
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Nov 26, 2024


Gregory Patrick 11/24/2024 Jaiden -- Chapter 207

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Greg Patrick

"Jaiden, have you recovered from the shock yet?"

"Babe, the children are in the den: I can't answer that right now."

"So, Jade, I assume the answer is not no but `h e double hockey sticks no."

"And, Peyton, you would be correct, and rightly so without making a donkey of yourself."

"By donkey, do you possibly mean `asymmetrical social servant,' the emphasis being on the first letter of each word?"


"You really are PO-d, aren't you?"


"Jaiden, have you considered the advantage of our parents living here?"


"I'm sure you thought of some advantages, didn't you?"


"OK, then describe to me how their move affects you."

"Peyton, it makes me feel like I am somewhere between the feeling one gets from fingernails screeching on an old school room blackboard and an itchy hemorrhoid."

"Damn, Jaiden, that is a hilarious description." "The children are in the room, Peyton." "Sorry, but it is a hilarious description of how you feel about out parent's presence in Erie."

"Daddy, what is an itchy hemorrhoid?" "Nathan, an itchy hemorrhoid is a pain in the butt." "Oh, you mean like Grandma?" Jaiden lost it on that note and literally laid on the floor laughing his butt off, along with Nathan who know the meaning of his dad's laughter. Peyton was looking out the French doors in the den, as red faced as he could possibly be, doing his best to stifle his laughter.

"Daddy, can we stay with grandma when she moves to Erie?" "Count on it, John Mark. Daddy Peyton and I are gonna let you stay with your grandparents as much as we can, whenever we can."

"Daddy?" "Yes, John Mark." "You're mean." Peyton finally lost it with John Mark's comment to Jaiden, and Jaiden joined in the laughter.

"Guys, Daddy Peyton and I are kidding. We're glad your grandparents are moving to Erie. You each need to see more of them and get to know the better. They love you more that you will ever realize, and you will learn a lot about life and love from them. Grandpa and Grandma will have a farm here, and maybe they will get a couple of horses you can learn to ride, maybe even take lessons on riding horses and being a cowboy."

"Uncle Jaiden, I do want to ride a horse and fall off and bruise my cute little butt!" Dale heard his daughter and you could hear him howl with laughter from his bedroom. He was laughing so hard he had tears running from his eyes when he walked into the den.

"Alaina Noelle." "Yes sir, Daddy." "That was a good one baby girl, really funny." "It's the truth, though, Daddy. I'm not gonna get my cute self all bruised up riding a horse. I'll ask grandpa to get me a 4-wheeler and a bright pink helmet." Dale replied, "You go girl!"

The children ran outside and hurriedly came back in. Not only was it freezing outside, they smelled a familiar smell and let their dads know about it. Jaiden went outside, and immediately went back inside, walked to the gun safe and got his rifle out and loaded it. "Jaiden, is that for what I think it is for?" "It is, Peyton. The children have very good noses when it comes to bears. Jaiden went onto the deck to wait and see if the bear came over the fence. He saw a small nose peaking over the fence and got ready to take a shot as the bear came into the backyard. "Nathan Robert, the mischievous boy he is, yelled, "Daddy, don't shoot him, that's Honey Bear." "Nathan Robert, what do you mean that is Honey Bear?" He came over and played with us one day, and he comes back every once in a while to play. Watch."

"Hey, Honey Bear, come here fella." The bear ambled over to the bottom of the steps and proceeded to love rub his head all over Nathan who reciprocated.

"OK, Nathan Robert, it's time to go back inside." With that, the children and Jaiden went back into the den where Jaiden unloaded his rifle and placed it back into the gun safe. Then he went into the kitchen and got a string of firecrackers out of the cabinet over the fridge, went back outside, lit the firecrackers, and threw them into the backyard. When they started to explode, that baby bear made a hasty retreat back over the fence and ran through the field toward the woods.

Jaiden then called Ginny, who called Granny, and relayed what had just happened. Ginny said she'd make sure to watch the children closely to ensure they didn't meet with the bear while she and Granny were there. "Ginny, I wanted to shoot that bear, but when I saw him loving on Nathan Robert, and Nathan Robert loving him back, I just couldn't shoot him." "By him, Jaiden, do you mean Nathan Robert or the bear?" "That's funny, Ginny; the bear 0f course, even though Nathan makes you wanna whap him sometimes."

