
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Jul 25, 2022


Jaiden Chapter 174

Gregory Patrick


Jaiden – Chapter 174

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Greg Patrick

"Dr. Jaiden, who taught Alaina Noelle to fight?" "Her Dad, Dale; why? A couple of the other students were picking on Benjamin Dale, and she told them to stop. When they didn't, she casually walked over to the biggest of the boys, acted like she was going to walk past him, and then let him hold it with a left punch to the mouth and a follow-up with a right hit to his face. It all happened before we could stop it, and she reminded the boys she told them to leave her brother alone. Since that left punch, none of the boys in the class have been disobedient or otherwise gotten out of line. Alaina Noelle is one tough girl." "Mrs. Epstein, I told you that's how she is; if she or her brothers are being picked on, she issues a warning and then takes action if the abuse doesn't stop." "Well, the boys certainly pay attention to her now; if she yells no, all the boys gather in a circle in the middle of the room and leave her alone."

"That is funny." "How so, Dr. Jaiden?" "That's precisely what happens at home. We're working to help her be more diplomatic when handling behavioral disputes; perhaps we need to add another layer of urging when she is outside the household." "Oh, I don't know about that; we like that she has learned to defend herself and let people know she isn't going to take anything off of them. The good thing is that when a dispute is over, it is over with her, and she moves on. With the boys, however...it is a different story; they are wary of that girl from then on. However, they all play respectfully together afterward, which is good."

"Ms. Epstein, I'll talk with Dale and Charley tonight; I'm going to let them handle the situation since she is their daughter. I am one of her uncles and can handle situations, if necessary, but I think it best to let Dale and Charley take care of things on their terms. Dale is fantastic at working with children on their attitudes and self-doubt. But, on the other hand, Charley can be a stern disciplinarian when needed. Still, he has a beautiful way of getting the children's attention and getting them to correct their behavior without ever raising his voice." "That is good to hear; sometimes we need someone like him to help a child reason his behavior." "You should see how Dale works with children who doubt their abilities to learn or do something; talk with Carolyn Spencer; she has seen Dale work his magic. The marvelous thing is that every child Dale has worked with has conquered their doubts and fears pretty much permanently."

"High, Guys; I hope you two had a great day at work." "We did, Jaiden; we're working on a new addition to our St, Jude program in Erie. From what we have been told, the applications for the Erie branch are starting to flood in, and you, Peyton, Richard, and Peter – when he gets here – are about to get very busy." "We've been told the same thing. I hope that patients in the northeast quadrant of the country coming to Erie will reduce the workload and stress in Memphis. I will enjoy being busy like we were in Memphis and working more directly with the patients. I miss the faster pace, and I really miss the interaction I had with the patients. There's something about their smiles and the smiles of their families; that was incredibly satisfying. And that bell on the ward that patients rang when they went into remission and returned home...every time I heard that bell, I had to step into the doctor's lounge and let the tears flow. I miss that feeling."

"Jaiden, to hear you say that reminds me of your Dad; the very things you mentioned were the things that drove him. He truly loved his patients and would work himself mercilessly to help a patient. For example, suppose a patient wasn't responding to treatment the way he thought the child should. In that case, he would stay at the hospital and work his fingers to the bone to get the result he knew in his heart that the patient could achieve. Only God knows how much I miss your Dad." "Mom, for what it is worth, I see you in that same light. You've done that at the hospital in Abingdon more times than I can count. And I haven't even mentioned the times you would meet a child at the clinic to take care of them." "Son, I guess I'm like your Dad was and how you are: I dearly love what I do and wouldn't want to do anything else." "Mom, it shows in your face when you get home, get a cup of coffee, lean against the kitchen counter, and smile from ear to ear." "Hmm, you paid more attention than I gave you credit for." "Maybe I did, Mom; I hope my boys see me the same way. It's time for dinner, and I know Dale and Charley are tired, and I don't like to cook, and the children also don't like my cooking, so let me see what they want to do for dinner."

