
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Dec 24, 2020


Jaiden Chapter 92

Gregory A. Patrick

Jaiden Chapter 92


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Greg Patrick

Jaiden walked into the den and caught Richard crying. He sat down next to him, laced his fingers with his left hand, and said, "Richard, I wish I could say I understand how your heart hurts, but I can't. What I can say is, I understand the loss you are feeling. The difference between me and you, you can pick up the phone and call Seth whenever you want. You can fly to Orange Beach to see your little brother, and he can fly to Erie to see you. For me, I can't pick up the phone and call my Dad. I can't fly anywhere to see him, and I can't get a hug from my Dad, or hear him say he is proud of me. Embrace the things you can do instead of the regrets of what you couldn't do. That will help you to let go of the pain that is eating you alive. You aren't doing yourself any good if you focus on regrets instead of the future."

"You were at the recognition ceremony when Mom and I finally admitted, and let go of our pain over Dad's death. We have both felt tremendously better, and we are much happier now that we know how each other feels, and how badly we had been hurting. Please, I beg you, don't take twenty-four years to let go of your pain and regrets. It hurts, and it will keep hurting until you deal with it and let it go. Peyton and I love you beyond belief, and it kills us to see you hurting the way you do."

"Jaiden, I know you are right, but I keep dreaming I am standing there while Dad abuses and hurts my little brother, and I didn't do anything to stop him." "Richard, what do you think you did when you came to Peyton and Me, when we called and got Don involved for you after you told us what happened? The step you took that night was incredibly brave. If you hadn't done that, and somebody else found out about the abuse and reported it, Seth could have wound up in foster care; nobody would know where he was placed, and nobody would know if he was being taken care of."

"Richard, is Seth better, or worse off, than he was a year ago? Are you better, or worse off, than you were a year ago? "We are both better off." "So, you did save him from the abuse, and you did it in a way that benefited you both. Your med school loan was paid off, your last year and a half at LECOM has been paid; and because of everything, you met a beautiful young lady who adores you, and can hardly wait to marry you."

"Seth is in the best school in the west-Florida and south-Alabama area, and his learning quotient is through the roof. Both of you were made a part of a family who loves you, no matter what, and always will, and that allowed you both to get the help you needed. Yes, there was a period of time when you were trying to figure out how to help Seth but couldn't, but considering everything that has come about, don't you think you did the best you could to protect him?"

"You are right, Jaiden. We both are much better off than we were before, and we have a family who loves us. Seth loves his school, he has a future he couldn't have imagined before. He wants to be a veterinarian at a marine rehab center on the east coast of the US, and he is looking at the islands off the east coast of Australia. It's all good, but it kills me that Seth isn't here so I can hug him every morning, and tell him I love him while I am looking into his eyes. I wasn't ready for him to be so far away. Jaiden, I hope you can understand that."

"Richard, I think I have a solution so you can do that every day. Does Seth have a computer?" "Not that I know of." "Come with me, I'm going to fix that problem!"

"Jaiden, why are we at the mall? "You'll see in a minute."

Richard and Jaiden walked into the mall, and headed straight for the Apple store. When they got there, Jaiden walked up to a salesman he knew from when he bought computers for David and Jason. "Jarred." "Hey, Jaden, what can I do for you today?"

"Jarred, I need two of the best, fastest, most powerful Mac-books I can get with the sharpest resolution possible." "Jaiden, I have two laptops that are what you asked for, but they aren't cheap." "Jarred, the price isn't a concern for me. There is a reason, and purpose for why I want them, so money is no object. I want a service and warranty plan that covers everything and anything on each of the laptops, so please get all of that ready for me." "Yes, sir."

"Mr. Reynolds, the total cost for everything is $7,295.86." Here is my debit card. Do you have a store in Orange Beach, or Mobile, Alabama?" "Let's see. We have a store in Mobile located at 3250 Airport Boulevard #4." "Can Richard's Mom or Dad pick up one of the computers there?" "Let me call and see if they have this model with everything you want in stock."

