
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Dec 15, 2020


Gregory A. Patrick


Jaiden Chapters 88-89

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Greg Patrick

"Seth, this is Jackson; how are you?" "Dude, this is awesome, you calling me. How did you get my number?"

"Seth, I was in the hospital after my Dad had a wreck in his car. I had unbuckled my seatbelt and he didn't notice I had done that. A car hit us from behind and my head hit the dash in the car and it caused some problems in my neck and I had to have surgery. I can't play sports anymore. Jaiden had to tell me that, and it upset him really badly.

Both of your brothers and Jaiden took care of me and I got to go home early because I did so well in the hospital. When he was sending me home from the hospital, he told me a nurse was coming to my room to roll me to my parent's car. Seth, she is H-O-T. I told Jaiden that and he got on to me and said I couldn't say it to her or in front of the other nurses because they would get mad. What's so funny, Seth?" "I did the same thing and Jaiden got on to me – twice. Was the nurse blonde headed?" "Yep." "I bet she was coming into your room and heard you say she was hot." "Actually, she did." "Jackson, the same thing happened to me. What did Sally say to you?"

"Seth, she walked in the door and said, `the Hot nurse is here to take you to your parent's car.' I told her I was sorry, that I didn't mean for her to hear what I said and she told me she wasn't mad at me because I was so young, but if I had been an adult like Dad and Rabbi Kravitz, she would have gotten angry, that they were old enough to know better than to say that."

"I told her it was just that she was so pretty, and I hoped when I grew up and got a girlfriend, that she would be as pretty as Sally. Sally told me I was cute, and that she was sure I would get a pretty girlfriend when I grow up because she knew I would be handsome. I blushed really bad and Mom told me I was cute the way I blushed.

Sally smiled when Mom said that. She told me she would be getting married to Richard in June and that if I recovered good enough, I could be a ringbearer with you in the wedding. That's when I told Sally you and I were best friends in school until you moved to Alabama. Jaiden handed me a piece of paper with your telephone number on it."

"Jackson, you got out of that pickle really well. Dad is going to laugh when I tell him what happened. My new Mom and Dad are awesome, and Mom is as pretty as Sally. When I first saw Mom at the hospital, I told Jaiden that I had to close my eyes. He asked me why, and I told him if I didn't close my eyes and more pretty women walked in the door, I was really going to get in trouble. He got on to me again. While my eyes were closed, I asked Peyton if I had died and gone to Heaven."

"Thank you, Seth, I love you too!"

"Seth, did your Mom hear you say what you just said to me." "Yeah, it's ok, though. She says I am just like Dad. I can't wait for you to meet them; they are so awesome."

"Mom and Dad let my boyfriend come over on the weekends and stay with me. We play with the sheep in the pasture and Peyton the Jackass really likes him; his name is Jessie and we go to the same Jewish school. I get to have friends over every weekend, and Dad takes us to the beach. We go home and pick-up Mom and then go to a seafood place on the beach."

"Jackson, you remember how my parents in Erie were, my new Mon and Dad actually love me and they never yell at me. If I do something they don't like, we talk about it, and they tell me they love me. Mom hugs me and gives me a kiss every morning and at night when I go to bed. I have to clean my bedroom and I have my own bathroom that I have to clean, but Mom helps me and we laugh the whole time."

"Every night, Dad gets us a snack and a soda and we cuddle on the couch and watch television together. The parents I had in Erie screamed at me and beat me all the time. It was hard to get used to someone besides Richard loving me. I am so happy here. I am studying Marine Biology and Marine Biodiversity, and I love it. Jaiden's Mom calls me every week and we talk about what I have learned that week. She has a college Master's degree in Environmental Engineering and she understands everything I tell her about. It's really neat."

"Seth, dinner is ready. You can talk to Jackson as long as you want to. We'll eat when you two are finished talking."

"Seth, did your Mom just say dinner was ready but y'all would eat when you finished talking to me?" "She sure did, Jackson, isn't that neat? Not only is Mom gorgeous, she is the best cook ever. She even asks me what I would like for lunch or dinner. Jackson, I really do feel like I died and went to Heaven after my sperm donor beat me up so bad. My new grandparents are just as neat. They treat me like I have always been their grandson and they don't dislike me because I am gay. They actually tell me they love me like my parents do."

"Seth, my Dad just got home, and I need to go tell him I love him. Mr. Jaiden got me to start doing that and it makes Mom and Dad really happy, and it makes me happy, too, because they tell me they love me and that they appreciate me being such a good son. I'll talk to you later. You have my cell number now, so you can call me too."

"Hey, Dad, I love you so much; thank you for taking me on our afternoon walks with Mom, and thank you for loving me even though I made such a bad mistake." "Son, nothing you could ever do would stop me from loving you, and it won't stop you Mom from loving you either. You are our son, and we will do whatever we have to do to take the best care of you we can." Jackson's Dad kissed him on the forehead and said, "Peyton told me that kissing your children on the forehead is a family tradition for him, and it is going to be a family tradition in this family from now on."

"Dad, I talked to Seth today, and he is finally happy. He told me how great his new parents are and how they tell him they love him every day and every night. He told me about his new grandparents and how they love him, and he told me about the family tradition of the kiss on the forehead. I was so happy after I talked to him."

"Son, I know Seth's parents, I met them at the temple here. They are good people. You only have to know Peyton to know he has awesome parents."

"Dad, they may be awesome, but to me they can't be as good as you and Mom." "Son, that was a really nice thing to say, thank you." "Dad, it's the truth!" Jackson got a big hug from his Dad. He grabbed his walker and went into the den to watch television until dinner was ready.

Jeremy sat at the kitchen table as tears streamed down his face. Helen turned around, saw his tears, and asked him what was wrong. He looked at Helen and said, "Hon, when I walked through the door, Jackson hugged me and told me he loved me, and thanked me for our walks every evening. What really got to me was Jackson thanking me for loving him even though he made a bad mistake. Helen, how could he ever think I would stop loving him because something happened or because he made a mistake? What have I done to make him think that?" "Sweetheart, it isn't anything you did, he has had several friends at school whose parents abused them very badly, Seth was the worst of all of his friends. Go to the den and talk to Jackson about this, he is a lot stronger than you realize."

