Jackknife, A Taste of Himself

By moc.liamg@tnofecnesse

Published on Apr 27, 2024


Jackknife, Chapter 2: The Trucker and the Toy

This is a work of fiction. Enjoy the fantasy, but do not confuse it with reality. This story contains descriptions of sex between consenting adult males. If such offends you or is illegal for you to read, please leave now.

Written and edited by CubDex

Jacknife, Chapter 2: The Trucker and the Toy

It had been a few days since Mason's discovery of how much he enjoyed the taste of his own cum. The stocky trucker had been jerking off each day, which was much more frequent than previous to this experience. In his typical month he normally would jerk off three or four times total, but now this was a daily activity.

He woke up every day hard as a rock. His cock straining against his briefs, already starting to leak pre-cum. Instead of jerking off right when he woke up, he'd hold off, occasionally giving his thick cock a squeeze or two as he started his day, but attempt to focus on the road as the day continued. By the time he was parked for the night and his mind was off of work his underwear would soon start to drip with pre-cum again.

Tonight was no different. Quickly, he set up the privacy blinds and wrap his seatbelt through the door handle and around the steering wheel for safety just in case some crazy person tried to break into his cab. Collapsing onto his bed in the back he immediately stripped his pants and underwear off, his hard cock flipping onto his belly leaving a little bit of pre-cum.

Mason starts off slowly jerking his cock, squeezing little beads of pre-cum out and using his thumb to bring it to his mouth. He loves the taste of his pre-cum, letting it roll around on his tongue as he slowly worked his member. Eventually he'd pick up the pace, and with his other hand he'd fondle his balls as they jumped up and down, and slowly rubbing the spot just below them.

Moaning softly as his hand traveled further down, he learned that a mixture of spit and pre-cum felt amazing as he rubbed his hole. As soon as he gets one finger in a globule of pre-cum oozes out of his cock head. Stopping his jerking just for a second, he uses his dominant hand to use a few fingers to bring the fresh pre-cum to his mouth, and returns to feverishly jerk his cock as he pistons his finger in and out of his hole. Mason loved the feeling of stretching out his hole, slowly increasing from one finger to two. He ached for something more.

It doesn't take long before his moans get louder and louder, his hand quickly jerking up and down his now shiny, thick, and very hard cock. He quickly sucks in a breath, feeling a tightness to his balls and a kind of warm sensation travel up to his cock head as his orgasm nears. He groans loudly as his hips buck up and down as hot cum shoots out onto his mouth and chin. The first and second shot landing in the same place, and the rest of the six landing in incrementally lower spots on his chest and torso. With each pulse of cum a wave of pleasure emanates directly from his cock. And as his orgasm begins to subside his hips slam back down onto the bed, making the cab shake slightly. Cum continues to ooze out as Mason enjoys the afterglow of the intense activity, licking up what remains on his lips and chin, and scooping up the remaining puddles of cum on his chest and belly before finding an old shirt to dry off whatever remains.

He struggled to focus on the road during the day, many times having to readjust his cock as it got harder and harder. He was too afraid to play with himself while on the road, not for fear of being distracted but for fear of being caught by another trucker as they passed by in a parallel lane. There was a mixture of fear and excitement at the thought of a burly trucker seeing him stroking his cock, but mostly fear and nervousness. Perhaps that was something he would work on given this new chapter of his life.

When the weather was nice enough he would use the free weights he brought with him to try and maintain some of the muscle that he used to have as a linebacker in high school. Mason had a naturally strong and thick body. He's always had at least a little bit of a belly, but it's accompanied by strong thick legs and arms. If it was hot enough, he'd work out shirtless showing off his soft hairy belly and chest. He had heard of "gay tribes" in the past: twinks, otters, bears... and he often thought he'd fit nicely into the bear category. Especially now that he was a trucker and didn't have the time for a lot of cardio, his belly was a little bit larger than he was used to it being and with his short but thick beard he could confidently say that he was most definitely a "bear."

Life on the road was not always easy. Since he and his ex-wife had sold the house and split the money the only thing he had used it on was some hotel stays and the purchase of his own cab and the fees associated with getting certified for commercial truck driving. When he could he would stop by grocery stores and markets for fresh food and fill his small fridge with as much as he could. He didn't have a stove or oven, but he did own a propane grill that he could set up outside of the cab and cook up some basic meals.