"High, this is Jarred Erickson, manager of the store in Erie, Pennsylvania, with whom am I speaking?" "Jarred, my name is David Jansen, and I'm the store manager here in Mobile." David, can you please check and see if you have a Mac-book with the largest memory, processing speed, and resolution that we carry."

"Jarred, we have one in stock." "Great, I have a customer who just purchased two of the laptops, and he would like for his mother-in-law to pick up the one you have at your store; he has paid for both here at the Erie store. I can give you the receipt number, and handle this as a transfer sale." "We'll be happy to accommodate your customer. What is his name and address?" "His name is Mr. Jaiden Riley-Reynolds, hyphenated last name, and his address is 5680 Landings Way, Erie, Pennsylvania."

"The receipt numbers?" "62AB6521, store 5643. The transfer number is J27R73TM."

"Who is supposed to pick up the computer?" "The person who is supposed to pick up the computer will be either Mrs. Phyllis Riley, or Dr. James Riley."

"Is Dr. Riley the veterinarian at the Orange Beach Animal Hospital?" "Yes,   Mr. Reynolds is his son-in-law." "He is my vet, so I know him, and Mrs. Riley." "Great. Make sure to attach the 10-year anything and everything warranty on the computer, and theft recovery. It is also paid for here in Erie."

"If you would, please call Dr. Riley at the clinic and let him know the computer is there for him, or Mrs. Riley, to pick up. Mr. Reynolds will call Mrs. Riley at home and let her know as well." "I will do that for you right now. I have Dr. Riley's clinic number on his magnetic business card sticking to my filing cabinet. Thanks much, David!" "You bet, man, anytime!"

"Mom, this is Jaiden. I just bought the best Apple computer on the market for Seth and Richard. Could you please pick up the computer for Seth at the Apple Store located at 3250 Airport Boulevard #4? Richard and I had a long talk about an hour ago, and I think this will help relieve the sadness he has had with not being able to look Seth in the eye, and tell him he loves him. He and Richard can talk to each other every morning before they go to school, and with the resolution on each of the computers, Seth's eyes will look just like Richard is sitting in front of him."

"Jaiden, you are a sweetheart. This is going to make Seth so happy. We just got home, so as soon as he comes downstairs and has his snack, we'll run over to the store and pick up the computer. Jim and I will let him use it on the desk in the den so we can keep an eye on him." "Mom, that is exactly what I was hoping you would say, it will keep Seth out of mischief on the computer." "You're a wise young man, Jaiden." "My Mom likes to tell me that, but sometimes I wonder if she is saying it to make me feel good." "No, Jaiden. I think she says and means it like I just did and do." "Thanks, Mom, I love you too."

"Richard is off tonight, so if you would get Seth to call him, I can help them set everything up so they can see each other when they talk." "Jaiden, I'll get Seth to call Richard after dinner tonight." "Thanks, Mom." "You're welcome, son."

"Seth, as soon as you finish your snack, we need to run into Mobile to pick up something Jaiden bought for you. When we get it home, you need to call Richard after supper tonight and he will walk you through what he wants you to do." "What did he get for me, Mom?" "Son, that is a surprise, but I know you are going to love what it is!"

Jim called Phyllis to let her know David Jansen had called and left a message with Angie about the computer. Phyllis told Jim she and Seth were about to head to Mobile to pick it up. That's good, sweetheart, I'll see you as soon as I can get home. I love you!" "I love you more, Jim!"

Phyllis and Seth got to the computer store and went inside. David explained everything Jaiden had installed on the computer, and explained the 10-year everything and anything no-hassle warranty. He also explained that there was a special program on the computer that would help them find it if someone stole the laptop. When David handed Seth the computer, Seth looked at his Mom with red, swollen eyes and said, "Mom, Jaiden bought me this so I could see Richard when I talk to him?" "Yes, he did, Seth. The resolution on the screen is so good you can see each other's eyes just like you could if you were sitting in front of each other."