"Hey, guys, what would y'all like for dinner tonight?" "Daddy, can we have spaschetti?" "Do you want to go to Tony's to get the spaghetti?" "Yes, Daddy, we go to Tony's to get spaschetti." "OK, go potty so we can get in the van and go get you some spaghetti. Tell Daddy Peyton to come downstairs so we can go eat, and tell Daddy Dale and Daddy Charley too."

"Daddy, Daddy Jaiden said to go downstairs so we can get some spaschetti at Tony's." "OK, Nathan, go potty, and I'll be downstairs with Daddy Jaiden and with Daddy Dale and Daddy Charley." "So, Jaiden, we're going to Tony's for dinner?" "Yep, the children said they wanted spaghetti for dinner when I asked them, and since we haven't been in a while, I didn't think it would hurt." "That's fine; I'm kinda in the mood for some veal parmesan anyway." "Good, Peyton, so am I. We need to talk about my conversation with Jennifer Epstein today. She called the office, and I was free, so I spoke with her. Two little boys were picking on Benjamin Dale, and when Alaina Noelle told them to stop, they didn't. So, she stopped them - her way." Dale said, "Jaiden, please tell me she didn't." "Nope, can't do that: she cold-cocked him in the mouth with that wicked left hook and followed it with a right punch to the nose. Jennifer said the boys were quiet and didn't cause any more trouble for the rest of the day. She also said they were proud to see a girl sticking up for herself and her brothers and told me not to get on to her, so I didn't when I got home. I haven't even mentioned it to her."

"It's going to be fun to calm her left hook so that she doesn't use it too much." "I agree, Charley, but the fact remains that she needs to be able to defend herself and not be scared of getting into trouble if she does, and if she can do that for her brothers, too, so be it." "So you don't think we need to have a serious discussion with her?" "No, I don't. I would talk to her to get her side of the story. You can tell her it's best not to hit someone but that she can defend herself and her brothers after she tells the teacher first and it doesn't do any good." "Agreed! She's pretty responsible even if she is only four years old."

"Jaiden, why don't you call Ginny and Granny and see if they and their husbands would like to go to Tony's; I can pick them up in the Navigator if they want to go." "Good idea, Mom. Let me do that right quick."

"Ginny, this is Jaiden. The children want to go to Tony's and get some spaghetti for dinner; would you and Gampy like to go with us. Mom can pick you two and Granny and the Reverend up in the Navigator." "I haven't started dinner yet, so I would love to go to Tony's. Call Granny and the Reverend to see if they want to go." OK, Mom will pick you up in a few minutes."

"Granny, this is Jaiden. We're taking the children to Tony's to get them spaghetti for dinner. They outvoted the Dads 10 to four, and we don't feel like cooking tonight. So, would you and the Reverend like to join us? Ginny and Gampy are going, and Mom will pick y'all up in the Navigator." "Taylor, would you like to go to Tony's for dinner?" "I would. You seem like you don't feel like cooking tonight." "I don't, so Tony's sounds good to me. Jaiden, tell your mom we're happy to go because I don't want to cook either." "OK, Mom will pick y'all up in about ten minutes. See y'all at Tony's.

Peggy Reynolds picked up the ladies and their husbands and headed to Tony's. The children were already inside and seated when they arrived at the restaurant. Instead of getting individual plates of spaghetti, Dale ordered a large bowl of spaghetti from which they could serve the children and give them seconds when they asked for it. Jaiden sat silently watching Dale serve the children and didn't say a word. As soon as the children had been served, Peyton said he thought getting the bowl of spaghetti was the best idea they'd had in a long time when eating out. They didn't work the waiter to death and didn't have to listen to the children whine while waiting for their food seconds. Jaiden told Dale that it was the best idea to feed the children and that it worked for everyone, especially the tired adults.

