J & M's Pig

By Rick Smith

Published on May 3, 2024


This again should go into authoritarian and urination.

Thank you for coming back for the second installment. This will continue to delve further into pigs service to Master J and Sir W.

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J & M's Pig Part 2

I managed a few hours of rest, nothing more. I was awoke by the closet door opening and light coming in. I was a bit groggy, but immediately knew I needed to use the bathroom. Master was standing there and he reached down and opened the lock on the cage. He clipped on a leash and I slowly crawled out. I was a bit stiff from not moving much. Without a word he produced a urinal gag and led me to the shower. I said, Master may I use the bathroom before we do this. He said you are in the shower piss there. He then put the gag on me, rather tight. I really had not woken up much. Then his piss began hitting me in the face. He was not aiming for the gag at all he just let it go. I could smell it and it was very strong morning piss. I could not hold mine anymore and I began pissing too. Being in chastity it sort of sprayed all over my legs. He finished up with a shake of his cock, then turned with his ass to me and blasted a fart right in my face. I thought the piss smelled bad this was noxious. He just said a taste of what is to come pig. He said say Sir would be right in. I was there kneeling in the shower, wet and now getting cool. If you have ever had piss get cold on you, you know what I was feeling. Just then Sir walked in. He walked over to me and too released a torrent of piss. Most of it made it to the gag, but it was in my hair and on my body too. It was maybe more foul smelling that Sirs. He finished up, then reached in and turned on the shower. It was cold and he took the hose and rinsed me down. He reached in and unbuckled the gag and dropped it in the shower. He said, get up and get in the kitchen its breakfast time. Thankfully, I had not eaten since lunch yesterday. I followed him into the kitchen. On the counter were eggs, sausage, bread, some fruit, and butter. He said, you say you like to cook. Get to it. I started by making sausage patties, and cooking them, then I fried some eggs in the grease. I toasted some bread, and cut up the fruit. I kept everything warm in the oven and set it all out when done. I announced all was done. They came in and got plates out of the cabinet. They began filling them. I stood and waited thinking it was right to let them go first. When they had their food, they started to the table and told me to come over and kneel next to them. I thought, but what about my food, but did as told. They set and ate and commented how good it was, I was thinking, I am sure it is, it smelled delicious. They continued to eat and not really acknowledge me. Then Sir got up and went back for seconds. I knew there was not much left now, as I knew how much I made. Master set down and they talked some more, mostly about their day. I learned they had both talked days off to spend with me, I felt proud they thought enough of me to take time out of their busy work to spend it with me. They discussed hiking, and some places to go, I had not heard of. They sounded interesting. Sir got up with his plate and went to the counter he scraped his plate into a dog bowl and brought it over, then set it on the table. Sir then added some from his plate and they dumped the rest of their coffee in the bowl. It was then placed on the floor and Sir pointed to it and said, there is your breakfast pig. Master said, while you are here you will eat and drink on the floor out of a bowl like the animal you are. Get used to it this is your life pig. I said Yes Sir and Master. I was so hungry I did not care, yes it was humiliating to eat face down, ass in the air. But I did not care. I was eating they said, hurry up yo have 2 minutes. I began to slurp and scarf it down. I had it gone with the timer went off. They picked up the bowl and I raised my head. They both looked at me and just laughed. Sir said he was going to take the dogs out, and Master said he would use me then clean me up. Sir took the dogs and went out the door. Master took my leash and we headed for the bathroom. As we headed down the hall I was trailing on my hands and knees. Master stopped in the and bent slightly at the waist and said pig how bout a quick kiss and lick for my hole. I nuzzled up and put my nose and tongue in his ass. It still smelled much like last night. As I was licking, he blew a big fart that went half in my mouth and half in my nose. I was not sure which was worse. He just laughed and said, awww a kiss for you. I recoiled and he yanked on the leash causing me to lurch forward. We moved on toward the bathroom. Master said, that is another demerit for not thanking me for the kiss. I replied Thank You for the Kiss Master. He chuckled. Once in the bathroom Master said there is a lot to do. He then put some nasty metal clothes pins on my nipples and said let see how you like this. I winced in pain. Then he said, I am sure you need to clean out. He produced a red enema bag and proceeded to flush me out. After 4 bags he proclaimed me clean. He then put in rather large butt plug that had a corkscrew pig tail attached. He said, be a good piggy and oink and wiggle that tail for me. I dutifully did and he laughed at me. He then set down on the toilet and said pig its blumpkin time. We had discussed this. I had at this point figured out that everything we discussed was going to happen and rapidly. He crawled up and he fished his cock out of the bowl and I took him in my mouth. He released his piss and began to do his business. Once he finished pissing he got hard, and I began slow sucking him. There were all of the sounds and smells one would expect. Master said damn that stinks, he then grabbed a towel and placed it over the back of my head, and draped over his lap. He said, there maybe I won't smell so much now. I thought no, but I will! This went on and he said, fuck yeah this feels great. Then he pulled the towel off and smacked me with both hands on the ears and said all done pig stop. My ears were ringing and I stopped stunned. He stood up, flushed and immediately spun around and bent at the waist. He pulled the leash between his legs dragging me ever so close to his ass. He then said, pig you know what to do. I thought, please no, not this. But my resolve was weak. I just knelt forward and spread his cheeks and began cleaning. It was foul, earthy, and rank. He said, get in there deep pig. And he pushed back with his ass and yanked the leash forward, causing me to lodge my tongue further in his chute. My mind was reeling and he was groaning and saying what a fucking pig I was. My mouth was both pasty and dry and finally the taste was being washed down my throat. He then let up on the leash and stood up. He turned around and looked at me and said, well pig what do you think? I was still a bit stunned and said, Thank you for allowing me to be your toilet paper Master. He said, good answer pig. He then flicked the clothes pins on my nipples and I groaned in pain.