Seth didn't say a word all the way home. He just kept looking at the box holding the computer. He couldn't wait to get it set up so he could see Richard every time they talk.

"Jaiden, this is Seth. Thank you for the laptop, Mom took me to get it, and we just got home. She said I could use the computer to talk to Richard and we could see each other. How do we do that?"

"Seth, the computer should already be set up with your name and information in it, so to get started, all you have to do is cut on the computer." "OK, Jaiden, it's on." "Seth, on the face page that first comes up, do you see a widget or little square box that says SKYPE?" "Yes, sir." "Click on the word SKYPE." "OK, it came up." "Is it asking you for your name?" "Yes, sir."

"Seth, go ahead and type in your first and last name. If you see a box that says `keep me signed on,' make sure there is not a check mark in that box. You want to sign in every time you use SKYPE, you don't want the computer to keep you signed in because a hacker could get into your computer and mess it up or steal information that is yours."

"Jaiden, it is telling me to create a password." "Do you know how to do that?" "No, sir." "First, get a pen and a piece of paper you can write a number down on." "Got it." "You need to create a password that is hard to figure out, but something you can remember, or get off a sheet of paper. I can help you make a password if you want me to." "Please." "OK, let's use this password: Capital S and a little r for Seth Riley."

"Isn't your birthday July 11, 2010?" "Yes, sir." "Write down Sr071110." "Got it." "Now hit the shift key and hold it down and then touch the number 2 and you will get the `at' sign that looks like an `A' in a circle." "Got it."

"Now we'll use some of Richard's information. Behind the @ symbol, type RREP980411. You should have Sr071110@RREP980411 written down." That's what I have written down." "Type that exactly like it is into the first slot that says password." "Got it." "Seth, read me what you wrote in the password slot." "Capital S, little r, 071110 and then the `at' sign, and RREP980411." "Perfect."

"Does SKYPE say that is a very strong password?" "Yes, sir, it does." "Good, now type that same information into the slot that says confirm password."

"Got it done."

"Great. Do you see the box that says screen name?" "Yes, sir." "In that box I want you to type "Sethisthegreatest 247365."

"OK, I have Sethisthegreatest 247365." "Good. Now hit enter. The screen that comes up should say to sign in. Do you see that?" "Yes, sir."

"Type in Sethisthegreatest 247365 where it says screen name."

"OK, got it done."

"Good. That is the screen you need to go to, and the information you need to sign in with when you want to talk to Richard. He is supposed to get off at 7 when I take his place at the hospital, so I'll tell him to call you.

Richard can give you his private ID stuff so you can tell your computer to link up with him. I got him a computer just like yours, so everything both of you have to do should be exactly the same."

"Thank you, Jaiden."

"You're welcome, buddy, you more than earned that computer. Seth, do you know what your screen name means?" "Yes, sir, it means you told me I am the greatest 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year." "Exactly! Is your Mom there?" "Yes, sir, she is." "May I speak to her for just a minute." "Yes, sir, let me get her on the phone."

"Hey, Jaiden, how's my favorite son-in-law?" "I am doing well, Mom. I'm getting ready to go relieve Richard at the hospital. Peyton is still at the office. They had a hectic day today with a full slate of patients every 15 minutes until the office closed. He still has three more patients to see before he heads home."

"Jaiden, that was so nice of you to buy that computer for Seth. He has been so excited. Thank you for doing that." "Mom, you are welcome. I walked into the den this morning after Richard talked to Seth and he was crying because he really missed seeing Seth. So, I thought of the computers and the two of them talking on SKYPE so they could see each other.   Richard said he missed seeing Seth's eyes when they talked. The screen resolution on the two computers is so good that if there is something in Seth's eye, Richard can see it, no matter what it is, and it is the same for Seth. I am hoping it will help Richard feel better about not being with Seth every day."

