Jack Is a Jerk

By Ryan White

Published on Aug 28, 2023



Funny feeling spread through sixteen-year-old Josh Pallister as he opened his eyes the following morning. He didn't know what exactly it was, but something was different, something wasn't quite feeling the norm...

...until he finally looked down towards his groin area, and he realised just what was UP, in the full sense of the word.

Or should that be...what was HARD.

And more importantly, WHO was at the other end of his intense pleasure.

"SHHHHITTT...dude...whatever you're doing, don't you dare stop..." he murmured, his eyes rolling back in their sockets as he threw his head backwards onto the pillow and sighed with complete and utter sexual relief. He could hear the solid, laughing giggles echoing around his inflated teenage cockhead as the boy that he had gotten to know and LOATHE over the past few months was waking him up with what was turning out to be one HELL of a blowjob.

He lazily smiled and placed his right hand softly on top of Jack's head, sort of guiding him up and down as he went along. He felt the boy's tongue trace and caress every inch of his six-and-a-half inches from his sixteen-year-old fuck stick, doubling his efforts, it seemed as he felt Josh's hand on his scalp, releasing the rock-hard dick with a sudden POP of his sweet, boyish lips, before finally lifting the warm duvet off from himself, his eyes sparkling with mischief and mayhem as only Jack Lavery really could.

"Morning sexy..." he breathed out, finally getting some much-needed air, before he proceeded to entirely throw off every single bit of bedding that Josh had been sleeping under, off the bed in its entirety, and before the former could get a single word in edgeways, he dove down once more and took Josh's steel hard morning wood in between his lips one more time.

"Dude, we need to get goi...oh holy crap...that's so good..." Josh sighed as he was in between a rock and a literal hard place at that moment.

They had to get up and quickly at that, before the bus travelled back to Freedom without them and make no mistake, as much as he loved Cape Town, he wanted to get home desperately and sleep in his own bed for a change. This whole weekend took so much out of him, more than he had ever thought was remotely possible.

He had kissed another boy for the very first time in his life...he was currently allowing that very same boy to give him oral sex...he didn't know whether he was coming or going! So many firsts...including a ZAP targeting his entire body as shivers travelled from his brain to his toes at the intense feelings coming from his groin.

Jack hummed against Josh's hard cock, emanating severe enough feelings that the boy above him had only managed to dream of, in his entire time with that Ice Queen Tasha, his supposed girlfriend. He marveled at the length and size of the teenage phallus, to the point where he licked the entire length up and down just for good measure, feeling the warmth, the hardness, the rawness, the fucking HEAT that was spreading from the boy's cock, so much so, that it would inflame an entire wood forest.

Up...down...up...down...came the lashings of the tongue bath that Jack was giving Josh's teenage penis, to the point where he shuddered with the impact at what he was feeling, making Jack giggle with glee. He savoured the taste, the smell, the warmth that still pouring from that organ, making his own cock inside his pajama trousers equally harder than it had ever been. He could feel it fucking pulsing in between his legs, as he continued his vicious oral onslaught on the boy's rapidly quivering genitals.

As much as he wanted to make this last forever, Jack knew that Josh had a point...they couldn't afford to miss the bus and it was literally only half an hour before it would be departing...how much longer before someone, one of their teammates, or even worse...their coach...would be coming a knocking and checking up on where they are? Jack leaned down, his eyes twinkling as they always seemed to do these days, ever since he first had laid eyes on Josh Pallister, before he winked upwards quickly, taking the boy's left nut into his mouth as he did so.

"OH MY G...OH JESUS..." came the reply for his actions, to where he sucked the nut to such an extent that Josh's legs started to actually tremble, popping the spermy homebase out of his mouth with another pop, before gently taking Josh's right hand inside his very own, as if sheer fucking instinct was telling his brain to actually do.

"My name is Jack, not Jesus, you doofus," he giggled once more, before taking the right nut in his mouth, giving it the same matter of treatment that he gave it's twin brother to his left hand side. He squeezed Josh's hand as he did so, and he could feel the ripples, the shadows, the intense sexual prowess of the teenager, and more specifically, a teenager that was on the verge of spreading his seed, break and FLOW through Josh Pallister like never before.

Popping Luigi out of his wet mouth, just as he had done with Mario moment before, he leaned upwards and once more, engulfed that steel hard teenage organ inside of his hungry, thirsty ass mouth and gobbled up the incessant meat with everything that he had left to actually give.

Josh's chest was heaving more rapidly than it had ever done, it felt like his guts was threatening to shoot right out of his stomach...his legs were shaking non-stop, his heart was fucking POUNDING as he dared to look down and saw what was happening to his young dick...sure he had received blowjobs before, but the ones that Tasha and other girls had given him were NOTHING like this, my God!

He had read somewhere that even straight boys and adult men preferred getting blowjobs from other men simply before they KNEW what men wanted and needed...down there.

That was certainly the case with Jack Lavery. Holy mother duck, his cock had never, ever felt this good.

All too soon, the cum was churning in his balls, he was ready to fucking unload, he felt, as he dug his fists onto the mattress underneath him and began to really face fuck the handsome dude beneath him to the point there it felt like his dick was literally made out of solid cement. Jack was giving back as good as he was getting, with his skilled mouth and even more skilled tongue and throat muscles, milking Josh's teenage fuck piece with gusto, as much as his need to taste what was in those balls that he had so expertly given care to.

"Dude...I'm gonna cum...for real Jack, if you don't want a fucking mouthful, you better fucking get off, I haven't cum in like three days, brother..." Josh hissed quickly, rambling the words off towards his new found friend, but it was like the latter was suddenly and inexplicably deaf in every sense of the word...keeping going with all that he still had to give with seemingly no intension of stopping.

Josh leaned back, his eyes rolling over...his body seemingly going on auto pilot as he did so...before he launched the torrent of juices of what he had inside his sixteen-year-old balls into the mouth of Jack, the so-called Jerk.

Jack had been warned and he simply didn't wanna listen.

A vivid voltage of sperm straight from their homely source nearly threatened to fucking drown the poor orphan boy, as he swallowed what he could, but all too soon, he realised that it was never going to actually work. Spitting out several streams and strands of white boy protein, he tried his best to swallow what he had inside him, only for his desperate tongue to gobble up, searching for more drops, more teenage boy spunk, every step of the way.

Josh's cum was like manna from the literal heavens, it felt, and none of the boy's cocks that he had been forced to suck in his younger years in those various orphanages that he had been tossed around in for years and years on end, came close to the intimacy and the feelings that threatened to totally devour him, whenever he was looking at...and when being with Josh.

