Jackknife, A Taste of Himself

By moc.liamg@tnofecnesse

Published on May 4, 2024


Jackknife: A Trucker's First

This is a work of fiction. Enjoy the fantasy, but do not confuse it with reality. This story contains descriptions of sex between consenting adult males. If such offends you or is illegal for you to read, please leave now.

Written and edited by CubDex

Jackknife, Chapter 5: A Trucker's First

"What am I doing?!" Mason thought to himself as he climbed into his truck with Brett following close behind.

"It's fine, everything's fine." He thought trying not to panic. "Whatever happens happens, if he makes the first move then great! If it doesn't feel right I'll just tell him like he asked"

His heart was still fluttering from Brett's very touching promise he had given him just a few minutes earlier.

Mason jumped into the passenger seat and let Brett check out the driver's perspective and dash instruments.

"Ahhh, it's like a space ship!" Brett jokingly said looking at all of the dials and digital displays.

Mason laughed softly. "Yep, practically drives itself half the time."

He pointed out a few of the more technically `enhanced' features that typical semi trucks have in their dash over Brett's shoulder. Easy to read radar, tablet for trip planning, local fuel costs to name a few. Brett gawked at all the tech.

"Yeah... my truck is nothin' like this."

"My old company truck was pretty basic compared to my own. The extra tools are nice!" Mason replied.

"You'll have to bring me a long one trip so I can take her for a spin!"

Mason smiled at the thought of the two of them on a haul together, although he figured it would be more distracting than anything for him. Brett nearly had him drooling at this point. Not only was he sweet and kind, but he sucked the wind right out of him with that kiss. So far he seemed like the total package, package included!

Mason got up and walked into the back of the cab to show Brett the rest of his living area.

"Shit!" Mason thought. As they were heading deeper into the cab he noticed that he had left a pair of dirty briefs beside his bed, likely what he used to clean up after he unloaded all over his belly the previous night.

He tried his best to nonchalantly move towards the bed and kick the dirty pair to the right side where it should land behind the small shelving unit that served as his dresser before Brett stopped looking through his book collection. Unfortunately for Mason, Brett looked up right as Mason's foot landed on the pair. He glanced down to see why Mason was moving in such an odd way and realized he was trying to frantically clean without being noticed.

Brett smirked at the pair.

"You know Mason, I ain't gonna laugh at some dirty clothes. But it sure is cute seeing you trying to fool my like you would your mother if she caught you leaving your room dirty after she asked you to clean it a hundred times."

Mason sheepishly laughed. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to having guests okay?" He picked up the dirty pair and threw it in the hamper by the other side of the bed. "Usually my human interaction is limited to other truckers and old friends over video calls."

"Oh so now you're a cam boy?"

"Absolutely not!" he replied turning red, but still laughing at the joke.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding" Brett laughed. "Although you would be a pretty cute cam boy" he said with a wink.

Mason laughed and sat down on the bed.

"Well, here's my dresser... that's my desk-nightstand... mini fridge..." he finished pointing out all the normal things a cab would have plus a few hidden shelves and drawers for extra storage. He intentionally left out the small drawer below his mattress.

"Ahh nice, my truck doesn't have as much storage like yours..." Brett said while opening a few up. He bent down to pull the drawer below the mattress while Mason was wasn't looking. Mason was too busy trying to quietly organize his messy nightstand before he could realize what drawer Brett was opening. He looked over right as it started to open.

"No don't!" he tried say to stop him but it was too late.

"Well well well!" Brett said turning to look at Mason with a wicked grin.

"I knew you must have a had naughty side, Cub!" he said as he held up the black butt plug.

"Give me that!" Mason practically yelled and snatched it out of his hand before passing it to his other and holding it as far away from Brett as possible, as if he wouldn't be able to see it. "I uh- I barely use it!" he said visibly flustered.

"Mmmmm suuure you do, Cub." Brett said with a raised eyebrow. He turned around and sat down on the bed next to Mason.

