Jace Switches Masters

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 15, 2023


When jace woke up from his nap with Dr. Gabe, he felt Dr. Gabe running his finger, very slowly, around jace's right nipple. He had a light touch, but the stimulation made jace curl into him closer. "Those tits... those tits of yours, babe... They're gonna be the death of me. GRRRRRRRRRRR" Gabe leaned in and started chewing that nip, and jace let out a moan. "OHHHHHHHHHHHH SIR.............OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" Gabe continued to chew for a while, before he rolled on top of jace, pushing his knee up into jace's crotch, rubbing it horizontally back and forth over jace's balls. "When am I gonna do it? When am I gonna pierce it? Before? or After I get rid of that tattoo? Hmmmmm? Maybe I'll get some advice tonight." He forced his tongue into jace's mouth and began frenching him. jace wanted desperately to put his arms around Gabe, but he couldn't: Gabe had him pinned down. He also wanted to cum, desperately, but Gabe had locked him up nice and tight, in a cage just slightly smaller than the one Matt had used. jace was still getting used to the feel of Gabe's body against his newly shaven one, and the kiss, the nip work, the knee.... he wanted to explode. He was wondering all the while though: when was the "picnic" or "honeymoon" going to end? He had been with enough DOMS to know that things could change immediately, and.... He didn't want to think of this now. He couldn't, because Gabe yanked his head up by jace's hair. "See that hard on?" "Yes sir." "When you see me hard in bed, you ask IMMEDIATELY: can I take care of that for you?" "Yes sir. Sorry. I won't mess up again. " Gabe was stonily silent. "WELL?" "Sorry Sir... can I take care of it for you?" "Open your mouth bitchboi. Take it. DEEP THROAT IT. " "YES SIR. IMMEDIATELY." jace dove on Gabe's thick cock. His mouth still wasn't used to this new shape, but he did his best. Gabe's cock wasn't long enough to cause a standard gag reflex, but the thickness... and the new taste.... jace tried his best. When tears formed in his eyes, he saw the evil grin on Gabe's face. "sub tears. My favorite beverage. " He pushed his cock into jace's mouth harder. "You've got 3 minutes to bring me off bitch. If you don't.... heh heh. There are so many things that pretty body of yours can endure." What had jace been thinking about the end of a picnic? "Maybe I need to check with Matt to see what it takes to get a decent blow job from you, sub " Gabe's comment stung: jace didn't want his DOMS comparing notes. He tried and slid his tongue around Gabe's cock, clockwise then counterclockwise. "YEAH. THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT, BOTTOM. " One more thrust, and jace's mouth was filled with thick, heavy jizz. He saw Gabe crack a smile. "SWALLOW EVERY BIT. THEN GO CLEAN UP. GOTTA GET READY TO INTRODUCE YOU." "introduce me?" jace didn't know what Dr. Gabe meant. He remembered him talking about a party and friends, but... While jace was showering, Gabe was picking out his outfit. "SON OF A BITCH. YOU DO HAVE A THONG. " He held up a skinny red one. jace didn't know why he still had that: he had last worn it five years ago or so.. "It's gonna look SO hot on you tonight. Gonna have to make you wear one of your shitty shirts, but you'll still be better dressed than the other subs." Gabe had pulled out an oxford button down with maroon stripes going down it. jace was very fond of that shirt. He called it his "interview " shirt, but it could have been his "pick up" shirt. When he wore it, he always got picked up. He knew that wasn't happening tonight, for sure. Not with Dr. Gabe there. There were faded jeans too. "I found ONE pair that actually seemed the right size for you." They were actually a size smaller than jace normally wore, and his cage would show through his crotch. "GET DRESSED. I GOTTA PICK MINE TOO. " jace watched as Gabe put on a cashmere turtleneck - black - and black jeans. "HE'S SO FUCKING HOT" jace thought. Gabe saw his look and smiled. "You're gonna look fucking hot as eye candy, jace. MY eye candy." "yes sir." "We're going to a meeting I have with my friends. All DOMS. All their subs. You need to meet these people.. " He smiled. "And I need to show you off." He stopped for a minute, lost in thought and then Gabe reached for something. "Drop your jeans, boy" "yes sir." jace did what he was told, and then he felt Gabe pull down his thong. A lubricated plug was going up his ass. It wasn't long, but it was long enough. Then, he felt the jolt go through him. "App is on my phone boy. You piss me off, you get zapped. Keep ya ready for the real thing later too. Now get everything back up and buttoned. I don't want us to be late. " He handed jace his sateen baseball jacket. And he put a leather strip collar around jace's neck. It said "SLAVE" right in front. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

