
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Jul 14, 2021


Jaiden Chapter 118

Gregory A. Patrick


Jaiden – Chapter 118

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Greg Patrick

"Peggy, this is Matti. Curtis and I thoroughly enjoyed our visit tonight with Jaiden, Peyton, and their brothers and children. Those babies are a hoot, especially tiny Alaina Noelle. I have never seen children that young who are that intelligent, that well-behaved, and self-potty trained. A year-old, they were actually polite around all the adults; it was unbelievable."

"Matti, I don't understand it either. The strange thing to me is that the children have become that way on their own. The only thing I can figure out about their behavior is that they are mimicking what they see in their dads. Did you see what I talked to you about in Dale and Charley? ""I did, and on the politeness of the children, I'll agree with you that they learned by example."

"We were so proud to see Jaiden and the young man he has grown up to be. And as far as choosing a mate, Peyton is the perfect fit for him. I don't know how to say this, but I would still say Peyton would be the person to spend his life with, even if he were straight. You can see in their eyes how much they love each other."

"Matti, what did you think of Charley's red hair?" "Peggy, talk about an absolute dream; that young man is gorgeous. He is hilarious with his sense of humor. As for Dale's coffee, you were spot on with your assessment, one cup, and we are hooked. Curtis must have drunk four cups of coffee before we went home. Tell me, have you had any knishes that Dale cooked?"

"Yes, did he make some knishes to go with the coffee?" "He did, Peggy. My mother made the best knishes ever, or so I thought. Dale's knishes beat mom's hands down." "What kind did he make?" "Peach. You know how much I have always liked southern peach cobbler; Dale's peach knishes are now on the top of my dessert list."

"Believe me, Mattie, they are at the top of my dessert list as well. So, when I come down, I'll go to the store and get the supplies for him to make a batch of knishes and some of his homemade vanilla bean ice cream to go with the knishes; that's a combination to die for."

The guys had relaxed enough to go to bed and get a good night's sleep. Peyton and Jaiden were the first to go to their bedroom. It would be at least an hour before Charley would follow Dale to their bedroom.

Dale had gone to the bedroom while Charley was making sure the doors were locked, and the burglar alarm was on. As he was going to his bedroom, he heard a commotion in Peyton's and Jaiden's room, so he stood at the door a moment to see what was happening. In all the years the four guys had lived together, Charley had never heard those two have a disagreement, much less an argument. What he heard next left him rolling on the floor, laughing his butt off.

Jaiden was pounding his fist on the nightstand in the bedroom and yelling, "NO, NO, NO, NO, the condom broke! Peyton, I may have gotten you pregnant! What are we going to do?"

Charley was laughing so loud he woke up one of the children, and Dale went into the hallway to see what was going on. As he reached Charley, Jaiden opened his and Peyton's bedroom door laughing, just as hard as Charley, at whom he looked, and said, "GOTCHA!"

Peyton walked to the door laughing with everybody else. Dale looked at him and asked what was going on. When Peyton told Dale what Jaiden had done, he, too, laughed as he looked at Jaiden and said, "Jaiden, you've pulled some good ones in the past, but that has to be the most classic of all of them!"

After the guys settled into their bedrooms, Jaiden's phone rang. "Jaiden, this is Mom. You need to be more careful. If you have gotten Peyton pregnant, it may cause some concerns for the two of you. We'll talk about it when I get there on Wednesday! Love you." When Jaiden's mom had said that, all he heard after that was 'CLICK.'

Jaiden walked across the hall and knocked on Dale's and Charley's door. When Charley opened the door, Jaiden put his finger in Charley's face and said, "Damn you! That was funny, really funny! Mom called and said that if I got Peyton pregnant, it could cause us some concerns. Then she hung up the phone before I could say anything." Now all the guys were rolling on the floor, laughing their butts off.

Peyton, Jaiden, Charley, and Dale got up the following day and had breakfast before they got the children up, fed, and dressed for the day. It was a Tennessee State holiday, so the construction crews had the day off, and Charley and Dale would get to stay home.

About midday, the telephone rang, and Charley answered it. "Hello, this is Dr. Andros Papadopoulos. May I speak with Dr. Peyton Riley-Reynolds?" "I'm sorry, Dr. Papadopoulos, Dr. Riley-Reynolds is at the hospital today." "Is this Charley or Dale?" "Yes, sir, this is Charley."

