James Francos Mark

By BS Archer

Published on Feb 19, 2012


This story is a work of fiction. I do not know the parties mentioned in this story. I do not know the sexual preferance of anyone indicated.

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James Franco's Mark

Chapter One.

I had decided a month ago that I needed a break from my life. That I needed to take care of me for a while, since I tend to take care of everyone else in my life, rather than me and then everyone else. This trip was all about me.

I took a week and went to Ireland and Scotland. I then headed to Germany, Paris and ended up in England. I decided to take an additional week and headed to Austria. I roamed the streets and window shopped or just sat about watching the people. I can truly say it was one of the most relaxed stress free vacations that I have ever had. I was now at the airport boarding the plane back to the U.S.

It never ceases to amaze me how other people act when they are traveling. I understand getting upset when you cannot get on a connecting flight or if you're having trouble getting home in an emergency. But, to become upset and yell and scream because you don't have any special accommodations because you're someone famous our partially famous is just ridiculous.

I am neither a star nor anyone that should feel that I am owed any special consideration. However, if I am paying the additional monies to be sitting in business class or first class then I feel It should be understood that I expect certain things. Such as leg room. The gentleman that was sitting in front of me had run out of room with all his carry on luggage and proceeded to push it so far back under the seat that it was sticking halfway into the foot space that I was currently trying to use.

The young man was yelling at the flight crew for not having enough room for all of his things. I stood up "Excuse me sir!!" He didn't even bother to turn and look at me or respond. Hmmmm big mistake. I again Said "Excuse me sir! Your carry on is currently half way into this rows leg room could you please either pull it back up under your seat or push it back further and I will put it under my seat, I have plenty of room. Maybe if you asked the other people in first class if they had room under there seats we could possibly discontinue with all the yelling and sit down to a nice leisurely flight." He turned and gave me the dirtiest look saying "Maybe you need to stay out of this. I've paid for all my carry on to come with me. I'm just trying to get them to work with me."

"Do you really think yelling and causing a seen is going to help? I don't. Maybe just being nice and asking would help! Let me show you how its done. "Excuse me everyone" I said to all the passengers if First class. "Would anyone have additional room for a carry on under there seat or in the overhead bin above you?" I heard "I do" from five or six people. I turned and confronted him again "There ya go, I hope that helped, sure wasn't as hard as it was being made." I turned away from him and scooted the carry on all the way under my seat and sat down. I pulled out my MP3 player and put the ear phones in and turned it on ignoring all the other noise in the first class cabin. Was I upset no not really.. just a little peeved that Star's think that have to act like that to get there way.

I knew the flight was going to take at least eight hours to get back to New York. I then had another four hour flight to St Louis from there. I shut my eyes and let the music soothe me to sleep. I woke three hours later having to pee very badly. I unbuckled my seat belt and headed to the nearest restroom. On my way back I asked one of the flight crew if I could please get a bottle of water, which they happily handed to me. I went back the way that I came and happened to bump into the person sitting in front of me. "Sorry about that" I said moving to the side trying to let him move by me. He moved to pass me and stopped. Looking me in the eyes he said "Hey, thanks for helping me out earlier. I never said thanks and I wanted you to know that I do appreciate it."

"It wasn't a problem, just happy that I could help." He moved to the other side of me saying "Thank you again!"

"No problem. I'm Mark"

He held out his hand "I'm James."

I started laughing and said "I know who you are Mr Franco"

"Please... just call me James" He then added "Would you like to have a drink with me? I was just heading to the bar to get something to mellow me out so that I can sleep"

"I would like that." I followed him up the stairs to the bar. He ordered a rum and coke and I ordered a Sprite. We sat down at a table away from the bar and he asked "I thought you were going to order something stronger than a Sprite?"

"I don't drink unless I'm really pissed off or upset. I'm neither of them at this point."

"That's good. I thought you were going to hit me earlier for being such an ass"

"I wasn't even upset with you. Not to say that I didn't give you a dirty look, because I am pretty sure that I did. But I wasn't upset." I paused and asked "So what were you doing in Austria? If you don't mind me asking?"

"I was taking a much needed vacation. I just finished a film that had taken eight months to film. I'm just glad that its finally done, so I decided that a nice vacation was needed"

"So you went on vacation by yourself? Isn't that kind of dangerous with umm who you are?"

