid March. Actually it on Friday the seventeenth of March here in the City at the Family Court. WE will inform you of any other developments."

"That's all I have for now Mathew. I will be talking to you again before that court date."

WE left and Jim took us all to Rueben's Steak house for lunch.

"Boy are you going to rich Matt." Steven giggled. "Yeah I guess. I just didn't think Ben could do such a thing. I wonder why he kept dealing with all that money."

"Well I think it became more a habit for him. I read another report the Lawyer didn't show you Matt. Benjamin wasn't even a user. He also had several other girls living in that tenement he owned that were hooked on drugs and were prostitutes like your Mom. Considering how many women he had I am surprised he abused you Son."

"I think that was my Mom's fault. I had to service her customers before Ben came along. One of them even raped me and I had several that used me even after Ben moved in with her."

I was surprised I wasn't even crying when I thought about all the things my real Mom made me do. Guess I really was getting over her.

Jim dropped us at Gary's place. Anna was back and we talked to her about what the Lawyer said. I told Jim I'd be home for supper. We went up to Gary's room and just cuddled for a while. No sex, I just wasn't interested.

Allan and I skated home about 4:30. Allan gave me a kiss before I headed inside. I hugged my New Mom and Dad before heading up for a quick shower.

As usual when I showered and started to wash my dick I got hard and needed to jack off. Man did I blow a big load. As I dried myself, I stopped and just stood still in the bedroom.

I realized that I had not been thinking about my three lovers, but Big Ben when I jacked off. Why Big Ben? God he had made me suck him off at least three times a day, sometimes with customers of my Mom waiting. He even charged a guy a thousand dollars to fuck me and I'm sure charged all the guys that fucked me after that. He never seemed to care about me except for something to get him off or satisfy customers. I had hated him and was scared of him too. So why did I think about him when I jacked the shower?

It kind of scared me that I could do that.

I never said anything to my Mom and Dad or even Sam and Jer. I just had to tell someone but didn't know who.

I went out on the back porch to think alone.

Memories of what happened to me were still vivid in my mind. I guess getting raped as young as I was would be with me forever. When I thought about it, it wasn't Big Ben that made me queer. In fact you can't make a guy queer; it's something you are born with. It was my Mom that opened Pandora's Box. She was the one that started me sucking her customers and it was her who had that white guy rape me.

Big Ben for all his faults wasn't that bad to me. He never hit me once. Sure I sucked him off lots, but by then I didn't mind sucking dicks. I wasn't a virgin when he started getting paid coz guys fucked me. I was really nothing more than one of his prostitutes. He didn't get me hooked on drugs like he did my Mom and his other girls. He made sure I had lots of food to eat besides his and other cocks. He also made sure I went to school, not that I learned much.

I didn't hate big Ben although I was scared of him. Especially when he said someday he was going to fuck me. He had a real big cock and that scared me more than anything.

Now if he had left me all his money, he must have liked me. Maybe even loved me. I just couldn't believe that part.

I slept alone for the first time in ages.

Well the days dragged and with out my three giants, I might have gone crazy. Try as I could I just couldn't get better marks than a B or B-. I just couldn't remember when it came time for tests. That wasn't my Fault.

The first week of March we all went back to the Lawyers office.

"Mathew, your birth Mother has applied to the court to have you take a competency test. She claims you are mentally deficient and can't be trusted with any inheritance. We have agreed, but she must submit to a drug and alcohol test in court on the day of our choosing."

"The test is a straight forward knowledge test. You should have no problem, except for what your mother did to you prior to your birth. Before you have to take the test we will question on why she thinks you are mentally unfit to handle your own affairs."

"Now we believe she is either really stupid in thinking she can convince the court of your mental deficiency or something else. If she refuses the drug and alcohol test we will pull into the court our investigator. He can testify under oath she is not only gone back to being a prostitute, but also using coke and crack. She is living above the bar she works at. Not a great place to bring up a boy."

"If by chance she does win in court, we will freeze the Inheritance until we can appeal."

"That's pretty much it Matthew."

"I guess I got to trust you guys."

"WE are confident we will win."

WE went for pizza after the lawyers.

"Matthew, if you do win, have you thought about what you will do?" "Well Dad, I know I'm not smart enough to go to college, but Gary, Steven and Allan all are, so part of it will go to pay for their college. Maybe I'll buy a house close to the college so we can be together. No matter what I'm not going to be far from them."

