Italian American Style

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 1, 2021


Sal and Chris didn't get to see each other for the rest of the week, but Sal was looking forward to Sunday dinner. This week, it was at the Messinas. Whatever else was happening, unless you were in an iron lung, or something worse, you were expected to be at family dinner. It was the same every week, at either Sal's family's or Chris': there were cheese and crackers, then the pasta course, with meat "gravy." Then, either Pindy or Evie would bring out a huge platter of the meat in that week's sauce too. That almost never changed too: sausages, bracciole, meatballs, sometimes a neckbone, sometimes the bonier pieces of chicken, and always enough meat to last at least 3 meals. Then salad: always the same. Iceberg lettuce, cucumbers, and then the ONE difference: Pindy liked onion in her salads, Evie liked green pepper. They both used the same dressing: Good Seasons. When Sal was a little boy, his job was to shake the cruet with the oil, the vinegar, and the "magic powder" as his mom called it "to make it all beautiful." She made her own salad dressing during the week, but for company: Good Seasons, just like Evie. Then dessert: do I have to write that it was cheesecake? And cannoli? And biscotti. There was always a moka filled with espresso, and one of the husbands would get up and get the grappa. Now that Sal and Chris were old enough, they got some in their espresso, and the moms always giggled about "whaddya gonna do, get me drunk so you can get my drawers off?" There's be a comeback like "The lock on those drawers is so rusty, nuthin's gonna open it," followed by one of the moms saying "that ain't the only thing that's rusty, and I don't mean a pipe." It was theater. There isn't an Italian American out there who hasn't been to this show. Now that he was off on his own, Sal would drive over. He was excited about seeing Chris. That first night made him think: "waiting all this time was worth it. It can happen." He rang the doorbell and handed Mrs. Messina the bouquet: "the boys" as they were called, always brought "zia" their "aunt" flowers. It was a time of year where carnations were the one to bring, and Sal had a bunch of red and white ones." "Zi'evie. Ciao. Cosa?" Evie enveloped him in her arms. "SAL! CARO. OH, what you did to make Chrissy look good." (the boys were called Sallie and Chrissy by their families. Just terms of affection No one knew anything. Sal thought). "Oh, you mean the shirts, well.. you know. Hey, I don't see him. Where is he?" "Chrissy? Oh, Sal honey, Having a cop makes mom proud but... the schedule. Madonn' . He's working the Sunday morning shift. You believe it? Had to miss church, gonna maybe catch dinner late at the end. They gave him shitty shifts three times this week. Better promote him soon. " Chris' father came over. "Maybe he'll get some points for how good he looks." He elbowed Sal. "You just better hope it doesn't make some fag go after my boy, Sallie. Ha ha ha." Sal smiled very weakly. "I think Chrissy knows how to defend himself Sir. " Mr. Messina smiled. "OH, you're DAMNED RIGHT he does. I taught him young: some guy puts a hand on you, deck him. If he's bigger, go for his coglionis. Then you call Dad." He laughed. "Now, I gotta call him if someone bothers me." "Trust me hon, ain't no one gonna sexually assault you," Evie tossed in as she went to get the semolina bread. "COME ON SALLIE. NO LONG FACE. HE'LL BE HERE I PROMISE. HE TOLD ME "KEEP SALLIE THERE IF YOU HAVE TO TIE HIM TO A SEAT." Sal looked up. "He said that?" She looked at him. "YOU BET HE DID. He ain't gonna miss his best friend." Sal was glad he was sitting down and his dress pants were ample. It wasn't the thought of Chris tying him to a seat that was getting to him - he'd do that to Chris - but Chris wanting him to stay until he got home. That made him feel the way he did when that handsome new priest came to the parish and told him one day he had on a nice shirt. "So, Sallie, how's it going at that design house?" Evie was curious. "Oh it's great auntie E. Very busy, lotsa style going around. I'm