
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on May 17, 2024


Gregory A. Patrick


Jaiden -- Chapter 203

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Greg Patrick

"Peyton, watcha thinking?"

"About how blessed we are., Charley We started off pissed off with each other, then we evolved into helping each other, then we became the best and most loyal of friends, and then God blessed us and made us family. And do you know what is best of all to me? All ten of our children know they have different parents, yet they are all brothers and sisters who love each other unreservedly and stand up for each other no matter what. And we're all Jewish to boot."

"Well, Dale and I are Jewish because of the faith you and Jaiden had and the impression you two and your friends made on us. The same thing happened to our parents at the temple in Orange Beach. It seemed to us that the Jews were more Christian than the Christians we knew back home."

"Do you and Dale ever miss the Christian churches you attended or even wish you were still Christian?"

"Peyton, the simple answer is no, but the answer goes much farther than that. If you think about it, when Jesus said upon this rock, I will build my church, God was the rock, and His chosen people were the Jews of the day. Mary was a true virgin of impeccable character who was impregnated by God in His form of the Holy Spirit. God sent his son to this earth to teach us how to forgive each other, live together, and love each other despite our differences. He told us that the Sanhedrin weren't correct in their harsh thoughts of others and what they perceived as sins and sinful behavior."

"Something else a person has to think about is that Jesus was the Christ and not a Christian. Fact, truth, and reality prove to us that Jesus was a Jew who taught in the temple to elders and others. He never said to leave Judaism, to leave the temple, to abandon the Jewish faith. Example after example shows that Jesus never abandoned the belief system and the faith he was born into. Rather, he embraced Judaism with an unparalleled fervor. Dale and I asked ourselves how we could choose a different course from that which Jesus traveled. That is when we began studying for our conversion to Judaism. You and Jaiden had much to do with our acceptance of and faith in Judaism."

"Wow, Charley, that is a strong statement for you to make. I had no idea that I and Jaiden made that much of an impact in your and Dale's lives." "Well, you did, and Dale and I will be forever grateful."

As Charley and Peyton continued watching their children playing from the deck, one of the children suddenly let out a high-pitched scream that sent Charley and Peyton running into the yard."

"It seems that the toughest and meanest of the boys, Chuck, had hurt himself rather badly by falling out of the big shade tree. Peyton gingerly slid his pants off to check his leg, looked at Charley, and told him to call Dale on the cell phone and tell him to hurry out into the backyard. In a few seconds, Dale flew out the sliding glass doors and yelled to ask Charley what was wrong. Peyton replied that Chuck had fallen out of the tree, and it appeared that he had broken his left leg and possibly his left arm.

Peyton told Dale that Jaiden was at the hospital and asked him to call him and let him know they were en route to the emergency room with Chuck and to meet them there in ten minutes. Peyton had braced Chuck's arm and leg and carefully cradled him in his arms. He took him to the Lincoln and laid him on the back seat, belting him in for safety's sake. As that was done, Ginny and Granny set up the driveway. Dale had called them to let them know what happened, and they said they would watch the children so Dale could go to the hospital with Charley and Peyton.

The three dads piled into the Lincoln, with Charley sitting in the back with his dad's namesake. Charley called his dad to tell him what had happened and that they were going to the hospital with Chuck.

They got to the hospital and took Chuck to a waiting exam room, where they met up with Jaiden, whose eyes were red and moisture-laden. Jaiden was a tough guy, but it was hard for him to take one of the children being hurt -- especially with a broken leg and arm.

Jaiden had called Dr. Jared Baumgardner, an awesome and well-known pediatric orthopedist in Erie. He had Chuck rushed to X-ray, where the radiologist confirmed a compound fracture in the left leg just above the knee. The injury would require that Chuck be anesthetized to set the leg and undergo surgery if it couldn't be. The arm was tackled first and put in a cast; however, the leg was going to require surgery, something the dads had hoped and prayed wouldn't be necessary.

Chuck was prepped for surgery before he was told the surgery was necessary and that the doctors were about to operate on his leg and fix it with a metal plate and some screws, which would have to remain in the leg for at least a year before it and the screws were removed.

