
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Sep 4, 2023


Jaiden Chapter 197

Gregory Patrick


Jaiden – Chapter 197

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Greg Patrick

Dale and Charlie were just getting home when Dale looked down the road and saw Jaiden walking by – head held low as if he was depressed. The guys went inside the house where Peyton was watching the children and Granny and Ginny were getting ready to walk home.

Charlie was concerned the ladies were going to walk home, because it had just begun to rain lightly. "Granny, Ginny, let me drive you home; it has started to rain and you'll get wet if you walk." "Charley, thanks, but we have our rain jackets; besides, we are going to trail Jaiden and make sure he is OK. He wasn't his usual self when he got home today and Nathan Robert and Chuck came and told us Nathan's daddy was upset. We checked on him and he seemed upset about something and wouldn't talk to us about it, so we are going to follow him and make sure he is alright. We'll know what is bothering him by the time we get back to the house." "Well, I hope Jaiden will talk to you; you both know how stubborn he can be when he is upset about something." Ginny said, "that is so true Charley, but you know me: I'll call his momma if I have to."

"Yeah, I know, Ginny, and that is one of the things that makes me love you and Granny so much." "Awe, thank you, Charley; what a nice thing to say. By the way, I've already talked to his mom, and she is going to give me some time to speak with Jaiden before she calls him. I have a sneaking feeling I know what the problem is, but it is a secret, so I won't say anything unless Jaiden gives me permission." Charley went over and whispered into Ginny's ear that he thinks it is about the trip back to Maui that Jaiden wanted to take the family on. She told him he was correct and that if he told anybody else, she would tan his hide Southern style like his daddy would. Ginny wouldn't tolerate anybody upsetting Jaiden more than he already was. "Ginny, I would never do that to him; I love and respect him too much to add to his angst.

Granny and Ginny walked to the end of the driveway and made a sharp left in the direction Jaiden was walking. They walked about two blocks when they saw an ambulance in the middle of the road and Jaiden hovering over a small child with the child's mother behind Jaiden freaking out. Ginny called Peyton and it wasn't but about a second or two and he came flying up to the scene. "Jaiden, what's going on? What happened?

"Babe, this little boy had climbed up this old oak tree and fell out of it, landing on the ground and breaking his leg – and maybe his right shoulder. I am going to ride to the hospital in the ambulance with him and make sure he is OK. If surgery is needed to repair anything, I'll go ahead and do it."

The little boy's mother heard what Jaiden said and asked, "Excuse me, did you say you were going to the hospital in the ambulance with my son, check his injuries, and perform surgery if he needs it? Are you a doctor? Jaiden looked at the lady and said, "Yes, man, I am a pediatric cancer specialist as is my spouse, and we are both pediatric surgeons as well. If the boy needs much more than a cast, I'll call the best orthopedic surgeon I know. I'll ensure he gets the best care to recover in the best way possible."

"Who are you? "I am Dr. Jaiden Riley-Reynolds, and this is my spouse, Peyton Riley-Reynolds? "Wow, you are the young men who did so much for the school district and started a branch of St. Jude's Children's Hospital here in Erie." "Yes, mam, that would be us." Dr. Jaiden, isn't your mother Peggy Reynolds, Dr. Peggy Reynolds?" "Yes, mam, that's my wonderful mother. And, Dr. Peyton, isn't your mother Phyllis Riley? "Yes, mam, that is my mother." "I can't believe this, I am Donna Schlottman, the sister-in-law of her Rabbi in Orange Beach, Admon Schlottman."

"Mrs. Schlottman, it's very nice to meet you considering the circumstances." About that time, Peyton's phone rang and it was his mom. He told her that Jaiden and he were busy with an injured child, and asked her to talk to the boy's mom and try to help calm her down. When Donna Schlottman took the phone, Phyllis asked, "You sound very familiar, are you Donna Schlottman?" "I am, Phyllis, how are you?" "I am fine, Donna, but the bigger question is – is Jonathan, OK?" "He at least has a broken leg and maybe a shoulder, but we won't know until Jaiden and Peyton get him to the hospital and take some x-rays."

"Donna, when did you, Yakov, and the children get to Erie?" "Phyllis, believe it or not, this morning around nine. What a way to be welcomed to our new home!" "Donna, tell Peyton to call Rabbi Kravitz and have him meet y'all at the hospital; you will love the man. He is one of the best Rabbi's I have ever met or listened to, and his co-Rabbi, Rabbi Belson, is just as good." "I will do that, Peggy, but right now, the ambulance is ready to go. I'll catch you up on everything tonight."

