Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Sep 14, 2010


Kyle approached the register. "Excuse me."

The clerk looked up and nodded. "What can I do for you, officer?"

"That boy, the one who just purchased the shirt, did he use a credit card?"

"Yes. Is there a problem?"

Kyle considered his next move. While technically not against policy, it wasn't standard procedure. "What was his name?"

The clerk retrieved the credit card receipt. "Um...let's see. Here it is. Ryan Davis."

Kyle jotted Ryan's name on his pad, and put it back into his shirt pocket. "Thank you."

"Of course."

Cody stepped out of the entryway, and into the light. He looked from Ryan, to Trevor, and then back to Ryan.

Trevor stepped protectively in front of Ryan. "What's going on? If this is a joke, it isn't very funny."

Ryan gently moved Trevor aside, and took a step towards Cody. "What are you doing? Take those out of your mouth, you look silly."

Cody took a step closer to Ryan, and opened his mouth, curling his upper lip. His fangs receded into his upper jaw, leaving only two pointed canine teeth, of normal size.

Trevor gasped. "Holy fuck. Those...they're real!"

Cody nodded. "Yes."

Ryan shook his head. "I don't understand."

Trevor was blunt. "Dude, he's a vampire!"

Ryan faced Trevor, frowning. "Don't start with that monster shit again." He faced Cody. "How did you do that? With your teeth, I mean."

Cody shrugged, and looked very tired. "It's like Trevor said – I'm a vampire."

"Bullshit!" Ryan shook his head. "There's no such thing. Besides, you rode home with me, in my jeep, in broad daylight."

"That officer, Kyle, he said the same thing." Cody opened his mouth and extended his fangs. "You don't believe me?"

Ryan took an involuntary step backwards, but regained his composure. "I've never heard of anyone being able to do that...but..."

Cody retracted his fangs. "I am a vampire." He quickly added. "But I'm not going to hurt you guys." He raised his hands defensively.

Trevor shook his head. "Man, this is fucked up!"

Ryan was sad. "Suppose it's true, and you are a vampire, why didn't you tell me when we first met?"

Cody shook his head. "You wouldn't have believed me. Besides, I need to keep my identity a secret."

Trevor pointed at Cody. "Why did you meet Ryan? Was it random chance or were you stalking him?"

Cody sighed, and looked down. "This isn't going to work." He was quiet for a moment and then faced Ryan. "I'm sorry I wasn't as open with you as you would have liked. I never meant to frighten you."

Ryan nodded. "I believe you, and, I'm not afraid, not really."

Cody smiled, weakly. "Thanks. I think I'm just going to leave."

Trevor shook his head. "Just like that? You can't drop a bombshell like this on us, and then bail."

Cody faced him, his eyes glowing faintly blue. "Don't worry, you won't remember that I was ever here, or that you ever met me."

Ryan stepped between them. "Wait, don't do it."

"Don't do what?" Trevor was confused.

Ryan turned around and faced Trevor. "He is going to make us forget what we know, and then leave. We won't remember him."

"What? That's crazy. He can't do that."

Ryan nodded. "Yes, he can. I've seen it before, but I didn't know what he was doing, at the time."

"Yes, I did the same thing to Bruce, in the store. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt."

Ryan turned and faced him. "But...I want to remember you." He took two steps towards Cody and paused, a foot away from him. "Please stay."

"Why? You know what I am now, and Trevor doesn't seem to want me here. What's the point?"

Ryan reached his right hand forward, palm upwards. "Come on, come sit down on the couch. We can talk about this."

Cody didn't take his hand. He faced Ryan and his eyes stopped glowing, returning to their normal state.

Ryan wiggled his fingers. "Please, I don't want you to leave."

"What about you?" Cody faced Trevor.

"Ryan trusts, stay. I'm sorry I freaked, you caught me off guard. It isn't every day you meet a vampire."

Cody closed his eyes, and against his will, a single tear ran down his cheek. He had resolved himself, years ago, to being alone. Relationships were too difficult. What he shared with David was as close to people as he got. Yet, with Ryan, he wanted more.

Ryan saw Cody's tears and it broke his heart. He quickly moved forward and hugged Cody. "Don't be sad. There's enough pain in the world already."

