Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 22, 2020


Some background: this story is actually a set of interlocking stories. Our main protagonist is Jake, a dominant top man, who finds his boy in Anthony. We're going to start with the story of Anthony and Jake and then, in a series of linked, short stories, tell about Jake's other boys, and how he settled on Anthony. I hope you enjoy the stories and the structure.

Anthony sat on the stoop of the building where he had lived for the last five years. He had moved into the building when he had moved to New York from Atlanta, right out of school. Today was his last day: he was moving in with his Master Jake.

Most of the possessions that Jake had allowed him to keep, were already in Jake's apartment. All he had with him on the stoop was a small leather bag (Jake had bought him the bag), filled with personal items and, attached to a leash, his golden lab, appropriately named "Goldie." He had gotten Goldie when he was a puppy, and he and Anthony had been together for all but two of the months Anthony had been in New York City.

He was dressed the way Jake had told him to dress: crisp white buttondown oxford, faded 501 jeans, a black leather jacket (also a present from Jake), white sneakers. The outfit suited him, and as the neighborhood boys walked by , more than one complimented him.

"Waiting for Jake, Anthony?" his neighbor Glen asked , as he went out to do his grocery shopping.

"Yup. Today's the day. " "Well, I hope we'll get to see you around." Glen held out his hand, and Anthony stood up to shake it. "Aw shit Anthony, gimme a hug" . The two men embraced. "It's been great having you around. I promise I'll use the weight set. And if you ever need a place to hang out, or to escape to... just give old Glen a call." "Thanks Glen. You don't know how much that means to me."

Glen and Anthony had met the first day Anthony had moved into the building. It was a walk up, and while Anthony was more than able to get up the three flights of stairs with no trouble, dragging the case that carried all of his possessions made it very difficult. It was also one of the hottest days of the year, and his skinny t shirt was soon drenched with sweat. "DAMN. This is worse than BOOT CAMP" he muttered, as he pulled the case up. The noise from the case hitting the steps must have been heard by everyone in the building, but the only one who came out, was Glen. (It was, after all, Brooklyn NY).

"Hey big guy. You look tough but not THAT tough. Let me give you a hand." Anthony smiled. "Thanks. I really did think I could get this myself, but.. it ain't happening easily." Glen laughed. "Stairs are a bitch. And these give you no mercy . You moving in? I'm Glen."

"Yeah, first day living in NY. Anthony here."

"Let me get to the bottom of the case, Anthony. You pull, I'll push. It'll be like moving an elephant." "Glen, don't make me laugh. My mom wondered if I had packed one when she saw the case." "Yeah, I gotta tell ya. If anyone ever asked me what they needed in NY, I'd say 1/3 of the stuff you plan to bring, and 3 times the money you think you'll need. Geez, it's fucking NY. You can buy anything you need. Do you really need to bring your sheets from home." "Glen, you're gonna make me laugh so hard I'll let go. I DID bring my own sheets." "Well, I bet it's the last time you do something like that. HERE. Just two more steps. Tell me you live on the third floor. PLEASE don't make me regret my offer." "No, I'm on this floor. 3F. " "Good. It's just a couple doors down." Huffing and puffing, they got to the door. Glen held out a hand. "Well, welcome to the building. Tell you what? How about I give you two hours, and then I'll come back with some beers, or wine if you like that better. No way you've got what you need to welcome people yet." "That'd be great Glen, but no beer. If you've got mineral water, or something like that, it'll be fine." Glen looked at him strangely, and Anthony smiled. "Oh, sorry. I'm trying to get ready for a body building tournament. Beer's off the menu until it's over." "AH. NOW those biceps make sense. Ok. Mineral water it is. " Anthony let himself into the apartment. Just like anyone new to NY, he wondered: "wasn't the apartment bigger when I saw it?" At least it was clean and, when he turned on the air conditioner, it was working. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" He stripped down and stood in front of it, letting his sweat evaporate. "I hope the shower works," he said to no one, and went off to wash up, forgetting that he had no soap, no shampoo, and his towels were at the bottom of the chest. He remembered Glen's words, and laughed. He'd have to do a shopping run. In the meanwhile, plain old water would have to do. When the job as a graphics designer showed up on the job site he checked every day, Anthony thought "what the hell? Nothing to lose." He sent off his resume' , figuring "nothing ventured, nothing gained," and then, two weeks later, he got a phone call. A series of interviews by phone, a zoom interview, and a one week trip to New York followed. He had the job by the time he came to New York, but he had no place to live. His employer, Jared, suggested that Anthony get in touch with a friend in Real Estate. He and Silvia had spent the day traipsing through New York. "I know how Jared pays, so let's forget Manhattan for a while Anthony. Let's look for some place that's close to the subways. Remember too, what you do, you can do from home. Make sure you tell Jared that." "You seem to know him pretty well." She laughed. "He didn't tell you? Jared's my brother in law. I'm married to his brother Ken." Silvia turned out to know the neighborhoods intimately, and more importantly, she had a killer instinct for negotaition. When Anthony found this apartment, the rent was 50.00 a month more than he thought he was able to pay. "If we pay you 3 months in advance, how about you cut 50 bucks off?" The landlord, eager for a clean cut tenant like Anthony, was more than willing. After he signed the lease, Anthony turned to Silvia "I don't have that kind of cash Silvia. How am I gonna pay it?" "Out of the advance Jared is gonna give you love. Just give good old Aunt Silvia a couple days." And in a couple of days, after he had started at his new job, Jared had called him into his office. "Anthony, I understand Silvia worked her magic and found you an apartment, but...." He smiled. "It's what she does. Don't argue." He handed Anthony a check that amounted to a three month advance on his salary. "If you quit, you give it back. If you don't, you pay it back 50 a month . The 50 she saved you on rent." It all seemed fine.