I ran the bear off with firecrackers." "You did good, son, if that bear had hurt my baby, you'd still be running from me." "I know, Ginny, if he comes back and Nathan Robert isn't around, he's a gonner for sure." "Ok, Jaiden, just make sure my grandbaby is safe." "Yes, mam, Ginny, I will."

A few minutes after talking with Ginny, Jaiden's home phone rang and he noticed on the caller ID that it was his mother. "High, Mom, to what do I owe for the honor of your call?" "Timidness, Jaiden. Nathan Robert will get over a bear being shot, but he won't easily get over a bear turning on him so quickly." Jaiden didn't say a word to his mother, he simply handed Nathan Robert the telephone and told him to tell his grandma about his pet bear. That was all it took to back his mother off the subject. When Nathan Robert finished talking to his grandmother, he hung up the telephone rather than handing the receiver back to Jaiden.

"Jaiden, what was that about?" "Peyton, Mom was crawling my butt about not shooting that bear in front of Nathan Robert, so, I let him tell his grandmother about his pet bear. That backed, her off really quickly." "Jaiden, that was genius." "Yeah, it was, wasn't it?"

The children played inside the warm house until it started snowing, and then they donned their coats and caps and ran outside to play in the snow. Jaiden, of course, went outside with the children and wound up playing in the snow with them. Imagine him lying on the ground with ten children on top of him, piling snow all over his body. Charley looked out the French doors and simply said, dumb ass, he gonna be sick come Monday. Sure enough, Jaiden woke up Monday morning with a raging cold. Masks would rule the day in the office and in the hospital. He couldn't rick giving his patients a cold with their weakened immune systems.

Ginny got to the house before Jaiden left for the hospital, took one look at him and grabbed his ear lobe and marched his back to his bedroom and made him get back in bed. He knew better than to argue with her, besides, he wanted more sleep and some matza ball soup better known as Jewish Penicillin. By that evening, he was over the sniffles and feeling rather chipper as the Brits would say.

The highlight of his day was getting a call from and getting to talk to Ms. Parkins. She was one of his favorite people. She told him that she, too, had gotten snow in her area and didn't like how cold it had gotten. When Jaiden told her how cold it was with the lake effect from Lake area, she simply said, "ya know, suddenly it's rather warm here." Jaiden died laughing.

Mrs. Parkins said she wouldn't be seeing Christopher that morning due to the in-climate weather, but if things cleared up, he would be there the day after. In the meantime, she would enjoy the peace and quiet as she watched her television programs and worked on her art projects. Outside her picture window, the field was so beautiful covered in fresh snow.

Suddenly, Jaiden heard a low squirmish, and when he looked outside, the Rabbi's dog was squaring off with a bobcat -- a big one. All it took to get the bobcat to flee was another round of firecrackers that Ginny threw into the yard. You'd have thought someone had tied that bobcat to a clothesline and poured turpentine on his butt with how fast he took off over the fence. Ginny commented that they now had one more thing to worry about.

Jaiden laughed and said, "Ginny, we don't have to worry about a bobcat in the backyard, we'll just sent the children to mother's after she moves here -- or to the farm with Peyton's parents. His dad would probably shoot the bobcat and do some taxidermy work on it and give it to the children to play with. Then he could explain to Nathan Robert why he killed that big kitty cat." "Jaiden, you're something else, do you know that?" "Yes, mam, I do. You taught me well," he said with a broad grin. Ginny walked into the kitchen shaking her head.

When the mail ran that day, there was two letters in the mail box, one to Ginny and one to Granny. They sat at the dining room table to open the letters and see what they were about. They looked at the return address on the envelope and knew the letters had come from Peyton and Jaiden, the return address on the envelopes was from their office. When they saw what was in the envelopes, they both let out a yell. "Jaiden, are you sure? ARE YOU SURE?" Jaiden told them to enjoy their Christmas presents, that they had earned them. Each envelope contained their December pay in advance plus $5,000.00. The ladies had to sit down for a while.

About an hour later, the doorbell rang, and a young lady was delivering a dozen roses to Granny and to Ginney, each containing a letter for them to open. The ladies sat at the table and cried when they opened the letters and found four first-class airline tickets to Paris, France for two weeks during Christmas. Dumbfounded would be the word of the day. Dale and Charley had conspired with Jaiden and Peyton to give their two favorite ladies and their husbands the Christmas present and vacation of a lifetime: Two weeks in Paris. Hotel, first class and paid in advance. Meals at the finest restaurants, paid for, a chauffer to drive the ladies and their husbands around Paris during their stay, paid for. Money for shopping, you name it: paid for. The guy's parents had joined in to give the ladies the most joyous Christmas they could ever think of.