"Peyton, would it be possible for you to call Rabbi Kravitz and get him to meet us at the hospital?" "As long as I have your permission to tell him why I am making that request." "Yes, you have my permission. Your mom said he would be good to help me calm down." "Mrs. Schlottman, I'll be happy to do that for you."

"Guys, since I am friends with both your mothers, please call me Donna and my husband Yakov." "If that is what you would like." "It is." "Then at the hospital call us Dr. Jaiden and Dr. Peyton, but away from the hospital or at the synagogue, call us Jaiden and Peyton. Our brothers, Charley and Dale, live with us and between the four of us, we have ten children." "In one house!" "Yes, mam, but they are very well-behaved children. The lady who raised Jaiden in Virginia is also helping to raise our children and she is a stern disciplinarian who the children love with all their heart."

Peyton called Rabbi Kravitz, and when they arrived at the hospital, he was standing at the emergency room entrance. Once Jonathan was in a room being examined and getting ready to go to the x-ray department, Peyton introduced Donna to the Rabbi, and then Yakov as he came storming into the emergency room. Donna filled in Yakov about what happened at the house, and then introduced him to Peyton and Jaiden. When he learned who their parents were, he calmed down tremendously. "Guys, I can't believe who your parents are. We knew Peggy when she used to visit Orange Beach with her parents, and we attended synagogue with Jim and Phyllis."

Donna said, "Oh, by the way, Yakov, this is Rabbi Kravits, the Rabbi at Temple Anshe Hesed that your brother and Jim told us so much about. Rabbi, this is my husband, Yakov." "Yakov, it is a blessing to meet you, especially under these circumstances. If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask. And by the way, we do not have a mortgage on the temple." Yakov and Donna laughed at that comment knowing that many Jews hesitate to join a temple where there is large debt to pay off.

"And while we are on the subject of the temple, we would love to have you join us for services. Jaiden, Peyton, Charley, Dale and their children are all members and participants at Temple Anshe Hesed. And as for great doctors, you can't find a better doctor here, those two are beyond wonderful and incredibly experienced for their young age." "That is good to hear, Rabbi. They seem to be wonderful young men, and it is apparent that Jonathan trusts both of the young doctors."

Jaiden walked around the corner and said, "Donna, Yakov, the x-rays showed that the right tibia is broken, but a great orthopedic surgeon is setting the bone as we speak. The worst part is that Jonathan also broke his collar bone, so he is going to be in discomfort for a while until the pain medication I gave him takes full effect. I called in a prescription to Herald's Pharmacy, and I will go by and pick it up on my way home and drop it by your house. It is a very good analgesic, and if I pick it up, it probably won't cost anything." Yakov replied, "Dr. Jaiden, you are indeed a good man who I will enjoy getting to know at the temple.

Jaiden asked, "Oh, by the way, is Sarah with you?" "She is waiting in the lobby. We were going to pick up something to eat on the way home at a little pizza place we saw. I think it is called Tony's." "Yakov, when you go into the restaurant, take a look at the mural on the right wall as you enter the building." "Is it something special, Dr. Jaiden?" "Just take a look at it when you go there to eat. We'll talk about it later." But, for tonight, since you four have had such a bad introduction to Erie and a horrid first day here, I have reservations for all of us at the Country Club. The menu tonight will blow your minds."

"Dr. Jaiden, I haven't had a chance to go by the bank and open a checking account, as I am short on funds for a place like that." "Yakov, I invited you, so it is my treat. And the same goes for you too, Rabbi – and your family, so call the wife and tell her we'll pick her up in a few minutes. Dale and Charley will bring the children in the van and Peyton and I have the Navigator, so there is plenty of room for the family. If you don't mind, you can take the Schlottman's to the club and we will meet you there." "I will do that, Jaiden. Did you get the private dining room so we'll know where to go?" "I did, and they will be expecting you when you get there." "Awesome!"

The hospital and surgeon got Jonathan in a shoulder cast and put a cast on his leg. Jaiden made arrangements for the boy to get a wheelchair from the hospital for a few days until his parents could rent one for him. After the boy was dismissed from the hospital, they piled into the Rabbi's van and headed to the Country Club. Jonathan was hurting, but not for long as the pain medicine started to kick in and he began getting sleepy.