Josh's entire body quivered as he felt Jack energetically slurp up another droplet of his by now, watery, completely runny sperm that had somehow landed on his bare stomach, the boy dramatically smacking his lips with gusto as he once more tasted the fruity, the sweet-sour taste of Josh's sperm, and then, and only then, he managed to release Josh's hand, which had been inside his very own, still after all of this time.

There was a severe moment of silence between them, before Josh seemed to regain control over his senses and limbs, grabbing his still wet dick and placing it back into his boxers, before getting up and scurrying around faster than a chipmunk on steroids.

"The bus...we gotta get going..." he muttered out softly, as Jack too got into order and started getting their shit together.

Jack smiled as he caught Josh looking over at him more than once as they got packing, and he himself too, found that he was drawn to Josh like he had never been to another boy before. This whole, entire facade that he had always, always kept up towards other people, especially, his peers around the various schools he had been placed in, was always a way, a matter, a chance to hide who he truly was. Because let's face it...homophobia was still very much alive and well in some areas, Freedom even more so than others.

He had been a total dick to people his whole life, because he felt THAT was the only way that he could survive out there, to actually cope. If he were to make friends with these boys...there was always that small, insignificant chance that he might, just might develop feelings for one of them, and that would be the end of that.

With Josh, it was different. Two nights ago, when the Parow High athletic team had found him hiding in the showers and had mistakenly thought that he had spied on their naked, muscled bodies, they had actually threatened to throw him into the bon fire that those organizers had arranged for the visiting schools. And they WOULD have done...he was street smart enough to know that, if Josh, Daniel and Tyson hadn't stepped in at the last minute and had totally kicked those Parow High asses to the curve.

He smirked as he totally caught Josh cascading his eyes over him once more, playfully picking up one of the pillows and throwing the boy with it, getting a scowl and another pillow thrown his own way, for his troubles.

For the first, ever time in his young life, Jack felt that he had someone who genuinely cared for him. Who understood him. Who had seen him without the mask, without the crap that he usually gave to people, and had still been interested enough to actually stick around. Josh Pallister knew that he was gay, he knew what Jack Lavery was in fact, nothing but a scared little orphan boy, who was so desperately trying to make his own way into his world...he knew everything about him that Jack had allowed him to know...

...and still, he didn't walk away.

He chose to stick with him.

Man...he wished that he didn't feel this way. He wished that Josh Pallister was just another hook up from the streets, just another cock that he felt he HAD to please for complete and utter survival, ever since he was born.

It felt different with Josh, than what it did others. Way different. Josh didn't treat him like a leaper or a possession...he had defended him; he had protected him...he was there for him. Jesus.

Jack shook his head as he zipped up his sports bag and for a moment, he didn't know what to do next, now that his packing was done. He took a good look at Josh where he was standing in the bathroom, brushing his teeth as quick as he could, obviously terrified that the school bus would be leaving without him. He smiled wry fully as he took in Josh's height...his chest...his body...his hair...his biceps...literally any and everything about the boy that he could.

He had to.

Because when they get home, they will also get back to sheer reality.

The reality where Josh had a girlfriend waiting for him back home...and the sheer reality where himself...Jack...had nothing and no one.


"Josh, over here! Saved you a seat!" Tommy yelled from the back of the bus, sticking up his arm in the process, whilst grabbing a bag of Lays potato chips in the other, and throwing it over to Tyson, ordering him to open up the bag.

Fucking hell, they just had breakfast!

Josh sighed and wanted to make his way over towards where the other were, however, his eyes fleetingly fell onto Jack, who had somehow been here way before him and had found himself a seat right in the front of the bus, clearly meant to get the hell out of there as soon as they reached Freedom later that afternoon.

"Dude! Are you deaf and blind? I said over here!" Tommy once more called his best friend, his mouth now full of the aforementioned crisps that he was now loudly chewing, with Daniel and Tyson also staring weirdly at him, wondering why he wasn't doing what he was told. Josh's head and brain told him not to mess with these friendships that he had created over the years with these guys and just to get his ass over there, take some crisps and join them shooting the shit for the several hours that it was going to take in getting back home, but his heart was telling him a whole other story.

Was he really going to have Jack sit here way on his own?

If this was before this weekend had ever happened, that question would not even be an issue right now. That was before Jack had kissed him...that was before Jack had given him the mother of all blowjobs...that was before Jack had trusted him with his deepest, darkest secrets. It felt literally as if an invisible rope had been tightened around his chest, and it was pulling him closer, ever closer towards Jack. He couldn't explain it even if he tried.

"Coming!" he yelled out, closing his eyes and sighing softly as he made his way over towards the back of the bus, joining the remainder of their teammates, meanwhile Jack simply seemed to roll his eyes, plugged his earphones into his ears, crossed his arms and simply closed his eyes. Can't really blame Josh for not sitting with me...he thought to himself.

Now that we're going home, things will get back to normal...he would be lucky if he even would see Josh outside from school ever again. That, he fucking knew...as he coughed once, before turning up the music to the loudest that it could go, leaning against the window of the bus.

About half way back home, and Josh was literally going crazy. He had been to the toilet several times, in the past few hours, not that he actually NEEDED to relieve himself, but because he wanted to check on Jack and what he was doing. Fuck me, but he couldn't get the boy out of his mind, even if he tried. When the bus stopped for a break at a nearby garage, the boys all rushed out of the vehicle quicker than you could say PUSSY...as all their food they had with them had been consumed hours before, giving them enough chance to restock for the remaining hours it would take to get back to Freedom.

Josh smiled sneakily, thinking that now was his chance...and of course Jack wouldn't have any money on him...he was an orphan, who Mama Hartman had taken in alongside both Tommy and his adopted sister, and he also knew that money was getting to be a huge deal for her. She was such a good woman however, always doing the best that she could for the community, taking in several strays over the years, and giving them a home. Tommy never, ever felt like he was adopted, he felt PART of the community, and that was all down to Mama Hartman. Sad that both her adopted boys just didn't seem to ever get along. Tommy and Jack had HATED...more like DETESTED each other from the moment that they had met, which unfortunately, had been all down to Jack himself...there was a reason that he had earned the nickname JACK THE JERK having been in town for not even a week.

Where as Josh and the rest of the team, had solved their issues somewhat with Jack, Tommy had refused to. He had to share a house with Jack...share a room...share food and basic expenses. He would also think that Mama Hartman had taken away some of Tommy's monthly allowance now that there was another mouth to feed as well. Mama Hartman wasn't a millionaire by any means...but she had a good, warm heart and she always wanted to help. Tommy seemed to hate Jack with every part of his being, much too much for Josh's own liking. Then again...Jack really didn't help matters with his incessant behavior all these weeks.