I knew all three would protest, but for me it was written in stone. I didn't tell Jim some of the other things I was going to do coz he would just protest too. But we had to wait and see.

When Gary, Steven and Allan were out of school for the day we met in my room. I told them everything the lawyer had said. All three said they would be court too.

Well the days seemed to just fly by after that last meeting with the Lawyers. March 17th came real quick. I shook so much as I dressed, Sam and Jer had to help me. They were off school too for the case.

We all, including Allan piled into Jim's minivan. Gary and Steven were riding with Anna. WE all got to the court house the same time. I had an iron grip on Allan as we walked into the court house.

As we were waiting my real Mom walked in with her lawyer and another man.

"Hello Matthew." She said.

I just turned away from her.

"You might as well get used to it Matthew. You will be back with me weather you like it or not."

I just stood and stewed.

The court clerk opened the court and we all took our places.

On one side was me, my lawyer, Jim and Elsie and my three boyfriends.

On her side was just Her, her lawyer and the other guy.

We all stood as the judge walked in. He was a real old guy, with a scowl on his face. He didn't look very happy. Did that mean I was in trouble?

After the clerk read the particulars of the case before him. He looked first at my Mom and her Lawyer and then at Me and my Lawyer.

"The plaintive may proceed."

"Your Honor, it is our intention to prove that the Child Welfare of the State of Georgia was wrong in forcibly removing Matthew from his mothers care, but also that they allowed him to be abused while in their care. We will also prove that Matthew is mentally deficient and not capable of handling his own affairs. Lastly we will prove that the three boys that accompanied him are responsible for his continuing abuse."

I bristled at that last and was about to rebuke him, but my lawyer just held me down.

"Let him did their own grave Matthew." He whispered.

I just sat fuming.

"You may proceed."

Boy the lies my Mom must have told that lawyer were unbelievable. He just went on and on about Big Ben and how my Mom was not to blame for anything. I almost laughed.

"Your Honor, we would like this court to order a competency test for Matthew. That will prove he is incapable of handling his own affairs."

"Objections from the Defense." The judge asked.

"WE will wait and give our objections when my learned college is done your honor."

That got a small smile from the Judge.

Her lawyer then went on to accuse the Child Welfare system of allowing me to be sexually abused turning me into a homo sexual. Also how my three boyfriends had taken advantage of me and kept on abusing while I was in the care of Jim and Elsie. I managed to stand before my lawyer pulled me back down into my seat.

Boy was I pissed.

"You are going to have to prove your allegations." The judge said. Again that small smile.

"I call Anthony Hopkins to the Stand." The lawyer said.

The man that had come in with my Mom took the stand. After he was sworn in the clerk asked.

"State your full name and occupation."

"Anthony Hopkins, Licensed Private Investigator in the State of Georgia."

Well he painted a pretty lurid story of how the welfare system had allowed me to be abused in group homes and foster care. It was all just conjecture my lawyer said. He also had pictures of me hugging Gary, Steven and Allan, but didn't have any of us screwing or sucking. He noted in his testimony that I spent a lot time alone with the three boys at either of their houses, sometimes all night. Lastly he said there was no court ordered removal of Me from my Mom's care or any record of her giving me up. "Got him I thought.

MY mom's lawyer sat down.

"Do you have any questions of this witness Sir?" The judge asked.

"I have no questions for this witness at this time your Honor. However I reserve the right to recall him later."

"Very well you may step down. Do you have any other witnesses?"

"No your Honor, however we still want Matthew to take the test."

"Your Honor, we have no objection to Matthew taking a competency test provided it is under a court appointed authority and that his alleged real Mom agrees to take a drug and alcohol test at a time of our choosing and under a court appointed authority."

"Objection your Honor. My client isn't the one that needs to prove anything. A simple paternity test will show he is the Son of my client."

"Your Honor, no drug and alcohol test, no competency test."

They sat talking for a bit.

"WE withdraw the request for a competency test."

That got a big smile from the judge. Maybe he really was on my side.

"Do you have any other witnesses?"

"No your Honor, we rest our case."

"Very well we will take a break here. We will reconvene at 2 pm this afternoon." "All Stand." We stood as the judge left.

WE all went to Rueben's Steak house for lunch.

Everyone was back in court at two.

"You may proceed Councilor."

"I call Dr. Nathan Rutledge to the stand."

