Jaceys Put in Use

By Aadrin Blue

Published on Nov 23, 2004


Jacey's Put In-Use by Aadrin Blue

Part 8

"Okay, get off me, cocksucker. Climb back over to your own seat," Brad ordered. Jacey obeyed him, dissappointed that he hadn't made Brad cum. Brad moved his seat back into position, and as he buttoned his fly, the car gave the ten second warning. The pedals extended, as did the steering wheel, and the Liquid Crystals in the windshield switched from opaque to transparent automatically. Brad drove them off the highway, through his neighboorhood, and into his driveway without another word. Jacey wondered why Brad had chosen not to finish himself off in Jacey's mouth...

He got out, and Jacey followed him. Brad's house was gorgeous. It was enormous, palatial by Jacey's middle-class standards. The architecture was crisp, angular, and bright. Very modern. The front yard was huge, the back was probably even larger. Jacey realized that Brad's parents must be totally loaded. There were two other cars in Brad's driveway. Brad had parked behind another Toyota, a red Endeavour, identical to his own car except for colour; his was Blue. On the left hand side of the driveway, next to where Brad's car had parked, was a larger SUV. Jacey didn't even recognize the make and model of the SUV, but it sure looked sweet... Probably an expensive foreign car. Jacey heard female footsteps. A woman, presumably Brad's mother, was coming down the front steps of the house. She was dressed in a smart business-casual outfit, and in defiance of trend, she carried a purse with her. She caught sight of Brad as she hurriedly made her way toward her car.

"Brad, I'm on my way out to a meeting and then a business dinner downtown. I won't be back until late, and your father isn't coming home tonight either. There's frozen pizza in the kitchen. Make sure your brother does his homework, and... Oh! You brought a friend from school," she said. The SUV disengaged its alarm and, as she stepped closer, popped open the driver-side door for her. She got in and lowered the passenger-side window so she could address Brad. "Make sure he gets fed too. Have a good night," she said as she thumbed the ignition. The window rolled up and she reversed the car out of their driveway. Brad sighed.

"Janelle, meet Jacey. Jacey, Janelle..." Brad said bitterly, as the car drove away. He pointed to the door of his house and started walking. "Inside," he said. Jacey followed him. They entered, and took off their shoes.

Brad's brother was watching some stupid cartoon on the wall in the main living area, and Brad totally ignored him as he led Jacey past and up the stairs to his own room. If it could be called a 'room,' Brad basically had his own apartment on the third floor, complete with a bedroom, a rec room, his own bathroom, and sidebar with a mini fridge/freezer combo and even a microwave.

"Bees' knees," mumbled Jacey, amazed. Brad was glad Jacey was impressed, but he didn't let it show. He also chose not to punish Jacey for speaking without being told.

"Take off your socks," Brad ordered.

Brad locked the door to his 'room' and walked into his rec area, sitting on (and sinking into) a very comfy looking couch. Jacey still stood near the door, the floor chilled his bare feet. Brad ignored him.

"Sierra, what's on that I'd like?" Brad said.

"Nothing that's streaming right now scores more than a 35% interest rating for you, Bradley," offered Brad's DA avatar.

"Okay, pull up something from storage. I'm feeling like... Sierra darling, play one of the Back to the Future movies for me," Brad asked. Jacey smiled. He had no idea Brad shared his interest in old movies and shows, but clearly he did. It was one more thing he wished he could talk to Brad about.

"Which one?"

"One of the first three. The first one. Play the first one. Classic," Brad said. Jacey was startled when Brad turned to look at him. "You, get some popcorn for me. It's in one of the cabinets behind the bar," Brad ordered. The room darkened, the white wall went black and the old Universal Studios logo came up as the movie began playing. It took Jacey a few seconds of rifling through the cabinets to find the box of microwaveable popcorn. He took out one of the bags, ripped off the plastic wrap, and threw the wrapping away. He put the popcorn bag in the microwave, closed the door, and waited as the microwave did its job. When it was done, he ripped open the bag and poured the popcorn into a big plastic bowl he found on the bar's countertop, and brought it out to Brad. Brad took it from him wordlessly and began eating. He pointed to a little rug in the corner of the room.

