Jakes Boys

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 15, 2020


Jake had laid out a thorough inventory for anthony's first day living in the apartment with him: grocery shopping, the gym, house cleaning. He would eventually find more things to keep anthony busy, because apart from his incredible good looks, anthony was smart. He was quiet, but smart. That combination was what had lured Jake into wanting anthony as badly as he did. There were more than enough pretty boys around campus - Pete was one, and that guy at the gym the day before - that blond with the shaved pits, yeah, another one (he wasn't sure , but he might just favor some kind of game night with that one and anthony both), but he almost always found them, well, vacuous. He remembered when he first told anthony what he did. His response "Well, I don't know if I'm smart enough to understand that stuff, Sir, but if there's a simple book I can read, maybe I can at least talk to you about it." Jake smiled as he thought about that. He gave anthony 3 books: a popular one, the text book he gave his undergrad students to read, and his first book. He had written in the copy he gave to anthony: "To Anthony: looks, smarts, and everything else. The whole package. Jake." (Anthony never told him that he had jerked off reading that the night Jake gave it to him). He figured that would keep anthony busy for at least a couple of months. He remembered when, after about 5 weeks, while he and anthony were having dinner, anthony asked "Sir, do you mind if I ask you how the uncertainty principle applies to string theory?" Jakes answer "I don't mind at all. If you don't mind being tied up while I explain it." "I'll understand it even better Sir."

And this intelligent, handsome, built young man, couldn't get enough of him.

"anthony, I want you to wear the cerulean corduroy shirt today. And the white jeans I like so much. I should be back home at around 4. We'll use the playroom, and then dinner. Here's a list for what to buy. I think you can handle the kitchen without my help." Jake was pulling on his standard "work uniform." Skinny black jeans, an untucked oxford, and his boots. He carried what he needed for the day in a backpack. Today, he had his undergrad class, and then meetings with three grad students to go over their progress. He was concerned that one wasn't working hard enough, and he had to get her back on track. A trip to the gym in the middle of it all - planned so he didn't bump into anthony - and then back home for dinner with his new boi.

"You can use the university gym. I got you a card." He handed it to anthony, who looked at it. "Sir? This says faculty spouse?" Jake laughed. "Yeah, I know. If I had gone through regular channels, you wouldn't have a card for a few months. " He came over and stood behind anthony, standing there bare chested and in tight shorts. He squeezed him. "And the last thing I want is my body builder stud to get fat and out of shape." As Jake was kissing anthony's neck, he whispered "would you still love me if I were fat and out of shape Sir?" "Yes, but differently." He paused and then made an animal sound. "GRRRR. You gotta get a shirt on. If I get at those nips, I'm gonna have to cancel class." anthony smiled. "I'll go get in gym clothes Sir . Gym first. Then shopping. OH. Goldie first. C'mere boy." Goldie came running. "Hey, how about you throw something on, and you boys can walk me to work?" As they left the building, Jake wove his fingers through anthony's. In front of his building, he kissed him, and whispered "I'm so glad you were ready anthony. Be ready for me when I come home." "Yes sir. " Anthony whispered back, knowing he was ready, now. He headed back with Goldie.

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The University gym was fine for starts, but anthony felt that he was going to have to ask for a gym that had more body builder equipment. This was much more a gym for students or for faculty members to stay healthy. It wasn't a place for bulking muscles. He hoped Jake was going to allow that. Jake had never fussed about anthony's muscles , but they were important to anthony himself. It was something that made him feel accomplished: something he didn't get at home. That, and being the lover of one of the most sought over Doms in NYC, were significant to him. He finished his workout, ignoring the eyes of at least a few men who followed him, from machine to machine, and then headed home. He got his shower , and then took a more careful look at the kitchen. "Hmmm. Jake didn't eat badly, but there were some things he was going to have to add to the kitchen for himself. He found the grocery list, and prepared to get going. He hesitated. Jake had picked an outfit for him, but should he wear it shopping? He decided not to. He wanted to feel absolutely fresh, and new, for when Jake came home. He took a peak in the playroom. They had spent more than one session in there, but it looked like Jake had added a significant number of toys to the room after anthony had agreed to move in. He smiled. The afternoon would be fun.

