
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Dec 14, 2024


Jaiden -- Chapter 214 .... FINAL CHAPTER

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Greg Patrick

"Boys, we need to have a talk! I got a phone call about some things that happened this past weekend, and I am not happy with your behavior."

One parent told me that you boys played with each other's penises. Another parent told me their son said he gave one of you guys a blowjob, and yet another parent said two of you had butt sex which is properly called anal intercourse. I don't think their sons would have opened up about that behavior unless it really happened."

"What I am disappointed about is you doing that at your age with other boys that are your age. It is one thing to look, but it is another thing to touch someone else's private parts, no matter where you are or what you are doing. Do you understand what I am saying?" All the boys said, "yes, Sir."

"Boys, here is what is going to happen because of your and your friend's behavior Friday night: There will be no more camp outs on your own in the backyard or anywhere else in the foreseeable future. Secondly, you will apologize to your friends for allowing that to happen knowing it was something you should not have done at your age."

"You each need to understand that I am not mad about what happened, just very disappointed in you. Whether or not you realize it, you made me, Daddy Peyton, Daddy Dale, and Daddy Charlie look very bad, and that is something that it is going to take us a long time to overcome, if we are able to overcome it. We are already at a huge disadvantage being gay and married to another man. What people say, what people think, what people do, makes our lives incredibly more difficult at times, and Saturday night has made it worse for us."

"We have worked very hard to have a good reputation in Erie and in our neighborhood, and Saturday night could ruin everything. We are very disappointed in you, and we are very disappointed in ourselves for not watching you more closely and preventing what happened Saturday night. Now we are playing a game of wait and see to decide on what we may have to do for our lives to again be what they were before Saturday night."

"Daddy, we didn't mean to cause so much trouble, and we really didn't mean to disappoint you. I'm sorry I did what I did." "Thank you for saying that, Abraham. It doesn't fix things, but it does make me feel a little better to hear you say that. I hope your brother's feel the same way." All the boys said they did, and they all admitted what they did and apologized to their dads.

Dale and Charlie were so upset that they stayed in their room while Jaiden chastised the boys. Peyton sat in a chair in his and Jaiden's room looking out the window, tears streaming down his face. Never before had he doubted his worth as a parent, but he was certainly feeling like a pretty worthless parent at this point. Life had been good for the Riley-Reynolds and Anderson-Leonard families up to this point. But now, that goodness has taken a plunge off a high mountain cliff and the dads are devastated.

Were people correct in their thinking that gay couples shouldn't raise children? That gay couples couldn't be good parents?" Jaiden certainly hoped they weren't correct in their thoughts. He simply didn't know anymore, and couldn't defend gay couples raising children as long as he had doubts in his mind about his own situation.

"Oh, God, what I wouldn't give to make this go away," Jaiden thought. He was incredibly depressed at this point and was wondering how his and the children's relationship could be restored to its former state. What ifs, how's, whys -- they were all playing through his mind.

The dads were so upset that they forgot about dinner that night. They wouldn't go out because they were embarrassed and didn't want people to point fingers at them or shy away from them because of what 20 children did in their backyard.

The children were hungry and the grandparents were hiding so Jaiden could talk to the children. They knew about the situation, and they, too, were upset with their grandchildren. For the grandparents, moving to Erie was pretty much out the window until they knew what their sons were going to do. And when Ginny and Granny returned from Paris, they would return to a royal mess. The dads would have to talk to them about what happened, maybe not in total detail, but they would have to talk with them.

The guys are questioning if they should remain in Erie or return to Memphis to the hospital there. Should Jaiden and Peyton move to Abingdon and purchase Jaiden's mother's practice and relocate theirs" The whats; ifs; what ifs; whys; and the hows were all wreaking havoc on the guys minds and they had no idea how to answer their own questions. Would they have to split up the children as a result of whatever decision they make, and if they did, how was that going to affect the children? Oh, lord, what a mess the children created for their parents. They didn't mean to do that, but they did. They were too young to understand the ramifications of their behavior. If they hadn't been, perhaps they wouldn't have done what they did. They certainly won't do it again at this point.