The children were always fairly gentile in , at least with each other, and rarely, if ever, said any bad words. As they were rolling Chuck out the door to the operating room, the doctor told him they would put an IV in his arm after he went to sleep. Chuck knew what an IV was, and he didn't like needles. So, when the doctor told him that as they wheeled him out of emergency, he showed that he had indeed inherited his grandfather's temper by saying, "SHIT!"

Dale shot Charley a glance as he was about to crawl Chuck for saying something profane, but Jaiden stopped Charley before he took a second step and said, "Let it go , Charley, that was a fear response." Leon had called the Riley-Reynolds-Leonard-Anderson home, and Ginny told him what happened and that the guys were at the hospital emergency room, so Leon and Andrew took off for the hospital at break-neck speed and got to the hospital as the doctors rolled Chuck into preop. Andrew said he was going into surgery with Chuck, as did Jaiden and Peyton, to observe and assist where possible. fluoroscope

The staff got everything ready for the surgery, and the anesthetist checked Chuck to make sure there wouldn't be any problems intubating him. They rolled the boy into the operating room, and the anesthetist gave Chuck a mask and told him to see if it smelled like bubble gum. Before the child could say yes, he was dead to the world, asleep. Whatever it was, it was some good stuff.

They got Chuck intubated before giving him a small dose of propofol, which really put him in the twilight zone. The surgeon had an X-ray brought in a fluoroscope machine to ensure the arm was set properly as the procedure was being done. Jaiden would put the cast on Chuck's arm as the surgeon repaired the femur.

Just as Chuck's surgery was concluding, Chuck and Angie Leonard, along with Dale's parents, walked in, surprising everybody. Charley's dad's company owned a small jet, and they flew to Erie as fast as possible. A moment later, Peyton's phone rang simultaneously with Jaiden's, and their parents were calling to check on Chuck. Peyton's mom said she would be glad to fly up and help care for Chuck since his mother had to work, but the guys let the parents know everything was already taken care of. Those parents knew that Ginny and Granny would not let anyone take care of their babies, and it would save arguments if everyone would stay home and let the adopted grandmas do what they do best -- take care of their grandbabies. Even the children's dads knew better than to argue with those two women!

It took Chuck an hour and a half to wake up, and when he did, he asked for a popsicle. Dale told Chuck that it was probably a bit early after the surgery for him to have a popsicle; however, the surgeon walked into the room just as Dale said that and said, "Like hell it is. I told Chuck that if he did well during the surgery, he could have all the popsicles he wanted when he woke up. So, get that boy a damned popsicle on doctor's orders.

Dale's and Charlie's dads shot them an approving glance, and the dads let the nurse know their son wanted a popsicle, the doctor had ordered for him.

As the nurse walked into the room with a popsicle and a broad smile, she looked at Charlie and Dale and said, "The doctor pulled rank on you dads, didn't he?" The only thing said in reply came from Charley as he said, "Damn, she sure got us!"

Jaiden was about to bust a gut to laugh because he knew how irritated the nurse's comment had made Charley, who hates to be overruled by anyone. He was that much like his dad, who was sitting in the corner of the hospital room laughing his ass off.

Since Chuck was doing well after the surgery, Dale and Charley would stay with him while Jaiden and Peyton took the surgeons and Charley and Dale's parents for dinner at Tony's. They would take some food back to Charley and Dale before going home. They called Granny and Ginny to see what they and their husbands would like to eat, but Ginny told him she and Granny had already fed everybody, and the children were in the showers playing water war and getting ready for bed.

Peyton looked at Jaiden and said, "Well?" `Peyton, what do you think Ginny said?" "She's already fed everybody, and the children are getting ready for bed." "You got it to a tee!" Peyton mused, "and how did I possibly know that?" Everybody laughed at that thought.