When Jaiden got home that day, Ginny was standing at the garage door in the kitchen with a belt in hand. "BHoy's, have3 you lost your ever loving minds? A trip tp Paris for two weeks at Christmas, spending money, and a hugh bonus for the year! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR EVER LOVING MINDS?"

Jaiden answered, "No mam, we haven't lost out minds. We have done something for two beautiful Christian ladies who have given us way more that we could ever repay. You raised me, and you and Granny are raising our children, and doing a marvelous job if I may say so," to which Peyton replied, "Ditto!"

Dale and Charlie walked into the house shortly thereafter and were met with the same question asked of Jaiden and Peyton, but he side-stepped the issue by saying, "It isn't my or Charlie's fault, Jaiden said we had to chip in, that we didn't have a choice!" Charlie looked at Dale and said, "Babe, when you tell a whopping lie, you really know how to make it a big one!" That drew a irritated stare from Dale, and a laugh from Peyton and Jaiden.

Unbeknownst to the dad, the children had raided the flower bed in the backyard and made individual flower bouquets for Ginny and Granny and brought them into the house to help celebrate the gifts their dads had given to the ladies. When the children gave the flowers to their `adopted grandmas,' the ladies sat at the table in the kitchen and let their tears flow. They felt so blessed and so fortunate to be in their situation with three sets of the brightest, most loving children they had ever known.

When they got home and shared their gifts with their husbands, Ezra and the Reverend called the guys and thanked them profusely. It escaped them that in this day and time young men like the four amigos could, much less would be so kind and generous to someone who wasn't kin to them, who worked for them. But, as Jaiden has always said, they are family, they will always be family, and he and Peyton along with Charlie and Dale will always take care of them.

There was one more surprise: Jaiden, Peyton, Charlie, and Dale would be hosting a huge Thanksgiving dinner for the ladies and their husbands, along with the parents of each of the dads, their brothers and sisters and their families. The big surprise that Jaiden and Peyton haven't told anybody is that Dale's brother would be arriving to surprise his brother. Since there would be a big crowd of people, Jaiden rented the social hall at Ginny's and Granny;'s chirch.. If you think the dinner is going to be a grand celebration, you would be right!

Oh, and there is going to be one more surprise that Jaiden and Peyton haven't told anybody about: Granny's children and grandchildren would be traveling to Erie for the surprise Thanksgiving dinner, which was also going to include every member of Granny's and Ginny's church. Granny and Ginny and their husbands had no clue what the guys were up to and how they planned to spring the surprises on the ladies.

The next day, Granny's son called her and told her his family had some things come up and they would not be able to make it to her house for Thanksgiving. If she only knew the truth.

The rest of the week went along as normal as it could, but the office would close Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving to give the entire staff a break to relax and spend time with their families.

It snowed rather heavily that weekend, and snow piled up everywhere. Add to that all the ice on everything and you get the picture of where things are going.

The children were having a grand time playing in the snow, making and throwing snowballs at each other. The dads became concerned when the children stopped playing and everything go so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The children seemed to be in a circle talking about something, or should one say plotting something!

The children's dads were sitting at the table on the deck drinking some of Dale's famous coffee. It was a new coffee that Greg gave to the guys to try, and it was even better than the coffee that Dale usually bought, ground, and brewed.

Jaiden especially liked the coffee and asked Dale what brand it was. When Dale said GATA Coffee, Jaiden gave him a blank stare. "What the hell is GATA Coffee, Dale?"

It is made for, slod by, and shipped from Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia."

"That's all good and everything, Dale, but what does GATA stand for?" Jaiden, it is a term that originated by the students at their football games. It means GET AT THAT ASS!"

Jaiden laughed and said, "leave oit to college students to come up with a name like that. As for the coffee, who ever formulated this blend should get some kind of major award; this stiff is delicious." "I'm glad you think so, Jade, because I have ordered 50 pounds of medium roasted beans." "Goof, Dale, nwo go make another pot, PLEASE!