But after 8 months of being on the road basically non-stop, he missed human connection. More than just chit-chat with the barista or grocery store clerk. Sure he was sad in his marriage, but him and Sherry didn't hate each other by any means. He missed the long talks they had, even meaningless stuff like who's going to pay for what bill, or what friends will they go see for dinner. If he was ever going to be truly happy again, Mason knew he would have to find a connection like that again.

Every now and again Mason would pass an "adult store." They were becoming increasingly less frequent as the years went on, but every time he did pass by one he would get butterflies in his stomach thinking about it's nature, all the guys that go in and get hard looking at what movie or magazine they were going to buy. His face would get flush thinking about the "stalls" that some of them have. Once, when he was younger, his cousin told him about these stalls and all the things guys do in them. Of course back then Mason acted disgusted towards the notion, but secretly it excited him.

Porn was something that Mason had seen before. It was one of the things that used to "confirm" his gayness at one point googling "men kissing sex" and being shocked by the all the thumbnails. Looking at all of the videos and pictures he got excited, and one in particular made him blush. It was of an older man, maybe in his 40s, leaned back in a red arm chair stroking a large cock. He had a chubby hairy body, and older bearded hard face, and looked directly into the camera as he stroked his cock up and down. Mason nearly came right then and there, but the feeling was immediately replaced with guilt and shame and he moved on trying to forget about it and force the images out of his mind.

Now that he was out and more accepting of his sexuality he was less repulsed by porn, but it still made him uncomfortable in some ways. When he first got on the road after the divorce, he tried to jerk off to it, but he couldn't get hard. He still felt some semblance of shame and guilt for his "choices."

Soon after this he started to rent e-books on religion, and more specifically about people's experiences leaving churches like the Mormon Church. He found that he had a lot in common with these stories, and happily he found some about other queer folk that had hidden that part of themselves for so long but were finally free. From there he started to buy books that dealt in self-therapy. He wanted to rid himself of guilt and shame. He knew it was a product of abuse and didn't want to continue through life carrying it. Slowly but surely he was breaking down those mental barriers one step at a time.

Mason read. He read a lot. When he wasn't driving for work, sleeping, eating, or enjoying his newfound love for jerking off, he was reading. Mason enjoyed all sorts of genres amongst non-fiction especially philosophical novels around the meaning of life, culture, and the human experience. But he also enjoyed the odd fictional read. When he was younger he read all of Tolkien's popular novels, so in his adulthood he often picked out the odd high-fantasy novel or book. Eventually he found a book about a young man coming into his own while learning that he has an innate ability to cast spells and weave magic. What intrigued Mason is that the young man was also gay.

The novel primarily focused on the quest of the main character in his journey as a mage, but it also included some romance. The book told of how he started to fall in love with his mentor, and older man whom at the start had no seemingly relatable qualities. The mentor and the young man's relationship started off rough. The mentor often acted often frustrated towards the main character in his efforts to master his gift. The sorcerer would fail at a lesson and the Mentor would scold him over and over. Eventually the young sorcerer snapped at his Mentor, demanding why he treated him with so much hate. Even though it was cliché, the two broke down in a passionate embrace that ended with a steamy make-out session. Mason was enthralled with the book, reading it whenever he had the chance. The book wasn't erotic in nature, so the more sensual scenes didn't go into as much detail as he hoped they would. He thoroughly enjoyed the book, but he wanted more of that sexually forward content.

Eventually, he found smut or sometimes referred to as erotica.

On his lunch breaks he would sift through the various websites, looking for stories that he could relate to. There was a lot of incest-forward stories that he didn't care for, but every now and then he'd find a post that would leave him hot and bothered. On his lunch breaks he'd mindlessly eat a sandwich or whatever was available and scroll through the steamy stories on his phone. His cock would throb in his pants, leaking pre-cum, and leaving a wet spot. He would get lost in the stories, imaging that he was one person or the other. These imaginary scenarios made him incredibly horny, biting his lip as he leaked pre-cum like a faucet. He loved real-world encounters: a steamy engagement at a gym shower, swallowing a load at a movie theater, fucking or being fucked in the backroom of a store. The more he read the more he yearned for the touch of another man, to serve and be served by another man, to be in the embrace of another man.