"Jackson, can we talk for a minute?" "What about Dad?" "Jackson, when I got home, you were so loving to me, but you said something that bothers me." "What was that, Dad?" "Son, you said, `thank you for loving me even though I made a bad mistake.'" Jackson, what would ever make you think I would stop loving you because you made a mistake of any kind? "

"Dad, I get scared when my friends make a mistake and their parents hurt them. I keep thinking about Seth and how bad his Dad beat him up and almost killed him, and I have three friends at school whose parents beat them on their arms, backs, and legs with a belt and other things until they bleed."

"Come to the school and you can tell who they are because when their parents beat them, they wear long sleeve shirts and baggy pants even when it's hot." "Jackson, have I ever done or said anything to you that would make you that scared of me?" "No, sir, but when I see my friends getting hurt by their parents, I get really scared."

"Son, I have never whipped you with a belt or anything else, and I won't. There is nothing you could ever do that would make me want to hit you with my fists, a belt, or anything else. I love you more than anything in this world, and it hurts me that you would be so upset by things around you that you would be scared of me. PLEASE, don't ever think I would want to hurt you for any reason; I won't. I didn't know things around you had upset you so badly. When that happens, please talk to me and your Mom and let us help you, please!" "OK, Dad, I will. Thank you for talking to me about it."

"Jackson, there is one thing I want you to do for me: get a piece of paper and write down the names of your friends whose parents are abusing them. I promise you, I will take care of your friends and stop them from getting hurt. If you give me a note and your friends ever ask if you told me anything, you can say no because you didn't tell me. You gave me a note. Write their names down tonight and I will do something tomorrow to make sure they are safe for the rest of their lives." "OK, Dad, I'll do that now."

"Dad, here is the note you asked me to write for you. Thank you for helping my friends." "You're welcome, son, now give me a hug." Jackson hugged his Dad who kissed him on the forehead in the Riley family tradition."

"Jaiden, this is Jeremy. Are Peyton and Richard at home with you?"

"Yes, sir, they are." "May I come over and talk to you guys for a little bit?" "Any time you need to, Jeremy. I'll get Dale to put a pot of coffee on to brew, it sounds like we may need it." "We probably will, Jaiden, what I want to talk to you about is not good, and I know you have handled the same type of situations in the past and I need your help to do it again."

"Pete, this is Jaiden. Jeremy from the temple is on the way to the house and he sounds upset about some problems he found out about. Would it be possible for you to come to the house while he is here so we can talk to him together? I will pay you whatever fee you charge." "Jaiden, that is the least of my concerns, I'll be there in five minutes."

"Hey, Pete, come on in. Jeremy is in the den. We can go out on the deck so we can talk in private."

"Jeremy, let's go out on the deck to talk."

Jeremy said, "Pete, I didn't mean to get you out tonight on this, but thanks for being here. Jeremy handed Pete the list of names Jackson gave to him about his friends who were being badly abused by their parents. Pete talked to Jeremy and was told everything Jackson told his Dad. Pete took his phone out of his pocket and called Don Stanislauski and told him what was going on and asked if he could meet them at Jaiden's. Don told Pete he would be there in five minutes. When Don arrived, Roger Betterman and Bobby Standridge pulled in right behind him. Richard let them in the house and they immediately went to the deck. Peyton, Richard, Dale, and Charley stayed in the den with their children, but they kept a vigil of what was happening on the deck.

Peyton suddenly said, "Guys, this isn't good! Look at the veins on Don's neck. All hell is about to break loose!" Bobby stuck his head in the door and told the guys that twelve more police officers would be arriving shortly and to please show them to the deck. Dr. Don Sims may also be here shortly.

"Judge, what may I help you with?" Dr. Sims, I need you to go by your office and get me the home addresses of David Andrews, Peter Smith, and Alex Rogers. I have just been advised that they have been being severely abused by their parents and the abuse has been covered by clothes their parents made them wear after the beatings." "Judge, I am at the school right now. Are you by chance at Jaiden's house?" "I am." "Judge, I will be there in fifteen minutes with the children's files."

"Roger, do you have some blank warrants in your patrol car?" "I surely do." "Go get me six!"

Don filled out the charges on the warrants and would put the names and addresses on the warrants when Dr. Sims arrived with the student's files.

"Judge, I am sorry we are having to meet like this again." "So am I, Dr. Sims. This problem of children being abused in Erie is going to stop and I am going to start that end tonight. Dr. Sims gave the Judge the names of each of the boy's parents and the addresses where the families lived.

"Roger, Bobby, I want four police cars and eight officers to go to each of these residences and I want each of these boys examined in their home by a DFCS officer. If there is any evidence whatsoever that these boys have been abused, I want each of their parents arrested and jailed with no bond. When they are in Jail, tip off the media. If anybody says anything to you about doing what I have told you to do, tell them I want to see them in my courtroom tomorrow morning at nine, and then let me know who they are. I will take care of the problem very quickly. Understood?" "Yes, sir."

Don called his contact at DFCS and advised her what was going down. He told her to have four DFCS agents to meet the police officers at the residences of the boys and examine the boys for abuse by their parents. If any signs of abuse are present, the boys are to be taken to the hospital where Jaiden and Peyton will examine them in the presence of the DFCS officers, and photograph any signs of abuse they note. They will immediately send copies of the photos to Don and give copies to the DFCS agents. Police officers would also be present during the exams. Don also advised his contact that if abuse was noted in Jaiden's exam of the boys, they were to immediately be removed from their homes and they, and their clothes, were to be placed in the care of Attorney Jeremy Berkowitz and his wife Helen. He will issue court orders to that effect first thing in the morning.

"Judge, if abuse is suspected during a cursory exam at the homes, we will go ahead and get the children's clothes and immediately remove the children from the home and place them as you have directed." "Thank you much, Margaret."