Before Dale could go inside to honor Jaiden's request, all hell broke loose with the children pelting their dads repeatedly with snowballs they had made and stored at the edge of the deck. Coffee was knocked all over Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charlie. Jaiden was mad that he had spilled a cup of exquisitely prepared coffee. "NATHAN ROBERT, COME HERE!"

Nathan Robert said, "Dad, it wasn't my idea, I promise." "Then whose idea was it?" "Dad, I'm not a snitch, so I can't say, but it really wasn't me. To prank the children, the dads said, "OK, guys, come up on the deck." When the children walked onto the deck the dads said, "OK, kids (a term Jaiden hates and refuses to use), since you won't tell us who started the snowball attack on us, you get to go take a bath and go to bed early."

The boys were furious and as they were entering the house, Charlie heard his and Dale's son, Chuck, say, "Alaina, I'm gonna get you for this!" She did look rather smug in herself. It wasn't loke her to be more mischievous than the boys, but this time, she had been. Dale was laughing and clapping his hands like Jaiden's mother does. Charlie, he was sitting quietly shaking his head.

They told the children they didn't have to take a bath and go to bed early, but they had to sit at the dining room for thirty minutes as punishment -- while the dads plotted their revenge.

While the children were sitting in the dining room, three of the dads went into the yard and made small snow balls, lots of them, while Peyton kept watch on the deck. When the dads in the yard were ready, Peyton called the children outside and told them they had to sit at the table in the cold, that it wasn't fair that the dads didn't get to sit inside where it was warm. When the children were sitting at the picnic table on the deck, the dads unleashed their attack causing the children to scatter and lay low. When the escapade was over, everybody was laughing. The children retreated to the yard and began having snowball fights with their dads. Talk about fun and togetherness, their play was a perfect example of how families should interact together. The children finally got tired from, playing and started going inside and getting ready to take a bath and get ready for bed.

As the children were entering the house, Dale called out to Alaina Noelle and said he want to talk with her for a minute. He saw tears well up in her eyes thinging she was in trouble for plotting the snowball attack on the dads. Dale quickly allayed her fears about that idea and said he just wanted to tell her how proud he was of her for finally letting her fun side show through. "Really, Daddy?" "Really, baby girl. I am always proud of you, but when you let the funny side of your personality out, I was so very proud to see that happen." Then he kissed hs daughter on the forehead and let her go inside.

When he checked on the boys, they were naked as jay birds spraying water at each other in the shower. One thing he had to stop before one of the boys got hurt was where Chuck had soaped the floor and the boys were playing like it was a slip-and-slide. Dale made one mistake in cautioning the boys: he stepped into the huge shower. When he did, Chuck soaked him with one of the sprayers the boys liked to play with. He made the mistake. He got repaid for interrupting the boy's fun. He didn't say a word, he just turned around and walked to the den -- soaking and wet. Charlie, Jaiden, and Peyton busted out laughing. They heard him stop the boys from playing on their make-shift slip-in-slide, and they heard him yelp when Chuck thoroughly soaked him.

The children must have been very tired, because they went to bed fairly quickly after their baths and were hard asleep in no time.

Jaiden and Peyton took advantage of their stroke of luck and went to their bedroom and shared a nice, warm soak in the jacuzzi -- along with some more pleasurable activities that continued into the bedroom for several hours. The same could be said for Dale and Charlie, but they weren't as quiet in their activities.

The next morning, the dads sat in the dining room drinking coffee and partaking of a slice each of a hummingbird cake Granny had made for them. For once, the children slept in longer than normal. When they got up, Dale prepared waffles with Irish butter and Hawaiian syrup. The boys still in their y-fronts went into the den after breakfast and stuck their faces into their favorite books. Alaina, in her beautiful pink nightgown crawled into her Daddy Dale's lap and wound him ever so tightly around her little finger.

Midday, the children were told to get ready for lunch, that they were going somewhere special. The children queried their dads about where they were going, only to be met with stone cold silence.

They all piled into the van and headed toward the beach. The boys knes it was too cold to walk on the beach, so they wondered if they were going to the seafood restaurant. When they arrived at the pier, they were indeed going to a seafood buffet at the Wharf Seafood Restaurant. It would be a misnomer to simply say they were excited. The seafood buffet was their favorite perk. Jaiden made sure the children stayed away from cruciferous vegetables, it was too cold to rid home with the van windows open.

