Jake Grimke

By Alan A.

Published on Aug 21, 2011


NOTE: This is the fictional coming of age story of Jake Grimke as he matures through high school, into college and eventually into adulthood in the Baltimore, Maryland region. It contains and embraces accurate representations of life in Baltimore and its suburbs; Maryland's traditional sport of lacrosse and the career path a firefighter might follow in his profession. All of the characters in this story are fictional and resemblance to any one person whether dead or alive is purely coincidental. If you liked this installment, please send me some feed back; I got a rough idea where this is headed but I am always open to some suggestions. Needless to say, if you are offended by handsome athletic young men growing up gay and the obstacles they will encounter as well their personal triumphs, you should use the BACK button on your browser forthwith.

The impromptu party ended just after midnight with Will and Jake putting away the Wii console from the bowling marathon and cleaning up the last dishes. They talked for awhile afterwards, Will graciously accepting the fact, that for now, Jake's mind and heart were preoccupied with Jose Valdez. And with a longer than casual man hug and quick kiss on the cheek, Will left the Grimke house while Jake went to bed alone. Like any other night, Jake stripped down and found his old soft mesh lacrosse shorts and slipped them up his long muscled legs. As soon as the room was dark he slid his hand into the crack of the drawer of the night stand next to his bed and opened it enough to retrieve the purple velvet bag which he placed on his bed next to his right side.

Jake wasn't one enslaved to just the right clothes or perfect hair or colognes. In fact, the more natural he was, the more comfortable he was. In the darkness of his room he leaned his nose down into the trim soft hair of his right armpit and inhaled. It smelled of work, working out and made him wonder, what would Jose smell like?

His tongue bean to lick through the soft hair of his pit while his left hand went south of the waist band and began to manipulate his semi-hardness until the glans were pointing due north under the soft fabric. If he lifted his head off the pillow a little, he could lick the pumped bicep as he flexed his right arm while his left hand continued to stimulate the defined shape of his erection laying under the mesh.

Jake slid his right hand up to his right pec and traced its definition before zeroing in on his right nipple and gently began to squeeze it. Then he twisted it After twisting, he pulled it away from his pec before trying combinations of squeezing, twisting and pulling before letting go and moving over to try the same on his left while never taking his left hand off his own package which was beginning to leak through the tiny holes of the shorts.

Closing his eyes, Jake's hard drive flashed images of Jose on the big screen in his brain while detaching himself from the matters at hand and letting Jose take over. He was infected by Jose's features, from the dark brown almost black hair and eyes down to the well-worn Nikes he sported Friday night. With that first hug, Jake could feel strength and power in Jose's arms as well as security. Aside from Jose's face, the only other skin Jake really saw was Jose's hands, which, if there were such a thing as a hand model, Jose would be the go to man. Since both were of similar athletic build, Jake could imagine them doing almost anything together but realized all he had ever really seen of Jose were his hands and face. He had no idea if Jose had a smooth upper body or hairy legs or the size of his dick in between, maybe even a tattoo somewhere. He figured it all had to be good after remembering hearing Bryant say what a great soccer player he was.

As Jake writhed in his bed from his self-induced pleasures, his mind wandered, imagining what sort of fraternity rituals Jose must have endured to earn the right to be called a brother of Phi Gamma Delta. Making a fist with his right hand, Jake punched his hard left pec, wondering if Jose had to endure pain and punishment or any of the other pranks evidenced in movies or what he read about online.

Then the idea hit Jake and he got out of bed and went to his bottom dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of older Umbro nylon soccer shorts. He climbed back into bed and slid the waist of the Umbro's up the narrow edge of a pillow, like he was stuffing a legless male torso into the shorts. With the pillow dressed, Jake placed it under his own midsection and began to hump, gently at first, his mind imagining he was on top of Jose. The slick nylon fabric of the two pairs of shorts significantly reduced the coefficient of friction and before long, Jake was sliding hard and fast against his makeshift man. As his orgasm began to rise in his balls, Jake smiled and pictured himself making out with Jose, remembering how his lips felt in that first short kiss under the stars in Cecil County. Without much more effort, Jake exploded into the pillow and quivered as sweat dripped down his spine from the effort before he dripped off to sleep.