"Bring that over next to the couch so you'll have something to sit on, slut," he ordered. Jacey's cock still twitched in his pants every time Brad called him a name like that. He lived for it. "There are popsicles in the freezer. Go and get me a Coke Classic from the fridge, and a popsicle," Brad said.

"Yes sir," Jacey answered. He went to do as he was told. He grabbed the can of Coke first, before opening the freezer. He had been expecting to find a box of popsicles, but all that was in the freezer was a plastic tray with four plastic sticks poking out. These were the type of ice pops you made at home by filling the tray with fruit-juice. He twisted one of the pops out of the tray and ran back out to Brad. Handing Brad the Coke and popsicle, he sank down onto his little rug... It was shaggy, and just big enough to sit cross-legged on. The kind of thing a dog might sleep on. Brad opened up his Coke and took a sip. He put it on an endtable beside the couch, and put his feet up on the coffeetable in front of him. After shoveling a handful of popcorn into his mouth, he took another long drink from the can.

"Jacey, you've been very well-behaved so far. This is for you," Brad said. He handed Jacey the ice-pop by its plastic handle. Jacey smiled and blushed. This was the first really sweet thing Brad had done for him, other than saving him from that bully. Jacey took it happily and sank back down on his little rug. He started sucking on the popsicle, going all the way down on it like it was Bradley's cock. He continued blushing again, as Brad locked eye contact with him and cracked half of a grin. Jacey couldn't get enough of Brad's beautiful Aqua eyes.

As the ice-pop began to melt in Jacey's mouth, he could taste that it was made of Brad's frozen urine. He continued sucking on it, licking it all over. Brad ruffled Jacey's hair and went back to his movie. Jacey sat on the little rug, but leaned back against the couch and suckled on his special treat. He savoured every drop of its mild bitterness, because it symbolized Brad's satisfaction with him. It was a gift from Brad, and that was what mattered to Jacey.

He rested there like that for some time, and before he knew it, the urine ice-pop was all gone and Jacey was actually sad about that. Somewhat dejectedly, He put down the plastic stick from the treat. After a couple of minutes, Brad turned his attention back to Jacey.

"Climb up on the couch," Brad said. Jacey was thrilled. When he got up, he saw that Brad had taken down his pants and his boxers. Without being told, Jacey went right to where Brad needed him... Lowering his head between Brad's legs, Brad's hard cock again dissappeared into Jacey's willing mouth.

At first, Brad watched more of his movie as Jacey sucked him off. But as Brad started to repond to Jacey's efforts, Jacey sped up his rate. He went faster and faster, as deep as he could because he knew that was what Brad liked most. He sucked hard on the head of Brad's Penis, because he couldn't wait to taste the other boy's sweet reward. As he usually did when he got serious, Brad grabbed Jacey's head and started fucking his face faster and harder, but suddenly he let go and tensed up. Jacey knew Brad was about to cum.

"Let go, get off, get off," he ordered, shoving Jacey. Brad sat up quickly, and grabbed for something on the coffee table. Jacey saw Brad move forward on the couch, holding, aiming his rigid cock carefully. Jacey watched, riveted, as Brad's cum flew out of his cock directly into the half-filled popcorn bowl which he held at the ready. Brad moved the bowl around as held his dick and sprayed his cum all over it, ropes of semen now dripping over the popcorn like butter topping. When he had finished spurting into the bowl, he took a dry piece of popcorn from the edge, used it to wipe cum off the front of his cock, and then he stuck the creamy bit of popcorn into Jacey's mouth.

Jacey had moved to the other edge of the couch, startled by Brad's sudden order to get off. Brad took a long swig of his Coke and then passed the popcorn bowl over to Jacey.

"Eat your popcorn."

To Be Continued

Aadrin Blue - aadrinblue@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 9

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