By the time everyone got to the Club, Jonathan was snoozing softly and comfortably. Jaiden got him out of the Rabbi's van and put him into his wheelchair in a way that didn't hurt the boy, who thanked Jaiden for helping him. Jaiden talked with Jonathan for a few minutes and told him things not to do, and some things that would help reduce his pain, like taking his medication without fussing when his parents gave it to him. Yakov told Jaiden that he apparently knew Jonathan well, because the boy hated taking medicine. Jaiden told Yakov that the breaks Jonathan had would help convince him to take the medication, a remark that made both of the men chuckle.

Jonathan looked at the prices of the food, and didn't know what to order since everything seemed expensive. He asked his dad if he should get a hamburger, and Jaiden spoke up and said, "No, sir! After the day you've had, you deserve a Ribeye steak. Jonathan looked at Yakov who nodded with approval, so Jonathan got the Ribeye steak which his dad said should be cooked medium for the boy. Jonathan loves baked potatoes with butter and sour cream, so he got that as one of his sides. He didn't know what kind of vegetable to order, so Jaiden asked him if he had ever tried grilled asparagus. Jonathan said no, so Jaiden said order that, I think you'll love it. If you don't, we'll get you something else. When the asparagus arrived, it was the first thing he tried, and as Jaiden said he probably would, he loved the stuff. Sarah got the same thing her brother did, and like Jon, she, too, loved everything about the meal, especially the chargrilled steak.

AS they finished their dinner, everybody kicked back and talked for almost an hour as the children ordered, received, and ate their dessert. The boys got vanilla ice cream with hot fudge, and it was funny that Sarah and Alaina Noelle got strawberry ice cream with fresh strawberries. Sarah was very nicely attentive to Alaina Noelle and conversed with her throughout the meal – something Alaina Noelle cherished.

When Yakov, Donna, and family got home, Sarah remarked to her parents how intelligent Alaina Noelle appeared to be. "Mom, there was something funny about Alaina Noelle; every time the boys started getting loud, she would glance at them and they immediately quietened like they were afraid of her. When Jaiden had retrieved the medication for Jonathan and stopped by the house to give it to Yakov, Donna asked him about Sarah's comment regarding Alaina Noelle. Jaiden started laughing, and said Sarah was right, that if the boys got out of line, Alaina Noelle would glare at them and they would generally cower into a corner of whatever room they were in. Donna asked if the boys were that afraid of her, and Jaiden let her know it wasn't Alaina they were afraid of, but rather her wicked left hook which she didn't mind delivering if the boys didn't straighten up when she thought they should. He further remarked that was something he, Peyton, Dale, and Charley had to work on.

Jaiden examined Jonathan at his home, and said he thought everything would be OK in a couple of months, that Jon's activities needed to be restricted until he was released by his doctors, one of which was Jaiden – the other, Peyton, of course!

When he arrived at home, Dale asked him to come onto the deck for a few minutes. Jaiden obliged and went outside to sit in the cool mountain air and the wind blowing off the bay. "Jaiden, when Charley and I got home today and saw you walking down the street, you seemed to be either depressed or worried about something. Would you like to talk about it? I promise it will remain between the two of us."

"Dale, I am depressed about something about which there is nothing I can do. I have seen a travel agent to plan a return trip for the four of us and the children, and since the fire in Lahaina, everything got put on hold. I really wanted a second honeymoon with Peyton, and I wanted you and Charley to have one as well. Everything was paid; but, after the fire, the agency cancelled the trip and refunded the money I paid. I had grand plans to take the children along too, and eat at the Cheeseburger Factory so they could experience eating outside at a restaurant and watch the birds flitting around, perhaps some whales in the bay. I wanted them to have some fun riding in the submarine and seeing sharks underwater, and the fish around the reefs."

Tears started rolling down Jaiden's cheeks causing Dale to be more concerned than before. He's never seen Jaiden so emotional over something not related to the four amigos or their children. "Jaiden, you have to understand that there is nothing you can do about what happened, and you need to understand it didn't have anything to do with you. We'd all love to go back to Maui, it's just that right now is not the best time to go." "I know, Dale, but the excitement on Charley's face when he got to eat at Fleetwood's and to meet the groups drummer... I so wanted to see that look on his face again. Can you imagine taking the children to Little Beach, letting them get naked – something you and I know the boys love to do; swimming naked in the ocean and having a blast with the family?"

