
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on May 22, 2024


Gregory A. Patrick


Jaiden -- Chapter 205

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Greg Patrick

"Jaiden, do you know who Peter Andrews is? "Yes. He's Leon's spouse; why?" You introduced him last night as Andrew not as Dr. Peter Andrews." "Oh, hell! Please tell me I didn't do that." "No can do, love, because you did. Do you reckon who ought to apologize to Peter? "OK. You're right." As Peter rounded the corner in the office, Jaiden said, "Peter, hold up a minute." "What's up?" "I owe you an apology." "For what, Jaiden?" "I introduced you as Andrew yesterday and not as Peter Andrews." Peter started laughing and said, "I wondered how long it would take you to realize that." "Want to know when I realized it?" "Yeah, I do." "I realized it when Peyton crawled my butt this morning for doing that." "Ya gotta love Peyton, Jaiden!" Peter walked off laughing!" The ladies in the front office lowered their gaze trying not to laugh at Jaiden.

Jaiden, have you apologized to Peter yet?" The ladies lost it when Peyton asked that question. I guess their reaction answers your question!" "Yeah, it does." The ladies laughed even harder, and Peyton grinned like a Cheshire cat.

The Rabbi's son took a turn for the worse overnight, and so did Daron. Both men brought their sons to Jaiden's office. He called Peter at the hospital to let him know and he returned to the office.

When he examined both boys together, he told them it looked like they were ready to play basketball. Then he looked at Rabbi Kravitz and at Jerry and said, "Gentlemen, to the hospital we go!" He had the ladies in the office get the boys admitted and then took them to their hospital room. Since they both had the same problem, Peter got a semi-private room where they could be together.

One thing the boys learned was that it was much easier to roll onto their side and pee into a bottle than it was to get up and walk to a bathroom. The other thing the boys learned was that the stuff the nurses were bringing into their room was IV lines, and neither of them wanted anything to do with that.

Peter walked back into the room to tell the boys what was about to happen and got to discuss the boy's fears with them. He told them he would put in the IV and then bet them a bowl of ice cream he could put the lines in without them knowing it -- and he did. So, he looked at the boys and said they owed him a bowl of ice cream.

Daron's dad was in the room when the ice cream deal was made and when Peter went back to the office, he went to the cafeteria and got a small tub of vanilla ice cream and a spoon and took it to the office. He handed it to Ashley and requested that she give it to Dr. Andrews. She took it back to Peter and told him who brought it in and then watched as Peter about died laughing. He said, those two boys we just admitted have the best sense of humor I have seen. The office closed for the day and after all patients had been seen, Peter, Peyton, and Jaiden went over to the pediatric ward in the hospital to see the Rabbi's son and Daron. The boys were in their beds sitting on ice packs while complaining about being cold. Jaiden threw a blanket over Daron and Peyton did the same for the Rabbi's son. "Now, boys, the only things that will be cold are your butts and balls. But, know what you haven't complained about? Your balls hurting! So, would you rather be a little bit cold or have your balls hurt?" The Rabbi's son said they would take cold butts and balls.

Jaiden had picked up two Apple laptops and two battleship games the boys could play on the computers while they were in the hospital and against each other from their homes when they were released. Talk about making a young boy's day! Both were on cloud nine with Jaiden's and Peyton's gifts. As if that weren't enough, Peter and Leon visited their room and gave each boy a Grand Theft Auto game they could play against each other in the hospital and at home.

Leon sat between the boy's beds and talked to them to ensure they were in good spirits and that the illness was not exacerbating Daron's depression and anxiety about leaving his home and old friends to move to Erie, He discovered that Dale's, Charley's, Peyton's and Jaiden's children befriending Daron, and his new friendship with the Rabbi's son had made all the difference in the world for him. Leon could happily and professionally state that all was well on the northeastern front.

"Leon, I heard Dr. Peyton's parents adopted you like Richard." "They did, Jerry. My story is long and sordid. It was by the grace of God that I met Peyton and Jaiden. Have they mentioned my story to you?" "No. I asked them how Peyton's family got to know and adopt you, and they said that was your story."

"What happened is that I was in a city park in Memphis acting like a badass, and Peyton almost killed me. I was still on the ground writhing in pain when the police got there. Needless to say, I went to jail that day. Do yourself a favor, and don't ever threaten Jaiden. Peyton is a world-champion karate and Ju-Jitsu expert, and he will tear you apart if he thinks you will harm Jaiden. The funny thing is that Jaiden is an award-winning champion boxer who can easily defend himself."