"Seth should have a screen name, and a password written on a sheet of paper. Please write that information down, and keep it somewhere in case Seth loses his copy, or forgets that information." "I will, Jaiden, as soon as we hang up."

"Mom, I am going to tell Richard to call Seth when he gets home. We have already set up SKYPE on his computer, so they should be able to see each other. You can also talk to Peyton, me, and the babies on SKYPE. Doing that should really surprise the boys." "Jaiden, I didn't think of that. When I talk to Richard, he can get Peyton on the computer before we end the session. That is going to be so much fun." "I hope so, Mom, and I hope it will help Richard's feelings as well."

"I have to head to the hospital so Richard can come home and eat, and talk to Seth, so I will talk to you later. Love you." "We love you, too, Jaiden."

When Jaiden got to the hospital, while he and Richard were going over patient charts, Jaiden told him he'd gotten Seth's computer set up on SKYPE, so they could talk to and see each other tonight. "Mom has all his sign-on information tucked away in case Seth loses his, but I don't think that will happen. Seth is too responsible." "That he is, Jaiden. Thank you for doing this for us, I appreciate it more than you will ever know." "Richard, I know; believe me, I know."

"Let me know tomorrow how things go for you on SKYPE tonight." "I will, again, thank you so much, you have been too good to me, and done so much for me."

"Richard, I haven't done too much for you. I haven't even done everything I intend to do for you before we set up our practices together. Believe me when I tell you that I think you have more than earned everything Peyton and I have done for you, and still want to do for you. I hope one day you will realize just how much of a great person you are to Peyton, me, our parents, and our classmates."

"I have heard you tell Peyton and me, and other people that you have never met anyone like us. I think you have, and I think you see him every morning when you look in the bathroom mirror. Everybody we know thinks you are one of the best, kindest persons they have ever met. We just need to get you to the point that you at least believe half of what everybody says about you. You are an easy person to love, and Peyton and I are dreading the day when you and Sally get married and you move into your own home. It won't be the same for us at home when you are gone. And may Hashem help us if Dale and Charley ever move out with their boys. We have been together too long to be apart again, and the children adore each other. That would be so hard on Peyton and me – and the babies."

"Jaiden, I don't know what to say." "Then don't say anything; you don't have too. Just let people love you, and recognize, and enjoy their love. The way you saved, and have provided for Seth, is incomparable to anything in this world. He is happy and safe. He can talk to you any time he wants to, and you two can visit with each other as much as you want, when you want, and you don't have to worry anymore about Seth's safety. You know he is loved beyond measure, that he is happy - and that is worth more than the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." When Jaiden said that, Richard hugged him tightly, and said, "Thank you; I love you so much." "Peyton and I love you the same, and that love grows exponentially every day."

Sally was standing around the corner listening to everything Richard and Jaiden said to each other, and tears were streaming down her face. When Richard walked out the door to go home, Sally met him at the car and said, "Richard, what Jaiden said about his and Peyton's love for you growing exponentially every day, it is the same for me. When he said what he did about you looking in the mirror every morning, I couldn't agree more with him. You are, and I believe you always will be, one of the sweetest, kindest human beings I have ever met, and, to me, you are very much the person that Jaiden and Peyton are. Maybe that's why I fell in love with you so hard so fast. I see us with our own family, and I can imagine and see us retired, sitting in rocking chairs on the front porch of our home holding hands, and still smiling when we see each other, and when we are together." Richard didn't say anything, his red, misty eyes told his story. He leaned over and lovingly and gently kissed his bride to be."

When Richard got home, Dale and Charley were setting dinner on the table and the babies were in their highchairs salivating while looking at the food. Peyton was getting the food pureed for the babies while Dale and Charley were tending to everything else. Peyton took the babies' food and placed it on the table so they couldn't get to it before everyone sat down to eat. When he and Charley sat the children's food on their highchairs, they grabbed their little spoons and attacked their food like a lion in the Serengeti. This time, the babies ate every drop of their food, and didn't spill a drop anywhere.