"It's alright, Mason. I ain't gonna tease you over it, I promise" and crossed his heart with his fingers. His teasing tone faded into a more genuine and trusting voice. "Besides, that ain't nearly the first butt plug I've seen. Have plenty myself."

Mason relaxed and put his arms down, but still held the butt plug trying to hide it in his closed fist. "Alright... fair enough." He smiled back at Brett. His mind raced with thoughts of Brett laying on his back with a plug in. His face contorting as he pleasured himself with the toy. He had to shake himself out of the daydream and try his best to hide his hardening dick.

Brett eyed his crotch, which Mason noticed and turned even more red.

"Don't worry, it's just us guys here Mason" he winked and stood up to go look at some of the other drawers and storage solutions in the small pantry.

"Ya know, I've thought about you quite a few times today after our little shower together." he said with a smile as he looked through the kinds of snacks Mason brings on his trips.

"Oh?" Mason looked up.

"Hard to get that image of you trotting down to your stall naked out of my mind" he said glancing over at Mason.

Mason blushed and smiled to himself. "Thank you Brett, I really am flattered that you'd find me attractive."

Brett put down a bag of chips and looked over at Mason with a furrowed brow. He closest the pantry and walked over to sit on the bed next to Mason. He sat at an angle with one leg tucked under the other so he could look at Mason directly. He placed a hand on Mason's knee and said "Mason, how do you feel when you look at me? I could be totally wrong here and if I am then please let me know, but you find me attractive don't ya." he stared at him waiting for a response.

"Yeah... I really do." he replied quietly with a smile.

"And do consider me to be handsome?"

"Yes, I do" he repeated.

"I feel the exact same way about you. Mason I promise you, you are one hell of a good lookin' dude. You might not see it, but I do."

Mason looked into Brett's eyes. He didn't flinch, Brett only stared back at him showing his honesty.

"Alright, alright... I believe you Brett" Mason said smiling at the compliment.

"Good!" Brett said smiling triumphantly.

The two looked into each other's eyes for a moment. Mason found himself lost again, stuck there, smiling like a fool. Brett still had his hand on Mason's knee. He felt the warmth radiate outwards into his leg. It made him shiver in the now colder cab as the sun had gone down. But the chill faded, and he felt a calmness wash over him.

"Oh um, I actually have something..." Mason said pulling himself out of the semi-trance. "Here, do you want this back?" he asked Brett holding up the jockstrap.

"Ahh, no Cub. If you don't want to keep it then I'll take it back, but it's a gift." Brett said and winked.

Mason looked down at his crotch as he still had one leg underneath the other. He swore he saw his bulge shift slightly. Mason blushed and snapped his eyes back towards Brett's and smiled.

"Well... thank you for the gift then." and he set the jock down next to the butt plug aside him.

He absentmindedly lifted his hand up to smooth his beard and got a big whiff of the jockstrap. He tried to hide his eyes nearly rolling back by covering them with a fake scratch of his eyebrow. Thankfully Brett didn't seem to react to anything strange and continued to look at him. Mason mentally catalogued the scent and feeling, knowing that he'd be sampling the jockstrap on his own time in the near future.

"Ah actually I have somethin' to show you too." said Brett pulling his phone out of his pocket. He swiped up on the screen and entered his pin. He opened an app with some kind of healthcare icon and swiped through a few screens before handing the phone to Mason. He looked down at the screen and read.

'STI SCREENING RESULTS... NEGATIVE... NEGATIVE...' and it continued down a short list. Brett was showing him his most recent STI test to tell him that he was negative on all major infections or diseases.

"Oh, well thanks" Mason said smiling and handed his phone back to him. "I uh, don't have any proof or anything but I haven't ever been with anyone other than my ex-wife and we we're our other's first..." he rambled, nervously hoping that Brett would trust him.

Brett smiled and nodded. "It's okay Mason, I believe you... but if we ever get to hang out somewhere in town I'm showing you the testin' center." and pointed at him with a serious tone.