When I went to court for arraignment over that case, Jaiden and Peyton were in court, and they asked the judge to let them work with me. Somehow, they sensed that something was wrong in my life and went to bat for me. They hired a psychologist to work with me, and the rest is history."

When I returned to court for a progress report, Peyton's parents were there with him and Jaiden. They had investigated my background, and the next thing I knew, they sat me down for a long talk and said they wanted to adopt me. My mind was blown, leaving me in a psychological stupor.

My bio dad would beat me so badly that the police thought he was trying to kill me, and he was so mean to my mother that she disappeared. Peyton's - and now my - dad hired an investigator who found my mother in a northeastern Tennessee cemetery. Long story short, my bio dad had killed my mother after he found her in Johnson County. The investigator took what he discovered to police and a murder warrant was issued for my sperm donor's arrest."

"He was arrested in Memphis. Peyton's dad knew the judge and made a phone call to him. The judge arranged with a friend of his to immediately fly my sperm donor to Tennessee on his jet. My bio-dad immediately went to jail. In less than thirty days, he was in court for arraignment. Peyton's mom and dad went to court with me as my support base. Jaiden and Peyton were also there, and my birth father made the mistake of saying he would like to beat that faggots ass, talking about Peyton. The judge from Memphis, for some reason, was also in court and knew the Tennessee judge. He had a meeting with the judge in his office, returned to the bench, and granted my birth dad's request to whip Peyton's ass, as he put it."

"Peyton went into the fenced compound at the jail, and they took Dad out and turned him loose. When he went after Peyton, Peyton tore him apart and severely dislocated Dad's shoulder. Dad was taken back into the courtroom in severe pain and said he needed to go to the hospital. That's when Richard very unexpectedly walked into the courtroom at the right time, identified himself as a physician, and offered to put Dad's shoulder back into place at no cost to the county. Knowing that it was going to be extremely painful due to the good job Peyton had done dislocating the shoulder, the judge in the case granted Richard permission to do that."

"When Richard snapped Dad's shoulder back into place, Dad yelled like a sissy so loudly, you could have heard him three city blocks away. My new dad laughed so hard that he lost his breath. Richard, Peyton, and Jaiden had the most satisfied-looking smirks on their faces I had ever seen. As Richard sat down with us, he said, "That'll teach that son-of-a-bitch."

"What was hilarious was when the Judge asked Dad if he whipped that faggot's' ass. Dad simply shot the judge an eat shit look. That's when the judge finally lost it, started laughing, and said to my dad, I guess you'll think twice next time before saying you want to whip that faggot's ass. It may just be the other way around."

"Dad's court-appointed lawyer conferred with him and announced he would like to enter a plea and dispose of the case rather than try to drag it out. Everyone was surprised that the judge allowed that. Dad was sentenced to two life sentences without parole."

When we returned to Tennessee, Peyton's parents filed a motion to adopt me. The judge signed the order on the spot. What almost caused me to have a heart attack was when the Judge, because of the circumstances in my life, reopened every felony case I had and summarily dismissed each one, causing my felony record to disappear. Jaiden and Peyton got me a full-ride scholarship to Wellstone University, where I earned a four-year degree in psychology in two years. I married a doctor who was an associate of Jaiden's in Memphis, and we moved to North Carolina for me to attend Wellstone. Jaiden, Peyton, Richard, and their parents, now my parents, purchased a beautiful home in the mountains for Peter and me. It's now a family vacation home." "What's crazy is that when we moved to Erie for me to attend and get my doctorate at Penn State, Jaiden and Peyton purchased a home here for Peter and me. After graduating from Penn State, I learned that Jaiden's mom, a doctor in Virginia, had paid for my education. To this day, she has steadfastly refused to allow me to reimburse her for that. For people who don't believe God still performs miracles, all they need to do is hear my story. I have been so tremendously and unbelievably blessed. Everybody in the medical practice is related and incredibly truly altruistic."

"So, when I say your bill has already been paid, can you now understand what I mean?" With tears streaming down his face, Jerry said the story was amazing, and he found it refreshing that good people like that still existed. "You know, Jerry, those ten children at Jaiden's and Peyton's are because a fertility specialist in the temple offered his services for free, and he also delivered each of those children when they were born."