Monday morning, Jaiden and Peyton would be consulting with a psychiatrist and a psychologist to try and figure out how to come to grips with what their children did. The one thing they knew was that they couldn't keep feeling the way they were feeling at the moment.

Jaiden talked to his mother about buying her practice and relocating the family to Abingdon. Peyton talked to his dad about relocating back to Memphis or possibly starting a practice in Orange Beach. Andrew had the farm in Orange Beach, and Jaiden and Peyton certainly had enough money to buy a farm in the middle of nowhere to raise their children to adulthood. While there wasn't a time limit to make their decision, a decision would have to be made at some point or another.

Jaiden and Peyton talked to Leon and Peter about their situation and asked for their thoughts. Peter had a logical recommendation for Jaiden and Peyton assuming ownership of the house in Brevard. There was plenty of land and plenty of room for the entire family without the need to split up the children. Leon and Peter would take Jaiden's and Peyton's house in Erie, and Jaiden and Peyton would own the house in Brevard. They would start a general pediatric practice in that area and work with cancer patients there. Charlie and Dale would relocate their office and be closer to the home office in Memphis. The children would attend a Jewish middle and secondary school in the Brevard area, and all four of the dads would teach at the local university on a part-time basis.

The guys talked to their parents about their relocating to Brevard, NC, and let them know the decision had been made. Attorneys were contacted to take care of the real estate matters and prepare the contracts for Jaiden and Peyton to sell their interest in the Erie practice to their brothers and the new partner, Dr. Pecorino. Ads were taken in the local newspaper to advertise Jaiden's and Peyton' leaving the Erie area for parts unknown, at least for the newspaper.

Calls started pouring in -- especially from the parents of the boys involved in the Saturday night incident. All of the calls were equal in nature: Don't leave Erie! Nobody but the parents involved knew what had happened, but, still, the embarrassment and hurt the dads incurred was too great for them to overcome if they stayed in Erie. What was private would remain private, and a new start would be made for all concerned -- outside of Pennsylvania.

**Thanks to all who have read and commented at times on the story Jaiden. I have enjoyed writing the story, but they guys have reached a point in the story where they have been a couple for twenty-plus years, the children are now tweens and getting into some serious trouble creating the need to shake up their world and change their circumstances.

To my friends in England, especially the dear friend I met in the UK last August, you and the readers in Denmark, Finland, Germany, and Abu Dabbi mean the world to me. You each helped me prove to myself that I could write and write well, and my story helped some of my readers heal.

I was able to help one reader traverse through the courts in his state and get relief from the offense for which he went to prison for a number of years. I haven't heard from that person for quite a while and hope the person, who shall remain unidentified, is doing well.

I would like to leave a few thoughts with each of the readers of Jaiden:

  1. If you read the bible, pay as much attention to what scriptures don't say as to what they do say. What they don't say can be as important or more important that what they do say.

Genesis Chapter 1, verse 20 says God created man, and likewise woman in his own image. He didn't say he created white man, black man, Jew or Gentile. He didn't say he created Muslim or Methodist, Protestant or Catholic, gay or straight, he created man and woman -- Period! Given that thought, we are all connected by God's amazing grace, and we should love each other unreservedly not because we have to, but because it is the right thing to do.

Leviticus 29:28 - New King James Version You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD. Gay or straight, God loves us all, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

The only way we are going to return to a land of peace; the only way we are going to be able to stop our children from killing each other and teach them to love and respect each other, especially those who are different from them, is to return to being a land of undeniable faith; you can even be a Jew playing the organ in a Christian church!

If someone tells you that you are going to hell for being an LGBTQIA individual, quote Matthew 12, verses 31 ands 32 to them:

31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Be patient, be loving, be supportive; you never know whose life you may save by incorporating these three variables into your life.

Check out the European post-mortem exams done on individuals who were gay. There is evidence to support that being gay is not a choice as some say, that it may in fact be a matter of organics in the brain.

May each of you be blessed beyond measure, above and beyond what you believe you may deserve. Know that I will always have your backs against those who would dare to discriminate against you for being bi-sexual, gay, or transgender. It's the right thing to do.

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