Just like March and April, the last weeks of May after the road trip to Port Deposit flew by also. After beating Southern and Meade high schools, the Highlanders entered the county lacrosse playoffs undefeated. The traditional power-house outside of Severn High, had a losing season as they rebuilt their rosters leaving Annapolis High to vie for the county championship against Severn. Jose Valdez and Jake were staying in constant contact through daily text messages and usually a phone call to recap each day's events around ten o'clock each night. With finals finished, Jose had moved out of his freshman dormitory at Hopkins and into the FIJI or Phi Gamma Delta frat house just off campus in the Homewood section of Baltimore. Before long, Jose was incorporated into the activities with the rest of Jake's friends when he didn't have a commitment to his school work or fraternity.

Just as the rest of his team mates predicted earlier in the spring, Severn would face Port Deposit High School for the Governor's Cup on Port Deposit's home field. On game day, the team left Severn by bus at 1:00 pm for the trip up Interstate 95 with a marked state trooper in front and Trooper Marsh brining up the rear in the "war-wagon" as the Mohawks affectionately referred to the black Chevy Suburban assigned to her.

Emma and John had met Jose and of course Bryant by now and entrusted them to bring Dieter to the lacrosse game from the Hopkins campus so that he could learn more about this Native American sport. Jake and Dieter clicked pretty fast, Dieter being a soccer jock back in his native Germany which helped make for easy conversation with Jose and Bryant on their own trip back to their old high school. Just to ensure that his identity was kept a secret at the championship game, Jose gave him an old Port Deposit soccer team sweat shirt and Baltimore Orioles ball cap should Anna's eyes start to wander and wonder who the familiar figure might in the home team's bleachers next to Bryant and Jose.

All of the parents were at the game too, Colonel Hurley and his wife, the Pences, the Beechers and of course John and Emma wouldn't miss this game for the world. Governor and Mrs. Syms arrived in one of the newest Maryland State Police helicopters favored by the agency for police and medevac work. The security detail escorted the Syms to the row of bleacher seats occupied by the rest of the varsity parents while the some of the parents' daughters pumped up the crowd with cheers for Severn lacrosse.

The whistle for the first face-off just after the Port Deposit band played the national anthem at 4 pm sharp. The Highlanders owned the first half of the game and went to the locker room with the score at 7-3 in their favor. Everybody from Coach Dase to non-starting varsity players were pumped but Jake cautioned all that their opponent was not going to take a defeat on home territory very easily.

And sure enough, Port Deposit started the second half with a vengeance, eager to close the cap against the visitors. By the end of the third quarter, the game was tied ten apiece. The fourth quarter showed Port Deposit getting a one point leg up on the visitors with just over a minute to go at 12-11. Jake met his opponent for the face-off and kicked the ball out to Evan who was immediately attacked as he gained possession by a Port Deposit middie. Evan lost the ball to the opponent's middie who passed it towards an attack man at Severn's goal. The attacker worked the ball back and forth with the rest of the front line to run the clock while trying to keep it away from Severn's defenders until Beecher got in and knocked the ball loose.

Chord Michaels saw the ball come loose and bounce towards him and scooped it up with his long pole and ran a few steps towards the midline before cranking his arm back and firing the ball as hard as he could towards Port Deposit's goal as the clock counted down the final seconds. Jake couldn't believe what he saw as the ball bounced in the dirt about five feet from the goal and began to arch upward into the upper left hand corner of the goal as he sprinted down field.

The Port Deposit goalie was equally stunned that the ball was coming towards him so fast and hard and was not prepared to move his crosse up to block it. The ball entered the goal just inside the upper left corner, making the net bounce as the Severn side of the stadium erupted in cheering taking the game to sudden death as the referee's whistle blew to confirm the score was now tied and the horn sounded signaling the end of regulation time.

The shot stunned Port Deposit immediately; it was like having their Achille's tendon severed. Severn's bench cleared and welcomed Chord Michaels off the field as the conquering hero but it was Jake who kept the rest of the team focused and listening to Coach Dase's final instructions for the sudden death.

"Capitalize now men," Coach Dase said, "they are angry and upset at what just happened, it's up to us to keep focused and use this momentum. Jake, take the face-off. We win this now!"

After both sides regrouped from the end of regulation play, the teams retook the field, Jake crouching down to meet his opponent, the ball sandwiched between their crosses. The whistle blew and Jake deftly managed to get the ball to Erik Syms waiting in the left wing area. Jake exploded off the line and up the center as he saw Evan sprint towards the goal on the right side. Erik passed to Evan who passed to Jake who passed back and forth between Erik and Evan. Port Deposit's defense was coming unglued, trying to decide whether to go zonal or man to man providing just enough confusion for Evan to get in striking distance. From behind the goal Jake passed to Erik again who passed back to Jake who instantly fired it to Evan as he felt a defender try to attack him. In one sweet graceful movement, Evan caught the ball high and brought it low for the shot and fired.