"Town?" asked Mason.

"Yep, Missoula." replied Brett relaxing from his mild seriousness back to his usual self.

"Oh! Why didn't you say something when I mentioned I was passing through there earlier?"

"Eh, didn't want to come off like a creep and say 'hey I live there!'"

Mason smiled and replied "Okay, it's a deal then." and stuck out his hand. The two shook on it and Mason reached into his pocket to pull out his own phone.

He unlocked it and swiped to his messages with Brett. The text conversation's contact name was listed as 'Shower Guy'.

"Shower Guy?" Brett said laughing softly at his own contact name.

"Well it seemed accurate" Mason replied laughing softly as well and shrugged. He tapped 'Edit' and changed the contact name to 'Brett'

"Oak" Brett interjected as he reached the last name field.

"Oak... like the tree?" Mason asked looking up at him.

"Yeah my family comes from loggers out in the Appalachians. Real creative bunch aren't they..."

"I think it's cute." Mason replied while chuckling to his comment.

Mason put his phone on his nightstand and looked down. He realized through that entire conversation Brett had kept his hand on Mason's knee. He stared at his hand for a moment and had a moment of clarity. Since Brett had first put his hand on him his anxiety and worry melted away. He felt a sense of confidence and warmth from his hand as it radiated into his own body.

Mason looked up at Brett and met his eyes again. The two looked at each other smiling, inching closer and closer. Mason met the distance and the two kissed each other softly for the second time that night. Mason continued to lean in while their lips met over and over. Brett reached around and held him from behind supporting his back. They continued to passionately kiss as he slowly pulled Mason closer and closer to him. Eventually the two fell backwards towards the empty bed behind Brett. Mason was stuck straddling Brett as he held him tight against his chest while they kissed.za

He breathed in Brett's scent as their lips were locked. He was intoxicated by it. His scent had a control over him, not in a way that panicked him but more so that he felt drawn in and trusting of Brett. It was like being this close to him made all of his fears and worries fall away. Mason had no concerns of being trapped or hypnotized by it, he felt that at any moment he could pull himself out of the trance. And yet... he didn't want to. Mason wanted to let Brett take control. He gave in and surrendered himself.

"Wait, Mason" Brett quickly said after breaking their kiss, his breathing heavy. "Promise me something right now" and he loosened his grip on him slightly. "Promise me that if you ever feel like stopping you won't hesitate you will tell me immediately. Promise me that and I will promise you that I will never hurt you and will always respect your wishes no matter what."

Mason was slightly taken back by his seriousness, but then realized that he was trying to give him as much control as he wanted over the situation. He genuinely cared about him to the point that he would do whatever he wanted, even if that meant stopping.

"Brett... I promise you that I will tell you to stop if it ever comes to that."

The seriousness faded and he smiled up at Mason replying with a "Good... do you want me to stop calling you 'Cub'?"

"No, please don't stop calling me that" replied Mason as he looked into Brett's eyes. "I like it. It makes me feel... like I'm yours, like I'm your cub." He smiled inches from Brett's face.

Brett smiled at his reply.

"Alright then... tonight you're mine, Cub" he said and leaned in again to continue to kiss Mason who moaned softly into his mouth as he heard Brett's statement of dominance.

Brett moved his hands down his back slowly, reaching his waist and then around his rump. He slowly squeezed Mason's cheeks feeling them up through his jeans. Mason pressed into Brett further and felt his hard cock rub up against his own stiff member. He ground his hips a little into Brett who reciprocated and pushed back into him as well. The two rubbed their cocks together as they made out with an increased intensity, moaning and groaning softly. Brett growled releasing a deep hum as his tongue explored Mason's mouth. Pre-cum was dripping out of Mason forming an already wet spot against jeans. He moved a hand down and squeezed Bretts rock hard cock through his sweatpants. He felt pre-cum on the outside of his pants thinking for a second that it was him, but then realizing that Brett must have already been hard for a long time if he was this wet.