Slowly, Cody responded, and hugged Ryan in return. He turned his head so his nose was pressed against Ryan's neck. The scent rising off the boy's skin was overwhelming. Ryan had a captivating aroma, and it drove Cody wild, dangerously so. He kissed Ryan's neck, feeling the pulse in his vein. As hungry and aroused as he was, his fangs descended and brushed against the boy's neck.

"Hey! NO!" Trevor quickly moved forward and pulled them apart.

"Trevor!" Ryan frowned. "He was just hugging me."

"Oh yeah?" Trevor pointed to Cody.

Ryan looked at Cody, who had not moved. His fangs were out and he was breathing heavily. "Were you going to bite me?" He reached a hand up to his neck, but he was unharmed.

Cody shook his head. "No, but sometimes when I am very hungry or aroused my teeth descend. I wouldn't hurt you, not intentionally."

Ryan hugged Cody again, squeezing him tightly. "Come on, back to the couch." He pulled away and grabbed Cody's hand. "I mean it!" He smiled.

Cody looked quickly at Trevor. "Please don't be afraid of me."

Trevor shrugged. "I'm sorry Cody; this is just a lot to take in."

Ryan looked at Trevor. "Come on, you too. Back to the couch. We need to talk."

Trevor smiled and faced Cody. "He can be so bossy sometimes." He walked over to the couch and sat down, his back against one end.

Ryan pulled Cody over to the couch. "Sit!" He tried to look forceful.

Cody sat at the opposite end of the couch, leaning back against the arm.

Ryan sat down between them, and rotated his body so he was leaning back against Trevor's chest. He slid down enough for Trevor to be able to see over his head.

Trevor draped his arms over Ryan's chest, resting his chin on the younger boy's head.

Cody shrugged. "So what now?"

Ryan pointed at Cody. "You get to answer all those questions you said had to wait until Trevor was here."

Cody frowned. "Oh, great..."

Ryan shook his head. "Don't be like that. If you still want to be our friend, we have to know about you." He smiled. "You do want to be our friend, don't you?"

Cody nodded. "I do."

Trevor pointed at Cody. "Then let's go, spill it."

Cody shrugged. "What do you want to know?"

Ryan smiled. "Everything. Start at the beginning."

Cody raised his eyebrows. "You want to know all that?"

Ryan nodded. "Yup."

Cody laughed, much of the stress leaving him. "Well, you'd better order yourselves a pizza; this is going to take a while." He waited for one of them to move, but they didn't. "I'm serious! This could take a few hours."

Trevor laughed. "If this paperweight will get off my chest, I'll order us something. I haven't eaten lunch yet."

Ryan smiled. "Me neither." He sat up, and Trevor wiggled out from beneath him.

"What do you guys want on your pizza?" He picked up his cell.

Ryan shook his head. "Anything but veggies. Blech..."

"Cody? What about you?" Trevor flipped open his phone.

"I don't" He shrugged.

Ryan nodded. "Ah hah! That explains the food court."

Trevor shook his head. "I have no idea what you two are talking about."

Ryan smiled at him. "It'll just be us eating pizza."

Trevor shrugged. "All righty then..." He called in the order.

Ryan smiled at Cody. "Can I sit by you?"

Cody nodded. "Yeah, I don't bite." He grinned. "Ok, I do bite, but I won't bite you." He narrowed his eyes. "I mean, unless you want me to." He batted his eyebrows.

Ryan looked thoughtful. "Hmmm...not at the moment." He turned around and scooted back against Cody.

Cody looked towards the kitchen, where Trevor was on the phone. Their eyes met, and Cody motioned with his head towards Ryan, seeking Trevor's approval of their close contact.

Trevor nodded, before continuing with the pizza order.

Cody wrapped his arms around the boy and hugged him tightly. "I've wanted to hold you since the day we met."

Ryan turned his head, so he could see Cody out of the corner of his eye. "And now you are."

Cody whispered into Ryan's ear. "Thank you. This means more to me than you could imagine."

Ryan nodded. "I've been lonely a long time too."

"Not as long as I have."

Trevor jumped over the back of the couch, and stretched out, with his feet between Ryan's legs. "Pizza should be here in about thirty minutes. Now, where were we?"

"You two were being nosey." Cody frowned at him, but not seriously.

Trevor shrugged. "Well, if you are going to be spending time with my boy, you have to come clean. We want to know everything."

"I've never told anyone this stuff, just a little to my friend David." Cody frowned.