still doing the lower end stuff, but I sent some designs to the department head, and.. we'll see." "Hey, your designs are GREAT Sallie." Chris' father Beppe smiled. "If you can make Evie look pretty, you can make anybody look pretty." "He ain't even trying to make you look good, Bepp'" Evie answered. She got up and tossed a hip at her husband's shoulder. "You haven't complained all these years." she said. His arm went around her waist. "And I'm not gonna start now, delicata." They heard her squeal. He had goosed her, and then pretended nothing happened. "Sallie," his father asked him. (Since they had the same name, dad was Sal, and our hero was Sallie at the houses) , they leave you alone there? " "Whatcha mean pop?" "I mean, well, design, you've been there awhile. I know you like to work without your shirt on, and... how many guys work there." "Enough pa, enough. And they don't let me take off my shirt. Sanitation laws." "SAL, Sallie knows how to take care of himself. No worries. And he's got Chrissy to go to if he needs help. OOOOOOOOOOH. Evie. You outdid yourself this week." Evie was coming out with the meats. Just as she put them on the table, they heard the door slam open. "HEY GANG. Sorry I'm late. Lemme wash up. I'll tell ya." "CHRISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSY" Evie ran over to her son. "You know, every time I see you now, I count my blessing. No one shot you on those streets, Maddon' Deo grazie." "Ma, they ain't that bad. It's New York, it ain't Naples." "How would you know? You ain't ever been to Naples, Chrissy." "Ma, lemme clean up. I'm starving." Stan looked at him and smiled. "Buona sera signore polizetto" Chris smiled. "Ci parliamo" We'll talk. When Chris came back, he had changed out of his police uniform, and he was wearing a v neck t shirt and an old pair of jeans. Sal was glad, again, his pants had room in them. "So, here's my big news kids. I got my first collar today." The parents looked at him strangely, and Stan put down his fork. "You made an arrest? " "Yeah, I did. Had to run the bastard down to." "NO COISING" Evie got up and got her church jar. Anytime anyone cursed, they had to drop a quarter in it. Chris sighed and reached into his pocket. "Ma, my wallet's in my pants." "Here, Mrs. M." Sal tossed a half dollar to her. She smiled. "OH, you know where that's going." She pushed it down her bra. "I'll put the quarter in myself." Beppe had to tease her. He turned to Sal. "Now if you wind her up, you get to pick the music , 'cept it's gotta be Faniculli faniculla. It's all she knows." Evie gave him a look. Everyone at that table knew how badly Evie sang. "Seriously , Chris, I hope it wasn't dangerous. Did he have a gun?" Sal asked. Chris smiled. "Think I'm gonna tell ya that, worry wart?" "Well, fugett about it. MANGIA. " Evie put a pile of meat in front of him. Sal couldn't help himself. "You gonna eat the sausage first, Chris? Or save it for last." Chris had half a meatball in his mouth and he nearly spat it out. "I may not finish Ma. If you put it away, I'll have sausage later." He snuck a look at Sal." "No mamma no. You did all the cooking. Sal and I. We haven't talked in a bit. We'll do the dishes." "I ain't gonna say no," Evie answered, heading off to the living room with the rest of the adults. The younger kids had gone off to various places with various electronic toys. The adults were looking for a movie they'd agree to on netflix. "It's gonna be Moonstruck," Sal whispered to Chris." "Of course it's gonna be Moonstruck. It's Moonstruck EVERY Sunday. " Chris had his hands in a sink filed with soapy water, and he felt Sal link his fingers. ' "Speaking of movies, you wanna catch one later?" Chris looked at him, and gave him a flirtatious look. "Sure. It'll give me an excuse for not coming home. I just won't tell Ma I'm eating sausage elsewhere." "Chris, I missed you all week. And I worry about your job as much as your mom does." "I missed you too Sal. I'm thinkin about something there. We'll talk about it tonight. So , anyway, what movie you wanna see? " They laughed. There wasn't gonna be any movie, and they knew it. But..

