Jack and the Barons Stalk

By g d

Published on Aug 28, 2009


This is a fictional account between two men. This story contains sexual scenes and S&M. If the content offends you, or you are not old enough to read this in your country then stop reading now. If however you like this sort of thing please read on. Send your feedback to wheels-on-fire@hotmail.co.uk to tell me what you think. This is the second story I have written, the first being Superior Connections. Feel free to read and enjoy this story, but I do not give you permission to distribute it or share it with others.


Jack awoke to a cold foot pressing into his spine. He felt his body moving towards the edge of the bed and the cold air of the room quickly washing over him as he was pushed out from under the blankets. He opened his eyes and saw the cream fabric roll down, marking the end of the mattress. As he neared the edge, his body tensed to stop him from falling off. "Sir?" Jack said, his tone enquiring as to why he was being made to leave the nest. The pressure stopped, for a moment, then one swift kick from the Baron pushed Jack to the rug covered floor. After brief complaints, he moved up onto his knees. Sitting up in bed was the Baron, his eyes fixed on Jack, forcing him to stay kneeling on the floor beside the bed.

"The cock's crowed, the day's started boy. Time to get up, embrace the day" the Baron said, his sleepy tone contradicting the words he said. Jack made a slight groan, only to be cut off by the Baron's orders for the morning, "Call for water to be brought up for the bath, and tell them to light the fire. Then go to my wardrobe and fetch me the leather breaches I was wearing yesterday and a freshly laundered shirt - one with long sleeves and tight cuffs. It looks to be a mild day but in case a chill finds its way into the shaded courtyard, you had better find me a cloak."

"Yes Sir" The boy replied. He stood up, reached for his leather tights, and pulled them on, leaving his chest free to the air. He crossed the room and opened the door to call for a servant only to be greeted by a rather flustered guard outside the door who was busy straightening himself up. Jack asked for water to be sent up, as well as kindling for the fire. It was not within the guard's job title to do such labour, but with Jack looking at the smouldering smoke-leaf pipe hidden behind his back, he nodded and moved away to do Jack's bidding. Jack returned to the side of the bed and knelt down. From this perspective the Baron appeared to be a large statue erected on the plains and dunes of a sandy desert. The Baron briefly looked towards Jack then rested back with his eyes closed. A couple of moments passed, and Jack decided that the Baron was not likely to move much for a while, or request any services so he sat back and allowed his eyes to wander around the room. He was awoken by his day dream by a knock at the door. He left his place on the floor and opened it, allowing a steady stream of five individuals fill a round, wooden half-barrel tub with water. It looked hot, the steam in visible in the daylight which fell through the narrow windows. One individual handed him some kindling as well as a small tinder box with which he set about starting a fire in the fireplace. He made a small fire, much like he would when he was at home with his mother, then placed a large log between the iron supports. The fire burned brightly in front of him, pulling away his concentration and capturing his imagination as the tongues of flame licked against the carboned black brickwork. The heat felt wonderful on his skin, throwing light onto his frame, and highlighting the dirt and the grime which he had picked up during his last week of city living. Small scratches were visible on his flesh: from farming labour, where the sharp claws of straw would fight the summer sun to tempt Jack to put his shirt back on.

