Jamey Is Gay

By Steve Thomas

Published on Dec 12, 2005


This is a work of pure fiction, but based on the author's feelings, beliefs, and in some cases, experience. Come to think of it -- it might not be very pure either! There may be graphic sexual encounters at times between men, so if this offends you, you are invited to retreat. If you are too young or it is otherwise illegal for you to be reading this kind if story, shame on you for reading it - - please stop here. If not, - - ENJOY!

Cast of Characters:

James Thomas Arthur (Jamey)

Harold Brian Arthur -- Jamey's Brother (Habby)

Harold Garfield Arthur -- Jamey's dad

William Pitts -- Roommate (Will)

Ronny -- Will's best friend.

George Wiggins

Darrel -- George's roommate

Dr. Steve Arlan Jordan -- Doctor

Grant (Buddy) Windward -- Waiter at Holdren's

John -- Neighbor across the hall.

Jerry -- John's roomie

Seth -- Ronny's cousin

Luke -- Seth's partner

Robert Rexburg -- High school friend

Yolanda -- Robert's wife.

Joey -- Flight Attendant

From Chapter 30

I drove home with a smile on my face. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of publicly committing myself to Steve. I knew it would be hard to study, anticipating what he would have to say when he gets home. When I pulled into the condo parking, Steve's car was there. It was only 7:30 and he wasn't supposed to be home until 11:30 -- if he got off on time. But the windows in the house were all dark. I wonder where he could be?

Chapter 31

I got out of my car and locked the doors, and started walking toward the front door. When I got in front of Steve's car, his lights came on. I hadn't seen him in his car, with the darkened windows. He rolled down his window and said, "Get in."

"Are you okay?" I asked as soon as I was in the car.

"Yeah." He said, but sounded not too excited.

"So - - what's up. Why are you sitting in the car?"

"I haven't been here long. I got off early, but it was a grueling evening. I lost another patient."

"Someone you knew?" I probed.

"Naw, but it's just hard. You have no idea how quickly you can get attached to someone when you're trying to save him. It was an 87 year old man. His son said he was getting frustrated with life anyway, not being able to remember things from moment to moment."

"Alzheimer's?" I asked.

"I don't think so. This guy seemed to be pretty with it -- knew his son and daughter-in-law. They said that his memory was getting worse by the week though. He was cognizant of how fast his memory was going, but otherwise he seemed to be perfectly healthy. It was an auto accident that caused the damage that killed him. Any normal younger man probably wouldn't have died from the same trauma, but at his age he was just frail enough -- that - " and Steve started weeping."

"What's wrong, Steve?" I immediately felt weepy myself, seeing him in such grief.

"When I got home, there were no lights in the house, and I just didn't feel like facing an empty house -- so I sat here."

"How long?" I asked.

"Only about 10 or 15 minutes, but - - long enough. I just kept seeing me in that old man's shoes. One day, I'll be like that, and you -- if we're still together -- will be stuck caring for me. I can't help but wonder if you know what you're getting in to -- and if you'll want - ."

"I've thought of that, Babe. As far as that's concerned, at any time something could happen to me and you could be stuck caring for me the rest of your life, too. Are you willing to do that? I AM. If you're 87 and are like that, I will be 72 and I just can't imagine that I'll want anything more than to take care of you." I ran my fingers through Steve's thin hair.

"I've been giving your Dad's advice a lot of thought -- well -- Obviously."

"Me too. My first reaction was that I KNEW I wanted you for life, but -- anyway, I talked to Seth, Luke and Mr. -- er -- Uncle Jake. They all agree with my dad -- and me -- that there is no reason NOT to do it.

"I guess I'll never quite understand it."

"What?" I asked.

"I just can't see me being the least interested -- or attracted to -- someone 15 years older than I am."

"I just don't see it that way. You don't look or act 15 years older. I like that you have had more experience in a lot of things than I have."

"Yeah, a lot of it is less than uplifting experience!"

"Then you are the perfect one to help me avoid those things!"

"I suppose."

I leaned over to kiss his cheek. He turned and kissed my mouth. "You have homework to do, I'll bet."

"Yeah, but -- it's not as important right now as you are."

"Let's go in. You work on your homework, and I'll grab a bite to eat. When you're done, we can -- do whatever it is that we want to do after the work is done." With that he pecked me again on the lips and opened his door. "And -- be thinking of a time when we should -- tie that knot!" He said as he skipped to my door and opened it. He grinned and offered me his hand.

