
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Oct 6, 2021


Jaiden Chapter 131

Gregory A. Patrick


Jaiden – Chapters 131

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Greg Patrick

Leon was sitting on the deck watching the children playing in the yard when Jaiden got home. Jaiden walked onto the deck and asked, "what's up, buddy?"

"Oh, high, Jaiden. The children wanted to play, so I told Ginny I would watch them so she and Granny could do a project in the kitchen they had been talking about. Of course, they come out every few minutes to make sure everything is OK, but I understand why and appreciate their concern. Jaiden, I have never felt as relaxed as you guys have helped me feel, and I certainly have never felt as loved. I'm still having a hard time understanding everything, but the one thing that keeps playing in my mind is something your mom said when she was here."

"What did Mom say, Leon?" "She said that I now have a family who loves me and will do whatever they can to make sure I have what I need to have a happy and successful life down the road." "She meant every word she said, Leon, or she wouldn't have said it." "Peyton's parents and your mom sat at the dining table and had a long talk with me about college."

"They said they were going to set up a bank account for me when I get to Wellstone and put some spending money in it so I'd be able to go out to eat once in a while or get some things I might want or need. When they said how much they'd put in the account each month, I almost fainted. All I could do was look out the window and try not to cry like a baby." "If my guess is correct, Leon, they are each going to give you $200 a month, and they said if it wasn't enough to cover what you need and you didn't tell them, they weren't going to be happy campers."

"How did you know that, Jaiden?" "They did the same thing for Peyton and me, and they are still doing it for Dale and Charlie." "Really!" "Yeah, and they are going to do that for six months after they graduate from Penn State and have been working for that six months."

"Our parents buy toys and anything else they want the babies to have and dare us to say anything about it. Also, several different companies provide all the clothes and food for the children because of all the things that happened back in Erie; we've been very blessed in that regard."

"Thinking about what Mom told you, do you realize what she actually told you?" "I thought I did, but your question is making me wonder if I understood her words correctly." "Well, let me put it this way for you, Leon: Mom basically told you that she and Peyton's parents have adopted you and consider you their son just as much as Jaiden, Dale, Charley, and I are." "Why?" "The answer is simple, Leon – they love you because they can, and they won't let you spoil that for them."

Leon started weeping, so Jaiden pulled him closer and laid his head on his shoulder. Peyton was watching through the French doors, so Jaiden motioned for Peyton to come outside and join him and Leon.

Peyton was concerned that Leon was again weeping, so he began softly talking to him, asking what was on his mind. That was Peyton's way of getting Leon to talk out his frustrations and worries so he could let them go.

"Peyton, today I realized what it would be like for me to be married to someone I love and to have children who would complete me in ways I never imagined. I watched your children while they played in the yard so Ginny and Granny could tackle a project they had been talking about. What I realized was just how blessed you guys are. The four of you don't fit the country's idea of traditional marriage. And from what I have seen, that is a good thing because you have so much more than most people would or could ever realize."

"There is more love, more respect, more acceptance, more forgiveness here than any place I have ever been. I am learning to be the person I have always wished I could be but never thought I would. I feel so much better because I have been off alcohol for a little over six months because of Jaiden and you. I am finally in a place that I couldn't fathom in my wildest dreams a year ago – and it is all because of your forgiveness. It is so surreal!"

"Leon, do you believe you deserve to be where you are?" "Peyton, the answer to that question is a yes and no. I had become a terrible person. I didn't care how anybody felt, how good they may have been, and I would fight at the drop of a hat. I was drunk most of the time, and I continually hurt those who meant the most to me. After I met you and Jaiden, I realized how much I didn't like myself, and I've had to confront that issue in counseling."

"Tell me this, Leon, has confronting that issue made you a better person?" "I hope it has, I think it has, but I know I still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do to get there." "Leon, I think you are farther along than you think; you have always been a good person. Still, the circumstances you grew up with made you do and say things to keep people at bay so you wouldn't get more emotionally scarred." "Jaiden, that is what Dr. Till said, and I can see where both of you are right. I'm trying to figure out now how to stop doing that."

"May I make a suggestion, Leon?" "Sure." "Stop worrying about how you think people are going to treat you and start planning how you are going to treat people regardless of the situation. Try to anticipate someone saying or doing something that hurts your feelings or hurts you physically. How will you respond if either of those situations occurs? Will you respond with calmness and forgiveness, or will you strike back? Of course, you must be ready to defend yourself if someone attacks you, but you can diffuse their anger with kindness if they verbally attack you."

