Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 17, 2020


The way anthony had reacted to how thoughts of Pete were driving him crazy, moved Jake. In the days that followed his little fit while sleeping, he would think about that boi, and he'd smile, feel very emotional about this guy who was obviously totally devoted to him, and also aroused - very aroused. If it had been a mild exaggeration to say that he wanted anthony ALL the time before the nightmare, now he DID want him all the time. It was very hard to focus on anything but "what am I gonna do to anthony next?" Unfortunately for Jake, the "mind set" that had made him such a good physicist, had muted his sense of imagination and fantasy about roleplay and sex . He loved tying anthony up. He loved ordering him around: for example, pushing out his boots and saying

"boi, these need polishing" anthony's answer would be something along the lines of "Yes sir. My bad. I'll go get the bootblack." "No boi, you'll get on your knees and use your tongue. And when you're finished with that... move up to my zipper and get to work. I need a blow job." anthony always complied. He loved these scenes too, but Jake seemed to have a limited repertoire. He would tie anthony up for a few hours every night, and then torment his cock, or his nipples or his ear, but there never seemed to be a story line.

anthony felt he needed to take matters in his own hands. As he did the laundry, he began to think about something... he was wearing the striped shirt and the jeans Jake had picked for him to wear that day, but.... why did it seem that, when he wore blue, Jake went crazy? Was it because it matched his eyes? Something else? Hmmm. Not wearing what Jake had told him to wear, COULD result in punishment, and that made anthony get just a bit more aroused in his cage. He had the laundry to finish, then the gym, then dinner. Again, he had instructions on what Jake had told him to make for dinner, but.... what if he made one of Jake's favorites: deep dish pot pie, with homemade crust? He had made the crust before: it was Melissa's recipe and it WAS failproof . Again, he COULD get in trouble for making something other than he was told, but it WAS Jake's favorite. He smiled. He could put Jake in a very interesting position, and probably also get the fucking of a lifetime. He smiled to himself. "kid, they always said you were a schemer when you were growing up. If they only knew."

As Jake came home from his last conference that day - just about 6:30, he smelled the pot pie in the hallway as he left the elevator. His mouth watered. "DAMN. Someone is a lucky man." The smell got stronger as he got closer to the apartment. "Hmmm. I told anthony lamb chops, but..." He got the full aroma as he walked in. And then.. "Welcome home Sir." anthony was staning in front of him. He had on a pale blue oxford, sleeves rolled, two buttons opened, and a pair of cream colored chinos that favored his ass. He was standing there with his hands behind his back. "I hope you had a good day, Sir. But if you didn't, I hope I can make it better. Foot massage while dinner's cooking, Sir?" "FUCK. You didn't do a damn thing that I told you to do boi." "I know Sir. I need to be punished I guess," and anthony smiled. "I'll throw out the pot pie if you like and I'll start again, Sir." He paused and smiled more. "Or would you prefer a foot massage before dinner. " Jake came over, and bent down slightly to kiss anthony. The kiss was deep. Then he took anthony's hand and put it on his crotch. "See what you do to me, boi?" "I'd like to see what you can do with it Sir. " "After dinner. The only thing I love more than pot pie is my anthony." anthony smiled. "I need to tell you a secret Sir." He whispered into Jakes ear "I know a phone number for someone you're trying to reach, and I'm not telling you." Jake smiled. "Get to work on that foot massage boi." "YES SIR!" As Jake sat down, anthony pulled off his boots, his socks, and before he did anything else, he looked at Jake, and held one of the socks up to his nose. "MMMMM. Next time I'm gonna keep a pair from the laundry sir." His thick body builder fingers got to work on Jakes soles. They were strong enough to relax Jake's muscles. "OH YEAH. OH FUCK. That feels good boi. REAL GOOD." Then anthony looked up at him. He opened his mouth, and his eyes were big. "May I Sir?" "YES." And then he sucked each one of Jake's toes. He ran his tongue down Jake's soles. Jake desperately wanted to grab his cock and jerk, but no... there was sex ahead of them, and he wanted to make sure that anthony felt it. The alarm went off. "Sir, we can continue, but dinner might be burned. " "Take it out of the oven to cool down and get back here boi. Finish what you started." "YES SIR" anthony responded, running off to the kitchen. Jake followed his ass as he went in. Hmmm. When anthony came back, Jake stopped him from getting on his knees. "Boi, you look hot as hell, and you made my favorite meal. But you didn't follow my rules." "Yes sir. I know." "Lower your pants and get on my knee." "DAMN " thought anthony. This was going better than he thought it would. He LOVED a good spanking, and Jake gave the best. But he also hated giving them. He always felt he was going to hurt anthony. Tonight though, as the slaps came down, he was right at the edge between pleasure and pain. "YOU CHECK WITH ME BEFORE YOU CHANGE MY ORDERS." "WHACK" "YES SIR! I overstepped. I didn't think." "WHACK" "WELL START THINKING BOI. YOU'RE NOT HERE JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE SO GODDAMNED HOT." "NO SIR. PLENTY OF HOT BOIS WANT YOU. I NEED TO EARN MY PLACE." In a way, that last sentence was the wrong one to say, because it ended the spanking. In another way, it was exactly the right thing to say. Jake looked at anthony. "Sit boi. Sit on my lap. Try not to hurt my cock." "yes sir." anthony was wondering what he had done. Why did the spanking stop?" Jake was smiling though, and he ran his finger down anthony's nose: something he only did when he was really feeling overwhelmed by anthony. "If you have any doubt that you earned your place anthony, give it up. NOW" He kissed his boi. "There is NO ONE else who is going into your place. It's yours, unless you get fed up with me." "I won't get fed up with you Sir. Just keep feeding me." Jake pulled him in. "You know, I say it, but I don't say it enough. I am SO lucky to have found you. " anthony didn't answer this time. He knew his partner well enough to know: he had to kind of "sit" on this for a while. "I think we could eat Sir. Dinner I mean." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