We walked into the house hand-in-hand. "Tomorrow morning, I don't have class until noon." I said.

"Shall we get our rings sized then?"


"Now you get busy on your studies!" he said. I can see that Steve's gonna be good for my study habits. He's much more focused than I am.

As I studied, I kept being interrupted by thoughts about our sex, lately. I finished what I had to do and called Steve into the study. "I've been thinking.."

"Uh oh!" He joked.

"Seriously. I'm a little worried. I always like the sex that we have, but I'm afraid that it may be getting boring. We don't have much variety. Is that a problem for you?"

"Jay, sometimes I am so tired I can't hardly see straight. And I can tell you are too. What we are doing is therapy. Let's look at it that way. Most couples, gay or straight, don't have such a grueling schedule as we do outside the bedroom, to say nothing about in it. Most don't do it every night as we have been. I don't think we should see it as something we have to do forever -- unless we want to. But for now, it's therapy -- that seems to be working."

Feeling relieved, I said, "So - - are you ready for your therapy?"

"Let's fuck!" he said, tired but laughing.

In the morning, we went to the store where Steve bought my ring. They were kind enough to size both rings at no cost. We went to brunch after. While we were eating, Steve said, "How does Christmas Eve sound to you?"

It doesn't matter to me. Sometimes we do Christmas on Christmas Eve, and sometimes on Christmas morning. What do you like best?"

He smiled broadly. "I was talking about doing our commitment vows on Christmas Eve."

"That'd make it easy to remember!" I said. "But then we're men, so that doesn't matter as much, right?"

"You better NOT forget our anniversary!" he said, grinning even more.

"That's only three weeks away. I wonder if dad has people he wants to invite. I don't, but -- well, maybe the Smith Family."

"Dad? Are you too busy to talk?""

"Never too busy for my son! What's up?"

"We've been giving your idea a lot of thought. We want out partnership to be blessed publicly on Christmas Eve -- if it works out with the Smiths. Do you care? Do you have people that you want to invite?"

"Nope. If you want it Christmas Eve then that works for me."

"We both want to keep it low key -- not a hoard anyway. So, just close family members -- and the Smiths. But I have to ask them first. I won't do it without them."

"I agree. Let me know."

"Love you! Bye! Oh! Who should I ask -- at the Smith's"

"Probably Mrs. Smith. Usually it's the wife who keeps the calendar in a family."

"Okay. Thanks. Bye!"

I hung up and keyed in the Smith phone number.

"Hallo!" Came the answer. "The Smith Residence."

I recognized Etta's accent. "May I speak to Auntie Lindy?"

I explained to Lindy what we were thinking about. "Oh, Jamey, that's a marvelous idea! It's been too long since we had a celebration like that around here! We feel so honored that you have included us in your celebration! You know of course that the whole Smith clan will be here. Oh! I have a wonderful idea -- well, that is of course if it works with your plans."

"I'm glad you're so excited about it, Auntie Lindy. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, you have met us Smith's that live here in Santa Barbara, and of course -- haven't you met our nephew Chris and his partner, Craig?"


"Well, besides them, our son Jake and his Colin will be here and also our dear Rob and his partner, Denny. There is one more couple of boys that come here on Christmas Eve -- that is Rennie and Lenny -- er that's Lawrence and Leonard, but we call then Rennie and Lenny."

"Denny, Lenny, Rennie? How will I ever keep -- look, Aunt Lindy, maybe Christmas Eve isn't as good as I thought. It seems that you will have plenty going on here that night. And for half of you to leave your family and - "

"OOOOH no! That's where my idea comes in. Can we invite your families and whomever else you would like to have here for Christmas Eve Supper? Then you can say your vows that evening with all in attendance."

"Oh, Auntie Lindy! We can't even THINK to crash your party like that!"

"Nonsense! We LIVE for this kind of celebration. You are going to LOVE my son and Colin, and Rob, and, Denny, and OH! Rennie and Lenny are not that much older than you are!"

"Auntie Lindy, let me talk to Steve and see what he thinks. We only do this once -- we hope -- and he may not want to make it such a -- I dunno -- he's more of a private person than I am. He may think -- well, never mind -- I'll see what he thinks of it all."

"Well, whatever you decide, We want to be involved, Honey!" She averred.

When I hung up, Steve said, "Well, I heard one side of the conversation. What is it you're blaming on me?" he asked in mock seriousness.

