Jacking My Best Friend

By Phillip Cook

Published on Jul 3, 2012


"Have you ever heard of Tommy Blade?" Steve asked as he reached into the night stand.

"Of course. The porn star," I said, wondering how Steve would have heard of him.

Steve pulled out an exact replica of Tommy's thick and veiny dick. A dick I had only dreamed about in my wildest wet dreams. Though not really all that long, it was fat and thick and the head pronounced., I had thought of the real thing for such a long time and now seeing this copy made me horny even though I had just cum only a few minutes before.

"Where did you get that?" I asked in awe.

"From a sex shop," he said simply. "Sheila and I went to one on a fluke and when we saw this she said we needed to buy it and try it out. I thought she meant on her but instead she wanted to fuck me with it."

Sheila's kinkier than I thought.

"That surprised the shit out of me," he continued. "But after some persuading, I caved. And you know what?"

I shook my head.

"I liked it. I never had the nerve to try the real thing yet. But I've been using this thing every chance I can get now."

"Um...what do you want to do with it now?" I asked.

His full lips parted into a smile showing off his white even teeth. His blue eyes sparkled. He looked very sexy when he smiled.

"I want you to fuck me."


"With this," he amended as he held up the dildo. "And I want you to jack me off with this," he held the Fleshlight in his other hand.

I didn't have to think twice about it. I would do anything he asked of me. Sexual wise, anyways. I was game for anything he waned to do. He handed me the Fleshlight and dildo and then started to unbutton his shirt. My heart started beating faster with each button unfastened. Revealing a smooth well defined chest and a six pack that would have most gay guys wish they were in my position. Then I thought of Greg. That lucky dog. He got to have sex with Steve all this time. I didn't know how many times or if Greg was even gay. Maybe he was bi curious. But still, he must have really enjoyed himself. Who wouldn't? With a guy like Steve. Of course, Greg was pretty hot too.

While I was pondering all this, Steve had already removed his shirt and started unbuckling his belt and jeans. I saw a whiff of dark blond pubic hair. Then he lowered his jeans revealing more of his pubic hairs and the base of his cock. He got up off the bed to finish removing his jeans and I saw him fully naked for the first time. He had a wonderful body. Very well toned and defined. A swimmers body. His dick was a work of art. Long and thick. I would say at least nine inches. He was cut with a plum sized head. And his quarter sized nipples were erect and ready for me to suck. My mouth began to water.

"Well," he said holding out his arms on either side of him, "you're going to gawk at me all day or are you going to get busy jacking me and using that dildo on my ass?"

I didn't have to be told twice with that delectable offer and that delicious ass and prick for me to play with as I like.

He laid back on the bed with his legs spread wide for easy access to his ass and with his cock sticking straight up, throbbing and dripping wet. He already had a good amount of precum which slicked up his dick pretty good. He must have been very horny. And I was thrilled I was the one who got to satisfy his sexual desire this time instead of Sheila or Greg or whoever else he might have fooled around with.

"Okay," Steve said, "now slide that thing over my dick," he pointed towards the Fleshlight.

"Um...should I clean it out first? It still has my cum in there."

"No, That makes it better."

I wrapped my fingers around his pole. He moaned a little and I guessed he liked the touch of my fingers on his dick. I can relate because when he touched me on my dick it was the best feeling in the world. I held his dick and guided it inside the Fleshlight. And slowly lowered the Fleshlight down to the base of his dick.

"Aw. That's good. Now lift the Fleshlight back up to the head and then back down again and keep going like that, up and down, until I tell you to stop."

I did as I was told. Going back up to the head and back down again. Up and down. Up and down. Building up a good rhythm.

"Ooooo, yeah," Steve moaned, "that feels so good good Derek. Keep doing it."

I kept jacking him good and hard I thought I would improvise by reaching down with my free hand and fondled his balls. They felt nice in my hands. Very smooth and delicate.

"Oh yes!" Steve shouted in pure pleasure. "Okay, stop," he suddenly ordered. I wondered if I did something wrong. "I don't won't to cum yet," he stated. "I want you to eat my ass out."

"Beg your pardon?" I asked. I had actually never eaten ass in my life and didn't know know what was involved exactly.

"Eat my ass out," he spread his legs out and reached his hands under him and spread his ass cheeks open revealing an enticing pink hole. It looked very clean and very smooth. I've never seen another guys ass hole up close before. I've seen guys asses before and fantasized about fucking them but never really thought about their actual holes before. I wondered if I would ever get the chance to stick my dick in there. "Just stick your tongue in," Steve ordered. Well, at least one appendage gets to probe around in there.

I knelt down and put my nose up against his hole. It smelt nice and clean, still fresh from the shower he took earlier. It also smelt a little musky. A nice manly smell. I poked at his hole with my index finger, letting the tip slip into his hot little hole. He moaned and squirmed a bit.

Okay, here goes nothing, I thought. I stuck my tongue out and began swirling it around his hole. It didn't really taste too bad. Better than I thought it would. I stuck my tongue in and really went to work on his hole.

"Oh yeah. Eat my hole. Eat me out. Oh God that feels good!" He exclaimed.