The whistle blew as the netting behind the piped box of the frame bounced with the ball safely inside. Erik and Evan were jumping up and down together high fiving each other as Jake came running from behind the goal to hug both of them. Again the Severn bench cleared as the entire team ran out from the sidelines and up from the their own goal to celebrate as they all chanted in unison, "Severn! Severn! Severn!"

On the field, the coaches met and shook hands while their players lined up to shake each other's hand as they passed in review of each other. In the bleacher's on the home team side, Jose and Bryant were filled with mixed emotion having seen their alma mater lose the state championship but happy that Jake and the Highlanders were the victors.

And in the stands on the visitor's side, students and parents were as ecstatic as the players themselves, hugging each other to celebrate the milestone their sons, brothers and classmates had accomplished.

Parents from both teams were wandering down to the field, some to console; the others to share in the victory. Coach Dase huddled with the entire team and started an impromptu victory speech, his voice cracking and his eyes welling up, "Wow. After being so close last year and watching your dedication this year, all I can say is you guys earned this victory. I am proud of all of you. Today, Chord, the shot you made was over the top; Evan, Erik, Aaron, Tyler and the rest of all of you; each of you guys played your hearts out not just today but every game this season."

"With true athletes like all of you, it was a joy to come to practice everyday," Coach Dase continued, "never any crying, whining or quitting, no matter how hard we worked you; you guys stayed focused not only on winning but being the best on and off the field and for that, I have to thank Jake Grimke."

And with that, Coach Dase lost it, with the tears beginning to slide down his cheeks, he pulled Jake into a hug before the rest of the team joined in a group hug and did the countdown, "three, two, break SEVERN forever."

Emma and John were proud to see Jake being hugged by every member of the team, Evan, Aaron and Erik waiting until the end before they had their own group hug and then another with Tyler and Chord in it also. After the last group hug, the team mates began meeting their parents and hugging and shaking hands with the parent's of their team mates. Even Governor Syms made it to the field with his detail to hug Erik and share in the celebration with the rest of the team and team parents.As all the congratulations began to wane, the bottleneck to get out of the parking lot was increasing. "You guys still have a date tonight?" Erik's father asked.

"Yes sir," piped up Erik knowing that his father was referring to the concert.

Turning toward their coach with an outstretched right hand Dr. Syms said, "Coach Dase, congratulations on winning the Governor's Cup!"

"Thank you Sir, you can be proud of how hard Erik has played," Coach Dase replied, "I think he'll do great as a Terrapin."

"Fear the Turtle," replied Bill Syms, the one-time political science professor from the University of Maryland, and then in a hushed tone, "you mind if I give a few of the boys a ride back in Trooper 1?"

"No Sir," Coach Dase said not sure why it was necessary but he had a good idea who would be flying back to Severn.

Trooper 1 was the only ship in the MSP fleet of helicopters that was not readily configured for police or medevac missions but rather reserved for executive transportation. The Augusta-Westland AW139 medium lift helicopter could easily seat fifteen passengers along with the flight crew. After a quick post-game shower in Port Deposit's locker room, the Mohawks carried their gear bags to the chopper as the rotors began to turn faster as the turbines revved up for take-off.

"We need Will," Erik reminded them.

"I'll get him," said Jake undoing his seat belt and ready to step out of the door.

And just as he stepped out Trooper Marsh was running up with a hunched over Will Hurley carrying his video camera, madly trying to text his flash-mob message while running. Evelyn said to her counterparts on the inside, "see you back at Severn around eight, these boys got a show to give and I don't want to miss it."

With the door securely latched, the chopper shuddered gently as the crankshaft reached the necessary speed for lift-off and the pilot in his flight suit banked the chopper over the fields giving Jake just enough of a view to see Bryant, Jose and Dieter waving from the ground. Inside the chopper, the boys were still high fiving each other with smiles from ear to ear.

"We're half done for the day," Will reminded them, "still got a concert to do. I got everything picked up from the garage and at Severn now waiting for us."

It was hard to contain their enthusiasm in front of the Governor and he joined in their celebration too. The pilot gave them a fun ride, using some of the maneuvers he pulled when he was over the desert in Iraq flying a gunship for the Marine Corps that would rival any amusement park ride which made everybody laugh including Erik's mom who was enjoying the victory as much as any jock mom would.

Less than half an hour later, Trooper one touched down adjacent to the stadium at Severn High School. Most of the cars were gone for the day if not the rest of the school year, some never to return after tomorrow as the players and Will disembarked from the aircraft. Jake quickly locked his gear bag in the trunk of the Saab and then met up on stage erected in the stadium that would be used for graduation tomorrow.

