Jakes Chance


Published on Jan 21, 2008


This story is pure fiction. I do not know nor do i care about anyones sexuality mentioned in this story. If you are to young or this kind of material is inappropriate in your area then i suggest you let it be and move on.

I hope you enjoy Chapter 4.

Jakes chance Chapter 4

I got up and out of bed, went into the restroom and did my business. I walked into the small kitchenette and made some coffee. thank goodness that i didnt have a hangover, but thats only due to Jakes mom and dad advising me to eat some crackers and take some asprin before i went to bed. Which i did.

After the coffee was done i poured myself a cup and sat down on the sofa and started reading. After two more cups of coffee and an hour later i heard jake moving around in his bedroom. I could hear him groan a few times. I couldnt help but laugh. I tried to tell him what his parents said, but he didnt want to listen. I guess he will be paying for it today.

The bedroom door opened and out walked jake naked. "oooowwwwwwwwwww" i screamed as if i was in pain. He came running over to me as i covered my eyes. Not completely of course i still had a view.. and a nice one at that.

In a panic he asked "oh my god Chance whats wrong, what happened?"

"My eyes.... i think my retinas are burned." i answered.

"What?? how???" he asked confused.

"It happened when the bedroom door was opened. The only thing i saw was this flash of white light and my eyes started burning."

"What do you think it was from" he asked panicking.

I uncovered my eyes and said "I think it was the light reflecting off of your naked white ass." i said laughing at the look on his face.

He stood up and started to walk away and said "You ass..." he paused "i was really scared that something serious had happend. I dont consider that funny at all." He said with a stern look on his face. He walked back over to me and turned around and added "My ass is not white.. see" with his ass about six inches from my face. I slapped his ass hard. "yowwwwwwww" he screamed as he jumped as far away from me as he could.

I got up and made my way back into the kitchen. Jake followed me in asking "Is there any coffee left?" i poured myself another cup. "Its in the pot and the cups are right in front of you." I said as i walked back in and sat back down on the sofa.

"Hey jake"


"Be careful with that coffee, you dont want to burn anything of vital importance. maybe you should think about putting on some boxers or something first."

"No, i will be ok.. plus i like being like this."

"Well dont get to comfy.. naked boy. I have to be out of this room in an hour and a half."

"Where are you going when you leave here?" he asked.

"I dont have a clue. I dont think it was planned that far ahead. I guess i need to get a hold of Kirsten and see if i can stay with her." I picked up my phone and speed dialed her cell phone number. No one answered. "shes probably not up yet." i said to no one in particular.

I turned and looked at Jake and asked "Who did Sean Maherleave with last night?"

"You know i'm not really sure. I have never seen the guy before. Sean said his name was Tony something. I think he said he was a record producer."

"Well at least someone may have gotten lucky last night."

He looked me straight in the eye and said "What makes you think i didnt get lucky last night?" I started singing pinks song u & ur hand. and added "Your hand does not constitute lucky Jake."

He looked at me seriously and asked "What makes you think i didnt come in and ravage you while you were sleeping?"

Laughing i said "Well if you did you must suck at it."

Crest fallen he asked "whys that?"

"Because i didnt even wake up!. You know your a tease. Do you always play with the gay guys like this, or am i just one of the chosen few?" I asked seriously.

"No..... i just like giving you a bad time."

"Thats cool" i said as i got off of the sofa and made my way back into the kitchenette to put my coffee cup in the sink. I walked back into the living room and said "I'm going to go in and start packing and jump into the shower. You can come in and shower and change if you want." I didnt wait for a response.

I walked into the bedroom and quickly packed a few things. I grabbed a fresh towel and headed into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and let it run for a few minutes to adjust the temperature while i brushed my teeth. Once i had the water temperature to my liking i walked in and shut the door.

I stood under the water letting it run down my body and replayed all the time that Jake and i had spent together since i had come to California. I am truly confilicted, confused and overwhelmed. I was begining to like him a lot, more than i should. especially since hes not gay and since he is dating my best friend. In a low voice i said "Why do you do this to yourself."

I heard the water in the sink start, so i stuck my head out of the shower door and said "Use whatever you need. Everything is in the top drawer." I shut the door again and finished my shower. I shut the water off and opened the shower door to see jake sitting on the bathroom counter top.

"Did you want me to leave the shower on for you?" I asked.

"That would be great if you would." he said as he got off of the counter and stood up. I reached back in and turned the shower back on. I stepped out of the shower and moved to the side so that he could get in. Jake got in the shower, closed that door and started humming.