Laughing he responded "Not at all. Its not like I'm someone seriously famous. Some may know who I am but most everyone leaves me alone. Plus it gave me time to think about what I want and where I want to go with my career. You know what I mean? Its good sometimes to just reflect and think about things."

"I do. I was in Europe for the same things. Well except for the fame and high pressure acting thing.. I needed time to myself to take care of me. It was really nice to just be able to do what I wanted when I wanted and not have to worry about what everyone else expected or wanted. It was truly an amazing vacation."

"So where are you going home to? He asked.

"From New York I'm headed to St Louis and Drive a few hours home."

"Where are you headed?" I asked intrigued.

"My first stop is New York for about a month, then I head back to LA. You're not spending anytime in New York?"

"Actually I am. I'm going to be in New York for a week then I fly back home." I looked over at him and said "Thank you for the Sprite and the company, it was really nice talking to you, but I think I'm going to try and sleep a little bit more." I got up and shook his hand and made my way back down the stairs. I turned looked back and waved as he smiled and waved back. I went and sat back down in my seat and put my head phones back on and started my music I closed my eyes and felt someone walk up and sit down next to me. I opened my eyes to see James sitting there. I took my headphones off and asked "Is everything okay?"

He looked down at his lap and hesitantly responded with "Yes, I ummm was just hoping that we could maybe talk some more at least until you fall asleep or I fall asleep. I really have enjoyed talking with you and was just aahhh hoping to get to know you better." He looked up at me and continue on. "Its not everyday that I just get to talk with someone and not have to worry about the fame thing. Its nice to just be a normal guy."

Laughing I asked "Is that what you are is a normal guy? The last time I checked you were a very well known Actor, Director and Writer." The look on his face went from hope to crestfallen within a matter of seconds. I felt bad and backed up a few steps and added "I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't mean for that to come out like it did. I can truly say that I don't understand what that means. I don't know what it feels like to not have a normal conversation with another person. I really am sorry James"

He smiled at me "Thank you, I appreciate that. So what do you do for a living"

"I'm the manager of a couple of Medical Clinics in Missouri. Its nothing really exciting but it pays the bills." I in turn asked him "So whats in New York?"

"I have a condo there and a few close friends that still live there. Plus its a really exciting city to live in and visit with all the shows and people. Its my turn for a question. What are you going to do while your in New York?"

"Pretty much just see the sights and hit any out of the way tourist traps. I want to go shopping in the different cultural areas. I tend to like the off beaten paths, such as the little shops and eateries. I usually ask the people that live in the area where a good place to eat would be. they haven't steered me wrong so far."

"That's really cool. Would you mind if I tagged along? If its not to much trouble that is?" He asked looking hopeful.

"I would like that very much James" I said smiling at him. "OK its my turn for a question. Hmmm Are you currently dating anyone?"

"Nope. There is no one currently in my life." He shot the same question back at me.

"No there is no one in my life at the moment. I can truly say I haven't found the right person as of yet. I've found a lot of Mr Wrongs but no Mr Right as of yet." I looked over at him and asked "I hope that doesn't bother you.. that I'm gay."

He looked away and then looked back at me. I couldn't tell if he had an issue with it or not until he got up and walked away. Well okay, I guess I have his opinion. Was I upset that he just got up and walked away. Nah, not really some people do that when they find out the person that they are talking to is gay. It use to really bother me but not so much anymore. Its just the way it is. I put my headphones back on and closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

I woke about four hours later. It felt a weight on my shoulder. I stretched yawned and opened my eyes. Looking to my right I noticed that at some point James came back and some how ended up sleeping next to me with his head on my shoulder. I nudged him a little trying to get him to roll the other way so that I could get up and go use the bathroom. I moved a little more and he reached over and wrapped his arm around my arm trying to get me to stay where I was. I stood up pulling my arm free from him and crawled out into the isle making my way to the restroom. As I was walking back I noticed that James was now awake and looking a little stressed. I moved passed him and sat down in my seat and asked "Did you sleep well?"

"I actually did, probably the best that I have in months."

"It was probably the booze you drank" I replied chuckling.

"I'm not so sure that was it, I think It was the warm shoulder." He said avoiding eye contact with me.

