Jackson Enslaved

By R A D

Published on Sep 16, 2023


I am persuaded to place a warning here. This story is a fantasy. Please do not try something like this. It is obviously not safe to place yourself in the hands of a man you do not know under such vulnerable conditions.

If you are not yet 18 years of age or not yet 21 years of age,depending on the country, you are too young to read this and should depart from here until you reach the legal age

If you are offended by imagination of sex between men or master slave type sex then you should not read this. In fact you should not even be here.

I also ask that if anyone wishes to reproduce this story or any part or episode of it in whatever form they seek my permission in writing first.


As the Van drove thru the night Jackson lay cuffed, plugged at both ends and hovering near orgasm yet unable to cum. The diabolical way in which Carl had bound him made orgasm impossible but arousal inevitable. This, combined with the fear and despair Jackson felt made it all torture, benevolent to a point maybe but torture all the same.

As Carl drove the Van out of the park and thru the city he was elated with his catch. This kid; he is better than his pictures. He is magnificent. And it seems like he followed his instructions to the letter. He has nothing else with him. Carl had found nothing in his shorts but the quarter. Most of these guys at least brought a visa card or something, to use in case the thing fell thru or they lost their nerve. This kid brought nothing. If he followed all the instructions to the letter like that he will be almost untraceable. The boss is gonna love this one.

Of course no kid like this dressed like this one had been is untraceable. But if they ever manage to trace him to the bus nobody will know where he went after the bus stop. Nobody, that is, except those who benefit by his capture. He will just be another statistic in the big city.

If they got him free and clear he could be worth big bucks. They handle this one right it could mean 100 grand. Hell a quarter million, maybe more. Might even get some 'recreation' out of this kid on the side, if the boss allows him to. Carl was filled with lust at the prospect and his hard cock was eager for a chance.

Dieter was feeling a delicious anticipation. This kid could be absolutely prime meat. He definitely is in the pictures he sent but of course you never know, really, with pics from the net. They could be of anyone. Dieter, of all men, understands that very well.

Still, the kid was so eager, so filled with unrealized desire to serve he seems like a born slave. Perfect if it is true. Makes training so much easier. Not that easy training is always his favorite but the one he is working on now is a major challenge. A less difficult case would be nice for a break. Particularly one who looks as good as this kid does if the pictures are half accurate.

He heard the electric door begin to open and he knew it must be Carl. He walked out onto the warehouse floor as the van pulled in and the door closed behind it. Carl stepped out with a look of lust and pleasure on his face and Dieter knew that he had been successful.

"Got him, Sir, with no problem at all. He followed your instructions to the letter." Carl said.

"Were you observed?" asked Dieter.

" Nobody saw me, nobody around but Barry and that punk buddy of his." Carl replied

"Did you need their help?" asked Dieter

"Naw, the kid tried to run but he tripped over himself right in front of me. I had him cuffed and leashed before he could say a word." Carl said.

"Excellent. You have done well." Said Dieter.

"So open up and get him out. Let me see this boy who has obeyed so well." Dieter said

"Yes Sir." Carl said with pleasure in his voice. Carl opened the side door of the van and stepped inside. He switched off the vibrator in Jackson's butt and for the first time in an hour Jackson's prostate was relieved from the pressure. This sudden change broke the erotic stupor he had fallen into and Jackson began to return to the real world.

Carl unchained his balls, and released the ankle cuffs from the floor of the van. He then picked Jackson up and carried him out into the warehouse, standing him on his feet.

Jackson, stiff and sore from the bondage, found it difficult to stand and Carl had to support him. After the darkness of the van Jackson's eyes were now assaulted with bright overhead lights and he could not open them for a moment.

When he did what he saw in front of him made his loins rise but made his blood run cold. The man he saw before him was tall and superbly muscled, with short black hair and a trim beard. He wore boots, leather jeans and a tight black sleeveless shirt. His broad shoulders, narrow hips, bulging pecs and fine muscled arms made him an impressive sight.

Yet the outstanding feature of the man was not his buffed body but his eyes. They were clear and ice blue. They were cold, cruel, pitiless. They had a gleam in them as one might see in the eye of a miser counting a newfound hoard of gold.