I dried off and stepped into the bedroom putting on boxer briefs along with a pair of shorts and a tee shirt.

I heard the shower shut off and the door open as i packed a few more items.


"Yeah?" i answered walking back to the bathroom door.

"I forgot to bring a towel in, could you please bring me one?"

"Sure.. hold on a second." I said walking to the linen closet. I grabbed him a towel and walked back to the door and threw it in to him.

"Thanks!!" I heard as i walked away.

"Your welcome." I said as i was trying to store the picture of him standing naked with water dripping off of him in my memory to use later.

I packed all of my clothes and odds and ends into the suitcase and waited for jake to finish in the bathroom so that i could pack my toiletries. Jake walked back into the bedroom still naked. "Did you need some boxers or boxer briefs? the ones that i have should fit you since were about the same size."

"That would be great, I didnt want to put the dirty ones back on, but figured i would if i had too." I rummaged around the suitcase and came up with two different pairs. "Which ones?" i asked. He picked the solid burgundy Calvin Cline boxer briefs and put them on.

I looked over at him and said "They look a hell of a lot better on you then me. You can keep them."

"Thanks" was his reply.

"No problem... that way when you put them on you will think of me." As i repacked the other pair I turned and added "Ok, that didnt sound right even to me." we both started laughing.

I finished packing and put my suitcase out by the front door. Kirsten still hadnt called me back so i wasnt sure where i was going to be staying. I turned to Jake and asked "Do you know of any cheaper hotels around this area?"

"Yeah.. there are quite a few.. Why?" he asked.

"I'm going to check into another hotel. This way i dont have to worry about what everyone else is doing, and they dont have to worry about me."

"Chance.. thats just stupid. You know you can stay with Kirsten or if you want you can come and stay with me." I smiled and said "Jake that is very nice of you, but your house is all torn up and the only room is your bedroom. And however tempting, I am not going to sleep with you."

Laughing he replied "I wasnt asking you to sleep with me. I figured we could pull one of the beds out of the garage and put it in my bedroom."

"I do appreciate the offer Jake, but i think i will just check into another hotel. That way i wont be in anyones way."

He looked a little sad and said "Well the offer still stands if you want to stay with me. Lets get out of here and get something for lunch. After lunch if you still want to stay at a hotel we will find you one then."

I checked out of the hotel as the bell hop loaded my luggage into Jakes SUV. I tipped the bell hop and got into the SUV.

Jake turned and asked "Where did you want to go for lunch?"

"Can we go to Joan's?" i asked.

Smiling at me he said "Thats one of my favorite places. How did you know about Joan's?"

"I was talking to Kirsten and she told me that you had taken her there. She said how good the food was. It's one of the places on my list that i want to go while im here."

"What else is on your list?" he asked as he drove us to Joan's.

I blushed and pulled the list out of my backpack and asked "Are you sure you want to hear it?."

"Yes.. of course. Why whats on the list?"

"well i have five must do things."

"Ok, lets hear them." he said

"Number one: Disneyland. Number Two: Joan's. Number Three: Huntington Beach. Number Four: Malibu. Number Five: The Ellen Show." I turned and looked at him and added "Kinda Gay huh." and started laughing. "I have one week left. I am going to Disneyland tomorrow. I have tickets for The Ellen Show on Wednesday. Friday night i see Wynonna In huntington Beach. I am going to call Hurtz tomorrow and rent a car for the rest of the week, that way i can see Malibu and LA."

"How many tickets do you have for the Ellen Show and Wynonnas concert?"

"Two, Why?"

"Is Kirsten going to go with you?" He asked as we pulled up to Joan's.

"I really dont know.. i havent had a chance to talk to her, and since she isnt returning my calls i would say probably not. Even if she doesnt go im going to go anyway."

"If you she doesnt go, i would love to go with you." he stated.

"Your serious?" i asked. "It will be kind of gayish, especially at the Ellen show. Are you sure you want to go?" i asked.

"I love Ellen. I have done her show a few times. I havent heard much of what Wynonna sings, but would love to go."

"Ok Jake, that sounds like a plan to me then. Are you free the rest of the week?" I asked "Dont you have some movie stuff to do? or some photo thing?"

"Nope." he smiled big "I have the next few months off."

We went in and had lunch. It was as great as i had heard. I still hadnt heard from Kirsten so i checked into a hotel called The courtyard. It was close to where Jake lives. He said that it would be easier since i would be close by and refused to just stay with him. He will get over it.