He swallowed slowly, making his way quickly over to where Jack was still sitting listening to music on his phone. He reached out and softly patted the boy's shoulder, finally gisting Jack out of his mini slumber, to which the boy smiled the moment that he saw who had troubled him, and took his earphones out of his ears.

"Hey...thought you would be buying up a shit storm with all of them in there," he said, looking nervously around in the bus, if there was anyone there with him, before he signaled at Josh to sit down next to him. Josh did just that, and quickly reached downwards, picking up one of the earbuds and quickly shoved it in his ear. His eyes widened just a tad as he realised just what Jack had been listening to.

"One Direction? Seriously?" he laughed as he gave the boy back his listening device.

Jack mockingly punched Josh on his shoulder, all the more rolling his eyes as he took back his ear buds.

"Dude, just fucking judge me! No, for real, I have loved their music all my life. I literally can't explain it...from the moment that I had gotten my fucking brains in order, it felt as if their music was SPEAKING to me and me alone...I guess someone like you wouldn't understand what I'm saying..."

Josh cleared his throat after a while, before he leaned back and relaxed his body next to Jack, and for a few moments there once more were nothing but total silence between the two boys, before Jack looked his way.

"Have you messaged Tasha yet? Are you excited to see her? Of course, you are, I don't even know why I'm fucking wondering..."

Josh sighed and looked Jack directly into his beautiful blue eyes. His blond hair messily hanging across his forehead from where they had gotten strayed out of his ponytail...the boy was more than just mesmerizing.

"Jack, we gotta talk. And we gotta do it soon before the others get back, they sure as hell ain't gonna stay in that grocery store for ever..."

"Dude, I kinda don't know what we HAVE to talk about? I know it, you know it...what ever might have happened this weekend was just that...a weekend thing. When we get home, I'll totally live my life and you'll totally live yours. With Tasha, your girlfriend..."

"Would you stop fucking talking about TASHA! I'm trying to fucking tell you something important! Geez, I don't know why I even bother with you!" Josh spat out, before starting to get up from his seat in sheer morbid anger, before he suddenly felt a touch on his hand. He looked back, and his features softened as he saw the plead in the other boy's eyes.

"Sit down...come on man...I was just trying make light of what is going on...you forget this is all hard for me too, I really didn't mean to upset you...come on, brother...sit down, will you?"

Josh took a sharp intake of breath, before he slowly sat down and placed both of his hands in a solid fist as he did so.

"There is a fucking good reason everyone hates you, you know that?" he hissed towards the boy, before he giggled as he saw the face that Jack was pulling, sighing once more and turning towards the latter.

"What I wanted to say was...I meant what I said last night. I really wanna get to know you better, but you also gotta give me time, okay Jack? This...us...it's all to new, all too fucking weird for me. If someone had told me at the beginning of the year that I would be totally into another dude, I would have fucking stabbed him. Figuratively, but you get what I'm saying. All I'm asking for, is a chance. Dude, I seriously dunno what is gonna happen with Tasha when we get back home...I haven't heard from her since fucking FRIDAY!"

Jack swallowed and shook his head, slowly punching his own fist softly on Josh's knee, over and over as he spoke his peace...

"I told you before and you didn't believe me! She's totally cheating on you, man! I just dunno with who she's fucking doing it, but she's gotta be out of her fucking mind in trashing you with someone else. Jesus, Josh...you're...you're the sexiest boy I had ever seen..." he whispered the final few words, only so that Josh would be able to hear them.

A pride surged within Josh's teenage heart as he heard what Jack was saying, the total and immense brotherly bond that had been created between them, widening with every fucking second that passed, it felt like. Jack was...he was beautiful as hell, he was sweet and he was kind, once you saw past the multitude of walls, he was putting up to protect himself. Without even thinking, without even a shadow of a doubt, he reached down and took hold of Jack's right hand within his own, and squeezed it tight.

Jack's eyes started to water somewhat as he realised just what Josh was doing, and he looked into the boy's eyes with nothing but admiration and mutual respect. He blinked a few times, before quickly checking over his shoulder, out of the window, if there as anyone coming, or in fact, anyone who could possibly be seeing them right about now.

Satisfied that everyone seemed to still be doing their shopping, he gave Josh a wry smile, before leaning in and placing his lips on Josh's. Josh closed his eyes the moment that it happened, and he kissed Jack back enthusiastically, with all that he had to give. All to soon, Jack was the one who broke things off, with a soft giggle, looking back at the store one more time, and then back at Josh.

"Are you sure about this? I mean Tasha is way more..."

"If you say her name one more time, I'll fucking cut off your balls in your sleep!"

Jack giggled.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop! I love my balls way too much for that," he said, allowing both boys to let out several nervous bouts of laughter they had been keeping inside their throats for way too long.

"See you when we get home...I mean it, Jack. I wanna try and make something of this...us. I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it!" Josh quickly said a he realised there were a couple of boys now swiftly making their way out of the store, having obviously spent all of the money that their parents had given them, and had no other option but to return to the bus.

Jack just nodded as he saw Josh walking quickly towards the back of the bus where himself and the rest of their teammates had been sitting all the time, leaving him behind. He knew he had been a jackass to these people...so he also knew that he deserved to be treated like a fucking outcast.

What he couldn't understand or comprehend however, was WHY...WHY was he feeling like his heart and his guts had been ripped apart and to several shreds the very moment that Josh had left his side?


"You absolute bunch of beauties! I am so proud of you! All of you! Coming in second place in the relay is never a shame! Come here, I missed all of you so much!" Mama Hartman said with a huge ass smile on her face as she welcomed back her cubs, as she always used to affectionally call them, as they finally exited the bus after nearly nine hours on the road back from Cape Town.

Tommy was first, followed by a very awkward Jack, clearly not used to getting hugs or any kind of affection for anyone in his life, followed by Josh himself, as the lady gave each of them a charming look over, before she reached down and grabbed Jack's sports bag in her hand, struggling a bit with the weight of it, before Tommy reached down and helped her.

"Gosh...I really didn't think that I was so out of shape!" Mama Hartman gasped, still smiling as she did so, but she didn't for a second miss the murder daggers that Tommy was giving Jack at that moment and time.

"Don't worry about it, Mama...we'll each take out own stuff to the car...seriously Jack? You were gonna allow her to carry your shit for you? She could have totally hurt herself, just how much of a fucking coward ARE you?" he hissed towards the boy, who was frowning at every syllable of the scathing words which was coming out of Tommy's mouth.