The next morning, on Sunday, Jaiden and Peyton took the children to Sunday school at the temple. He told the teachers and rabbis what occurred the day before, and Rabbis Kravitz and Belson headed to the hospital after Sunday school. They arrived as Chuck was getting ready to go home -- in his underwear and a tee shirt. One would have thought Chuck, and his young age, would have been embarrassed to be seen by strangers while dressed only in his underwear. But, no..., not Chuck! He relished the thought of a cute girl seeing him in his briefs, something that surprised his dads and uncles. Charley just shook his head in amazement as Dale said, "Charley, I told you he was the spitting image of you in every way! Nothing embarrasses that boy." Charlie told Dale they would have to work to change that attitude before it got Chuck in trouble somewhere with who knows whom.

Chuck's Sunday School teacher walked in as he headed home and said, "Well, young man, I see you are dressed just like you were in Sunday School at Temple last week. Dale hung his head and thought, "OH SHIT! Please tell me Chuck didn't do that. Charley's face was redder than his face for once. Grandpa Chuck was doing his best not to bust out laughing. He was proud of his grandson's chutzpah - and his interest in girls.

Chuck's Grandma Angie asked him what he would do if a girl saw him and knocked him down for not being dressed properly. The entire floor erupted in laughter when Chuck said, "If a girl knocks me down, I am going to knock her up." He had no idea at his age what his statement actually meant -- or did he?

When Chuck finally arrived home, his brothers and sisters gathered around to ensure he was OK. Did he want some ice cream? Did he want a soda? Was he hungry? Did his arm and leg hurt? And why was he only wearing his underwear?

Alaina answered that last question when she said, matter of factly, "Chuck likes to show his package to the girls! That statement really caught the attention of the dads in the household. They now knew they had to have a talk -- a long talk -- with their sons - and possibly with their daughter as well. Charley's dad said he wanted to be a fly on the wall when the dads had that "talk" with their children. Dale asked how Alaina knew what a "package" was. That was something that would be fascinating to find out.

Since Chuck was hurting and needed a pain pill, Jaiden decided to fire up the grill and cook some hamburgers. He still didn't like hotdogs because they posed a choking hazard to children. Burgers, fries, and popsicles would be on the menu for lunch.

Peyton decided to give Chuck a shot to dull his pain since it would work much faster than a pill. Luckily, the nurses left his IV port in just in case, so Peyton gave the pain medication through the IV port with saline dripping into it. Five minutes later, Chuck's eyes were closed, and he was snoring mightily for a little boy. Peyton told Dale and Charley, "When he wakes up, remind me to check his tonsils. The snoring might be caused by irritation from the intubation tube, but it also might be because his tonsils are swollen. We'll see and take care of whatever it is."

After lunch, the children were tired from playing and went to their rooms to take a nap. Since they had the chance, the dads decided to do the same.

Charley and Dale stripped down, got into the bed, and spooned each other. Since he had been up all night, Charley wanted to get some sleep. His parents told him and Dale that they needed to sleep, so if the children woke up early, they would watch them until the four dads awoke.

A few minutes after they laid down, Charley said, "Babe, I'm tired, so could you please turn off your torch for a little while?" Dale said he could, but it would be easy to do lying next to a very handsome lover.

As for Jaiden and Peyton, they were in their room with the door locked. Peyton was lying on Jaiden, their chests and stomachs touching and their torches lighting up the pathway. Jaiden slid into Peyton and slowly drove downtown. By the time ecstasy arrived and their energy was drained, the two young men fell asleep in each other's arms. When they awoke, they were still holding each other like they were when they fell asleep.

Jaiden reached over to the nightstand, grabbed the Febreze spray, and sprayed several bursts into the bedroom. Peyton thanked Jaiden and said that, for some reason, the bedroom smelled a little funky. They got up, showered, had a little more fun, and then dressed to go downstairs.

When they got to the den, the children were outside playing, and Chuck was lying on the chaise lounge on a palate Peyton's mom had fixed for him.

Peyton and Jaiden were surprised that Peyton's parents had flown up to check on Chuck. When everyone awoke, their parents were sitting on the deck having some coffee Dale had prepared to be brewed. Since the parents brewed and drank the coffee, Dale would have to prepare some more for him, Charley, Peyton, and Jaiden.