Trevor nodded approvingly. "Then this is good practice for you. Let's start with something easy. Who's David?"

Ryan spoke up. "That is the guy he lives with. He already told me that."

Trevor shrugged. "What does `lives with' mean? How long have you been with him? Is he gay too?"

Cody took a deep breath. He knew how dangerous it was to reveal his identity, and most private information, but he had a positive feeling he could trust them, especially Ryan. Besides, it felt really good to be able to talk to someone about his life. "I am currently living with David, in his apartment. I am not a permanent resident, as I tend to wander around a lot, never staying in one place for too long. No, David isn't gay, but we do have a lot of sex."

Trevor was confused. "Um...not gay but you have a lot of sex?"

Cody pursed his lips. "This is kind of hard to explain."

Ryan placed his hands on top of Cody's, which were wrapped around the teen's chest. "Go on, we aren't here to judge you, just to get to know you."

Cody hugged him. "Thanks. Let me start at the beginning and work up to the present. That should answer most your questions."

Trevor nodded. "Cool."

Cody took a deep breath and exhaled. "I was born in 1923, in a small town in upstate New York."

Trevor's mouth dropped. "No way! Dude, you are older than my grandparents!"

Cody frowned. "If you are going to comment on everything I say, this is going to take a really long time."

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, be quiet and let Cody talk."

Trevor closed his mouth and made the gesture of zipping it closed.

"When I was twenty, I enlisted in the War. I shipped out and ended up in Europe. Nothing out of the ordinary happened for a while. After being with so many other guys in tight quarters, sharing rations, and even beds, I came to realize I was gay. I didn't talk about it, and I certainly didn't act on my desires, but somehow my sergeant figured it out. He wasn't angry, but he didn't want me around the others. When an assignment came up where three of us were to go out, and do some dangerous recon, he selected me. It kind of felt like a death sentence, but I went. It was my duty."

Ryan turned his head. "Were you shot and killed?"

Trevor pointed at Ryan. "Hey! No interrupting!"

Ryan slouched. "Sorry."

Cody continued. "No, we were sent to observe a small village, high in a mountain area. It was rumored that the Germans were using it as a supply depot, but we never found evidence of that. We spent a week in the woods around the village. Tanks and troops rolled through, but they didn't stop. One night, when our supplies were running low, we snuck into town to steal more. We assumed the locals wouldn't want us there, and worse, might alert German troops, so we tried to stay out of sight. We each went to a different part of the village. I found myself near the back, along a thickly wooded area. I was watching a woman bringing meat inside, from a smoke house at the edge of the woods. She closed the door, and turned back towards the house, when a man stepped out of the forest."

Trevor couldn't take the suspense. "Was he a vampire?"

Cody nodded. "Yes. He placed his hand over the woman's mouth and dragged her back into the trees. I didn't know he was a vampire until later. I started to move in the direction he had taken her, not to help, but to take the meat she had dropped. I got about half way to the smoke house when someone stepped out of the trees in front of me. It wasn't the same person as before. He was taller, and older. He spoke in German, and asked me my name. I could tell he wasn't a soldier by his clothing. I told him I was an American soldier and was armed. He looked at me strangely and then took a step towards me. I drew my service pistol but before I could even point it at him, he had taken my weapon and was standing behind me. I never saw him move."

Ryan nodded. "I saw you move quickly today, in the store."

"It was similar, but even quicker. He pinned my arms behind my back, covered my mouth, and pushed me into the forest. We walked for some time and then came to a small camp, up in the hills, above the village. The other man was there with the woman. She looked to be asleep, lying on the ground next to him. The man holding me released me and said something to his companion. The other man looked up and I saw his face was covered with blood. When I looked back at the woman, I saw her eyes were open and she was very pale. I assumed then that my life was coming to an end."

Trevor nodded. "So they killed you...and turned you into a vampire?"

Cody shook his head. "No, I'm not dead. I'm very much alive, just different now. The two men spoke in hushed voices for a while. They spoke German, so I didn't understand what they were saying. After about thirty minutes, the younger man wiped his face clean and stood. He approached me, and began to examine me; much as you would a piece of livestock, you are considering purchasing. The other man joined him and they began to undress me, smelling me as if I had an attractive scent. In a moment, I was naked. It was chilly in the trees, but the excitement of the situation had my blood pumping, so I wasn't cold. The older man motioned for me to move over to a wool blanket by the fire. I really didn't have a choice, so I did as I was told. I sat down and folded my legs. I covered my groin with my hands, as I was embarrassed to be naked in front of them. The younger man approached me and removed his clothes. At the older man's bidding, he pushed me onto my back. He was incredibly strong, and I was unable to resist."