The stories he often connected with were ones where the main character or love interest was also a bear like Mason. On occasion he'd find a story about two bears or a bear and a cub falling into a deep and spicy romance. Mason had always secretly admired and been turned on by bears and thicker men, so this was not so much of a surprise for him. There was one too many times he would catch himself staring at his Gym Teacher's bulge as a kid for him to realize that his "type" was definitely not the skinny hairless guys.

It was raining out as Mason drove up i5, somewhere near the California and Oregon border. The day had been one of the less stressful days, only a few people cutting him off, no close calls, little traffic. It was towards the end of his day, getting closer and closer to the end of the planned trip. He only had 10 more miles until the rest stop and his destination for the night. Mason let his thoughts wander a bit, thinking about the erotic stories he had bookmarked for the night.

His cock throbbed into a semi hard state, making him readjust it slightly for comfort. Exited, he imagined himself as a character from one of the stories he's read. A dark theater, hard sweaty men, grabbing and throbbing, moaning sounds. Mason's cock throbbed, a bit of pre-cum leaking out into his briefs. He thought about how he would kneel down between a stocky muscle-bound man, carefully worshiping his cock. Starting down at his balls, lapping each of them up until they were covered in saliva. Then, beginning to lick around the base of his cock, slowly making his way up to the tip. Mason imagined the taste of this imaginary man's cock head, and the slight sweaty smell from his groin from working all day. He would take the mans cock into his mouth, and slowly take it all in down to the hilt, then slowly back up completely taking it out of his mouth. Slowly he would pick up speed, bobbing up and down on his dick, squeezing pre-cum out and stopping every now and again to savor the flavor. Eventually the man would groan and buck his hips, forcing Mason all the way down onto his cock as he explodes into his mouth. Shot after shot of hot fresh cum would fill Mason's mouth, until he couldn't keep it all in, spilling out the sides and onto the mans balls. The more he read and imagined these scenarios, the more he needed an actual sexual encounter. It had to happen, soon.

Mason's cock was rock hard and leaking profusely as he pulled off of the freeway into the rest stop. His cargo shorts had a wet spot forming, very clearly displaying his prominent member.

He focused up, shaking his head out of the clouds as he maneuvered the semi truck into the correct spot for the night. Mason shut off the engine and started to wrap up his work responsibilities, tracking his time and location into his work app. He threw on a rain jacket then jumped out to check the outside of the truck to make sure he didn't lose any chains or parts of the trailer. After giving it a good once-over he started to walk back to the cab to start dinner, but not before looking to take note of the surrounding buildings and vicinity.

Through the rainfall he saw that he saw something that caught his eye. The rest stop sat right alongside i5, forward was the on ramp back to the freeway, but this rest stop was also connected to a small shopping center. It was a cluster of five or six buildings. A Subway, Teriyaki place, UPS Store, some small café, a 7 Eleven, and what was most intriguing: a black-out windowed Lover's. It was off at the end of this L shaped row of buildings, almost mockingly shunned to the end by the other establishments.

A few people were walking around, moving between the various stores and their cars, some other truckers were running to and from the rest stop, grabbing food and drinks before returning to their cabs. But not a single person seemed to be heading into the Lover's.

Mason stared at it. His heartbeat quickened, thinking about the store's purpose. He had always wanted to see what one was like, and now that he was on his own he had the perfect opportunity. It made him nervous, he thought about what other people would think of this stocky, hairy man walking into a sex shop. But should that really stop him? Why should he think what others thought?

"Fuck it" Mason thought as he grabbed his wallet and keys from the truck, locking it up behind him. Mason quickly speed walked over to the store front. Thankfully his shorts were now wet enough from the rain to hide the pre-cum spot that was prevalent not five minutes ago. Mason opened the metal framed glass door and entered.

He lowered his raincoat hood as he stepped into the Lover's. He immediately noticed how well lit and clean it was. His initial thoughts about these kinds of places is that they'd be dirty, dark, and unwelcoming, but this was the opposite experience. Off to his right there was a counter, and just behind it was a younger woman, maybe in her late 20s, looking up at him as he entered. She had multiple ear, nose, and face piercings, a few tattoos poking out of her black t-shirt. She smiled and warmly said "Welcome in, feel free to look around, I'm here to answer any questions."