"Do you think it has been easy for Peyton, Dale, Charley, and me to be married gay couples with children? Don't you think we have incurred people who thought they had to state their views about our relationships, and families, and then expect us to just stand there and take it?" "Jaiden, I didn't think of that; I can see it happening, and knowing a little more about you, Peyton, and your brothers, I know you wouldn't just stand there and listen to bigots like that."

"You're right, Leon; I didn't stand there and take it. I publicly and loudly let two bigoted preachers hold it in a restaurant; it made national news, and the preachers lost their jobs. I was asked to speak in a Methodist Church after that incident. I asked everybody to forgive those pastors and for their churches to restore their ministries. They are back at their churches, and we are now the best of friends. They come to our home in Erie, and we go to theirs. Sometimes we attend their church and speak at the pastor's request."

"I don't understand how you can be so forgiving, Jaiden." "Leon, that is the easy part: you don't have to like somebody to love them. You don't have to associate with them. You can maintain a distance from them, but you can still love them no matter what they say or do. It's always your choice."

"That is what you and your family have done for me, isn't it?" "Precisely, Leon. We also decided we wanted you to be a permanent part of our family. So, we made a conscious choice to have you close to our hearts and to love you unreservedly. Heck, even our children have judged you to be worthy of their love. That was proven to us today."

"Peyton and I could sit out here and talk to you all night, but we have to work tomorrow, so we need to hit the sack. But, first, let me show you how we lock up the house at night and cut on the burglar alarm." "Jaiden, aren't you a little concerned about me knowing how to work the burglar alarm?" "No, should I be?" "No, I just didn't know you trusted me that much." "Leon, that boat has landed, so get the hell off of it!"

Jaiden showed Leon how to secure the house for the night and walked back to the den where Peyton was waiting. Leon followed, and when they got to the den, Peyton and Jaiden hugged Leon and said, "I love you, bro. Stay up and watch television as long as you want to, or choose a book from the bookcase to read; it's your choice. We'll see you in the morning before we go to work and you go to the center."

The following morning after everybody got up and had breakfast, the dads kissed their children and said they loved them. The new thing the kids did that touched everybody's heart was when they hugged Leon and told him they loved him. Leon kissed each child on the forehead and told them he loved them. He was speechless as he walked out of the house with tears flooding down his face and headed to the treatment center.

Dr. Till was not at the center when Leon arrived, so he went to the center courtyard, where he clasped his hands and laid his head on them. That is how Dr. Till found Leon when she arrived at the center. She watched Leon for the longest before she walked outside to check on him. "Leon, are you OK?" "Yes, mam, I'm OK. I'm sorry I wasn't inside when you arrived. Last night and this morning were so magical for me that I had to thank God for bringing me to where I am today. I have been praying since I got here."

"WOW! Leon that shows significant growth on your part. Come inside, and let's talk about what has been happening. First, Dr. Till and Leon spoke for almost two hours about every day of his living at the Riley-Reynolds-Jacobs-Anderson home. Then, when he left to attend his group therapy, Dr. Till called and left a message asking Jaiden to call her. He walked to the Doctor's lounge and called her back almost immediately.

Dr. Till and Jaiden talked for at least thirty minutes. Jaiden advised her that everything Leon had said was true and how proud the guys were of Leon's adjustment to living in the house and becoming part of their family. Finally, Deborah completed her report to the court and faxed it to the Judge.

The Judge called Deborah as soon as he got out of court and read the report. He also called Jaiden and Peyton and talked to them about Leon. The Judge was so shocked at what he had heard that he scheduled a rare Saturday afternoon court session to listen to an official update in Leon's case.

The family, including Leon, went to the temple services at the synagogue Saturday morning and then to Tony's for lunch. They were blown away when they got to the restaurant and were escorted to a private dining room. The room was set up like a courtroom. The court clerk, court reporter, and the attorneys were there with the Judge.

The Judge called the meeting to order to hear a progress report on Leon. When all the evidence was presented, the Judge sat in his seat and stared at Leon for the longest. For Leon, it seemed like an eternity. Nobody realized that the Judge was working hard to compose himself so he could say what he had determined to say.

"Mr. Pettigrew, never in a million years would I have expected to hear what I have heard here today. I would have bet that you would have been in prison within six months at the time you first appeared in court."

"But, as outlined here today, your progress is more than remarkable; to me, it is a miracle. The individuals who need to be in court for me to hand down an order are here today, so I will issue a judgment in your case. The court reporter will record what is said. The decision will be filed in the Superior Court Clerk's records by the Superior Court clerk who is present today."