"Did I fucking ASK her to take my shit to the car? I'll fucking do it myself, before you totally piss your panties..." he retorted as sarcastically as he could, taking his bag in his hands, and making for the car as quick as he could, but what Jack didn't rely on, was that he was swiftly...menacingly pulled back by his adopted brother himself. Josh, from where he was on the look out for Tasha, and couldn't seem to find her, didn't even realise what had happened, until he heard the commotion going on a little further away from him.

The next thing that he knew, he was seeing and hearing the loud shouts and screams of the two boys who had apparently taken their fight as well as their rivalry to an entire new sort of level imaginable, both were on the grassy area of the school grounds and they were literally busy punching the sheer daylights out of each other. With a loud groan, Josh marched to where they were...others were already there way before him, but even Tyson was taking out his phone and recording the entire fight, rather than actually pulling his teammates the fuck apart.

"STOP THIS AT ONCE! BOTH OF YOU!" he heard Mama Hartman shouting at the top of her voice before he even had the chance to do anything about the two still fighting boys, trying to hurt each other the most than what they possibly could. She suddenly stood aside and grabbed Tommy's arm viciously JUST as it was about to make solid contact with the side of Jack's face...

...Tommy sure as hell had to have been inside a small little world of his own, because he would have never done what he did next if he wasn't sorely intent on attacking Jack.

The moment that he felt the skin-on-skin touch on himself, he surely must have thought it was Josh, Daniel or even Tyson trying to stop all of this...the last person he ever suspected would place themselves in harm's way was Mama Hartman herself...

...and the moment he felt her hand on his arm, wanting to stop him with ALL her might from hurting Jack any further, he turned around and hit the older woman in her face as hard as he could.

The crowd was stunned in shock and silence, with various people, families and friends that had come to pick up their offspring in complete and utter horror at what had just occurred. Tommy's eyes were bloodshot and stretched into their entirety as he finally saw who he had blasted down and in such a horrific fashion.

"JESUS! THIS IS YOUR FAULT! LOOK WHAT YOU FUCKING MADE ME DO!" he yelled angrily over towards Jack, who was still lying on the grassy terrain, having clearly not seen what the hell had just happened, before he too knelt at Mama Hartman's side, tears rapidly streaming across his face as he did so.

"Mama! Wake up! I really didn't mean to hurt you! Mama!" he urgently hissed towards her as loudly as he could, but before he could plead his case any further, he was quickly and swiftly heaved up on his feet by the Coach himself, who spun his athlete around and if looks could kill, poor Tommy Hartman would have been six feet under by now.

"Don't you think you have done enough! Get away from here! Now!" he shouted towards the boy, and once he saw that Mama Hartman had in fact awaken from the severe punch she had just gotten and that she was more than taken care of, he quickly walked over towards Jack to check if he was okay from the vile, horrifying attack that Tommy had been given him.

"What the hell is going on with you, Tommy? You could have seriously hurt your adopted mom! Jesus Christ! Do you fucking HATE Jack THAT much? First the bon fire crap and now punching old ladies because you can't get your way? GROW UP!" Josh hissed towards his supposed best friend and quickly jogged towards where the Coach and Jack was still, with the former helping the later upright and checking his vitals as best he could.

Tommy grinned as he realised that Jack the Jerk was going to no doubt have the mother of all shiners tomorrow morning...but it was quickly dampened as he once more thought how quickly Jack had people running after him, checking if he was okay. As if HE was the only person who had gotten injured this afternoon. Jack had gotten in a few more than decent punches to himself, but was there ANYONE checking if HE was okay? Mama Hartman, he could totally understand, she was the heart and soul of this community, but being worried about Jack? The Jerk? Really?

He hated Jack. More than he had fucking hate anyone ever before...his fists started to rumble slightly as he frowned once more, at seeing Josh helping Jack upwards with the utmost care that he had ever seen in his life. Josh was supposed to be his fucking best friend but he would swear...no in fact, he fucking knew...that Josh had God damn never looked at him, the way that he was now looking over towards Jack.

What the hell is going on between those two anyway? Hated each other one moment, and all fucking chummy the next?

"I'll fucking get rid of Jack the Jerk...if it's the last thing I fucking ever do..." he whispered to himself, forcing his teenage exterior to calm the fuck down.


"Dad, I'm home!"

Josh dumped all his baggage from the weekend onto the couch in the living room, before he opened the fridge looking for a can of Coke...only to realise that this entire fridge was nearly stacked full of yummy goodness, which certainly hadn't been there when he left the house on Friday morning. He nearly choked on his own saliva as he realised that some of the food, they never ever had the budget to even THINK of buying after the death of his mother, as he gingerly, almost scared for his own sanity, reached inside and grabbed a bottle of Prime, before staring at the red bottle as if he was going crazy.

He knew what this little bottle of energetic goodness cost. He also knew what all this stuff in the fridge cost put together, and he ALSO knew that there wasn't a logic manner in which his father could afford all of this. Jesus...what the hell did his Dad do...rob a fucking bank?

Just as he took off the bottle cap and had a sip of the cool Prime liquid, he immediately heard his father's voice, along with a voice of a man that he didn't recognize. Walking towards the back of the apartment, walking outside into the small patio, he saw that his father was talking to a stranger that he had never seen before, and he was rather animated in doing so, with Ethan Pallister waving his arms in the air as he spoke, as if to make a point or two.

The older, coloured man simply seemed to laugh out loud as Ethan spoke his peace, to the point where Josh couldn't handle his father being made a fool of any longer.

"Dad...I'm back!" he shouted from the patio door, ready to defend the only parent that he had left on this earth from whoever the hell this was, before both men realised they had company, to which his father seemed to have all the colour drained from this facial features at once.

"Josh! I thought...I told you to call me when I needed to come and pick you up from school...I didn't get any calls...I thought the bus was late...what...what are you doing here this early?" Ethan managed to stumble out of his raw, dry throat, the whole time looking over at the strange man as he did so. The stranger smiled openly, as Josh frowned...this wasn't the type of man that his father usually did business with? These were the sort of men that his dad would normally warn him to stay away from more like...what was this guy's business and WHY was he even here?

"Uhm...yeah, Mama Hartman gave me a lift home, sorry I didn't think to call...is everything okay here?" he asked finally, his heart totally in his throat.

Now that he could see the stranger more clearly than before, he slightly shivered. It was a coloured man, with several tattoos inked on his body and even more scars on his face than he had ever seen before. His smile was friendly enough, but it sure as hell didn't reach his eyes...which seemed sheer dark and cold...there looked to be absolutely no emotion inside either of those pearly blues whatsoever.

Funnily enough, they reminded him of Jack's own blue eyes, but he shook his head.

You have fucking Jack on your brain...he lambasted himself before returning his attention to his father.