"Thank you" Mason said, nervously. She could clearly tell he was anxious, anyone could. He did his best to breathe and calm himself as he walked further into the store. The nice lady behind the counter looked back down at the book she had been reading, seemingly giving Mason some space.

There were rows and rows of merchandise. Closer to the front were fairly cheap lingerie sets for women. The further rows turned into lube of all varieties. Then beyond that there were dildos, butt plugs, fleshlights, edible underwear, odd boxes labeled "penis enlarger", strap-on dildos, and more. In the back were magazines featuring majority women, but a smaller section off to the back was of slim muscled men, mostly hairless. As he made it to the back row Mason's eye caught a single magazine with a beautiful man on the cover. He was stockier, hairy but well trimmed, and had darker skin. The cover cut off just above where the man's cock would be showing, his arms lifted up behind his head and looking seductively at the camera. The label said something about "lions, tigers, and bears", clearly eluding to the bear-like model. The bear-themed cover made Mason blush, as his cock hardened slightly.

He turned around, heading back to the section with butt plugs and dildos. Much of the shelf looked intimidating. Large black phallus shaped toys encased in their packaging. Some featuring, thicker or thinner varieties, shapes, and lengths. Mason wanted to start small, so he turned to the butt plugs. They had less length than the previous options, but were thicker. Mason got butter flies in his stomach thinking about stretching his hole out, remembering how good two or three fingers felt while jerking off.

After looking at all of his options, Mason grabbed what he thought was a good "entry" level toy. It was around 4 or 5 inches long, and had a tapered width that at it's thickest was no more than 3.5 inches wide. It's "hilt" was slightly curved inward, seemingly so that it would fit nicely against his hole as it was inserted. It also had a flared base, so he wouldn't have to worry about it getting "lost." His hands shook slightly as he walked back to the counter with the toy and a small bottle of lube.

Without a look of shock or disgust, the woman set her book down, and politely asked Mason if he had any questions about these items.

"Oh, uhh, no I don't think so" He responded.

She smiled and said "Perfect, if you do happen to have any questions later there's a few links on the packaging to help you, otherwise I'm happy to answer anything over the phone."

She rang up the items, placed them in an an inconspicuous bag along with a business card. Mason then paid for the items, thanked her, and left. He briskly walked back to his cab, keeping his head down and hood up just in case there was anyone watching him leave the store. Quickly, he unlocked the truck and jumped in, before closing the privacy curtains and falling back down into the driver's seat, breathing heavily.

He pulled the box out of the bag and held it in his lap, still breathing heavily, and began to open up the packaging. Throwing all of the wrappings and plastic aside he felt the black almost matte surface of the plug. It was smooth, surprisingly, almost like it was already lubed up although it left no residue on his fingers. Mason felt himself getting harder and harder the more he rubbed the toy. Without a second thought, he closed the privacy blinds, grabbed the lube, and headed into the back with his new toy.

Quickly he threw his shorts and briefs off, standing there in just a t-shirt holding the toy and bottle. Mason flopped down onto the bed, with his upper back against the wall so he had a better angle and easier access. He set squirted some of the lube onto his fingers and began to massage his hole, thinking maybe it'll be easier if he stretches it out a bit before trying to get the plug in. The cold fluid made him shiver at first, but it quickly began to warm up as he rubbed it into his hole. First one finger slipped in, eliciting a soft moan from Mason. He slowly began to stretch his hole, inserting and remove his finger with a leisurely pace. Mason lifted one of his legs up for easier access, and held it with his free hand. Then he added a second finger, getting his ass used to the thicker size in preparation for the toy. After a few minutes of enjoying the stretching sensation, his cock was as hard as a rock and leaking a steady stream of pre-cum onto his belly.

Mason grabbed the toy, and applied a generous amount of lube to it, rubbing the surface area making sure it was coated completely. He placed it against his hole, shivering again at the cold sensation. It felt huge compared to his fingers, but his excitement outweighed the anxiety. He sucked in his breath and applied a little pressure. Slowly, the dildo began to stretch his hole open. Mason winced as he felt a light but dull painful sensation as the toy reached it's widest part, but he breathed and pushed out against it, remembering reading about that trick from the various steamy stories he had read. The dildo was more than half way in now, and he already felt so full. It was an odd sensation, but he loved it. As the toy passed the widest brim, his ass involuntarily clenched down sucking the toy in, right up to it's flared base. Mason groaned loudly as he let go of it, letting it fill him up. It felt amazing.