"Jeremy, Pete, Jaiden, we should know something in the next thirty minutes."

Fifteen minutes later, Don got a call from the DFCS workers that went to the boy's houses. "Judge, we need Jaiden and Peyton or Richard to meet us at the hospital. The abuse is pretty bad." "We are on the way! Jaiden, you and Peyton, or Richard, need to meet me at the hospital. Pete, would you mind going so you can witness the abuse. Jeremy, you come with me."

Jaiden and Peyton called the hospital ER to tell them they were on the way at the instruction of Judge Stanislauski and they needed three child abuse exam kits.

As Jaiden and Peyton pulled into the employee parking lot, the DFCS agents pulled in with the three boys. They went into the emergency room together and the boys were taken to separate exam rooms. As Peyton and Jaiden were about to enter the first two exam rooms, Richard ran in and said Dale and Charley were watching the children and he wanted to help with the boys. "Richard, take the case in exam room six and if you find anything that needs to be immediately handled by a surgeon, call Dr. Brannen."

Jaiden, Peyton, and Richard ordered a full body MRI on each boy and asked for a wet read when the MRIs were completed. Luckily, Dr. Shumar was in Radiology tonight. When he called Jaiden, he was furious!

"Jaiden, David Andrews has two breaks in his right humerus that are still healing, one break in his left ulnar, a fractured right tibia, and he has had fractures of the third, fourth, and fifth thoracic vertebral bodies. He also has a healing pelvic fracture that looks like he was picked up and thrown to the ground."

"Peter Smith has second, third, and fourth rib fractures on the right rib cage. At some point in the past, he has had a left thigh bone break as well as a left tibial fracture. The pelvic plate was broken in what I can only surmise came from him being stomped. There is evidence of a subdural hematoma in the left parietal area of the brain. It's a wonder this child can feel anything. To put it simply, somebody beat the shit out of this child."

Alex Rogers has the worst injuries. He has two recent skull fractures. The third cervical vertebrae is cracked, he has three thoracic spinal compressions, a broken coccyx, previously broken left and right femurs, and he has a fractured left ankle that is fusing incorrectly and needs to be surgically repaired. He has had a fracture of his left clavicle, a severely dislocated right shoulder that tore the rotator cuff and left a crack in the acromion, and a prior break in the left humeral head. From the looks of Alex's injuries, I'd say somebody tried to kill him."

"Judge, this is Major Schwartz at the jail. The Smiths, Rogers, and Andrews parents are in jail and I made sure to notate per your orders, there is to be no bond. Major, thank you much. I want the Rogers parents charged with Aggravated Assault of a Minor, Aggravated Battery of a Minor, Aggravated Child Abuse, Felony Child Neglect, and Criminal Attempt Murder of a Child."

"For the Smith parents, list their offenses as Aggravated Battery of a Child, Aggravated Assault of a Minor, Aggravated Child Abuse, Felony Child Neglect, and Criminal Attempt Murder of a Child."

"As for the Andrews, list their offenses as Aggravated Battery of a Minor, Aggravated Assault of a Minor, Aggravated Child Abuse, Felony Child Neglect, and Criminal Attempt Murder of a Child."

"Have all six parents in my Court Room Monday morning at nine sharp! Call the Public Defender when we hang up and tell them they are to interview each Defendant Sunday by five in the afternoon and be ready to proceed Monday morning. If they give you any guff, get me on a three-way with you and them and I will explain things my way." "Yes, sir, thank you Judge." "No, Major, thank you!"

"Pete, did you hear and make note of what I said?" "Yes, sir, I did." "Would you mind if I appointed you as the advocate for the children. I'll make sure you are paid handsomely for representing them."

"Judge, this is on me. I want to ream these parents a new asshole like they have never imagined. I'll "find" a buyer for their property and sue them to hell and back to get it. It can be held in a trust so the boys will have a home that is paid for when they get out of college, or it can be sold to help support them."

"Jeremy, does that sound plausible to you?" "Everything except for selling the houses to pay for the care of the children. I want to adopt all three boys and I will take care of their needs. I don't want anything from those sons-of-bitches except a death certificate showing that prison inmates gave them exactly what they deserve."

"Jeremy, if that happens, and it probably will, I will make sure you get what you asked for." "Thanks, Judge, now I want to go home and have a good cry with my boy."

"Jeremy, what do you mean by that statement?" "Judge, I found out tonight that because of people like the Andrews, Smiths, and Rogers, Jackson was scared of me and thought if he did something bad that I would hurt him the way the three sets of parents hurt their sons. When he sees that I will stand up for him and any other abused child, he can let go of that fear. One thing is for damned sure, I will make sure he - and these boys - feels as loved as Seth does right now." "So you know about Seth?"

"Yes, sir, I met Jim and Phyllis at the temple when they were last in Erie. Jackson doesn't know it, but we are flying down to Jim's and Phyllis's next weekend for two weeks to let him see Seth and to take them to the beach while they are out of school. If you will give me permission and DFCS approves, I'd like to get three more airline tickets and take Peter, Alex, and David with us."

"Jeremy, consider that approved. I don't think DFCS will go against my recommendation that you take the boys with you, Helen, and Jackson to Orange Beach. My bite is a hell of a lot worse than my bark!"

"By the way, DFCS has the boy's clothes here at the hospital and you can take all three of them home with you."

"Judge, it you don't mind, I will draw up adoption papers like I did for the Riley's and Seth and we can take care of the adoption matter Monday morning after the sentencing." "That sounds perfect to me, Pete. How does it sound to you Jeremy?"

"Judge, can we do that?" "Damned straight I can – and I will. Talk to Helen and both of you be in Court Monday morning at nine." "Pete, can you get those papers to me tomorrow and I'll have them signed when we get into court Monday morning." "What time, Don?" "Whenever you can get them drawn up." "I am going to draw up the papers to sever parental rights of the boy's egg and sperm donors, and the adoption papers as soon as I get home. I have copies of the Riley's papers and we'll do the same thing. See you at eight in the morning."