"Boy! Didn't you hear me? Come here!" The Baron commanded, breaking into Jack's daydreams and wandering mind. Jack turned around to see the Baron standing in front of the now full tub. Jack quickly rose and stumbled, falling to his knees at the side of the Baron. "We're alone and your over dressed." Jack looked at his leather clad thighs and quickly stripped to resolve the issue before resuming his position on his knees. The Baron thought to himself that he must have made a good choice in hiring this boy. He was quick to follow orders, and when he questioned Jack, the boy would always back down quickly. It could have been that Jack was scared of the Baron, but over time that would wear off, so it was yet to be seen if Jack was naturally submissive; however, the Baron had a good feeling that that was the case. From his perspective, Jack found that he was very close to the Baron's genitals. He was not in a state of arousal at the moment, and for that Jack was thankful, for although it was in his job title to service the Baron in that way, it was not a bridge he wanted to cross to presently. He observed that they were hairy; not overly so, but he definitely had more hair then Jack did. The Baron's testicles were larger too; the size of small onions, they hung about three inches away from his body. The noble's penis was also large, hanging down level beyond the bottom of the mans scrotum. Jack's observation was cut short when one leg raised past him as the Baron climbed into the bath, and while pulling his body under the water and displaced a fair amount of it onto Jack. The tub was large for the era but so was the Baron; his knees were quite close to his face, or would be if the Baron had not flung his head back to reveal a pronounced Adam's apple. He let the water wash over him, the heat warming his muscles, relaxing them in preparation for the day ahead. After several moments he turned his head to look at Jack who was still kneeling where he was told to before. "Get the soap boy, and the cloth" he said, indicating to the small pyramid comprised of a towel, cloth and white soap bar that had been deposited by those that filled the bath. Jack quickly moved to fetch these objects before turning back to the Baron. In the mean time, he had been slapping water over himself. "Wash me," came the Baron's simple command. Jack hesitated long enough to have water flicked at him and then wet the cloth to lather it up with soap. The soap had a fresh manly scent about it. He started at the Barons shoulders, and rubbed the cloth over his chest, back and arms, the Baron moving to allow Jack to scrub him. Then he stepped up, and faced Jack. Jack applied soap to his great hairy thighs, he could feel the power in the taught muscle. The Baron raised one eyebrow when Jack hesitated when faced with the Baron's groin. A quick glance at the Baron was all Jack needed to understand that yes, he needed to wash these, and he quickly ran the cloth over them, under the Baron's cock and around his balls. Something the Baron noted the Jack would have to get better at doing. The Baron turned, and Jack washed his legs and pushed the cloth along the Baron's arse crack. He grabbed a jug, filled it with water and proceeded to wash the suds off the Baron.

The Baron left the bath and moved into the towel Jack held open for him. The towel absorbed much of the water, and then Jack got to work patting him down. When dry, the baron once again approached the tub, and let out a steady stream of urine into the water before turning to dress. Jack tried to help him with the shirt but the Baron put up his hand to stop him. "No boy, you're dirty. Get into the bath and wash yourself." Jack looked at the tub to which the Baron was pointing. He knew that the water consisted of the Baron's urine as well as his dirt and the water. The boy hesitated but the Baron cut him up "Wash!" Jack did not need telling again. He quickly put himself into the water, feeling very uneasy about being in the dirty water. He quickly splashed water over his body and stood up. The Baron watching him said "Wash properly. Use soap and scrub yourself. You're not coming out until you're clean." The boy descended back into the water, knowing he was defeated and once again washed himself, this time thoroughly. He feared that he would smell of piss and that people in the castle would be able to smell and would know what he had done. He felt ashamed. His fear was not realised for the soap was powerful, and the urine now weak and diluted. When he got out, he would not admit it, but he did feel much cleaner. He looked for his own towel but instead the Baron handed him the heavy wet towel Jack had used to dry him. He had already bathed in the man's piss, what difference would there be in using his towel also? He dried as best he could on the sodden towel and then dressed once again in the uniform he had been handed yesterday.

He looked quite the contrast to the Baron; he in his brown leather breaches, high boots, white shirt and thick forest green cloak, compared to Jack's own modest, black, slim fitting uniform. Whilst he was bathing, the Baron had called for breakfast to be brought up to his room, at great inconvenience to the cooking staff who would have to bring it up from the basement kitchens to his third floor chamber. Now with them both dressed and washed, the breakfast had arrived. Once again food was brought in to the desk, a place was set for one and an extra bowl was put to the side. Before the servants left, they looked at the boy on his knees and a badly hidden smirk crossed their faces. Jack worried that they could smell the piss, despite the soap, however his insecurities were not shown for his head was bowed as he had been taught the previous day.

