Jackson Enslaved

By R A D

Published on Aug 25, 2023


I am persuaded to place a warning here. This story is a fantasy. Please do not try something like this. It is obviously not safe to place yourself in the hands of a man you do not know under such vulnerable conditions.

If you are not yet 18 years of age or not yet 21 years of age,depending on the country, you are too young to read this and should depart from here until you reach the legal age

If you are offended by imagination of sex between men or master slave type sex then you should not read this. In fact you should not even be here.

I also ask that if anyone wishes to reproduce this story or any part or episode of it in whatever form they seek my permission in writing first.


As Jackson sat in his seat near the back of the plane his hard cock was clearly outlined in the tight faded cutoffs he wore. He had tried since taking off to think of something, anything to get it to soften but so far nothing was working. The butt plug up his ass was pressing against his prostate and nothing Jackson could do would make his dick go down. He found the whole thing intensely embarrassing but also extremely erotic and he knew that Larry had planned it that way.

Along with the cutoffs and the butt plug beneath them Jackson wore a plain white t-shirt along with a pair of old jogging shoes. No socks, no underwear, nothing else, just as Larry had ordered.

At 5'10" 160lbs and 21 years old Jackson had a swimmers build after years of competitive swimming in high school and college. His dark hair, blue eyes and smooth sculpted look had always turned heads. Jackson was used to that but today his tiny shorts and hard cock attracted frank lustful stares. He felt like every eye in the terminal before take off was staring at him with his hard cock and guessed why he was in that condition. This humiliated him intensely yet it also excited him and his cock, if anything, just got harder.

Jackson had met Larry only a month before in an online chat room. They clicked immediately and soon were sharing their darkest sexual secrets with each other. Jackson had told Larry of his fantasies about slavery and captivity, things he had never admitted to anyone. Larry told Jackson how he had enjoyed dominating guys since he was a teen and that Jackson was just the type of guy he loved to train.

They exchanged pictures over the net. Jackson for one was instantly in lust. Larry is 5 years older than Jackson and his photos show the tightly defined muscles of a man who has spent great effort keeping toned and fit. He is six feet, 200 lbs and seems to have no trace fat on his body. His blond hair is cut high and tight, just like the marine that Larry had been until leaving the corps last year. He is the very image of a master Jackson has fantasized about submitting to.

Jackson had always had fantasies about serving a man who was in complete control of him but had always been too smart-or too scared to actually seek to live it out; until now. Larry had helped him overcome his natural caution and convinced him to fly out to the coast to experience a weekend of submission.

Jackson was still very deeply in the closet about his submissive side and wanted to keep it that way. Larry suggested that he buy his ticket for cash at a bulk travel place in another neighborhood where no one knew him. That way no one he knew would know or could find out where he was going even if they chance to see his visa card bill. Jackson told friends he was visiting his folks that weekend so nobody would miss him. In the back of his mind Jackson felt a little uneasy about all this but his dick overruled his caution and he went along with the plan.

Jackson's pockets carried just 2 things, as Larry had ordered: a one way bus ticket Larry had sent to take him from the airport to the park where they were to meet plus a quarter for a phone call in case he got lost. He was still 1000 miles from Larry but knew that he was already under his control. Larry even had the return portion of Jackson's plane ticket, which he had convinced Jackson to send to him so Jackson would feel completely in Larry's control.

When they were making plans for this weekend Jackson had been extremely aroused by the idea of being in such a vulnerable spot. He now felt his complete vulnerability and he began to feel a real fear in his gut. As he sat in his seat he wondered if he really had the balls to go thru with this or the good sense to pull out of it while he still could. If he still could.

He thought several times of going to the washroom and removing the plug. But he had nowhere to put it. No bag, no pockets big enough. Anyway what was he going to do then? Larry has his ticket home and Larry wants the plug in him when he gets there. Jackson knew that he would be checked for it and he knew he would pay if it weren't inside him.

After 3 hours, which had seemed to Jackson more like 30, the flight finally ended. He was off the plane and through the terminal quickly, having no baggage to worry about. He found his bus and boarded it taking a seat near the front. The bus driver said it would be a half hour trip. As the bus drove into the city Jackson was a ball of nervous energy. He could barely sit down. He knew that he would soon be a captive and he was both frightened as hell and aroused beyond words.

The driver called his stop and Jackson was out of the bus and into the evening air, which cooled his sweaty brow and sharpened his senses. He was on a sidewalk in front of a hotel and across the street was a park just as Larry had described. Jackson crossed the street and walked along until he found a lighted diagram of the park. On it he found his location and his destination. The trail he was to take began just off to the right.

As Jackson entered the trail he was in a cold sweat. This was it. He was now alone far from home with nothing but the few clothes he wore. He was afraid. Yet his dick was hard as stone.

He walked carefully along the trail into the park moving away from the sounds of traffic and people. There were streetlights along the trail but the night was falling and the forest on either side was dark and silent. Jackson began to feel as though he were in a forest far from any city.

He soon came to his destination, a wider place in the trail where there was a park bench and behind it a kind of log shelter with a roof but half walls just as Larry had described. He looked around but could see no one about.

He entered the shelter and in the dim light he knelt down and began to run his hand along the base of the back wall. His hand soon came on a cloth bag and he picked it up and felt inside it. He found a wide collar and with a small padlock and a pair of handcuffs.

He knew that they would be there and he knew what he was required to do. He was definitely having second thoughts, even third fourth and fifth ones but there was not really any choice. He stood and looked around again. There was no one.

Slowly he pulled his t-shirt over his head and put it into the bag. He kicked of his shoes and then undid the button and zipper on his cut offs and pulled them down and off, leaving himself completely naked. He took the collar wrapped it around his neck and closed the little padlock. He put his shorts into the bag and then put his shoes back on.

He took the cuffs and snapped one around his left wrist. He was about to close the other around his right wrist in front of him when a voice from the forest said, " No, behind you slave."

This is the end of part one. This is my first post. I would greatly appreciate hearing any response, good or bad.


Next: Chapter 2

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