
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Aug 24, 2021


Jaiden Chapter 124

Gregory A. Patrick


Jaiden – Chapter 124

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Greg Patrick

"Peyton, didn't you say you got two dozen donuts, six cream-filled, twelve regular glazed, and six dipped in chocolate and peanuts?" "I did. Why?" "Because there are several missing." "Which ones, Jaiden?" Two cream-filled, two chocolate dipped in peanuts, and two glazed."

"Have you seen Dale and Charley since you got home?" "No, and I haven't heard them either." "Ten to one, they got the donuts; and I bet they'll be downstairs as soon as the children finish their nap."

"Hey, Dale, Charley. Looks like you took a good nap." "You might say that, Peyton. We laid down, but we didn't sleep." "How were the donuts?" "Warm, except for the cream-filled, they were nice and cool. We ate those off each other's index finger." "Yeah, I bet you ate them off your fingers. You both are still sporting a bulge in your pants."

"Awe, come on, Peyton. We had to have a little fun eating them; besides, the way we enjoyed them was your idea."

Peyton's telephone rang, and it was Jeremy calling to say hello and let him know how college was going.

Uncle Peyton, is Uncle Jaiden there?" "He is, Jeremy. Is it ok if I use the speakerphone?" "Yes, sir."

"Hey, Jeremy, this is Uncle Jaiden. How are you doing at Wellstone?" "That's what I called to tell you and Uncle Peyton. Carl and I got our end-of-semester grades, and we both are on the Dean's list with a 4.0 GPA." "That's awesome, buddy! So, what did you take this past semester?" "Calculus 2, Micro Biology, Chemistry, European History, US Government, and Mechanical Engineering." "That's a tough schedule, Jeremy, and you got a 4.0 GPA with that class load?"

"Yes, sir. It was tough, but we did it.? "Why did you and Carl take Mechanical Engineering? "We talked with admissions at LECOM, and they told us that if we took that course and made at least a B average, we wouldn't have to take the MCATS."

"MCATS! Have you decided to go to medical school?" "Yes, sir, and we have already sent in our application to start Fall Semester. Carl and I are waiting on their decision." "Let me know as soon as you hear something." "We will, Uncle Jaiden." If your uncles and I were in Erie, I'd say we'd go to the country club and celebrate when you go home in between semesters. Either way, Uncle Peyton and I should only have a year and a half left in Memphis, and then we'll go home to Erie. We can catch up and celebrate when we get home." "That's a deal, Uncle Jaiden."

"Carl and I have already celebrated a little bit." "How so?" "We went to the Dixie Cream Donut Shop downtown and got a big box of glazed donuts. By the time we got around to eating them, they were cold. So, we figured a way to warm them, and they were as good as when we picked them up. Do you have a microwave in the apartment?" "No, sir." "A small electric oven?" "No, sir." Then I'm not sure Uncle Peyton or I want to know how you and Carl warmed the donuts."

"Uncle Jaiden, why not; it was a lot of fun." "I'm sure it was, Jeremy. Somehow, I have a feeling you have already talked with your Uncle Dale and Uncle Charley about how you warmed those donuts." "We didn't; we got the idea from our roommates. We even got to enjoy some warm, sweet, white cream with the donuts." "Jeremy, I think we are getting to the point of TMI." "TMI, Uncle Peyton?" "Yes, Too Much Information." "Funny, that's what my dads said."

"Carl is ready to go to the cafeteria for dinner, so I guess I better go. We just wanted to let you know things are going well here. Love you guys!" "We love you and Carl, too, Jeremy."

"Dale, Charley, did you two speak with Jeremy about how to enjoy donuts?" "No, sir, we didn't. Why?" "It seems they found out how to enjoy donuts the same way we did – thanks to Charley!" Charley yelled to Jaiden and Peyton, "I told you that boy was smart. Now he's proven that I was right."

"Charley, you are crazy." "Not crazy, Peyton, horny." "Dale, Jaiden, and I are going to daven for you; it seems like you need the help." "Thank you, Peyton." "You're welcome, Dale!"