Mason's cock shot a bit of pre-cum out on to his belly again. He dared not touch his cock, already feeling like he could cum just with the toy alone. With his free hand he started to pull the toy out slightly, then allow it to glide back in. He gasped the first few times, as the toy hit that perfect spot making his cock flex and leak even more. Mason savored the moment, his eyes closed and mouth slightly open moaning softly as the toy rubbed against his prostate, over and over.

He slowly fucked himself with the dildo for what seemed like an eternity, bringing himself closer and closer to the edge. Just as he reached it, he would back off and stop not wanting this to end too soon. He pinched his nipple with his other hand, sending a shock of pleasure right down to his cock, and moaning loudly again. More and more, he pulled the toy out and pushed it back in right to the hilt, groaning every time it brushed his prostate.

Eventually he couldn't take it anymore, he picked up the pace and began to fuck himself faster and faster with the toy. He began to jerk his cock quickly, which was extremely easy from the large amount of pre-cum that had been pouring out of it. The feeling of the toy's girth, hitting his prostate, and his own hand jerking himself off was incredible. His eyes screwed shut and mouth hung open as he let out a long drawn out groan. With only a few more strokes, he tensed up. Mason pushed the toy in as far as it would go as he started to convulse. He cried out in pleasure as white hot cum shot out of his cock, hitting the headboard above him. The second and third shot landed onto his face, and as each wave of orgasm hit him his hole clenched down on the toy, rubbing his g-spot over and over increasing the intensity of the waves. The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh shots progressively landed lower and lower until it was just a small slow stream of cum onto his navel.

Completely covered in his own cum, Mason let go of his cock as he breathed heavily after such an intense orgasm. He enjoyed the afterglow of it all, letting the smell of cum fill the cabin. He grunted as he pulled the toy out of his ass, now feeling very empty. Eventually he got up and cleaned himself off as best he could with the shirt he had been wearing that day, and grabbed a fresh change of clothes and toiletries before heading to the available showers for the truck drivers as they parked for the night.

Completely spent after getting back from the showers, he cleaned up the cab a little bit and slumped into his bed before passing out for a long night's rest.

Mason couldn't get enough of the toy. He loved the feeling of it filling him up. The way it rubbed against his prostate made him leak pre-cum like crazy.

Almost every night he used it while he jerked off, a few of which he did almost completely hands-free. He always figured that he'd be more of a top when it came to gay sex on account of his past experience with straight-sex. While he did still fanaticize about fucking and getting ridden by a handsome muscled and thick man.

One morning Mason woke up like usual. His morning wood was extra prevalent today and he gave it a mindless squeeze as he stretched out on his bed before pulling the comforter off his body and getting up.

It wasn't until after he was done brushing his teeth that he realized that he was still hard and it hadn't gone down on it's own yet. He washed his mouth out and spat onto the ground outside of his truck. The sun hadn't quite come up yet and he was the last truck in the row so he had some privacy on this side of the cab.

He looked around before stroking his thick cock a few times while briefly fantasizing about a thicker gentlemen holding his head down as Mason sucked a load out of him.

"Fuck it" he said, and climbed back into the cab. He had another 30 minutes before he had to get the truck ready for transport.

He shut the door and rushed into the back grabbing his toy and some lube. Mason kicked off his boxer briefs and squirted some lube onto his fingers. He lifted a leg up onto the bed and rubbed the cold lubricant along his hold. He gently inserted a finger stretching his hole a little to get warmed up. Mason moaned softly as he felt his finger brush up against his prostate. A glob of pre-cum dripped off of his cock and onto the floor.

Mason removed his finger and grabbed the black toy. He pressed the tip against his tight hole and gently applied pressure. Slowly the plug slide into his ass, stretching him out. Once it passed the thickest point it slide in quickly on it's own making Mason let out a loud moan. It pressed against his g-spot, which made him feel fantastic. His cock responded quickly and began dripping more pre-cum at a steady rate.