When they all finished eating, Richard and Peyton cleaned the dining room and kitchen before retiring to the den to rest and watch the boys. Peyton mused to Richard that he wondered if the boy's energy would ever wind down for the night. Richard told him from the looks of everything, he doubted it. Peyton pretended to cry at Richard's statement. About an hour later the boys started showing signs of being ready for bed. Peyton took them to potty and get a bath before going to bed.

When Peyton got the boys bedtime onesies on and got them in their beds, they immediately went to sleep. When Peyton got to the den, Richard asked Peyton to help him get connected with Seth on SKYPE. When that was accomplished, Peyton went out on the deck to give Richard his privacy while he talked to Seth.

Richard could not believe how correct Jaiden was about being able to see Seth's eyes so clearly on the computer. Now he could judge for himself if Seth was as happy as he said he was. The more they talked, the more Richard could see the gleam in Seth's eyes. He could actually see the excitement in Seth when his little brother talked about school, about loving Marine Biology, and about going to the beach with his Dad to study things he learned in school. He was comfortable now, he knew for sure that everything Seth had said was true. Seth was truly happy in Orange Beach, he was excited about school, and he loved his shul as much as he had told Richard he did. Richard could see it in his eyes.

Richard walked onto the deck with Peyton after he hung up from talking with Seth. "Peyton." "Yes, Richard." "Thank you for everything you have done to help Seth and me. Jaiden bought two very nice computers today so Seth and I could talk on SKYPE, and see each other's faces and eyes when we talked. I could see in Seth's eyes tonight that everything he has told me was the truth. His eyes were so clearly visible, and I could see the gleam in his eyes when he talked about the things he was loving so much."

"Richard, did seeing Seth's eyes, and his face, when he talked to you make you feel better about his, and your situation?" "Peyton, more than you will ever know. I think when I go to bed tonight, I will have the best night's sleep since I got Seth away from Dad." "I'm glad to hear that. Jaiden and I have talked about getting those computers since he found you upset in the den after you had talked with our little brother. We davened that when we got those computers for the two of you, that what you told me with be exactly what would happen. That you are happier makes Jaiden and me happy. We love you more than you will ever know, and I agree with Jaiden that every morning, when you look into the bathroom mirror, you see one of the greatest men anybody could ever want to meet."

"Peyton, you and Jaiden really do talk about everything, and then you do something about what bothers you." "Yes, we do, and we have always done that, and we'll always do it. That is part of the relationship you need to ensure you have with Sally when the two of you get married. And by the way, the idea of getting married in Ginny and Granny's church, Jaiden and I think that was one of the nicest, kindest, most loving things you could have ever asked the Reverend to do. Ginny told me she and Granny talk about that every day, and that the Mother of the Church really is planning the reception of the century for the two of you. You and Sally have gotten the people of that church more excited than they have ever been. Granny says they are acting like giddy little children with a new toy; they are really anticipating your and Sally's wedding."

"Granny said the Reverend has tears in his eyes every time he thinks about the conversation the three of you had, and he feels so honored that you would want him to officiate at your wedding. Richard, I think you and Sally are going to be blessed by Hashem in ways none of us could have imagined because you and Sally blessed that church the way you did. I can feel it, I don't just think it." "Peyton, we didn't ask what we did for recognition or blessings, we asked to do that because we felt that was what Hashem was leading us to do."

"Richard, that is what Jaiden and I have always done, and look how Hashem has blessed us. We can, and we intend to, buy you and Sally your first home when we set up our practices. We have enough money banked, and in stocks, that we can buy the two of you a house like this one, maybe not with the two big nurseries and the extra bedrooms we added downstairs because of all that occurred when the babies were on the way and got here, but a very nice house none-the-less."

