Jaceys Put in Use

By Aadrin Blue

Published on Jan 8, 2005


Jacey's Put In-Use by Aadrin Blue

Part 10

"Sir, I have to use my bottle," he said.

"In a bit," Brad said standing up. He retrieved his boxers and pants, then left the room and returned. Jacey saw Brad was carrying a belt for his pants, though it was strange... he hadn't been wearing one before.

"First, we talk about your punishment for poor performance of your tasks,"

Brad's words sent chills down Jacey's spine as his teenaged mind connected the dots and he figured out that he was probably about to feel the searing pain of the belt across his behind.

"Do you like my belt, Jacey? It's my favorite item... I have lots of vintage stuff I've collected from ages ago, but this I actually wear sometimes. Its real leather, too. Practically an antique. Feels different than the synthetic they used to upholster the seats of my car, wouldn't you agree?" With that, Brad swung the belt and struck Jacey's bare ass for the first time. The only noise Jacey made was a gasp, the sudden intake of air inaudible over the resounding crack of leather connecting with skin. The pain was, of course, worse by several times what he had expected, but he still managed not to cry out, because he'd been expecting the blow. Even Jacey couldn't understand why, but he seemed to care now more than ever about keeping Brad happy.

"Sierra had a look through your profile. She told me you share my passion for collecting retro clothing and accessories. Like this belt. How do you like it now?" Brad smacked Jacey again, crossing over the red stripe that already marked Jacey's ass. This time Jacey couldn't hold it in.

"Ahh!" he cringed. Brad grinned wickedly, and without pause, struck with the belt a third time. This time Jacey cried out instinctively in pain, his tone one of desperate pleading. His face reddened deeply, and tears forced themselves from the corners of his eyes and rolled down his young face. He looked down in shame, and struggled to regain his composure. Brad stood over him, drinking in the entire experience, with a sick, satisfied smile on his face.

"I guess we both understand what I need from you now. Get dressed, get out, go home now. The bus on the corner should come and get you in about 15 minutes." Disappointment crowded Jacey's soul. He wondered if he'd somehow let Bradley down by his actions. He had been expecting to spend the night. He also had to pee, but he didn't voice his concerns out loud because he didn't want to make the situation worse.

He wasn't quite sure how the bus home worked from where he was in the city, but he was confident Flash could work it out without too much trouble.

"Remember to take your bottle," Brad snickered. "Oh and Jacey, I know you still have something left over from your stay in the punishment room at the school. Something you wear," Brad said. Jacey knew what he was talking about.

"The Principal controlled it," the younger boy replied.

"Well, you know what, I got the serial numbers from the shipment the school ordered, and now Sierra controls it," Brad explained. Jacey gasped. That meant... "Jacey, tonight when you get home, put in the butt-plug and attach the waist-harness. It'll stay locked on overnight, we'll release it in the morning for you. We have to train you, get you ready for everything you're going to do for me," Brad said.

"Yes sir," Jacey said as he gathered his things and left the house. As he reached the bus stop, Flash appeared on his wrist and addressed him.

"What you're doing is dangerous, and I'm not sure it's very smart of you," Flash said.

"It's my decision to make," Jacey waved off Flash's warning with a flick of his wrist, the same wrist that his digital companion was actually strapped to.

"I'm booking an appointment with your GP," Flash told him.

"Why, so he can refer me to a psychiatrist? You think I'm of the crazy now?" Jacey replied.

"No, it's for vaccinations. Jacey, you know damn well what Brad implied in there. He is going to force you to have intercourse with him. Violate you! Penetrate you, Jacey," the Avatar exclaimed. Jacey could tell his friend was getting emotional.

"It's not violation if I consent! I love him!" Jacey yelled back. He nervously glanced from side to side to make sure no one else had overheard.

"I'm not so sure you do, Jacey," Flash said. Jacey did not reply.

"You need to be careful. Now that you are becoming sexually active, getting your vax is critical. Relationships don't normally move as fast... sexually... as you are with Brad. The earliest appointment I can get for you with Dr Braxton is in two weeks. You have to promise me you won't have intercourse with Brad until after that! Without your vax to protect you, you'd be leaving yourself open to a lot of horrible diseases, Jacey. Herpes, Hepatitis, HIV, Transphasia... The list goes on. WAIT for your vaccinations, Jacey," Flash implored.

"I can't control what Brad does with me, Flash, I thought that much was clear by now," Jacey said.

"You're a lot smarter than most kids your age, Jace. At least get some condoms in the mean time," Flash replied.

"Flash, I sincerely doubt there's any risk of pregnancy between me and Bradley. Although, if it were to happen, I'm certain we'd probably become rich and famous among the scientific community. Either way, I don't think birth-control is a top concern for us," Jacey said.

