Jackknife, A Taste of Himself

By moc.liamg@tnofecnesse

Published on May 1, 2024


Jackknife: Mason and the Trucker

This is a work of fiction. Enjoy the fantasy, but do not confuse it with reality. This story contains descriptions of sex between consenting adult males. If such offends you or is illegal for you to read, please leave now.

Written and edited by CubDex

Jackknife, Chapter 4: Mason and the Trucker

The gravel crunched below Mason's boots. It was a few hours after sunset and the stars were very visible this far out from any major city. While there were no street lamps, the full moon lit up the lot nicely. The air was cold but this far into the Montana plains it doesn't start to freeze until later in the year.

Mason's soft fuzzy face was lit from the neon sign of the old diner next to the truck stop he was parked at. He glanced up, taking his hands out of his jean pockets and reached for the door. His heart pounded in his chest. Earlier that day was the incredible encounter where he watched another trucker jerk off for him in the truck stop showers. The man left his phone number for Mason and the two exchanged some messages. Now, he was meeting up with this mystery man at the local diner near where they parked.

Mason was equally nervous as he was excited. This was his first actual outing with another seemingly queer man, that is... in not a truck stop shower room. His thoughts raced as his brain began thinking of all of the what-ifs. What if this man was a crazy person? What if he was going to be kidnapped? What if the man didn't like him? What if he did like him?

His pulse quickened as Mason stepped through the doorway into the old 80s themed diner. He looked around, scanning the room for the man. The diner was nearly empty except for the couple off on the left side enjoying their greasy dinner. For a second he started losing hope, then a hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Sorry bud, you beat me here!" Mason turned towards the deep voice, and stood there almost in shock as he met the mans eyes. Now that he was closer Mason could see more details. He had bright blue eyes, that stood out from his dark brown hair. There were wisps of gray in his neatly trimmed beard and fresh haircut. His face had a few small scars and looked a little weathered, like he had seen a life of hard work and dedication. He had a square-ish jaw and higher cheek bones than Mason. His beard framed his face well, and he was nothing short of handsome. His smile was warm and welcoming. Mason's earlier guess seemed to be right: the Man didn't look like he could be older than 40. He was wearing a dark tan hoodie over a white t-shirt, with sporty looking gray sweatpants and sneakers. His belly, thick chest, and strong arms were visible even through the thicker hoodie and his sweatpants clung nicely to his tree trunk legs. The mans package was prominent in his sweatpants. Mason almost had to tear his eyes up from the mans bulge to not get caught staring as soon as he realized how visible his bulge was.

"Oh s-sorry!" Mason stuttered in response.

"No worries" the man smiled at him kindly and waited for a second. The two stared at each other, both studding each others features more closely for a moment. Mason was lost in his eyes.

"Hey boys! Take a seat wherever." the only waitress said warmly, while walking by with a set of plates for the only other table in the diner.

They looked back at her, said thank you, and then turned and walked towards the empty booth in the back corner. They sat down, slumping into the soft old plastic cover seat cushions. Mason sat facing the door, while the man on the opposite side. A moment later the waitress started heading over to their table.

"What drinks can I get started for you?" Asked the waitress as she walked up to them.

"Uh, a coffee for me please" Answered Mason.

"And me as well, miss" Said the man, smiling at her warmly.

She jotted the two coffees down on her notepad and said "You got it boys. I'll be back with them shortly." And walked off to the kitchen.

"So what's your name, handsome?" Asked the man looking at Mason.

"Mason" he answered forcing a smile through his anxiety, trying desperately to act normal.

"Nice to meet you, Mason, my name's Brett" he smiled, and stuck out his hand across the table.

"Nice to meet you, Brett" Mason replied and shook his hand. Mason nearly shivered at the contact. He felt almost an electric shock travel up his arm and a fluttering in his chest. He'd shaken plenty of guys hands before but never had this kind of reaction.