"Good, Dr. Riley-Reynolds said I could leave a message with you or Dale. Please tell him we completed analyzing the blood test taken this morning. The result is positive: he is pregnant. Please tell him congratulations and that I have an appointment for him on August first to make sure everything is going OK. Thank you, have a good day."

"Dale, that was a helluva telephone call!" "How so, Charley?" "The caller was a Dr. Andros Papadopoulos. He said to tell Peyton the blood test they ran this morning was positive and that Peyton is pregnant." "Charley, you know Peyton has to be setting you up." "I don't know, Dale. Remember the guy on the beach that got into it with Peyton. He called Peyton a pussy before Peyton stomped his butt." Dale lowered his chin and started laughing at what Charley had said.

When Peyton and Jaiden got home that evening, Dale and Charley met them at the door. Charley said, "Jaiden, Peyton, you need to come into the den and sit down. Dale and I have something we have to tell you. Charley and Dale looked so concerned that they had Peyton and Jaiden nervous.

"OK, Charley, what is it?" "Dr. Andros Papadopoulos called about the blood test Peyton took this morning. He said the result was positive and that Peyton is pregnant. At the precise moment, Charley said that Jaiden's phone rang. It was his friend from FOX News.

"Jaiden, this is Daniel at FOX News. We heard a rumor, and we wanted to verify if it is true or not: Is it true that Peyton is pregnant?" "Damn that Charley, Daniel, I am going to get him good!" "Jaiden, before you get him, watch the six o'clock news."

"As we end the newscast tonight, we would like to leave a friend with this message: To Charley in Memphis, you are off the hook! The test was a false-positive. Thank you for tuning in to tonight's news. We hope you have a great rest of the evening!"

Peyton, Jaiden, and Dale were howling. Charley had been set up big time! They knew who the news anchor was talking about, and Charley was glad his last name wasn't mentioned. If Charley only knew the extent to which he had been set up by Dale, Peyton, and Jaiden. Monday morning was going to be the start of a long day for Charley when they got to work."

"Guys, let's go to Tony's for dinner. I am too bushed to clean up the dining room and kitchen tonight." "Jaiden, we all feel that way, so to Tony's it is!" "Thanks, Dale. Let's get the children into the van." When they got to Tony's, all the children started saying skety over and over. The restaurant crowd was not disappointed; they saw what they came to see, and they received a bonus as they watched Alaina Noelle control her brothers' behavior. It seems word of the children had spread, and the children were as popular in Memphis as they were in Erie.

When the children finished their skety, the manager came by the table and got the 'Nathan stare.' Then, a few minutes later, he came back to the table with seconds of skety for each child. Jaiden shook his head and said, "UNBELIEVABLE, Seth all over again!" Peyton died laughing when Jaiden said that. When they got home, Peyton called his parents and told them what happened at the restaurant and what Jaiden said. Everybody had a good laugh at the comment.

"Peyton, has Seth called you yet?" "No, mam, he hasn't. What's up?" Let me get him to the phone to tell you himself."

"Hey, Peyton, I got a letter from the University of Florida today. The chemistry and biology classes I took at Pensacola College as part of my high school requirements satisfied the course requirements for me to get into vet school. I also took a CLEP test on two other courses they wanted me to take, and I got perfect scores on both, so I don't have to take those courses at the university."

"Seth, that is awesome. Have you told Richard yet?" "No, I left a message on his phone, but he must be busy at the hospital." "Tell you what, let me see if I can get hold of him and get him to call you."

"Hey, Peyton, what's up?" "Richard, did you get a message from Seth?" "Peyton, I have been so busy I didn't take the time this afternoon to check my messages. I'm in the doctor's lounge having dinner with Sally, so I'll call him when I get home." "Richard, is Sally working tonight?" "She is." "You may want to call Seth and put him on speakerphone so he can tell both of you his news." "What's the news, Peyton." "Richard, Seth needs to tell you and Sally that. Call him. I promise you, it is going to make your day, maybe even your year." "OK, I'll call him right quick."

Richard called his parents and asked if Seth had tried to call him, and they said Seth had. "Richard, let me get him to the phone. He was just about to take a shower." "Thanks, Dad."

Seth got to the phone and said, "Hello." Sally said, "Hello, handsome; how's the best-looking guy in Alabama?" "Better looking than he was yesterday. How's the most beautiful lady in Tennessee?" Richard spoke up and said, "she gets more beautiful every day Little brother, I hear you have something to tell me; what's the news?"