A few minutes after the dads awoke, the back doorbell rang, and when Jaiden went to the door, he was shocked to see his mother standing there. "Mom, what are you doing here?" "I was taking next week off, so I decided to come see my 10 grandchildren and help with Chuck. Phyllis called me and told me what happened." "I should have known," Jaiden thought.

"By the way, Jaiden, I checked with the country club, and they are having prime rib tonight, so I'm taking you guys out to dinner. I ordered children's portions for my grandchildren. They deserve a good meal like that every once in a while. Ginny, you and Granny call the Reverend and Grandaddy Ezra and tell them we are going out for dinner tonight." Granny knew arguing with Jaiden's mother was futile, so she said, "Yes, mam."

When everyone finished their dinner, the children's plates were spotless, so the waiter walked over to them and said, "Let me see if I can get this right: You boys like vanilla ice cream," and then he looked at Alaina and said, "and the beautiful little girl likes strawberry." Alaina replied, "Yes, sir, and thank you for saying I am beautiful!" The waiter said, "Well, Alaina, you really are a beautiful little girl," making Alaina giggle. The waiter's comment to Alaina didn't sit very well with her dads, but they watch their children with an eagle eye, and if they aren't watching, their brothers or Ginny and Granny are, and God help anybody who bothers their 10 children!

When everyone got home, the guy's parents had made reservations at the Hilton on the Bay, so they piled into their cars and headed that way.

The children had been up a long time the night before, being concerned about Chuck, so they were eager to get to bed early. That suited their dads, who followed suit.

When they got to the bedroom, locked the door, and shed their clothing, Jaiden said, "Dale, remember this morning?" "Yes. Why?" "Can I have a turn on top?" "Sure, babe, anytime you want to!"

Jaiden climbed on top of Peyton and began romantically seducing him with erotic and loving kisses. He really wanted his husband to make love to him -- that is, until Peyton let out a long and forceful belch.

Jaiden said, "Dang Babe, I've smelled your burps before, but damned if that one doesn't take the cake! Geez, that stinks worse than a dirty diaper. The mood was now dead, so Jaiden rolled over, and Peyton snuggled up to him -- just before Jaiden cut a horrendous fart.

"Damn, Jaiden, were you trying to crap me? That smells way worse than my belch!" "Sorry, Peyton," Jaiden said through a hard to disguise snicker." "Peyton was peeved as he said, "Jaiden, go in the bathroom and wipe your butt; you have to have crapped yourself; that smell is not going away."

When Jaiden got up to go to the bathroom, he cut on the light on the nightstand. Looking down, he said, "Peyton, don't move. Roll to your left and get out of bed; we have to change the sheets!"

"Jaiden, you didn't!" "Uhm, sorry, but I accidentally did; I didn't realize it."

Peyton got out of bed, and when he looked down, he discovered Jaiden had crapped all over him. "Holy shit, love. I am going to take a quick shower." "Do you really need to do that?" "Look at me Jaiden, and you tell me!"

Jaiden was horribly embarrassed when he looked at Peyton's lower stomach and crotch -- all covered with poop. When Peyton got into the shower, Jaiden got the soap and a washcloth and cleaned Peyton so he would not have to get his hands soiled with excrement.

When Peyton exited the shower, Jaiden got in and cleaned himself. He exited the bedroom, put on some briefs, and went to the hall closet to get some fresh sheets after he put the dirty sheets in the washer."

The bed was freshly made, and Jaiden and Peyton went back to bed -- facing away from each other. Peyton told Jaiden that if he needed to fart again to do it in the bathroom sitting on the toilet -- with the bathroom door closed!" Jaiden smiled!

The next morning, while the dads were preparing breakfast, Jason walked into the kitchen and asked. "Daddy, who farted upstairs, it really stinks. And it smells the same way down here."

Jaiden got the Febreze and sprayed it in the kitchen, dining room, den, and upstairs hallway. When he returned to the kitchen, Peyton said, "I told you!"