After he had settled into the apartment, Anthony set about finding a gym. He had been a serious body builder in Atlanta, and had won his share of trophies - all of which were back home. He essentially lived on egg whites, protein powder, skinless chicken breast and spinach, but his body level was in the single figures, he had a 30 inch waist, and his shirts were all xxxl. He had started working out in high school, and a past time became a passion. He knew that the competitive arena in NY was tougher, but he was gonna give it a try. And try he did.

As he sat on the steps of his building, he thought about those days . Body building competitions were over. Jake didn't want him competing anymore. He was Jake's boy, and Jake didn't want him exposing himself to other guys. After all, Jake had first spotted Anthony, at one of those competitions.

Jake was a member of what was becoming a dying breed in NY: the total dominant top. There wasn't a cell in his body that was anything but Dominant Top. He was a smart man: 8 years in the Physics Department at one of the top schools in NY had gotten him his PhD in theoretical physics, and he spent most of the day either teaching bored undergraduates, overworked graduate students, or doing advanced research on string theory. He laughed about that to himself, frequently: one of the leading theorists in the country on string theory during the day, switched to rope theory at night. Jake liked his men masculine, and submissive. Attitude mattered more than looks, and he had had his share of different men: Dave, the military veteran who had been a sniper in Afghanistan: blond, muscular, studly. Then there was Robert: closet case. Accountant and part time masseur, scared of his own shadow, but with no gag reflex and an ass you could fry an egg on. Then there was John. He smiled when he thought about John. John had a superman fetish. He'd dress up as superman, pretend Jake was Lex Luthor, and the games would begin (John was how he met Anthony, but we're getting ahead of ourselves here). Then there was Teddy: now Teddy had a PhD, but when Jake met him, he was "all but dissertation" at the biology department of Jake's university. Black, curly hair, hair all over his body, big, soft lips, and an insatiable appetite for sex. There was Ron, the California transplant, whom he had met on line. Every session with Ron had to involve nipple clamps, or Ron would pout and not answer the phone for days.

So, John, the guy with the superman fetish, was also a former body builder, who worked out hard. He and Anthony went to the same gym , and had become friends. When Anthony had entered his first tournament, John went to give him moral support. Jake came with him. It wasn't that Jake had a particular fondness for body builders, but things with John were getting hot and heavy, and just like with Anthony, Jake's jealous streak came out and he wanted to make sure that John "behaved."

"Holy shit. That guy is fucking beautiful" he shot to John, when Anthony came out to pose . John smiled. "yes sir. That's my gym buddy Anthony." "Well, fuck, you better hope he's a bottom too, or you're in deep shit." "We never went there, Sir. I think he's so focused on winning something, that he hasn't had sex in a while." "Damn. I gotta see if I can change that situation." John sighed. He was used to this . Jake would never dump him on a night they had plans, but he was clear: while John belonged to him, he had the absolute right to play the field. John's instructions were to introduce them. He followed orders. Jake had a certain charm about him and, because he just sort of exuded "top man vibes," a bottom would fall for him almost instantly.

And so Anthony did. John had invited Anthony to dinner with he and Jake, and the next time they met at the gym, Anthony , usually shy about this kind of thing, came up to John "Hey, your friend Jake. He's HOT. " John smiled. "I know . I've been sleeping with him for about six months." Anthony's face reddened. "Oh, John, I'm sorry. I didn't know. You didn't say." John laughed "it's ok. I guess it's fair to say Jake is my Master. He sleeps with a lot of people. I'm lucky when I get him, but, well.. he's playing the field. " Anthony paused. "Do you mind if I toss my hat in the ring?" John laughed some more. "You'd have more of a chance if you threw your jock strap in the ring. "