Everybody who knows Peyton, Jaiden, Dale, and Charley knows they do not battle over anything. Whatever irks them, they talk it out or wait until they are calm enough to do that. So, when they were at the park with the children on Sunday, they witnessed a young man and a young lady brutally arguing with each other. The man was hideously ugly with the woman leading Charley to question what was wrong with him.

Jaiden looked at Charley and said, "Charley, what is wrong with him is a simple diagnosis for me." "How so, Jaiden?" "Charley, it's apparent that he has a one-inch and half-inch problem." "A what?" "A one-inch and a half-inch problem." "What is that, Jaiden?" "Charley, you're from the south and you've never heard that assessment?" "Nope." "It means he is apparently upset because he has a half-inch dick and a one-inch tongue and no idea how to use either one. That is the only reason I can see that would cause behavior like he is exhibiting."

The guy apparently heard what Jaiden said and walked over to him and asked, "What the hell did you say?" "I said your problem causing you to argue with the young lady is because you apparently have a half-inch dick and a one-inch tongue and no idea how to use either." "You son of a bitch, I ought to stomp your ass!" Charley looked at the guy and told him he hoped he was stupid enough to try that.

That's the point at which the guy took a swing at Jaiden. Peyton caught the swing and proceeded to hurt the guy in ways he most likely could never have imagined. As the guy retreated, the police pulled up and wanted to know what was going on.

"The twerp was berating and verbally abusing this young lady. I remarked that his problem seemed to stem from his having a half-inch dick and a one-inch tongue and no idea of how to use either. Apparently, he heard me and came over to assault me; Peyton stopped his punch."

The young lady told the officer that Jaiden correctly stated what was happening; "they were defending me from the jerk. He was supposed to be my boyfriend, but these gentlemen have shown me I deserve better."

"What he did is considered assault and disorderly conduct. So, we can take him to jail and have a court arraignment in the morning. Mam, could you be in court at 9 am?" "Yes, sir, I can." "Gentlemen, how about you?" "We are doctors at St. Jude's training in oncology and oncological surgery. So being in court at 9 am would be incredibly difficult for our patients and for us."

"We can get the arraignment scheduled for a time that would be convenient for you if you wouldn't mind standing up for this young lady." "We will have Thursday morning off rotation, so we could be in court Thursday morning." "That will be great; Court will be scheduled for 9 am Thursday."

May I get your names?" "I am Dr. Jaiden Riley-Reynolds, and my husband is Dr. Peyton Riley-Reynolds." "Aren't you guys from Erie, Pennsylvania?" "We are." "You are friends with Roger Betterman and Bobby Standridge, aren't you?" "We are, but it goes farther than that." "How so, both are cousins of mine. So is Judge Don Stanislauski." "I've heard all about you guys. From what I've been told, you are fantastic individuals."

"We try to be," Jaiden said. "You also know my aunt, Margaret Barone. You two helped stop my cousin from going into shock after his doctor gave him penicillin." "We can't comment on that, but I can say we know Bill and Margaret." "I'm going to call my aunt tonight and tell her we met. I hope everybody has a better afternoon. I'm sorry the jerk had to ruin your day. I'll see y'all in court on Thursday morning."

"Jaiden, this is Mom. I heard something interesting through the grapevine this morning, and I wanted to ask you about it." "Mom, by the grapevine, do you mean gossip line?" "Yes, but I was trying to be nice about the person who called me." "What did you hear, Mom?"

"I heard Peyton, and you and Dale and Charley were at the park with the children, and some idiot took a swing at you." "That's true, Mom, but he probably took a swing at me because of what he heard me say." "And...?" "He was verbally tearing a young woman apart, and I had heard enough of his ranting. So, when Charley asked me what his problem was, I said he had a half-inch dick and a one-inch tongue and no idea how to use either one."

"He didn't like what I said, and he came after me saying he ought to whup my ass. Charley told the guy he didn't think he wanted to be that stupid; that made the guy madder. When he took a swing at me, Peyton took him apart. When the police arrived, after someone called them, the guy was lying on the ground with tears in his eyes. The officers had heard about us from all the Erie events through his cousin."

"Who was his cousin, Jaiden?" "None other than the infamous Jay Stanislauski – and Roger Betterman and Bobby Standridge." "Jaiden, how in the world do you always wind up with police officers and judges who are related to us?" "Mom, I have no idea, but it sure does help out when a situation arises." "That's true, son. Do you have any idea who the Judge will be when the case is called?"

