
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Apr 12, 2020


Jaiden - Chapter 1

G. A. Patrick

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It was the beginning of Winter Semester at Wellstone University and a rather miserable day at that. 35,000 students were beginning to descend on the campus, traffic was deadlocked in every conceivable direction and the lines at registration were indescribable. Thankfully, I had gotten into town the day before and stayed at a nearby motel so I was able to get on campus, complete registration, and get my dorm assignment easily and quickly. They had converted Stoneman Hall into an dorm apartment complex of sorts and I was lucky to get assigned to the first apartment on the right just inside the door. But, before I could get the key to the apartment, I first had to endure a short line to meet the Resident Assistant and get my key. It would be the first time since enrolling at Wellstone that I didn't have to climb three flights of stairs and trudge what seemed like a mile down a hallway to get to my room. That I was a change for which I was extremely thankful.

When I finally got inside the apartment, nobody else had arrived and I got my choice of the quieter side of the apartment away from the entry door and the fire escape everyone seemed to like using to get to the upper two floors. At 2 am, the pounding on the steps to get inside the complex was startling to the point that sleep was impossible once you were awakened by a late-comer. There was a living room / dining room combo in the middle of the apartment with a sofa, two matching chairs and two end-tables and a television stand. The kitchen had a small four-burner electric stove with a fairly decent oven that was going to come in handy given that my major passion was cooking. Well that and sex.

A couple of weeks before the semester was to begin, the University had sent out notices of who the roommates would be. My roommate was Jaiden who was born, raised, and lived in the Tennessee mountains in a small town called Waynesville. I had called him on the telephone and he seemed like a nice enough person who said he would be driving down to Brevard from Virginia and should arrive sometime in the late afternoon. When I heard his voice, my imagination seemed to kick into gear wondering if he would be a tall, lanky guy, about 6 feet with dark brown hair and blue eyes.

I was sitting in the apartment by myself and Jaiden came walking in around 4:30 pm and believe me when I say his looks didn't disappoint. He was about 6'2" with the dark brown hair I had imagined and the blue eyes. But the eyes weren't just any blue, they were the most gorgeous steel blue eyes I had ever seen and his skin was the most beautiful Greek olive complexion I had ever seen. All I could think was "dayum!" He was a slew-footed Virginian and I was a well-tanned guy from LA. For those who don't know, LA in my neck of the woods means lower Alabama, Mobile actually, Orange Beach specifically. And I am 6'1" and athletic, so I could see that Jaiden and I would be getting along very well if I played my cards right.

After Jaiden got settled in, he walked over to me and Introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Jaiden Reynolds, glad to finally meet you." I replied "nice to meet you as well, I'd Peyton Riley." Pleasantries aside, I said "Since we got our schedules at check-in, it may be a good idea to go to the bookstore and get our books and supplies before everybody descends on the campus and the bookstore becomes unbelievably crammed with students." Jaiden said "I think you are right, are you ready to go?" "Yes I am, and perhaps after we get out books and stuff we can go get some grub at Dingus MaGees, they have the best chicken fingers around this town."

We had gotten our books, eaten some grub, and decided to head back to the apartment. Since the aC had just been turned on, it was hot and we were sweaty from running around campus. Before I realized what happened, Jaiden had stripped down to his boxer briefs revealing a very muscular, athletic body. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw him like that. What a sight to behold it was and a bone maker at that. Since Jaiden had stripped down, I decided "what the hell, I'll do the same." And I did! Then I walked into the bedroom to hang some clothes in the closet and deposit the sweaty clothes in my clothes hamper and then gingerly walked back into the living room. And there was Jaiden splayed out on the couch on his back with his eyes closed or so I thought. There was a mirror on the back of the apartment entry door and I just happened to see Jaiden checking me out. There is hope yet is all I could think.

We sat in the living room watching some basketball on the television, Duke vs UT. Before we realized it was almost midnight so we decided to make the beds and retire for the evening. As soon as we got the beds made, Jaiden said he was really tired from the drive down to Brevard and he wanted to get some sleep so that he would feel like a job before breakfast in the morning. I could not have agreed more. He cut the lights off in the bedroom, but there was still some light coming through the blinds from the street lamp outside the bedroom window...enough light that I could watch what Jaiden was doing. My eyes didn't fail me as I watched him strip completely of every stitch of clothing revealing the most beautiful body I had ever seen. Since he was so comfortable in doing that on the first night we met, I thought "why not," and I did the same. When I laid down, I was laying looking in Jaiden's direction and noticed those beautiful steel blue eyes fixed on me. At that point, there was no doubt in my horny mind that Winter Semester was going to be the best ever. Absolutely no doubt!

Next: Chapter 2

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