When the children had eaten all the spaghetti they wanted, the waiter brought out a bowl of strawberry ice cream, which he sat in front of Alaina Noelle. The boys wondered where their ice cream was, but they didn't dare say a word for fear of making Alaina Noelle mad. The dads thought their sons were hilarious in avoiding their sister's wrath. However, what really blew the Dad's minds was when Alaina Noelle fed Benjamin Dale a spoonful of her ice cream. That was something she had never done before. Dale said, "Those boys who picked on Benjamin Dale today must have made her mad." Charley grinned as he said, "Good girl, baby girl!" Although Jaiden's mom chuckled at Charley's comment, she fully agreed with him.

When everyone had returned home, there was a large box sitting behind the planter in the garage. The adults got the children out of the van and inside the house, and Peyton went outside and got the box UPS had delivered. When they opened the box, it was new Ford jumpsuits for the children and new Ford hats. The only change with this shipment was that Alaina Noelle's outfit was pink – and she loved it! The following day when the children got up to get ready for school, that little girl made her wish to wear her new pink outfit well known, and she didn't intend to take no for an answer. So, she wore the new jumpsuit to school with her new hat and pink running shoes.

Jennifer Epstein had a good laugh when Victor, the little boy she had punched in the mouth the day before, said, "Ms. Epstein, Alaina is cute!" She couldn't wait to send the dads a note about the comment at the end of the day. When Charley and Dale got home from work, Granny said, "Young men, Alaina's teacher sent a note home with her today." "What was it about, Granny?" "I don't know, it was a note to you two, and I didn't open it." "We don't care if you open notes like that; you may be entertained by what our daughter did during the day." "You're probably right about that, Dale, but the note is still addressed to you and Charley, not me."

Dale opened the note and died laughing as he handed it to Charley, who also died laughing. "OK, guys, what's so funny?" "You know the little boy she punched out yesterday?" Yes, why?" "When Alaina Noelle walked into her classroom this morning in her new outfit, that little boy, Victor, told Ms. Epstein that Alaina Noelle is cute. Hilarious!" When Jaiden and Peyton got home from work, Dale spoke to Jaiden with a serious look on his face and told him they got another note from Alaina's teacher. He handed the note to Jaiden, and he and Peyton laughed their butts off. Peyton said, "She punches Victor out one day, and he thinks Alaina Noelle is cute the next day. How funny is that?"

Peyton said, "Dale, we thought Nathan Robert would make life interesting, but I'm beginning to believe Alaina Noelle will have him beat hands down." "Peyton, I don't want to agree with you on that, but I don't think I have a choice at this point." Charley took a picture of the note and texted it to his and Dale's parents. Each parent called their son laughing and saying he was in for a roller-coaster ride through life with their daughter and that life is never going to be boring with her.

Saturday would be a beach day if the children behaved well in school and paid attention to their teachers. So, Jaiden let Dale do the talking and watched the children's faces to see if he saw a light go off in their little minds. He was sure he saw that light turn on. The school's end of the week report stated the children were perfect angels for most of the week, something Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley found hard to believe; they knew their children and their mischievous ways, and they were confident the children had gotten away with something; what, they didn't know – at least not yet.

Friday night, the children seemed exhausted as they all went to bed early. Jaiden and Peyton went outside to the deck and let the privacy screens down. Afterward, they shed their clothing and sat on the large swing together, Peyton putting his head in Jaiden's lap. No clothes on, Peyton's head in Jaiden's lap, a nice cool summer night with the wind blowing in off Lake Erie, and it doesn't take much for one's mind to deduce that amorous activities were taking place on the deck. By the time the two lovebirds were ready to go inside and to bed, both were out of breath and smiling from ear to ear. As they got to their bedroom, they passed Charley in the hallway as he was taking Dale a cup of coffee. Charley didn't say anything but smiled and nodded when he saw Peyton and Jaiden go into their room and shut the door.