Mason continued to rub Brett's cock through his sweatpants before breaking off from him and talking between breathes said "I really don't know a lot... only things I've read... If I do something wrong-"

"Mason, do you want me to guide you?" Brett asked.

"Yes... please." he said blushing.

Brett smiled and with quickness and strength flipped Mason over so that he was now on top of him pinning his body to the bed. Mason's legs were still straddling his hips and he locked his feet so he could keep them there, desperate to maintain physical contact. His heart fluttered with anticipation as Brett took control.

Brett leaned into Mason's ear and whispered "let me show you first" and kissed his ear lobe softly. Mason shivered and moaned softly as he made contact. Brett let out a 'hmm' sound like he discovered something for the first time. He leaned in and continued to kiss the side of Mason's head and neck, slowly moving down towards his chest.

With each kiss Mason let out small almost-purr like moans and sighs. He gripped and held onto Brett's sides as hard as he could to help stifle his excitement. Brett stopped at his neck and began to lick and suck on his skin. Mason let out a more audible moan.

"...fuck!" he managed to get out.

"Mmmm maybe later, I got a lot to show you first." Brett responded then continued down his neck before stopping where his t-shirt hung on his thick chest.

Mason closed his eyes and smiled at the thought that he might have another night with this amazing man.

Brett let up so that Mason could get his shirt off of him, which he quickly threw onto the floor. Brett also took his own shirt off and threw it with Mason's. He leaned down and kissed Mason's chest and peck. He moved to his nipple and gave it a quick kiss which made Mason shiver and moan. He opened his mouth and started sucking on his nipple.

"oh... fff-" he moaned.

Brett continued to lick and suck on Mason's left nipple for a minute or two. He slowly bucked his hips as Brett worked his magic. Mason's cock was straining against his his jeans begging to be freed.

Brett let go of Mason and moved down so that he was laying more on his crotch and hairy belly. He kissed and followed the trail of hair leading to his cock. He slowly unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped his zipper to get more access of Mason. He sat up and pulled down on Mason's jeans while he lifted his butt up off of the bed. His pants came free and Brett kicked them down to the end of the bed.

Mason laid there in nothing but his boxer briefs which had a prominent and dark wet spot right where his cock head was.

Brett looked down at him from above and sighed. "You're such a hot little cub ain't ya'?'" he asked to a now very red and smiling Mason.

Brett returned down to Mason's belly and continued to kiss down his happy trail. He grabbed the edge of Mason's underwear and pulled down kissing each revealed area of his skin until he reached the base of his very hard cock.

Mason could do nothing but look down at this beautiful man giving him a tongue bath. He was worried that if he couldn't control himself he might just cum right into his underwear... again.

Brett pulled his boxer briefs down passed his cock and it sprang out slapping his lower belly flinging some pre-cum onto his chest. He continued to pull them completely off and kissed the inside of his thigh. Mason moaned at all of the new sensations Brett was giving him.

Brett moved from his inner thigh to his balls and began to lick and suck on them. Mason moaned at the contact his tongue made. He lathered them up in spit and moved between each egg shaped ball. Mason's smell was intoxicating for Brett. He couldn't get enough and would take long whiffs to breath him in between his tongue baths.

Mason involuntarily spread his legs apart further which Brett took advantage of by sliding between them to not only gain better access to Mason and better comfort. He wanted to make this last. He leaned down further this time and licked the space between his balls and ass. Mason let out a loud moan.

"Goddamn! That felt so good Brett!"

Brett smiled and continued to work underneath of his balls as Mason moaned and groaned in pleasure. After a few minutes Brett let up and reached up and grabbed his cock. He licked the base of it, slowly applying and removing his lips as he slowly traveled up the shaft. Mason had been steadily dripping pre-cum which Brett happily licked up before returning to the rest of his cock. With an agonizingly slow speed he reached the head and wrapped his lips around it.