They didn't use the driver. Gabe told jace it was close enough to walk, with jace thinking all the while "he wants people to see me with the collar." He wasn't wrong. jace walked with his hands behind his back and every now and then, Gabe would send a bolt with his phone because, as he told jace "I saw you check out that guy. You check out one guy. Your DOM. ME." "Yes sir. Sorry Sir. I need to behave." They got to a townhouse, and a good looking, gray haired man opened the door, smiling. He had a drink in his hand. "GABE. I'm so glad you could come to tonight's fete." He gave jace the once over. "And who do we have here? " "Hi. I'm jace. mmmmmmmmmmph" jace was trying to say thank you before Gabe's big hand covered his mouth. "I'm sorry Sandy. I think jace and I have to go over when he has permission to speak. " Gabe tightened the gag. "Don't we jace?" "mmmmmmmmmmmph..." when Gabe released the gag jace said "yes sir. Sorry Sir." "Well," Sandy continued. "He's absolutely edible. Training him to YOUR standards will be a challenge, but I think you'll find him worth it.

Let's go inside. The subs are in the den. We're having our drinks in the parlor." Sandy looked at jace. "You can get undressed in that corner." jace looked at Gabe, and Gabe laughed. "I forgot to tell him. Part of tonight's introduction is everyone getting to see everything." Indeed, the other men in the room began wandering over. jace could hear a slight rumble of approvals in "ooohs" and "aaaaaahs." "OFF WITH EVERYTHING SUB. YOU'LL GET DRESSED AGAIN BEFORE DINNER." jace gulped. "yes sir." Philip had made him do things like this. He hadn't been with Matt long enough for it to happen. He really didn't like the feeling of being looked at like a prize pet, but... "I guess that's what I am. And I wanted it," he thought. He began getting everything off. "NICE. WELL MUSCLED. " one guy, whom jace later learned was named Kyle, said. "Sort of a gymnast's build. Not your usual type Gabe. you like the husky ones." "I know.. I don't know what it is about this sub. Just... something.

" jace found himself in the middle of a circle, being examined by a crew of older men. "His last two DOMS were about his age," Gabe added "I think that impaired his training. Now, with an older guy, he'll learn right." He looked at jace. "The other subs are in that room. And they're all naked just like you. Go join them. I'm sure subs have SOMETHING worthwhile to talk about , but there's no reason for you to be here now." "yes sir." jace went off and opened the door to five other naked young men. All of them were wearing cages. All were shaved. The bunch of them were amused that jace was both plugged and collared . As one of the subs (mick) said "Gabe likes to be definitive. You KNOW you're his sub when you're his sub." jace was curious . "Do you guys know Gabe?" There was a little bit of laughter until another one (aiden) spoke: "Yes and no. We were all claimed, and our DOMS offered us to him, but Gabe was very clear: he didn't take 'charity' as he put it, and he didn't share. Sooo.... we were each invited to bring a sub looking for a DOM to one of these get togethers." He looked around "Remember keith?" There was some nervous giggling. "Yeah, poor keith. Don't cross paths with him, he may hurt you?" Now jace was confused. "Why? What did I do to him?" "Well, you stole his DOM." When jace continued to look confused beau explained "Dr. Gabe was REALLY interested in keith. Cute guy. Green eyes, blond hair. Wrestled at school. I remember Dr. Gabe remarking at least twice that he was TRULY his type." "That's true," jace said. I saw pictures of his last sub. "Oh, that guy dave. Yeah, we heard about him. His loss. Anyway, Dr. Gabe was all set to claim keith, and keith was ready to submit... " He grinned. "Then apparently he saw you, and.. well, poor keith. What's his dom's name?" "Matt?" answered aiden . "That big footballer with the ginger hair? " "YEAH. Talk about a step down." aiden looked at jace. "If you haven't figured this out, jace, ALL of our DOMS are extremely wealthy. They all can have anything they want. And they usually get it. " Hearing that made jace feel good about himself: a man who could have anything.... wanted him. But he thought about the rest of the story: could there be another red haired DOM named Matt? He decided not to bring it up. One of the DOMS came in. beau took jace's elbow. "Stand up," he whispered. "Fully submissive position." "Ok, bitches, dinner will be ready in ten minutes. Get yourself dressed ." "We dress for dinner?" jace asked. aiden laughed and used a fake accent. "Dis is a KLASS act jace. We even get to eat at the table. Like real adults."

