Jacobs Adventures in Web Porn

Published on Jun 5, 2022


Jacob's Adventures in Web Porn: Chapter 3

Jacob's Adventures in Web Porn

by jay68n209@gmail.com

All standard disclaimers apply. If you are underage or it is illegal to read such material in your area, please do not read this story. Also, please respect the copyright licenses and do not reproduce this story wholly or partly without my permission. This story contains explicit homosexual acts between consenting adults. This story is entirely a work of fiction.  Any similarity to events that happen in real life are purely coincidental.

I write for feedback, please don't be shy.  If you have a comment, good or bad, I'd love to hear it!

Special thanks to Richard, for helping me make these chapters the best they can be.


    As the orgasm subsided, they both turned into the water spray, and turned their backs to each other.  Dave rinsed off Jacob's spunk from his leg.  Jacob grabbed the shower with both hands to keep himself from collapsing onto the shower floor.  He stayed like that for a few minutes.  Dave turned off his shower and walked back towards the lockers.  Jacob still stood there, trying to catch his breath.  Trying to make sense of what he'd just done.  It looked like he was hanging on that shower for all his life was worth.
After a few more moments, he'd composed himself enough to venture out of the shower.  Dave was sitting in front of another locker.  He'd already dressed in shorts and a t-shirt and he was now putting on socks.
"Here's your camera, you should have some great shots for that modeling site."  Dave extended his arm out to hand the camera to Jacob as he walked by.
"Thanks."  Jacob was still in a daze.  He looked at the camera, and noticed a piece a paper attached to it.  He pulled it off and saw Dave's name and number written on it.  He looked back over at Dave.
"Call me if you need a photographer again", Dave said with that shit eating grin on his face.  Then he stood up and walked out.

Chapter Three

    Jacob picked up and pulled on his robe.  He gathered the rest of his things and left.  He went back downstairs to his dorm room.  Fortunately, his roommate was still out.  He put his shower kit away and sat down at his desk.  He pulled the memory card from the camera and slid it into the card slot on his laptop.  A window popped up containing a bunch of thumbnails.  He clicked on the first one and an image of his body filled the screen.  He was standing in front of the mirror, with a startled look on his face.  Dave was in the photo too.  The camera covered his eyes, but that same shit eating grin was there, highlighted by his bright white teeth.  Jacob zoomed in on the photo so that he could see Dave in more detail.  "Did that really just happen?", he asked himself.  The photo was proof.  He zoomed in further and focused on Dave's chest and abs.  Jacob was once again confronted with an inner struggle.  Here was this guy, the perfect image of a stud, who had just hit on him.  Who had just masturbated in front of him, with him. 

    He clicked through some of the other photos till he came across one that showed him in the shower soaping up his pecs.  His chest immediately swelled with pride.  That was his body that he was looking at.  That was his body that had caused Dave's hard on.  Dave's dick really did look purple.  Jacob suddenly wished he'd been taking pictures of Dave. 

    He picked out a couple of pictures, including the one of him in front of the mirror, and uploaded them to the web site.  He completed the application and was ready to click the "submit" the button.  He sat back in his chair for a moment.  "Do I really want to do this?" he asked out loud to an empty room.  He wasn't sure.  This day had been a roller coaster ride, and he was certainly unsure that he didn't want to get off.  His nerves got the better of him, and he sat up again and reached for the mouse.  He decided not to do it.  No way could he do what the other guys on the site did.  No way could he fuck, or get fucked by another guy.  He wasn't gay.  He grabbed his mouse to cancel when his finger accidentally clicked the mouse button.  He watched in horror as the "Submit" button changed colors, and the page changed. 

    "Thank you for your submission.  Your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted within the next 7 days."  Jacob read dumbfounded.  He couldn't believe he'd actually hit the button.  His heart was racing.  He couldn't believe that he just sent naked photos of himself through the internet to a gay porn site.  He couldn't believe that he had gotten off to a video of two men fucking.  He couldn't believe he gotten off watching another guy jack off in the shower.  He couldn't believe any of it.  He was exhausted. 


    Jacob woke up in his bed the next morning.  He'd fallen asleep nude, and realized that the blankets were barely covering his waist.  He looked over at his roommate, who was asleep on his side facing away from him.  Jacob had the bed next to the window, so the early morning sun shone through the window over his bed and landed directly on the other bed in the room.  This meant that his roommate usually slept on his side facing away from him.  Jacob never thought much about it before.  This morning, as he looked over, he couldn't help but notice his broad shoulders and slender waist.  He thought about the website he had visited last night. His roommate would easily fit in with those guys.  He thought about all the times he seen his roommate in the nude, about his pecs, and his well defined arms.