"Uh...well...Son, this...well, this is..." Ethan tried his best to get the words out, but he was quite clearly frightened beyond belief, there was no way he could even TRY and hide it for one single second, before the stranger placed his arm around his father and cleared his own throat.

"So...this is your boy that I have heard so much about! You better be careful there, Ethan! The boy is an absolute looker! He'll be getting girls pregnant sooner rather than later! Pleased to meet you, my boy! Curtis September is the name and money is my game. Me and your dad here just had a little misunderstanding, but it has ALL been cleared up, or what do you say, huh Ethan?" he asked, once again in a tone that belied his fake kindness.

Josh was stunned as he saw his dad actually NODDING feverishly as if somehow obediently, at the man's request, to which the man barked out yet another laughter, and came over towards Josh, stretching out his hand. Behind his back, Josh could see Ethan urging him on to do what the man wanted, before he sighed and took the man's hand inside his own. An immediate shot of pain ripped through his bones as he realised what the man was doing...he was squeezing his hand tight so hard and so full of sarcasm, that he very nearly uttered a cry of pain, but he refused.

He would NOT give this idiot that satisfaction. Once Curtis, or whatever the hell this man's name had finally allowed his hand to fall out of his own, he barked out another bout of laughter, before he left the house through the patio door. Josh stayed quiet until he could hear the front door slamming, before he turned towards his father in complete shock and disbelief.

"What the hell...Dad, who the hell was that?" he demanded, finally reaching Ethan and placing his hand on his father's back, as the older man was clearly rumbled as hell from everything that had just occurred.

Ethan took a couple of huge breaths, in and out, before he hugged his son to him, a movement that did absolutely nothing except confuse Josh Pallister even more.

"Just remember...Josh...what ever I do...everything I ever do, I'm doing it for you, and you alone...don't you ever forget that, my boy..." he said softly, kissing the side of his son's temple, before he hastily made his way back into the house.


"There he is! You fucking wanker! Did you hear what your little freakshow earlier has done to Tommy?"

Jack looked up from where he was sitting all alone on one of the swings in a nearby park that he had found near Mama Hartman's house, as he sighed...seeing Daniel and Tyson coming ever closer towards him. He knew for a fact that they had just come from seeing Tommy himself, because that was the whole reason, he came over here in the first place.

Of course, they would be pulling their support for their longtime friend...why wouldn't they?

"No, I didn't, why don't you tell me? Ten years in jail, I hope?" he spat out as nastily as he could, once more putting on the facade of being this total douchebag, as he always did whenever he felt cornered or threatened. In the mood that he was in right now, he could easily fuck both Tyson AND Daniel up and still have their remains for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Tyson rolled his eyes and Daniel stared at Jack with a face as if he was a demon from a different dimension.

"How the hell are you still laughing and cracking jokes, you fucking jackass? He got suspended from the team! He's not gonna be able to run again for God knows how long and it's all fucking YOUR fault! Why did you have to even come here in the first place? You've done nothing but cause fucking misery for everyone!" Tyson demanded as he realised that Daniel couldn't quite get words of his own out.

Jack took a huge breath, before he got even closer to both boys, looking each of them squarely in the eye, not even bothering to be scared even a mere inch.

"Look, I know you guys are Tommy's biggest cheerleaders and I know that I have done my fucking part in all of this, but I thought we had sorted our shit out? You fucking helped me when those Parow boys wanted to throw my ass into that fire...why did ya'll do that if you fucking HATED me that much?" he yelled so loud, that Tyson needed to step away somewhat as Jack's breath flew across his skin, with Daniel stopping him as he did so.

"You can't blame Tommy for hating the crap out of you! You have been a jerk to everyone since you got here! Now we have lost one of our teammates...all thanks to you..."

"I'm sorry, Daniel, but I seemed to miss the fucking part where I had told Tommy to fucking kick my ass...I'm so ashamed..."

Daniel clenched his teeth and started to roll both of his hands into fists, when all of a sudden, a shadow was cast over all three boys in the late afternoon sunshine cascading all over the park.

"These boys giving you trouble, boy?" they heard a deep, dark voice speaking from behind one of the trees, to which all three of them stepped backwards just a tad...parks like these weren't as safe as they were a couple of years ago, and all three of them knew that.

As the guy came ever closer, Daniel was breathing heavily as he realised that whoever this was, this wasn't someone he wanted to mess with.

"Hey! Dumb and Dumber! I fucking asked you two a question! Are you giving that boy trouble? ANSWER ME!" the man hollered towards them once more. All three boys were cemented to the grass like statues, it felt at that moment, before the man walked up to them, and pulled Jack towards him in one solid movement.

Daniel and Tyson's eyes widened as they saw the man placing his arm around an obviously, equally terrified Jack, before he reached for the pockets of his trousers and withdraw what seemed like a small flick-knife.

"Jesus..." Tyson managed to utter, still not anyone daring to move even an inch.

The man smiled nastily as he swung the knife around carelessly for good measure.

"If I see...either one of your bozo's...ever...EVER do anything to upset this boy over here...my brothers, I swear on the Lord upstairs that I will SLICE your bodies apart from here to fucking Cape Town and send what's left straight to your parents. I don't give a shit! GET LOST! GO! Before I fucking change my mind!" he yelled once more, keeping a more than tight squeeze on Jack, who was quite honestly feeling faint with morbid fear and thoughts over what was happening right now...for this stranger to have suddenly appeared and having threatened his teammates with an actual knife...

...both Daniel and Tyson didn't give all of this another thought...they were more scared than they EVER were in their entire lives. They weren't long distance runners for nothing...they ran away faster than you could ever hope to say RELAY out of that park area, leaving the strange, violet thug as well as Jack all alone as per.

Jack shivered and shook with fear, giving a small raw choke as the man finally loosened his grip on him. Lord knows, he should have gotten the hell out of there, but it was as if his legs were made of jelly right then. He had lost all grip on reality and seemed to just...STARE at the man who was now doing the exact same to him.

There was an eerie sort of silence for a few minutes before the stranger sighed and walked towards Jack, who nearly tripped over his own feet in trying to get away...the man still had the knife in his hand on top of EVERYTHING that has happened and he was coming straight for him...

"Please...please don't hurt me...please..." Jack whispered as he fell onto the ground and pulled his legs towards his head as he did so, rolling himself into a solid ball, as he was always taught at the orphanage, to do whenever he was scared or wanted to turn off the world. He didn't really know how long he had been laying on the ground in that pathetic fetal position, until he felt a more than, reassuring pat on his back.

"Why would I ever hurt you, boy? I came here to rescue you, to protect you. There is no way in hell I'd ever lay my hands on you...not you of all people! Can you...can you stand up, and at least look me in the eye?"