This time the Baron did not serve up his own food, instead he helped himself to more than enough food and ate what he wanted until he was full. The scraps that were left; the bacon fat, the egg whites, and the crusts of bread were scooped up and put in the bowl and set down on the floor for his boy. This was not the sort of fine dining that Jack was expecting from his unpaid labour. Especially considering in his speech the day before about feasting in famine. Jack looked at his meal, then up at the Baron then down at his meal again, deciding that he would challenge the Baron. "Sir, could I have something else please Sir." The Baron was ready for this. He knew that this would not be a plain-sailing transformation. It would be the same with any boy. However, he was not about to waste a long speech on how he was to accept what he was given and be grateful for it. Instead, he took a tomato of the platter and dropped it onto the mound of left overs. "There you go boy, something else. Eat that before asking for more. Your eyes are bigger then your stomach." He plainly said. Jack looked at the sad selection of food before him. He knew that it was a battle of wills that he knew he would not win. He exhaled audibly and leant over the food and slowly ate what was there. He was not happy about it. Much of what was there he did not like. But it filled him up and his hunger was satisfied, even if the same could not be said for his taste buds. When he was finished he sat back to reveal to the Baron that he was done. Now he got his reward. "Good boy". He said, leaning back into his chair and extending his arm so that he could push his hand through the boy's hair. Jack felt good within himself. He had made the Baron happy and that was worth any silver he could have expected from another job.

The Baron rose from his seat and beckoned for the boy to follow. They left the safety of the Baron's chamber and Jack now felt very body conscious. He was very aware of his status and position as the Baron's right hand man and he was very aware of what that entailed. He wondered what other people in the Castle knew of his service and contract and worried about what they would think of him.

The Baron's size, structure and status meant that his stride was long and fast paced. Jack found that he was rushing behind him trying to maintain the two-paces spacing between them, but was it the Baron's giant paces or his own smaller steps. Again when they met people in the corridor, they would move out of the Baron's way, greeting him with bows and formalities; however, they completely ignored Jack, a turn of events upon which he was currently undecided about, as to whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. . . Their first stop was all the way down into the basement kitchens. It was still a couple of hours before lunch was served but the kitchen was a hive of activity. Great copper pots contained a variety of rich coloured and flavoured ingredients, boiling over the fire. Meat hung on great hooks, sweating in the heat of the steamy room, absorbing the unique flavours of the castle kitchens. Fish cured, vegetables were cut, and a constant stream of people flowed and meandered between the cooks, taking instructions or learning the skills of what foods are required to balance the humours of blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm. A very stressed man stood in the mist, covered in sweat, dirt and grime. He was currently shouting at one rather pale kitchen porter who looked relieved when the Baron intercepted them instantly extinguishing the chef's superiority in the kitchen. "All things going well I hope?" Said the Baron.

"Yes, yes, things are fine. Just some people cannot discern the difference between sliced and diced meat." The Chef said, looking fiercely at where the boy had been, whom, sensing a way out, had made his departure.

"Oh, yes. A new one I take it?" Enquired the Baron.

"Yes Sir, he certainly is." The Chef replied.

"I see, hasn't quite learnt the rules yet, or figured out who his superiors are then. Give them time Peter. They learn quickly after a week's demotion to clearing the blood in the slaughter room."

"Yes, Sir, that kind of thing. Now what is it I can do you for today. Any special requirements for the boy? Or is something else planned?" He said, quickly gesturing to Jack.

"No, the boy is fine, just keep sending up double meals in the mornings and he should be fine. However less of the meat. No use wasting good meat on boys like him. Now then Peter, what I was hoping for, and I hope I haven't left it too late, is for a grand dinner to be served to 30 guests plus. . . others for Friday. Five courses. Do you think you could do that? A wonderful chance to show of your skills, these are very important guests you understand, and my reputation will be represented by what you cook up. I trust that you can do that?" The chef looked as if he had aged a little more, he exhaled slowly and agreed that it could be done. Jack found it rather strange to be spoken about, whilst he was present; however, he did not have much time to dwell on such things for as soon as the chef had agreed, the Baron made his departure and they were out into the coolness of the corridor.