"So, Mason, how old are ya'?" Brett asked.

"I just turned 30 a few weeks ago actually" he responded.

"Oh! Well happy belated birthday, handsome" Brett said with a big smile. "Did you do anything fun to celebrate?"

"No, I was in the middle of a haul so I didn't have the time, nor do I really know anyone nearby that'd want to celebrate." Mason replied.

Mason looked a little sad at the realization that he hadn't done anything special for his 30th. In a previous life he would have had a big party with all his church friends, which he did miss regardless of being kicked out of the congregation.

"Well, I would certainly have joined you."

He shrugged off the depressing thoughts and smiled at Brett's flirty politeness. "So how old are you?"

"I'm a young 41!" Brett responded puffing his chest up with a sense of pride in his voice.

"You look great for 41! I mean, you look so young. Sorry I mean-" Mason nervously trailed off, his face getting more red by the second. He looked down at his hands and fidgeted nervously as he fumbled through his words.

"Hey, it's alright Mason, you don't need to be nervous around me." Quietly interjected between Mason's fumbling.

Mason looked up and into his eyes as he said that. Brett had said it with an unexpected warmth to his tone. There was a genuineness that Mason wasn't used to, and wasn't quite sure how he was supposed to feel about it. On one hand it made him feel safe and secure, like he could share anything about himself easily. On the other attachment scared him. He didn't know what to expect, or what to do when it came to another guy, at least not a gay one.

Brett continued to smile while looking at Mason. Not in a creepy way, but in more of a genuine care and interest sort of way. Mason couldn't help but blush slightly and smiled back. He relaxed his body a little, letting some of the tension go.

"So, Mason, you typical haul across i90?"

"Occasionally, depends on what my firm has contracted. I've hauled all over the west coast though, typically try and stay on that side of the Mississippi."

"Ahhh gotcha. I usually do i90 all throughout the year now, but used to drive around a bit more." Brett replied. "So, what brings a handsome man like you into trucker life?"

Mason blushed harder at the compliment and chuckled slightly. "Well I've actually always wanted to try it out, and two years ago I had my chance so I took it."

"Ahh, a newbie! Well no worries, you're in good hands." Said Brett giving Mason a small wink.

Mason smiled politely and looked down at his hands, rubbing them nervously. He wasn't sure how to respond to Brett's flirting. Mason worried that Brett would lose interest if he didn't reciprocate.

Brett let out a small chuckle. "Sorry, don't mean to offend you or nothin'..."

"No, don't be! Sorry, this is the first time I've done... this." Mason quickly replied. He decided to be upfront with Brett.

"Oh?" Brett replied.

"Yeah... I haven't ever been on a date or anything with a guy before. See, I was married to a woman up until a few years ago. I didn't even come out until we separated." Mason said quietly, hoping he didn't over-share too quickly.

Brett's smile faded for a second. "Aw, I'm sorry, bud. I didn't mean to push too hard. I know how much of a nightmare that can be."

"No it's okay! I- Uh- Did you also come out later than normal too?" Giving air-quotes to 'normal.'

"I did, around 17 years ago. I had been with my wife for around 5 years. I thought for a long time, too long of a time, that I could change the way I am. I thought about what my dad would have done and sucked it up. Unfortunately I couldn't control everything and she caught on to my secret. I hated lying to her and my family, but I couldn't help myself. It was who I really was."

"Oh..." Mason replied, feeling empathetic of his past trauma.

"We eventually got divorced and I was outed to my family and friends" continued Brett. "The town I grew up in turned it's back on me, so so did I. I took up trucking and haven't looked back!"

Mason smiled at his enthusiasm as it returned from from his sad story. "I'm sorry you went through that, Brett. That couldn't have been easy."

"It's okay" Smiled Brett. "I get to drive around seeing all the things I didn't get as a kid, and meeting cute cubs like you" He winked again.

