
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Dec 8, 2020


Jaiden Chapter 85

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Greg Patrick

"Peyton, this is Andy. How ready do you think Richard is for taking the CLEP exams? "Andy, he is as ready as I think he is going to be. He knows the material and he should do well on the test as long as he doesn't panic and freeze." "Andy, this is Jaiden. Just to let you know, we are on the speaker phone since Richard isn't at the house right now. He knows the material, but he is incredibly nervous about taking the exams because he is so obsessive-compulsive about doing thing correctly and not making mistakes."

"Actually, that may play in Richard's favor. I have him scheduled to begin the exams Monday morning. He should be through no later than Wednesday afternoon. Depending on his confidence level, he may be through as early as noon on Tuesday. If, for some reason, he does not pass all the exams, he can retake them in 90 days. Taking the exams now will give Richard what information the boards are looking for."

"We'll talk to Richard when he gets home tonight and let him know about Monday, then we will do our best to keep him mind off the exams." "Very good. I'll see you three Monday morning at 9."

Jaiden and Peyton walked into the den where the children were playing. Jaiden suddenly wrinkled his nose and said, "MY WORD, Peyton, do you smell that?" "I do, Jaiden. Do you remember me telling you not to feed the boys to much of the cruciferous vegetables?" "Yes, why?" "That is what you are smelling. The boys have a good case of flatulence."

"Get the mentholated salve and the cotton balls, I have a feeling we are going to need both when we sit the boys on their potties." "Let's set them on their potty seats and see if some of this smell will go away. Hopefully this is just a first-time thing for their bodies to get used to the new vegetables." "Do you remember the first time I ate a Gyro and what it did to me? I haven't had that problem since."

"Well, that was successful. The next hour should tell us if the gas they had goes away." "Jaiden, I hope so, that was an awful smell."

Richard walked through the door and said, Hi, guys, I'm home. Salley had to go to work and I don't think they want me hanging around there." "You're right, Richard. They don't want any relatives around the nurses when they are working. Talking about working, we are supposed to have you at LECOM Monday morning at 9 to start taking the CLEP exams. They're letting you start early. Peyton and I think you are ready and will do well on the exams. You pass the exams and you will go with us to St. Jude's July 02 to move into the residence and Sally can go with us to start working on the 15th."

"Jaiden, I am so looking forward to getting out of Erie for a while. And I'm stoked on doing my residency and internship in Pediatrics. I would like to be in a family practice with you guys in pediatrics."

"Richard, you will have to prove yourself at St. Jude's and once we all complete our residencies and internships, we should be able to open a tandem practice at the same time. Within ten years, Peyton and I want to establish a world class children's cancer center in Erie to serve children in the north and north east quadrant of the US so children can be closer to home instead of driving over twelve hours to get to Tennessee. I we can establish that center with St. Jude's, that will be the caveat to the work we have put in to be physicians."

"Good morning, gentlemen. Richard, are you ready to begin the exams?" "Yes, sir, I am." "Good. This is the first of 6 exams. Carefully examine each question and determine what it is actually asking and answer the question accordingly. You have four hours to complete this part of the exams."

Three hours later, Richard completed the exam and handed it to Andy. Richard was given the second of the six exams and told he also had 4 hours to complete that portion of the exam. While he was answering the exam's questions, Andy ran the first part of the exam through the computerized grader. He was pleasantly surprised that Richard only missed on question. He passed the exam! When Richard completed the second portion of the exam, he was exhausted as he handed the test to Andy. The exam was immediately run through the computerized grader and Richard didn't miss a single answer. Testing will resume tomorrow morning. Andy told Peyton and Jaiden to make sure Richard got to bed early because the first test in the morning would be somewhat more grueling that the first two sections.

Richard spent the entire day taking the second dual section of the CLEP tests. When he handed in the tests, all he wanted to do was go home and to bed. Jaiden and Peyton took Richard to dinner at Ruth Criss' in Erie and treated him to his favorite steak dinner. They noticed Richard started having trouble keeping his eyes open, so they took him home so he could go to bed. He would have the last series of the CLEP tests tomorrow and he needed to be as rested as possible.