The next stop was out upon the grounds where the guards and a small army were trained. The sparring stopped when the Baron approached but he raised his hand and nodded for them to continue. A noticeable improvement occurred, as the men tried to show off their best skills to the Baron, in the hope of promotion. A very solidly built man approached purposefully. He had broad shoulders, strong powerful arms, and his hand hung naturally on the hilt of a sword, as if he was ready to fight at a moment's notice. As he got closer, Jack observed the scars of a man who truly had been in battle. He wore the dark clothing, similar to Jack, however it was larger and stretched over expensive plate metal.

"Greetings Sir. Come to watch the troops or looking to recruit?" Said the soldier. "Oh and who is this? He is new, accepted the post you have been trying to fill for months? I guess then that you want him training. Would I be right Sir."

"This is Jack. He is my new right hand man, yes and your assumptions are correct, he will need training in swordsmanship, close range defence. I don't expect that he will need to be in any great battles but I'd rather have someone who could defend himself if the need arose. I don't want to waste all my time training him just for him to be thrown down by an angry peasant or drunk guard. He will need to be fitted with armour and provided a blade. What do you think? Something sturdy, yet small enough to be used in tight places - and maybe a dagger for more discrete personal defence."

"Right you are my Lord. He looks strong enough, however we will have to work on that. He looks of good size, strong enough to wield a blade and about average size for armour." the solider said, looking him up and down. "We can start training today, but if you would like a good fighter I will need him for at least two hours a day. Can you spare us that much time to ready him?"

"Two hours for now, yes, but later we can draw it back to one hour sessions three times a week. He could train when I train, if that is convenient?" The Baron said. Not waiting for an answer he continued, "Yes, good. Well I shall leave you with him now, I shall be back to collect him later, Train him now until I get back. And if you could pair him up with someone of a similar build and change their schedules to fit around the boy then you would ." The Baron said. Then, turning to Jack he said "Listen, boy, you do me proud, treat this man with respect and do as he says. Speak if you have to. Am I clear?" He said, glancing at the sun sensing that he was pressed for time.

"Yes Sir." Jack replied. The Baron nodded and turned to leave. He would have wanted to watch the boy's embryonic fighting stance, imagining that he would look more like he was ploughing a field then slaying a beast, but he had work to do and decided it was better that he should keep the boy away from certain audiences.

Jack was left with the soldier. He introduced himself as Archer and led him to a larger canvas tent. Inside were several mannequins laden with iron and steel. Propped up against one side of the tent were many shields, painted in red and black. Pikes and spears were held in racks and helmets were hooked on stumps. Several swords lay grouped together on a table and several crates contained a variety of fabric and leather, waiting to be donned by a soldier. In the back of the tent worked two men. One, rather aged, had seen a lot in a hard lifetime. He was strong yet starting to look tired, as if he had drawn too many blades. Beside him was a younger man, fighting strong, yet he seemed to be an apprentice. Together they were sharpening a sword on a stone wheel. Archer interrupted their work and announced that Jack was to be clad in armour. It needed to be strong, fairly light and suitable to be worn on a regular basis. The old man rose from his stall, handing his apprentice the blade. He had Jack flex and move in order to size him out and see how he moved. Jack noticed that the old man would point with his middle finger and saw that there was only a stump of a finger where the index should have been. The apprentice provided Jack with leather shin pads and arm braces. The old man selected pieces of shiny armour and held pieces in front of him. Finally, having settled on a chest and back piece, some cuffs and something with which to cover the groin, he proceeded to tie them onto Jack's body. He noted how heavy they were yet was pleased that he did not have to wear the full forty pounds of the basic suits of armour. Jack thought that the old man had selected well, for when he was told to flex once again he found that his movement was not too much effected. The young apprentice provided him with some gloves which he found were soft on the palm, were very tough on the outside and seemed to encourage his fingers to close. Finally a helmet was brought out. It fit him fine, protecting his head and his nose; however, it did effect his hearing. He could hear the blood vessels in his ears pump blood, and hoped he would not have to enter a battle where he would be acutely aware of his nerves.