"Mom, I think his name is Norman Anderson." "Jaiden, is Peyton sitting with you?" "He is, Mom." "Put your phone on speaker." "Peyton, this is Mom. Can you hear me OK?" "Yes, Mam, loud and clear." "Good. Do you have any idea who Norman Anderson is?" "No, Mam, I don't." "Think hard about your mother's side of the family." "You have got to be kidding me; he's Grandma Jenny's nephew and Mom's second cousin." "That is correct, so don't be surprised if the judge asks to speak to you two after court." "I won't now; thanks for the heads up!" "You're welcome. Let me know what happens in court Thursday morning." "I will, Mom; thanks for calling and educating me." "You're welcome, son. I'll talk to you and Jaiden Thursday afternoon."

A few minutes after Jaiden's Mom called, Peyton's phone rang. "Peyton, this is Dad. What the hell have you gotten yourself into? I got a call from a Tennessee judge this afternoon. He told me you had been in a fight and had to be in court at 9 Thursday morning and that you were looking at 90 days in the county jail for the offense of fisticuff. What happened?

"Dad, I protected my husband and our children from being assaulted by an ignorant asshole. He was verbally assaulting a young lady in the worst way, and Charley asked Jaiden what he thought the guy's problem was. Jaiden told Charley that the man's problem was easy for a doctor to diagnose. He said the guy had a half-inch dick and a one-inch tongue and no idea how to use either one. The guy heard what Jaiden told Charley, and it made him mad. So, he charged Jaiden and threw a punch after Charley told him he didn't think he wanted to be that stupid."

"Peyton, when the guy threw the punch, what did you do to him?" "Dad, I dislocated his shoulder for one, and I think I broke the arm he threw the punch with. I seem to remember his foot getting badly twisted and something snapping, and I think his right knee cap wound up on the outside of his right leg. Other than that, I don't think I hurt him too badly."

"Well, son, that is what the Judge told me you did to the idiot, and he said he was very proud of you for defending your family. Thursday's court hearing should be exciting. If you and Jaiden don't mind, your mom and I want to fly up Wednesday night and go to court with you and Jaiden on Thursday morning."

"Dad, you and Mom are welcome anytime you want to come up. You can stay as long as you wish. I know the children will be excited to see y'all, and you will be excited to get to see and play with them. I'll let Charley and Dale know you are coming up for a day or so. If you can arrange it, try to stay through the weekend, and Jaiden and I can show you the hospital and the section we work in."

"Dale and Charley would love to show you the project they are working on. We've heard from the hospital administrators that they and the engineering firm are extremely pleased with their work."

"I'll see what I can do about that tomorrow and give you a call." "Dad, we are working swing shifts, so a text might be better in case we are busy. I can call you back as soon as I am free." "OK, I'll do that."

"SETH!" "Yes, sir." "Can you come downstairs for a minute?" " Yes, sir; I'm on the way down."

"Yes, Dad." "What have you got going on at school Wednesday through Friday?" "Dad, those are teacher planning days, so we'll be out of school until Monday." "What about the college?" "I can do my studies online with no problem."

"Good! How would you like to fly to Memphis with your mom and me on Tuesday evening and see Richard and Sally, and Peyton, Jaiden, and your nephews?" "Dad, please don't joke with me about that. I have been wanting to see Richard so badly; I just didn't say anything about that since we have all been so busy."

"Son, I've told you that anytime you want to see Richard and Sally to tell me. I can always make that happen with no problem – even if it is only for a weekend."

Seth hugged his parents and kissed his mom on the cheek as he sprinted back upstairs to complete his studies and plan for the best weekend in a long time.

"Peyton, this is Dad. I will get the other vets in the office to run the place from Tuesday morning through Saturday. We'll fly up Tuesday evening and stay until Sunday afternoon. We should get there in time to take you guys out for dinner. Let Richard, Charley, and Dale know. Don't tell Richard this, but we are bringing Seth with us. He has been wanting to see Richard very badly and didn't tell us, so we'd like to surprise Richard. Ask Richard if he and Sally are available Tuesday night for dinner and let me know." "OK, Dad, I'll call you back in a few minutes."