I shrugged my shoulder looking at him and said "I'm sure you have many a shoulder that your head could be sleeping on, and probably any time you wanted it"

"Maybe so" he said "but not someone that I can trust"

"I understand." I thought for a few minutes and added "So what are your plans for New York, is there any chance that we could possibly hand out for a few hours or something?

"I would really like that Mark. What about if you give me your cell number and I will call you once I have had enough time to settle."

"That sounds fine" I told him and gave him my cell number. I told him I was staying at the W Hotel in Manhattan. At that point we were in our final decent into JFK airport in New York. He took my palm and pulled out a ball point pen and wrote "For your eyes only" and gave me his home number and cell number. I pulled out my cell and programed them in. "thanks for trusting me enough to do that"

"I do trust you. I feel this closeness with you that I don't feel with a lot of people.:

"I can tell, could it be because you drooled onto my shoulder for four hours which immediately gives us a close bond?"

Smiling he came back with "I do not drool when I'm sleeping"

I proceeded to point out the partially dried spot saying "This sure the hell wasn't caused by me." I started laughing at the look on his face and continued on with "And if I did I'm a pretty good contortionist, and if that was the case I would have no need for a boyfriend, I would take care of my own needs."

He sat shocked for a moment and then started laughing. When he calmed down he said "yeah I guess your right.. none of us would."

I cocked my head to the side a little bit wondering if I had heard him correctly. Then asked "Did you just say that you are.. umm the same as me, or were you just saying you would suck yourself off?" I whispered. He looked like he was about to panic when I reached over and grabbed his arm saying "If you are that's cool. Your secret is safe."

He calmed a little. I looked closer and he had a tear running down his face and said "Yea. Yes I am" I patted and rubbed his arm saying "Good for you! That wasn't so hard was it?"

He started crying as he said "Yes it was Mark. You're the only person that I have ever told. I have struggled with this for so long and I cannot believe I just told you that.

"As I said James your secret is safe with me. I have always said and will always say. Being gay is such a small part of who you are as a person, It shouldn't have to consume your whole life. It does get easier as time goes by."

He looked really sad when he said "I sure hope so."

The flight crew announced that we were on our final decent to land at JFK and were asking that everyone put there seats in the upright position and to put up and lock our dinner trays. Once we landed I handed James's his carry on and wished him good luck with his stay and his future. In reality I didn't expect to hear back from him at any point. I took a cab to the W Hotel and checked in. I unpacked, stripped down and jumped into the shower. I scrubbed myself clean from head to toe, rinsed off and then dried myself. I walked back into the bedroom suite and pulled back the covers on the bed and proceeded to slip into the nice cool sheets and within moments fell into a nice comfortable sleep. I had a great dream. The focus was an actor named James Franco. Can you imagine? It wasn't anything sexual to begin with but soon turned to us being in my room, both of us taking off our clothes and having a very hot make out session.

I woke up to the sound of my cell phone ringing. I turned and looked at the clock and realized that I had been sleeping for at least 8 hours. I picked up my cell phone and looked at the caller id. It read J Franco. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I opened to phone, put it to my ear and said "Hello?"

"Hey Mark its James. I'm sorry where you still sleeping?"

"I was but that's okay. I'm glad you called. I need to get up and start moving around. So whats up?"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today?"

The smile was forming on my face as he asked "Yes that would be great. What time did you have in mind and where did you want to go?"

"I thought I would take you to a favorite deli of mine in old Italy. They have awesome food."

"Sounds great James. What time did you want to go? I still have to shower and get ready did you want to come here or meet me somewhere?"

"Why don't I come there since I'm only about ten minutes away?"

"Sounds good James. I'm in room 406. See you in about ten minutes then." We hung up and I immediately headed for the shower. As I was shutting the water off I hear a knock on the door. I quickly wrapped a towel around my waist and went to the door. I opened it slightly and was stunned. He looked great dressed in jeans and a button down shirt. He had a leather jacket on. He smiled asking "Do I get to come in?"