Mason blushed and looked down at his hands again, smiling, he chuckled lightly. "Thank you. To be honest I'm a little surprised a guy like you is even interested in me."

"Hah, I don't know if you're aware bud..." Brett leaned in to whisper slightly. "But, you're one of the cutest guys I've ever seen. Glad I got you in the shower instead of some of the other truckers I see around here."

"Yeah, I'm glad too" Mason smiled looking up at him, meeting his gaze. "That was actually my first time really ever doing something like that with a guy before..." he said quietly.

Brett smiled warmly and chuckled. "I'm glad I could be one of the first if I'm being honest. Lot's of guys out there don't know how to properly put a show on in a truck stop shower like I do" he jokingly said puffing his chest up again.

Mason laughed softly.

"You know I thought for a moment when you caught me looking you were gonna beat the shit out of me." Mason nervously chuckled.

"Oh you got nothing to fear from me, cub" Brett replied. "I ain't gonna hurt you" he said with the same warm smile. It was making Mason's heart melt.

Mason blushed again and laughed. "I like that, `Cub.' I've never really been in a gay or queer setting before. Like a bar or club or something. All the terms are kind of new for me. I've been reading a lot about everything since I didn't really get the chance to learn about it growing up."

"Reading?! Aw, bud, you gotta get out more! There's so much more to this world than books, so many people to meet, so many places to see!" Brett said, waving his arms in the air to emphasize his point.

"Not that books are bad!" Brett quickly added putting his hands up like he was at gunpoint, seemingly concerned that he might have been teasing Mason too hard.

He smiled back at him and relaxed, his body sliding into the seat a bit more. He had been tense as hell since they first sat down. He was glad Brett was such a sweet guy, he figured he could have gotten someone much worse if he hadn't been so lucky. They looked up as the waitress approached again.

"And here are those coffees. Can I get you gentlemen anything to eat tonight?" The waitress said setting down the two cups with a small pile of coffee creamer containers.

"May I please have a small stack of pancakes and a side of eggs?" Asked Mason.

"Sure, hon, how do you want your eggs?"

"Sunny side up, please. Thank you." Mason replied.

"And for you, hon?" The waitress asked Brett.

"Let's do your strawberry waffle and a side of bacon please, ma'am." Smiled Brett.

"You got it. I'll get your order in here shortly. Sit tight boys."

The two talked until their food arrived. They talked about hobbies, life on the road, advice, trading jokes and the "worst" jobs. They also talked about growing up closeted. Both knew they had an attraction to men at an early age. Mason grew up Catholic, and Brett grew up in a Christian household in a small town called Golden, Texas.

Mason looked at Brett who was stirring in the creamer for his coffee. He was surprised with how much calmer and comfortable he felt while sitting with him after a little bit. There was something about his presence that Mason felt safe around, like no matter what he would be there and everything will be okay. Mason was caught off guard by these feelings. He had always been the "protector" of the house, is this what it's like to be "protected"?

Mason stirred some creamer into his coffee until the color looked right. He felt Brett's knee press up against his as he stretched out in the seat getting more comfortable, but he never removed his leg from touching Mason's. Mason blushed at the physical contact, but didn't pull away, he just looked down and continued to stare his coffee idly.

Brett couldn't take his eyes off of him. There was something about Mason that he found incredible attractive, but it was more than that. Sure there was the physical lust, Brett especially enjoyed recalling Mason's ass in the shower as he walked by to get into his own stall, but also there was another feeling Brett recognized. He loved the way Mason talked carefully and listened closely, and how he seemed to take real interest in whatever he was saying.

Mason's story reminded him of his own. He knew the pain he went through and was still going through. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and hug him and tell him everything was going to be alright. He wanted to hold and protect him.

It was easy for Mason to talk to Brett. The more time went on the more he found he could open up without stuttering words or fumbling through his thoughts.