"Now, Kahului, Paia, the Upcountry, parts of Wailuku... They all burned as a result of the fires from Lahaina and the weather on the island. It was so dry that one lightning strike caused all that damage. Even the areas east of Kahului burned and made getting to the beach to watch the Quicksilver Big Jaws surfing tournament... It's all gone or horribly damaged. It will take years upon years for the damage to be rectified, for everything to be rebuilt like it was in the early years of the nation of Hawaii under King Kamehameha. The Hawaiian people have suffered enough, and it is time to make things right. It is time to put the homeless into homes – be it houses or apartments with affordable payments and rent. I don't ever want to ride down the backside of Kahului Airport again and see native Hawaiians living in rusting old cars. It isn't right, and everybody knows it, but the white man doesn't give a damn."

Dale put his arms around Jaiden at the railing of the deck and said, "Jaiden, I love you so much, and it hurts me so badly to see you so upset about something you can do nothing about. We'll go back to Maui at some point when it has been rebuilt, to see the beauty we saw before, to see the restoration the Hawaiian people want. We'll see it, and you know we will, but it will probably be at a time that will be more memorable for the children, for us."

Jaiden broke down and sat in the swing on the deck. Dale sat beside him, put his arm around Jaiden, and pulled his head to rest on his shoulder. He let Jaiden cry his heart out without saying a word. Peyton was in the den, looked out the French doors, and saw what was going on. Somehow, he knew. He knew what Jaiden was upset about, but he didn't know exactly why. That information would come later.

Peyton walked onto the deck, gave Dale a pat on his shoulder, and showed a wry smile. Dale rose and went inside so Peyton could talk to Jaiden. He mostly held his husband and let him compose himself before going inside. "Peyton, are the boys in bed?" "Yes, sweetheart, they are and they are fast asleep." "Good!" Jaiden took Peyton by the hand and led him to their bedroom where he drew a warm bath in the jacuzzi, got in the tub, and pulled Peyton to sit between his legs.

A few seconds after getting into the jacuzzi, Peyton asked Jaiden if he had brought the flashlight into the bathroom with him. "No, babe, I didn't; but while what you feel won't light up the room, it will make my intentions known to you." "And those intentions would be, Jaiden?" "I want you to make love with me. I want to feel you inside me and I want to feel myself inside you. I want to send you over the moon in ecstasy with the most sensual BJ that I can possibly give to you, and that you can give to me. I want to hold you in my arms and feel your arms around me; to share tender kisses and warm hugs between our naked bodies. I want to go to sleep with your head resting on my chest so I can smell the scent of your body, of your hair as I fall asleep."

The two young men got out of the tub and Peyton dried both their bodies and then led Jaiden to their bed. He got the massage lotion from the nightstand and put an ample amount in his hands to warm the oil before beginning a massage on his beloved. Peyton massaged Jaiden for the better part of two hours, after which Jaiden returned the favor.

When Jaiden completed his massage of Peyton, he readied his husband to make blissful love. Peyton was ready when Jaiden entered him and began slow, gentle thrusts causing Peyton to lightly coo. Thirty minutes later, Jaiden allowed himself to expend his energy into his husband. Then he rolled onto his back and pulled his husband on top of him.

The two shared tender kisses for almost two hours before Peyton readied Jaiden to make slow, methodical love to his husband. Tears flowed down each side of Jaiden's face worrying Peyton that perhaps he was hurting the love of his life. "Jaiden, am I hurting you? Your tears are bothering me!" "No, love, you aren't hurting me. I am thinking of all the good times we have shared; of the first time we made love at Wellstone, the first time we shared our love in our first home; and about the day the boys were born. I have had an immeasurable time of love from you, and I never want it to end."

Peyton melted at Jaiden's words. He leaned in and kissed his husband as gently and as lovingly as he could. He pulled Jaiden into the most loving of embraces, kissed the end of his nose, and then kissed his forehead. "Sweetheart, we will always have the love we have shared with each other and with our sons; nothing will ever invade that love... NOTHING! I promise."

Jaiden got Peyton to roll over onto his left side, after which he snuggled up to Peyton, put his arms around his husband and fell into a blissful sleep. The next morning when they awakened, they were still holding each other as they had when they fell asleep.

Suddenly, there was a light knock on the door. By the lack of force in the knock, they knew it was one of their sons and quickly got dressed enough to be decent. When they opened the door, Jason Scott was standing there and held his arms up for Jaiden to pick him up. "Good morning, buddy, did you have a bad dream?" "Uh huh." Well come lay in the bed with me and Daddy Peyton and we'll protect you from that bad dream."

Jaiden laid Jason Scott on the bed and he immediately maneuvered himself between his two dads – and then turned sideways and fell fast asleep. Jaiden and Peyton started laughing at the predicament. Both remember their moms telling them that would happen at some point, and it did.