As the cast was drinking spumante at the end of Moonstruck, Chris got up. "Folks, Sallie and I are gonna catch a movie. It's a popular one, so if we wind up seeing the late one, I'm gonna stay at his place. |I'll call ma, but don't worry. " "How you gonna stay there? You got a uniform at Sallie's place? "Actually Ma, I got Monday morning off this week, so I'll come back. I got the evening shift. "AGH. Now I gotta miss the novena. I'll be here worrying." "MA. " She held up her hand "DON'T FIGLIO DON'T. YOU GOT NO IDEA HOW MUCH PROTECTION YOUR MOMMA'S PRAYERS HAVE GIVEN YOU." He came from behind and kissed her neck. "I got some idea mom. MUAH. And I thank you for all of it. Keep praying for me, huh? Things don't get easier." "NOW YOU KNOW. NOW YOU KNOW! When I said that when you were a no good teenager you laughed at me. NOW YOU KNOW." "Now we ALL do," Beppe whispered to Sal Senior. Pindy gave him a dirty look.

As they got to Sal's car, Sal tossed the keys to Chris. "Drive." "You sure?" "I'm sure. " He smiled. "I plan to do a lot of driving tonight and the less I have to do now, the better." After they had waved goodbye to their families, and got far enough away, Sal rested his hand on Chris' thigh. "Now, Sal. You heard what my dad said about men molesting me." "Oh, you're right. I'm sorry." "DON'T YOU DARE TAKE YOUR HAND AWAY. " At a red light, he looked at Sal. "Know what I spent the week thinking about? That kiss you sneaked on me last week." Sal smiled. "I don't have to sneak anymore, do I?" "Not at all." Sal found himself getting almost rigid. "You use your handcuffs today?" "Yeah. You want me to bring you a pair." Sal blushed. "I got a set." "YOU DO? DAMN you're a perv." "Bought them this week. I figured since I started seeing a guy, I should be prepared. " They got into Sal's apartment, and Chris grabbed him. "Shove your big mouth tongue into me Sal. Stop talking and start fucking." They necked. Noisily. It reminded Sal of the sound when everyone was eating spaghetti that day, and he laughed. "Something funny? My tongue tickle you big guy?" "Nah. But it's my tongue that's gonna be tickling you tonight." "You think so?" "I KNOW SO." Sal backed up just a bit, and began rubbing Chris' left nip through his t shirt. "OH FUCK. I shoulda never told you..." Chris was already breathing hard. "I already knew." Sal smiled and took his second one . "Your little sister's the one with the big mouth." "How did she.... Oh who cares? Kiss me Sallie. Kiss me." Chris' hands slid down to Sal's ass , and Sal stopped the nipple torture to get at Chris' He played with pushing his cheeks apart. "I'm gonna spear you like a fish tonight, Mr Pisces. " Chris smiled. "You'll be the first. nice and slow, Sal. "I better be the only one. " he signalled to the bed. Chris saw the long strips of pink silk at the top corners. "Geez. Couldn't you have used a color like..." then he didn't get the words out, because Sal had covered his mouth with his. As they made out, he tied Chris' wrists to the bed. "Look at you, you handsome stud. DAMN. I shoulda taken your shirt off first. I wanna get at your chest. "let's start again, bro. We're only beginning here." Sal untied the bonds, and this time, they got Chris out of his t shirt. His hairy body was on full display , and after Sal had tied him back down again, he went to town, running his tongue over every spot he could find. He whispered. "I can tell you were working Chris. You got that smell. That sweaty smell that... just fucking drives me crazy. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" He dug his tongue into Chris' armpit. He was so aggressive he surprised Chris. He felt Stan's leg between his. "DAMN SAL. You feel like a fucking 2x4." "Heh heh. Thinking about you all week, it's more a 4x6." He unbuckled Chris' belt, and he slid the tight jeans off of Chris. He laughed. "You fucking went commando." Chris laughed. "I knew what I was getting into. " Sal's response was a laugh. "You had no idea what you were getting into, studman." He pushed Chris' knees up. His own pants were still on. "Hey. What're you doing. What.... OH SHIT.... OH SHIT...." Chris was a virgin in just about all ways. He had never had his ass rimmed. He nearly exploded as Sal got to work. He caught his breath. "Where the fuck did you learn to do that?" Sal looked serious. "Remember what my father said about watching out for guys at work? Sometimes I didn't." Then he dropped back down, and pushed his tongue deeper. "DAMN SAL. I don't know if I can take this!" "Then I'll stop. We got time. And since you're nice and wet now." He held out his cock to his best friend, the guy who he had hung out with since he could walk. "You sure you wanna try?" "With you Sal? Yeah. I wanna try everything." Sal smiled. He gave Chris a gentle kiss before he started sliding into him. Chris winced, once, and then he said "it's ok. it's ok. I'm good. Gimme more. OH YEAH GIMME MORE SALLIE MAN. GIMME MORE! " Sal was beginning to sweat. To say he had more experience than Chris might make you think he had more experience than he did. He had slept with three men. Two of them one time, one of them, three times. That was it. He was still a rookie himself - but Chris? Chris was a green horn. "A greenhorn with a popped cherry," Sal thought, as he moved in further as Chris moaned. "No more Sal. No more. I'm... OH SHIT." Sal was smiling and not listening. "NOW, you do what I say, big boy. And I say: TAKE IT ALL." Chris struggled out a "yes sir. " Sal's cock dug further into him, and Sal draped his taller body over Chris, whispering, as he nibbled Chris' neck. "This is SO much better than I thought it would be." "I can't even compare it to nuthin Sal. Nuthin. It's like. Geez, I don't know. " He felt Sal's hand around his cock. "You remember the time our dad's took us to the brothel when we were 18? Chris laughed. "I think that's the first time they got mad at us. " "Sal was laughing. "We were showing our girls how to make frittate." "Play with MY eggs, Sal baby." "Like this? Scratch them like gorilla messina used to scratch them in gym."' "OH SHIT YOU WERE WATCHING." "We all were. It was funny. And hot..." He began to jerk Chris as he pounded him gently. "Sal this feels so good. SO good. OH... " "Tell you what, stud?" Sal smiled at Chris. "Whoever cums last gets to pick the movie." "What if it's a tie?" "It won't be." Sal laughed, and then, Chris felt his shots of cum driving into him. Then he smiled, and gently kneaded Chris' cockhead. "OH FUCK YES. " Chris squirted huge gobs of cum into the air. All over. Sal lay on top of him, hugging him. "OH GOD CHRIS. We waited too long. WAY too fucking long." "It was exactly the right time, Sal." "Yeah, I guess you're right. " "How's about you untie me and gimme a towel so I can wash off?" "How about we shower together?" "Cause you like the water so fucking hot I'd be a cooked lobster." "Fair enough. You first. Don't use it all."