When they got to LECOM the next morning, they met Andy in his office. "Richard, the tests you took yesterday were graded, and unlike the day before, the results were different. I hate to tell you this, you didn't mess a single answer on yesterday's tests. When I got the computer graded results, I sat in my chair and cried. I am old enough and experienced enough that I shouldn't do that, but you are special to all of us and...I'll just leave it at that."

"Does Dad know?" "I didn't call him because legally, I can say anything to him about your actual scores; however, you are welcome to use my phone and call him now, or you can wait until you complete the last two tests today, five us the time to grade them and then call him with whatever news there is to tell him." Richard looked at Peyton and Jaiden and then back at Andy, and said, "I'll wait until this evening to call Mom and Dad - and Seth.

Andy started Richard on the last two tests at 9. They took a lunch break from 12 to 1:30. Richard resumed the testing promptly at 1:30 and completed the exams at 6. Andy immediately took the exams to the Dean's office to have the graded. About 40 minutes later, Andy came back to his office to find Richard sleeping hard. Andy winked at Peyton and Jaiden and then yelled, "Richard! Get off your ass, you have a lot of prep work to do before you go to St. Jude's on July 02." "Richard, you're doing again." "Doing what, Jaiden?" "Resting your jaw on the floor. Pick it up off the floor or it's going to start hurting." "It finally hit Richard that he had passed all 6 CLEP exams and floods descended from his eyes. Peyton put his arms around his brother and held him until he calmed down.

When Richard regained his composure, Andy said, "Richard, I did something I didn't get your permission to do, and I didn't tell you what was happening. I snuck the Physician's Assistant exam in with your tests and you passed that with flying colors just like Jaiden and Peyton did. Now I have to get someone to sign off on your licensure for you to start working as a PA as soon as possible. When Andy said that, Dr. Brannen stepped around the corner with Dr. Mom and said, "I think we can take care of that problem!" When Jaiden saw his mom, tears rolled from his eyes as he said, "I can't believe this." As Jaiden said that, Richard, Peyton, and Jaiden heard a familiar voice say, `I can believe it, I knew he could do it." It was Seth standing in the doorway with Mom and Dad Riley. Richard grabbed Seth and cried his heart out – and so did Seth, Mom, and Dad. Peyton was sitting at the conference table with alligator tears flooding down his face.

Dr. Brannen said, "by the way Richard, you have rounds at the hospital in one hour. You may as well get started on learning what it is like to do without rest when you want it the most. They have a meal waiting for everybody in the cafeteria at the hospital. And since you have to have a medical smock to wear on the floor, here is yours." It had Richard's name embroidered on it along with the hospital's name. "Don't put the smock on until after you eat and are on the elevator heading to the surgical floor. Peyton and Jaiden will do rounds with you for a few days until you get acclimated to your new position. Also Sally has no idea so when you get to the floor with your smock on, walk to the nurse's station behind Peyton and Jaiden. When you get to the station, they will have Sally sitting there so you can say, "Nurse, may I have the chart for the patient in 208?" Seth, your Mom and Dad, Dr. Reynolds, and I will come in from the back hall so we can watch Sally's reaction."

The guys and their parents went to dinner and the guys let their parents have time to get to the floor before they went up. Seth ran to the nurse's station to see the ladies who took such good care of him. When asked why he was there, he told them his parents brought him to see Richard during the holiday break. As he had Sally's attention diverted the guys walked up to the nurse's station without being seen.

As planned, Richard said, "nurse, may I have the chart for the patient in 308 so I can begin rounds?" Sally spun around so fast she almost fell out of her chair. When she saw Richard wearing the smock that said, Richard Riley, P.A., Erie Medical Center, she started crying. When Richard told her they would be going to St. Jude's on July 02 to begin his residency and internship in Pediatrics, she and Seth started sobbing. They had not expected that to happen so quickly. All the nurses at the station were crying with Sally and Seth. Seth's Mom and Dad hugged him and Mom rubbed his back to help him calm down.

Sally got up, took Richard by the hand and walked him into the private ante room behind the nurse's station. She backed him up against the wall and flat planted one right on his lips and then said, "Now, let's get started on rounds."