"Who were the birth mothers for those children, Leon?" "The birth mother of Jaiden's children was Peyton's sister, who proposed the offer independently. The children Peyton fathered were with Jenny's sister-in-law and two of their friends who wanted to help Charley and Dale."

"WOW! Amazing!" "Yes, Jerry, it is. I would have never believed that loving people like that still existed in today's world. Because of the publicity over the children, Carter's Children's Clothing furnished the children's clothes for the first six years of their lives. A pediatric orthopedic shoe company furnished their shoes, and Ford Motor Company furnished the cutest of racing suits for the children. They still do, and the children are models for Ford vehicles."

"Have you noticed the name on the school your children attend?" "No, why?" "Riley-Reynolds Magnet Academy? It was named after Peyton and Jaiden. The other elementary magnet academy was named after Dale and Charley - Leonard-Anderson Middle School Magnet Academy."

"Wow! Edith and I have been amazed at all the computer equipment in the classrooms and how well it is used to teach the children." "Dr. Carolyn Spencer, who came to the school because of Peyton and a friend of his, is responsible for the curriculum for using the computers. She is an amazing teacher! And by the way, Peyton, Jaiden, Dale, and Charley paid for all the computer and audio/visual equipment in those two schools with money they got when they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Education."

"The Nobel Prize in Education, Leon?" "Yes, Sir. They are excellent, brilliant pediatric physicians and surgeons, and more than that, they are great young men with all children's interests at heart. I think Jaiden's love for children was something he learned and got from his Dad before he was killed in the plane crash." "Amazing! Simply amazing!" "Yeah, Jerry, it truly is."

"You know, it it hadn't been for Peyton and Jaiden and their families, I would probably be rotting in a prison somewhere in Tennessee. I'll never be able to repay them for what they have done for me. Those computers the boys have been playing with, Jaiden and Peyton bought those for the boys. It's just the kind of men and people they are."

"From listening to what you have told me about your story and that of Jaiden and Peyton, I have more respect for you than anybody I have ever met. This is going to blow Edith's mind when I tell her." And that is what Jerry did when Edith met him at the hospital to check on her son. When she had heard the story, she sat dumbfounded with her chin resting on the floor. "Jerry, I do not doubt that the move to Erie was orchestrated by Hashem. We have been fortunate and blessed since we got here." "I couldn't agree more, Edith."

That night, Jerry sat at his desk in his home office and wrote a letter to Peyton's parents and Jaiden's mom. He did the same for Dale and Charley's parents. The gist of his letters thanked the parents for raising such good, upstanding children who were rapidly restoring their faith in the people of today's world. All the parents had tears streaming down their faces when they read their letter. They called their sons to thank them for being such wonderful young men who made them so proud.

Edith and Jerry tried to figure out how to honor Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley. The two talked to the Rabbi to see if they could do anything at the temple. The amigos had already done everything Edith and Jerry could think of.

There was one thing Jerry and Edith could do to honor the four amigos, and Leon, Peter, and Richard: they would organize a children's triathlon event in Erie. They got to work on the idea and spoke with the mayor, city council, county commission, and school board members. The children participating must be current on all suggested vaccinations -- a pet peeve of all the young doctors. The children would also be required to have a complete physical exam, something else advocated by the young doctors. The event would be about the children of Erie and their well-being, mental and physical.

The event was organized to occur during the children's spring break from school when the weather was still conducive to such an event. Everything in a adult triathlon would be in the children's event, just on a smaller scale. The pending event was advertised on local television news and in the printed media, and the response in the community was immense. Over a thousand children participated in the event, and it was declared an immense success. Area businesses supported the event and provided trophies and prizes, and restaurants provided food, drinks, and snacks for the participants. Food trucks fed the throngs of people watching the children compete. Nothing that could be done would have honored the four amigos and their family members more than this one event -- and it would become an annual event.

Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley's children participated in the triathlon and, as usual, were interviewed by Fox Media as they had been regularly since their births. Erie was again on the national radar, and Anshe Hesed Temple was again highlighted in a nationally promoted children's athletic event.

After the amigo's children were featured in the news wearing their miniature Ford racing suits, Ford sent the City of Erie a check that would fully sponsor the next children's triathlon event. Once again, someone's attempts to honor the amigos and their families greatly benefited the entire Erie Community. The guy's parents could not be prouder of their son's. The medical center where the young doctors and spouses worked declared them all employees of the year and held an awards ceremony, presenting them with a huge portrait of the group that would be hung in the hospital's lobby for all to see.