    He stared for a few minutes, and then a few minutes more, finally he shook his head.  He felt like he'd woken with a severe hang over.  He couldn't remember clearly everything that had happened last night, and he had the beginnings of a headache.  He was in a fog, but his mind began racing.  He thought about the website. How he'd came more intensely last night watching two men fuck then he'd ever cum before.  What did this mean?  With that, he started to picture in his mind Ryan and Patrick from the video that he'd watched.  How they'd started out by kissing and rubbing each other, then Ryan starting pulling Patrick's clothes off.  How the scene quickly switched to show Ryan fucking Patrick. How they ended with Ryan's cum flying all over Patrick.  Jacob cock was now rock hard.  He thought about Kyle, and how he had told Jacob that he looked good enough to be on one of those sites.  He wondered if that meant Kyle was a regular fan of that type of site?  He struggled to reconcile his perception on Kyle.  Kyle was a  trainer who had an awesome body.  Kyle was also a trainer with whom Jacob had been working out with for the past year and a half.  What was his perception of a gay guy?  Then he thought a Ryan again.  Here was this guy, very attractive and obviously athletic, a real man's man.  How could this guy have been fucking that red-headed guy?  What did this all mean?  Jacob's cock now ached.  Absently, he grabbed it with his right hand.  Then he thought of Amy.  What would she think about all this?  Then he thought about Dave.  "Was all of that for real?" he asked himself.  Did a random stranger he just met in the dorm shower really hit on him, ask to take his nude photos, and finally jack off in front of him, with him?  Would he ever call this guy again?  His mind wandered back to Kyle.  He thought about how he'd caught Kyle's reflection staring at him.  Kyle's suggestion to Jacob yesterday about the site seemed innocent enough.  But it occurred to him that Kyle's expression had been very similar to Dave's last night in the mirror.  Was there a motive behind it?  He thought about the website again, about what it would be like to kiss and caress another man while being videoed.  Without realizing it, he'd been stroking himself.  The blankets were still barely covering him.  Then he remembered that he had actually submitted his photos for consideration to that very same website.  What would happen?  What if they said "no"?  What is they said "YES"!?  What would he do?  The fog in his head was getting thicker, and the headache getting stronger.  That didn't stop his erection. He started to jack off.

    All of a sudden a noise in the room caught his attention.  He looked over at his roommate and realized that he was starting to wake up.  Then he noticed his laptop, sitting over on his desk, still on, and still connected to the website.  "Oh Shit!", he thought to himself.  He jumped out of bed, grabbed his shorts and shut his laptop in one fell swoop.  He pulled on his shorts just as his roommate said, "Mornin'".  Jacob looked back over at him, and he had turned over and was holding his hand out to block the sun from his eyes.  "Did he see?", Jacob screamed, in his head.

    "Mornin'", Jacob replied.  Trying, with everything in him, to sound nonchalant.  Trying, but not doing a very good job of hiding his panic.  His voice warbled, and he was flushed.

    His roommate rolled out of his bed on the other side.  Jacob was still watching in desperate panic looking for any clue that his roommate had seen the website that Jacob had stupidly left up.  He watched as his roommate walked over to the closet, grabbing his robe, pulling it on.  He grabbed a towel and shower bag, and walked towards the door.  He called out, "See ya", as he opened the door and walked out.  Jacob replied with, "Later".  Then he was alone, just standing there with his thoughts.  Had his roommate seen the website?  Did he know that Jacob had lusted over pictures of naked men?  Was he exposed in bed when his roommate came home?  Did he see the mad dash out of bed this morning? 

    Was his roommate just naked?  That last thought stopped him cold.  He realized that he didn't even notice that his roommate had slept completely nude.  That he'd gotten out of bed, showing off his ass and without of care, in front of Jacob.  That was new!  Neither of them normally slept nude.

    "What the fuck!" Jacob exclaimed under his breath.  He sat down on the edge of his bed, shook his head dropping it into his hands.  He was so confused.  He looked up towards the door, then over at his computer, finally back at the door.  He was on the verge of an all out panic attack.  He could barely think, but at the same time couldn't stop his mind from racing.  His heart was pounding.  His head was throbbing.  He felt on the verge of tears, or was it on the verge of screams? 

    Then, suddenly, out of nowhere came laughter.  At first, it was a small nervous laugh, and that quickly developed into a loud boisterous laugh.  He laughed and laughed.  He laughed so hard that his sides began to hurt.  After a solid 5 minutes, the laughter finally subsided into a mild chuckle.  He felt better; he felt the weight of the world falling from his shoulders.  All of his worries seemed to fade with the laughter.

    Jacob chuckled for a few more moments.  He got up from the bed, walked over to his desk and sat down.  He opened the laptop back up and the website was still up.  He looked at the page, and suddenly remembered his final act last night before crashing into bed.  He had actually applied to become a model on the site!  "Oh shit, What have I done?!", Jacob asked aloud.  But then he just laughed again.  "Oh well, I doubt they'll call me."