When Charley entered his and Dale's room, he almost collapsed on the bed; he laughed hard. Dale asked him what was so funny and Charley related what he had seen, and it cracked Dale up as well. "Well, you gotta give them credit, Charley; at least they know how to enjoy the deck when nobody is around." "Stay tuned, Dale; our turn tomorrow night!"

"Charley, I'm not waiting until tomorrow night; come here!" Charley climbed into bed with Dale, and they began making out as if it were the first time they had bedded down together. Two hours later, the sheets on the bed were soaked with sweat, and Charley and Dale looked as if they had made love non-stop for a week. They both needed a bath after their calisthenics in the bedroom, but that would have to wait; they were too tired to move.

The young men arose Saturday morning with bags under each eye that made grocery sacks look like sandwich bags. Their hair looked as if it had been welded into place and could never again be tamed, and they reeked of perspiration – among other smells. As soon as breakfast was on the table for the children, Jaiden and Dale went to their separate bathrooms, took a long hot shower, dressed, and returned to the kitchen so Peyton and Charley could have their turn bathing themselves. When all baths had been taken and the children had been dressed, the families went to services at the synagogue. After services, they went to lunch at the Wharf Seafood restaurant.

When they finished eating and had gotten the children into the van, Charley asked, "Jaiden, are you OK?" "Yeah, why?" "You seemed to be uncomfortable in your seat and squirmed around a lot. I've never seen you do that." "Blame it on Peyton." "Why should I blame it on Peyton?" "Because it was he who tore my butt up last night." "Really?" "Yes, really, Charley. He was so turned on when we went to bed that he wanted to top, so I let him. I don't ever remember making love as long as we did, or him being so turned on he had trouble controlling himself. It was rough, but he was enjoying making love to the hilt, so I didn't say anything. Right now, I feel like I have a pine cone on a stick stuck up my arse." "Jaiden, if it is any consolation, you are walking like you have a pine cone on a stick stuck up your ass." When we get home, I think I will get Peyton to get some camphor oil and lidocaine and massage that area so it will relax and let me relax." "You can do that, Jaiden." "Sure, you can buy the stuff already mixed at the drug store and most grocery stores. I'll get some on the way home and let you see the bottle."

Jaiden stopped at the drug store on the way home and bought a bottle of the medicine he told Charley about. When he got back into the van, he handed the bag to Charley so he could see what the medication was. When Charley took the bottle out of the bag, he said he had seen that solution before but didn't realize it would kill the pain. "Charley, it is for topical nerve pain relief; it doesn't work as well as a shot of lidocaine, but it does provide relief for poison ivy and oak, scratches, and minor cuts." "It sounds interesting, Jaiden; like phonique from the boutique."

"Jaiden, I'm sorry; I didn't mean to be so rough that I made you sore." "Babe, it hurts, but not so bad that I can't handle it." "Now I'll worry about being too rough for you; I didn't mean to do that." "Peyton, don't dwell on it; it was rough during the lovemaking, but we have to move past that. Besides, I thoroughly enjoyed you getting lost in the moment and losing control.; you've never done that before – I have, but you never have. Last night was fun and exhausting at the same time, which reminds me: we have to wash the sheets and air out the rooms so Ginny and Granny don't have to wonder what went on during the weekend."

"Jaiden, I didn't think about that; thanks for reminding us to do that." "You're welcome, Dale; it's clean up or a possible lecture, and you know I hate lectures." "Then why do you give the children lectures when they do something we don't like?" "They hate lectures as much as I did at their age and they'll do almost anything, including behaving, to avoid getting a lecture; and I don't like or agree with spankings." "I don't either, Jaiden; I don't understand why someone would want to hit and hurt their children." "Then you understand why Peyton and I get so angry when we're involved in child abuse cases." "I do; I think child abusers should get the same punishment they doled out to their children, that's the only way adults will ever understand the hurt children feel when they are beaten." "Dale, I think prison is a good alternative to beating an adult who beat a child." "How so?" "Imagine getting your fudge packed daily without any kind of lube." "Damn, bro, you have a mean streak when it comes to dealing with child abusers." "Maybe, but the adults won't suffer anywhere near the pain children suffer when being abused, and the effects won't be nearly as lasting for an adult as it is for a child."