As they woke up and started to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and a BIG pot of coffee, they met Dale and Charley in the hallway. The dads prepared waffles and turkey bacon for the children and then woke them up and got them taken care of so they could eat their breakfast. This particular morning, Jaiden did something a little out of character for him and for the other dads: he let the children have chocolate milk. The boys, especially, ate like they hadn't had a meal in months. Alaina Noelle, she is a dainty eater, but she protects what she wants until she gets it. Chuck reached for the last piece of turkey bacon, and Alaina let out a whale of a warning that he better not touch the bacon – then she took it and said, "MINE!" Chuck didn't say a word, and Nathan Robert laughed at him.

Jaiden said, "I guess our little girl told Chuck." Dale replied, "Yep, she sure did. I don't regret for a minute making her one tough little girl; nobody will bother her unless they want a swift left hook to the mouth. Charley laughed and said, "And our daughter will do just that. I just hope she doesn't do it too much at school." Peyton said, "Oh, she'll do just that when the time warrants that action, and we will have to deal with it when it happens." "So true, Charley, so true."

Sure enough, Monday morning about ten am, Dale got a call from Dr. Sims. "Dale, this is Dr. Sims. I need to let you know Alaina Noelle got into a bit of a scuffle this morning and knocked the hell out of a little boy in her class. Funny thing is, the boy deserved what he got, so I am not going to say anything to Alaina about what happened." "What happened, Dr. Sims?" "The boy started pinching Alaina Noelle and pulling her hair, and she told him three times to stop. The teacher said after the third warning, the boy did it again and Alaina Noelle got up and cold-cocked him. I have been laughing ever since the teacher told me what happened." "Well, Doc, you have to do what you have to do. She shouldn't have hit him; however, I understand why she did." "Dale, I'm not going to do a thing; that little girl took care of the situation and scared that boy so badly that I doubt he'll ever mess with her again." "OK, Doc, I'll talk to her tonight and explain other ways she can handle the situation – before she knocks the hell out of another little boy." "Don't be too tough on your daughter, Dale; I admire the heck out of her for taking up for herself. I wish all the children had her chutzpah!"

When Dale hung up the phone, everybody in the office was laughing at what they had just heard. Charley asked Dale what happened, and when Dale told him, he put his face in his hands and almost died laughing. Dale's secretary said, "Dr. Dale, I love that little girl and how she isn't afraid of anybody. Knocking the hell out of a little boy pestering her – PRICELESS!"

That day, Dale and Charley were having lunch with their brothers. When Dale related the phone call he received that morning, all the guys nearly fell on the floor laughing their asses off. Jaiden said, "Dale, didn't we discuss that last night?" "Yep, we surely did, and damned if she didn't do it this morning." Peyton replied, "At least that boy won't pick on her anymore." "True, Peyton. Dr. Sims said the boy was quaking in his boots; he didn't want anything else to do with Alaina Noelle." "Dale, you know what might make this funnier?" "What's that, Peyton?" "That little boy might have a crush on your daughter!" "Damn, I didn't think of that. I'll have to ask her about that tonight." Jaiden said, "when you ask her about that, do it in the den so we can see the look on her face; and don't make it sound like she is in trouble, you don't want her to develop some type of complex over the incident." "Yeah, I guess you are right about that, Jaiden. Help me temper my words." "Don't worry, I will. Then all our parents will get a call so they can enjoy hearing about what Alaina Noelle did today."

As the guys were leaving the doctor's dining room, Dale kissed Charley and a hospital employee had some snide words for the two. Peyton was at the door behind Charley and Dale, and heard the situation escalating. He turned and said, "Jaiden, call security and get them here asap." "What's wrong, Peyton?" "This employee in the hall had some snide remarks about Dale smooching Charley, and he is threatening to try and fight them for being queers." Jaiden called security, but they didn't get there in time. The guy hit Dale and put him on the floor, and when he did, Peyton stepped in. The guy made another snide comment about the two queer doctors. When he did that, Peyton beat the ever-loving hell out of him. He dislocated the guy's shoulder, hyper-flexed his right elbow, and shifted his left patella to the inside of his knee.

When the man had received medical attention, the hospital's CEO was in the emergency room to terminate his employment and have him escorted off hospital grounds. After firing the guy, the CEO said, "Next time you want to call somebody a queer, especially one of our best physicians in this hospital, consider that the queer may very well stomp your ass. Now get the hell off the hospital grounds and never come back. You are banned from the hospital grounds from this point forward.

Next: Chapter 191

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