"Peter, Alex, David, this is Mr. Jeremy Berkowitz. His son is Jackson, and he is the one who helped get you out of your abusive situation. Jackson would like for you to be his brothers, and Mr. and Mrs. Berkowitz want to adopt all three of you and give you a loving and peaceful home."

Tears started flooding from the eyes of all three boys. Each boy looked at Jeremy and asked him if he really wanted to be their Dad, and he told them he did, and that they would never have to worry ever again about being abused. They will always have a family who loves them no matter what.

"All Stand. The Superior Court of Erie County in the State of Pennsylvania is now in session, the Honorable Judge Don Stanislauski, presiding."

"Madam Clerk, please call the cases of State of Pennsylvania versus Andrews, Rogers, and Smith."

"The State of Pennsylvania calls the cases of Charles and Helena Andrews; James and Roberta Smith; and Andre and Sophia Rogers."

"Mr. Charles and Mrs. Helena Andrews, you stand before the Court charged with the offenses of Felony Aggravated Assault of a Child; Felony Child Abuse; Felony Aggravated Battery of a Child, Felony Failure to Report Child Abuse; Felony Failure to seek Medical Attention for a Battered Child, and Felony Attempt Murder of a Minor Child."

"Mr. James and Mrs. Roberta Smith, you each stand before the Court charged with the offenses of Felony Aggravated Assault of a Child; Felony Child Abuse; Aggravated Battery of a Child, Felony Failure to Report Child Abuse; Felony Failure to seek Medical Attention for a Battered Child, and Felony Attempt Murder of a Minor Child."

"Mr. Andre and Mrs. Sophia Rogers, you each stand before the court charged with the offenses of Felony Aggravated Assault of a Child; Felony Child Abuse; Aggravated Battery of a Child, Felony Failure to Report Child Abuse; Felony Failure to seek Medical Attention for a Battered Child, and Felony Attempt Murder of a Minor Child."

"Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, the State of Pennsylvania has what is referred to as indeterminate sentencing meaning the court may sentence you to a minimum and maximum sentence as the court deems appropriate. You each have the right to remain silent and not say anything that could be used to incriminate you. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a Court of Law. You have a right to an attorney and to have that attorney present during any questioning by law enforcement to include the police, Sheriff's Department, the Pennsylvania State Patrol, and the District Attorney's Office for the State of Pennsylvania, and this Court."

"Mr. Andrews, do you understand your rights as they have been explained to you by the Court?" "Yes, Sir, I do."

"Mrs. Andrews, do you understand your rights as they have been explained to you by the Court?" "I do."

"Mr. Smith, do you understand your rights as they have been explained to you by the Court?" "Hell yes."

"Mrs. Smith, do you understand your rights as they have been explained to you by the Court?" "I do, your Honor."

"Mr. Rogers, do you understand your rights as they have been explained to you by the Court?" "Yes!"

"Mrs. Rogers, do you understand your rights as they have been explained to you by the Court?" "Yes, Sir, your Honor."

"Too each Public Defender representing each Defendant in their respective cases, have you explained your client's constitutional rights to each of them?"

"Your Honor, I am Thurston Hill, Chief Public Defender, and we each have explained to our clients their constitutional rights and it is our professional opinion that they understand those Constitutional rights."

"Mr. Prosecutor, will you please outline for the Court the circumstances of the cases against the Defendants standing before the Court."

"Your Honor, if it please the Court, Mr. Andre and Mrs. Sophia Rogers inflicted, or allowed the infliction of, injuries to their minor child, to the degree that said minor child suffered two recent skull fractures. The child's third cervical vertebrae is presently cracked; he has three thoracic spinal compressions, a broken coccyx, previously broken left and right femurs, and he has a fractured left ankle that is fusing incorrectly and needs to be surgically repaired. He has had a fracture of his left clavicle, a severely dislocated right shoulder that tore the rotator cuff, and left a crack in the acromion, each of which needs to be surgically repaired, and a prior break in the left humeral head. The radiologist, who is present in Court, stated it appeared Mr. and Mrs. Rogers tried to kill their son."

"In the cases of Mr. Charles and Mrs. Helena Andrews, their minor child suffered two breaks in his right humerus that are still healing, one break in his left ulnar, a fractured right tibia, and he has had fractures of the third, fourth, and fifth thoracic vertebral bodies. He also has a healing pelvic fracture that looks like he was picked up and thrown to the ground."

"In the cases of Mr. James and Mrs. Roberta Smith, their minor child suffered second, third, and fourth rib fractures on the right rib cage. At some point in the past, he has had a left thigh bone break as well as a left tibial fracture. The pelvic plate was broken in what the radiologist surmised was from the child being stomped. There is evidence of a subdural hematoma in the left parietal area of the brain. In the words of the radiologist, it's a wonder this child can feel anything. The radiologist stated that somebody beat the `shit' out of this child."

"Mr. Andre and Mrs. Roberta Rogers, how do you each plead to the offenses outlined against each of you?"

"Mr. Rogers?" "I plead guilty, your Honor and ask the Court for mercy."

"Mrs. Rogers?" "Your Honor, I plead guilty. I do not ask the Court for mercy because I don't deserve it and I didn't ensure my child received it."

"Mr. Anderson?" "Your Honor, I plead guilty and I deserve whatever sentence the Court gives to me. I am profoundly sorry for what I did to my son, and I hope that he can someday forgive me."

"Mrs. Anderson?" "Your Honor, like my husband, I plead guilty and I also deserve whatever sentence the Court gives to me. I truly love my son, but I failed to show and to give him that love. I deserve the maximum sentence I can be given."

"Mr. Smith?" "Your Honor, I plead guilty, and I am glad to be rid of that little bastard. He more than deserves to get his ass beaten every day!"

"Mrs. Smith?" "Your honor, I plead guilty. If the court could give me the death penalty for what I allowed my son to endure at the hands of his father, I would ask for that sentence. I am profoundly embarrassed and hurt that my husband would make such a statement about our child, and I hope his fellow inmates give him precisely what he deserves."