Just then Sir returned and put the dogs away and came into the bathroom. He turned on the exhaust fan and said damn that stinks. Master said well I think pig enjoyed it look he's leaking, fucking pig. They both agreed. They said ok pig time for some alterations. I was on my hands and knees and they began getting a few things out of the cabinet. Master then told me to set up on my haunches. I did and he took a towel and wiped my face off. Then I seen Sir had clippers. He just turned them on and began taking swipes of my beautiful dark hair. There was no guard, there was no asking me. They buzzed it off completely. Then Sir said look up at me pig. I did. He said nice. Then he took a swipe of my eyebrow and then the other. Fuck we certainly did not discuss this. He just patted my cheek and said that will make things easier later. Then Master ran water in the sink and applied shave cream to my head and used a new straight razor to scrape away any stubble, and of course did the brows too. I was not bald and without brows. I was told to rise, I did and looked in the mirror. I looked inhuman. They said pigs don't have hair or eyebrows right pig? I replied correct Sir and Master. They replied good pig. They removed the collar, clothes pins (again I screamed), and said we need to shower. We all got in the shower together, thankfully it was warm. We got cleaned up.

Once out we dried off and we went to the bedroom. The removed my pig plug and replaced it with a huge plug. They then gave me a jock pair of shorts and a t shirt. They both dressed and I was collared again and we got the dogs and went to the van this time. We all got in and headed out. We drove about an hour and pulled into a wooded area. Today would be hiking. The dogs were put on leashes, and the Master attached a leash to me and point to the sign that said "All Animals Must Be Leashed". This made me horny and humiliated me horribly. We explored the woods and I began to sweat and without eyebrows it kept getting in my eyes. I wiped a bit and just dealt with it. They brought water and drank some and put down bowls for the dogs and they drank. Then they asked if I was thirsty, I replied Yes Master. They whipped out their cocks and I drank both of their piss, then they put down a new water bowl and filled it with water and told me to lap that up too. I was happy to. We walked on. I then said Master I have to pee. He said ok pig. Sir stayed on the path and Master led me into the woods. He took off my shorts and jock and told me to get down on all 4's. I did and he said piss. I looked at him not sure how and he said, spread your knees, squat and piss pig. I did so and Master took a video, and narrated see pig is pissing just like a female dog. Fucking great a video too. I finished up and he put my clothes back on. We walked back and he showed Sir the video they agreed everyone would love it. Wait, everyone? What! We made it back to the van and got in. I was tired between traveling, not much sleep and hiking. We arrived home about an hour or so later. I woke up and we headed into the house. They said strip, and get to making dinner pig. I began. They set and watched, "supervised". I made a nice pasta dish they requested. It smelled delightful. They again made their plates and I waited. When they were done, they put some in my bowl and then pissed on it. They sat it on the floor and I scarfed it down, I was hungry. We were then led to the bedroom and I was strapped down to the bed face down. Sir said to Master how many demerits does pig have. Master replied 3 now. Sir handed Master a 20 sided die and said roll it. Master did and said hell yeah 17. Sir said ok well 17 x 3 pig is 51 pig. You will be 51 lashes. Master produced a leather strap with a wooden handle and showed it to me. Master gave me the first 10 fuck that stung. Then Sir did the next 10 and he was harsher. I was now crying and Master gagged me. He then took a turn for the next 10 and I was sobbing in pain now. There was no break, no talking no reprieve. Master did the next 10, by my calculation we were only at 40 and my ass was on fire. Sir did the next 10, and then said one more. He brought the strap down the hardest of all and I howled and cried out and was sobbing. When they finished Master removed my plug and Sir shoved his uncut cock in fast and hard. Master came to my head and put his cock in my mouth. I was being railed from both ends. The they pulled out and switched. I had no resistance anymore. They did this 3 more times. Then Master unloaded in my ass, and came to my head again and I cleaned him off and Sir then unloaded and came to my head and I cleaned him off. They then unbound me and checked my backside. It was hot and hurt bad. They said remember pig, that is because you hesitated. Do not hesitate when given an order. I replied softly Yes Master and Sir. They said ok bed time. I was led to the bathroom and they opened the closet door and cage. I just crawled in. I was so tired. I had no resistance. I went in and was asleep in no time.

Next: Chapter 3

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