The doctor was pretty specific in what he said. He had never talked to me, but knew everything about me Even that I had more than one boyfriend. He called me an average student quite well adjusted even as a sixteen year old.

My Mothers lawyer said that because he had never actually examined me he had no idea weather I was mentally competent.

"No I can't comment on his mental well being, but considering how calm he is here in this court I would say he is quite capable of handling his own affairs. After all he never received even a smidgen of compassion from his real home."

"Doctor, can a boy or girl be made into a homosexual?"

The Doctor chuckled.

"It is a misconception held by many people that a boy or girl can be made into a homosexual. In reality, every boy or girl born could end up as homosexual. It is usually that something happens, usually early in their life that, turns them to a homosexual lifestyle. To answer your question. No a boy or girl can not be made to become a homosexual."

I have no further questions." My lawyer said.

"No questions." My Moms lawyer said.

"I call Aaron Weinstein to the stand."

After he was sworn and given his full name.

"Aaron, I know you have complete immunity from prosecution for anything you did in the past and also by agreement from the State Prosecution Office for anything you might say here."

"Yes Sir."

"Will you tell this court what you did before you became an electrician?"

"I was a street pusher. I sold drugs on the street to addicts."

"I take it you were caught."

"Yes Sir. I sold drugs to an undercover cop."

Can you tell us what happened?"

"Well I had never been arrested before and with my lawyer present, the cops said I would not be prosecuted for selling drugs if I turned in my supplier. I agreed."

"Who was your supplier?"

"He was called Big Ben. That was not his real name. His real name was Benjamin Williams."

"Were you ever at the tenement where Big Ben lived?"

"Yes Sir. Lots of times. Usually 4 or 5 times a week to pick up more crack and pay Big Ben." "Looking around this court room, do you see anyone that was also in that apartment?"

"Yes Sir. That lady at the table there was one of Big Bens hookers. She was hooked on crack too."

"Did you ever see anyone else in that apartment?"

"Yes Sir. There was a young queer boy. Big Ben told me he was the Son of the women there at the table."

"How do you know he was queer?"

"Coz he was giving Big Ben a BJ, ah having oral sex with him."

"Did you ever have oral sex with him?"

Aaron put his head down. It didn't look like he wanted to answer.

"Aaron, the State has already agreed you won't be prosecuted for anything you say in this court. If they do I will defend you if necessary."

"Yes Sir. He had oral sex with me."

"Did you ever have anal sex with him Aaron?"

"Once sir. He didn't like to do it but that women there slapped him and told him to take like the little faggot boy he was. I didn't like to that Sir."

"One last question Aaron. Do you know what the boys name was?"

"Yes sir, it was Matthew, but everyone just called him boy."

"Thank you Aaron. I have no more questions."

"You may cross examine."

"I have no questions at this time."

"You can step down Sir." The judge said.

"Your Honor, my learned college has said that no Statement was ever signed by Ms Sofia Higgins at the time of her arrest. I would at this time like to enter in evidence, just such a statement."

A copy was delivered to the Judge and another to Higgins table.

My Mom's lawyer protested that the Statement could have been written by anybody.

"I am presuming you can prove this is authentic?" The judge asked.

"I'd like to call my next witness."

"You may proceed." The judge looked bored.

"I call Gordon Downsview to the stand."

The judge immediately sat up straight and his mouth dropped open.

A very well dressed man walked into the court room and went directly to the stand by the Judge. He had a thick briefcase with him.

"For the record, could you please State your Name and present occupation." The clerk said, as if he didn't know.

"Gordon Downsview, Assistant Attorney General for the State of Georgia."

My Lawyer walked up to him and handed him a copy of the Statement.

"Do you recognize this Statement sir?"

"Yes I do."

"Can you tell the court the circumstances surrounding this statement?"

"Yes. MS Sofia Higgins was charged along with one Benjamin Williams of keeping a common bawdy house and living off the avails of prostitution. She was also charged with failing to provide the necessities of life to a minor and failing to protect a minor. Another Charge of allowing a Minor in her care to be sexually assaulted was withdrawn when she signed this statement."

"Thank you Sir. I have no further questions."

That was it. The case was over. After some well chosen closing remarks the Judge ordered that Benjamin Williams' Last Will and Testament to be turned over to me. He also ordered that Ms Higgins, my ex-mother was never to try and see me or contact me. I was given a complete discharge from her.


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