Jaceys Put in Use

By Aadrin Blue

Published on Oct 10, 2004


Jacey's Put In-Use by Aadrin Blue

part 3

"I shall leave you to your lesson in discipline now. Think about how preferable freedom is, boy, as you enjoy your day with none. It shouldn't be long before you get to enjoy your first customer," the Principal said. And with that, he left. Jacey couldn't even turn around to watch the door close, but he heard the lock click shut. The lights in the punishment room dimmed. Jacey's ass throbbed around the uncomfortable plug. He tried desperately to force it out of him, but it remained, his hole stretched around its thickness. It felt like burning. The leaning position into which he'd been fixed beyond his control was incredibly painful to maintain. After what seemed like hours, but couldn't have been more than a few minutes, his knees began to cramp and he lost the battle to lean forward. He collapsed back onto the bicycle chair, of course increasing the pressure on the plug through the diaper. With nothing else to do, Jacey began sobbing anew.

It was then that he heard the door to the boys bathroom open up, and footsteps enter.

It was one of the guys from Jacey's math class. A thin lanky kid with glasses. He walked in and picked his nose; Jacey realized that the boy must not be able to see him. Of course! Jacey had never walked into the bathroom and seen through the walls, so they must only be transparent from the inside of the punishment room, he realized. The other boy walked forward and Jacey sighed with relief as he chose the urinal on the far left. His heart leapt again, though, because just as soon as the first boy left, another entered... and this one walked directly toward the center urinal.

Jacey knew this boy. His name was Jordan, and he was from the Eleventh level. A Junior, one year older than Jacey was. He was muscular, because he was on the volleyball team, and had messy dark-brown hair.

As Jordan stepped forward and positioned himself directly in front of the urinal, a mere two feet from Jacey's kneeling form, Jacey involuntarily pulled back... but to no avail.

It all happened in slow motion. Jacey stared wide eyed as Jordan pressed the release on his pants, and rolled down the zip to reveal his boxers. He pulled the elastic waistband out and down, over himself, shamelessly revealing his soft penis and bushy brown pubic hair. He took hold of his tool, slightly rolled back his foreskin to clear the urethra, and then aimed... directly at the center of the drain. Oh my god, this is it... Jacey cried internally, bracing himself. He couldn't believe he was about to be forced to taste another boy's piss, to actually drink urine. To be used like this, made lower than the lowest scum he could imagine. Helplessly he knelt there, his mouth involuntarily opened wide to receive the waste fluid of another human being, one who wasn't even aware of his presence. After a few seconds, a powerful torrent of bright yellow fluid burst forth from the muscular jock, Jordan's gift at first splashing around in the fixture, but quickly running directly down into the drain of the urinal. Jaw forced open, mouth locked in place, his lips wrapped around the inescapable tube phallus, Jacey watched with his eyes wide in abject horror as the translucent golden flow made its way down the transparent drain, through the wall, into the tube, around in its loops and then, finally, into the base of the phallus. A split second later Jacey was tasting Jordan's bitter piss as it spread across his tongue.

The bitter urine flooded his mouth quicker than he would have thought... The taste was horrible. It brought tears to his eyes, but no matter how repulsed he became, he couldn't spit it out. He shifted desperately, but it was no use. He coulen't pull away because he couldnt even move! As he continued to fight it, the tube filled up and Jordan's urine started to pool in the base of the urinal. In desperation, instinctively, Jacey's throat muscles moved and before he knew what he was doing he was swallowing his first mouthful of Jordan's vile, disgusting piss. It tasted even worse than before as it soaked his throat on its way down into his stomach.

The voided space in his mouth quickly refilled with more of Jordan's strong bitter boy piss. Helplessly, Jacey stared up into the genitals of the boy who he knelt serving. He swallowed again, with a grimace. Two more tears rolled down his right cheek as the unrelenting tube filled his mouth up again.

Jordan's flow was still going strong. The taste was almost more than Jacey could bear, and it seemed more and more awful with each mouthful. After six disgusting gulps, the stream waned and a few seconds later the flow into Jacey's mouth slowed to a trickle. Jordan zipped up his pants and, without washing his hands, left the restroom.

Jordan's urine continued to trickle through the tube and onto Jacey's tongue, eventually reduced to drop by bitter humiliating drop. He tried, but nothing Jacey could do would eliminate the sour aftertaste from his mouth. Every so often, when a little 'puddle' would form in his throat from the trickle of urine, he had to force himself to swallow it. He could feel Jordan's entire bladder load of piss in his stomach. Again he cried. His rectum was still wrapped around the plug, he was still very aware of its pain, but he didn't care. He went limp in his bonds (except for his shaft, stimulated by the presence in his bottom) and his body was wracked with his continued sobs. But no matter how much he cried, he still couldn't wash away either the taste or the memory of the vile urine from his mouth.

He was powerless.

The next boy used one of the other urinals, but a while after that, a member of the swim team came in. Jacey would be forced to serve him. He opened up his fly, and Jacey prepared himself for the inevitable. This boy's urine was much lighter in colour than Jordan's had been, and while he still found it disgusting, he swallowed it considerably easier than before. It didn't burn, and it wasn't as strong in taste. Jacey gulped once, twice, three times, and the flow slowed. Jacey disgustedly completed his fourth and final swallow of the swimmer's pee as the swimmer walked away. Once again, the bathroom was empty.

Jacey lost track of time for a while, but then suddenly, he heard the school's sched-tones go off. First period had just ended. Almost immediately, two boys entered. One of them used the middle urinal. Again the stream filled Jacey's unwilling mouth, again Jacey willed his throat to swallow, painting every last taste-bud with the other boy's fluid relief. This was only slightly stronger than the swimmer's had been, but when this boy left, another one immediately took his place and a new stream followed the first. Without a break, the flow into Jacey's mouth darkened as Jacey's gulping continued. The new boy's urine tasted so strong it was like acid. As he looked up into the boy's face he saw it was a Ninth Level who often teased him in the halls for being clutzy. The Ninth was looking up at the ceiling now, eyes closed in ecstasy and relief as he emptied his bladder into Jacey's fixture, oblivious to the fact that he was simultaneously filling up poor Jacey's open mouth, throat, and tummy with his concentrated teenaged schoolboy pee.

A line had developed, and other boys were using the other urinals. By the time the between-class rush had finished, Jacey had served three boys in quick- succession with no break. He'd swallowed ten or eleven times... He felt dirtier than he'd ever felt before. It made him sick in his mind, if not in his stomach. Despite the situation, the butt plug kept him hard in the diaper he was forced to wear, and he hated himself for the fact that he was actually getting used to the taste. It reminded him of almonds, he reflected, but quickly banished the thought. He did, however, realize that he'd stopped crying.

His body stiff and sore from his bondage, his stomach full of urine from five different boys, his jaw locked around this torture tube from hell, and having been there for only a quarter of the day so far, he had no idea how me was going to survive the rest of his punishment. Nothing could make this situation worse, he thought. Just then he heard the bathroom door open up, and in walked Bradley del Mar. From his grade. From his class. The Boy of his Dreams who didn't want anything to do with him.

Jacey couldn't believe it. He closed his eyes and chose something less painful to focus on. He had almost decided between the salty taste of urine and the pain of the plug forced in his behind when he heard Bradley stepping up towards the middle urinal.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 4

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