"Dr. Riley's residence." "High, gorgeous, this is your brother-in-law; how are you doing tonight? "I'm doing well, and I hope you are too." "I am Sally, thanks for asking. Dad called a few minutes ago and told me they are coming up Tuesday night and stay through Sunday afternoon. He wanted me to ask if you and Richard are available to eat dinner with all of us on Tuesday night." "Peyton, let me let you ask Richard. I am not sure of his schedule for mid-week; hang on just a minute."

"Hello, my brother, to what do I owe this honor?" "Richard, you owe this honor to yourself for being such a loving brother, uncle, and son. Dad called tonight and wanted me to ask if you and Sally are free to have dinner with all of us on Tuesday night." "Peyton, I am off on Tuesday and Wednesday, so that would be a perfect day to have dinner with my family. Do you know if Seth will be coming with Mom and Dad?" "Richard, he has a pretty strict school schedule, so I am not positive one way or the other. Mom and Dad will be here Tuesday evening if you would like to go with Jaiden and me to pick them up at the airport." "I can do that, Peyton; let me know what time we need to meet as soon as you know." "I'll do that, Richard. Love you, bro." "I love you too, Peyton."

"Dad, this is Peyton. Richard and Sally will join us for dinner on Tuesday night, and he will be with us to pick you up at the airport. He asked if Seth was coming too, so I told him I wasn't sure one way or the other since Seth had a grueling school schedule, so tell Seth not to tell Richard if he calls." "Thanks, buddy. I'll let Seth know right now."

"SETH, can you come downstairs one more time for just a second." "Coming, Dad."

`Seth, here's the scoop on the trip to Memphis: Peyton told Richard that he didn't know if you'd be able to go with us or not, so if Richard calls you, tell him you have a challenging school schedule, and you'll see what you can work out. We want to surprise him when he goes to the airport with Jaiden and Peyton to pick us up. It will make his week when he sees you." "It will make my week as well, Dad; thank you so much. I love you." I love you too, son."

"By the way, we will fly to Memphis Tuesday morning instead of Wednesday." "Awesome, Dad!"

"Phyllis, I've asked this before, and I'm going to ask it again: where would we be without that boy?" "Jim, I can tell you we wouldn't be as happy as we are now. We'd probably be sitting on the couch looking at each other and wondering what we could talk about. We'd most likely be two chubbing old coots, eating popcorn while drinking a beer, and staring aimlessly at the television while asking ourselves why we are watching the crap on TV."

"I suppose you are right, Phyllis, but there would be a fabulous caveat for me." "What would that be, Jim?" "I'd be a popcorn eating, beer-drinking, old coot sitting with the love of my life." "Sweetheart, you are so romantic, and you know just what to say at the right time." "Phyllis, if that's true, I learned it from the world's foremost romantic expert."

Arrangements were made at the Vet clinic for Jim and Phyllis to take Seth to see Richard, Sally, and their brother, Peyton. Thus, the grandparents would get to see all ten of their grandchildren. They loved Peyton's and Jaiden's boys beyond measure, but they also loved Charley's and Dale's children as if they were their own.

Tuesday rolled around, and while Jim was at the clinic, Phyllis got them packed and ready to fly to Memphis at 5 that afternoon. Plans were for Peyton and Jaiden to take Peyton's parents on the riverboat diner cruise as a surprise. Richard and Sally had not been on the cruise up the river; it would be a special treat for them. So promptly at 5 pm on Monday, the Riley's got on a jet and headed for Memphis; they would be there in an hour and thirty minutes.

When the plane landed, Peyton, Richard, and Jaiden were at the airport to meet Richard's and Peyton's parents. When the Riley's were descending on the escalator, Seth and Richard eyed each other. Then, Seth took off, skipping down the steps running to Richard. The latter was running to hug his little brother.

When Seth and Richard got to each other, they both had tears in their eyes; it had been a while since they had seen each other. The Riley's, Peyton, and Jaiden also had tears in their eyes; they hadn't seen anything so loving in a long time.