His phone vibrated distracting him for a moment from the wave of pleasure the toy was giving him. Irritated he picked up his phone and read the notification.

"Shit." he said to himself. When he parked the truck he only had 9 hours until he'd have to move the truck to another location so incoming trucks could have his spot. He set his phone down and hurriedly threw an old shirt and some gym shorts on. He groaned and his eyes rolled back for a moment when he bent over.

Mason thought about taking the toy out... but technically he didn't have to actually be on the road yet. He just had to move his truck down the road into the backfill lot. He stopped for a second and considered the consequences. He could be caught, he could get distracted and cause an accident and then get caught... but it was still very early in the morning. There were hardly any cars on the road yet and this far out from a big city he wasn't worried about any heavy traffic.

Mason pulled his gym shorts the remainder up and walked over to the driver's seat. He grunted as he slowly lowered himself down onto the seat. Mason let out a long moan as the toy forced itself in deeper into his ass. His cock pulsed with his heart beat and started to drop pre-cum into his boxer briefs. A wet spot was already forming on his shorts as he got his keys out to start the engine. He grabbed the privacy barriers and ripped them down onto the passenger side floor.

His heart pounded as he got the truck into gear and pulled out of the parking lot. He observed every stop and road sign as he pulled out of the truck stop and onto the rural road. As the truck transitioned from the gravel lot to the pavement it hit a small bump and made the truck jump slightly.

"Oh fuck..." Mason gasped as the bump caused his toy to thrust into him quickly. A wave of pleasure washed over him from the attention his prostate was getting.

He felt like he could cum at any point, but he couldn't turn back now. Mason continued onward a ways under the speed limit so that he could quickly stop the truck if anything bad happened due to his current distraction. Thankfully there was nothing but empty farm land and no on-coming traffic in sight. There was something about the whole experience that turned Mason on so much. The fact that he was at the mercy of the toy made his cock twitch. He had no control over his own pleasure and it made him intensely horny.

As the truck shifted into lower gears it jerked slightly causing Mason to clench up as he bounced up and down in his seat. He bit his lip as he started getting essentially fucked by the toy in his ass. Every bump, pothole and downshift sent washes of pleasure all through his body and into his cock. He could tell that his underwear was completely soaked by this point and there was no fixing that. He moaned with each thrust and continued to remain as focused as possible on the road.

A half-mile down the road he felt his balls get tight. He was moaning almost uncontrollably at this point. Whether he wanted to or not he was going to cum soon, right into his underwear if he didn't make it to the backfill lot soon.

Finally, around the last corner he saw the entrance to the dirt lot! "Yes!" he thought to himself, eager to relieve the intense pressure in his balls.

Mason took the corner a little too sharp and his right wheel slide off the pavement and onto gravel for a moment. He bounced in his seat making the toy glide against his g-spot.

"Oh fuck!" he yelped as balls drew in close to his cock. He'd never felt this hard before. The truck returned to the road but it was too late.

Mason clenched the steering wheel until his knuckles were white. His breathing was fast as he moaned and pushed himself back into his seat pressing against the break with his foot. The truck slowed to a stop as he leaned back into the chair gasping. Hot cum shot into his briefs as his cock convulsed. The combination of the toy and his body and hold clenching meant that it was poking his prostate with each wave of the orgasm, only intensifying the whole thing. Mason could do nothing but roll his eyes back and moan loudly with each wave of the hands free orgasm. Jet after jet of hot cum shot into his underwear and around his balls. Mason lost count of the waves of pleasure as his cock oozed out his load.

The orgasm finally slowed as his cum was pooling between his balls and asshole. Mason breathed heavily for a minute after the last of the cum oozed out of his cock. A honk startled him as he realized there was a car behind him waiting for him to move.

He snapped himself back to reality and shifted the truck back into gear and pulled it into the nearly empty lot. He parked it temporarily and sighed, satisfied with his so far productive morning and thankful he didn't cause an accident on the road. He got up and headed to the back to clean himself up and get ready for his long day.

Thank you for reading the second chapter of this novel and for being patient as I learn and grow as an author. Please consider donating to Nifty so that we can continue to enjoy stories like this.

If you have any feedback you'd like to give you can send it to me at essensefont@gmail.com. Thank you - many more chapters to come!

Next: Chapter 3: The Truck Stop Showers

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