Indeed, they did. There was a seat next to Gabe, and there was a place holder at the setting saying "sub jace" "Over here boy. You can sit. I'm sitting already." "Yes sir. Thank you sir." When jace sat at the table, he felt a buzz go through his butt, and he saw Gabe smile. Much of the dinner conversation had to do with Gabe and jace, how they met, etc. "My understanding from his old DOM is that at one time jace was a Top." There was laughter around the table. "REALLY?" one of the guys asked. "YOU were a top?" He directed his gaze to jace. jace instinctively lowered his gaze and waited for permission to speak. "Tell him boy," said Gabe and jace answered. "yes sir. It was a long time ago." "Yeah, too late for me," Gabe answered. "I woulda LOVED breaking this one. He's still a little willful, and I'm working on that." "You're willful jace? Because if you are, we can always arrange time at the flogging station downstairs." jace didn't say anything and Gabe laughed. "I don't think that's gonna be necessary. I'm learning all of jace's weaknesses, and tonight when we get home..." he grinned and delivered another buzz to jace's ass, this time it was hard enough that people heard the buzz and smiled. "he's gonna find out that I know it." "OOOOOOOOOH. That sounds like a movie." Gabe smiled. "Maybe it will be."

If the subs were allowed at table for dinner, they were not allowed chairs when they broke for cocktails. jace was sitting at Gabe's feet - a position that he was getting used to, with Gabe's foot resting firmly in his crotch. When he pressed the plug button, he'd push his foot down too. Occasionally, the DOMS would see it, and grin. The subs looked at him in sympathy. "So, what's in store for jace this week, Dr. Gabe?" "Welll..... I think subs should have to earn their keep, so he's gonna keep working, BUT... " he dropped his hand inside jace's shirt. "This boy is marked, but it's not my mark. So we're gonna get rid of that and then.... he's gonna carry my piercing." "FUCKING HOT" said one of the DOMS named Peter. jace had thought that if he weren't with Gabe, Peter was the one he'd most want to be with. aiden was his sub, and he thought he could probably take him in a fight, but... while he had heard about events where subs would have to wrestle each other, or do something else, to get a DOM's cock, he didn't see Dr. Gabe allowing that.

When it was time to leave and they had gotten jace's jacket, Gabe put his hand on the back of jace's neck. "So what do you guys think? Is he worthy?" He laughed. "My woody says he is," one of them answered. jace got a HARD buzz. "THANK THE MAN. He has a hot sub and he said you made him hard." "thank you Sir. Very much appreciated." "Hey, Dr. Gabe, can we have the... 'initiation kiss?" Dr. Gabe smiled. "I didn't think you'd let me out of here without that. " He leaned down to jace. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH BITCH" When jace obeyed, Gabe's tongue went down as far as it could "MMMMM. Someone's gonna get a hard fucking tonight, and it's not just aiden" Peter said to laughter. "Next time guys, I'll show you how good he is at something else. Just not tonight."