When everyone got to the house, Sally was waiting in the den to see her in-laws. She didn't know Seth had come. When she saw him, she, too, cried tears of joy. Everybody had a grand reunion, especially with the babies before Granny and Ginny arrived so the family could go to dinner. When the ladies walked through the door, all the babies yelled, "Gen, Ganny!" and ran to their adopted grandparents.

Peyton had schemed with Ginny and Granny to feed the boys fried catfish and broccoli salad – without the Beano; Peyton was going to pull one over on his dad. So, everybody loaded into the van - since it could carry everyone - and headed to the pier. When they got to the paddle wheeler, Peyton's mom got excited. The river cruise was something she had wanted to do for a long time.

Peyton's dad asked, "son, are we going to have to fish for our dinner?" "Dad, let me put it this way: No! You ask too many questions. Relax and enjoy the experience you are about to have!" "Yes, sir. Boy, you are just as stubborn as your mother." "Dad, you spoiled Jenny and Mom spoiled me! Geez, I love it!" "I'm sure you do, son, I'm sure you do."

"Everybody boarded the boat and stood at the helm to let the breeze blow through their hair. Richard and Sally had their arms around each other, and Sally laid her head against his shoulder. Mom and Dad Riley were doing the same. Jaiden was standing behind Peyton with his arms around the love of his life.

It was such a loving sight that the other passengers stood back and let the eight lovers have their space.

A lady stopped Phyllis as everyone was headed inside for dinner and said, "Watching you and your children standing at the front of the ship was one of the most loving things I have ever seen; thank you for making my day extra special." Phyllis hugged the lady and thanked her for her comments. She told the lady that she wished the lady knew how special her sons are, that the three oldest are doctors at St. Jude's. The other two boys were engineers working on the St. Jude expansion.

Lobster crostini was the appetizer; a fantastic house salad with homemade blue cheese was served a few minutes before the meal. The New York strip steaks were cooked to perfection. The potatoes were dipped in pine rosin and rolled in rock salt before they were baked. The vegetable served was grilled asparagus, Jaiden's favorite. Next, everybody got coffee to drink. When Dad Riley tasted the coffee, he looked at Dale and quipped, "Dale, this coffee doesn't even come close to comparing to yours; it's good, but not great like your coffee.

The meal completed, Dad Riley tried to pay the tab only to be told someone who had watched them at the front of the boat paid their bill. "Sir, the person who paid for your meals said to say thank you for showing everyone what real love looks like."

Dad Riley didn't say a word as he looked out the window as a tear trickled from his eye. "Boy's, you always make me and your mom proud. What just happened has never happened to us before. Thank you for being the exemplary young men that you are. I am so proud of each of you!"

Peyton said, "Dad if you and Mom hadn't been the parents you always were, things may well have been different. Richard seconded what Peyton said as both had tears welling up in their eyes. Then, they went outside and stood at the helm of the paddle wheeler as it headed back to port. When they got to the pier, they took a long walk on the Riverwalk, sat at the overlook, and stared at the city's lights.

When they got home, Peyton suggested that he and his dad take the children to the park for a little while. He told his dad the park was well lit and that the boys would only play about thirty minutes before they wanted to go home, get their baths, and go to bed. When they left for the park, Jaiden asked Ginny and Granny what the children had eaten for dinner. "Jaiden, they had fried catfish and broccoli salad." "Did either of you give them a drop of the Beano?" "We didn't because Peyton told us not to." "Oh no, Peyton is pulling one over on dad, and it is worse than anything Jenny has ever pulled."

"Jaiden, what do you mean?" "Mom, Peyton didn't let the children have Beano before they ate the broccoli salad. So, when dad, Peyton, and the children head home, dad is going to be green at the gills, and Peyton is going to be dying laughing." "How so, Jaiden?" "Those children are going to fart the whole time they are in the van, and what they do will make a sewage treatment plant smell like perfume. What Peyton is doing proves he has a special bond with you."

"Jenny, this is Mom. I don't have time to explain, but I want you to call your dad in an hour and ask how his day has been. " "OK, Mom, I'll do that. Answer one question for me; has Peyton done something to get to dad?" "Yes, just call your dad in an hour." "OK, Mom, talk to both of you shortly."