I opened the door totally embarrassed "I'm so sorry I guess I'm running late, I didn't realize that ten minutes had passed so quickly. Let me go get dressed really quick and I will be ready to go." As I was talking I was watching him look me up and down and the slight lopsided smile on his face indicated that he liked what he has seen. I turned and walked away into the bedroom and dropped the towel and put on some boxer briefs. As I was pulling them up I could see James in the mirror watching my every move. I walked back over to the door and shut it saying "The free show is over, anything else will cost you" Smiling he asked "Whats the price?" I just laughed and continued to get dressed. I opened the door and he was standing right there leaning on the door jam. It scared me and I jumped back saying "Geez what were you doing looking through the key hole?"

"What if I was? Would you have a problem with it?"

"Actually no, not really. But I will say if you wanted to see that bad you should just have come in"

Smiling he replied "I couldn't the door was looked. Believe me I checked it. I was willing to pay whatever the price would have been"

I just shook my head "Okay can we change the subject please? its making me sound like a prostitute." James was laughing harder when he asked "Are you ready to go?

"I am. Where are we going by the way?"

"I figured we could hit little Italy. I want to take you to Geppettos Deli. They have awesome food, I think you will love it."

"Sounds good, you're making me hungry.. lets go"

We walked out of the hotel and walked the streets of Manhattan. It was nice to just get to know the man walking beside me. It truly amazed me at how smart he was. He talked about his dreams of finishing his education and his plans for further directing films.

We walked into Geppettos, I looked around while James ordered some fresh Mozzarella cheese, Salami and Peperoni. He also ordered some olives and finished it off with a bottle of wine. I grabbed a few Italian desserts that I wanted to try and went and checked out. I watched as they bagged everything that James had bought and asked "What are you going to do with all that food?"

"I thought we could take it back to my place and make pizza and have a few glasses of wine." He looked down at the floor then looked back up at me with hope in his eyes and asked "Umm if you want to that is... and you're okay with it?"

I looked at him and cocked my head slightly and asked "Why me? Why do you want to hang out with me? I don't mean to do this here but.. Fuck James, I'm not a star, I don't have a lot of money" I started laughing and added "hell In most gay boys fantasies I'm not even good looking." I looked him straight in the eyes and asked "James seriously I'm not even on the same planet as you and you want to hang out with me... I don't get it?"

"Mark I'm sorry! god I need to stop doing this shit!"

I could tell that he was getting upset. I Grabbed his arm and asked "Tell me whats going in." He calmed down a bit and added "That's why I want to hang out with. You're a normal working class guy, who says what he feels without hurting anyone's feeling. You are true to yourself and don't give a fuck what anyone says. I need someone like you in my life, or more people like you in my life."

As we walked out of the Deli I asked "Okay I get that but what and why me?"

He shifted his view from the street in front of us and looked over at me "Can we talk about this somewhere that is not so open and doesn't have so many people around? I would love for you to come over to my place and have dinner with me where we can talk. I would be open at that point to any questions that you want to ask."

"Ok, lets go but before we do answer one question for me?"

"Of course. Whats the question?" He replied.

"Were you drunk or stoned when you did the Oscars?" I startled laughing and walked away.

Laughing he threw an olive at me saying "You jack ass. I thought it was going to be a serious question. No I was not drunk or stoned. I just wasn't into it.. they wrote all the good parts for Anne and pretty much left me looking like an idiot." The bantering started and continued the rest of the time I spent at his place. He was truly a really nice guy. We ate dinner talking about his family and his two older brothers and how much he missed being around his family all the time. He told me that he was planning on surprising his family on his mom and dads 35th anniversary by taking them all to Hawaii.

I opened up to him and told him about my family, my mom, my three older brothers and how my life really wasn't all that great at the moment. I explained to him the living arrangements that I currently had was taking care of my mom and brother and how I had become the main money maker of the family and how I felt responsible for everyone, thus leading me to take this vacation as MY TIME.

I got up and used the bathroom and as I walking back in the living room I could hear that James was on the phone with someone. I walked up and touched his shoulder and immediately felt warmth run through me. I stepped back and said "I think I'm going to head out." He held up his finger indicating for me to hold on. I walked over and got my jacket and put my shoes back on and stood by the door. James told the person that was on the phone that he would need to call them back in a few minutes and hung up.

"Sorry for interrupting your call, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to head back to the hotel. I had a great day today.. and that's because of you. You really are good guy and so easy to talk to."