Next he was brought over to the table of swords. There was a great variety of blades here. Some were inscribed with lettering or patterns, some were just plain blades. The hilt was different also, some bound with wire, stones or coarse animal hide. The pommel changed from blade to blade too, some being of metal and others being of stone. Archer explained to the old man that Jack was to be in the public eye, he would need a blade that would represent both him and the Baron. Something which would be a show piece as well as a weapon of self defence. The old man nodded and glanced over the blades. After several minutes of silence, where Jack raised his brow at Archer who winked back, the ringing of steel was audible and a smooth blade was revealed. The old man looked at it, as it caught the light from the entrance and swung it, cutting the air. He turned to face Jack and presented him with the blade, hilt first. Jack took hold of the blade; the handle featured blue stone which lead to a long binding of wire to a cross section. Jack could fit both hands onto the handle yet he could balance the blade with one. Along the blade, for the first few inches was some a twisting scroll which reminded him of the calligraphy in the church bible, which he was allowed to look at, but not touch. He turned the blade in his hand and then thanked the old man. Finally, completing his appearance was a belt and the sword's black leather and steel tipped scabbard. He felt good.

Archer was not about to let Jack stand and look at himself. He requested two wooded swords from the apprentice who quickly provided him with it and then said his goodbyes. Jack once again thanked them for the sword and the armour and followed Archer out of the tent and onto the field. Archer handed Jack the wooden sword. "OK Jack, I know you probably though that you would be getting some practice with your blade today, but I'm not about to let you fling that blade about. I don't want to lose a finger. Now although you have your armour on, you will get hurt if you get hit. Training is part pain. Accept it and get over it." Archer explained. Then, without any warning Archer struck Jack in the arm with the wooden sword. Jack shouted his distaste at being attacked. "There. Now you know it hurts, you won't be waiting to see what it is like. You can see it is serious. It is going to leave a bruise and you will get many more than that in the future. Now then, let's just see how you are naturally, without training."

They stepped away from each other and then Jack charged in, waving his sword around frantically. Archer moved backwards, parried away the fake sword and then once again lunged at Jack, fulfilling his original prophecy of injuries to follow. Jack had already decided that he was not going to like this too much. Again they took their positions and again Jack got hurt without even getting a splinter of wood to touch Archer. Archer could see that this was going to be a long day.

Archer spent the next four hours running through the basics: instructing Jack to make educated hits; to keep moving; what stances to take; how to strike; how to block; and how offence is not always the best defence. Jack tried to take everything in, yet each time he got hit he felt as though he had forgotten something else. Finally, when the Baron descended down the slope, Jack was in more of a bad state, both physically and mentally, than when they had started. Jack looked pretty exhausted and worn out when Archer stopped attacking him in order to greet the Baron.

"How is he getting on?" The Baron asked, a smirk on his face when he saw the flustered boy, now covered in dirt and sweat.

"Well he's advanced from novice to inexperienced." Archer replied. Both men laughed whilst Jack frowned, his distaste presenting his emotions for the small bounty he had gained versus the effort he had put in.

"Well, that is better than nothing. I'm sure he will get better tomorrow, isn't that right boy?" The Baron said. Jack had forgotten that he would have to go through this humiliation and pain all over again tomorrow, and every day following that until he improved. The prospect did not fill him with immense joy; however, he replied the answer which he would learn would be the best answer he could possibly give:

"Yes Sir."

"OK, well thank you Archer. He should be back sometime tomorrow morning" the Baron said. Then, to ensure that Jack was aware. "And if you feel that he is not pulling he weight then tell me and I will make sure he puts in double effort the next day. Possibly double time also." This did not fill Jack with anything other than a tinge of dread, but he was however pleased that he had finished his training for the day, well, this sort of training anyway. Jack was lead back up to the castle, through a different route up to the third floor and the Baron's chamber. The bath was still there yet now the water was cold.