They walked into room 308 and Richard said, "Mr. Agostini, I'm Richard Riley, the physician's assistant on call tonight, how are you?" "I am well Mr. Riley, but I thought Peyton was on duty tonight." Peyton stepped into the room and said, "I am on duty tonight, Mr. Agostini, but this is my brother's first night as a physician's assistant at the hospital so I will observe him and assist him where he may need help.'

"Wait a minute, Peyton, you and Richard are brothers? "Yes sir, we are and proud of it. Richard, Jaiden, and I, get out Doctor of Osteopathy Degrees on June 02, and we start our internships in various divisions of pediatrics on July 02 at St. Jude's." "No shit, guys! This is unreal." "Yes, it is, Mr. Agostini." Richard's parents, Dr. Mom, and Dr. Brannen were standing outside the rooms door and grinned at Mr. Agostini's comment. When rounds were completed, Dr. Brannen and Dr. Mom sat down with Richard and critiqued Richard's first night. He passed with flying colors. They all went back to the house and Seth wanted all his brother's attention. Sally went to her apartment so Seth could spend the night with Richard. The brothers had not seen each other for the past six months, and they had some catching-up to do. When they went to bed Seth snuggled up to Richard and immediately fell asleep.

The next morning, Richard was not expecting a knock on his door at 6. He got up, answered the door, and Peyton said, "We have rounds starting at 7 so we need to get going. Richard thought to himself that the profession has begun and his time is already starting to dwindle, but it was worth everything.

As soon as he and Seth got up, dressed, and opened the door, they smell a breakfast they though had to be handed down from the heavens. Seth looked at Richard and said, "Ginny and Granny are here and that smell is banana-macadamia nut waffles and Dale's coffee." "Seth, are banana-macadamia nut waffles good?" "Richard, you haven't had them yet? They are the best!"

When Richard tasted the waffles, Richard looked at Seth and said, "little brother, these are awesome!" Ginny and Granny said, "Thank you, son!" "Y'all are welcome."

Granny and Ginny didn't know what happened, so when Richard donned his smock and walked into the kitchen, both ladies shouted and hugged Richard very tightly. "Richard, does this mean you will become a doctor in June like Jaiden and Peyton?" "Yes, mam, it does. I passed all the tests I took over the past three days and Andy snuck in the Physician's Assistant exam and I passed it too. I made my first rounds last night."

Ginny looked at Richard and couldn't say a word as tears fell from her eyes. She loved all her boys, even if she hadn't known Richard that long."

Peyton and Richard headed to the hospital to begin rounds. When the rounds were completed, they would work in the emergency room until 8 that evening.

When the brothers got to the surgical floor, Peyton introduced Richard to all the nurses. They were all curious if they guys were related since they had the same last name. Peyton said, "look closely at Richard. You should recognize him from six months back. Janice put her hand over her mouth when she realized who Richard was. "You're Seth's brother, aren't you?" "Yes, mam, I am. I am also Peyton's brother." "You and Seth both got adopted by Peyton's parents?" Peyton spoke up and said, "he did, and is the proudest day my family has ever had. My sister and her family flew from Oregon and surprised us when she walked in for the celebration. Now Richard, Jaiden, and I will start our residency and internships in pediatrics at St. Jude's on July 02.

Richard and Janice walked into the first patient's room and Richard said, "Good morning, Mr. Brunson, I'm Richard Riley, the Physician's Assistant on duty today. How are you feeling this morning?" "I'm feeling well, Mr. Riley." Richard said, "Please, I'm plain old Richard, not Mr. Riley." Mr. Brunson stared at Richard for a minute and then said, "are you by chance kin to Peyton"? "Yes, sir, he is my brother." "Good, I like to keep things in the family!" Richard grinned and said, "let me take a look at your stitches and check a few things to make sure you are doing as well as possible." "Janice told Richard the lab results and the temps throughout the night as Richard was examining Mr. Brunson. "Well, sir, everything looks extremely good, and you have been here a week, so how would you like to go home today?" "Richard, that would be awesome." "Let me sign the release orders. I think we can have you at home by noon."