Mason gasped and gripped the sheet.

Brett slowly licked and sucked his cock head, letting spit and saliva build on it. He took it in once again and slowly lowered himself down onto Mason's thick cock. He writhed underneath of the big bear as he had him in the palm of his hands. Mason was completely transfixed by Brett's mouth and ability. He slowly lowered himself onto Mason's thick cock a half-inch at a time. Brett expertly worked his way down Mason's cock until his forehead was pressed against the underside of his belly.

"Oh- oh my god that feels amazing- fuck!" Mason panted and moaned as Brett planted himself down on his cock.

Brett released and raised himself halfway up Mason's cock so he could catch his breath for a moment before returning to deep throat the moaning Cub. He reached up and held Mason's balls with a hand and lightly massaged them.

"Mmm you taste delicious Cub, yer leakin' like a faucet" Brett said while taking a short breather. He returned and slowly took all of Mason into his mouth again. His lips glided along Mason's cock stimulating him in ways he'd never felt before.

Mason felt a familiar sensation rising from his balls. They contracted and pulled against his body slowly. As soon as Brett felt them he realized that Mason was getting close to cumming and let off his now very wet cock.

"Whew, not yet Cub. We're gonna make this last" he said with a devilish look in his eyes.

Mason panted as Brett released from him, giving him a questioning look.

Brett leaned down and whispered in his ear again, giving him shivers.

"I want you to be nice and ready when you blow. You know what edging is?"

"No" he said panting.

"Edging is when you get close to cumming and pull off at the last second. Come close, pull off, come close pull off, etcetera, etcetera. It makes it so your load is a lot stronger an' bigger." His poured his accent on thick over his words, which made Mason even hotter.

Brett pulled away from him and returned to his cock slowly lowering himself down onto Mason again. He gasped and moaned loudly twisting and curling his toes. Brett slowly brought himself up and took in a breath, then sunk down on him again repeating over and over as slowly as he could. He brought the speed up, then slowed it down, up... and then down.

Every time Mason came close to cumming he'd pull off of him and wait around 15 seconds before starting again.

After the fourth time he pulled completely off of Mason and got up to strip his pants and underwear off. Mason looked over as Brett's very thick cock slapped up against his belly and then stopped sticking almost straight out.

"Do you want to try?" he asked Mason while slowly stroking his own now dripping cock.

"Yes" he said excitedly and began to get up, but Brett moved to put a hand on his chest and held him down with ease. He climbed back on top of mason and positioned himself over his chest while his knees were on either side of Mason's arms. He slowly jerked his cock over head Mason's face.

"Feel it first." Brett told Mason.

Mason reached up still panting slightly and brought his hand around the base of Brett's large cock. It looked like he had a couple inches in length on Mason and just above the same thickness. Brett's cock head was slick and shiny with pre-cum. As mason brought his hand further up the shaft he squeezed slightly. A drop of pre-cum dripped out and started to fall towards his mouth which he opened and stuck his tongue out to taste it.

"Mmmm" Mason moaned as he savored it. His eyes closed as he rolled the pre-cum around his tongue. It was similar to his own taste, but a little different. It had a distinct flavor that Mason couldn't put words too, other than that he absolutely loved it.

"Do you like my pre-cum Cub? There's more where it came from and he reached down to squeeze more out of his cock.

Mason reached up and opened his mouth to accept another large drop of the sweet nectar. He moaned and lowered his mouth so that he could taste Brett's balls. He held his cock up as Mason stuck his nose in his balls and got a long whiff of them.

Mason was in heaven. He was getting Brett's delicious scent straight from the source. He took in a few deep breaths of his musk, his cock throbbing almost painfully. He stuck is tongue out and gave them a lick. They were slightly salty but had a pleasant taste to them. Mason took his time and tasted every part he could before taking a single ball into his mouth and started sucking on it.