Ryan shuddered. "What did he do?"

"He gently grabbed my dick and started to stroke me. Even though I was terrified, it felt really good. Remember, I'd been living in a unit full of guys my age, unable to express my sexual desires. This was the first time another guy, anyone for that matter, had touched me sexually and I found myself giving in to his advances. I had, for the longest time, wanted another guy to touch me like he was. He sensed my acceptance of the situation and gently pushed my legs up to my chest. The entire time he kept eye contact with me, gauging my acceptance. When I didn't resist, he continued. Carefully, trying not to hurt me, he eased his dick into my ass and began to fuck me."

"Did it hurt?" Trevor grimaced.

"Yeah, at first. After a few minutes, it began to feel really good and I found myself pushing back against his thrusts. I realized that was what I had wanted for some time and I guess I didn't hide it very well. He continued for some time, eventually ejaculating inside me. When he did, I felt an incredible surge of energy, as his semen entered my body. I momentarily thought about fighting him and fleeing, but realized I had thoroughly enjoyed my first sexual encounter with another guy. The desire to return to my unit all but vanished. When he finished ejaculating, he was panting hard, and when he looked at me, he had fangs. I assumed he was going to kill me then, but he didn't. He moved up onto my chest and bit my neck. He drank for a little while, but not enough to seriously hurt me, just greatly weaken me. As strong as I had just felt, I then felt weaker than before. Any chance of escape was gone."

Trevor looked pained. "Does it hurt to be bitten?"

"Not always. A vampire's saliva has chemicals in it, very similar to those of a leach – pain suppressors, anti-coagulants, antibodies. But, depending on how the bite is administered, it can be painful. It's up to the vampire doing the biting, as to whether it will hurt or not. His was not very painful, and as I felt myself slipping into a state of deep relaxation, the older man moved up between my legs and also had sex with me. That continued for a few days. They would take turns fucking me and bleeding me. They never hurt me, and they gave me pleasure I had never felt before. I enjoyed when they ejaculated in me and I grew strong, only to be bled and weakened. Soon, I began to welcome their feeding and sex, and would often be the one to initiate. They realized I wasn't going to try to leave, and we moved further away, to a small cottage up in the mountains. Nobody bothered us there, and I fell into the role of house servant and sexual plaything. I began to learn German, and soon we could converse well enough. I learned that they were each several hundred years old, and had lived together most of that time. The younger looking one was Draven, and the older Hans."

"Were you the only non-vampire there?" Ryan turned his head and looked at Cody from the corner of his eye. "Or did they have other servants like you?"

"Yes, I was the only human, but we were rarely alone. They often had small gatherings and other vampires would come to visit, mostly males, but a few women too. At the gatherings I was offered to any who wished to have sex with me, however, no others were allowed to feed on me. As you can imagine, I spent a lot of time with someone's dick up my ass. At such times I felt invincible, from all the power they gave me, but I never wanted to leave."

Trevor nodded. "How long did you live with them?"

"I maintained that role for two years. One night, we heard gunshots in the hills around the cottage and Hans went out to see what was happening. It was 1945 and the war was ending. American troops were pushing the Germans back, and the fighting was intense. After a while, the sounds of the battle stopped. We waited all that day, and the next, but Hans never returned. Draven told me to stay in the cottage and he went out looking. He returned that night with Hans' body. He had been killed."

Trevor asked an awkward question. "So, how do you kill a vampire?"

Cody shrugged. "Depends on the vampire. Certain things are deadly to us, though that varies individually. If you chop off our heads, or our bodies suffer massive trauma, that we can't heal in time, we die. That is what killed Hans. Mortar fire most likely. He had been struck in the chest, and was missing most of it."

Ryan shuddered. "That's gross."

"Draven was devastated. They had been mates for so long, and now he was alone. We buried Hans behind his cottage. That ended the gatherings, as Draven wasn't in the mood to entertain. He and I continued to have sex regularly, and he continued to feed on me. A short time after we buried Hans, Draven asked me if I would become his mate. Of course, I agreed. I had fallen in love with both of them, and missed Hans terribly. Later that week, I was changed into what I now am."