Richard and Janice went to the nurse's station and Richard signed the release orders and wrote a prescription for a week's worth of Doxycycline and 5 days of 5/350 hydrocodone for pain. He would see Mr. Brunson at Dr. Brannen's office Wednesday morning at 9.

When Richard finished rounds, he met Peyton in the emergency room. Right off the bat, he got to stitch a little boy's lip where he fell against the corner of a living room table. Peyton had already ordered the buffered lidocaine to deaden the lip. He explained the concoction to Richard and told him that was the preferred local anesthesia for numbing children before they get stitches since it doesn't sting when it is buffered.

Peyton didn't say anything, but he observed Richard asking the nurse to get the supplies he needed to stitch the boy's lip. Peyton thought, "perfect." Richard sutured the boy's lip with no trouble at all. When the boy's got off the exam table, he gave Richard a hug. Peyton and the nurse could tell that hug touched a nerve in Richard, and they could see the pride in Richard's face.

As they got off for the evening, Jaiden walked in to take their place to do rounds and work in the ER.

Peyton took Richard to the Wharf Restaurant on The Bay and bought him a good seafood dinner He called his Dad ahead of time, so their parents, Seth, and Dr. Mom joined them at the restaurant for dinner. Richard got a big kick out of Seth's face when he saw the buffed. When he saw the food Seth packed in, he said, "Mom, does Seth eat like this all the time?" "No, Richard, he only eats like this at a seafood buffet. He's very good about watching his weight. His boyfriend likes him the way he is."

Richard looked at Seth and said, "Boyfriend, little bro?" "Yep, we go to the same synagogue and we go to the same Jewish school, so I get to see him every day." Mom looked at Seth and said, "And?" "Richard, he comes to the farm every weekend and we have a blast feeding and playing with the animals. It took a while for Peyton to trust him, but the mule is ok with him now and we're all friends." "Seth, you have no idea how proud I am to see you so happy. A few minutes later a young boy and his parents came into the restaurant and sat with the Rileys and Dr. Mom. Richard noticed the boy leaned over and gave Seth a kiss on the lips. "Richard, this is my boyfriend, Jessie. Jessie, this is my brother Richard, and the handsome dude sitting in front of you is my brother, Peyton." Jessie told everybody it was nice to meet them and then introduced his parents to his brothers. It is interesting that Jessie's Mom and Dad are pediatricians in Orange Beach, so they and the brothers had a lot to talk about.

Peyton told them he hoped they would stay at the house with them since there was an extra bedroom that they could have for themselves. He said Jessie could stay in the room with Richard and Seth. Jessie's parents asked if there was enough room for Jessie to stay in the room with Richard and Seth. Richard spoke up and said, "Wait until you see the size of the rooms and the size of the beds. I guarantee you won't sleep on a more comfortable bed in a quieter room."

"Nobody has mentioned Dale's coffee. Wait until you taste that coffee. It will make you melt into a dream. We always have a cup on the deck and talk for a while before we go to bed."

Peyton took out his phone and called Dale and asked him to make two pots of coffee. He looked at everybody and said, "Coffee's on folks!" "Dad Riley said, "it better be. I didn't fly all this way to not get a cup of that coffee. Then he called Andy and told him to meet everybody at the house in thirty minutes. Andy was at the house when everybody else arrived.

Everybody had a cup of coffee while sitting on the deck talking. "Andy, these folks are the parents of Seth's boyfriend, Drs. Jamey and Amy Berkowitz. They are pediatricians in Orange Beach and we attend the same temple." "Jamey, Amy, this is Dr. Andy Robinson. He's a surgeon and Professor at LECOM medical school. He and I grew up together in Orange Beach, so our boys can't get into trouble without us knowing about it."

Andy talked to Richard about how his first night of rounds went at the hospital. Richard told Andy he was extremely tired, but he really enjoyed interacting with the patients with a nurse named Sally and another named Janice. Andy asked, Andy asked Richard if the nurse named Sally was the nurse he had a crush on." Richard smiled, took a sip of coffee, and didn't say a word. Andy said' Damn, son, you've been around Jaiden too long. You sip coffee, smile, and ignore a question just like Jaiden and Peggy." Dr. Mom laughed and clapped her hands in her usual style.