Jack swallowed slowly...could this really be the same person talking?

The voice that he himself had heard threatening his teammates with a knife, was now talking to him in such a soft tone of nature, that it felt as if he had known him for years. He slowly stretched out his legs, to the point where he saw a solid arm outstretched towards him. He looked over at the stranger, and it wasn't even like this was the same person from before...eyes with only warmth and gentleness seemed to shine down upon him, as he slowly took the man's hand and allowed him to help him up.

"There you go...boy, you gotta try and DEFEND yourself more! It ain't helping no one out there to be scared! They would have taunted and fucked with you all afternoon the way you were going!"

Jack shook his head and wiped the grass off from his clothes, before looking back at the stranger. There was suddenly and inequivalently something so...he didn't know what or how to explain it...something...familiar...about him? He had probably seen him somewhere before and just forgotten all about it...God knows he had been shifted from pillar to post in the past...anyone out there could be recognizing him from Adam and he wouldn't be able to pick them out in a lineup of Smurfs.

"I wasn't scared at all, where the hell did you even see that? I was totally ready for them...but anyway, thanks...but all of that totally wasn't needed. I know you meant well, I guess, but do you have any idea of the shit I'm gonna get if those two idiots told people about what you just did?" he asked softly...for some unidentified reason, he still couldn't seem to take his eyes off whoever this was.

The man placed his hand on his shoulder, and closed his eyes for a minute, as if strangely enough, he was savoring the touch of the boy, before removing his hand as quickly as he had placed it there, keeping an eye on him at all times.

"Just remember...you had nothing and no one for years. And before you ask me all sorts of questions, it doesn't matter how the hell I know that you're an orphan. Just...just trust me okay? Gimme your phone. Come on, chop-chop, I ain't gonna fucking steal the thing, I just wanna give you my cellphone number, that's all...for God's sake..."

Scared that the stranger was about to once more totally lose his cool with him, and more to the point, having someone out there show even a slither of care towards him, especially after everything that happened with Tommy and Mama Hartman, not even to mention Tyson and Daniel just a little while ago, he reached into his pockets of his old, worn, hand-me-down jeans and gave his phone to the stranger, who wasted no time whatsoever in punching in his digits, before giving it back to him.

"I'll be on my way then. And remember...any time...day or fucking night, or for whatever reason...you wanna call me...you do so. I'll always make time for you. Always remember that, okay?"

Jack nodded slowly, as the sun casted it's final rays for the day onto the grass and the playground before him, as the man was walking away slowly, he suddenly regained his ability to even speak...

"Hey! Wait! I mean...what is all of this? Where the hell do you even know me from? Who even are you?" he shouted towards the stranger, the latter's back turned towards him, not budging even an inch.

More silence followed, and just when Jack was starting to think he had been seeing things, or that he had totally imagined the man ever even existing, he spoke one more time.

"I'm a friend. More than that you'll find out in due time..." he muttered, before waking away, for good this time, leaving a more than stunned Jack Lavery behind, more confused that he had ever been, and after years spent in one foster home after the other, that was a more than a welcome occurrence.

"I could have sworn he looked...I'm I have seen him somewhere before but where?" he wondered out loud, before checking the time on his phone, sighing as he realised he's going to have to go BACK to Mama Hartman and especially back to Tommy...URGH...before he placed his phone back in his jeans and got going.


"And you brought me all the way here, because why?"

"Because I was bored and you have the time...fucking lighten up, brother! Back in Cape Town, where you didn't have any girls to fuck..."


"...totally kidding...but you were the one that said that you wanted to get to know me, and I literally can't think of a better place to start than right here. So, this is the place where I grew up. After my parents died, some farmer and his wife apparently brought me here, and this is where I spent the first six...seven years of my life, before I was eventually adopted for the first time."

Josh swallowed as he saw the run-down establishment, as well as several young boys and girls running around all over the place, playing with what little toys they had, all seemingly to their heart's content. His heart went out to these kids...more and more, the further and further they walked into the orphanage and saw how much it meant for them to have a visit from Jack himself.

"Hey you guys! Guess who's home!" Jack shouted from where they were standing, until several young kids had joined up with them, hugging Jack and even went as far as to hug Josh himself, when Jack had told them that he was a friend of his. Once all the kids were satisfied that Jack had spent more than enough time with them, they finally allowed the boys to go free, and Jack turned towards Josh with a glimmer reflected inside his blue eyes.

"Sorry about all of that...don't have to feel bad if they made you feel uncomfortable or some shit...this place ain't for everyone, I wouldn't hold it against you..."

Josh shook his head, nervously looked around if anyone was watching them, before he reached out and took Jack's hand within his own.

"It's not that...not at all. When my mother was alive...I used to complain all the time about not having a brother or sister that I could play with. Later on, it just went away I guess, but dude...seeing all of this...it changes everything. We think we have problems...that is nothing compared to all of this..."

Jack squeezed Josh's hand in return, before he stood closer to the boy.

"Do you see frowns on anyone's faces? Do you see any of these kids crying? They are happy, my dude. With the little that they have, they are still happy as anything. I can't tell you how much I miss this place...I would have had to come back here if Mama Hartman didn't agree to foster me for three months, and it would have been awesome there too if not for Tommy and everything...but I get that it's all my fault..."

"Hey...cut that crap, you hear me? We all sorted things out at the weekend, even Tyson and Daniel were starting to accept you until Tommy decided to be an ass and attacked you to the point where he hit Mama Hartman in her face...yes, there is a good reason he hates you, but he totally went too far. And as for those other two idiots..."

"Dude, I totally told you, that guy I met in the park, he more than got rid of them. He even had a knife! I was shit scared when it was actually happening, but the more I think about it...he even gave me his number! He was totally on my side! Seriously, I don't think those two would ever wanna mess with me again after this..."

Josh wanted to reply in the fact that his buddy didn't seem to think it weird that a perfect stranger seemed to know a whole lot of info about him, and let's not mention the fact that the freak actually carries a knife, but they were soon interrupted by a nun dressed in her traditional white attire along with the classic headdress and everything, before her eyes lit up as she saw who had come to visit.

"My goodness me...if it isn't little Jack Lavery standing before me, with his big ole eyes as bold as brass! How are you, sweetheart?" she asked as she neared them, before taking Jack in her arms and held him tight against her bosom.

Josh had to look away when Jack kissed the elder nun on her cheek...he didn't know what to say or what to do at that moment. This was really Jack the Jerk...being all so loving and tender towards another human being? What on earth would Tommy say if he were to ever witness THIS?