Jackson turned away from the hard eyes and thought again of Larry, the man he had come to serve. It was thoughts of Larry that caused him now to try to question his captors. He found himself trying to ask where he was and who they were but the plug in his mouth just made it sound like a moan.

Dieter, meanwhile, looked Jackson over and was ecstatic. This boy was all he had hoped for and more. This one was going to be a pleasure, a great pleasure to train. His value could be enormous. The boy looked away from him and began to make moaning noises around the plug in his mouth. Dieter decided a little explanation was called for. He reached out and took the boys chin, forcing the boy to look him in the eye.

"Slave let me introduce myself. My name is Dieter Bock. You have delivered yourself into my hands and I am now your master. Your owner. And you are my slave." He said. " This is your new home and will be while you are trained to serve. "he said. " When you receive permission to speak you will always address me as Master and all the others here as Sir." He said. "Is that clear boy?" he asked in a raised voice. .

Jackson stared at Dieter in shock. This was the voice of Larry that Jackson had spoken with on the telephone. This was the voice that had convinced him to come secretly to the coast, leaving no trail to follow. Only now did he fully understand how completely he had been tricked. Only now did the sharp reality of his predicament become finally and completely clear. The stark truth of it all left him stunned and silent. He was unable to respond.

Dieter slapped him hard across his face. "Is that clear boy?" he asked again in a much harder tone. The slap stung Jackson and brought him, for a moment, out of shock. He nodded to Dieter, wishing to avoid another blow.

"Good boy" Dieter said. Then to Carl he said, "Take the boy downstairs, clean him up, and give him some water. Then set him up on the Ram. I want to talk to him"

"Yes Sir" Carl said with enthusiasm.

Despite the slap from Dieter Jackson quickly receded again into shock. He was trying to absorb the enormity of the truth when Carl turned to him.

Carl picked him up and carried him, this time over his shoulder. He opened a steel door across from the van with a key attached to his belt and carried Jackson thru it. The door slammed closed behind them.

Jackson was carried down a concrete stairwell two flights and then through another steel door that Carl opened with his key. They entered a hallway and Jackson was carried past several doors to the end of the hall where Carl again unlocked a steel door and carried him through. This door too slammed shut behind them.

Jackson could tell from the echo of the slamming door that the room they entered was large but it was dimly lit. As Carl slung him from his shoulder and sat him on the floor Jackson could hear what sounded like rattling chains in the distance but could see little in the dimness.

Carl switched on all the lights illuminating the entire room. For a few moments Jackson's mind, still in shock, could not take in and process what he saw before him.

Slowly he began to realize he was in a room the size of a small gymnasium. The room was at least 40 ft by 40 ft with walls two stories high. There were several pieces of equipment distributed around the floor, some nautilus type devices and others he did not recognize. Along the walls hung weights and exercise equipment and many other items Jackson did not then recognize or understand.

It was the opposite end of the room, though, that soon caught his attention. Along the length of the wall were 4 cells. Bars enclosed all of them.

The two cells at either end were occupied, each by one man. Both men had fine looking bodies; the one in the left end cell in particular had a magnificent physique. Both now stood at attention except that they were looking down at the floor in front of them. Jackson was not able to see their faces from his position. Each man had a single shackle on his right ankle connected to a chain that led off toward the back of their cells. Otherwise they were naked. Their heads were shaved and they had no body hair that Jackson could see.

Carl turned toward the men and said "at ease" at which each man then stood, feet at shoulder width, and held his hands behind his back. Both continued to look down at the floor.

"Well slaves we have a new boy with us tonight. He will be joining you in your training. His name right now is Jackson. Why don't you welcome him." Carl said to them in a booming voice.

The two slaves shouted in unison "Welcome Slave Jackson."

Jackson, his mind still reeling from the multiple shocks it had received tonight, was once again frozen in astonishment. The fantastic body chained and shaved and standing at ease in the left end cell was one he had admired and jacked off to 100 times. No question about it. Even shaved he recognized it clearly. It was Larry.

this is the end of part 3. I always enjoy response from readers about my story, either good or bad.

What would you like to see happen next?


Next: Chapter 4

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