He walked up to me and grabbed my hand I was holding out for him to shake and pulled me into a hug. I was startled at first but then just melted into his warmth. He pulled back and looked into my eyes and pushed me back against the door and kissed me hard on the mouth. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. He pulled back looking at me with a slight crooked smile on his face saying "No, I want to thank you. I've had a fantastic day and its all because of you."

I was a little stunned and didn't really know what to say. I could only come up with "Ummm, see ya then?"

Smiling he replied "I will definitively see you"

I opened the door walked out and headed back to my hotel wondering what the fuck just happened. I got back to my room stripped off my clothes and laid down on the bed fondling my hard cock through my boxer briefs. I stripped off my underwear and laid them beside me as I took my cock in hand and proceeded to pleasure myself thinking about James Francos sexy lips. I was slowing fondling my balls with one hand while stroking myself with the other when I heard a knock at the door. I groaned in frustration and got up and slipped on the hotel robe. I went to the door and looked out the peep hole . I smiled and open the door slightly asking "What are you doing here Mr Franco?"

I didn't want tonight to end so I thought I would come over and see if you wanted to have dessert with me."

"Dessert?" I asked confused.

"Yep dessert, but it looks like you've already beat me to it with that really nice bulge in your robe." He walked up and started to fondle me through the robe.

"Well I was beating it." I said laughing. I'm sure I turned every shade of red at that point since I just admitted to him that I was Jacking off. I pushed him off of me and added "Umm.. if you're interested we could have dessert together."

He immediately started taking off his clothes saying "Sounds good to me"

I walked back into the bedroom and dropped the rob and laid down on the bed. I started to fondle myself again as I watched James strip out of his clothes. He had an awesome body, So beautiful. I was patiently waiting for the last article of clothing to be removed which was his boxers. He slowly and suggestively started to lower his boxers while I sat and drooled at the thought of seeing James Franco in the flesh.. Well more flesh. The bulge that was running down the right side of his boxers told me that he had nothing to be ashamed of. He slowly slipped his boxers down his legs and covered half of his cock with his hand. I groaned in disappointment that he was hiding what I really wanted to see. He slowly started to stroke himself while he kicked his boxers off his feet which landed on the bed with me. I picked them up and brought them to my face and inhaled his scent. I moaned and started to stroke myself faster. James walked over to the bed still stroking him self and said "yeah smell those shorts. Oh my god that makes me totally horny seeing you smell my boxers."

I inhaled even deeper and threw them at him laughing. "You're a freak Mr Franco."

He laid down on the bed next to me and slowly removed his hand from his penis. He let it lay against his stomach showing off its girth and length. His prize was a very nice specimen of man hood. I continued to stroke myself using my precum as lube. I looked over at him asking "Are you just gonna watch me or are you going to join in?"

"I haven't really decided yet. Its pretty fucking hot just watching you."

"Suit yourself." I continued to stroke my cock. Watching James watch me was making me hot and bothered. I knew it wouldn't be long before I shot my load. James started to slowly stroke himself while he watched me. I started moaning louder and started thrusting into my own hand. I looked over and into his eyes saying "You're fucking beautiful." The smile on his face was enough to send me over the edge. I started thrusting wildly into my hand. I tensed up and unloaded onto my chest and stomach. James started to wildly beat his dick as he moaned and groaned my name. He said "Here it comes" as he quickly got up on his knees and shot all over my chest and stomach.

"You fucker. Like I wasn't messy enough." I said laughing He laid back on the bed content with having just came. I grabbed his boxers and proceeded to clean myself up.

"Damn you, now I don't have anything to wear back home."

"Sorry, but I guess you will have to go commando then." I responded rolling over onto my side looking at him. He had that really cute lopsided smirk on his face. I rolled over a little further and kissed him long and hard and moved back to my original place. He moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist and laid his head on my chest and proceeded to fall asleep. I fell asleep a few minutes after him.

Okay.. there is the first chapter. Not sure if its good or not. Let me know your thoughts. Good Bad or otherwise.

I havent written anything i quite a long time. I have been thinking about this story for a while and decided to put it in ink. So to speak. Let me know if you think its worth moving forward.

Please email me at jamesfrancosmark@gmail.com

Thanks B

Next: Chapter 2

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