I started to literally fuck him with my tongue and I could tell it was driving him wild because he started bucking his hips and let loose a slew of expletives. I had no idea an ass hole could be so sensitive and I began to wonder how it would feel to have someone eat me out.

I pulled back and took a moment to take in the panting, naked, gorgeous guy in front of me. I wanted to suck his dick. I wanted to feel him inside me. I slid the Fleshlight off of his dick, his eyes questioning, his dick throbbing, his breath heaving, I swallowed his cock to the root and he let out a squeal of surprise and delight. I started bobbing my head up and down but not neglecting his ass hole I stuck my middle finger in and gently finger fucked him. Soon I added a second finger. Steve was moaning and squirming enjoying all the sensations I was giving him.

I suddenly stopped and pulled myself off his dick and climbed on top of him. My hard dick against his hard dripping dick. I could feel him throbbing. I could feel his blood surging through his hot body. I never felt so close with anyone before. I kissed his full lips. My tongued swirling around his.

After several minutes he broke the kiss.

"Now I want you to fuck me with that dildo. Then I want to fuck that tight ass of yours."

He handed me the dildo and KY jelly.

"Put plenty of this on it," he told me. "I want you to stay on top of me but turn the other way so you can fuck me with that dildo and I can eat you out."

I got excited at the thought of being eaten out and did as I was told.

I turned around and put plenty of lubricant on the dildo. My ass was now facing Steve. He pulled my cheeks apart and I felt something wet and slimy against my pucker. It was his tongue. It felt amazing. I almost forgot the task before me until he prodded me.

"Okay, Derek. Stick it in me now."

I held the dildo firmly with one hand and felt for his hole with the other. Once I found it I gently placed the dildo at his entrance and began to slide it in. I was afraid I might hurt him so I avoided slamming it in. Soon I had about two inches of the dildo in him.

"Oh yes, that good," he moaned, "Push more in. I can take it."

I pushed another two inches in. And soon I had the whole thing in. He was still lapping up my ass hole like a hungry animal. His tongue darted in and out.

I had to have more of his dick so while I fucked him with the dildo I once again gobbled down his cock. He had the same idea because he abandoned my ass hole and swallowed my dick. His mouth felt nice and warm and wet. I plunged my cock in and out of his mouth and my mouth devoured his,

After 69ing for several minutes he came up for air.

"I think it's time to fuck this ass of your," he slapped my ass hard and it stung but I didn't mind. "First I better lube you up.

He rolled us over to where he was now on top of me and then slid down my body with the bottle of lube in hand. He put a generous amount of lube on his hand and began working it in my hole once again poking at my hole with his finger this time and spreading the lube around in it. He added more lube in his hand and jacked himself off for a minute or two smearing the lube on his cock.

"Okay. I think I want you to ride me. I want to see that beautiful cock of yours bouncing."

He laid on the bed with his cock pointing to the ceiling. I straddled him and lowered myself, spreading my cheeks apart. I slowly sat on his cock. and felt the blunt tip enter my sphincter. My ass hole swallowed inch after inch of his cock until I reached his pubes tickling my balls. I looked down and saw him grinning ear to ear enjoying the feeling of his cock up my ass. And his cock felt good in my ass. It was a win win situation for both of us.

He wanted to see my cock bounce so I started to slide up and down his pole which was easy with all the lube he used. And soon my cock was bouncing off his six pack. I went faster and faster. I really wanted him to cum in my ass and hoped he wouldn't stop me.

He grabbed my bouncing cock and jerked me off as I rode him with all I had. Soon I felt my orgasm building up and knew I couldn't hold out much longer.

"Oh God!" I shouted. "You're making me cum!" With that, rope after rope of my jizz exploded out of my dick and onto Steve's face. His hand became sticky with my cum as he jacked me. Some landed on his lips and he licked it off of himself.

"Mmmm. Taste good," he said.

My dick was becoming sensitive as he jacked the last drop of cum out out me but he wouldn't let go and jacked me some more. To my surprise after a couple minutes my dick became hard again and screamed for release once more.

"Oh God! I'm gonna cum again!" I yelled. "Awwwww! Oh my God!"

Cum spurted out of my dick head once again adding to the goop that was coating Steve's face.

Now it was time for Steve to cum and cum he did. Filling my ass hole with his seed.

"Oh God!" He yelled as I bounced up and down and squeezed my ass hole as tight as I could around his dick causing a friction that signaled his release. "Oh yeah!" I rolled off of him and felt some cum leaking out of my hole. Steve went to work eating the cum he had just deposited in my ass hole. It seemed he really loved the taste of cum.

There was a loud knock on the door. I was afraid we might have disturbed some people with our loud love making. Steve sauntered to the door naked without even grabbing his pants or any other covering. I was a bit more modest as I quickly covered myself with the bed sheets.

"Hi," it was Greg. The same Greg Steve had admitted having sex with.

"Greg, you know my roommate."

"Sure. Hi Derek," he said, not at all surprised to see Steve naked. "Just wondering why you didn't show up tonight."

"Didn't feel like it. I had some...uh...studying to do."

"Really," Greg said. "I think I know what kind of studying you two have been doing," he smirked, "and I think I'll join you if you don't mind."

To my astonishment Greg shut the door and started peeling off his shirt. It seemed like I was going to be in for some more...um....studying.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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