"How did he do that?" Trevor sat up straighter.

"It isn't as simple as Hollywood portrays it. Feeding on someone doesn't change him or her. If it did, we could only feed once and then that food source would be gone. To change me, he had to do something else." Cody stopped.

Ryan nodded. "What did he do?"

Cody shook his head. "I can't tell you. We have certain rules, and that would violate them."

Trevor nodded. "I understand. So, however he did it, you were changed."

"Yes. My body froze in time at that moment. I was twenty-two, and I will always be twenty-two. I don't gain or lose weight, I don't get sick, I don't age, and I recover from most wounds very quickly."

Ryan laughed uneasily. "Sounds like a pretty sweet deal."

"There is a price."

Trevor nodded. He understood. "You have to feed on people to survive."

"I do. In addition, I live alone, and don't have relationships with mortals."

Ryan wiggled in Cody's grasp. "Well, maybe we can change that."

Cody hugged him. "It isn't that I can't, I choose not to."

Ryan stopped moving. "Why?" He sounded sad.

"I tried it once, against what Draven had taught me. I met my first lover Martin when he was a young man. I loved him with all my heart and he loved me back. I spent fifteen years with him, during which time I watched him age. He always joked that I should leave before he got old and withered. I didn't care what he looked like; it was his heart and soul I was attracted to."

Ryan whispered. "What happened to him?"

Cody faced the ceiling and was silent for a moment. "He died in a car accident."

Ryan shook his head. "I'm sorry."

Cody looked down and wiped his eyes. "Me too. So, I don't want to go through that again. I live with people, David, for example, but I try hard not to become emotionally attached."

Trevor nodded. "I understand. How long did you stay with Draven?"

"For seven years. We loved each other, but he never overcame Hans' death. One night, he walked out of the cottage and I never saw him again. I assume he killed himself."

Ryan wiped his eyes. "What did you do?"

"I came home. I took a ship back to New York, and hitched my way upstate. My family had moved away, and, being what I am, I didn't track them down. I was listed as missing in action and presumed dead. I thought it better to leave them alone with their memories than to see me alive, yet still young, and watch me never age. Sometimes I think that was selfish of me, but I can't change history."

The doorbell rang and Trevor got off the couch. "Pizza time."

Cody pulled some money out of his pocket and gave it to Trevor. "It's on me."

Trevor took the money. "Sweetness!" He opened the door and paid for the pizza. He closed the door and walked back to the couch, setting the pizza on the table. "God this smells fantastic."

Ryan sat up and swung his legs off the couch. "You sure you don't want any?" He faced Cody.

"Even if I did, my body won't digest human food, so I can't eat it."

Trevor. "Ew, when you say `human food' it creeps me out."

Cody shrugged. "Well, technically, I'm not human anymore."

Trevor nodded. "True. More for me!" He jammed most of a piece into his mouth.

Ryan shook his head. "You're such a pig." He bit off a small piece and began eating. He looked at Cody. "I'm sorry we're eating in front of you."

Cody shrugged. "I'm used to it."

Ryan nodded. "I guess so. Still, I wish you would eat something too." As the words left his mouth, he realized what he was saying.

Cody grinned and narrowed his eyes. "I'd like to eat something." He opened his mouth a little and his fangs descended.

Ryan stopped eating and froze. "Ummm..."

Trevor laughed. "Watch out bro, he's going to have a slice of Ryan for dinner."

Ryan frowned. "I don't think I'd taste very good. I didn't shower this morning."

Cody retracted his fangs and smiled. "Actually, I prefer you a little dirty. I like your scent."

Trevor shook his head. "Eww...too much info. I'll have you know I am pure and that kind of talk is not appreciated."

Ryan faced him. "Oh whatever spanky!" He used his hand to simulate jacking off.

Trevor raised his nose. "That is a god-given talent, and one I am proud of."

Cody raised his hand. "If you two lovers are finished bickering, I will continue the story."

Ryan nodded and took another bite of his pizza. "Sure, if you don't mind that we are eating while you talk."