They talked about movies, tv shows, music. The both found that they loved old school rock and roll, and while Brett definitely read more, they both enjoyed fictional-fantasy novels. Mason was surprised by how "nerdy" Brett actually was. He found out Brett loved old sci-fi shows, especially Star Trek, and Brett found out that Mason loved X-Men when he was growing up.

They also talked about being bigger than the normal guy and liking bigger men instead of the `typical' gay man.

"Yeah, I don't know I've just never been able to find attraction in a twig of a boy. I need some heft and hair. Need something I don't feel like I'll break on accident." Brett winked at Mason.

Mason returned the wink with a smile and laugh. "I honestly didn't think I'd run into a guy like you, but I'm really appreciating the time regardless" Said Mason, warmly. "I'm glad we met, Brett."

Brett looked at Mason across the now empty plates. "Of course, Cub. I'm glad I ran into you too." Brett almost melted from the look Mason returned. It was a mixture of shyness and deep appreciation. There that feeling was again. He just wanted to grab and hold him close.

"Thank you. I'm sorry if I'm struggling a little bit. This being my first date with a guy and all." Mason replied.

"Oh, this is a date now?" Brett said, raising an eyebrow.

Mason's face went white. "Oh, no, I'm so sorry I thought that-"

Brett started laughing, cutting off Mason. "I'm just kidding, bud! Sorry, I couldn't resist."

"Oh" Mason sheepishly smiled again.

"And just so you know, you're doing great" Brett added.

Mason blushed again, smiling while he took a sip of his now cold coffee.

"So what was life like growing up in Texas?" Mason asked.

Brett let out a long sigh. "Eh, the food is great, but the people are hit or miss. Spent a long time trying to please everyone and give them that southern hospitality when I could but often times it wasn't reciprocated, 'specially after I came out."

Brett took a sip of his coffee and continued.

"When I was a boy I did all the things the other boys did. Played in the dirt. Broke windows. Didn't do what I was told. Made my old man proud that I was following his footsteps. It felt good to know that I was living up to his name, so when I was seventeen or eighteen I did what he did and found a girl."

Mason listened intently to Brett's story, watching him recall the memories of his youth both good and bad.

"She... did not deserve the life I tried to give her. And I really did try. It was pretty early in our relationship that she caught on to my secret. She saw some magazines I left in my truck one day and she made the connection. It wasn't until many years after that I learned that she had been telling her mother, my bitch of a mother in-law, everything that happened between us."

"I thought through prayer and willpower that I could ignore my sexuality and give her the family she wanted. Instead of helping me she decided to milk me of any money we earned as blackmail so that my 'little secret' didn't reach my father's ears. We tried to have kids so she could have the life she wanted, but I could hardly keep hard for her and in my stupidity I thought that my prick was just broken." Brett quietly recited his painful memory. Mason felt awful for him.

"Wow... I'm really sorry Brett." He said.

Brett sucked a quick breath in and continued "Well it's alright because eventually she had enough and used my `infidelity' as an excuse to end it so she could go find a 'real' man. For her even telling someone I was gay was just like going and getting fucked behind the gas station. The rest is just as ugly as you think which led me to drive away as fast as I could."

Brett shook himself out of the sad memory and slapped his hands on the table. "That's enough of my sad story for today" he said smiling. "If anything I kept all the good from my youth like generosity and southern hospitality"

The waitress stopped by the table once again to drop off the check. Just as Mason was reaching for his wallet Brett already handed the Waitress his credit card, quick as lightning. As she walked away he glanced at Mason, giving him another wink.

"Like I said: southern hospitality!"

Mason chuckled quietly at his quick thinking and put his own wallet back into his pocket. Brett was quite the gentleman, and this was yet another position Mason had never been in before. He might have been laying on the southern charm a bit thick, but it was working...

"So, where's home for you Mason?"

"Spokane, but to be honest I don't spend enough time there to really call it home. It's a small studio in town, just big enough to store the necessities."