"Mmfm, a little lighter on the pressure Cub"

Mason lightened up on the suction and focused on bathing his balls with his tongue and saliva while keeping them in his warm mouth. He took the other into his mouth as well, barely squeezing it in. Brett's balls were bigger than his and filled his mouth up nicely.

"Much better Cub" Brett said and let out a long deep moan enjoying the tongue bath his balls were getting.

Between drowning in his scent and the feeling of his balls in his mouth Mason could barely stop from jerking his cock, not that he could given the way Brett was mounted on top of him. Pre-cum was sliding down his thick cock and onto his balls which Mason lapped up eagerly.

"You wanna have a go at the rest Cub?"

Mason reluctantly took his balls out of his mouth and responded with a quick and eager "yes."

Brett got up and rotated his body 180 degrees so that his knees were now on either side of Mason's head and he was facing his feet. He bent over giving Mason easier access to his dripping cock and began licking around Mason's leaking member being careful not to go too fast with him so that he wouldn't cum until the time was right. Brett didn't want to choke or suffocate Mason so he put part of his weight on top of Mason and positioned himself so that Mason had as much access to his cock as he wanted.

Mason drooled at the sight of Brett's ass and cock above his face. He reached up with one free hand and aimed the thick tool at his mouth. His tongue lapped up the still flowing pre-cum and he took the head in. He carefully wrapped his lips around his teeth so that he wouldn't accidentally hurt Brett.

The head felt huge in his mouth and he doubted for a moment that he'd be able to go as deep as Brett did for him.

Brett sensed his anxiety. "Don't worry, take what you can comfortably. You'll learn how to deep throat with practice" he said warmly.

Mason relaxed and slowly bobbed up and down on Brett's cock head taking a little more into his mouth each time.

"Ohhh fuck Cub your mouth is so warm an' soft." he said and started slowly stroking Mason's rock hard cock while lightly kissing and sucking on his head.

Mason moaned with his cock in his mouth at the attention his own was getting. He was dangerously close to blowing his load. He decided to be brave and took as much as Brett into his mouth as he could. He got about half way before gagging and pulling off panting slightly. Spit and pre-cum dripped from Brett's cock as Mason caught his breath before returning to taking as much as he could comfortably.

"That's it... yer doin' great" Brett growled.

Brett suddenly took all of Mason into his mouth and began bobbing up and down almost his whole length with a feverish speed. Mason moaned around Brett's cock as he felt his balls tighten and picked up his own speed.

"Fuck... yer gonna make me blow Cub..." he said between a breath and returned to Mason's cock.

Mason started bucking uncontrollably into his mouth and moaned louder and louder. Brett picked up his pace knowing what was coming.

"Mmfff!" Mason managed to get out as he felt his load start to rise from his balls.

Brett's hips dropped and his sunk his cock an additional inch into Mason's mouth before letting out a long loud deep growl. They both started shaking.

Mason's whole body clenched as he started unloading into Brett's mouth who eagerly clamped down and continued to suck the first few shots of hot cum out of his cock. Just as the third or fourth was being swallowed Brett bucked his hips and let out another very loud groan around Mason's cock which vibrated it pushing him further into his orgasm.

Hot cum rushed out of Brett's cock and into Mason's mouth. Mason could do nothing but moan and continue to suck as his mouth filled up. He was in ecstasy as he tasted Brett's cum. Just like his pre-cum it was slightly different tasting from his own. It was more sweet than his, and definitely felt thicker in his mouth. He lost count of each pulse coming out of the throbbing cock, including his own. It wasn't long before cum spilled out the side and ran down his cheeks as Mason swallowed as much as he could.

Brett lapped up each shot from Mason's cock and began cleaning as the remaining globs slowly pulsed out of his sensitive cock head. His cock started to soften and Mason followed suit cleaning up any remaining cum he could find. He used is fingers to scoop up the cum that had dribbled onto his cheeks and cleaned them off as well.

