Jaceys Put in Use

By Aadrin Blue

Published on Oct 11, 2004


Jacey's Put In-Use by Aadrin Blue

part 4

His body stiff and sore from his bondage, his stomach full of urine from five different boys, his jaw locked around this torture tube from hell, and having been there for only a quarter of the day so far, Jacey had no idea how he was going to survive the rest of his punishment. Nothing could make this situation worse, he thought. Just then he heard the bathroom door open up, and in walked Bradley del Mar. From his grade. From his class. The Boy of his Dreams who didn't want anything to do with him.

Jacey couldn't believe it. He closed his eyes and chose something less painful to focus on. He had almost decided between the salty taste of urine and the pain of the plug forced in his behind when he heard Bradley stepping up towards the middle urinal.

Jacey had first noticed Brad on the first day of school, months ago. Brad kept his black hair short all over, no more than an inch long anywhere on his head, leaving his cute round unpierced ears in plain view. Most boys kept their hair at a length that was at least down past their ears, but Brad was a bit of a rebel. His unusual style made him exotic to Jacey, who often fantasized about playing his fingers through Brad's short hair and nibbling on those delicious earlobes. The fantasy always ended with Jacey jumping the other boy for the hottest highschool make-out session of the century. Unfortunately, reality rarely plays out like fantasy. After a week of staring at Brad from across each of their classes together, he finally decided he had to do something about it. Jacey had used the classic shy schoolboy tactic to get Bradley's attention: he had a friend do it for him.

Jacey noticed that, like himself, Bradley wore an active com. He could see it, lit up, stuck on the side of Brad's right pant leg. Since Brad's com avatar never went standby like Danny's did all the time, it probably knew Brad as well as Flash knew Jacey. While the rest of the class worked on their Tabs, Jacey hadn't even logged in. Instead he leaned over his unique wrist-band com, and in a whisper, asked Flash to talk to the avatar on Bradley's com to try and find out if Jacey stood a chance.

"Jacey, I've never even met Bradley's avatar," Flash had laughed. "I don't even know its name!" At this, Jacey shrugged.

"Check the directory," he said. Flash rolled his cute anime style eyes and exhaled a simulated breath on the tiny screen.

"Fine. Brad's com av is named Sierra. It identifies as female. Jacey, this doesn't look promising... Sierra and I don't seem to have anything in common. And she's not stupid, If I just show up out of the blue asking all kinds of random questions about Brad, she's gonna figure out you're holding for him. And she'll probably tell him right away," Flash said. Jacey busied himself gazing longingly across at Brad's beautiful bright aqua eyes (which were so gorgeous they simply had to be Brad's natural colour), before sighing his reply to Flash.

"That's the idea," Jacey said.

"I'll do my best," Flash had promised, before dissappearing. A couple of minutes later, Brad's com had blinked red for just a second as it vibrated silently to get his attention without drawing that of the teacher. Jacey saw him tilt his head slightly. No one else in the class noticed, but Jacey knew that Brad was listening to Sierra tell him something through miniphones. Jacey glanced at his wrist, as Flash was returning. Knowing the message had been delivered, albeit indirectly through a friend, Jacey flushed crimson in embarassment and looked away from Brad. He nervously brushed his (then) light brown hair back and out of his eyes. Brad looked directly across at Jacey, then picked up a pen and a Tab. Jacey saw Brad writing something down, and a few seconds later Flash received an IM for Jacey.

"It says 'Sorry, not interested.' Jace, I'm so sorry," Flash had said sympathetically. And just like that, Jacey felt his world crumble. It was then that he realized he was in love with Bradley.

Bradley, who, back in the present, was about to contribute to Jacey's day of personal hell. Jacey closed his eyes and pretended it was someone, anyone else in that bathroom besides Brad. He heard each step as Brad stepped closer, and closer. Jacey knew what was coming, it was inevitable now. He just wanted to get it overwith as quickly as possible. But it didn't start right away like Jacey expected. Seconds passed. First five, then ten, and still nothing came through the tube. Finally he drew up enough courage to open his eyes, and he saw that Brad was holding his com up in his hand, and studying something on the screen. A few seconds later, he looked at each of the other two urinals, and they promptly flushed with water. Jacey's didn't. Brad grinned and Jacey froze.

"Every 20 minutes like clockwork, isn't that right Sierra," he said.

"Affirmative," she replied. Jacey could hear their conversation through the wall as if it weren't even there; for some reason the punishment room was designed that way. Sierra was meant to look in her mid twenties. Where Flash had developed a warm, bright, open, and somewhat mischievious personality from his life with Jacey, something in Brad had caused Sierra to turn out cold and mechanical. Brad nodded at her.