Andy looked at the Berkowitz's and explained that Richard and Sally were getting married the first of June and she would be a nurse at St. Jude's while Richard did his residency and internship in pediatrics.

Everybody was talking when Andy noticed Richard had fallen asleep. Andy nudged Jim and Peyton and said, exactly what I expected after his first 12-hour shift. Wait until he pulls a 24." The Berkowitz's got a laugh out of that comment.

Dad looked at Seth and said, "Seth, why don't you and Jessie help Richard to the bedroom and y'all go to bed so he can get up for rounds in the morning." Seth woke Richard very gently and said, "Richard, let's go to bed so you can get up in the morning and do your rounds at the hospital." Richard said, "Good idea, Seth" and then apologized to everybody for falling asleep. Everyone said the understood and wished him a good night.

The Berkowitz's said "Peyton, you said you had some boys. How old are they?" "Dr. Berkowitz, all 5 boys are 7 months old. Come with me and you can see them in their room. They're asleep, but they sleep hard, so we Won't wake them." Jamey said, I'm not Dr. Berkowitz, I am Jamey and my wife is Amy." "Yes, sir. I'll honor that."

When Jamey and Amy say the children's room, their eyes almost bugged out of their head. They had never seen a nursery so large in a home. Peyton told them if they thought the room was big to take a look in the bath room. When they saw the bathroom, and 5 potty seats, they were really amazed. Jamey asked if the boys used those potty seats. Peyton said they did, that they potty trained themselves at six months because they hated wet and soiled diapers. Amy looked at Jamey and asked why they couldn't be so lucky.

Peyton told Jamey and Amy that Dale and Charley had four boys and a daughter, all 7 months old as well, and showed them Alaina Noelle's room and bath and told them the all the boy's rooms and baths were the same. Amy loved Alaina Noelle's room and her dainty bathroom.

When they went back to the deck, they asked what Dale and Charley did. Dale said they were engineering students and would start their internship with a large engineering firm in Erie on June 10th. Jamey and Amy then asked Peyton and Dale the same question posed by everyone who knew them: "Peyton, how do you and Jaiden go to medical school, work a 24/40 every weekend, week days at the physician's office, and manage five boys?"

Jaiden laughed and said, "Our 24/40 schedule is staggered and we never work the same days at Dr. Brannen's office. We have the highest average in our class with a 4.0 GPA. We don't argue, we don't fuss or complain. We certainly don't curse at each other. Everybody who walks out of this house walks out as family even if they walked in as enemies. Periodically, I do something stupid that hurt's Peyton's feelings and it takes me months to get over that. It's only happened twice, but that is two times too many. It's really an easy life and an easy schedule and we have tremendous family support. Being a house full of love makes everything easy."

Jamey looked at Jim and said, "Jim, do you and Phyllis realize how blessed you are?" "Every day, Jamey, every day. Six amazing sons, one totally amazing daughter, 12 grandchildren. Every day we realize how blessed we are.

Jaiden went to check on Richard, Seth, and Jessie to make sure they were sleeping OK since they were sharing one bed among three people. He quietly opened the door and looked in for a second. What he saw made him smile.

Jaiden said, "folks, I have rounds in the morning and Peyton is working in the office, so we are going to turn in. Dad, you and Mom know how to lock up the house and you know where everything is, so, good night!"

When Peyton and Jaiden went into their room and shut the door, Jaiden walked up behind Peyton and began removing his clothes. When Peyton was totally in the buff, he undressed Jaiden. As he did so, Jaiden said, "Peyton, when I looked in on Richard to make sure he was resting ok, I noticed Seth's and Jessie's clothes, ALL OF THEM, lying on the floor. They were cuddled up naked as jaybirds like we did in college. Payton smiled and said, "I'm glad they feel comfortable enough to do that here with Richard and us, and I hope the Berkowitz's are ok with it."

Peyton pushed Jaiden back onto the bed and the romance began. They would comfort each other for a short while before going to sleep. When they did go to sleep, they were all smiles.

Next: Chapter 80

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