"Richard, vet school at the University of Florida is up in the air?" "Why, Seth, they gave you a scholarship." I know, Richard, but remember, they wanted me to take some chemistry and biology courses before they would let me into vet school." "I remember that, Seth, but why is that a problem now?" "I've been going to Pensacola College as part of a high school and college program, and I have already taken and passed those courses with a 4.0 GPA! So, I don't have to take them at the University of Florida; I go straight into veterinarian school! Richard, are you there?"

"I'm here, Seth; that news got to me. Little brother, I am so very proud of you! I'm speechless." "Seth." "Yes, Sally." "I wish you could see your brother right now; he has pride written all over his face. We are so proud of you. When you get a break from school, you have to come to Memphis so we can celebrate!" "I'll talk to Mom and Dad and see if we can come up sometime in August." "OK, Seth, let us know. We love you!" "I love y'all too, Sally."

"Seth." "Yes, Dad." "You don't have to ask; we'll take you to Memphis as soon as you get a break in mid-August." "Dad, you and mom are the greatest! I've got to get my shower so I can get to bed; I still have school in the morning."

"Phyllis, how can you and I be so blessed. I just don't understand it." "I don't understand it either, Jim; I just thank Hashem for so wonderfully blessing us." "So do I, love. That boy has really completed this family in ways I never imagined."

One of the doctors with whom Richard had been working all day walked by his table and noticed his red cheeks and swollen red, watery eyes. "Richard, are you OK?" "I am, Joseph; I just got some fantastic news about my little brother. I told you the story when you asked me about Seth."

"I didn't know Seth has been in a high school and college program in Pensacola. He took the chemistry and biology courses he needed to get into vet school on his scholarship and got a 4.0 in each class; he won't have to take them at the University of Florida. Seth graduates high school early in December and enters veterinary school in Winter Semester."

"We have been so blessed since Peyton and Jaiden entered our lives and since Peyton's parents adopted Seth and me." Joseph looked at Richard and couldn't say a word; he shook his index finger at Richard and Sally as he walked away with tears in his eyes."

"Peyton, I love you so much. You and Jaiden have made Seth's and my life so much richer than they would have been if I had not met you two at LECOM. I talked to Seth, and I have been crying since. Joseph walked by and asked if I was OK, and I told him what Seth said. When he walked off, he was so choked up he couldn't say anything."

"Richard, Jaiden and I love you more than you will ever know, and what happened for you and Seth was Hashem's doing, not mine or Jaiden's." "Peyton, I know that, but you and Jaiden were the angels He sent to help Seth and me." "If we were, Richard, I am thankful Hashem used us to achieve His mission."

Peyton did a three-way call between Don Stanislauski and Pete Gray and related the news on Seth. Everybody knows Don doesn't let his emotions show, but tonight, he is crying his heart out – and so is Pete Gray. Allison got the phone and asked Peyton what had Pete so upset. When Peyton told her what the three had discussed, she started crying with Pete.

The following day Peyton, Dale, Charley, and the children went to synagogue services with Devan and Sharon and Devan's parents. Curtis and Matilda Mabry made sure there would be enough nursery personnel to look after the babies when they arrived at the nursery. One Bubbe each would take care of two children on Saturday morning.

The ladies asked Peyton, Charley, and Dale where the diaper bags were, and the guys told her the children started using the potty when they were seven months old and haven't soiled their clothes since. The ladies were incredulous at that news; none of them had ever heard of babies being potty trained so early.

The beauty of the sanctuary blew the guy's minds when they walked in. So many temple members welcomed them to the synagogue that they lost count. Charley told Peyton he thought they had found the place of worship for their families. After the service, the Rabbis and the Rebbetzins made it a point to speak to Dale, Charley, and Peyton and welcome them to town.

The Rabbis and their wives went downstairs with the guys to retrieve the children from the nursery. When they got to the nursery, they noticed a small group of temple members watching the children. The adults eyeing the children hand their hands over their mouths, but their eyes gave away their amusement. Even so, the Rabbis appeared somewhat concerned about why the adults were so glued to the children.

The Bubbe who accepted the children into the nursery came over to the dads and the Rabbis and Rebbetzins and said, "that Alaina Noelle is a tough little girl. Her brothers were rambunctious in a funny way to us. She apparently thought they had gotten a little too rough or loud, and she yelled, 'NO.' You should have seen those boys racing to the chairs to sit down."