"Mr. Leon Pettigrew, it is the order of the court that the case of State of Tennessee versus Leon Pettigrew be dismissed, and that any reference to said offenses be purged from all official records. The court's order is based on your progress since your case's inception and your participation and investment in your counseling program. Based on the recommendations from the victims - and I use that term lightly - of your case, a condition of the court's dismissal is that you continue counseling until your release from said counseling by your assigned counselor. It is so ordered."

When the Judge made his statement, Leon fainted. Peyton and Jaiden revived him and checked his vitals to ensure he was OK. When they were satisfied Leon was doing as well as possible, everyone participated in an authentic Italian feast to celebrate Leon and what he had accomplished to date. When Mark walked to Leon and held his arms high for Leon to pick him up, what brought everyone to tears was Mark laying his head on Leon's shoulder and going to sleep.

The Judge walked up to Leon and said, "Mr. Pettigrew, I have never been as proud of my own son as I am of you right now. If there is ever anything I can do for you, you better let me know; understand?"

"Yes, sir, thank you so much." "You're welcome, son. When you graduate from Wellstone, I will put my foot in your ass if you don't let me know so I can be at the graduation ceremony. And you better let me know about grad school graduation, too!" "Yes, sir, I'll make sure you know about both commencement addresses."

The Judge gave the clerk the signed dismissal order in Leon's case to be filed first thing on Monday morning. Then everyone headed home.

When the guys got home, they took care of the children and got them in bed for their afternoon naps. That done, the guys went to their rooms for their Saturday `naps'. Jaiden and Peyton went to their bedroom and locked the door. Neither said a word as Peyton began undressing Jaiden, who was slowly undressing Peyton.

When the two had achieved their objective, Peyton made Jaiden close his eyes as he led him to the shower. They gently bathed and then dried each other. Peyton again made Jaiden close his eyes as he reached for a somewhat hidden enema bulb. He pulled Jaiden to him as he took the bulb with the stem already lubed and slowly inserted it into Jaiden. When the contents were in his husband, he told Jaiden to hold the contents for fifteen minutes before letting it go. In the meantime, Peyton cleaned and filled the bulb to prepare himself for the lovemaking he had in mind.

When the two were sufficiently prepared, they crawled into their bed and began making out like they were on a second date. The two were adequately aroused when Jaiden asked Peyton to please make love to him. Peyton took the lube and began working it into Jaiden. When he felt Jaiden relax, he slowly entered him and started gently thrusting. Peyton made sure to be as gentle as possible and make the act last as long as he could. Peyton knew by his husband's moans that the experience was intensely pleasurable.

When Peyton climaxed, he rolled onto his side and held Jaiden as they began softly kissing. Jaiden rolled Peyton onto his stomach, lubed, and stretched his sphincter with his fingers until he knew he could painlessly enter him. When Jaiden felt the advantage was his to take, he began making love to Peyton like it was the first time they had lain together. He softly kissed all the spots that made Peyton squirm in ecstasy and moan with extreme pleasure. When Jaiden climaxed, they held each other and slept until they heard their children awakening on the baby monitor.

They cleaned themselves and opened their door to go to the babies' room and take care of their needs so they could go outside and play in the yard. As they exited their room, Dale and Charley walked out of their room for the same reason as Peyton and Jaiden. If there was ever a time when the four could look at each other and see total relaxation in their faces, it was this moment.

As they took the children through the den to go outside, Leon was sleeping hard on the sofa, so they exited the room as quietly as they could to let Leon continue sleeping. Dale slipped back inside and started brewing a pot of coffee. As the coffee was finishing brewing, Leon woke up and said, "dang, that coffee smells so good. Dale, do you mind if I have a cup with you guys?" "That's what it's for, bro. I'll take it onto the deck to watch the children play while we relax, have a cup, and catch up on the gossip."

Leon walked onto the deck and up to Jaiden, who put his arm around Leon's shoulder, gave him a light hug, and said, "I love you, Leon; congratulations on what you achieved today." "Thanks, Jaiden; I love you too. I wouldn't be doing as well as I am without you guys." "You're welcome. All you needed was someone to love you and give you a fleeting chance. Hashem put us in your path to do that for you." Nathan Robert, Mark, Jimmy, and Alaina Noelle waived and smiled when they saw their `Uncle' Leon. Their little gesture melted Leon's heart.

Peyton had gone by the phone store in Memphis and purchased a cell phone for Leon. He made sure it was charged before giving it to Leon since he knew several calls from places across the country would be made to Leon. Finally, at 7:00 p.m., his phone rang. "Leon, this is Mom; I hear you had something wonderful happen for you today."