"Let me have a look at you." The Baron said. Jack, in his weary state showed off his armour, turning and then presenting the Baron his sword, at his request. "Good, good. I see they did a good job with you." He said. "But you are filthy, and I will not bring you down to dine looking like that. You will have to learn to stay on your feet when you fight otherwise you will be dirty everyday. And lying on the floor is not where you will want to be if you are attacked. So get out of this, hang your armour, next to my own on the smaller mannequin and then strip off. I'll have new clothes sent up for you, in the mean time get in that bath."

Jack was not too thrilled about the bath water still, even less so now that it was cold water. Needless to say, Jack did the Baron's bidding. He was too tired to put up a fight and did not really wish to have any confrontation with him now. Jack wouldn't admit it, but he did feel better after the bath. Even the cold bath. He could get the grime off his skin and he felt better for it. Almost fresh. When he was finished he found that the Baron had his clothes laid out for him, but he was also aware of his instructions from the previous day and saw that the Baron was reading through something at his desk. Jack's hair was wet, but his body was mostly dry. His skin was cold from the water and then the drying and his nipples were peaked. He walked over to where the Baron was seated and kneeled down on the rug, to the right of him. The Baron did not make any notice of Jack, but he still knelt there, on the floor next to him. Several more minutes passed, then the Baron changed his rigid composure, exhaled and sat back in his chair. His hand dropped down and his fingers wrapped through Jack's hair. Jack liked having his head touched. He was feeling sleepy and it was quite nice to just have his head touched. It was such a contrast to the brutal sensations he had felt with Archer whilst training. Jack's head wrested against the Baron's knee. His eyes closed shut, then opened again. Jack was feeling tired. He was relaxing, his lids felt heavy, his limbs felt numb, his eyes closed again.

Jack felt slightly disorientated moments later when he was pushed up and the chair dragged back. The Baron stood up and took Jack's hand. Jack obediently followed the Baron to the bed. The Baron peeled back the covers and manhandled Jack into the Bed. Jack's face featured a sheepish smile and then once again his eyes closed and he went to sleep.

The Baron smiled, looking down at the boy in his bed. He was pleased that Jack was settling in. He was glad that Jack was starting to feel comfortable around him and was impressed how quickly Jack had changed his lifestyle to fit around his own. It was time to eat the evening meal, so the Baron straightened himself out and then quietly left the room. Jack did not stir once whilst the Baron was gone, an hour and a half later when the Baron came back. He was carrying with him a bowl of cold foods which he set down beside his desk. He looked once more at Jack who was still sound asleep and went back to working on the paperwork he was struggling with earlier. As it got darker he stood up and walked around the room, lighting several candles and sensing that it was going to be a cold night, added some more wood to the fire. He continued to work until slightly later when it was dark and he decided that it was now time to stop working. What had not been done today could be done tomorrow. He was losing his concentration and could not really see in the half light the candles provided. Again he sat back in his chair and looked at the stone wall in front of him, looked at the ancient rock and the marks left by the craftsmen. He allowed his mind to wander until he heard the sound of his boy coming out of a sleep cycle. His boy had stopped breathing so deep and had started fidgeting. The Baron turned to face Jack, who's eyes had opened and were currently looking at nothing particularly at all. Jack focused on the Baron and saw that his undivided attention was on him. He stopped moving under his gaze and looked back at the strong man.

"Do you want dinner?" The Baron asked.

"Yes Sir." Jack replied, and he slipped out of bed and onto his knees where he crawled the few paced between the bed and the Baron. He sat back on his haunches and waited for the Baron to place down the food and then he leant over and consumed what was there. He had a bit more energy now, having slept and now just eaten, however he was still exhausted after the huge change to his life and after the physical activities he had undergone that day. He waited for the water-wine to fill his bowl and quickly consumed that. He asked for more wine and this time the Baron gave him it, without teasing him. Jack felt rather thirsty and the Baron decided that he would need to be well quenched for the next part of his training.

When his thirst was quenched, he thanked the Baron who patted him on the head. "Did you like that boy?" The Baron asked.

"Yes Sir, very much Sir. Thank you Sir." Jack replied.