"Mrs. Abramowitz, they used to smother her with their protection, and one day she'd had enough and set them straight. A while later, Nathan Robert was picking on her, and we heard him scream and cry. She told him no when he was picking on her, and he didn't stop, so she popped him in the mouth. She instilled fear in them that day, and they now pay attention to her when she's had enough of their behavior or thinks they are acting the way they should."

"Sir, we could use a few more little girls like her. She has chutzpah!" "Mrs. Abramowitz, I am plain ole Charley, and this is Dale and Peyton. Jaiden is working with patients at St. Jude's. Hopefully, he'll be here to meet you next Saturday."

"Ah, so he is a doctor!" "Yes, mam, and so is Peyton." "Jaiden and I are pediatricians, Mrs. Abramowitz, and we're here for specialized training in pediatric oncology and surgery. We'll return to Erie after our training and open a branch of St. Jude's to serve children in the north-central and the northeastern US so they can remain closer to home."

"How nice, and you look so young to be a doctor!" "Yes, mam, we finished our baccalaureate in two years, and we completed medical school a year earlier than normal." "So much joy for your parents." The guys and the Rabbis all smiled and began taking the children to the van so they could go eat lunch.

When the children were in the van, Peyton asked the Rabbis if they and their families liked Italian food. They said they did, so Peyton invited them to join them at Tony's. The Rabbis accepted the invitation and met the crew at the restaurant.

When they walked into the restaurant's foyer, the Rabbis and Rebbetzins were surprised to see the mural on the wall. Dale explained the story, and the Rabbis appeared very impressed. Their usual dishes were served to them. The Rabbis and their wives were amused at the children's reactions to getting skety for lunch. Peyton leaned over and whispered something in the Rebbetzin's ear, and she smiled. "Nathan, may I have a taste of your skety?"

Nathan Robert lifted a spoon of spaghetti and gave it to the Rebbetzin, who thanked him for being so sweet. She looked at the dads as she ate what Nathan Robert gave to her and smiled at Peyton. That's when Peyton looked at Nathan Robert and asked, "Nathan Robert, may daddy have a taste of your skety?" Nathan replied 'NO' and kept eating his meal. The Rebbetzins laughed at his response as Peyton said, "told you. There is no doubt they are going to be famous among the girls when they grow up." Peyton's comment drew laughter from all the adults around their table, including the adults who weren't in their party.

Everybody went to the guy's home for coffee after lunch. Then, the dads got the children cleaned up, pottied, and in their beds for their afternoon nap. It was hot outside, so the adults sat in the den to talk and enjoy their coffee.

The Rabbi took a sip of coffee and said, "I have never had coffee this good; what kind is it?" Dale said it was Maui coffee and that it was the same as Kona coffee, except the beans were grown on Maui, and it is half the price of Kona coffee. "Half the cost of Kona?" the Rabbi asked. "Yes, sir. Kona coffee is $35.00 a pound here and $21.00 a pound in Maui, Hawaii. Maui coffee is only $12.00 a pound in Maui and about the same here. So, we get the same taste and save money at the same time. If I can't find it locally, I order it and pay a small shipping fee."

"Rabbi, it isn't just about saving money; Dale is the only person I know who can make the coffee taste the way it does. Jaiden and I have tried to make it like Dale, but it never seems to be as good to us as his coffee is."

"Funny you say that Peyton, Curtis Mabry told me the same thing. He said he tried to make it the way Dale does, and it didn't stand up to Dale's."

"Peyton, why do you say that? Dale asked. I've tasted the coffee you make, and, to me, it is identical to what I make." "I appreciate you saying that, Dale, but there is something special about the coffee when you brew it. I can't put my finger on what it is; yours is just better to Jaiden and me."

"Peyton, tell me: how do you and Jaiden and Dale and Charley manage ten babies in one house?" "Rabbi, come here and let me show you something. The backyard is set up for the safety and comfort of the children when they play outside. We can sit on the deck and watch them play until they tire themselves out."

"Everybody, come upstairs with me for a moment." When they all got upstairs, Peyton and Dale showed them the children's rooms bathrooms. "Charley's dad had the bathrooms designed this way because he wanted his ten grandchildren to have every comfort in life; he built the additions to our home in Erie, which is identical to this house."