"Are you talking about what happened at lunch?" "I am. I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you and how hard you have worked to get to where you are. Charley sent me a video of the children waving to you while you were on the deck, and that was one of the cutest pictures I have received lately. Those children genuinely love you, and they are incredibly picky about whom they like. So, that tells me what an exceptional person you are; but I already knew that. I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you and that I love you to Mars and back. I'll talk with you later." Thanks for calling, Mom; I love you too."

At 7:30, Peyton's mom and dad called Leon. "Hey, young man, this is Mom and Dad down in Alabama. I was so proud when I got the call about what happened during lunch. You have worked so hard to get to where you are. Son, you are such an amazing person; I'm happy you have realized who your real self is and that you are embracing that."

"Thanks, Dad; I don't think that would have ever happened without Jaiden and Peyton entering my life. Dale and Charley have helped me stay calm and learn I can achieve whatever my heart desires."

"Leon, you have worked so hard in counseling, and things are turning around in your life. When you complete counseling and have some time off in December, Phyllis and I would like to have you come to Orange Beach and spend some time relaxing on the farm and at the beach. You'll need to have some fun before beginning classes at the university; school is going to take a lot of your time, and I don't want you getting stressed as you get used to that."

"Dad, I'll talk to Peyton and Jaiden about that and see what they think. Then, I would like to go to Alabama and see where Peyton grew up and what made him the person he is. I'll call you after I talk to them." "OK, Leon, just know that Phyllis and I love you." "Thanks, Dad; I love y'all too."

All the guys were sitting in the den when Leon started to ask, "Peyton, Jaiden, can I talk to you two about someth..." That's was when his phone rang. "Guys, I don't know who this is calling; do y'all know a Jenny Rothstein?" Peyton told Leon he better answer that call if he knew what was good for him.

"Hello, this is Leon Pettigrew." "Hey, dude, is jerk-butt treating you right?" "Excuse me? Who are you talking about?" "I'm talking about the Alabama dude of the Virginia-Alabama duo, Peyton." "Why would you call him a jerk-butt?" Peyton started laughing and said, "Leon, that is the way Jenny jokes; we're very close, and I am used to her being the Queen of practical jokes; she's just like Dad that way."

"Hi, Jenny, it's nice to finally talk to you after hearing so much about you." "What have they told you about me, Leon?" "It's all good, Jenny; the children giggle when they talk about you." "I know; Nathan Robert is a practical joker like me. Have you laid your keys down on the end table by the couch yet?" "That was the first thing I was warned not to do, so no, I haven't." "Are the guys in the den with you?" "Of course, they are; why?" "While they are watching, go lay your keys next to the lamp and watch Nathan Robert." Leon took his keys out of his pocket and walked over and laid them by the lamp, and then went back to stand by the kitchen door.

No sooner had he gotten to the doorway when he saw Nathan Robert grab his keys and hide them. He told Jenny what was happening, and she asked if Nathan Robert had a mischievous grin on his face. Leon told her Nathan Robert did and that he looked delighted with himself. "Leon, when we get off the phone, asked the children if they know where your keys are. Nathan Robert is going to start laughing, and neither of the children will tell you where he hid your keys." "I'll do that and pretend I can't find the keys, so they'll think they pulled one over on me." "The babies will love that, and you'll get a kick out of their reaction."

"Back to why I called you: We haven't spoken to each other since you guys met, and you haven't met me nor me you. I wanted to tell you how incredibly proud I am of you and how hard you have worked to get to where you are today."

"Mom and Dad have kept me abreast of your progress. You've probably found out by now that they have adopted you in their hearts and consider you one of their sons, so don't get upset if Dad refers to you as his boy." "I won't, Jenny. I have never felt so loved by anyone the way I have by your brother, Jaiden, Charlie and Dale, and your family. It has been surreal and so hard for me to get used to."

"Leon, let us love you. You're part of the family now. I know Peyton and Jaiden have told you that our love won't go away, and I want you to understand they told you the truth." "Thanks, Jenny; I love you too." "Leon, Ron, and I are incredibly proud of you; if there is anything we can do to help you, you better let us know, or I will be pissed. Understand?"

"Yes, mam. You aren't the first family member to tell me that." "Get some rest, Leon; you deserve it. Take Mom and Dad up on their offer for you to visit the farm and go to the beach. I promise you won't regret it."