"Good" Said the Baron. He turned his chair to the right and placed his feet either side of the boy's frame. The boy turned slightly so he was facing the Baron squarely. "Kiss my boots boy." He said.

"I'm sorry Sir?" Jack replied. The Baron was quick to act. He knew the boy had heard him so he slapped him hard. Jack put his hand up to his face, he was shocked and now felt uncomfortable with the Baron.

"Kiss my boot, boy!" The Baron repeated. Jack, not wanting to add insult to injury slowly dropped down to the man's boots, caressing the leather with his lips. Before Jack could raise himself, the Baron continued, "Lick them." Jack could see that although the boots were well kept, they were a little bit dirty. He stuck out his tongue and gingerly licked the leather with the tip of his tongue. The Baron, not particularly impressed with Jack's efforts, leant forward and pressed one large hand onto the back of Jack's head, forcing him to lap with more energy, directing Jack around the boot.

Although initially, Jack did not like it, he did quite enjoy the texture of the leather and the feeling of control that the Baron clearly had over him. The leather was soft and did not seem to dry out his mouth, although that was not surprising considering the quantity of water-wine he had already consumed moments before. When the dirt was gone, and there was a good sheen to the boots where the saliva had yet to evaporate, the pressure eased off of Jack's scalp. He continued to lap at them a while longer before cautiously rising up again, not wanting to be slapped again. When he reached the summit of his assent, he saw something that he was not expecting; the Baron had untied the fly of his breaches and there, was his erection slowly being pumped in his hand.

The Baron's hands were large anyway, like the rest of him. This was matched by his cock, which, now at its full height was his fist and a half long. Jack looked at it. He felt as if he shouldn't look, it was another man's penis and he should not look at another man's manhood, yet he could not take his eyes off it. He looked at it, the constricting fist the Baron had made meant that it had started to show a veined ridge. He watched as the foreskin moved up and down over the head, cloaking and revealing the powerful glans which was now polished with a sheen of pre-cum. Jack, for a few moments, forgot himself. His eyes, unblinking, he extended his hands towards the cock. The Baron let go of his meat and allowed Jack to cradle it. Jack felt the smooth and soft skin under his fingers. He felt it tense and then relax when he first touched it. Unaware to him, but instantly observed by the Baron was Jack's growing erection. Jack wrapped one fist around it, then the other, reminding him of the two handed sword that Archer supported at his hip. The head, like the bulbous blue stone on the handle of his own sword. Thinking about his own sword brought him back into himself, he saw what he was doing and quickly withdrew his hands into his own lap, feeling his erection he cupped his hands in order to cover it.

The Baron smiled, which made Jack feel even more uncomfortable. "It's OK boy, hold it again, feel its power." The Baron said. Jack had already touched it, and had now been given permission therefore he threw his caution to the wind and once again wrapped his hands around the shaft. The heat of the tool was very welcoming, it begged Jack's cool hands to be warmed by it. He traced the vein like a river on a map, he felt its contours and slight curve, and then pressed his hand back and felt the pubic hair which the Baron seemed to prune short. Jack spent several moments looking at it, feeling it and rubbing it. When the Baron stopped him, he felt disappointed. The Baron stood up, and rose to his full height. From Jack's perspective, the large cock obscured the giant's face. He moved himself to the bed where he sat down and pulled off his boots and slipped off his breaches. While he was removing his shirt Jack moved over, back between his legs. His hands once again extended, one hand to the shaft and the other to the testicles which he had not seen since earlier that morning.