"When we moved in two weeks ago, the children didn't miss a beat in their routines. The ladies who helped us with the children in Erie moved here to continue caring for the children. One of the ladies raised Jaiden when he was a little boy in Virginia. We didn't know she lived in Erie when we moved there, or that Jaiden's mother had hired her to help clean the house."

"Ginny lives in the house to the left of this one, and she is helping to raise my and Jaiden's children. Granny lives to the right of this house, and she assists with raising Charley's and Dale's babies. You will not find two better, more loving people than those two ladies. Speaking of the ladies, here they are now."

"Ginny, this is Rabbi Gellman and his wife, and this is Rabbi Rabinowitz and his wife. They minister at the synagogue we attended this morning." "Rabbis, it's lovely to meet you and your wives. We apologize for interrupting your get-together. We came over to make sure the children were taken care of since Peyton must be at work tonight at six. "Peyton!" "Yes, mam, I'm going."

"Rabbis, if you and your wives will excuse me, I need to get some sleep to make it through the night. It will also keep Ginny and Granny from taking a belt to me. Please, stay and talk with the ladies and with Dale and Charley. We hope as things progress in our training that Jaiden and I will have time off together and get together with our synagogue families and have some downtime."

"Ginny, Granny, what are your last names?" "Rabbi, my last name is Stuart, and Granny's last name is Taylor." "Mrs. Stuart, Miss Taylor, it is nice to meet you. We trust you are enjoying the short time you have been in Memphis." "Rabbi, I'm Ginny, not Mrs. Stuart." "And I'm Granny, not Mrs. Taylor." "As you wish, ladies. Peyton spoke very highly of each of you before you arrived. The story was music to our ears. We love it when everybody gets along like God's children are supposed to."

"Rabbis, if you love that, then you are going to love our boys; that is what they have and will always do. Even as a child, Jaiden was that kind of person; always has been, always will be."

Peyton got off work on Sunday morning and was standing on the deck having a cup of coffee when Jaiden arose and walked outside and put his arms around Peyton, who was wearing a pair of their favorite khaki shorts and a white tee. Peyton closed his eyes as Jaiden started to rub his mid-torso. "That feels so incredible; please don't stop." "Sweetheart, I could stand here all day and rub your body; nothing feels better to me than your soft, supple skin."

"Which feels best, Jaiden, the skin on my mid-body, or the skin about six inches below my waist?" "Peyton. that wasn't fair! If the skin is above the knees and below the waist, I always have fun with you." "Apparently, that is a mutual feeling, love, and if you keep doing what you are doing, it is going to be more of a reality than a feeling!" "Maybe I should rub your tummy with both my hands!" "Please."

Jaiden picked up Peyton and carried him to their bedroom, where he undressed his lover. "Is this the 'skin' you were talking about, babe?" "That's the spot, Jaid." "It's not so soft right now." "Sweetie, if you keep doing what you are doing, it won't be long before it gets soft and supple!" "Then maybe I'll keep doing what I'm doing and see what happens;" that's what Jaiden did. A few minutes later, Peyton's body stiffened, his breathing became more intense, and Jaiden felt a pulsing in his hand, followed by the feeling of a warm, sticky substance.

Peyton pushed Jaiden onto the end of the bed, knelt between his legs, and began slowly and methodically making Jaiden squirm with intensity. When Peyton felt Jaiden's body begin to tense and his breathing becoming more rapid, he noticed that Jaiden was grabbing whatever he could to keep his body from taking off like a rocket. When he finally got his release, Jaiden was totally out of breath, and Peyton had a smile running from ear to ear. That is when Peyton noticed Jaiden do something he had never witnessed before: a second, strong ejection from Jaiden's body.

"Love, it seems like you enjoyed that to the max." "Hon, I don't know what you did or where you learned to do it. I just hope you keep going to that school; that was incredible!" "Good, there will be more surprises down the road."

Jaiden and Peyton slept better that night than they had in a long time. When they woke up and went to breakfast, Dale was preparing banana-macadamia nut waffles with European butter and Hawaiian syrup. When Jaiden and Peyton went into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, Dale looked at Charley and said, "Yep!" to which Charley replied, "No doubt."