"Ahh, how's life in Spokane these days? I've passed through a number of times but never had the pleasure of being shown around it before."

"Well like any city it has its rough spots, but it still has a lively local population and some lovely people. Doesn't quite feel as homely as some of the smaller towns in the south but it gets pretty close!"

Brett smiled and nodded while sipping on the last of his coffee.

"I was considering buying property there when I decide to slow down on work, but I'm enjoying the road so far so I don't really have a huge rush" Mason continued.

"Having your own place sure is nice, but having someone to share it with is even better" Brett responded warmly.

Mason smiled at the idea of sharing a home again and then laughed at the thought of being the stereotypical gay family.

"What? Am I wrong?"

"No, no! I was laughing at the idea of having a white picket fence, French bulldog, and being that gay couple in town. Not that it's a bad thing, just that I never pictured myself living like!"

Brett smiled and finished off his coffee. "I know exactly what you mean Mason."

Mason picked up a kind of sadness in his eyes, or even a hint of regret that quickly faded.

The waitress returned his card and receipt, thanked them for coming in and left them to attend to her other tables. Brett quickly wrote up a tip on the receipt and put his wallet back into his pocket. Mason hadn't noticed, but Brett's leg stayed pressed up against his knee the entire dinner. It was only when he pulled away to get up that Mason realized how warm the physical contact had made him feel and a cold spot that now replaced it.

The two stood up briefly stretching before exiting the diner.

"Whoo" Brett exhaled, "I'm stuffed" and patted his belly as they walked back to the truck lot.

"Yeah that was excellent, just what I needed" Mason said and smiled while looking over at Brett.

Brett met his gaze and smirked, bumping him with his shoulder as they walked in pair.

"May I walk you to your truck, handsome?" Brett asked.

"Please" Mason replied happily.

The gravel crunched under their feet as they walked across the large lot.

"So where are you heading next, Mason?"

"Still East, until I hit North Dakota, then I head back to Missoula for the next run." Mason replied, his heart raced. What if he was heading the other direction? Was this the last time he'd see Brett?

"Perfect, I'm actually heading to Dickinson myself... if you'd like I'd love to take you on another date."

Mason's heart skipped a beat and he nearly tripped on a rock he didn't see in time, not before Brett caught his arms and held him upright.

"You alright?" Brett narrowed his eyes with concern and worry, still holding onto Mason's arms for support.

Mason stared at him. It wasn't a sensual moment, but the physical touch excited him. He had been in no danger at all, and yet Brett was immediately there for him. The world stopped spinning as Mason gazed into this man's kind and caring eyes.

"Yes" Mason breathed. "And yes, please" he added with a small laugh.

Brett relaxed and let go of his arms before patting them both. He looked nervous, something Mason hadn't seen yet. As quick as the moment arrived, it went and Brett returned to his normal confident demeanor.

"Perfect" he said smiling back at Mason.

Mason was so preoccupied with his own excitement that he didn't pick up on how shaky Brett's words were when he asked if Mason wanted to go on another date.

The two continued towards Mason's truck silently. It didn't feel awkward more so safe for Mason. He didn't feel worried or anxious about the date anymore. If anything he felt sad that it was coming to an end. He really enjoyed being around Brett even if it was for such a short time. His presence was calming for him. It felt like an empty slot in his chest had been filled temporarily. He quietly smiled to himself.

"Well, here she is" Mason gestured towards the truck in front of them as they approached.

Brett let out a long whistle. "Very nice, she looks new."

"Yep, one of the newer models. More space in the cab, better AC, nice sound dampening."

"Oh well I do love more space to work with" Brett replied winking at a now blushing Mason.

His cock thickened at the idea of him and Brett his cab.