Jake went to dinner with his parents. he asked me to come with him, but i refused. I told him that i didnt think it was appropriate and that he needed to spend time with his family without me around.

I took a long walk around the hollywood hills looking at all the beautiful and outrageously expensive houses. I got back to the hotel around eight thirty to find a message waiting from Jake. I called him back on his cell phone. When he answered he said "And where were you at young man???"

"Out working the local street corner. I figured since we were going to go to all these places the next few days that i needed to make some extra cash."

He started laughing and asked "Did you make some good money?"

"Nooo....Not until i told them that you were a regular customer, then they were willing to pay extra."

Again laughing he said "Well at least im good for making you some extra money."

"One of them requested that we do a threesome some time. I told him that i would have to talk to you about it first. he gave me his name. Oddly enough it wasnt John."

"If his name wasnt John, then what was it?" he asked.

"I think it was tobey. Hold on i have his card." I paused for dramatic effect. "yeah it was Tobey... tobey Maguire."

He was laughing on the other end of the line. "Your so bad, actually awful. But you do make me laugh."

"Well Mr. Gyllenhall as i have said before. My only goal in life is to make you laugh."

"ANYWAY..." He said "I was going to ask Sean Maher to go with us tomorrow, but i wanted to make sure you didnt have a problem with it."

"Jake ask whomever you want... you know i dont care."

"Cool, Ok we will see you tomorrow Morning then." he said as he hung up.

They picked me up at seven o'clock Sharp. We had a blast riding all of the rides and touring the park in general. Jake was recognized a few times, but not as much as i thought he would have been. Im sure the baseball cap and sunglases helped.

Jakes a lot of fun to be around and keeps you constantly guessing what he is going to do next. Sean was quite at first, until he watched jake and i harass each other throughout the morning.

Sean and Jake went to get us all something to drink and as they were walking back i could see that they were deep in discussion. All the sudden Jake started laughing really hard and shot Coke out of his nose. They came and sat down next to me and Jake handed me my Dr. Pepper. I thanked him and turned to Sean and Asked "Ok.. what was so funny that you had Jake shooting Coke out of his nose?"

Sean hesitated as he looked past me to Jake. I turned and looked at Jake as he stopped shaking his head No. "Ok.. fine dont tell me.. but it must have been good."

I advised Sean and Jake that i needed to stop at one of the gift shops and pick a few things up for my nieces. As we made our way out of the park i picked up a couple shirts and a set of earrings for each of them.

We dropped Sean off first. Jake pulled up to the main entrance of the hotel. I sat in the car and asked "What did Sean say that had you shooting Coke out of your nose?"

He turned in his seat to face me and said "He wanted to know if you were dating anyone."

"And you said what to that? and why was that so funny?"

"I told him that we hadnt really talked about it."

"I guess i dont understand? Why was he concerned with who im dating?"

He smiled and said "He thought that you and I were dating. Thats when i shot the coke out of my nose."

"Jake that still doesnt explain it. Why would he care?"

"Because hes gay and wants to ask you out." he said on edge.

"OH!!!" I really didnt know what else to say.

Jake started laughing saying "You are a man of many words."

"Shut up Jake.. first of all.. hes gorgeous and i cannot believe that he doesnt have anyone." I said.

"He does Chance... many someones." With an emphasis on the word many.

"Ohhh, Well forget that.. i am a one man.. man.

"I know, thats why i told him to forget it. I told him that you were with someone anyway."

"And who am i with?" i asked.

"Well..." He said stammering.. " I never told him that you and I werent together."

"You lead him to believe that we were?" I asked in disbelief

"I didnt lead him to believe anything. I just didnt deny it either." he said.

"Well ok. If it doesnt bother you then i guess it shouldnt bother me either." I paused and added. "So.. Im dating jake Gyllenhaal." and arched my eyebrows.

Laughing jake said "Get out!! get out of my car."

"Wait dont you want to kiss me goodbye before you go, lover boy??" i said in my best campy voice.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" He yelled laughing. "I want you to get out of my car, and never talk to me like that again."

"Fine!!!" i said. "Fine.... see you tomorrow." I said laughing.

I opened the car door and got out, and waved as he drove away.

Ok here is chapter 4 I hope everyone likes it.

Sorry it took so long to get it out.. but i had computer issues. Please feel free to email me at jakeschance@gmail.com.

Thanks Brent

Next: Chapter 5

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