
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on May 16, 2020


Gregory Patrick gp932260@gmail.com

Jaiden – Chapter 24 05-16-20

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G. A. Patrick

I woke up first again and like all the other times, I did what I never get tired of doing: watching Peyton sleep until he awakens. He is so handsome with his dark black hair like mine, and he looks so innocent when he is sleeping peacefully. It takes all I can do to not get choked up when I look at him like this. I am so blessed to be a part of his life and I am so fortunate that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. I get a bit emotional when I think of that. And when you add how supportive and loving out parents are, it is almost too much to think about. We enjoy blessings that others can only wish for.

I went into the kitchen of the suite and put on a pot of coffee. When it was ready, I fixed Peyton's the way he likes it and took it into the bedroom and sat on his side of the bed as he began to awaken. "Sweetheart, I fixed you a cup of coffee the way you like it. Sit up and I will hand it to you."

"Thank you, Jaiden, have I told you lately how much I love you and how fortunate I am that you would want to share your life with me?" "Yes, love, you actually tell me every day and I never tire of hearing it. I watched you sleeping for the longest this morning and realized just how fortunate I am to have you. You complete me in ways I don't even know how to describe. Your parents tell me that and my Mom tells me that so it has to be true."

I took Peyton's hand in mine and he wrapped his hand around mine. I lifted his hand and kissed it ever so lightly. I held his hand to my face and just took in his scent, that scent that I love, that scent that drives me wild in my mind. "Damn, I love him so much it physically hurts at times. All I want to do is hold him all day long and look into his baby blue eyes for as long as I can. He's just so handsome. We go together so well that we actually look alike. Olive skin, silky, shiny black hair. If people didn't know better, they would think we were brothers. Blessed to have him as my spouse, definitely, without a doubt.

Dale and Charley finally woke up and came into the living room and Dale said, "Good morning, how are my favorite brothers?" He'd never said that before, so it took me a bit by surprise. "We are fine, and I agree, we truly are brothers now. What would y'all like to do for breakfast?"

"How about a Hawaiian Banana waffle with fresh fruit?" "Peyton?" "That sounds so good to me, but let's add fresh chopped macadamia nuts to the waffles have them brought to the room and eat together up here, have a bit more coffee and take some time to just talk." "Deal."

About 20 minutes later, room service brought our breakfast up and we sat down and enjoyed some alone time for the four of us. We talked about how we were enjoying our honeymoon and school break, about how blessed we felt, and how much we enjoy our time with each other. We talked about what we wanted to do today and we all voted to go back to little beach and get a bit more sun all over. After all, Little Beach is a nude beach and we are by no means shy.

About 30 minutes later, we pulled into Kamao'lé 1 beach and headed to Little Beach. We got there, spread our towels, stripped down and laid on our towels on the sandy beach. Since it was Saturday, there was an all-day island jam session going on that we particularly enjoyed. It was like a 60s hippie day. Sun and fun all day. We even went swimming in the nude and that was really comfortable and enjoyable. We made sure to apply sun screen this time, no more burn like before.

We really enjoy each other's company and that made the day truly special. We spent maybe 3 hours at little beach and decided to go to Lahaina and stroll about town. We wanted to spend a little more time in the Cesere Brother's picture studio. Their work is simply stunning with eyepopping colors.

The thing about Lahaina is that we feel comfortable walking through the middle of town holding hands. We can't always do that because of some people's attitudes, but, in Maui, there is no such thing as discrimination, color, religious persecution, no homophobia that you would experience stateside. Maui is as close to Heaven on earth as you can get. Leaving is really going to be hard. Last night, we went to the Jewish Center of Maui and we could not have felt more welcome. Maui is a beautiful place with beautiful people. We just can't get enough of the place. When we finish medical school, we are definitely coming back for a visit before our residency starts.

We spent the rest of the afternoon in Lahaina enjoying the sites, the stores, and most especially, the people . We stopped at the Hawaiian Shaved Ice stand and got an ice and went back and sat under the Banyan tree. I have never seen a more majestic tree anywhere. The small children running about were having a great time climbing on the limbs although they aren't supposed to. The police don't seem to care about the youngsters since they never said a word to them.

There is absolutely on thing you cannot do on Maui and that is speed on the road from Lahaina back to Kaanapali. There is a lone motorcycle cop who spends his day writing speeding tickets. We had a chance to meet him at a store and he is a genuinely nice man.

In a loving way, Peyton and I have enjoyed each other and each other's bodies. The same was true with Dale and Charley. We had walked in to the college apartment to find Dale having oral sex with Charley and it didn't seem to bother them, so we haven't let it bother us in Maui.

We got back to the resort after a long day and had dinner at the resort restaurant. Since we hadn't done so yet, we all tried the parmesan encrusted fish for dinner with fresh vegetables and garlic mashed potatoes. Next to the herb rubbed prime rib, it was probably the best meal we have had. Expertly cooked, not over-cooked. It was all so good.

When we got through eating, we again enjoyed a long walk on the beach, sitting on the sand holding each other and watching the sunset. There have been beautiful sunsets and, thanks to the gift of a great Canon camera system from our parents, we were able to capture those sunsets. We also were able to get some beautiful pictures of the sunrises on the beach in Lahaina proper. But nothing has been as enjoyable as sitting on the beach holding the love of my life.

When we got back to the suite, we put some towels on the sofas and stripped down com0letely and laid on the couch holding each other. There was no embarrassment at being nude around each other. We opened the French doors to the balcony and let the cool ocean breeze blow in cooling us down. I stroked Peyton's hair, softly rubbed his face and stole a kiss here and there. It was a special time between us, no jumping each other's bones so to speak, only quality intimate time together. No television, just time holding each other in the cool ocean breeze.

When we finally went to bed after the 11 pm news, we made out for a few hours but avoided hard sex. There was a bit of mutual masturbation and the resultant tension relief, nothing more. I just wanted to hold my husband for as long as I could. I didn't just want to hold Peyton, I needed to hold Peyton. It was and is a heart thing.

We may have been naked, but we still went and sat on the chase lounge chair on the balcony where I rested my chin on the top of Peyton's head. It was heaven on earth.

Before we realized what was happening, we fell asleep holding each other and awoke early the next morning to realize we had been sleeping and holding each other naked as jaybirds all night in the cool ocean breeze. It was so amazing!

Next: Chapter 23

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