Cody shrugged. "Doesn't bother me. So, after I came back to the States, I needed a job. My ID, what little I had, said I should be almost thirty, but I still looked like I do now. I had trouble finding work. Many people thought my ID was fake, and I had to be careful as I was supposed to be dead. I moved from town to town, city to city, taking what jobs I could find. I always tried to find someone who I could live with, in exchange for sex."

Trevor wrinkled his nose. "Don't you worry about STD's?"

"No, I can't get sick. I suppose that is one of the perks of being like I am. I rarely tell the people I stay with what I am, only if they become suspicious, or my fangs accidentally pop out."

Ryan smiled. "Does that happen a lot?"

"Only when I am either very aroused or very hungry."

He grinned. "So which was it, when you were heading to the door, a while ago?"

Cody raised his eyebrows. "Both. Seeing you two making out got me all horny, and I haven't eaten since last night."

Trevor set his pizza down. "What did you eat last night?"

Cody licked his lips. "My friend David."

Trevor's mouth fell open. "What? You killed him?"

"No! I don't kill my friends or my other food sources. He fed me, and, I might add, he thoroughly enjoyed it."

Ryan was thoughtful. "So you bit his neck and drank his blood?"

Cody shook his head. "No, he doesn't like that, and honestly, I prefer not to bite people for food."

Trevor made the `time out' symbol with his hands. "Ok, you are a vampire but you don't drink blood?"

"I do, when I have to. I am rather unique in that I prefer a different protein source than human blood." He waited, wondering if either would guess to what he was referring.

Neither said anything for a minute and then Ryan began to blush. "You don't!"

Trevor took a bite of pizza. "What?"

Ryan faced Trevor, and pointed to his own crotch. "He doesn't `suck' blood..."

Trevor faced Cody. "Seriously?"

Cody nodded. "I'm always serious about that."

Trevor swallowed. "No shit...umm...and you're hungry right now?"

Cody nodded. "I am."

Trevor smiled and adjusted his crotch. "So...if I were to let you..."

"Trevor!" Ryan slapped him on the arm.

"What?" Trevor rubbed his arm. "You heard what he said. That is how he prefers to eat dinner, or whatever."

Ryan glared at him. "Yeah, well..."

Cody cut him off. "I'm not offended, Ryan. It's how I prefer to feed. And to be perfectly honest, from the moment I met you, I have hoped you would let me." He faced Trevor. "You too, if you aren't too freaked out."

Trevor shrugged. "As long as it doesn't hurt."

Cody shook his head. "I don't bite when I'm down there. That probably wouldn't get me invited back too many times."

Ryan folded his arms across his chest. "Are you two seriously talking about sucking dicks?"

Cody shook his head. "No, we are talking about my sucking Trevor's dick. I don't expect, and actually I don't allow, reciprocation."

Trevor was confused. "Why? Not saying I would, just curious."

"If either of you were to ingest my blood or semen, you would temporarily receive the same advantages I have. In other words, you would be healthier, stronger, and potentially dangerous to those around you. It can have unpredictable results, though rarely."

Trevor nodded. "Oh, right. Like when Draven and Hans would have sex with you."

Ryan faced Cody. "I didn't mean to sound you feed. This is just such a crazy conversation, it caught me off guard."

Cody smiled. "I wasn't offended. In fact, I was rather hoping you would volunteer yourself."

Ryan looked shocked. "Me?"

Cody nodded. "I told you how I felt about you, when we first got here. Combine my natural gay lust for teenage boys with the fact I haven't eaten in a while, get the picture."

Trevor laughed. "Hah. I think you should go for it, bro."

Ryan faced him. "Oh yeah? Why don't you feed him?"

Cody raised his hand. "Actually, I'd be more than willing to suck you both, if you don't object."

Trevor and Ryan fell silent. Eventually Trevor shrugged. "Sure, what the hell."

Ryan faced him. "Really? You aren't scared?"

Trevor looked at Cody. "You won't hurt me, right?"

Cody shook his head. "Not unless you ask me to."

Ryan smiled. "Kinky, but...ewww." He stuffed the last piece of his pizza into his mouth and sat back on the couch. "I want to watch."

Trevor folded his arms across his chest. "Maybe I don't want you to watch. Maybe, if you want to know what it's like, you'll have to let him do you too."

Cody faced Ryan. "Yes please." He smiled.

Ryan pursed his lips for a moment and then smiled. "What the hell, why not?"