The Mohawks finished checking out their gear and the set-up of their instruments on the stage. Members of the stage crew with the help of Mr. Croom from House and Grounds had the game lights already blazing as they began sound checks and getting into concert mode. Will made sure that his laptop was wirelessly connected to the projector in the press box and that the image was properly focused on the huge screen behind the stage. Convinced it was ready, he disconnected and began the final edit of his lacrosse team video montage.

In less than an hour, the first cars were entering the student lot, the one closest to the stadium with parents and students alike beginning to arrive and take seats in the bleachers facing the stage. Bryant and Jose arrived just before the concert was to start and kept Dieter out of sight since Anna was waiting backstage to do her song with Jackie nearby. With almost 2,000 students, family, friends and faculty in the stands just after 8:00 pm, Ava Birdsong walked out on the stage to welcome everybody and began to introduce Dr. Lafterty, the principal, Coach Dase and Governor Syms.

After presenting the Governor's Cup to Dr. Laferty who then handed it over to Coach Dase, Dr. Syms began with, "I knew there was something special here at Severn, I might be a little biased but besides having a kick-ass lacrosse team, I think this is one of the most spirited student bodies I've seen in many years across the state."

The crowd roared.

"So, I heard there was going to be a little concert here tonight by some guys from the lacrosse team and quite honestly, I've been so busy being governor and trying to get things back on the right track for Maryland, that I've missed out hearing what these boys can do. So Jake, Aaron, Evan and of course Erik, let's hear what you got!!!!!!!"

The Mohawks led off with Van Halen's "Right Now" and followed it with "Clocks" by Coldplay before going further back in time to play "What Is Life" by George Harrison and of course Satchmo's "What a Wonderful World" for Miss Birdsong.

Those in the crowd who knew the words sang along or clapped along as soon as they recognized each song that was played.

Tomorrow's graduation would be for speeches, tonight was just pure fun music-making. Anna sang Nightwish's "If I Had an Angel" much to the amazement of her classmates while The Mohawks backed her up. As the song finished, Dieter appeared from backstage to sweep her off her feet in a very tearful reunion witnessed by all with thunderous applause.

As the concert went on, they played "Sing" by My Chemical Romance and followed it with "I Don't Care" by Fallout boy before Will Hurley, to the surprise of The Mohawks walked up and took the microphone, "If everybody would sit down for a couple of minutes, I have a little tribute to our victors here; I think the video says all that needs to be said."

And with two clicks of his remote, the giant screen dropped behind them and the light from the projector in the press box began to flicker on the screen until its image focused showing all the members of the lacrosse team at practice, in the weight room, huddled listening to Coach Dase or playing a game as the music from Shinedown's "Diamond Eyes" played through the speakers. Will made sure to include every player multiple times and was able to edit in Chord's last ditch throw that tied the championship game and sent the game into overtime for their championship victory.

Again, the crowd roared as they saw each point scored or someone they knew playing their heart out. And as the video ended, Evan, having conspired with Will behind Jake's back, beckoned the rest of The Mohawks back to their instruments and they began to play Springsteen's "No Surrender" just as they had practiced before Evan took the microphone by himself.

"Take a look around you, we're graduating tomorrow and for some of us, it may very well be the last time we ever, ever see each other," and with a long look at the entire crowd, "The next song is about saying good bye with the hope we will one day, run into each other again. Jackie, Will."

Jackie walked up to Jake to lead him from the electronic keyboard over to Jose, waiting off to the side while Will moved into the keyboard position to start playing the opening measures after Evan boomed out "two, three, four" to kick off "Bobby Jean."

For the first few seconds, Jake was offended but then realized what Evan was doing and had tears streaming down his face while Jose and Jackie clutched him from either side. Out in the crowd, all eyes were on the band, nobody except for John and Emma Grimke paying any attention to Jake's emotional turmoil that he blotted up on his shirt sleeves as best as he has could.

The crowd understood the message too and many were hugging each other in the stands as the song ended before Severn's own Boss yelled into the microphone as the song ended, "Jake, get back up here, we got one more song to do!"

And with that, Jake bounded up on stage, giving Evan a huge hug with an "always and forever bro" inaudible over the applause and cheering from the crowd before he moved to the rest of his band mates for a hug from each of them. Jake strapped on his guitar again and The Mohawks launched into a heavy-handed version of Alice Cooper's with Jake singing lead "making all that noise."

Next: Chapter 25

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