Dale, you and Charley need to watch a few documentaries or movies on the subject of child physical and sexual abuse; I recommend The Boys of Saint Vincent, The boys of Saint Vincent – 15 years later, and Perfect Obedience. You can see the movies on the Toshiba fire televisions at the house, and The Boys of Saint Vincent – 25 years later can be seen on YouTube. Father Lavin in the St. Vincent movies could do with forced eunuchism as they did in the 1800s through about 1960 – in Royal households and the Catholic church." "What is forced eunuchism, Jaiden?" "Charley, imagine me grabbing your penis at its base while holding your balls in the same hand at the same time and then taking a knife and slicing both off your body." "You're kidding aren't you, Jaiden?" "No, at all, Charley. They also would use steel clamps that would crush the penis and scrotum forcing them to necrotize and fall off. Imagine having no release from getting sexually turned on." "No thank you, Jaiden; I'd rather not think about that." "Charley, the weird thing about forced eunuchism is that it wasn't always forced; some men chose eunuchism in order to get a job with good pay in a royal household. The problem with that is that after having everything excised from their bodies, they didn't always get a job in a royal household."

"People got that desperate, Jaiden?" "I wouldn't say desperate as much as it was out of greed for money and valuables." "But why?" "Royals wanted to keep the royal bloodline pure, and a eunuch couldn't have sex and create non-blueblood children." "I think I'll settle for a simple job with decent pay." "Same here, Charley."

When the family got home, Jaiden's phone rang. He went onto the deck where it was quiet to answer the call. "Jaiden, this is Pastor Jefferson; we are having a lay revival in two weeks, and several in the congregation asked me to contact you and ask if you would be so kind as the speak one night during the revival." "Reverend, I would be happy to do that; is there anything, in particular, you would like for me to speak on?" "Jaiden, we would appreciate it if you would speak on prejudice – especially learned prejudice – and what the Torah and bible have to say about the issue." "This is going to be fun, Pastor, I'll get my text prepared; let me know which night you would like for me to speak." "I will, Jaiden; thank you so much. I'll let the Deacons know you accepted our invitation." "That will be fine, Pastor, thanks for the invite."

"Jaid, who was that?" "It was Pastor Jefferson wanting to know if I would speak at his church during a lay revival in two weeks. He wants me to speak on what the Torah and bible have to say about prejudice." "And you accepted?" "Of course, I did, and they are going to get an ear full of biblical teaching and a little bit of how and why I look at the issue." "I have a feeling your speech is going to be good!" "You know it, babe; you have to pay attention to what the bible doesn't say as much as you look at what it does say."

Sunday morning, Jaiden beat everyone getting up and out of bed. When Dale and Charley went downstairs, Jaiden was sitting in the dining room – an Erdman's Handbook to the Bible, a Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, a Christian Bible, and a copy of the Torah spread out in front of him. "Watcha studying, Jaiden?" "Charley, I'm supposed to speak at Pastor Jefferson's church in two weeks, and they want me to speak on prejudice." "I suppose you are going to give a stern lesson on the subject." "You know it, Charley; I hope to blow their minds with what I will have to say." "Tell the Reverend to prepare the nursery, I'm sure Dale and I will enjoy hearing what you have to say, and I know Peyton will." "Already taken care of, Bro. And, by the way, they will have a potluck dinner prepared by the church ladies after the service that night." "OK, you convinced me, I know I'll be there now." "You never pass up a free meal, do you?" "Not if I can help it. Besides, we've eaten with them before and those ladies can prepare a feast worthy of a makeup dinner at a Southern Baptist Church."