"Come on in, there is always more than enough time for a visit with one of my favorite kids...I'll ask one of the cleaners to bring us something to eat and to drink. I haven't seen you since you were adopted by that wonderful old lady...what was her name again?" the nun murmured before she turned to face Josh, with a huge smile on her face.

"We all call her Mama Hartman around these parts...everyone around here knows her story, she's adopted a whole bunch of kids in her time and there's a special place in heaven for having to put up with me at least...oh, by the way, this is one of my new friends, Josh Pallister...Joshy boy, this legend you see over here is Mother Superior Jane Lily Anderson. She has literally known me since I was about three or four years old when I was first brought here."

The elder nun placed her hand on Josh's shoulder, before she too enveloped him into a solid hug, before smiling back at him.

"Welcome Josh...we're happy to have you here. Any friend of any of our flock, is a friend of ours. Thank you, I should say, for being in Jack's life in some shape or form. This boy right here...God knows, he has a very, very special place inside my heart."


"Where did Jack go?" Josh asked as he returned from the bathroom, having gone for a piss, before he re-entered the office of the Mother Superior, and noticing that Jack wasn't there anymore.

The nun signaled at him to look out on the outside of the window of her office, which Josh proceeded to actually do, a huge ass smile widening across his lips as he saw what she wanted him to see. Jack Lavery, or Jack the Jerk as he was not-so-lovingly dubbed back at the school, was having the time of his life playing soccer with a whole bunch of the smaller kids around the playground.

All too soon Josh realised that Jack was totally letting the kids get away with murder, and allowed offside goals to stand and tackles to be made. The kids would CURL UP with sheer childish laughter each and every time that Jack would dramatically THROW himself on the ground at having been "tackled" and would shout to the imaginary referee to brandish several yellow and red cards for fouls.

This was...a whole other person...it seemed like a fucking parallel universe! Where was the Jack Lavery, he had so despised only a few weeks before everything seemed to change between the two of them! He certainly didn't seem to exist between the four walls of this place! That was for God damn sure!

"You're very special to him, I can tell..."

Josh froze momentarily, before he quickly turned back towards the nun, who as looking straight at him with her warm, wise old eyes, and tapping her desk with her pen ever-so-slightly, as she did so.

"How...I mean, why would you say that? We're just...we're just friends, we haven't even known each other for that long," Josh totally tried his best to make less of what she said, if it was at all possible, before the old women shook her head, and placed the pen back into its holder.

"My dear boy, in all the years that I have known Jack Lavery, and that is a lot, considering he was brought here when he was only three years old...and he has come back to visit us many, many times. Unfortunately, that includes the multiple times when he had to come back here simply because an adoption didn't work out, and the foster parents insisted that we take him back. Jack never was a child like all the others...simply because he has horrors in his past, that his brain had simply forgotten."

Josh nodded and sat down at the nun's desk, before looking down at his shoes as he did so.

"He told me about his fear of fire...and the dreams he used to have of a burning car coming towards him..." he said quietly.

The nun nodded and placed both of her hands on her desk, smiling once more towards him.

"What I meant by all of that, was simply that in all the years that Jack had returned to the orphanage in a visitation capacity, he had never, ever brought along someone else with him. What he did this afternoon, bringing you along to see where he had grown up...that firstly, takes some good old-fashioned guts...and secondly, you must mean an awful lot to the boy...because as I had previously said...he has never even remotely done that before."

Josh swallowed as he felt like his saliva was totally stuck inside his throat, before he looked outside at a still playing and laughing Jack, still entertaining the smaller children after all of this time. His eyes totally betrayed him whether he wanted it or not...as he looked over at Jack. He would stare at him with nothing but tenderness and compassion...perhaps even something else that he hadn't even realized that he was starting to feel for the orphan boy.

The nun once more cleared her throat, before she spoke.

"He came to us, owning nothing but for the clothes on his back, as well as an old, dirty stuffed teddy bear, which is still in storage around here somewhere. For some reason, I can clearly remember, Jack started to scream blue murder when ever anyone else wanted to play with it. The farmer and his wife who had dropped him off here thirteen years ago, told us that stuffed bear was all that he had left of his deceased mother...we're all so used to sharing what we have around here, we teach them that right from the off, and he always did as he was told. However...give that bear to someone else for even a second, and he would throw a tantrum that would rival a natural disaster!" the nun finished her sentence, at the very moment that Jack walked back into the office, wiping the sweat from his brow and sighing with relief as the Mother Superior handed him a glass of water.

"Thanks a bunch! I totally needed that! Joshy Boy...time to go. Mama Hartman and your dad will be wondering where we had gotten to. Mother Superior...thanks for allowing me to always feel like I have a home here. I know I...TOTALLY wasn't an easy kid to get along with and to take care of...but you, all of you here, will never know what it meant to me. I don't have a family of my own...but I know that I will always have you," he said softly, and gave the elder nun one more hug, which she responded as to holding him tight against her, just like she did before they entered the building.

"And we will always be here. Anytime you need us, day or night. You're always more than welcome," the elder nun whispered in his ear, before she also proceeded to greet Josh in heartfelt goodbyes, and off they went.

They were edging a street corner on the way back to Mama Hartman's house when Jack suddenly came to a stop, which startled Josh, as he turned around to see why Jack wasn't following him.

"Something wrong? Did you forget something back at the orphanage?" he asked, with a frown etched across his forehead.

Jack smiled, before he shook his head, and placed his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"No, nothing like that. I was just wondering why you haven't fucking said two words to me this entire time we've been walking back home..." he said, looking directly at Josh as he did so.

Josh shrugged what he hoped would come forth as totally nonchalant, before he walked over to where Jack was.

"I dunno...I guess I wasn't ready for what I saw this afternoon. Nothing to do with the orphans...I'm not that much of a fucking snob...but it was a real eye opener seeing you play with those kids and shooting and shit and just being...basically just being a kid again yourself."

Jack grinned, indeed very much looking like a seven-year-old version of himself, as he looked deeply into Josh's eyes.

"I have a reason to be happy these days, don't I?" he whispered, and leaned in and once more kissed Josh softly on his lips, a juncture, to which Josh Pallister was more than happy to reciprocate.

"I guess you do...I just wish you would be more like...THIS...for the entire world to see, and not just for me...perhaps then Daniel, Tyson and even Tommy would start to fucking accept you for being one of us!" Josh hissed, biting his lips from the sexual magnetism between them, still tasting the effects of the bubblegum that Jack was chewing on his breath from that kiss.

Jack barked out a soft laugh, before he for what felt like the millionth time, took Josh's hand into his own.