Charley looked at Jaiden and said, "I'm glad you two have the day off today." "Why is that, Charley?" "That look on your and Peyton's face tells me there is no way you can be near each other all day and get anything done." Jaiden got a look on his face like Peyton's dad does when he is about to pull something over on somebody, looked at Charley, and said in an angry tone, "Charley, I am going to say this one time, so you better listen and listen well: you're right!" Charley let out a long sigh and said, "dang, Jaiden, I thought you were about to be mad at me!" Dale got so tickled at Charley's response that he poured his coffee all over himself. Peyton was having a good laugh as he rested his forehead in his right hand while shaking his head.

"Guys, why don't we take the children to the neighborhood park and let them play. I think they would have a fantastic time on the baby swings and slides." "Jaiden, don't forget the small merry-go-round; you know our boys are always game for something like that." "True, Peyton. We'll need to make sure they are sitting down and being still while we have the merry-go-round circling slowly."

They took the children to the park, and when the babies got tired, the dads took them to get Hawaiian Shaved Ice. Jaiden got bubble gum and lemon cream flavors. Chuck loved the lemon cream and ate quite a bit of it. The bubble gum flavor was so popular, Peyton went to the stand a bought three small cups of the flavor so he, Jaiden, and Dale could feed it to the other nine children while Chuck ate the lemon cream.

When the dads got the babies home, they headed for the potties. Charley helped his and Dale's children so Dale wouldn't get sick. When the children finished their business, they asked to take a nap, so the dads put them in their beds.

When Charley went downstairs, he looked at the guys and said, "Dale, we are RICH!" "What are you talking about, Charley?" "Chuck just crapped a gold brick!" "Jaiden hung his head and said, "It was bound to happen." Peyton asked, "what do you mean, Jaiden?" "Peyton, there are three Seths, and two of them are in this house." Everybody started laughing when Jaiden made that statement.

"What do y'all want to do for dinner tonight?" "What about hotdogs and hamburgers." "Peyton, do you have your mother's recipe for the burger patties?" "I do, Jaiden, and we have the ingredients on hand." "Good, I'll get some hamburger meat and wieners out of the freezer and in the fridge; after the hotdogs are grilled, we can finely grind them in the food processor so the children can have some."

Dale got crinkle fries from the freezer and fried an ample portion for the children's dinner. Jaiden ground the hotdogs so the children could eat them without them being a choking hazard. The babies tore into the hotdogs like they were starving to death. The boys grabbed all the fries near them and had no intention of sharing them until someone got angry over them hogging the fries.

That angst was made known, and the boys pushed the bowl toward the individual who demanded a share. Alaina Noelle took all the French fries she wanted, and Chuck didn't say a word when she reached over and got his ramekin of ketchup. Charley was trying to hide his laugh, to avoid upsetting his dad's namesake, as he got up and put some ketchup in another ramekin for Chuck. Jaiden suppressed his laughter as long as he could; his face reddened, and he busted out laughing, and all the children joined him. Finally, there was peace at the dinner table, and everyone's stomach was full as the children headed to the yard to play.

"Dale, I have to hand it to you and Charley; your daughter is one tough little girl. I get tickled every time I see her make the boys toe the line. Can you imagine what kind of mother she might be one day?" "Jaiden, I'm scared to even think about that. Heck, I'm worried about how she is going to be when she gets to high school. The way she is now, she may someday become the Commandant of the Marine Corp. Can you imagine her barking orders at enlistees as she moves through the ranks? God help the young men under her command, there will be rampant discipline, and there will be no mistakes."

"Dale, should Jaiden and I daven for you and Charley on that issue?" "Peyton, please do; I have a feeling we are going to need all the help we can get, and don't forget that 'we' includes you and Jaiden!"

"Charley, don't worry about how Alaina Noelle is going to be down the road; I'll get Mom to move in with us when she retires." "Jaiden, bite your tongue! Think about what you just said. Just imagine two short, dark-haired, stubborn, bossy Jewish women in the same household with thirteen males. Oi vey! We'd never have a peaceful moment to ourselves."

"Charley." "What, Peyton?" "You've forgotten something. My mom and dad intend to move up here when dad retires and sells his practice - if Seth doesn't stay around to run it. That means it won't be two short, stubborn, dark-haired, bossy Jewish women: It will be three!" "That's it; I'm moving back to Milton if that happens!" "No, you're not, sweetheart, you are going to stay right here with me and tough it out." AW, Dale, do I have to?" "Yep!"

Next: Chapter 112

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