"Peyton, that is too much!" "No it isn't, it's nowhere near too much! I am not going to give away everything, but I will tell you that when you get married, you are going to be offered an all-expenses paid honeymoon that is going to blow your socks off, and you better not tell Sally about that. It won't be Hawaii, but it will be a dream-come-true for the two of you.   When my, and now your, and Jaiden's family celebrates a beautiful occasion, we do it in style. We were going to throw you a big reception at the Country Club, but when you asked to have it at Granny's and the Reverend's church - damn bro, you made us all prouder than we had been in a long time. Our parents and Jaiden's mom cried when they heard you and Sally asked to have the wedding at Ginny's and Granny's church. You touched so many hearts when you did that."

"I didn't realize that, Peyton." "Well, my dearest brother, you did, and I love you more than ever for doing it!"

"Richard had big, red, misty eyes as he headed to his room to get ready for bed. He will work in the office in the morning with Jaiden, and Peyton would do early rounds and work in the ER at the hospital. All three of the guys had received a promotion at the hospital for the great work they had done, and they are now making rounds on the surgical floor for all the doctors who have patients there; and working in the ER and being on-call for emergencies. They have really made a name for themselves as healthcare providers at the hospital.

The next morning, Jaiden, Peyton, and Richard were called in for a meeting with the CEO of the hospital. He told each of the young men that something happened and they had to meet with him, the President of LECOM, and Andy, Friday morning at nine. He would not elaborate on what the meeting was about, and that made the guys wonder what had happened to cause such a meeting.

Friday morning rolled around, and Jaiden, Peyton, and Richard got into the car and drove to LECOM. When they got to LECOM, Jaiden said, "What the hell is going on? This parking lot has never been this full. They got out of the car and headed to Andy's office. When they got to his office, Andy said he didn't know what they had done, but they were about to have one hell of a large meeting about whatever it was. Little did they know, they were being set up to receive an honor, and Andy had set it up in the style of Jim Riley. The boys would not know what was about to hit them until it slapped them in the face."

"Guys, you need to come with me." The trio followed Andy to a room near the back of the huge auditorium at LECOM. They had no idea their parents and Seth were sitting in the front of the auditorium, because they had been hidden away from the boys since they got to Erie. Ginny, Granny, Gampy, and the Reverend rolled all ten babies into the auditorium, and sat with the babies' grandparents. All down the isles were members of every major news organization in the United States, and most of the television news crews from all the towns in which the guys had lived. All of their Rabbis and their wives were in the audience as well as numerous members of their home synagogues. The Governors of Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania were there. As everyone got settled the Secret Service ushered in the Vice President of the United States. The Presidents of LECOM and Wellstone would be sitting on the stage. This was an event that was so huge, and the guys had no clue about it.

When the Secret Service got the Vice President seated and secured, the meeting started. Andy was called to escort Jaiden, Peyton, and Richard onto the stage of the auditorium. When they walked onto the stage and saw everybody in the room, their knees went weak.

The President of LECOM stepped up to the microphone, and as he did, the secret service agents placed the Seal of the Vice President on the Podium.

"Special guests, Ladies and gentlemen, and students of the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, it is my distinct honor to present to you the Honorable Michael Lance, Vice President of the United States. Mr. Vice President."

The Vice President approached the podium and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my distinct honor to represent the President of the United States to honor several young men whose contributions to their community, and to our country, have made national news that has reached the hallowed halls of Congress and the Senate, and into the West Wing of the Whitehouse to the Office of the President. The young men we are here to honor today have made historic steps not only in the field of medicine, but in getting the US Congress and the US Senate to revamp and change national laws regarding child abuse and child exploitation. Because of their actions, several children in this community have been saved from abuse so heinous that the children came very close to dying. Because of their efforts and their actions, all fifty states in the United States have changed and implemented new laws against child abuse, child exploitation, and child neglect."

"To show the gratitude of our nation, all 50 governors in the United States are in attendance today. Ladies and gentlemen, if you would, please stand to be recognized." The governors stood to thunderous applause. When they sat down, the Vice President continued with his speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, not only have the young men we are here to honor changed the face of child abuse laws in our great country, they have shown an intense desire to bring top-notch medical care to children who might otherwise not have access to it."