"What are you talking about, Charley?" "Jaiden, in the deep south of the states, Baptists are known to have regular fights amongst themselves just so they can make up over a big Sunday spread with every known southern food you can think of." "Really?" "Really, Jaiden; if you haven't been to a southern makeup dinner, you owe it to yourself to attend one. I promise you won't forget it." "That good, huh?" "Nope, better than that good."

The children were taking their afternoon nap, so the guys went onto the deck, each with their cup of coffee – Laughing Man's Hugh's Blend. Jaiden sat in the large swing and Peyton sat next to him and leaned into Jaiden's arms. Jaiden looked down at Peyton and leaned in to kiss him ever so lovingly. "Peyton, you are so handsome, and I am so blessed to have you." It's likewise, Jaiden. I love you more every day. I was worried that working together might make things hard on us, but it has only drawn us closer together." "I agree, love. Working with you only strengthens my love and respect for you. The way you respect and treat our patients is amazing. You have a wonderful way of putting children and their parents at ease no matter how bad the diagnosis may be." "Thank you, sweetheart; however, we have to give Richard the credit for the way he works up the cases for us. He is an amazing pediatrician." "That he is, Peyton."

"Richard walked into the den with Sally and their boys and said, "Guys, I heard that; thank you!" "Richard, the truth is the truth. I am proud that you are the kind of physician that we can say that about." "Well, you and Peyton are the same good physicians you claim I am, and I am proud to be part of the family practice. Speaking of family in the practice, any idea when Peter will be joining us?" "How about the end of August at the end of the current semester at Wellstone." "You're kidding." "I'm not, bro. Leon has been in an accelerated program and will graduate at Christmas time." "You're kidding, Peyton!" "No, he'll start the Master's in counseling program at Penn State in January, and should be finished in a year and a half at the rate he is going. He'll set up a counseling practice in conjunction with our medical practice and take care of the patient's and family's anxiety and depression issues with their cancer diagnoses." "Great, I can't wait for them to get here; three brothers in a medical/psychological practice is unheard of." "True, but we are going to have to work on getting along and not fight like brothers normally do." "We've never done that, Peyton, and I have no intention of doing it." "Hm, are you saying we are abnormal brothers?" "Maybe, considering how we became brothers." "Richard, it doesn't matter how we became brothers; the most important thing is that we are brothers." "I love you too, Peyton." "Yea, I know!" That comment drew laughter from everybody in the den."

"Richard, look at Robert and Seth. When did they start pulling up and trying to walk? "Apparently tonight, Jaiden. I haven't noticed them doing that before. Maybe they are wanting to go into the yard and play with the other children." "Then take them to the grass and see if that is what they want. Our kids will be gentle with them, it's just something they do with younger children. If the boys get too rough, Alaina Noelle will let them have it with her wicked left punch and right-handed follow-through." "Her what, Jaiden?" "Her wicked left punch and right-handed follow-through. We've already gotten a note from the Montessori Academy director about her putting a boy on his butt for bullying her brothers." "Damn, that's funny! I didn't know she could do that." "We didn't either until she let Nathan Robert and Charles Logan have it one day. They haven't made that little girl mad since – and neither has the boy at school." Sally spoke up and said, "Girl Power! Don't mess with it!" Peyton replied, "You got that right, Sally, especially when the girl is Alaina Noelle; she doesn't mess around when it comes to defending herself or her brothers – she is one tough little cookie!"

"Look at that; those boys wanted to get on the grass and play with our children. Our ten kids are being as gentle as I have ever seen them and they are rolling on the ground and making your and Richard's babies laugh their heads off; that is so freaking neat." "Jaiden, you, Peyton, Dale, and Charley, know you have the ten best children anywhere; they always have been and always will be; well, next to Richard's and my boys." Peyton said, "Sally, thank you. You won't get an argument out of us about us – and you - having good children."

Next: Chapter 168

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