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, and Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, there has been an unprecedented spike in Erie County in the types of childhood injuries suffered by each of your children. That violence has to stop, and it has to stop now! This Court is going to take the first measures today to stop the rampant violence against our children."

"Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, it is the sentence of the Court that on the offense of Felony Aggravated Assault of a Child, that you each be sentenced to a period of Confinement in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections of not less than 75 years, and not more than 125 years, consecutive to all other sentences."

"On the offense of Felony Child Abuse, it is the sentence of the Court that you each be sentenced to a period of Confinement in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections for not less than 75 years and not more than 125 years, consecutive to all other sentences."

"On the offense of Felony Aggravated Assault of a Child, it is the sentence of the court that you each be sentenced to a period of Confinement in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections for not less than 75 years and not more than 125 years, consecutive to all other sentences."

"On the offense of Aggravated Battery of a Child, it is the sentence of the Court that you each be sentenced to a period of Confinement in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections for not less than 75 years and not more than 125 years, consecutive to all other sentences.

"On the offense of Felony Failure to Report Child Abuse, it is the sentence of the Court that you be sentenced to a period of Confinement in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections for a period of not less than 75 years and not more than 125 years, consecutive to all other sentences."

"On the offense of Felony Failure to seek Medical Attention for a Battered Child, it is the sentence of the Court that you each be sentenced for a period of Confinement in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections for a period of not less than 75 years and not more than 125 years, consecutive to all other sentences.

On the offense of Felony Attempt Murder of a Minor Child, it is the sentence of the Court that you be sentenced to a period of Confinement in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections of not less than 100 years and not more than 200 years, consecutive to all other sentences.

"Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, you will serve a total of not less than 505 years and not more than 975 years in the Pennsylvania Prison System. It is further the order of the Court that your parental rights are permanently revoked, and that all property in your name be transferred to a trust for your former child to be administered by Attorney Pete Gray; and that should you ever be released from prison, that you repay every penny expended by any insurance company covering your child's medical care. You must serve 85 percent of your minimum sentence before you are eligible for parole. That is the sentence of the Court.

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, on the offense of Felony Aggravated Assault of a Child, it is the sentence of the Court that you serve not less than 15 years and not more than 30 years, concurrently with any other sentence.

On the offense of Felony Child Abuse, it is the sentence of the Court that you serve not less than 8 years and not more than 16 years, concurrently with any other sentence.

On the offense of Aggravated Battery of a Child, it is the sentence of the court that you serve not less than 8 years and not more than 16 years, concurrently with any other sentence.

On the offense of Felony Failure to Report Child Abuse, it is the sentence of the court that you serve not less than 3 years and not more than 6 years, concurrently with any other sentence.

On the offense of Felony Failure to seek Medical Attention for a Battered Child, it is the sentence of the court that you serve not less than 3 years and not more than 6 years concurrently with any other sentence.

On the offense of Felony Attempt Murder of a Minor Child, the Court will dead-docket that count."

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, you will serve no more than 15 years in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. If you should make parole during your sentences, it is the further order of the court that you reimburse all insurance companies every penny they expend covering your son's medical care. The Court is reserving the right to change and or reduce your sentences based on your conduct while in prison and your participation in and completion of anger management counseling. In any event, the Court will not increase your sentence but will entertain lowering your sentence. The Court finds that as in the Rogers' cases, it is necessary to permanently sever your parental rights, and that your property be transferred into a trust to be administered by Attorney Pete Gray to provide for your son once he completes college. Your time will be served in the Pennsylvania Prison System. That is the sentence of the Court.

"Mr. Smith, it is the order of the Court, based on your lack of remorse for the injuries suffered by your son at your hands, and based on the comments you made to the Court upon your entering a plea of guilty, that on the offense of Felony Assault of a Child, that you be sentenced to serve not less than 100 years and not more than 200 years, consecutive to any other sentence."

"On the offense of Felony Child Abuse, it is the sentence of the Court that you serve not less than 100 years and not more than 200 years, consecutive to any other sentence."

"On the offense of Aggravated Battery of a Child, it is the sentence of the Court that you serve not less than 100 years nor more than 200 years, consecutive to any other sentence."

"On the offense of Felony Failure to Report Child Abuse, it is the sentence of the Court that you serve not less than 100 years and not more than 200 years, consecutive to any other sentence."

"On the offense of Felony Failure to seek Medical Attention for a Battered Child, it is the sentence of the Court that you serve not less than 100 years and not more than 200 years, consecutive to any other sentence."

"On the offense of Felony Attempt Murder of a Minor Child, it is the sentence of the Court that you serve not less than 500 years and not more than 1,000 years, consecutive to any other sentence."

"It is the further order of the Court that on each offense for which the Court has sentenced you, that you pay a $100,000 fine for a total of $500,000, and that should you ever receive parole that you repay every cent expended by any insurance company for the care of your former child. Your parental rights are permanently revoked and you are permanently barred by the Court from any future contact with your former child. Mr. Smith, your sentences will be served in the Maximum-Security Unit of the Pennsylvania State Prison System. As in the other cases, your property, by order of this Court, will be transferred into a trust to be administered by Attorney Pete Gray for the future care and welfare of your former child. That is the sentence of the Court. Mr. Deputy, set the Defendant in the middle of the second row of the inmate's bench. Mr. Smith, for the record, you will serve not less than one-thousand years and not more than two-thousand years."

"Mrs. Smith, for the remorse you have shown the Court over what happened to your child, it is the sentence of the Court that on the offense of Felony Aggravated Assault of a Child, that you be sentenced to not less than 9 years and not more than 10 years, concurrently to any other sentence."

"On the offense of Felony Child Abuse, it is the order of the Court that you serve not less than 9 years and not more than 10 years to be served concurrently with all other sentences."

"On the offense of Aggravated Battery of a Child, it is the sentence of the Court that you serve not less than 9 years and not more than 10 years, concurrently with all other sentences."

For Felony Failure to Report Child Abuse, and Felony Failure to seek Medical Attention for a Battered Child, it is the order of the Court that you serve not less than 9 years and not more than 10 years, concurrently with all other sentences.