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The undergrads were fun, but, well, undisciplined. Jake didn't have to teach undergrads, but every year, he taught one of the basic classes. He felt that it kept his energy up, and it reminded him that not everyone was a physicist. But it was an exhausting class. He felt like he could really use a nap, but there was only half an hour until Jean Pierre, his first grad student that day, came by. He let his mind wander. Pete. Oh, that sweet, sweet boy. Melissa wanted them to be together in the worst way. Maybe she still did. He had met Pete - or, rather, Pete had met HIM - when he was at Melissa's apartment for a dinner party. He wasn't dating anyone at the time, so he had gone by himself. Jake didn't care for playing the date to anyone. He was at the table, talking with a renowned Professor of New Testament , and Pete was at the other end of the table. He was aware of the tall thin man, with curly dark hair, and amazingly pale blue eyes, who seemed to stare at him for the whole night. They hadn't been introduced, and after dinner, when they were in Melissa's library, having drinks and chatting, he saw Pete again, at the door, again staring. He was a cute kid in his corduroy pants and his oxford shirt. Jake smiled at him, and he disappeared.

"Oh, that's my son, Jake . Pete. You know, he's obsessed with you." Jake laughed. "Are you serious Melissa? With me? I'm almost old enough to be his father." "Well, he likes older men. At least he did last week." She laughed. "Pete is still trying to find himself. I think last week he dated two women and three men - or was it three women and two men? I can't keep his dates organized. Sometimes he comes home, sometimes he doesn't." She dropped her voice. "I wish I could fix the two of you up, you know. It would do me good to know the two men I love the most are dating each other." Jake laughed.

"That's very flattering Melissa. I'm sure Pete is going to find a perfect match. He's a very handsome young man." She smiled. "Thank you Jake. He's also ridiculously shy. I once teased him about how his perfect date would be a dominatrix. I thought he was going to pee his pants."

About a week after that dinner, Jake was leading the graduate research seminar he was teaching. It was a late one, ending at about 6:30. Just about 6:20, he saw someone pass by the open door of the seminar room. Curly hair, like Pete's, and tall. "Couldn't be Pete," he thought. Melissa had told him that Pete was studying biology. That building was all the way on the other side of the campus. "Ok, we're gonna break here gang. Now, you each have an assignment, which is essentially, update me on where you are on your projects. Very soon, we'll have to pick advisors for you. I can't do that if I don't know what you're doing. Until next week." He always winked at his students before they left. And as always, a few had questions to ask. The way the classroom was situated, Jake faced the open door. As the majority of the students left, he saw Pete hovering outside. When he finished with the last student, he smiled.

"You coming in Pete, or am I coming out?" Pete blushed. "I think you've already come out, Sir. Should I come in though? " Jake laughed. "I have to leave anyway . It's good to see you. " He held out his hand to shake Pete's and he could tell: the kid was disappointed . Was he looking for a hug? "Are you heading home Professor? I was wondering if, well, maybe you'd be interested in having a coffee or something with a grad student who's curious about your work?" Jake grinned. "Is that what you're curious about Pete?" He saw the young man go red, then white. "Uh, uh. I'm sorry. Is it that obvious?" "Yes. And absurdly charming. Coffee sounds great. The Hungarian place?" Over hot chocolate and biscotti, Jake found the kid growing on him.

Pete seemed to hinge on every word he said. At a pause, he looked at Jake "You know, the gay students feel you're the number one available bachelor on campus." Jake howled. He laughed so hard a few tables looked , and then he saw a few people talking. "Number ONE? Wow. I thought maybe top 10, but number one?" Pete blushed. "You've been number one in my book for a long time, Professor." Jake laughed. "Now, Pete, let's drop the Professor stuff ok? For now, just call me Jake." "For now?" He smiled. "You're cute Pete. You want a date. I know you do. And I'm not going to say no. You just have to listen a bit, and if you still want a date after that, well, you'll understand how, at some point, Jake becomes something else." Pete sat, transfixed, as Jake told him about what he liked, what he expected of his dates, how he had gotten involved in the Dom/sub lifestyle, and a few other things. He stopped and looked at Pete. "I'm doing all the talking. Tell me about you. I know about your mom, but nothing about you." Pete got his composure together, and talked about his work in biology. He had an internship at the museum, where he was working on zebrafish genetics. He liked it, and he was busy, but... and he blushed when he told this to Jake - he was still a virgin. Jake looked startled. "A VIRGIN? In graduate school? How is that possible?" Pete looked down. "Well, if you haven't figured it out, Jake, I'm submissive. I like to be told what to do. One of my favorite things is to wear a collar, and to pretend someone is dragging me around by it. But the folks I date... I think they're intimidated by my mother, or by what I do. And I don't know what I want. I like women to dominate me, I like men to dominate me, but, well... it's never come to anything more than a first date." Jake smiled and pulled out a small appointment book. "Well, I think it's time I did my part to change that. Do you keep your schedule on your phone?" "How'd you know?" "It's your age Pete. Let's find a night we both have free. I'll buy. We'll see how things go after that. And NO, you are NOT losing your virginity on the first date. That's not my style young man. " He took Pete's hand and squeezed it, and he thought Pete was going to melt. "I do guarantee we'll have a good time. " They found a day two weeks in the future. There was a restaurant right next to the coffee shop. They called themselves an Italian restaurant, but everyone went there for pizza.