There were two older couples sitting at the tables next to the tables the Riley-Reynolds, and one of the old farts began complaining that they weren't going to be able to eat in peace with all the children sitting sext to them. Jaiden got really pissed at the old man's comment and began to give him a tongue lashing the man would never forget, much link the one he gave the Pentecostal preacher years earlier. The old man took offense to Jaiden's admonishment of him in front of the children and stated as much. THAT WAS IT! Jaiden got in the old man's face and told him in no uncertain terms that he was way out of line and if he really wanted to challenge him to get his ass up and try. The old man did just that not knowing who he was messing with.

Jaiden ducked the old man's swing and then hit the old fart so hard the sailed across two tables, sending food all over the restaurant. The owner of the restaurant, the father of one of Jaiden's patients, came over to see what was going on. The guys filled him in on the situation and what the old man had said in his anger.

The restaurant owner approached the man and aid, "I notice those children are acting much more mannerly and much more controlled that you are and have been. Perhaps you should take a lesson from them. The gentleman you swung at who put you on your sorry ass is a championship boxer. His husband is a world-renowned Ju Jit Su and Karate expert having won numerous world championships all over the US and Europe. And, yes, I said his husband! Before you go offending a bunch of queers as you like to call them, consider that those queers may very well stomp your ass. They are good people, the children are incredibly mannerly and polite, and they didn't deserve the words you threw at them. There are a lot of children on the northeast who are still alive because of those two young doctors. What have you accomplished in your life and what had YOU done for others."

"Since you paid for your meal when you entered this establishment, you don't have to pay as you leave, so leave my restaurant and don't come back. And as you leave, stop by the register and I'll refund your money!"

"Jaiden, I'm sorry you had to deal with that old man. Is your hand OK?" "It is, Ronnie, thanks for asking. I have a doctor who takes great care of me. I'll let him check it later." "Yes, Jaiden, he is a very good doctor, and damned cute, too." You should have seen Peyton blush.

On the way home. Peyton suggested they go by the hospital and get Jaiden' hand x-rayed. They did, and it had two fractures. On the way out of the hospital, they saw the old man Jaiden he hit. Roger Betterman, an Erie Police Officer, and Jaiden's cousin, unbeknownst to the old bastard, was talking to the old man, who suddenly shouted, "There he is, there is the man who assaulted and hurt me."

Roger walked over to the guys and asked what happened. It was a bit different from what the old man said, so Roger called the restaurant, spoke with Ronnie and got his take on the squrmish. Then he walked back over to the old man and asked him why he had lied about what happened. The old man was taken aback -- until Roger told him he has witnesses waiting to discount the old mans false story. Then Roger arrested the man for false reporting of a crime, inciting a fight in a public place, disrupting a public business, aggravated battery for Jaiden's broken hand, and simple battery for the contusions Jaiden suffered in the short fight. Roger told Jaiden that the hearing would be at nine Monday Morning in Judge Stanislauski's courtroom. At nine am on Monday morning, Jaiden was in the courtroom when Don called court to order. When he looked up and saw Jaiden, he smiled, especially after noticing Jaiden's hand in a soft cast. He called the old man's case first and had the evidence against him reported in court. Numerous restaurant patrons, including Ronnie, were in court on Jaiden's behalf.

Don started laughing as he looked at the man and asked if he wanted to plead guilty or go to trial noting how many witnesses were in court to testify against him. The old man thought better of the situation and told the Judge he would plead guilty and apologize to everybody. It didn't help matters any for the old man knowing that all of the children were in court being mannerly and so quiet you could hear a pin drop on the carpet.

When the old coot walked out of the courtroom, he had nine years of supervised probation, four-thousand hours of community service, and fourteen-thousand dollars in fines and restitution. He at least got first-offender status from Don, and a smile from Jaiden.

Jaiden was standing next to his boys when the old man left the courtroom without looking at him. He got a little miffed when he heard Nathan Robert say, "You sorry piece of shit" as the old man walked past him. That drew a strong rebuke from Jaiden and a promise from Nathan Robert that he would say that again -- even if it was true.

When the family got home, Jaiden told Peyton he needed a massage and went to his bedroom and got into bed. Peyton came in, got the massage lotion - Hawaiian, of course -- and told Jaiden to roll over on his stomach.

Peyton, it's my right hand that is broken, it isn't my back that I want massaged.

Next: Chapter 201

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