Jacking With Ted

By Jack Santoro

Published on Mar 24, 2005



Jacking With Ted by Jackinnm@yahoo.com

I'd met Ted at meeting of our professional association, but hadn't spoken much with him until we'd shared after-dinner drinks after last month's meeting. Ted was 63, a year older than I, and like me wore trifocals and had white hair. We nursed our martinis and discussed the new slate of officers who had just taken office. Then our discussion wandered, and at one point he said: "I always like a drink or two in the evening, to relax." "Me too, as you can see," I replied. "I don't like to drink too much, though, 'cause I sometimes get a hangover," I added. "Right. Nature's tranquilizer is better," he said. "I'm divorced, but still think sex is the best way to relax." "I'm divorced too," I said, "and most of the time I have to provide for myself." "I do that a lot. Good thing I live in a detached house, because I yell when I cum. If the neighbors heard me, they'd think I was being killed," he said. I saw that he was staring intently at me, so I took the plunge: "It's not too intense all alone, but a guy's hand on my cock always makes me squirm and yell a lot." There, I'd said it, and I wondered what his reaction would be. "Let's continue this discussion at my place, okay? I don't live far from here." We went out to the parking lot, and minutes later I parked in his carport, alongside him. Inside, he fixed another pair of martinis, and we sat staring at each other as we sipped. I noticed that he was about my height, a bit over six feet, but lacked the roll of middle-aged fat that sat around my waist. "We're probably both too tired to really enjoy whacking tonight, so let's just get a good night's rest and pick up in the morning," he suggested. He led the way to the bedroom, where we stripped to get ready for bed. I noticed that he wore boxers as I did, and when he peeled them down I saw that his prick ended in a thick, wrinkled foreskin that totally covered his bulging glans. "You've still got your hood too," he commented, as he eyed my long-nippled prick. "I'm glad. It's very handy for self-sex." "Keeps the big helmet nice and sensitive," I added as I climbed into the queen-sized bed. As he slid in next to me he reached over to tweak my nipple, rolling it gently between thumb and forefinger. I pinched the end of his long wrinkled hood, stretching it out, making the outlines of his big cock-head appear through the skin. "I skin it back to pee," he said. "Gotta go right now, though." He padded off to the bathroom and I followed, watching as he stood next to the sink and bared his helmet-shaped glans. His masculine foreskin odor filled the room, the product of a day's supply of smegma that had been accumulating under his fleshy sleeve. "I pee in the sink, less splatter that way." I stood next to him and slid my hood back, relaxing to let the fluid out as he voided his stream. He ran the water as our streams mixed and ran down the drain. We milked our cocks dry, then slid our foreskins forward to cover the shiny purple heads and went to bed. "Gives lots of variety for stroking," he murmured sleepily as he clasped my prick. "I'm glad you're uncut too, so you know how to handle a cock like mine." We fell asleep clasping each other's tools. I awoke to find my prick hard as his fingers pinched my glans through the fleshy covering. Each rhythmic squeeze made my cock-root throb. Sunlight streamed in the window, and I reached for his prick, already half-hard with the flaring glans showing through the skin. "It's nice to do this with a full bladder," he said. "The pressure's very exciting." "It works the same for me," I said, as I pulled the end of his hood out from his body, watching the wrinkles disappear. His foreskin was loose compared to my snug hood, and I commented: "Looks like you're got lots of room for another cock-head under that hood." "I'd love to dock, but I only do safe sex," he replied. "Don't blame you," I said. "Me too." He was full-hard now, and the hood slid back easily over the bulging purple tip. The head was big and round in front, parted by a long slit drooling pre-cum. I spread the lube in small circles around his slit with my fingertip. "That feels so nice," he said, and sighed deeply. I massaged the copious lube around the shiny purple helmet, caressing the flaring rim, and felt him quiver. Ted slid my foreskin slowly back and commented: "Your hole's different from my slit; it's a nice teardrop shape. Really looks sexy." "Your tip's really sensitive," I said. "Bet I can make you cum just doing this." He squeezed my hard shaft in reply and I added: "Want to dock my finger?" Without waiting for an answer I pulled his long loose hood up over my finger as I continued to massage his sensitive glans with my fingertip. He began taking deep breaths, and I knew I was reaching him. His balls tightened against his body and I felt the spongy tip swell and harden further as his excitement mounted. Ted's lube