"You're ballsy. Wearing a white shirt to a pizza place?" Jake smiled when they met. He had to admit, Pete looked really, REALLY good. If he weren't careful about how much he drank, he might very well break his rule about sex on the first date. Pete smiled at him. "Someone told me I looked good in white. I wanted to look good for you." It was a very , very pleasant date, and as they left the restaurant, Pete stopped. "You think I could get a good night kiss, Jake?" He smiled and leaned in. Pete opened his mouth, and Jake found his hands kneading Pete's ass as he shoved his tongue down Pete's throat. He broke his rule that night. And he learned that Pete wasn't a virgin.

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"Professor? S-il vous plait. Do we not have a meeting this afternoon?" Jean-Pierre was standing at his door. "Oh, yes, of course we do. I apologize Jean-Pierre. I was just drifting. I might need to eat a candy bar . Want half?" Jean-Pierre laughed. My mom would not approve, but oui. While Jake met with his first student, anthony was coming back from the grocery store, and the butcher. He was making roast chicken - a simple dish , mashed potatoes and vegetables. He wanted the night to be special though. He wanted everything to be right. He knew that Jake had already said they'd make love before dinner, but maybe, maybe instead of dessert. He started his meal prep, and he had his cell phone out, next to him on the counter. Jake had finished with Jean-Pierre and had sent a quick text. "Hope you feel comfortable in the apartment. As comfortable as I feel when you're in my arms. I can't wait to get home." anthony knew that Jake had trouble with emojis, so he felt thrilled that he had ended the message with a heart. He knew that had taken more energy than it should have from Jake. Now he wanted the dinner to be even better. He texted back. "I miss you Sir. I wish you were here right now. I'm stuffing a chicken. I wish you were doing the stuffing and I were the chicken." Jake looked at that text and laughed, as Hilary walked in. Hilary was his "problem child" as he put it. Her work just wasn't that strong, and it wasn't strong, because she was careless. When he went over yet another failed experiment, he could usually tell, within five minutes, what she had done wrong. It was always something fairly obvious. "Oh, RIGHT. I guess I shouldn't have been texting when I did that. SORRRRRRY Professor. I won't do it again. And she didn't. But then she did something else. Like forget to plug in a generator. Or forget to turn one off. "Hilary, I'll be very straight forward. If your work doesn't improve, I'm afraid you're going to lose your funding, and you'll have to leave the program. Now, didn't you once say you wanted to be the first chaired woman professor at Berkeley?" "I still do Professor. With or without your approval." Jake shook his head. "It's not a question of me, Hilary. You'll need to get that doctorate with distinction to get a position at Berkeley and honestly, I can't sign off on this work. I'd be surprised if anyone would. She looked at him defensively "Then what do you advise I do, ADVISOR?????" Jake was used to this. She wasn't the first problematic student he had had. "I think you might consider taking a break, and then starting all over. I suspect that you didn't spend enough time on the basics. That's caught up with you now." Back at the apartment, anthony got the chicken in the oven. The potatoes were boiled, and would just need to be mashed right before they ate. Jake had told him to pick whatever vegetable he wanted. He couldn't decide, so there was a mix of zucchini, carrots and green beans ready. He looked at the clock.

OH BOY. He'd better go get changed. He washed his hands, cleaned his face, brushed his teeth. The shirt fit him snugly. He could feel his nipples rub against the fabric - not as much fun as when Jake squeezed them or, even better, when he nibbled them. He had to lie down to get into the pants, but they made his ass look so round, so inviting . He checked himself in the mirror. Did he look as good as he did when he first met Jake?

"Better." Jake's voice startled him. He hadn't heard the door opened, and he must have been day dreaming and spoken out loud. Now, Jake was standing behind him, hands on his shoulders, kissing his ear. "Babe, you look better. SO MUCH BETTER. SO HOT that if I didn't promise you some fun, I'd fuck you right now." "We could play later Sir." Jake looked at him. "Get in the playroom. Pick a set of handcuffs. "Yes sir." When anthony left, Jake went to his side of the closet and picked out a black tank top. He grabbed a collar he had bought for anthony but hadn't used yet. He walked into the room.