Brett released Mason's now soft cock as well and sat back so Mason could sit up with him. As Mason was sitting up Brett quickly wrapped his arms around him from behind and gave him a kiss on the side of his neck.

Mason groaned in pleasure and closed his eyes as he caught his breath. "Brett that was amazing. Thank you."

He stopped kissing his neck and softly said "You are most welcome Cub. You did fantastic. I could hardly stop myself from cumming when you first took my cock into that sweet mouth of yours."

"So now what?" asked Mason smiling at his compliment.

Brett let go of Mason allowing him to sit back against the back wall his bed was pushed up against. He sat next to him.

"Well that's up to you Mason, ya want me to go?" Brett asked.

Mason looked at him and thought to himself. This was by far the happiest he had been in a very, very long time. Not only did he feel completely satisfied, he also felt a sense of clarity for the first time in a very long time. He felt like this was exactly where he needed to be and was with the person he should be with. In that moment Mason knew exactly what to say to Brett.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" he asked Brett.

There was a visible look of relief on his face as Brett felt a rush of happiness and smiled back at him.

"I would love nothing more Cub." and pulled him into a big bear hug before collapsing on the bed with Mason in his arms. Brett kissed the top of his head and held him close to his chest.

Mason beamed at him as he was embraced by this large man and buried his head against the crook of Brett's neck. The two cuddled wrapped in each other's arms quietly enjoying each other's presence and basking in the afterglow of their shared orgasm.

Nearly an hour passed by as the two enjoyed each other presence. Sometimes they would idly talk, but for the most part it was quiet contentment. Brett held Mason as he lay his head on his chest. He listened to Brett's strong heartbeat, almost lulling him to sleep.

"Mason, I need to ask you something" said Brett.

He lifted his head up and looked at him. "Yeah?"

"There's always the possibility that you'll feel differently in the morning, and I know I already asked you this, which I don't expect an answer tonight or tomorrow. I only want to know when you're ready. Do you want to see me again?"

YES, thought Mason immediately, but withheld speaking his mind.

He desperately wanted to see him again, but he was torn. Brett was clearly an amazing guy, and yet they had only just met today. Mason had never really thought that true love was real, or that everyone had that one person they were destined to be together with. For a long time he had thought that about his ex-wife, so how could he assume the same would be true after that part of his life fell apart?

Mason rested his chin on Brett's chest as he thought about what he was asking him.

"Take your time, and think about it. I won't be hurt either way and will respect your decision no matter what, just... think about it before you answer" Brett said while slowly stroked the small of Mason's back.

"Okay... I promise I'll think about it Brett."

"Good. For now lets just enjoy this moment" He said and pulled Mason in closer.

Regardless of the stress of Brett's question, Mason still felt safe in Brett's arms. Even though it might only be for tonight he let himself be happy with the comfort being offered. Mason melted away in his embrace and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Mason stepped onto the empty bridge stretching out before him.

The cold wind made him tuck his arms up against himself to retain as much body heat as possible. Moonlight was the only thing illuminating the long bridge before him, as well as the vast body of water the bridge rested on. For how cold it was out here, the water must have been freezing.

The bridge was a multi-lane highway that seemed to float along the water. He noticed that it swayed slightly with the wind and water current. Ahead of him in the distance was a cityscape bathed in light, maybe seven or so miles away.

Mason turned to see what lay behind him. 50 or so feet in the opposite direction the bridge fell away into the water, which continued off to the horizon with no land in sight. The concrete and steel chunks of the bridge were torn and crumbled off into the ocean. He panicked to see that the cracks were slowly creeping towards him. Quickly he backed up towards the still functional side of the bridge and began running.

His pulse quickened as he sped up his pace. Mason's feet hit the ground harder and harder, desperately trying to create as much distance as possible between him and the end of the road. Sweat started dripping down his face and back. Minutes passed but it felt like an eternity of running. Time seemed to slow.

A loud cracking sound made him glance behind as he kept running. As quick as lightning more cracks appeared clawing their way towards him breaking large pieces of the bridge apart. Chunks fell into the ocean causing loud splashes.