    Jacob looked at the clock and decided there was enough time to go for a run before class.  He took his shorts back off.  The pair that he'd grabbed in a hurry just to cover himself up.  He put on a clean pair after a pair of boxer briefs and running shorts.  He grabbed a sleeveless tee, put on his socks and shoes, and was out the door.  He liked running, more so than he liked working out.  His recent efforts to get into shape had turned him into an adrenaline junkie.  Running helped him to relax.  His usual route led him through the main square at the center of the school, then along a path that went through a wooded area just outside of the campus. 

    As he ran, Jacob's head cleared, and he was able to think calmly about everything that had happened.  As he thought about it all, about Kyle, about the site and Ryan, about Amy, about his roommate, he had a sudden and extremely rational thought.  "This is college, and I am supposed to experiment and explore.  That's what college is for!".  Nothing in the world seemed more logical and it quelled any lingering guilt or doubts that he felt.  He decided that he would ride this out.  He wanted to experience all that he could, because that's what he's here for, to get an education.  He laughed to himself again and felt a freedom that he had never felt before.

    The path wound through the woods, and along a creek.  Even if there were someone else on the path 30 feet away, you couldn't see or hear them.  Jacob loved this part of his run because he got peace and solitude that didn't exist anywhere else on campus.  If he slowed to a jog, it would make the time last for a half hour or more.  The sun was shining brightly through the trees.  The babbling sounds of the creek drowned out any noise from the nearby city and school.  As Jacob reached this part of his run, his thoughts turned back to Ryan.  What was it about that guy that caught Jacob's attention?  Ryan was tall.  However, Ryan was probably not as tall as Jacob.  He was definitely above average though.  He was built solid.  He had the chest, arms, and abs that Jacob hoped his would develop into.  Ryan had a great smile, the kind that was clearly genuine and would quickly put anyone at ease.  Then there were the eyes.  When Jacob had first seen the photos of Ryan on the site, he stared at those eyes.  They were deep blue, and in contrast to his pale complexion and black hair, they seemed to glow.  Those eyes stirred something deep within Jacob. 

    The more Jacob thought about Ryan, the more he got excited about the response he might get from the website.  While he still couldn't grasp what he'd done, his curiosity began to get the better of him.  What would they say?  Would they reject him?  What if they wanted him to audition?  When he clicked through the free preview of the site last night, his saw some audition photos.  There were photos of various guys sitting on a couch, then undressing, then close ups of biceps, feet, cocks, and assholes.  Would they want him to spread his cheeks?  All the possibilities had Jacob's imagination going wild, what little imagination he had.  Although the images he saw last night definitely expanded his horizons.

    He continued jogging until he was out of the woods and eventually back at the dorms.  His first class would be starting in less than an hour, so he knew that he'd have to hurry it up.  He ran up into his room, shucked his clothes, and grabbed his robe and shower kit and starting heading out.  His cell phone caught his eye, he noticed that the little red light was blinking.  He picked it up and saw that he'd missed a call.  It was Amy.  He quickly called his voicemail, and listened to her message.  She wanted him to stop by after his class.  She said that she missed him last night and felt bad about not letting him come over.  She wanted to make it up to him.  Jacob grinned as he listened.  He knew he was gonna get a little something after lunch, and that always made him smile. 

    He felt a tinge a guilt about what he'd experienced last night.  Not that he felt he did anything wrong.  He didn't know what it all meant, his reaction to Ryan, Kyle and Dave.  And he didn't know what it meant for Amy.  But he didn't let it spoil his mood.  He discovered a sense of freedom on his run, and he just found out he was gonna get to fuck in a couple of hours.  What could be sweeter?

Later that Day:

    Jacob showed up at Amy's apartment around 12:30pm.  He only had two classes today, with a long break in between.  She answered the door in nothing about panties and a t-shirt.  Amy was Jacob's idea of the perfect girl.  She didn't spend a lot of time on makeup or clothes, but she always looked good in jeans and plain white T.  She had long, slightly curly hair, dark hazel eyes.  She wasn't obsessed about her weight.  She was active, sometimes even joining Jacob when he ran.  She kept in good shape, but she had shape, not like those flat chested, super skinny, women you see on TV and in magazines.  Jacob loved her breasts, they were intolerably perky and round.  But, truth be told, Jacob was an ass man.  He loved the way Amy's ass swayed when she walked in front of him.  And she knew it too.  She teased him endlessly with her ass.  Sometimes, when they were standing in line waiting for something, she will back her ass into him in a way that would drive him wild.  Knowing they were in public and that there was nothing that he could do about it.
When she answered the door, saw Jacob standing there, she all but lept into his arms.  He caught her with ease and carried her back into her apartment.  She had already locked her mouth over his and playfully battled with his tongue.  He kicked the door closed, and began walking towards her bedroom.  She was obviously horny, and he didn't see any reason to be coy.  He assumed that her roommates were out, that they were alone, and he intended on making the most of it.  He carried her to her bedroom, to her bed, and dropped her on it.  Without hesitation, she was up and pulling on Jacob's belt buckle, trying to get it off.  She untucked his shirt, which he pulled up off over his head.  She gasped a little at the site before her.  They'd been together for months now.  She was very familiar with Jacob's body, but it still took her breath away.  Every time she saw him without his shirt on, she was struck by how well defined his pecs and abs were.  He reminded her of an Abercrombie and Fitch model.