"Chair. NOW." "Yes sir." Anthony felt the cuffs lock on his wrists, and he felt Jake's hand snake down his shirt. "How's my gumdrop? How's my sweet, sweet gumdrop boi?" He began to rub beard scruff across anthony's neck, and he heard the 'oooooo' come out of anthony's mouth. "Horny Sir. I've been thinking of you all day." "Did you do anything about it?" He reached down and squeezed anthony's crotch. "No Sir. That's your privilege. It doesn't belong to me anymore." "That's right boi. " anthony felt the collar going around his neck. "My pup, my boi, my bottom, my sub. You're all of that. " He came around and began opening anthony's shirt. "You look so hot in this outfit. I don't think I can let you wear it out of the house." "Yes sir. You're the boss. " Jake smiled as he pushed his knee into anthony's crotch and rubbed it back and forth. He took a nipple in each of his hands. "OH SIR. You know what that does to me." "No, tell me anthony. Tell me what it's doing to you today." "It's making me... OH WOW SIR. I just got a jolt of... I don't know what. It's making me think that I should have said I'm ready a long time ago." "Nah. You said it when you were ready. MMMM. Who needs chicken when I've got beef?" He licked one of anthony's nips, and then started chewing. "OOOOOH. Sir. If you do that too hard... I'll cum before you do." "Heh heh. Then I guess you'll need to be locked up for a week." "No Sir. Please. Not that. Please. Take my ass Take the ass you own." Jake stopped . He looked at anthony. He always asked. ALWAYS. "Are you sure you want it, stud?" "OH GOD. Sir, if I had a model of your cock, it'd be in me at 10 this morning and it wouldn't have come out." "Now THAT's a come on line for the record. " He pulled anthony out of the chair. "First, get me wet." "Yes sir. " Anthony had become an expert on getting Jake's zipper opened when he was tied up. Jake didn't have any underwear on, so his cock shot out. Anthony fell on it like a starved man. "Anthony. Didn't you eat any lunch? Jake laughed as he pushed the boy's head forward. When he could breathe, anthony answered. "Yes sir. I had a sandwich and some fruit. Some grapes. "speaking of grapes, why aren't you tending to my balls.?" "yes sir. Sorry.." anthony took each of Jake's balls in his mouth, one at a time, and washed them carefully and thoroughly. He knew from the pitch of Jake's breathing, it was almost time. And then it was. Jake grabbed him, like a kitten and threw him on his belly. His hands were still cuffed behind his back. "You got it face up last time, now ..." Anthony felt his jeans get pulled down, and he felt Jake teasing his ass crack. It was one of his favorite things in the world. Jake knew how to prolong things - how to get him to savor every touch. And to challenge him. Now, as he pumped, up and down on the bed, Jake said nothing. They both knew that if he came, anthony would be in the cage for a while. Then he felt Jake running his cockhead, back and forth. "Someone's gonna get fucked/someone's gonna get fucked." Jake sang song like a kid's game "I hope it's me Sir." "It is. Right now.." Jake eased into anthony's ass . He owned it. He took possession of it, and anthony yielded. He spread his legs to make it easier for Jake to get in deep. Jake whispered "are you ok, babe?" "Yes sir. I just want more. MORE PLEASE." Jake pushed harder, deeper. anthony yelped for a minute, and Jake caressed his hair. "You sound like my pup. Two goldies in my life. " "Yes sir. OH WOW. That feels so good." Jake was pumping back and forth and then, one push and anthony felt the jizz filling him. Jake wasn't a screamer during sex, not unless he was in pain. But he whispered. "OH YEAH. SO FUCKING GOOD. " When he finished, he uncuffed anthony and rolled him on his side. He lay down beside him. "Who's my boi? Who's my only boi?" "I am Sir. And anthony began to cry. Jake held him. "Do you regret it handsome?" "NO. NO. No Sir. Those tears are... beause I just love saying that. I LOVE being your boi. I feel so lucky." "That makes both of us. Now let's release some pressure. The way you like it?" "Yes sir. If we could." Anthony liked to be held down, and to squirm while Jake jerked him off. He pretended he was protesting, until Jake had him so far along, all he could do was moan in pleasure. And buck his hips. Wildly. Anthony WAS a screamer, and the scream he made that afternoon, was his way of acknowleging: he was moving into a new stage of his life. Jake got up and got a rag. He sponged off anthony, getting all the splooch. Then he kissed him. "I thought of you all day, handsome boi. ALL DAY. " "I thought of you Sir. From the moment I had breakfast and I ate my banana." Jake thought that was the funniest thing he had heard that day. "Know what anthony boi? The hardest thing in the world, is for someone to make me laugh. You make me laugh every day. I LOVE you for that." "I hope you love me after you taste the chicken Sir." "OF course I will. It's my recipe." "Sir, would you consider, maybe, a second round after dinner?" "It's on my schedule. Let's eat."

Next: Chapter 7

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