"The Court will dead-docket the offense of Felony Attempt Murder of a Minor Child."

"It is the Court's opinion that you were in fear of your life from your husband, and that it was not your intention to harm your son to the degree that his bio-donor did; however, the Court finds that sufficient cause exists to permanently revoke all parental rights to your child. You are barred from any future contact with your son."

"I will note for the record that you could have called the police and they would have placed you and your son in a Battered Women's Shelter in another state where you could not be found.

"Your sentences will be served in the Pennsylvania State Prison System. The minimum time you will serve will be 9 years and not more than 10 years. The Court reserves the right to lessen your time to serve based on the prison system's recommendation. As stated to Mr. Smith, it is the Court's order that any and all property you possess be placed in a trust to be administered by Attorney Pete Gray to benefit your child in the future. That is the sentence of the Court."

"Mr. Deputy, please take all prisoners to the holding cell so that we may dispose of some matters pending before the Court."

"Mr. Gray, I believe you have some matters to bring before the Court, will you please approach the bench."

"Mrs. Berkowitz, I have spoken to your husband and the boys about this matter, is this your desire as well?"

"It is, your honor."

"Jackson, you have three new brothers! Son, I hope those are happy tears." Jackson nodded his head yes as best he could. "Mr. and Mrs. Berkowitz, will you please come to my chambers and bring Jackson with you."

"Let's go into the conference room. Peter, Alex, David, you don't ever have to worry about being abused again. I signed the adoption orders we talked about and you have a new Mom and Dad and a new brother who love you more than anything in this world. You can go with them to your new home and be happy from now on." Each boy teared up as they hugged Judge Stanislauski and thanked him as they left his chambers to go home to a new and exciting life. The Judge, Jaiden, Peyton, and Richard shared tears together. "Boys, I forgot something, your new last name is Berkowitz."

Dr. Brannen gave the trio the day off with pay for what they did to help David, Alex, and Peter. Everybody went to Tony's to celebrate. When they got to the restaurant, Peyton's parents were there with Seth, and Jaiden's Mom was there to celebrate with them. When they saw their parents, Jaiden, Peyton, and Richard broke down and let their stress and emotions out. To say their parents were proud of them would be the understatement of the year.

"Richard, today was your first foray into the world of child abuse. When you start practicing as a pediatrician, you will see all kinds of child abuse like Jaiden and I have seen at the hospital. I want to tell you that I thought your interaction with Peter Smith in the hospital was incredible. I am so proud of you. That you are my brother makes my heart swell with pride. I love you and appreciate you so very much." Richard hugged Peyton and said, "Thank you, Peyton, I love you to Mars and back."

Monday morning, Helen took the legal papers to Dr. Sims' office at the school and had the boy's last names and parental information updated. David, Alex, Peter, and Jackson were blessed to have Carolyn Spencer as their teacher. Dr. Sims let Carolyn know of the name changes for David, Alex, and Peter. He told her that Jaiden and Peyton were instrumental in stopping the abuse the boys had been incurring.

Carolyn was horrified that she failed to clue in on the abuse. She told Dr. Sims she needed to step into the hallway." She did, and placed her face in her hands, and sobbed. When she composed herself, she went back into her classroom, red-eyed and tear stained, and had all of her students come to the front of the classroom and sit on the floor with her.

"Guys, some of your classmates were being abused at home, and I didn't know about it. I didn't catch it because those classmates have been incredibly strong, and they hid their abuse very well. I am so very sorry I didn't see what was happening, and that I wasn't able to do anything about it."

"I need each of you to promise me something: promise me that if you are being bullied, or if you are being abused at home, or anywhere else, or if you know about a classmate who is being abused, that you will come to me, and let me know we need to talk. We will go to the conference room in the principal's office, and you can let me know what is happening to you, or to one of your classmates. I promise I won't tell anyone, except Dr. Sims and the police, who told me about you or someone else being abused. I do not put up with children being abused, and if it is happening, and I know about it, I will do whatever it takes to stop the bullying and abuse. Will you promise me that?" All the students said in unison, "Yes, mam."

"Now, guys, I have some wonderful news for you. Mrs. Berkowitz, who is standing at the front of the room, is David's, Alex's, and Pete's new Mom, and they and Jackson are now brothers."

All of the students got up and hugged the four boys and told them how happy they were for them, and that they hoped David, Alex, and Peter could finally be happy.

Dr. Sims said, "Carolyn, you never cease to amaze me! Your compassion in what you just said and the way you said it to your students was incredible. Thank you for doing that."

With that said, He and Helen Berkowitz headed back to the office. As they were walking down the hall, Helen asked Dr. Sims if Mrs. Spencer was always like that with her students. "Mrs. Berkowitz, when you have the time, come sit in her class and watch the way she teaches and interacts with her students; she will blow your mind. You saw the reaction of the students when she told them about the adoption. Every student she has ever had in this school has always turned out to be just as loving, concerned, and helpful as what you just witnessed. You don't need to call ahead to visit in her classroom, she prefers you to walk in unexpectedly to watch her students learn." "She's that dedicated, Dr. Sims?" "Yes, mam, she is that dedicated."

"Dr. Sims, we are Jewish, but I am going to talk to Jeremy about doing something special for her and her husband at Christmas. I think we will take her to the Country Club for a Prime Rib Dinner." "Mrs. Berkowitz, talk to Jaiden and Peyton about that, they may wish to join you. There is a story about Jaiden, Peyton, and Mrs. Spencer that I think you will be amazed to hear. Get Pete and Allison Gray in on the dinner too. They are part of that story and Allison Grey is responsible for Mrs. Spencer being here at this school."

"Mrs. Spencer has her Ph.D. in mathematics and should be a principle, but she won't leave the classroom because she loves teaching and interacting with the children too much. She recruited the Principal at the Anderson-Jacobs Magnet Academy, which, by the way, is named after Dale and Charley. This school is named after Jaiden and Peyton. She has also recruited some world-class teachers for this school system, and most of them are young, new teachers she interviewed."