    She pulled his belt off, undid the button and pulled down the zipper of his jeans.   She slid her hand into his boxers and pulled out his cock.  Without hesitation, she wrapped her lips around the tip and began engulfing him, inch by inch.  He swooned.  It took all his will to keep his knees from buckling beneath him.  When he was deep in her throat, she grabbed his ass with both hands and pulled him in to the hilt.  She began bobbing her head, using her tongue to massage each inch of him as he slid in and out of her mouth.

    He gently placed his hand on the back of her head, more to stabilize himself than to control her movements.  His other hand was behind his back, as if he didn't know what else to do with it.  Her lips slid up and down the entire length of his shaft with ease.  The sensations drove him wild.  When he was near the point of exploding, he reached down and grabbed her legs.  In one swift movement, he picked her up and flipped her on to her back, on to the bed, pulling himself out of her mouth at the same time.  She looked up at him with pure hunger and lust in her eyes.  He reached down and pulled off her panties as he climbed onto the bed himself.  Her legs were high in the air and he hands were grasping for him.  He crawled over her.  He reached between her legs and found her soaking wet.  He rubbed his hand over her pussy and asshole.  Suddenly, he thought about what it might feel like to slide his dick into her ass instead.  But he didn't pay much attention to the thought as he spread her lips with his fingers and push himself in.  She cried out.

    Jacob didn't know of anything that felt better than pushing his cock deep into Amy's cunt.  That initial insertion was almost enough to send him over the edge and make him cum.  In the beginning, he didn't last more than a few moments after the fucking started.  Now that he'd had more practice, he learned enough self control to ensure that Amy received the same pleasure, the same reward.

    When he reached the hilt, he paused and began sucking on Amy's nipple.  He waited for the feeling of euphoria to subside just a little.  Then he slid himself all the way out of her, waited a split second then slammed himself back in.  She cried out again.  But there was no more hesitation in him.  This began a steady rhythm of sliding all the way out, then slamming all the way in again. He kept sucking on her nipple.  He alternated between both her nipples, her neck, her lips, then back to her nipples.  She still cried out each time he slid in. 

    Again, he thought about what it might feel like to slid into her ass.  Would it feel as good as this?  Surely, it couldn't.  The thought of him fucking Amy in the ass led him to think about Ryan fucking Patrick's ass.  Suddenly his mind was filled with the image of Ryan's sweaty body pumping rhythmically into Patrick the same way he was pumping to Amy, and that image only excited him more.  He began fucking Amy faster, harder.  Still sucking her nipples, and slid one of his hands underneath her to grab her ass cheek.  Just like Ryan's pace had quickened, in Jacob's mind, so did his own.  Amy was now producing a constant moan.  Jacob now could see the tangled bodies of Ryan and Patrick fucking, next to him, on the bed.  So close, he could smell their musk.  As he drove himself into Amy, Ryan drove himself into Patrick.  Amy's arms wrapped around Jacob, and her nails dug deep into his back.  Patrick's arms had wrapped around Ryan.  They fucked harder, faster.  His fantasy flipped, now he was fucking Ryan, and Patrick was fucking Amy.  Then it flipped again, he was the one getting fucked by Ryan.  Jacob was close, and he knew that Amy was as well. 

    He pictured Ryan, his body glistening with sweat, his breath quick, his eyes closed in deep concentration.  Jacob pictured Ryan throwing back his head and yelling out as his own orgasm came.  He, Amy, and the imaginary Ryan and Patrick all came together amidst cries, yells and curse words.  Their shared orgasm seemed to last for an eternity.  Jacob continued to jerk in and out of Amy till he'd milked every last bit of cum, and every last sensation out of himself.  Amy's cries finally subsided and her grip on his back lessened.  As Jacob collapsed on top of her, he imagined Ryan collapsing on top of Patrick.  Then all four of them slipped into a kind of semi coma.

What did you think?  Please send me your feedback. 

Next: Chapter 4

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