They had loaded the dishwasher after dinner, put away the leftover food, and now, anthony was spread out on the bed, bound at the ankles and wrists. Jake was staning over him, chuckling quietly. "So, anthony. They couldn't get you to talk, regardless of what they did. So they sent you to me." "SO WHAT? YOU WON'T GET ME TO TALK EITHER!" More chuckling. "We'll see anthony, we'll see." Jake stroked anthony's torso, very, very slowly. He thought he heard a soft whimper . "See? My methods are a bit unorthodox, but they get the job done..." Jake lay down on the bed next to anthony, and slowly, VERY slowly, traced a circle around his left nipple. "They train you guys to deal with standard torture. But sexual torture? Heh heh heh." "RAPE? YOU'RE NOT GONNA RAPE ME. LET ME GO!!!!" anthony pulled at the restraints and , when Jake closed his finger on the nipple, sucked in his breath. "Oh, no, anthony, I'm not gonna rape you. I AM gonna fuck you, but you're gonna ask me to. AFTER I get the information out of you because, you see, having your ass is my reward. "I'LL NEVER TELL. EVER." "Ha ha. They all say that handsome, but.... " Helplessly, anthony felt Jake open his zipper. "Oh, Look! They locked you up. I guess they were doing SOME sexual torture. Crude though." He unlocked it and anthony's cock spilled out. He had been locked up for 3 days, so he was rock hard. He knew what Jake was about to do. He gulped, and began to sweat. "Such a nice, sweet cock.. Such soft skin." Jake began running the front of a finger slowly up and down the back of anthony's penis. "STOP THAT! STOP. ." Jake smiled. "Would you rather have me do this, yu handsome boi?" He began breathing on anthony's navel, kissing it, running his moustache over it. He heard more whimpering. "anthony? I do believe you might tell" "NO. NEVER." UGGGGGHHH" Jake had moved his finger to the other side of anthony's cock, and the slow, even passage of his finger, caused anthony to shoot some pre cum. "OH, I better stop that. You're WAY to close to relief boi, and if you relieve yourself... I got nothing.." Jake saw the look of total helplessness on anthony's face. It was a true aphrodisiac for him. He pinched anthony's right nipple, and began chewing on the left one. "OH . OH GOD. STOP. PLEASE PLEASE STOP." "Now why would I do that anthony? What reason do I have?" "ANNGGGGGG." Jake had moved his mouth to anthony's left ear. His finger had gone back to anthony's cock, and then stopped. Instead, he reached underneath and traced anthony's butt hole. "OOOOH. OOOOH GOD. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT TO ME. PLEASE..." "Phone number? " "MMGMGMGNGSSNG." "THAT doesn't sound right anthony. " He smiled. "MMMMM. Your pits smell really rank. Probably need a little washing." Jake pushed anthony's arm up just a bit, and began licking the pit, while he squeezed one nipple, and moved his second hand back down to anthony's cock. But this time, he grabbed his balls. He didn't squeeze, he didn't pull, he just held them. He whispered "Whaddya say boi? You got a number for me?" "YES! YES! I'LL TALK! I'LL TALK. IT'S..." He gave Jake a full phone number. Jake smiled "I'm gonna go and test it. You better hope you're not fucking with me." "OH SHIT" anthony thought. "It's not the right number. I changed digits." Jake came back with a look on his face that would curdle milk. "BAD MOVE ANTHONY. BAD BAD MOVE. " He had tit clamps in his hand. "NO NO. I'LL TELL YOU. I'LL TELL YOU." "You'll tell me after you wear these for five minutes." Jake attached them, and started a timer. He began playing with the chain, talking to anthony. "You know, muffin? You held out longer than most of my subjects. But you're gonna break, just like all of them." When the timer went off, Jake smiled. "So... five more minutes, or the correct number." "HERE IT IS. HERE IT IS. PLEASE. TAKE THEM OFF." Jake smiled. "Yeah, I'll take them off, because if I have to put them back on, they'll hurt more. " He stepped out, leaving anthony moaning. When he came back, he had a satisfied look on his face. "Good boi anthony. Good boi." "Now you'll let me go?" "OH NO. I haven't gotten my reward yet... " He picked up the clamps, and ran them over anthony's nipples. "Ready for some more?" "NO. NO. PLEASE PLEASE. FUCK ME. FUCK ME. I GIVE I GIVE. " "GOOD BOI. But you're gonna wear them anyway." Jake reattached the clamps. "Open your mouth. The chain is going in there." anthony gulped, and did what he was told. The pull put more pressure on his nipples. He moaned as Jake got him undressed. "LOOK at that beautiful sweet ass. All mine. ALL. MINE." "It is yours Sir" anthony was thinking, but he played along with the scene, as Jake took him. anthony couldn't believe how horny he was. As Jake lifted up his hips and took his ass, anthony exploded. Jake smiled "My my anthony. You really wanted this." anthony shook his head, and then realized Jake had tricked him. Shaking his head put more pressure on the chain "My luck that my lover is a fucking physicist!" he thought, as Jake took his ass thoroughly, the way he always did. "drop the chain boi. I'm close." Relieved, anthony let the chain leave his mouth. He screamed from the pain, but the sound was eclipsed by Jake's scream as he climaxed DEEP into anthony. Normally, anthony could count on 8-10 pulses when Jake fucked him. Tonight, it was 15. As he caught his breath, and stroked anthony's hair, he said "HOLY SHIT anthony. That was a FUCKING AWESOME scene. Thank you." "Thank you Sir. I don't want to change positions but... I have time during the day to think of ways to play. Can I?" "Yes, you can script some of them anthony. Just like..." Jake climbed on top of anthony. "DAMN, if you look this good every day, you may not be able to sit in the foreseeable future. "Sitting is overrated Sir. It was good to disobey you to get your punishment. " "HEH HEH. How about we do this, dumpling? You get yourself cleaned up, I'll get myself cleaned up, then let's sit down because, we have two things to discuss: classes for you next semester, and your evil plan for getting even with Pete."