Jake and Anthony had their first date two weeks later. Anthony desperately wanted to go home with Jake. Jake, on the other hand, knew that he had to "play the fish" a bit before sinking the hook. So, no overnight for Anthony. Not that time anyway. Nor after the second date, or the third one. But before the fourth one, Jake called Anthony. "Pack an overnight bag. You're staying tonight." Anthony responded, automatically, with "yes sir." He was only 24 at the time, but it was the best sex he had ever had in his life. He had never been tied up before, but it felt so... natural, and Jake knew what he was doing. The orgasm Anthony had, at the end, was enormous. Jake was as enchanted by Anthony as he ever was by another man. That big, beautiful body, Anthony's killer green eyes, and his total receptiveness to anything Jake wanted. If Jake was 100% Dominant Top, Anthony discovered he was 100% Submissive bottom. With sensitive nipples. And extremely sensitive ears. And that he loved being edged. Or kept in chastity (as he was that day: Jake had made him wear the cage for a week before picking him up, to 'cement' the relationship). Their dates became more frequent. Goldie loved Jake too. He would sidle up to Jake for a bit of stroking and before long, he would be on his belly, with Jake stroking that. More than once Anthony would ask "Can I be next Sir?" And almost always, he was.

Anthony had no idea that Jake wanted him to live with him. But after they had dated for two years, Jake had brought up the idea. "You'll give up you job of course, and move in with me. Think of it as becoming my live in , sleep in house boy." The good southern boy part of Anthony rebelled at this, at first: men worked. Women stayed at home. But the thought of being the "wife" or "houseboy" for Jake was more than a bit arousing. "Can Goldie come too, Sir?" Jake laughed. "I already got him a set of bowls and plates for his food. " "I haven't said yes, though, Sir." Jake stared at him. "You will."

And he did. Jake had a very interesting way of getting him to yes. He made a date with Anthony: he'd pick Anthony up at the gym. Late. He made up an excuse that he had a faculty meeting, and he'd get to the gym about 9pm - an hour before they closed. When he got there, only the diehards: Anthony and a few others , were there. "So, I never told you my sport in school. It was wrestling. "Really? You were a wrestler, Sir? There's a ring in the gym. Wanna see it?" He looked at Anthony. "I wanna use it." So , late that night, he and Anthony were grappling. Anthony had wrestled a bit in high school, but he was no match for Jake. After Jake had pinned him, he wouldn't let him up. Instead, he began playing with Anthony's very sensitive nips. "Gonna submit anthony? Gonna be my boi?" Anthony didn't expect the question and he struggled. Jake was holding him down really well though, and his nips were so sensitive. It didn't take long. "Yes sir. I submit. I'll be your boi. Anytime you want me." Jake managed to through a quick fuck into Anthony in that wrestling ring, just before the lights began to flash indicating ten minutes to closing.

And today was the day: Jake and some buds had come over and moved the stuff that Jake had said Anthony could take with him, over to Jake's place on the Upper West Side ("MANHATTAN! I'm moving into a man's house in MANHATTAN!!!!" Anthony still had the excitement of the young about 'the city.'). He had, as Jake had instructed, quit his job. He hadn't told Jared why, but he had told Silvia, so of course, Jared knew. On Anthony's last day, he had shaken his hand. "Anthony , listen up. Relationships are supposed to last, but they often don't. If yours doesn't... call me. Or call Silvia. You've been the best designer we've had. " "Thank you Jared. I appreciate how well you've treated me." The office had given Anthony a going away party. He had invited Jake, but Jake was experienced enough to know that, "people would talk" if they saw him with Anthony. So he made up an excuse and let Anthony have his party.

A week before moving day, after his buds had taken the last bit of Anthony's possessions off in the truck, He and Jake had made love in Anthony's bed. Jake had, of course, installed restraints on Anthony's bed and, after he had fucked the man, and edged him to the point where he shot, he cleaned him off, and took out Anthony's chasity cage. "You've never worn this for more than a day. Now, you're about to start being tested. Here's test number one. A full week. No ifs ands or buts." "Yes sir." Anthony wanted to make a joke about HIS butt, but thought better of it. He heard the click and knew... Jake always kept his promises, and it would stay on for five days. No more, no less.

Jake had a very active social life, and he expected Anthony, as his date, to go with him. The first time they were scheduled to go to an event, Jake showed up to pick up Anthony. Jake took one look at what Anthony was wearing and shook his head. "My bad. I should've checked beforehand. Is that the best you've got?" Anthony blushed red. He was paid well but at his size, getting good clothes was a problem. "Yes sir. I'm sorry." "It's not a problem. I was careless. We'll take care of it. But we'll miss that party. " Instead, Jake fucked him all night long. And that weekend, he took him out shopping. Jake had very strict wardrobe requirements which he expected Anthony to obey. Anthony did. That's why he was dressed the way he was for moving day.

He saw Jake's car coming down the street. He heard the horn honk. He gulped, and looked at his building. "Bye bye . Thanks for the shelter. C'mon Goldie." Goldie knew the sound of the car too, and began wagging his tail. He and Anthony walked to the car. Goldie knew his place was in the back. Anthony knew that his place was in the front, wrists cuffed. Jake had taught him how to lock them on himself, and he did so now. Jake started the car back up, and off the went, to the wilds of the Upper West Side.

Next: Chapter 2

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