When Leon and Jenny ended their call, Leon walked onto the deck, sat down, and put his face in his hands. Peyton watched Leon for a few minutes before he went outside, sat next to him, and placed his arm around Leon's shoulders.

"Leon, talk to me. What are you thinking?" "Peyton, I can't believe how loving your family is, and Jaiden's mom. Nobody has ever loved me this way." "Leon, Jaiden, and I told you that's the way it would be. Now you understand where he and I learned to forgive and to love. We didn't have to help you; it's just who we are."

"When we saw your true heart that day in court, we knew God had put you in our path to help you, and the best way we could and can do that is if we make you a member of our family."

"So let us and our families love you and help you. Twenty years down the road, we'll still want you to be our brother just like Dale and Charley, and we'll want to see you happy with someone who loves you as much as you love them, and, if you want them, with children of your own."

"Peyton, that is a dream of mine that I have a hard time believing will come true." "Leon, I have no doubt that dream will come true; you just have to believe that for yourself as much as we believe it for you."

"You know, Peyton, I am actually starting to see that my dream can come true. However, there is something else in my life that I am facing. Hopefully, I can discuss it with Dr. Till and the group and then with you, Jaiden, Charley, and Dale. For the first time in my life, I can see happiness on my horizon; it just isn't the way I thought happiness would appear for me."

"Leon, whenever you are ready to talk to us about that, we are here for you, and we will help you any way we can, but you will have to let us know how we need to help you." "Peyton, I promise I will let you know when the time is right for me. I just need to work out a few things in counseling." "OK, as long as you promise to do that, now give me a hug, bro."

The babies were in bed asleep, so Peyton and Jaiden headed to their room. Jaiden started a warm shower, this time the way Peyton likes it. They stepped into the shower and bathed each other most gently. Jaiden pulled Peyton to him, and they slow-danced under the water like they were dancing in the rain. They didn't say anything; they just enjoyed loving on each other.

When the water started getting cool, they turned it off, dried each other, and then climbed into bed and cuddled as they kissed as lovingly as they could. One could say the two guys were in ecstasy as they held each other and gently stroked the other's face.

Jaiden left the curtains open since the moon shown so brightly. They spooned each other as they looked out the windows and talked about how blessed they felt with their little family, and how honored they felt that Hashem had chosen them and their families to help Leon. The night was happy for them.

Peyton was spooning Jaiden from his back when he pulled Jaiden onto his back and disappeared under the covers. Jaiden rolled his head backward and began moaning in ecstasy as his lover began pleasuring him most sensually. He let Peyton know when he was about to climax, but Peyton didn't pull back as he gave his husband the most intense orgasm he'd had in a long time.

When Jaiden caught his breath, he pulled Peyton tightly to his chest, kissed him, and said, "That was amazing, sweetheart; thank you." Jaiden looked at him and smiled with the cutest twinkle in his eyes.

The following morning, they got up, ate, and fed their children. Then, since they had the day off, they took the children to the park and to B. B. Kings for a lunch of catfish nuggets, broccoli salad, with Beano, of course, and a glass of milk for each child.

The children had a blast at the park and had a lot of fun playing with the waitresses at the restaurant. They squealed with delight when the waitresses slipped them a dish of ice cream – vanilla for the boys and strawberry for Alaina Noelle. They knew what the children liked, and they made sure they got it. Jaiden and Peyton thanked them for the ice cream, tipped the waitresses exceptionally well, and paid their bill. Then they headed home so the kids could do their business before lying down for their afternoon nap.

When they got home, Ginny and Granny had fixed pallets of blankets on the den floor for the children. When Peyton and Jaiden looked at the arrangement, they noticed two adult pillows on each side of the blankets. Jaiden asked Ginny about the pillows, but Granny was the one to answer his question: "Jaiden, the pillows are for Peyton and you. Y'all are gonna take a nap with the babies, and Ginny and I aren't going to take no for an answer. You two need the rest."

"Yes, mam, Granny; you're right." "I know I'm right, son! The woman in the house is always right; just ask your momma."

Leon came home from counseling and saw the 12 folks asleep on the mats and smiled as he walked quietly and softly to his room and slipped into some more comfortable clothing. Granny and Ginny noticed for the first time when Leon entered the house that he appeared and acted unbelievably happy – and it was because he was.

He sat on the couch behind Jaiden, Peyton, and the children, leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and went to sleep. Everybody woke up at about the same time, and Jaiden and Peyton were surprised to see Leon on the couch waking up after taking a nap. They never heard him come home, and they didn't hear him enter the house, change clothes, or, much less, sit on the couch and go to sleep.

Next: Chapter 125

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