ran out of his hood as I continued to work my finger around his smooth glans, feeling the tension build up in his body. His eyes were fixed on my hands, as I sent beautiful sensations into his turgid prick. His breathing deepened and he began to squirm as I brought him closer to the peak. I felt his hand drop from my prick as he became engrossed in his own sensations. I felt the first warning throb in his glans and I slowed my caresses, wanting to prolong the moment of anticipation. I slid my fingertip around his swollen head, feeling the contours of his rim, then the twin lobes under the head where the two sides meet with the gee-string in between. He was gasping now, and I knew I had him at the brink. His eyes closed and I heard him cry out "HAHHHHHHHH!" as his hard glans throbbed against my probing finger, and I felt the hot fluid filling his hood. He cried out again, "HAHHHHHHHHHHH!" as I yanked the hood down to bare the gushing tip. I grasped his rock-hard prick and jerked the thick hood up and down over his pulsing head as he shot again, watching the white geyser arcing as he shuddered in the throes of orgasm. I felt his body straining against mine as I stroked his foreskin with one hand and cupped his balls with the other. His head was thrown back and his cries of joyful agony filled the room as he emptied himself. His hard cock throbbed in my fist as I pumped it dry, enjoying his orgasm vicariously as I helped him to come. When his gushes slowed to a dribble, I relaxed my strokes, careful not to over-stimulate the glans, which I knew would become super-sensitive any second. When I felt him relax, I stopped, and saw him open his eyes. "Wow! That was hot," he said, and leaned over to kiss me on the forehead. Ted's prick began relaxing, the long hood completely over the head. My prick was hard against his thigh, and his fingers closed around it. "What do you want me to do?" he asked, staring earnestly into my eyes. I explained and lay back as Ted began ministering to my erection. I felt him gently pump my hood back and forth, sliding the snug foreskin over my distended glans, heightening my arousal with each stroke. It didn't take me long to reach the brink, as I had a head start. "I can feel the head swelling," he said, as he skinned the hood back to bare the glossy purple helmet. "Your foreskin smells nice," he added. His fist stretched the tight skin back all the way, stretching the nerve endings in my hood and gee-string as the glans flared out to full size. I felt his other hand lightly cup my balls. Now that I've got you stripped back I can see you've got even more cheese than I do," he said. I like that. It looks and smells really masculine." "Your prick's really sex too," I responded. "The head's turning dark purple; the rim's almost black," he said as he bumped the thick collar of flesh lightly against my flaring corona. I felt the tickle in my cock-head change to an urgent tingle and watched a drop of clear fluid fill my teardrop hole. Ted's fingertip spread the slippery juice around my hole in small circles, adding to my excitement. When my glans throbbed, my eyes closed, and I knew I was right there. The tension in my cock-root spread all over my body, and I felt myself slipping over the edge. Red lights flashed in my eyes, and the orgasm came over me like a slowly breaking wave, carrying me with it and away in the undertow. I heard myself crying out faintly, in the distance: "HAH! HAH! HAH!" as I tumbled into the free-fall of orgasm. My hot glans exploded and I felt the first burning gush shoot up my prick as Ted pumped my foreskin up the bursting head, sending hot sensations stabbing into my glans. I cried out helplessly as wave after wave of sensation overwhelmed me, making me shudder and writhe. Ted fisted the tight foreskin over my swollen head again and again, fueling my climax and draining my balls. The rush of cum relented, and I was only dribbling now, feeling each drop as it crawled up my tube. Ted held my hood back to let each dribble drain freely, blotting the sensitive tip with a tissue, before sliding the skin forward to envelop it once more. My prick started to soften, and I opened my eyes. "Thanks, Ted, it felt wonderful," I said. He released my prick and we lay there for a moment. Then he headed for the bathroom, and I followed. We got into the shower and he turned on the water. The hot stream washed over our bodies, running down our pricks, and Ted pinched my hood tightly as I let go. "I like the way the hood swells when I pee," he said, pinching his long wrinkled snout with the other hand. We watched our foreskins balloon under the pressure for a few seconds, until it was almost painful, then he let go. The yellow streams gushed out, mixing in the bottom of the tub. The pee and the residue of cum flowed down the drain. We skinned back, rinsing our still swollen heads, washing away the juices of the morning's fun.

The End

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