"I don't care what any of those idiots say, and I'm sorry, Joshy Boy...but they are your friends, and not mine. Not when they do the shit that they do. God, I honestly thought we sorted our shit at the weekend and we weren't back here five fucking minutes and Mama Hartman ended up with a black eye. Josh...I dunno how things are gonna play out between me and you. Quite frankly, I don't even wanna know...I wanna find out as we go along. And that's why I took you there today...because I wanted to you see me...to see ALL of me. This IS me. This...is Jack Lavery."

Josh nodded quietly, before he looked around to see if there was anyone close in vicinity, before he placed another kiss on Jack's lips, both boys sighing as they tasted each other yet again.

"Keep that up and you're gonna totally make me fall for you..." Jack whispered, snickering when he saw the mock horror on Josh's face, before the two boys eventually turned around and finally headed for home.


"I don't understand! I have done everything that you have asked of me! And all because you have threatened to kill my ailing mother right in her old age home! What sort of person are you? I can't do this anymore, I want OUT! NOW!"

Curtis smiled nastily as he enjoyed every single bit of his informant's desperate performance, before he opened up his third bottle of Castle Lager beer in what had to be half an hour, gobbling down half of the cooling liquid, before he smacked his lips very much like his son did at the weekend, having swallowed Josh Pallister's cum.

"Ohhhh, I don't think so. See, I have paid you more than enough money to work for me, and there is no way that you're even CLOSE to finishing yet. Or would you rather have me slip THIS into your sick old mother's guts?" he responded, taking out his knife and twirling it around in his fingers.

"You're sick beyond imagining! Thanks to me, you finally know where your son is after THIRTEEN YEARS! If I hadn't contacted you weeks ago, you would have STILL been searching for him God knows where! Please Curtis...have a heart! What more do you want me to do? I don't for a second believe that you're sorely after his well-being, other wise you would have searched for and found him years ago! Tell me...actually now that I think about it...let's be honest with each other here...WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR GAME PLAN?" the informant demanded, angrier than they had ever been.

Curtis sighed, letting out some much-needed air, and trying very hard not to just...finish this person off right there and then. No one would even ask any questions if he just fucking KILLED them and made the body disappear. But no...FUCK no. He still bloody needed them. He needed them for his plan to actually work. It's got to be someone who the boy trusts. It's got to come from a good place for it to be believable.

"Take a seat. I SAID, SIT DOWN!" he shouted as his informant took to long to obey his orders.

The person shook with fear, but eventually got their breathing under control, knowing too what Curtis knew...that he needed them still for the job to be complete. Before that was done...he wouldn't dare harm a hair on their head.

Curtis took a seat opposite his informant, and took another sip from his drink, before he smashed the still half-full bottle onto the cold, tiled floor, allowing the glass bottle to shatter into a million little pieces, doing nothing to calm the nerves of the person sitting in front of him whatsoever. He leaned back in his chair, and smiled wry fully, and evilly.

"You wanna know what's up...okay, I suppose I can tell you. Just remember...dead people can't talk..."

The informant momentarily didn't seem to breathe, at the sound of his horrible, horrible words. Once more, they realized just what a piece of utter scum, what a piece of trash, in short, what a plain AWFUL person Curtis September really was.

And they had given that precious boy's location to this...this incredible, nasty low life of a human being. They had been blackmailed into doing it...with the worst possible scenario that they KNEW would play out if they even as much as refused. Curtis knew where the mother of his informant was...in which old age home she was...he had even shown them proof...a chilling reminder each and every day that he can and WILL strike if his orders weren't obeyed.

Curtis cackled out a shriek of laughter at the sight of his informant's face, before he cleared his throat and became deadly serious.

"As you know by now, Jack's mother's name was Sheridan Lavery. She was killed thirteen years ago when she tried to run away from me and taking my child with her. I didn't order the hit, but one of my men cut the brakes on her car anyway, which he had paid for with his life, when I found out my son was in the car with her."

Holy mother of God. The informant closed their eyes and shook their head, as if they were pleaded at him to stop talking.

Who...who even does that to their child? To any other human being and then being so...so deviously CALM about it?

"Now Sheridan was the only child of her parents, and I have it on good authority that they are still living in Constantia, Cape Town. She ran away from home when her parents had forbidden her to get involved with me...and look how well THAT worked out for her. So now, even you know what THAT means. The Lavery family are rich...filthy fucking rich. And as their only living biological grandchild, Jack would someday inherit all of that wealth, there is literally no other person to get it. And I'll be fucking damned if I won't get my own slice of that Lavery pie. Do you understand me? Do you fucking GET me?"

So...that was what he was after. Was it ever anything else than money? Curtis was full of it, he lived and breathed for it. That was basically all that he cared about...that, and perhaps his only son.

"I still don't understand what you want me to do about all of this?" the informant carefully dared to ask.

Curtis smirked.

"Sheridan...she was such a good, decent person. She would have done anything for her son, and my men told me how much she loved Jack...God damn, Jack has her hair. He has her build, he even fucking sounds like her. He is the spitting image of me however, I'm amazed that he hasn't realised it yet. But he will, and soon. But the timing needs to be perfect, and right now it's not."

Curtis leaned forward; his eyes as dark as his soul was no doubt.

"What I need YOU to do, is to tell Jack, that his mother was a crack head whore. That she slept with several men. That she was the scum of the fucking earth, take your pick. Basically, he needs to think she was the devil incarnate, and that the sun shines out of my fucking ass. He needs to be with me and only ME. I need him to never, ever ask ANY questions about his mother's death or that she even existed. If I'm gonna pull him into my world...I need the Lavery millions and I can't get to that without my son."

The informant stood up, and gazed at Curtis with nothing but venom in their own eyes.

"That's what ALL of this is about? That's why I'm busy committing crimes for you? That's why you're threatening my mother's life? You're not even concerned about Jack, are you? It's all about the money for you! How on earth am I even supposed to bring up the topic of his mother and lie about what a BAD person she was? I didn't know Sheridan from Adam, how the hell am I supposed to do that?"

Curtis cackled another bout of laughter, before he stood up and got right into his informant's face...they could smell his filthy alcoholic breath as he did so.

"I'm sure that you could find a way...they don't call you Mama Hartman for nothing, now do they?"



MAMA HARTMAN was the informant all this time! Who saw that coming LOL!

Curtis's evil plot is taking shape and fast...and now he has met his son. How will he pull that poor boy into his own world and WILL he succeed?

Josh and Jack are also getting closer than ever...when will they realise what they TRULY feel...and how will their teammates, especially the fired up Tommy, handled all of that?

WANT MORE? EMAIL ME! I'm always up for some feedback, and when I say UP...I do mean UP hahaha!


Next: Chapter 5

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