Mason kept running, turning his gaze towards the cityscape that didn't seem to be getting closer at all. The crumbling of the bridge was getting louder and louder as it approached. His mind raced thinking of any and all possible solutions to get to safety, but his body wouldn't allow him to stop. He must keep going.

His heart was pounding in his chest as he sprinted as fast as he could. Suddenly, something caught his eye.

A figure, maybe 100 feet in front of him was waving their arms beckoning him. It looked like they were yelling, but Mason couldn't make out the voice over the wind and loud cracking behind him. They seemed to be ushering him to make it, hopefully to more stable ground.

Go! Mason's mind screamed.

90 feet left... 80 feet... 70 feet...

Just as the figure was going to come into view Mason's left foot pushed through the concrete as it crumbled below him. He staggered, and began to slide down with the rubble into the ocean.

No... no!

Just as his foot hit the freezing water, he woke and shot straight up in his bed breathing heavily.

"Mason... Hey!" Brett yelled as Mason stared towards the windshield still panting as if he had just run a marathon.

It must have been a few hours later. The sun hadn't risen yet and it was still quiet in the lot.

"What...? Oh, god, sorry Brett" he responded and rubbed his face shaking himself out of the nightmare.

Brett joined him on the edge of the bed and placed a hand on his back.

"Are you alright? You were calling out in your sleep" he asked Mason with a serious tone.

"Fuck... I'm sorry Brett I didn't mean to scare you. I haven't had a night terror like that in a long time." He took a deep breath to calm his heart rate.

Brett got up and grabbed a bottle of water for him before returning to bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked after Mason took a few sips from the plastic bottle.

Mason took a few long breaths before speaking again. Brett patiently waited for him to center himself enough to talk.

"I was on this bridge in the middle of an ocean. It was dark, and I couldn't really see anything except for a city a ways ahead. It started to break apart behind me, so I started running... but I didn't make it. I felt like..."

"Felt like...?"

"I felt like I was going to die, and even worse I thought was going to die alone."

"Jesus, Mason..."

Brett returned his hand to Mason's back where most of the sweat had dried by now.

"Does this happen a lot?"

"Sometimes. It's been happening more in the last year or so but maybe only once or twice a month."

"Fuck... I'm sorry even if it only happened once. That can't be fun."

Mason looked over and smiled. There it was again, something about his eyes that drew him in. The anxiety faded and his body relaxed.

"It's okay Brett, I'll be alright" he said and placed a hand on his thigh.

Brett smiled back. "Want to come back to bed?"


"Good, come here, Cub" Brett replied and wrapped his arm around Mason spooning him.

Mason stayed awake for a little bit while he thought about his dream and what it might mean. Something around the pressure of time? Was he running out of it? Was he running away from it? Was he running towards something?

Then it clicked. His whole life he had been running away from who he really was. Always running from one thing to the next to keep himself occupied in some way. Driving, reading, a false marriage, it was all the same thing.

Mason knew what he needed to do. He needed to stop running.

"Brett?" Mason whispered hoping he wasn't waking him.

"Hmm?" a sleepy Brett replied.

"I've thought about your question."

Brett lifted his head up slightly. "Oh? And?"

"Can we see each other again? I don't care where or when, I just want to see you again."

"I would love nothing more, Cub" Brett replied pulling Mason in tighter against him, envoloping him in a warm embrace.

Mason smiled to himself. His future never looked so clear before. He finally understood that this whole time he wasn't looking for solitude, he was looking for love.

He wiped a tear from his cheek and closed his eyes falling asleep to the sound of Brett's eventual soft snoring.

Thank you for reading this chapter and for being patient as I learn and grow as an author. Please consider donating to Nifty so that we can continue to enjoy stories like this.

If you have any feedback you'd like to give you can send it to me at essensefont@gmail.com. Thank you - many more chapters to come!

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