Cody felt his pulse racing. Not only was he going to get to feed on Trevor, something that would probably be enough to calm his hunger, he was going to suck Ryan. The latter was more to satisfy lust than hunger. He had a powerful attraction to the boy, one he didn't fully understand.

Trevor closed the pizza box, and pushed it back on the table. "So, who gets to go first?"

Both Cody and Ryan pointed at Trevor. "You." They laughed and Cody shrugged. "Lead by example."

Trevor nodded. "Ok. Um, where do you want to do this?"

Cody pointed to the couch. "Right here works for me. Have a seat."

Trevor couldn't hide his excitement. "I always thought my first blowjob would be from a girl, not a gay vampire."

Cody grinned seductively. "Once I've done you, you'll never find anyone else who can compare. Of course, that's just what others have told me. Something about having done this for fifty years."

"When you say it like that, I picture my grandfather sucking my dick." Trevor grimaced.

Cody made a similar face. "Ok, when you put it like that, even I get grossed out."

Trevor moved over to the middle of the couch and sat down. "This good?"

Ryan sat back against the arm of the couch. "I'm going to watch."

Trevor faced him and smiled. "I should charge you for the show."

Cody dropped to his knees in front of Trevor. "Pants down please."

Trevor inhaled deeply. "Here we go..." He slid his leather pants down to his ankles, and his semi-rigid penis sprang to attention.

Ryan pointed at it. "Hah, I knew you wanted this."

Trevor reached over and grabbed Ryan's crotch, gently squeezing it through the leather. "Feels like you want it too."

Ryan brushed Trevor's hand away. "Hey now, don't touch."

Cody leaned forward and was just about to begin, but paused. He faced them both. "I need to warn you that often, when I am aroused, or emotional, my eyes glow blue. I don't know why, something about the energy within me, but I thought you should know."

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, they were doing that earlier, over by the door."

"Well, then you've already seen it." He lowered his mouth, to within an inch of Trevor's fully erect penis, and paused again. `Oh, and sometimes when I am really excited my fangs descend."

"What?" Trevor sat up straighter. "You aren't going to bite my..." He never finished the sentence. He gasped, and looked up at the ceiling, as wet warmth enveloped his dick, and began sucking. "Holy shit."

Ryan watched as Cody leaned forward and sucked the entire length of Trevor's dick into his mouth, his nose against Trevor's abdomen. He grabbed his own crotch and began rubbing himself, wishing he had volunteered to go first.

Cody inhaled the musky scent of the older boy, and worked his mouth and throat muscles, perfectly stimulating Trevor. He continued for several minutes and then with an audible groan from Trevor, received a large, warm spray of the boy's semen, in his mouth. Cody shuddered when the energy flooded his body. Trevor was definitely a virgin and was without a doubt potent. He noticed just how much stronger the energy in his seed was, compared to David's.

Cody continued to milk Trevor's penis of the last drops of semen, and then pulled his mouth off, careful not to scrape the tender flesh with his fangs. They had, as he had warned, extended during the act.

Ryan had watched Trevor go from tense, to relaxed, to nearly unconscious with pleasure, and was himself, leaking with anticipation.

Cody turned to Ryan and smiled. "Did he enjoy that?"

"Oh yeah, I think you may have killed him." He looked into Cody's glowing blue eyes. "Can you see me when your eyes are like that?"

"Yes, in fact I see you better. I see your life force, as it clings to your body."

Ryan tentatively reached his hand towards Cody. "Can I touch one of your teeth?"

Cody smiled. "Sure." He opened his mouth, exposing his fangs.

Ryan tapped the front of one fang and then ran his finger down the side and tapped the point. "I hope you never use these on me." He pulled his hand back.

Cody didn't snap his mouth, as he had done to David. "I would be as gentle as possible, if we ever decide to try that." He leaned forward. "I would never hurt you Ryan. I told you that." His eyes began to return to their normal state, but he let his fangs remain descended.

Ryan leaned forward and smiled. "I know. I really do trust you, but this is all so freaky."

Cody nodded. "I understand. I'm very happy you two are so understanding of all this. I thought I was going to have to charm you, and wipe the memories away."

Ryan shrugged. "Well, just the other day I was complaining about how dull the summer was turning out to be. I never thought I would meet a vampire, have a boyfriend, or wear leather. I owe much of that to you."

