Its My Life

Published on Feb 28, 2023


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. However the acts are consensual and are a result of their love for one another. This story is completely fiction, all descriptions, and names are also fictitious; any similarities are truly just that, purely a coincidence.

This story is the property of the author (me), who reserves all copyrights and privileges. Please do not repost, reuse this story without contacting the author (me) and receiving the written permission of the author (me).

This is my first story also... so kinda just go with the flow... now on to the story!

It's My Life. Chp,2

BEEP... BEEP.... BEEP!!!

Psh... some nap that was, I got to sleep for a whole hour since I couldn't stop thinking about Joe. I was going to kill Ally the next time I see her. Why did she just have open her mouth today? Of all days why did she choose to point out the obvious to me?! I looked at my clock and it was now 5 PM. I had a half hour before I had to be at school, god what a day. I feel so beat up and tired. Coach Eaden had been running us extra hard for this week's game. So I rolled out of my bed and it was off to the school again for me.

As I walked into our field house I heard "Rhythm Nation" and then "Toxic" begin in mid song. I looked over to the court and saw the dancers doing their thing to the songs. Since today was the big game they were going to pull out all stops. We had the cheerleaders doing their performance, and the dance team doing their performances. I liked watching the dancers get down. I wish I could dance like that sometimes, I mean I don't have two left feet but I can be a little rhythmic challenged at times. They finished and I waved to the girls and walked into the locker room.

The time between I got there and before the game was about to start flew by. I put my uniform on and talked it up with my friend Andy and the other guys before the game. I threw my knee brace on and before I knew it, Coach Eaden was telling us to get read to go out for warm ups. I always feel dumb doing warm ups because everyone is pretty much just staring at you, but whatever I go with the flow. I hear the "#1" playing and I know it's time to go out to the crowd. Running out of the locker room I looked over at Scott and we both pretty much thought the same thing. Quiet the crowd here tonight.

"This is kinda funny, it is almost never this packed besides sectionals and this game." Scott joked with me.

"Yea, but for sectionals it really counts, today should be easy as hell, we're hella lot higher ranked in state the Capone could ever wish." I said looking around to seeing if Joe and Matt had got there. I spotted B and waved to her and then looked some more only to find Connie and Giana standing around with their dance team. Connie blew me kisses and I felt myself blushing and went back to warm ups.

"Yea I know Jake. How's the knee feeling? That's the last thing we need is that thing to go out on us tonight."

"Pretty damn good. It isn't even bothering me, and it's finally to get used to going a full game again so I should be set. Why, is someone worried?" I batted my eyes at him messing around. I had torn my ACL during the summer playing baseball with my our team after practice one day and had surgery and today's' game would only be the second game I had played since I came back.

Coach called us in and we all huddled in. Eaden pulled me aside to give me a quick talk. "Jake I want you to be careful, tonight. If you need to come out signal me and I'll pull you out. I don't wanna take any chances with you tonight." I nodded my head and we huddled in. Coach and me had gotten close this year. He was the one who was at every rehab session I had and kept my spirits up. He was more then just a coach; we were friends outside of the team and school. I was one of the select few who got ot call him by his first name. I looked up in the bleachers and finally saw Joe. We connected eye to eye and I got chills, he just smiled at me and I went back to paying attention to what coach was saying.

The first half went by really fast, almost to fast. It was becoming a really physical game really fast tonight. I already got an elbow shot by this dick Johnson on the other team. Eaden was going ballistic on the refs and it was getting rowdy crazy in the stands. At the end of the first half we were in the lead and went back into the locker room at half time for some well-deserved rest. I had to head out right away though for my sister, she wanted me to record their performance because Bianca was as about as reliable as a Barbie doll. The dance team kicked some major ass and I handed the camera and went back into he locker room before I got chewed out anymore then I already was going to be for leaving.

The second half went by even faster our defense was kicking ass we were in the lead and only 3 minuets were left in the game. I went for a lay up and as I planted my foot, #70 on the other team came running up to block and he clipped my knee. I hadn't felt that kind of pain in a long time as I fell to the ground like a rag doll. It all happened in slow motion and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. I looked around and saw the refs call time out as I grabbed my knee. Jeff and Bryan came running over and pulled that ass #70 off me and came to ask if I was alright. It hurt but I didn't think it was broken or hurt again. Eaden came to check on me and I told him I could finish the game. I got up and while it hurt to put weight on it, there was no way I wasn't gonna finish the game. I looked over to Joe while I was on the ground and the look of horror went across his face before Bryan blocked my view. I shot my free throws and we were kicking their ass 75-25. With a minuet left I saw #70 and who was going for a lay-up himself. I guess Steve and me had the same idea and we both blocked him and he fell to the ground without either of us getting a foul. My knee was killing me but the clock finally ran down and we had won the big game tonight. I was happy, the crowd went crazy and I was happy. The final score was 80-25. We huddled up and then went to walk back to the locker room. I told Joe I would prob. be about a 20 minutes if he wanted to head out he could. He said he would go with Matt and I'd see them up there. I said I'd call him and limped back into the locker room.

I finally left the school like 30 minutes later with Scott and we headed over to B's house for her party. I called Joe on his cell and it sounded pretty good in the background. Giana called me to check up on me and said she would probably go up to B's after her and Connie went home to change.