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anthony showered, and then Jake did the same. Jake had instructed anthony to NOT get dressed until he came out of the shower, so he could lock up anthony again. Now, he was doing just that. "Three days in the cage turned you into quite the animal anthony. I may have to step up the time." "If that's what you wish, Sir." anthony knew that there was going to be an increase in the domination and he would have to adjust a bit. "Now, leave your shirt opened, in case I want some nipple action, and let's go look at the course listings to see what you're thinking about. "Yes sir. I hope it was ok. Since one subject I'm interested in is religion, I spoke with John so I wouldn't waste your time." "Jake squeezed anthony by the back of his neck. "Helping my boi get even smarter isn't wasting my time." anthony blushed. "Thank you Sir. So... I wrote down a few subject areas: religion. I'd love to learn a language, maybe French?" Jake couldn't resist: "You seem pretty good at French to me." And anthony couldn't help himself. "I think my Greek is better. OOPS. Sorry sir." Jake draped his arms around his boi. "I think they're both superb. But if you'd like to learn French when something isn't in your mouth, that's a noble undertaking." "I could use some more English classes too Sir. I feel like I missed a lot in college." Jake was massaging anthony's shoulders now, and anthony felt like he was melting. "Do you want to take some classes anthony? Or do you want to go for another degree?" "MMMM. Right now Sir, all I want is to feel your hands like that forever. But if that's not an option, just some classes now. I don't think I have time for a full load." Jake resisted what he wanted to say, especially after he saw the silly smile on anthony's face. "Ok, let's look at what there is. Do I know any of these people , hmmmm." He looked at the religion department. "John recommended this one? On New Testament?" "Yes sir, he did." "You should take that. Elaine is a wonderful person, knows more than anyone in the world about the field, and she's just an absolute sweetheart." "Ok, then... one more... Elementary French?" "Oh anthony, you keep on giving me lines. I think you're ready for advanced, or even teaching it, but yeah, let's see. The problem is... most of the folks who teach basic French are grad students, and... OH, look at this. Mmme. Presnell is teaching. " "She's not a grad student Sir?" "No. Actually, she's a retired diplomat. She's doing this to keep busy. What time does she give the class. Hmmm. 4 days a week, 9am. You think you could do that? "Yes sir. You teach at 10 three days a week, and I'm up to make sure you're packed and ready, so I think I can handle that. " "Speaking of packing, understand young man that this course work is not to interfere with your obligation to get on your back and get packed whenever I say so." anthony reached up and took his hand. "I tried to pick classes that meet when you're working Sir. I know my main responsibility." Jake ruffled his hair. "I'm teasing ya, boi. If there's a class you wanna take, then take it." "No Sir. I think these will work. The french class, and then the religion class. It meets when you're seeing students." He looked up at Jake. "Thank you Sir. I promise. If it interferes with my duties to you, I'll change them." "Are you still going to be able to get to the gym?" "I think so Sir. We'll see." He leaned down and kissed his boi. "Have I told you today that I love you SO much?" anthony smiled. "Tell me again Sir. Tell me that you had a good time after dinner?" Jake smiled. "I'm wondering when's the next time we can do it again."