When the young doctors arrived at their office the next day, Ashley said the ladies had been answering calls all morning from news people wanting to interview the doctors. "What have you been telling them, Ashley?" "The usual, Dr. Jaiden, the fee here is $475.00 for fifteen minutes of exam time, and if they didn't want to pay that, they could go screw themselves." "Surely you haven't said that to anybody!"

About the time Jaiden had said that, Ashley's husband called about going to lunch, and she disguised the call by saying yes to her husband, followed by, "Well, if you don't want to pay for the doctors' time, you can go screw yourself and hung up." Her husband was dying laughing, but Jaiden's face was red with fury. He couldn't believe Ashley would do - much less just did -that in his presence. When he started to get on to her, she said, "Relax, Dr. Jaiden. My husband just called to tell me he is taking me to lunch. Jaiden stood there for a minute before saying, "Damn you, Ashley, you're getting as good as my children pulling one over on me." The ladies died laughing as Jaiden walked down the hallway to see a patient. Jaiden passed Peyton in the hall and warned him to tread carefully around the ladies, that they had just gotten him good. Curious about what made Jaiden say that, Peyton walked to the front office and asked the ladies what they had done to get at Jaiden. When Ashley told him what she had done, Peyton laughed and said Jaiden should have known better.

Peyton told the rest of the family of doctors what had happened, and all day, when they would pass Jaiden, they would say, "So, brother-in-law, I hear you got punked this morning." All Jaiden could do was shake his head and keep walking. Jaiden had to get back at the ladies, and he was devising his own scheme.

The next morning, before the office opened for business, Jaiden called a meeting in the conference room. He announced that the hospital had handed down an edict stating that all offices had to cut costs by 20%. So, he decided to reduce all salaries by 20% and cut back on supplies normally furnished for office staff. The office staff was shocked.

Peyton walked into the office later that morning and asked the ladies why they looked so gloomy. Ashley told him what Jaiden had said at a meeting that morning, and Peyton laughed. "Ladies, Jaiden shot you the biggest line of pontificated bovine fecal matter ever. Your salaries haven't been cut by 20%; they have been raised by that percentage beginning the first of next month." At that point, it seemed the ladies would declare war against Jaiden -- or would they? The mere thought that they might do that would be enough to drive Jaiden nuts. The French word of the day would be Touche! The ladies win

Peter went to the children's ward for rounds since it was his turn. He called the office to get Ashley to tell Jaiden that Daron and the Rabbi's son were well enough to be released and that he was discharging the boys. The message was delivered, and the parents were notified. After they closed the office for the evening, Peyton and Jaiden were in the Lincoln on the way home when Peyton asked him, "Babe, what would you like to do tonight?" "Oh, that's a million-dollar question. I had called and asked Ginny and Granny if they could feed the children tonight so I could take you out for dinner at that nice little downtown bistro you like. Then I thought we could go home and try to get the children to go to bed early so we could go to our bedroom, get naked, and watch the stars since it is a nice cool evening. Then I thought that if I got you horny enough, we could make love into the evening until we were tired enough to cuddle in each other's arms while we fell asleep." "That sounds like something you have been planning all day. What got you into the mood on a work night when we have surgery early in the morning?"

"It was the way you walked down the hallway at the office. You looked so delicious that my mouth started watering, my stomach started churning, and my loins started aching. Then I looked down and had a spot of precum leaking through my briefs and pants and I knew instantly what I wanted to do. Then you and the ladies at the office punked me and I said it wouldn't work because when I thought about getting punked, the feeling left me at break-neck speed. I really wanted to make love with you tonight, but now I don't know if I can. I mean ...." Jaiden had a tear in his right eye that was working hard to escape and roll down his cheek.

"Jaiden, I am so sorry! We were just trying to have a little bit of fun." "Well, Peyton, it wasn't fun for me. If anything, the way everybody treated me really hurt emotionally. I've had a knot in my stomach all day. I didn't cancel the dinner reservations, so we can still go to the bistro and have a quiet dinner."

When they got to the restaurant, Jaiden excused himself and went to the men's room which was something he didn't usually do in public given his fastidious nature for cleanliness and carefulness with his and his families health. While he was absent from the table, the waiter went over and handed Peyton a note saying the gentleman he had been with asked him to do so. Peyton took the note, opened it and began reading it. Both of his eyes teared up when he read, "Dearest Peyton, I just can't do this tonight. I am too upset. The car is where I parked it and I took a taxi home. Dinner is paid for, so I'll see you after you finish your dinner and get home. We can talk when you get there. Jaiden." No love, Jaiden; just Jaiden.