"Thanks, I'm glad to have helped." He held Ryan's gaze, inches from his face. He could feel the boy's excitement and lust.

Ryan looked down at Cody's fangs, and then back into his eyes. "Don't bite me!" He grinned and leaned forward, kissing Cody on the mouth.

Cody felt a small electric tingle when their lips touched and he wrapped his arms around the boy, pulling him closer. Their kiss was brief, but passionate.

Ryan wanted to kiss Cody more strongly, but he was afraid of his teeth. He pulled back and smiled. "My turn please."

Cody nodded and sat back down on the floor. He helped Ryan remove his leather pants, and playfully rubbed the boy's penis. His own pulse was racing. This was the moment for which he had been waiting and fantasizing. He was about to feed on the only person who had ever felt the electrical spark he did, when he touched a virgin.

Ryan laid his head back on the couch and sighed. "Mind the teeth." It was then his turn to gasp, as his penis was swallowed. He gripped the couch, as Cody began to suck.

Trevor opened his eyes and casually turned his head to watch. "Enjoy it bro, you're in for a ride." His eyes were partially closed, as he felt the after-effects of the feeding.

Cody knew Trevor would be very relaxed for a while. It was similar to blood loss, but was a temporary reduction in spirit energy. It was harmless, and from what he had been told, very enjoyable.

Ryan began to gasp as he neared orgasm. He turned his head toward Trevor and smiled, his eyes full of wonder and pleasure.

Trevor leaned over and kissed him passionately. For several moments, they kissed, drawing each other's tongues into their mouths.

Suddenly, Ryan pulled away and sat up straight. "Oh my god!" He arched his back and felt an orgasm much stronger than he had ever had on his own, masturbating under the covers. It continued for longer than he had ever experienced. When it subsided, he felt Cody pull off, and he looked down. He gazed into the face of a cute, twenty-two year old boy, who just happened to have glowing blue eyes and fangs, and he was in love.

Ryan leaned forward, sliding off the couch, and landed on Cody. He pushed him back, into the coffee table, and kissed him violently. He felt one of the fangs scrape his tongue, and tasted blood in his mouth, as well as his own semen. It didn't matter. He continued to kiss Cody, who in turn kissed him.

For what seemed like minutes, Cody and Ryan kissed. Cody could taste the blood on the boy's tongue but he didn't try to coax more than what was seeping into his mouth. He had never felt such a rush of energy, as he did when Ryan had his orgasm. The taste wasn't unusual, but the amount of energy was far greater than he had ever experienced. He doubted he would need to feed again for a day, probably several.

Ryan pulled back and climbed back onto the couch. He stretched out and rested his head in Trevor's lap.

Trevor gently brushed the hair off Ryan's damp forehead, and smiled down at him. "Did you have fun?"

Ryan smiled up at Trevor and nodded. "Oh hell yeah."

Trevor bent down and they kissed.

Cody stood up and stretched. His eyes had returned to their normal state, and had retracted his fangs. He felt the energy from the two boys within his body, and it was more than he had ever consumed in one feeding. His left hand felt warm, and was tingling a little. He opened his hand and noticed the scar from the gold chain was had partially faded. He was in shock. That was impossible. Gold had ALWAYS left a permanent mark on his body. Something was affecting the scar, causing it to heal. He looked down on Ryan, who was still kissing Trevor. Could it be him? Is that what was different about Ryan, that allowed the boy to feel the electric shock between them?

Trevor ended the kiss and sat up. He saw Cody looking at them and smiled. "So are you still hungry?"

Cody shook his head. "No, I should be good for a while, thanks to you two." He sat down on the couch, and pulled Ryan's legs onto his thighs. "He looks peaceful."

Trevor nodded. "I think he's stoned."

Cody nodded. "Yeah, it's similar to that, but not dangerous. It will wear off in a while. You seem to be mostly recovered."

"I am. Tell me, will it always feel that fantastic?"

"Will what?"

"When you suck my dick?" Trevor smiled.

"You think I'm going to do that again?" Cody returned the smile.

Trevor nodded. "I don't think we're ever going to let you leave."

Ryan moaned and sat up. "I don't want you to leave."

Cody shrugged. "I can come back and visit, from time to time."

Trevor shrugged. "What would it take to make you move in with us?"

Cody narrowed his eyes and grinned. "Have you ever fucked a guy before?"

Next: Chapter 12

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