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So with that done, Jake and anthony pushed away the paperwork about school, and sat at their coffee table, with brandy. Jake tossed his arm around anthony, leaving his fingers just short of anthony's nipple. "So, my handsome schemer, tell me your plan. " "Well, bear with me Sir. If you play with my nip, I may lose my train of thought. I'm not asking you not to Sir, it just may take longer." "Point taken boi." Jake threw his leg over anthony. "Ok, I'm comfy." "Well, I suggest that we invite Pete, Hilary, and Melissa over for dinner. But at different times. And let me do the inviting Sir. We'll invite Pete to come by early: I'll tell him you were wanting to see him ahead of time to just 'look back at the past.'. He'll think that means you're taking him to bed.." anthony smiled. "And he'll definitely think that when I ask him to wear the white oxford and brown cords you like so much." "GOD. You remember everything boi." "Just the important stuff Sir. Like what my Dom likes. And we'll invite Hilary to come by, oh , 90 minutes later, so she can see what I'm doing to Pete - which will be fucking him with a huge dildo after he's tied down. " Jake was shaking his head at the boi's craftiness. "Remind me never to cross you." "Wait Sir, I'm not done. Besides, you know how to handle me. So, Hilary will come in, see what's going on, and want to participate, and why not?" "AND THEN MELISSA COMES IN AND SEES THE WHOLE THING!" anthony smiled. "DAMN. You should be taking Shakespeare, not religion, because this is unholy , complex, and wonderful. " "So there it is Sir. Can I start making the calls tomorrow?" "Sure can." Jake was laughing. "I have to get you a copy of Machiavelli. Now, about my knowing how to handle you." His fingers dropped to anthony's nipple. "OOOOOH. That's one way Sir." "Wanna finish your drink and head off to bed?" "I don't wanna wait Sir. Is that ok? " "MMMM. Sure is. " He winked "The maid can clean up the glasses tomorrow." He took anthony's hand to bring him to the bedroom. "By the way stud, I bet you don't know one of my fantasie" "Which one is that Sir?" "Oh, having you tied up, gagged, and tossed over my shoulder as I drag you to the bed to ravage you." anthony looked at him "And you say you don't have any imagination."

Next: Chapter 13

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