"Jeremy, did you know that the boy's school was named after Jaiden and Peyton?" "No, quite honestly, I have never really paid attention to the name of the school. I'll have to read up on that." "There is another magnet school that is named after Dale and Charley. All the electronics that the teachers have to teach the children that amazed you, Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley paid for that equipment." "Helen, you are joking, aren't you?" "Not at all, Jeremy. I found out about everything when I talked to Dr. Sims today when I took the boys to school and got the records changed. Peyton is responsible for getting Carolyn Spencer hired, and she helped recruit many of the good teachers we have heard so much about."

"Hey guys, how was school today. Dad, school is always awesome with Mrs. Spencer. She makes learning fun and easy, and we laugh a lot while we are learning new stuff. She also helps us with funny ways to remember what she has taught us."

Peter went up to Jeremy and said, "Dad, can David, Alex, and I talk to you and Mom?" "Sure, son, let me go get Mom." "Helen, the boys want to talk to you and me."

They all met in the den and sat down to talk. Peter said, "Mom, Dad, we wanted to say thank you for adopting us and making us part of your family. Last night was the first night Alex, David, and I slept all night without the fear of our bio-doners coming into our rooms and beating us. We were relaxed when we went to school, and it was so much easier to concentrate and learn. We wanted to say thank you and tell you that we love you." Jeremy and Helen had tears cascading down their faces as they went to their sons and hugged them tightly and told the boys how much they loved and appreciated them. Each of the boys got a kiss on the forehead.

"Dr. Reynolds, Dr. and Mrs. Riley, what are you three doing here today?" "Ginny, Jaiden, Peyton, and Richard had to go to court this morning and we wanted to be here to celebrate when they got out of court and to let them know we have their backs. And by the way, you know I want you to call me Peggy. Jim told Ginny that they also wanted to be called Jim and Phyllis. Granny, the same goes for you, too." Ginny and Granny said, "Yes, Mam."

"What happened?" "Do you remember Jackson?" "Yes, mam." "He was talking to his Dad about being afraid of his Dad hurting him if he made a bad mistake, so Jeremy had a talk with Helen who in turn made him talk to Jackson about his irrational fear. He learned from Helen and Jackson that his fear was because of several of his friends whose parents were beating them severely."

"Jeremy came to talk to Jaiden; Jaiden called Pete Gray who came to the house and talked to Jeremy. When Jeremy told Pete what Jackson had told him, and showed Pete the note with the boy's names on it, he called Judge Don Stanislauski who came to the house. Don called Bobby and Roger and had them meet him here."

"Don had Roger call the police dispatch and have twelve patrol cars with 2 officers each meet here at the house. He also called Dr. Sims, the principal of the school. He happened to be at the school when Don called him, so he pulled the files of the three boys and brought them to the house. Don got the addresses of the boys and gave Roger and Bobby warrants for the arrest of the parents if the DFCS agents who went to the boy's houses found signs of abuse on the boys."

"The DFCS agents called Don and asked for Jaiden and Peyton or Richard to meet them at the hospital, that the boys had very serious injuries. Richard went to the hospital to help Jaiden and Peyton examine the three boys. The injuries indeed were very severe with one of the boys having two cracks in his skull and one boy having a blood clot on his brain. They all had various broken bones from their skulls to their feet."

"All three of our boys went to court on the cases this morning and all the parents got from 10 to 200 years except for one Dad who got between 1,000 to 2,000 years to serve. He made the mistake of telling the Judge that he was "glad to get rid of that little bastard and that he deserved to get his ass beaten every day."

"Needless to say, that didn't sit too well with the Judge, and it probably isn't sitting too well with that dad who is most likely cowering in a corner of his jail cell wondering when a bunch of fellow inmates are going to approach him and kill him."

"Since Jaiden had called Pete Gray, Pete was a witness at the exams of the boys. As soon as the parents were sentenced to prison, Pete handed Don the papers he had drawn up for Jeremy and Helen Berkowitz to immediately adopt the three boys the same way Jim and Phyllis adopted Seth. Last night was the first night that the boys said they slept without the fear of their dads coming into their rooms to beat them about something `they did wrong.'"

"You may see something in the news tonight since the news folks got tipped off about the case. We're going to watch the news and take the boys, you, Gampy, Granny, and the Reverend out to dinner at the Country Club and then we will fly home. Thankfully, Jaiden got so mad this time that he didn't let the cases get into his head. We were so proud of our boys in Court.

"Sadly, one of the boys has a fractured ankle that isn't healing properly, and they have to repair the ankle surgically."

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for tuning in to WCBS News. We start tonight's news with a very sad story about six Erie parents who beat their children so severely that doctors told the Court today that it appeared the parents had tried to kill their children. The three children had severe injuries that ranged from two fresh skull fractures in one child, to another child who had a pelvic fracture which resulted from being stomped by his dad."

"Each of the boys has multiple broken bones from their heads to their feet, including multiple femoral and supracondylar fractures of the femoral bones and tibias of each boy. Take a look at the pictures of the six adults on your television screens. If you know them, you won't see them on the streets for at least 40 years, and in some cases, you will never see them on the streets again. The man at the bottom far right, because of his attitude and belief that his child deserved to be severely beaten every day, received an aggregate total of not less than 1,000 years nor more than 2,000 years to serve. His child was the most severely beaten."

"We would like to thank two young men who have been featured many times on the local and national news networks for the tremendous work they have done in the Erie community to help improve the lives of our children: Jaiden and Peyton Riley-Reynolds, and Peyton's brother, Richard Riley, we thank you from the bottoms of our hearts."

"By the way, the three young men will receive their Doctor of Osteopathy medical degrees June first and will do their internships and residencies at St. Jude's Children's Hospital and then return to Erie and began establishing a world-class children's hospital and cancer center so children in this part of the country will not have to travel all the way to Tennessee for treatment. In other news tonight..."

Jaiden's, Peyton's, and Richard's phones started ringing incessantly with friends calling to congratulate them and tell each of them how proud they were of them. The Presidents of LECOM and Wellstone called. Andy and Tony called. Dale's and Charley's parents called.