By the time I got to the party lots of people were already drunk. I said hi to a few friends from the team before I went to go look for Matt, Joe, and Pat. Bianca came up to me in her drunken mess trying to hit on me. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and teased her by saying maybe later.

I finally found Joe and the rest of them. When I looked at Joe I got this weird feeling. Almost like when you're younger getting downstairs to open your presents on Christmas. I smiled and he waved and raised his beer signaling me to come over by him.

"Hey Jake, Nice game tonight man. You had me scared though with your little spill and all." Pat said to me looking back from me to Joe and back to me again smirking.

"Yea, but hey you gotta do what you gotta do." I told him nonchalantly wondering if he had any clue that I might have had feelings for Joe. Even if he did, he was just as close as a friend to me as Joe so I'm more then sure he wouldn't care.

"So Joe, looking to hook up with anyone tonight?" Matt asked him being as clueless as ever.

"Nah man, I'm just looking to have some fun and everything tonight. I have my eyes set on someone else if you really wanna know." I looked over to Pat and he looked at me with his eyebrows raised, I laughed.

"So Pat wanna come here for a second I wanna talk to you." I pulled him outside on Bianca's deck and asked him what was going on. He told me that he knows I'm gay, and he was really cool with it. I don't know what gave me away but he just told me he had a feeling. A feeling?! Yea we were friends since preschool, but this is big and I was thinking more and more if I was that obvious.

"I really am that obvious Pat?"

"No it's just, I see the way you look at Joe and I see the way he looks at you and I can tell you both have feelings for each other. But just know that your secret is safe with me and I won't say a word to anyone. Joe doesn't seem to get it yet but I'm sure he will. You just take care of him when and if you two get together. I don't wanna see him getting hurt or anything." I breathed a sigh of relief and knew that Pats word was good. He was Joe's best friend after all so I suppose he might have some idea. I choose not to press the issue anymore and go back inside with him. But one thing stuck out the most in my head. IS JOE EVEN GAY?! Pat seemed to hint at it but I wasn't sure.

I walked around and saw Joe talking with Bianca and walked over there. Smiling at both of them obviously both of them were a little tipsy and I was too but not as much as some of the other people around here.

"Hey guys, you know it's getting late so I was thinking I'm gonna head home, my knee still hurts a little and I'm tired as hell." It wasn't a lie it was 2:30 in the morning and the party kind of died down by now.

"Alright, I hope you had a good time sweetie. Give me a call tomorrow and we can go out to lunch or something like that. I'll be home cleaning this mess all day." Bianca gave me a big hug and went back to her drink. I kind of felt bad because she usually gets stuck cleaning up after everyone. But then again her parents hired housekeepers so I am more then sure she has some people helping her. I gave her a little nod, which meant that I would remember when I get up tomorrow.

"So I'll talk to you tomorrow Joe."

"Yea if you want after you hang out with Bianca you could stop by or something. We can play some pool or something." He looked almost hopeful that I would say yes.

"Sure big guy. Just give me a call on my cell or something. I should be around somewhere. " I gave him one of them handshake/hug things and walked out of the kitchen to go make a quick stop by Giana.

I finished my good byes and told Giana I was going to head home for the night. She told me she would be there in an hour or so. I told her I would try to stay up and wait for her and she gave me a hug and I left.

When I stepped out I realized it was raining, not just that, it was raining hard. I ran from her house to my car. Drove the 5 minuets home and rand back out to the house. I had just changed into a pair of basketball short and a wife beater and had put on the stereo in the house. I walked into our study with my journal and began to write. Within 25 minuets I heard the doorbell and the dog barking. I wondered why Giana was ringing the doorbell. She usually uses comes in through the garage since that door is always unlocked. I got up and walked to the door.

I opened it and saw a soaking wet Joe standing at the door. He looked like he was crying or something. I let him in and took his jacket as he threw his flip-flops on the doormat. I looked at him with water dripping down his face, he looked so cute but scared at the same time.

We walked up to my room so I could give him something to change to since he looked soaked. I was guessing that he had walked here from Bianca's house, which was all the way on the other side of the sub division. I don't get it though; he could have called me if he needed a ride. I threw him the exact same thing I was wearing, a pair of Addidas basketball shorts and a wife beater. I watched him changing as he didn't seem to have a clue I was there. Taking off his shirt to reveal his nicely ripped 6 pack. He wasn't that defined but you could definitely see that he worked out too. And his muscular legs change out of his nicely fitted boot cut jeans. He looked so incredibly hot in my clothes. I have seen Joe change before but I have never looked at him like this. I didn't get why I kept thinking about all of this though. From one day I was perfectly fine living my life without realizing I had feelings for Joe, to me fully realizing that I had a huge crush on him.

"So you wanna talk about it or anything?"

"Actually Jake, there are a few things I need to talk about but I don't know how to say it." He dried off his hair with a towel and we walked back into our study.

"You know you can talk to me about anything Joe. You're the closest thing that I have to a brother besides Matt and Pat. Don't be so worried." I looked back at Joe and his eyes were all puffy. I was more then positive he had been crying while walking here.

"Alright I know that and I feel the same about you Jake. But there is something else I need to talk to you about also Jake...." I felt a lump in my throat and Joe began to speak up again.


*****Sorry about the delay in writing the next chapter. I had got boggled down with other things so my time was really cut in half. Thanks to all of those who sent in emails also! Those really made me try and write as good of a second chapter as I could. *****

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It's My Life

Next: Chapter 3

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