When they finished showering, and had dried off, Sal went to his closet. "Hey, I didn't say this before, but... I made something for you. I hope it fits. And I hope you like it." It was a white dress shirt. It wasn't silk and it wasn't cotton. Chris put it on. It fit perfectly - maybe too perfectly. He looked in the mirror. "Sal... I love it. I fucking love it. How.. How did you get this fabric?" Sal smiled. "HEY BOSS. This bolt is 5 yards short." Chris smiled back. "You learned that from my dad. "HEY BOSS. We're three units of oil short in the load." "You never forget what you learn at home." Chris smiled and he wrapped his arms around Sal. "I really love it. I do. But I only wanna wear it when I'm with you." He kissed Sal. "Is that a deal?" "I think so." "Now I gotta find something for you. WAIT. I know what you'd like." He reached into his back jeans pocket. "Here. An 'official NYPD pair of handcuffs. Used by yours truly." Sal's eyes got wide. He looked at them, and then at Chris. Chris was laughing. "Last time I saw you look like that, you got into design school." "I'm just thinking... if you're only gonna wear the shirt around me, I'm only gonna use these on you." They curled pinkies. "You want some black coffee? I'll make it after I toss on come clothes." "Love some. Then let's talk. I really wanna remember to talk to you about something that's been on my mind all week. Actually, a few things. " Sal got dressed and started the coffee . Chris sounded serious. What was on his mind?" Sal brought in the coffee, with a bottle of grappa and he set it down. Chris sat back. "Ok, handsome, first , I want ya to know, you're a very popular guy at the precinct." "I AM? HOW?" Chris laughed "My shirts. All the guys wanted to know how I got them to fit so well. I told them. If you want, you could have a little side job going on. " "Well.... how do you feel about me measuring other cops around here when you're not?" Then Chris closed his fingers on Sal. "That's the other part. Why are we living separately Sal? Let's find a place. Something big enough for the two of us? Geez, no one's gonna suspect anything. Dad knows it's way past time for me to get out, and splitting the rent is only gonna save you money. " Sal was silent, and he looked like he was going to cry. Then he did. Chris squeezed his hand harder. "Maybe it was a bad idea, stud." "No Chris, no. It's a GREAT idea. I wanted to ask you if we could live together for a long, long time, and I thought you'd punch me out. " He looked up. "Let's start looking right away." And their movie date, became a date searching for a place on line. Before they headed back to the bed and did what any pair of self respecting young handsome Italian American men should do when they've "found" each other.

Next: Chapter 3

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