"This one didn't flush, though. I wonder why?" he said. She didn't answer. He put her back on his pantleg and she stuck. Brad placed his hands on the top corners of the urinal fixture, staring directly down into the drain. And he smiled. He knew. A shiver went down Jacey's spine.

"Well buddy, as soon as I got the text yesterday that you were being suspended, I knew they would put you in here," he said. In class Brad seemed soft and neutral, but now his voice was hard and cruel. "Have you enjoyed it so far? From the smell of the urinal, I can tell you have," he laughed. "What was it like for you, when you swallowed the first mouthful of hot piss? It's been, what... three and a half hours, give or take? Wow, I bet you never thought you'd get used to it. But you've started to, haven't you, little Jacey," Brad taunted him. Jacey was too terrified to cry. This was more words than Brad had ever spoken to him at one time before, ever. Sweat had matted Jacey's blonde hair to his face; he finally noticed how hot it was in the punishment room.

"By the end of the day you're going to learn to like it. At first you'll convince yourself that it's a defense mechanism, that you're deliberately pretending it doesn't disgust you as much, just to lessen the severity of your situation. But I know you, Jacey Turner. You're going to be gulping piss all day long, and by the end you'll actually be enjoying it. You don't know it yet, but you're nothing but a little slut; I could tell it from the minute you sent your pathetic little av over to plead your case with me," he said. Jacey couldn't believe his ears, he was horrified.

"Well I have a special treat for you right now, Jacey," he said as he pulled open the fly of his pants, and gripped his half-hard cock. He laughed as he began to let loose his bladder full of hot piss against the back wall of the urinal, the liquid running down and into the drain where Brad knew Jacey was strapped in waiting. Just as the first splash of Bradley's hot piss force-fed into Jacey's mouth, Brad continued speaking.

"Drink me, Jacey. Take it in your mouth! Haha, swallow my piss, toilet boy. What a slut," he laughed. Indeed, Jacey's mouth had quickly filled. As before, he swallowed. With Brad knowing Jacey was right behind the wall, it was ten times more humiliating. He wanted to get it overwith. His mouth filled, he swallowed again, fully tasting every bit of what Brad was making him drink. Earlier that morning, he'd tasted strong piss, as well as lighter, but Brad's was different altogether. It had a totally different quality to it that Jacey couldn't figure out. It almost felt special, in a twisted way. As Jacey swallowed it, it was like the essense of Brad entering his body. Brad continued to talk into the urinal as his stream continued.

"Oh yeah, Jacey. Hahaha, Brad piss. Your favorite drink! You see? You actually like it. You must, cause I know you're swallowing it," said Brad. "I've been holding it for a while, just for you, buddy." As his stream finally waned, he shook out the last drops and walked over to the sink. "See you later, slutface. I'll come back later this afternoon with a surprise, but right now I'm heading out to lunch. I'll make sure I drink an extra lot of coke for you, though. I wouldn't want to leave you thirsty," he said. Another boy walked in, some Ninth whom Jacey didn't know. Brad looked at him.

"Middle one's out of order," Brad said, and walked out.

"Thanks," the kid called back. He used the urinal on the right. Jacey ignored him, as he lay absorbing the cruel aftertaste of the boy he'd once dreamed of holding in his arms. Jacey cast his gaze down at the floor, as best he could in such tight bondage. He told himself he should be picturing some peaceful meadow somwhere, perhaps a stream, or maybe a lush forest, in order to get away from all of this, but instead all he could think about was Bradley standing over him laughing. By now he felt the pressure in his own bladder, and as he continued hanging his head in shame, he let it go. His humiliation spread across the front of his crotch as it soaked into the diaper he was forced to wear, running down the channel between his legs, and up into the crack of his ass where the plastic harness kept the buttplug firmly inserted into his rectum. The Diaper was not as quick to absorb as Jacey would have liked.

As he lay in his wetness with renewed discomfort, he pondered what evil 'surprise' Brad could be planning for him in the afternoon. After a few minutes the wetness became uncomfortable, and he made crinkling noises as he uncomfortably shifted his weight from side to side. Suddenly the school's lunch sched-tone rang, signalling the halfway point of his journey. As students left class for lunch break, many of them would be stopping into the school's restrooms. A few would end up here, Jacey knew. Thirty seconds later he was swallowing again. Jacey lucked out and only had to serve two boys out of the lunch rush, although both of them were strong and foul. That entire lunch hour, only one more boy used Jacey out of the dozen or so that entered. Jacey just lay there, waiting. It was nearly the entire lunch hour before he realized something; he found he was no longer waiting for the day to end. Now he was waiting for Brad to come back.

To Be Continued

Aadrin Blue - aadrinblue@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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