Jack brought his face closer, inhaling the musky manly sent which resided in his crotch. "Suck it." The simple words left the Baron's mouth. He spoke quietly, seductively. Jack would not need telling again; he positioned his lips against the helmet, briefly kissing the head before taking it between his lips. Instantly he felt filled, yet empty at the same time, for he longed to take more of it into his mouth. He tried to but felt himself gag and pulled back. "Suck it." The Baron said again. Jack contented himself with this, putting pressure on the Baron's cock, working his hands over the cock and stroking the bullocks like he had done to himself many times in the past. His tongue flicked across the slit at the end, it drew out the circumference and ticked the base. The Baron placed his hands on either side of the boy's head and started to motion Jack's head back and forth, enjoying the sensations created when Jack's lips moved over the ridge. Jack pulled the Baron's foreskin back, allowing him to have full access to the head. He found that it did not taste of much, apart from the pre-cum which seemed to taste slightly of salt; however, it was not unpleasant. The Baron stopped the motion to allow Jack to carry on at his own speed, building and slowing momentum as Jack's concentration wandered between sucking, licking and moving. He moved the foreskin back over the glans, feeling the ring of skin run round his tongue before pushing it back again.

Jack soon found that his jaw was aching, and he found it hard to keep his lips over his teeth and to keep his jaw pulled wide for such a long period of time. "Ah! No teeth!" The Baron gasped as Jack's concentration slipped and his teeth came into contact with the head of the shaft. Jack redoubled his efforts and tired not to allow his teeth the privilege of touching the Baron. Jack kept this up for some time, rocking back and forth and mixing his saliva with the Baron's pre-cum. When he felt that his jaw could take no more he would sit back on his hunches and masturbate the Baron. This would soon be replaced with his mouth as he yet again savoured the taste of the Baron's cock.

The Baron stood up and pushed Jack's head down to his balls, there he made Jack lick and lap and them. He took hold of his own erection and started to masturbate furiously. Jack supported himself with his palms on the back of the Barons legs, he felt muscle tense and relax, tense and relax and the Baron's face contorted and a ramble of words pushed from his lips "Fee, fi, foe, cum..." and then his hair was pulled back by the Baron and he came, first into Jack's face, then on his chin, chest and finally the last few hitting his stomach.

The Baron relaxed, squeezing the last few drops of cum out and rubbing them onto Jack's lips. Jack did not feel all that comfortable with the cum on his body. The Baron helped Jack up and lay him on the bed. Then the Baron knelt over him, his powerful legs on either side of Jack's body. His large fist held Jack's shaft, the head just under his thumb and index finger. It was slimmer then his own, but straight. The Baron thought that it was long enough to use as a handle, to lead the boy if he needed to, perhaps he could take use of it at the grand dinner he had planned for the end of the week, but that was not for now. Instead, with his experienced hand he started to masturbate Jack. He pumped fast and in less then minute Jack came also, his semen first hitting the head board, then the pillow and the rest joining the Baron's cum on his own body. The boy opened his eyes, for he had closed them when he came. He saw the Baron with a wide smile across his face. He looked at his hand and wiped it down Jack's body. He dipped one finger in the small well that had built up on his chest and pushed it between Jack's lips. He frowned at being force fed cum but he sucked it clean. The Baron, seeing that Jack did not like it decided that he would have to be trained to appreciate it. But currently, Jack had done well, and the Baron was pleased with his effort but he was tired and although Jack had slept earlier, he knew that he would be tired also. He rubbed the cum into Jack's body so it would dry more quickly then rinsed his hands in a bowl of water. When his hands were clean and dry he moved back over to Jack whose eyes were starting to close. He lifted the sheets up from under him and allowed him to get under the covers. Within moments he was asleep.

The Baron went around the room, extinguishing the candles, added some more wood to the fire so the room would be warm in the morning, and then he too slipped under the covers. Jack's body was warm to cuddle against, if not a little sticky from their play earlier. For the first time in a long time, the Baron felt content. He had his castle, his power, his superiority and now his boy. Feeling good, he joined the boy in sleep. What the Baron did not know was that he already was in Jack's dreams, the only indication was the erection, which like a phoenix, had come back to life.

And there concludes chapter two. I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it. There are still many more chapters to come, if you would like to know more, and keep me writing, then please send me an email to wheels-on-fire@hotmail.co.uk. If there are any requests that you would like me to weave into the story then please tell me and I will try my best to find it into the story line. I do love hearing from my fans and any criticisms or praise that you have would be welcomed.

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