
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Apr 13, 2020


Jaiden – Chapter 3 Gregory Patrick gp932260@gmail.com

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Greg Patrick

After dinner last night, Jaiden and I got busy preparing for today's classes. As I noted before I am a pre-med major studying Micro Biology in preparation for Podiatry School. Jaiden is a pre-med major also studying Micro Biology with hopes of entering med school to become an emergency physician, hence both of us put a lot into our studies but we also take some weekend time for a bit of fun.

The clock went off at 6 am to give us time to get ready for 8 am classes and to get a bit of breakfast beforehand. I sprung up and hit the shower to hopefully wake up enough to be ready for my first class. I had gotten the shower just warm enough to be enjoyable when I was suddenly pushed against the shower wall and held there. Jaiden had entered the shower with me although the space was rather tight and he gave me a stare that said "don't move", so I didn't. He pressed in placing his naked body tightly against mine and then whispered softly in my ear "thanks for yesterday, it was awesome."

I hadn't expected a reprisal this quickly nor this early, but Jaiden was intent on repaying me for yesterday's long massage and I was intent on letting him do so. He took a bar of soap and began to lather my body one spot at a time. He took some special time to wash and play with each nipple as he worked his way down my body. Suddenly he engulfed my member sending me into a warm, blissful moment as he worked his magic. His method was slow and rhythmic sending shockwaves throughput my entire body. It was only a short time before I told Jaiden I was about to explode. He just cut his eyes up at me and smiled the best he could given what he was giving me. I shuddered suddenly and let loose like a volcano spewing lava. When I caught my breath, I looked down at Jaiden and he was kneeling there with his eyes shut simply enjoying the moment. After a few minutes, he resumed washing my body heading to the back side where he gingerly caressed my back and then my gluteals paying particular attention to my tight, pink sphincter. He rubbed it intently before inserting a finger as far as it would go and then began massaging my prostate. It was just a second before I shot a second load all over his face and chest. Since Jaiden had bathed me and not himself, I returned the favor giving to him exactly what he had just given to me. To say we were both in ecstasy would be a gross understatement.

When we got out of the shower, Jaiden proceeded to dry me off and then dry himself. Then he just left the towel drop and then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tightly into him. I was a bit stunned at how the morning was progressing, but when he leaned over and kissed me, my legs just went limp. I had never before been kissed like that by any of the girls I had dated. I just stood there stunned and very happily satisfied. Jaiden noticed my reaction and pulled me into another strong embrace. Looking into my eyes he said, "I've never met anyone like you who so quickly wrapped me around his little finger and I have never been with a guy before, you are my first and, if I get my way, you will be my only until the day I die. When he said that, the tears began to flow and I couldn't utter a word. I just held Jaiden not wanting to let go.

What Jaiden didn't know, and I didn't tell him at this point, was that he was also the first guy I had ever been with. Why I fell so fast and hard for him I don't know, but I guess it will come out in the wash in due time. I just know I don't want to be apart from him...not even for a minute.

We went to breakfast, which is my favorite meal of the day at the university and, by the way he ate, Jaiden apparently felt the same way. After breakfast we were off to classes until lunch and then back for one last 2-hour class. There would be time for each other when the time came for our jog. Until then it would be our imaginations to get us through the day

Next: Chapter 4

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