Peyton had his dinner boxed to go along with what Jaiden would have eaten and headed to their car for a lonely drive home. He exited the restaurant, turning left to go to the parking lot. When he did that, he felt someone grab his left ass cheek. He was upset and not in a mood for some stranger to do that, so he sat the food on the sidewalk table and turned to knock the ever-loving shit out of whomever grabbed his ass.

When he turned, he was jerked into an embrace and kissed as he was while on his honeymoon with Jaiden - as they were locked on the room's balcony overlooking the Pacific Ocean. That snapped him out of his grand funk and he realized he, like Jaiden, had been punked by the best.

Jaiden looked Peyton in the eyes and said, sweetheart, get the food and come with me. We have a room at the Hilton on the Bay and Dale and Charley are going to watch the children. After dinner, we'll go to a play and then go back to the hotel for a long weekend cuddle session."

"Jaiden, what you just did with that note was mean as hell! I am still shaking in my boots." "Good. Now you know how I felt when I got punked in front of the staff. Let's eat on the veranda and then get ready for bed."

They ate their dinner on the veranda of the hotel and then went inside, took off their work clothes, and laid down together to watch a movie on television.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Jaiden put his pants on and answered the door. Peyton heard Charley say, "HERE," and then saw their sons enter the motel room, and strip down to their tighty-whities and climb into bed with Peyton. They barely left enough room for Jaiden to get back into bed.

Peyton looked at Jaiden and said, "This is like going to a Macon Whoopie game. There might be some hockey, but their ain't gonna be no Macon Whoopie in this room tonight. I am going to get you back for punking me like this. That said, thank you sweetheart for having a sweet evening out with our boys. What else do you have planned?" "How about we go for an evening walk on the beach and then get some ice cream?"

"Jaiden, the boys are in their briefs, four of them are already asleep, and the one who's awake is our night owl. Let's get breakfast in the morning, then go sailing on the boat with the children, have lunch at the seafood house, and then get some ice cream.

When Peyton said seafood house, two of his sleepy-headed boys got up wide awake. "Tomorrow, boys; for lunch." Sounds like a good plan, Sweetheart. Jaiden climbed into bed and snuggled as close to Peyton as he could, Robert in the middle of them.

As they awoke that morning, they got the boys bathed off, showered themselves, and ordered breakfast on the veranda by the bay. The boys had never had Eggs Benedict, so Jaiden and Peyton ordered that for them to see if they would like it. They did, eating it in record time.

Since the sun was barely up, they headed to the pier and purchased tickets for a boat ride in the bay. Fish were jumping everywhere, so the boats mate asked if Jaiden thought the boys would like to try fishing since they were the only ones on the cruise. Jaiden said why not. They've never done that before. The mate got the fishing rods out, baited them, and cast the lines into the water for the boys.

Almost immediately, each of the boys hooked a fish and the boat's mate and their dads helped them real in the fish. The fish weighed up to five pounds, which is a big fish for a boy about to turn eight years old. When they got home that afternoon, the fish had been cleaned at the seafood store at the wharf and bagged and iced for the trip home. The boys were so excited that they called their grandparents to tell them how they had gone fishing with their dads in the bay and how they had each caught a big fish. Then, the fish went into the freezer until their brothers and sister could go fishing and catch their own fish.

The children were so excited, Charley and Dale were laughing and the children's brothers and sister looked at the pictures Peyton had taken of the boys with their fish. The children were excited that they would all get to go fishing together and get enough fish for everybody to eat them.

Jaden told Charley and Dale that he had made reservations for the next weekend so they could have time with their children like they had afforded Peyton and him. As the next week progressed, the boys and Alaina got evermore excited. They could hardly wait to go fishing. To ensure they had enough fish to eat, Jaiden would go to the fish market and buy a sufficient plenty for everybody.

All the children were playing in the backyard, their dads on the deck watching them and having several great cups of Dale's coffee as Peyton snuggled up to Jaiden and said, "You are simply the best, Babe! Thank you." Jaiden leaned down and gave Peyton a kiss on his forehead and said, `You're welcome, handsome; you deserved this weekend -- and then some!"


"Yes, love."

"Can I have that `some' tonight?" "Of course you can!"

Next: Chapter 199

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