Dale and Charley were in the kitchen helping prepare breakfast, and Jaiden looked horribly embarrassed as he said, "Sorry, guys. I have no idea what's causing this." Charley said, "I do; I can smell it: it's the horseradish you had with your prime rib last night." "Are you sure, Charley?" "Yep. Stick your finger in your butt and then smell it." Jaiden replied he wouldn't do that as Charley laughed.

One thing Jaiden knew for sure was that he wouldn't have horseradish sauce with his prime rib anymore and risk smelling like a hog pen again. At least he wouldn't do it unless he would be alone to see if it affected him the same way again. He was embarrassed!

When the children had their breakfast, they went outside to play, and Jaiden sat on the deck. He was having a hard time standing his own smell. Peyton went to the drugstore and got some medicine to help Jaiden's stomach, and when he had taken it, his problem started subsiding.

He thought he was doing well until the parents arrived back at the house, and his mother said, "Son, are you alright? You smell horribly." "Mom, apparently, the horseradish sauce from last night isn't sitting well with me. This has never happened before that I can remember." "Well, it has happened before, and I remember it well. Son, don't you remember that you are allergic to horseradish?" "Mom, that totally slipped my mind. I'm sorry, I forgot all about that allergy." "Jaiden, I can assure you that someone will remind you of that from now on ... believe me!"

Doctor Mom told Peyton to go to the drug store and get a big box of EXLAX. Jaiden would have to purge the dinner from the night before out of his system for the foul odor to go away. Peyton did as he was told. You would figure that he and Jaiden being doctors, one of them would have thought of that trick. His mother-in-law reminded his that some medical knowledge comes from old-fashioned medical experience through the years.

Peyton gave Jaiden the EXLAX, according to Dr. Mom's directions, and within a few hours, the stench began to dissipate. Their bathroom, in deference to the den, was another story! It would take a while to return to the clean smell it always had.

Ginny came to the house to check on Chuck, and as soon as she walked in, she said, "Jaiden, you forgot you are allergic to horseradish, didn't you?" Jaiden said sheepishly, "Yes, mam, and you forgot to remind me last night." Ginny walked over to the washer, got the clean sheets out, and put them in the dryer.

"Ginny, how did you know those sheets were in the washer." "Experience, son, experience. Any time you have eaten horseradish, you have messed up the sheets at night, and your mother has had to put them in the washer, and I have dried them. Mind you, though, I have had to wash some dirtied sheets, too." Everybody thought the crimson-red color of Jaiden's face suited him well.

If the smell isn't out of Jaiden's skin by Monday morning, Peyton, his brother, and his brother-in-law would have to cover for Jaiden in the office. He couldn't see patients smelling like a pigsty.

Luckily, when he awoke on Monday morning, he smelled fresh and clean after he had showered, so yes, he would be seeing patients in the hospital and the office. Monday would be an awesome day as three of Jaiden's patients got to ring the remission bell and go home. Jaiden shed a lot of tears that day, and he got a lot of hugs from patient families and his staff. His mother had hidden in different places in the hospital to watch her son, and she was so proud of him.

She thought her plan to watch Jaiden work without getting caught had been a success until Jaiden stopped at the conference room door and said, "Mom, I know you are in the conference room and that you have been watching me all morning. Next time, don't forget to leave the perfume at home." He walked off with the biggest smile on his face, knowing he had one-upped his mother for once in his life. Dr. Mom - if she had had a mouthful of nails, she would have spit nails through the conference room door.

At lunch, all the adults visiting their home joined Jaiden, Peyton, Richard, Andrew, and Leon in the hospital's doctor's dining room for lunch. The doctor's menu for the day: prime rib - with horseradish sauce. The chef tried to give Jaiden some of the sauce, and every adult yelled, "NO, don't do it; he's badly allergic to horseradish. Jaiden took a small sauce dish and sat it by his plate. He enjoyed everyone being unable to eat to ensure he didn't touch the stuff. He finished his tray of food, put the dishes away where they were supposed to go, then sat back at the table and said, "Now, you all may eat! I accomplished my goal for lunch. Touche, Jaiden won! He pulled one over on his mom and his in-laws for once. His father-in-law said they all had been played by the master! Jaiden looked so smug.

Next: Chapter 197

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