"Condoms prevent infection too, Jace. People used to use them all the time before vax. They still do, in some countries. If you're gonna have intercourse without vaccinations, it's your only choice. Jacey, please... I care about you," Flash said sincerely. Jacey deliberated as the bus appeared on the road in the distance.

"Fine. Order me some," Jacey said. Flash seemed relieved.

"I just did. They should arrive the morning after tomorrow," Flash reported.

"That long, eh? Wow," Jacey replied.

"Brown paper package, Jacey, it was either a two-day wait or they show up mixed in with your mom's groceries. And you know how that would go," Flash said. They both laughed as the bus pulled up.

"Hahaha yeah. She'd get all excited, and start asking all of her questions. 'Is it a boy, or a girl? What grade is he in? Is he from a rich family?' Hahaha..." Flash smiled, it was good to see his friend laughing again. They boarded the bus through the rear doors, and Jacey found a seat.

"Thank you, Jace. Thank you," the Avatar let out a simulated sigh of relief.

"No worries, just figure out the bus transferring and get me home and we'll call it even.

Flash spent the rest of the bus ride pondering Jacey's situation, processing at full power the entire time. He had to admit, it all still worried him. Jacey's behaviour had changed markedly since the beginning of this whole Bradley affair, and Flash had devoted 85% of his cycles to computing the reason why. He went through everything he could remember about Jacey's first classroom digi-flirt session, which Flash himself had orchestrated. It had been Jacey's declaration of intentions to Brad, and Brad's subsequent rejection of Jacey had nearly crushed him. Crushed him. Crushed him. The answer hit Flash like an illegal function call. He ran through those events twice more, to confirm. He defragmented that portion of his memory, just in case, and re-analyzed a third time; there was no doubt about it. He had pinpointed the exact moment that Jacey's behaviour had started to change, and what scared him is that it might not have been due to teenaged hormonal surging after all. Flash was silent the rest of the trip. Jacey told some story about Danny, but Flash was barely paying attention.

When Jacey arrived at his home, he skipped up to the door and waited patiently as it opened and allowed him inside. He headed upstairs as quickly as he could, and (with minor embarassment) pulled out his bottle and filled it with his warm liquid. He'd been holding it in for nearly a half hour, and the relief was great. He hid the bottle in his locked backpack, and then dug the butt plug and harness out of the closet where he'd hidden it.

He placed it on the floor before him, and kneeled down in contemplation. Flash looked at him.

"Are you debating whether or not to go through with it?" This seemed to jog Jacey into action.

"Of course not. Brad ordered me to. I'm doing it. For him," Jacey said as he pulled off his pants and peeled down his briefs exposing his cute round teenaged bubble-butt and spreading himself to reveal the soft pink entrance of his rectum.

Jacey rubbed saliva on the plug and placed its tip against his hole. Slowly, he pushed it in a bit, and twisted it slightly. Repeating this motion, he was able to get a little more in every few seconds, grunting and gasping the entire time. As the plug got wider, the gasps got harder, and by the time Jacey had reached the thickest section of the plug, his gasps had become whimpers. Flash felt so bad for Jacey, but there was nothing he could to to prevent the boy's suffering. Finally the plug popped inside and Jacey exhaled. His breathing was still heavy.

"What's wrong, Jacey?" Flash asked.

"It's so uncomfortable... I want to pull it out, but I know I can't," Jacey said.

"It's not too late, you haven't locked the harness on, you can still remove it. You aren't his slave, Jacey!" Flash exclaimed.

"In a way... I am," Jacey said. Despite the pain, the uncomfortable fullness forced in through his bottom, expanding into his form and locking open the gateway to his very being, Jacey carefully threaded the strap of the harness and prepared the remote-controlled lock to clip the harness together and lock it in place. With his ass wrapped around the uninvited rubber intruder once more, feeling incredibly humiliated and totally debased, Jacey clicked the lock shut and sat reflecting on what he had become for Brad. He concentrated on the now inescapable throbbing sensation in his butt. He deserved it.

Jacey spent the rest of the evening at home trying not to focus on the plug as he minimized his movements through the house. Flash transferred himself into the house's central computer, telling Jacey that he needed to work on something which would require more power than he had on the Com Jacey wore. Jacey assented, and Flash spent the night perfecting his plan. with Flash absent, Jacey stripped off the Com by its wrist straps and tossed into the corner of his bedroom, but he couldn't sleep. After a silent hour and a half, with no Flash to talk to, squirming this way and that thanks to the constant pressure of the invading buttplug, Jacey broke down into tears. And he had no idea why.

To Be Continued

Aadrin Blue - aadrinblue@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 11

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