"They each have proven to be tops in their field, and they have gained positions of honor that we have not been able to find elsewhere in our country. They have been recognized for their contributions to their community which have brought honor to their synagogue, Temple Anshe Hesed in Erie, Pennsylvania, as well as to their home Temples in Abingdon, Virginia, and Orange Beach, Alabama. Rabbi and Rebbetzin Eichmann, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Schlottman, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Kravitz, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Belson, and Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rothstein please rise and be recognized for the unquestionable guidance you have provided to the young men we are honoring today, guidance that has helped them to become the young men they are." The Rabbis and their wives stood and received thunderous applause and shouts of `thank you.'

Next, the Vice President acknowledged the presence of, and asked for Dr. and Mrs. James Riley, Dr. Peggy Reynolds, and made the audience laugh when he asked Granny and Grandpa and Grandma Jenny and Papa to stand. Each of the parents and the grandparents had tears streaming down their faces. "To the parents and Grandparents of the young men we are honoring today, thank you from the bottom of the President's and my heart for raising such great sons. You are to be congratulated for their becoming the young men they have shown themselves to be." The parents and grandparents received the most thunderous applause so far for the morning.

As the Vice President continued, he said, "I understand that one of the young men being honored today is to be married on June first to a very beautiful young lady who has also dedicated her life to the care of the sick and infirmed in our great country. Sally, would you please come to the podium." As Sally walked out in the most beautiful formal dress anyone had ever seen, the audience went wild. "Sally, it would be a distinct honor for me if you would help me bestow the awards being presented to the three young men the President has chosen to honor."

"Mr. Jaiden Riley-Reynolds, would you please approach the podium.

Mr. Riley-Reynolds, on behalf of the President of the United States, I would like to present you with the nation's highest civilian honor, The United States Civilian Medal of Honor, in recognition of your efforts to make life better for, and to save the lives of thousands of children in our great country. Sally, would you please do the honors." Sally took the ribbon holding the medal and placed it around Jaiden's neck and kissed him on the cheek.

"Mr. Peyton Riley-Reynolds, would you please approach the podium.

Mr. Riley-Reynolds, it is my distinct honor, on behalf of the President of the United States of America, to present you with the nation's highest civilian honor, The United States Civilian Medal of Honor, in recognition of your efforts, along with the efforts of your husband, to make life better for, and to save the lives of thousands of children in this community, and in our great country. Sally, would you please do the honors."

Sally, as before, took the ribbon to the medal and placed it around Peyton's neck and kissed him on the cheek. As with Jaiden, their fellow students went wild, and the raucous noise in the auditorium made many in attendance cover their ears.

"Mr. Richard Riley, would you please approach the podium." As Richard approached the lectern, Seth got up from his seat and walked up the steps to the stage and to Richard. Both had tears pouring from their eyes. As folks from south Alabama would say, they had alligator tears flowing across their cheeks.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Richard Riley is being honored by the President today for two reasons: first, he is being recognized for joining with his brother, Peyton, and his brother-in-law, Jaiden, in their efforts to make our country, and the communities therein, infinitely safer for the children of our great nation. Secondly, not many know the sadness he incurred in his life over the past few years, a sadness that has played into his dedication to the care and welfare of our nation's children. Seth, Richard's and Peyton's younger brother whom you see standing with Richard, was horribly injured at the hands of his biological father prior to he and Richard being adopted by Dr. and Mrs. James Riley. Richard, the President wishes to honor you today, not only for your contributions to, and your desire to make life better for the children of our great country, but also for your heroic efforts to save your young brother from continued, heinous abuse at the hands of your biological father. Seth, would you please do the honor of placing this award around your brother's neck."