About halfway to the park, Peyton had the van windows rolled up and locked. He noticed his dad quenching his nose, wondering what he was smelling. Peyton didn't say a word; he simply grinned.

"Holy crap, Peyton, what is that smell?" "What smell, Dad? I don't smell anything." "The hell you don't!" "Well, I guess I do smell broccoli." "You sneak. You had Ginny and Granny feed those children broccoli salad, didn't you?" "Dad, I guess they may have fed the children broccoli salad at dinner. The children love the stuff. By the way, it may be crap, but I'm sure it isn't holy!" "Boy, so help me, I am going to think of something to get you back for this. Unlock the damned windows before I throw up all over you. You have stunk in the car before, but damned if you ever smelled that bad."

"Peyton, stop laughing; it isn't funny." "Maybe not to you, Dad; it's hilarious to me!" "Wait until I tell your mother what you did." "I'm sure she knows by now, Dad."

When they walked into the house, Phyllis looked at Jim with a wry smile and asked, "Hon, did you have a good time with the grandbabies?" "At the park, yes, but someone fed those babies broccoli salad for dinner, and your son tried to gas me to death in the van." "Don't you mean our son?" "No, your son. He said I spoiled Jenny, and you spoiled him - and he was loving it." "Hon, it couldn't have been that bad in the van." "Phyllis, come with me for a minute."

Jim took Phyllis to the garage and opened the van door. Then he told her to stick her head in and take a deep breath. "Holy cow, Jim, did those babies create that smell?" "Yes, and it is about half what it was when we got home." After that, Phyllis told Jim she'd talk to Peyton about what he did.

"Peyton, may I see you in the dining room?" When Peyton got to the dining room, his mother yelled, "why did you do that to your dad?" Then she leaned over and whispered into Peyton's ear, telling him she thought his plan to do that was brilliant. They walked back into the den with Peyton looking sheepish.

Jim's phone rang, and it was Jenny calling her dad. "Dad, I heard you and Peyton took all the children to the park; did y'all have fun?" "Honey, we had a lot of fun at the park, but when we got into the van to head home, those babies made a stink that was unlike anything I have ever smelled. And to make it worse, Peyton had the van windows rolled up and locked. I was about to throw up all over him - and that was the only reason he unlocked the windows so I could stick my head outside the van and get some fresh air." "Dad, it sounds like Peyton got you better than I ever have." "Jenny, I don't think you will ever be able to top what Peyton did tonight!"

"Dad, let me think on that. Meanwhile, let me speak to Peyton, please." "Hey, little brother. Mom called and told me what you had done while you and dad were at the park. That was so brilliant; I am not about to try and top that. Say something to make dad think I am getting on to you, and then we can hang up." "Jenny, I am sorry; I won't do that again." When Peyton said that, he ended the call.

Jaiden took Peyton onto the deck and began shaking his index finger at Peyton like he was scolding his husband. What he was saying to Peyton was how proud he was of the prank Peyton had pulled. When he thought he had made it look like he gave Peyton a good scolding, they walked back into the den.

Jaiden looked at his father-in-law and said, "Dad, I'm sorry about the van ride home. Peyton understands that I think it was wrong to do that. But, for his repentance, he is going to sleep in the room with the babies tonight in case they have a tummy ache so he can take care of it if they do."

Peyton shot Jaiden a look of disapproval for what he said to Dad Riley. Dad Riley took a sip of coffee, smiled, and didn't say a word. As soon as Jaiden said that to Dad Riley, his phone rang.

"Jaiden, this is Mom. Did Peyton really have the children fed broccoli salad at dinner and then take them and his dad to the park?" "Yes, Mom, it happened just that way." "That was brilliant. Jim is going to rack his brain trying to figure out how to get Peyton back."

"Yes, mam, you can already see that happening. A lady called and scolded someone about that." "Did Jenny call to congratulate Peyton?" "Yes, mam. You can imagine how the conversation went." "That good, Jaiden?" No, mam, better than that." "Good. When you and Peyton are alone, tell him I am proud of him for pulling such a good prank on Jim." "Yes, mam, I will. I love you." "I love you, too, son!"