On the walk back home, Dr. Gabe zapped the plug at least ten times. He was FURIOUS with how jace had spoken when they got there. "NEVER. EVER. EVER. DON'T YOU EVER SPEAK TO ANOTHER DOM WITHOUT MY PERMISSION." "Yes sir. I'm sorry. I apologize. I should have remembered my place." "Ha ha. You have a FEW places, and one of them is underneath me."

When they got home, Gabe told jace. "Get to work. Undress me.

First. Start with my sweater. " "Yes sir.." jace tried to be as delicate as he could be, lifting the cashmere off Dr. Gabe. "Now the shoes. And make sure you WORSHIP them." "yes sir. " Gabe sat down and jace pulled off each loafer, caressing it, smelling it, and then he looked at Gabe, with his tongue out. "May I Sir?" "Yes. It's required." jace licked each shoe all over before he opened his DOM's slacks and eased them off. He could see the fat bulge in Dr. Gabe's crotch and knew what was coming. "That's fine. You go strip. Naked. Then on your belly, spread out. " "yes sir." jace was well trained and he knew not to make Dr. Gabe wait. When Gabe came into the bedroom, he grabbed each of jace's wrists and restrained them to the bed. He pushed his legs apart, and jace thought ball torture was next. Instead... he felt Dr. Gabe's scruff rubbing up against the back of his left knee.

"ACCCCK. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. " "See, muffin? I TOLD you I knew another spot. " Gabe dug the scruff in, and then switched to the other knee. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." jace hadn't been tickled there since he was a young boy. His father did it , and he SO wanted to call Gabe "Daddy" at that moment, but he didn't dare. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " He also knew better than to beg Dr. Gabe to stop. He'd stop when he wanted to. And when he did, he got on top of jace from behind, and nibbled his ear. "Every fucking DOM in that room was jealous of me tonight. And I don't blame them." He ran his tongue down jace's ear. Then he arched up, and pulled the plug out. jace felt the SMACK of Gabe's hand on his ass. "I FUCKING HATE THIS TATTOO. I'M GONNA MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE LASER GUY TOMORROW." "yes sir. Sorry you had to see it Sir." No response. Just the sound of a wad of spit hitting his ass, relaxed from the plug that had lived there for the last few hours. Then the cock. The big fat cock pushing in, demanding attention. jace relaxed as much as he could. This was going to be the cock that owned his ass for the future, and he'd better get used to it. "OOOOOOOOOH. yes sir. yes. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH. You're so big. So big. Take my worthless sub ass." Dirty talk was one of jace's talents, and it worked. Gabe was fully roused, and fully inside of him. jace loved the feel of a hard cock in his ass, and while Gabe's wasn't his favorite, there was so much else that he loved. THAT SMELL. THAT ODOR of Gabe's pits. Maybe he'd get some tonight." Gabe punished his ass for a long time. Finally, he felt the stiffness that he knew meant his DOM was about to climax. "YES SIR. YES SIR. I DON'T DESERVE IT BUT... FILL ME WITH YOUR CREAM."

Gabe didn't need encouragement. When he was done, he nuzzled jace. "You're so fucking HOT. SUCH A FUCKING BABE." He kissed jace's ear. "Maybe tomorrow you'll get to show me how a sub jerks off. " jace's voice was very low. "thank you Sir. Thank you. I don't deserve it." He felt Gabe untying the restraints. He saw the smile. "Daddy Gabe knows what you want boy. Get your nose in that pit. "YES SIR. YES. MMMMMMMMMMMM" While jace burrowed in , Gabe began stroking the back of his neck, at a spot that he knew would put anyone to sleep. He had used it on dave many times and he used it here. jace fell asleep with his face deep in Gabe's right pit. "He's gonna be so much hotter with the tit ring. " He pulled jace closer to him. "And NONE of those queens are gonna get you. NONE of them. " He could've sworn he heard jace say "thank you Sir," but maybe it was in his dreams.

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