As Seth placed the award around Richard's neck, the two brothers embraced each other and sobbed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there are three more honors to present before this ceremony is completed. Dr. James Riley, Mrs. Phyllis Riley, and Dr. Peggy Reynolds, would you please step up to the podium." All three parents were in total shock at the Vice President of the United States asking them to stand with him at the lectern. As they got to the podium, the Vice President asked Jaiden, Peyton, and Richard to approach the lectern. As they walked back to the lectern, Richard was holding hands with Sally who went back to the podium with the man she loved more than anything in the world.

Dr. Riley, Mrs. Riley, Dr. Reynolds, the President also wishes to honor you for your efforts and success at raising what this country believes to be three of the finest young men to ever be called Statesmen in the United States of America. Dr. Riley, Mrs. Riley, Dr. Reynolds, on behalf of the President of the United States, it is my distinct honor to present to each of you the Presidential Medal of Honor. Peyton, Richard, Jaiden, will you please do the honors of placing the medals around the necks of your parents. Jaiden took the medal and placed it around his mother's neck as both of them were profusely shedding tears. Peyton took a medal and placed it around his Dad's neck, and Richard placed a medal around his mother's neck.

The Vice President then said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you six of the greatest, most exemplary individuals to ever be called Statesmen: Jaiden Riley-Reynolds, Dr. Peggy Reynolds, Peyton Riley-Reynolds, Richard Riley, Dr. James Riley, and Mrs. Phyllis Riley. Please give them a round of applause."

You have never heard the noise that came from the auditorium when the Vice President said that.

The President of LECOM approached the podium and announced that there would be a catered lunch for the Vice President and the Honorees to be held at the Erie Country Club immediately following the ceremony. He also announced that there would be a catered lunch at LECOM for the Honorees and their fellow students on Saturday at noon.

"For the Honorees, the President of the United States has graciously provided limousines to take them to the luncheon at the Country Club."

When the Honorees got to the Country Club and walked inside, they were shocked to see the President standing there. He invited everyone to come inside and be seated so the special luncheon could begin.

After everyone was seated, the President stepped up to a podium bearing the Presidential Seal. "Jaiden, Peyton, Richard, Dr. and Mrs. Riley, and Dr. Reynolds, there is one award that was not mentioned at the ceremony at LECOM.

Young men, you each were nominated by me for, and you are to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for your efforts at improving the lives of thousands of students across this country, and indeed the world, and for your efforts to provide the greatest and best medical care to children in the northeast quadrant of the United States, children who might not otherwise have been able to receive that medical care. Tomorrow morning, one of the Presidential aircraft will land at the Erie International Airport to take you, your parents, Seth, and Sally to Oslo, Norway to receive the Nobel Prize awarded to each of you by the Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee. You will be in Norway for one week at the pleasure of the United States Congress. You will then be flown back to Erie, and your parents will then be flown to their respective home cities aboard the Presidential Aircraft."

"Jaiden, Peyton, Richard, there is yet another honor to be bestowed on your behalf. The United States Congress and the Senate have authorized the sum of ten million Dollars to be placed in a trust until the three of you complete your residencies and internships at St. Jude's Children's Hospital. In conjunction with St. Jude's, the Erie Medical Center will begin building the Riley-Reynolds Branch of St. Jude's Children's Hospital Cancer Center, of which you three will be the first attending physicians. Congratulations to each of you for the hard work you have dedicated yourselves to, and for the awards that have been presented to each of you." With that said, the grandest feast you could ever imagine was served to the Honorees and their guests.

Saturday at noon, another ceremony and luncheon was held at LECOM to honor Jaiden, Peyton, and Richard. As soon as that ceremony and luncheon was completed, several limousines provided by the White House whisked the Honorees to the Erie International Airport, where they boarded the Presidential aircraft, and began their journey to Oslo, Norway. Ginny, Granny, Gampy, and the Reverend would be caring for the babies, along with Dale and Charley, while the babies' parents were in Norway to be honored with the Nobel Peace Prize.

Next: Chapter 86

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