"Peyton, let's get the boys bathed and get them in their beds. While they were in the shower, Mark farted, and Abraham looked at Jaiden, pointed at Mark, and said, "Da, he stink." Mom Riley was in the bathroom helping with the boys, and when she heard Abraham say Mark stinks, she died laughing as she slumped to the floor and got wet all over. When she went back to the den soaking wet, Jim asked what happened to her. Phyllis started laughing as she told Jim what Abraham said about Mark, and he joined in the laughter. "Jim, Abraham was telling the truth. When Mark passed gas, it stunk up the entire shower. Geez, that was funny."

Seth is staying overnight with Richard and Sally, and plans are to tour the Memphis Zoo and the Crystal Grotto. When they finish touring those two places, they intend to play the rest of the day by ear and do whatever interests Seth. Sally was happy for Richard and Seth because both guys looked happier than they had in a long time, and that made her happy.

Richard called Peyton the following day to let him know they were going to the zoo if he and Jaiden wanted to join them with the children. Peyton said they would love to join them at the zoo and would meet them there at nine. When Peyton told his mom and dad, his dad asked if it would be OK if he and Phyllis drove one of the cars to the zoo. He didn't want a repeat of the gassed-up van.

Jaiden said, "Dad, I have already given the children some Beano, and the gas is gone, so there won't be a problem tomorrow." "Jaiden, do you promise me that if we go with you and Peyton in the van that we will be safe from a gas attack?" "I promise, Dad; when we get the boys up to feed them breakfast and get them dressed for the day, you can check out their room. I promise it will not smell bad." "OK, if you say so, Jaiden; if they are still fumigating the area around them, I drive the van, Mom sits in the front passenger seat, and we have the windows open. Deal?" "Deal, Dad."

Everybody thoroughly enjoyed touring the zoo and the Crystal Grotto, When the tours ended, everybody went to B. B. King's restaurant for lunch. The adults got catfish and broccoli salad. When they tasted the broccoli, they understood why the children loved it so much. The children got catfish too, but instead of broccoli salad, they got French fries and fought over ownership of the ketchup. Peyton final had enough of the bickering and got 10 ramakins and put ketchup in each and sat them in front of the children. The war was over.

After lunch, they took the boys and Alaina Noelle back to the park to play. When they finally got home, Dale and Charley were waiting on them. "Hey, guys, what did y'all have for lunch? "Dale, we all had catfish and broccoli salad." Charley said, "Jaiden, so help me, if you fed those children broccoli salad, Dale and I are going to eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches and drink milk until we feel like we are going to explode, and we're going to make Peyton do the same thing. Then we are going to all sleep in the same bedroom together." "Charley, don't worry, the children had fries instead of broccoli." Charley shot a glance at Peyton who said, Charley, they really did have fries." "Good. I didn't want a repeat of last night. Dad Riley said he didn't either.

Thursday morning arrived and everyone got ready for court. They got to the courthouse and took their seats in the courtroom. They were greeted by the police officers who made the case and let the guys know the Judge would like to see them in chambers after court.

All rise, the Superior Court of Memphis, Tennessee is now in session, the Honorable Judge Norman Anderson, presiding.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. I see we have some distinguished guests in the courtroom this morning. Dr. and Mrs. Riley, welcome to Memphis. I trust you will have a pleasant stay in Memphis while you are here." Dad Riley replied, "Thank you, your Honor, I am sure we will."

"Madam Clerk, please call the case of State versus Leon Pettigrew."

"The State of Tennessee calls the case of Leon Pettigrew. Please come forward with your attorney."

"Mr. Pettigrew, you stand before the court having committed the offenses of Harassment and felonious Assault. Has your attorney advised you of your constitutional rights?" "Yes, sir, he has." "Does the court need to go back over those rights with you?" "No, sir. I fully understand my rights."

"Mr. Melrose, how does your client please to the offenses for which he stands before the court?"

"Your Honor, Mr. Pettigrew would like to enter an Alford Plea to both offenses."

"Mr. District attorney, have you discussed the pleas with the victims in this case?" "I have your Honor, and they do not oppose an Alford Plea."