Three hours later, Jenny called and spoke to Peyton and said, "Damn, little bro, you guys made the national news and our local news again. This time they identified Rob and me as your sister and brother-in-law. The whole community here in Oregon is buzzing and the folks at the temple are calling me and Rob left and right. I am so proud of you guys, you just don't know. Is Richard there?" "He is, hold on and let me give him the phone."

"Hey, Sis, this is Richard." "Hey little brother, I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you for what you, Peyton, and Jaiden did today and to let you know you made the national news. You are going to be as famous across the country as Peyton and Jaiden are. I'll give you a hug and kiss when I get to see you, I know you three are working your butts off at the hospital. I love you." "I love you, too, Sis."

Dale and Charley looked at Jaiden, Peyton, and Richard, and said, "Congrats on the news coverage, bros, we are so proud of you and what you have again done. Several of our classmates and professors at Penn State have called to say congratulations to the three of you."

Ginny and Granny came in with Gampy and the Reverend the next morning and they loved all over their boys and told them how proud they were of them. The Reverend told the three that his church wanted to honor them Sunday morning and asked them to come to the church, so the guys said they would be there. Rabbi Kravitz walked over before he headed to the temple and told the guys how proud he was of them and that they would be recognized Saturday morning at the temple.

Saturday morning was a grand affair at the temple followed by a catered lunch at the Country Club. Rabbis Kravitz and Belson told the congregation that their synagogue was once again on the national map and they had already received over a thousand emails. He told the members that if anybody wanted to help respond to the emails to bring their laptops to the temple and go to work. The next day, 50 temple members showed up with their computers, signed into the temple's computer system, and got to work answering all the emails, now numbering over 2,000.

Sunday morning, the Deacons of Granny's church had gifts for the guys, proclamations they read to and gave the guys, and the choir sang several moving spirituals to honor Jaiden, Peyton, and Richard. When the service was over, the Chairman of the Deacons announced that lunch was being served in the social hall in honor of Jaiden, Peyton, Richard – and Sally. When her name was mentioned, she was shocked. Every meat you could imagine, and every vegetable you could possibly have ever heard of, was on the serving table.

"Richard, before we go eat, I'd like to ask you something." "OK, Sweetheart, what would you like to ask me?" "Richard, what would you think about having our wedding here at this church? These people have accepted us even though we will be Jewish; they have loved us beyond measure; and they have honored Jaiden, Peyton, and now you and me on several occasions. We can let the media film the wedding and use their reports of the wedding to show how we all should get along, accept, and love each other." "Sally, that is a wonderful idea. Let's talk with the Reverend right quick and see if the church is available for June first."

"Reverend, may Sally and I speak with you for a minute before we eat?" "Yes, sir, you surely can. Let's step in my office right quick."

"What may I help you young folks with?" "Reverend, can you check and see if the church is available for June first?" "Let's see. June first, 2021. Yes, sir, there is nothing on the calendar for that day." "Will you please schedule a wedding for that day and make sure you are available to officiate with Rabbi Kravitz?" Tears started escaping the Reverend's eyes when Richard and Sally made that request, and he stood there with his mouth agape. "Richard, Sally, why here, this is a traditional black church?" "Reverend, we respectfully disagree with you on that. This is not a traditional black church, this is a family church, and we would like to be the couple to unite this church with the Erie community."

"We want to see this church be the church that ends Sunday segregation once and for all. We want to see this church experience unparalleled growth, and we want to make this church famous nationwide for being a loving and accepting church that every person who visits Erie will want to attend regardless of what they look like, where they come from, or what their religion is, while they are in Erie. We want God to grow this church exponentially. I know we are Jewish, but we believe this is a mission Hashem has handed to us and we have to act on His direction."

We want to come back to Erie when we finish our residencies and internships at St. Jude's in Tennessee, visit this church, and see new members we have never met, people we are surprised to see here, people of all colors and nationalities dancing in the Spirit in the isles and at the front of the church, and we want to see this church be the one that leads the way in stopping the heinous child abuse that has been surging in Erie. That's why, Reverend!"

"WOW, what a dream for this church by someone who is not a member or minister here. Let's pray over that. In the meantime, let's go eat before that big Deacon gets to the ribs." Peyton and Sally laughed hard at that comment.

Granny is the Reverend's part-time secretary, so he took the schedule book and asked her to look at June and make sure his entry is OK. When Granny saw the entry with the Riley wedding, she screamed and cried. She showed the entry to Ginny, and she did the same thing. Ginny showed Gampy the entry in the church's planning book, and he fell into a chair, put his face in his hands, and let the tears flow. By now, everyone in the social hall was wondering what happened, and the Deacons went to the Reverend to find out.

The Reverend had recorded his conversation with Richard and Sally about having their wedding at the church on his cell phone. He asked for their permission to play the conversation over the PA system and they agreed.

"Brothers and sisters, we have been asked why the First Lady, Martha, Ezra, and I have been so emotional at the head of the table with our guests. The best way I know to tell you why is, with Richard's and Sally's permission, to play a recording of our conversation. Take a listen!

The Reverend started playing the conversation so everyone could hear what was said in the Reverend's office. People were crying and hugging Richard and Sally, dancing in the Spirit in the Social Hall, and shouting and singing praises that one would expect to hear in Ginny's church. The Mother of the church yelled out that the ladies had to start planning on how to decorate the social hall for the future bride and groom. "What foods are we going to cook and serve at the reception? We have to start talking with Sally and see what she wants. This is going to be the wedding of the century in Erie, and we are going to celebrate in style!" Then the Mother of the Church got into the Spirit and started dancing and shouting.

Richard and Sally could not be happier with the response of the church members, and Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley could not be prouder. Jaiden leaned over and told Richard that he was going to call his friends in the national news center at Fox News and let them contact their friends at the other networks. This wedding was going to be a national news event, and this little Baptist church was about to become more famous than it could ever have imagined.

Next: Chapter 83

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