Brett's smile faded for a moment and he stopped and turned towards Mason. "Listen, Mason, I don't want to pressure you into anything you aren't ready for. If all you want is to talk then we can talk, if you want something more then great! You have absolute control over this situation and I won't pressure you into anything. Maybe I came across as too aggressive in that note, in which case I deeply apologize." He had that same serious look in his eyes as when he `caught' Mason from stumbling earlier. There wasn't any pleading look in his eyes and he didn't seem to be trying to push Mason one way or the other. It was genuine and patient. "If you don't ever want to speak or see me again I will respect that." Brett's eyes looked almost sad at that last statement.

"Oh I..." Mason trailed off for a moment while looking at him. It wasn't quite what he was expecting or wanted at all, but he was happy that Brett cared enough to allow him to stop this at any moment if he wished. Mason took a deep breath.

This entire night was unexpected, but Mason also didn't have any clear picture in his mind of what his first interaction with another gay man would be like. He thought to himself for a moment letting Brett's question hang in the air.

"Brett I would love nothing more than to keep talking." Mason said, the words almost falling out of his mouth. "I'm really out of my depth here. This is all new to me and I don't want to break some sacred gay testament and ruin it. You made me incredibly happy tonight, the happiest I've been in a very long time. I can't really put better words to it, but I feel... whole."

Brett just stared at him, listening intently.

"I've been so scared of my future and what or how I'm supposed to do and act now that I'm out. And yet here you are with a confidence that's inspiring and to be honest incredibly comforting. I've never felt this safe around someone before, and I desperately don't want to ruin it."

Mason looked slightly shocked with himself. The words just poured out of him uncontrollably.

Brett quietly stepped closer to Mason until they were face to face. His eyes still held that sense of concern and inquisition and looked into his with a sense of searching for something.

Mason shivered as he felt Brett's breath against his face.

"May I kiss you?" Brett asked quietly.

"Y-Yes" Mason replied shaking.

Brett brought his hand to the back of Mason's head, holding him as he slowly leaned in. Brett and Mason closed their eyes as the two's lips met. Electricity shot between them as they began to slowly and passionately kiss each other. Brett's other hand reached around to the small of Mason's back and brought him closer so that they were pressed against each other.

Mason melted in his arms. His anxiety and tension had melted away while this beautiful man held him close. This had to be what they described as Heaven. The world fell away as Brett softly pressed his lips against Mason's over and over. It was euphoric. Mason almost felt like he could breathe in Brett. Time seemed to stop as the two shared this tender moment. The feeling he had earlier of being safe and secure was amplified ten-fold. He felt protected. He felt safe. He felt loved.

Brett slowly pulled away and smiled warmly at Mason. Mason opened his eyes and closed his still parted lips.

"Thank you" Mason whispered, as he pulled Brett into a hug. He realized that this is what he had been missing for so long, that what he actually needed wasn't solitude but the warmth of another person that truly understood him. Tears welled in his eyes for a moment as he savored the feeling. Brett held tightly to Mason as the two embraced.

Mason felt something hard against his leg. He parted the hug and looked down to see Brett's cock hardening against his sweatpants. It took a moment for Mason to realize that he was also rock hard and straining against his jeans.

"No, that isn't my wallet..." Brett said jokingly.

Mason burst into laughter. Brett's smirk turned into a smile as he beamed at Mason laughing. This adorable man had him completely wrapped around his finger and didn't even know it.

Brett chuffed "what?!"

Mason's laughing faded "Nothing, nothing. It's just I wasn't expected such a cheesy porno line." He smiled as he got his keys out of his pocket.

"Would you like to come inside for a bit?" Mason asked gesturing to his truck with a hopeful tone to his voice.

"I'd love nothing more" Brett said smiling.

Thank you for reading this chapter and for being patient as I learn and grow as an author. Please consider donating to Nifty so that we can continue to enjoy stories like this.

If you have any feedback you'd like to give you can send it to me at essensefont@gmail.com. Thank you - many more chapters to come!

Next: Chapter 5: A Truckers First

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