"Mr. Pettigrew, I must tell you I know the parents of one of the victims in this case, and I have spoken with their son and with Ms. Janson about reducing the felony with which you have been charged. Both victims have stated they do not oppose the reduction of the felony offense to a misdemeanor.
Do you still wish to have this court hear your case and reduce your felony charge to a misdemeanor? "I do, your Honor, but before the Court passes judgment, there is something I would like to say to both Drs. Riley-Reynolds and to Sharon Janson."

"Mr. Pettigrew, you may address the victims in your case."

"Sharon, Drs. Riley-Reynolds, I am very sorry I acted the way I did in the park, and I regret my attempt to assault Dr. Jaiden Riley-Reynolds. The truth is that I had been drinking beer, and I let the alcohol get the best of me. This case has shown me that I have an alcohol problem and enrolled in an in-patient alcohol program. I will be attending Alcoholics Anonymous seven days a week for at least a year and then weekly after that. I must prove myself to stay in both programs, and I intend to do just that. I just hope you can forgive me for what I did."

"Mr. Pettigrew, the Court would like to know, besides the alcohol you had consumed, what made you so mad that you wanted to assault Dr. Riley-Reynolds?"

"Your Honor, my behavior caused one of the gentlemen present to ask what my problem was, and Dr. Riley-Reynolds stated that I apparently had a half-in dick, a one-inch tongue, and no idea how to use either. Quite frankly, Dr. Riley-Reynolds' assessment was not that far off. I have never tried to seduce any young lady I have dated and I have never had sex. I got a ruler when I got out of jail and went home, and I can get my tongue exactly one inch outside my mouth, and my flaccid condition is exactly a half-inch. So, while Dr. Riley-Reynolds was being facetious at the time, he was mathematically correct."

"Damn, son, I can't believe you just said that in open court!" "Your honor, the truth is the truth; it can't be denied."

"Your Honor?" "Yes, Dr. Riley-Reynolds." "May I have a sidebar with the attorneys." "You may, sir. Gentlemen, please approach the bench."

"Your Honor, I would like to request that the Court do something rather unusual at this time." "Dr. Riley-Reynolds, what would that request be?" "Your Honor, would the court entertain the idea of postponing this case for one year to allow Mr. Pettigrew to complete his in-house alcohol counseling and to complete one year of attending Alcoholics Anonymous on a daily basis for one year?" "The Court is willing to do that, but the Court would like for you to tell the Defendant what you have proposed." "That is acceptable, your honor."

"Dr. Riley-Reynolds, you may address the Defendant."

"Mr. Pettigrew, I have never felt that the Defendant in any case of which I have been a witness has ever been as repentant as you appear to be today. Because of what you have said to the Court and in light of your apology to my husband and me and to Ms. Janson, I have asked the Court to consider postponing your case for one year to give you time to complete your in-house alcohol treatment and to allow you to fulfill the requirement of attending AA seven days per week for a year. If you complete both of those commitments successfully, I will ask the court to dismiss this case."

"Dr. Riley-Reynolds, after the way I behaved and the way I treated you, why are you doing this for me?" "Mr. Pettigrew, you are a human being, and you have asked for the forgiveness of everyone involved in this case. My faith demands that I honor your request and forgive you. My faith also requires me to do whatever I can to help you be successful in your rehabilitation. In that regard, I promise I will do whatever is necessary to help you become sober and become a contributing member of society. If you need any help whatsoever, contact me through the District Attorney's office, and I will do whatever I can to help you; that is my promise to you."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand why you are trying to help me after what I did, the way I behaved." "You made a mistake, Mr. Pettigrew; it's time to learn from that mistake and move on. It is as simple as that. So, let's shake on my pledge to help you."

The two men shook hands. After they did, Leon Pettigrew broke down in the courtroom and cried like a baby. Jaiden knelt in front of him and said, "Leon, look at me. I meant what I said. Let me help you get over this. I know at heart you are a good person. However, you made a mistake, and I want to help you move on and be successful with your life." What Jaiden did next had everyone in the courtroom, including the Judge, in tears. He sat in a chair next to Leon Pettigrew and held his until he could compose himself. Then he and Peyton took Leon out for a good lunch and had a long talk with him.

The judge banged his gavel, continued the case for one year, and then recessed court until the next day at 9 am.

Next: Chapter 118

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