"I hope that's okay." I answered. I just don't know -- okay I'll start form the beginning." I explained the situation to Steve, as I had discussed it with Auntie Lindy.

"So -- what is it I'm supposed to be opposed to?"

"I just wanted to discuss it with you -- but not while she was waiting. You don't know the Smith family."

"You're right -- well, except for Seth and Luke. How are they related again?"

"Seth is the Smith's nephew. I dunno -- I guess I'm just concerned that the whole thing may end up being about the Smith family -- and not us."

"Okay, Jay, here's my feelings. You're right about me wanting it to be low key. How much more low key could it be than to fold it into someone else's celebration?"

"But -- I guess -- I'm just -- I want it to be about us. Low key is okay, I guess, but - "

"We don't live that far from then Smiths" Steve started. "We can easily have it here. The view from here is equally as gorgeous as there. And we can invite all the Smiths. It shouldn't disrupt their whole day to come over here for a couple hours. Lot's of people do that anyway -- go visiting on Christmas Eve. And I would feel better about one thing. I would want to foot the bill for the shindig, and I doubt the Smith's would let us do that."

"I -- okay -- I feel a lot better about that."

"We'll still keep it low key."

"Mm-hm." I said

"And - - you can blame me any time you want to." He said with a smirk.

"That goes both ways!" I said.

I called Dad, Lindy and Seth to tell them the news. Seth was very happy for us, and he was excited for us to meet his brothers. Chris is his only real brother, but they all consider each other brothers.

THE DATE IS SET! And I am now getting much more excited than I imagined I would. Steve hired caterers to do everything. We only had one snag. Etta refused to go, because she wanted to do all the entertaining arrangements. Steve talked to the caterer and we put Etta in charge of them! That satisfied her. I don't think they know what they are in for!

We invited very few more than our immediate circle. Of course I asked John and Grant to come. They were getting along pretty well, according to - - both! Habby asked if he could invite Melanie and her cousin, plus her cousin's boyfriend. I asked Hab if he was bringing someone. He was non-committal. I knew he was still hurting over his break with Joey.

I counted guests and came up with at least 22 from my side, not counting anyone Dad might like to invite. Just how many Steve will want I don't know, but I know that several of his friends at work will want to share in it. Not a huge crowd, but it will easily fill up Steve's condo. His lanai is not huge and this time of year it will be pretty cold out there anyway, but the study and our bedroom will be available for gathering.

A week before Christmas, Luke and Seth came over for a visit and brought Etta with them -- to meet the caterers and so she could get an idea what she was working with as far as size.

"Oh yes, this be a nice LITTLE house." She didn't emphasize the "little", but that's the way I heard it. She smiled and added, "But we hafta make it work -- and we will!" She said cheerily. She was used to working with a multi-room mansion. But it wasn't as if we were entertaining a horde of people.

As it worked out, Dad didn't ask anyone except for the boy he was seeing, and one other. And we decided that we would not "burden" any of our other relatives with it. We really did want to keep it low key. Steve only asked a handful of people he worked with that he knew approved of this sort of thing. We discussed it at length, and decided we really didn't want to even darken this part of our world with people who were going to be negative about it.

Seth and Luke went out on the lanai and Steve asked me, "Where would you like to go for our honeymoon?"

"Isn't it a little late to be making travel plans?" I said.

"Well, for holiday travel, yes, but it's not as if we are virgins and need a same day getaway from the crowd to get to know each other. We can do it any time. Spring break might be good."

"Anywhere but Bermuda!" I said, only half kidding. We hadn't heard anything about what was happening with the Robert Rexburg case, but I wanted to be as far away from there as possible.

"How about a cruise?" Said Steve. My heart stopped. I had never even considered a cruise. I always thought of that as something only the rich do. I took a couple deep breaths. When I didn't answer directly, Steve continued, "We could go down the coast and do a Mexican Riviera Cruise. That's about as far from Bermuda as you can get and still stay near the continent." He smiled.

I was in a trance but snapped out of it. "Oh! Yeah! I was in Tijuana once."

"This is nothing like Tijuana -- except for the language."

"Have you been there?"

"Well, I've been to Puerto Vallarta. That's one of the usual stops for the cruise ships."

"How many cruises have you been on?" I asked.

Steve smiled and said quietly, "None. That part will be new to me too."

"This is so romantic - - I may never want to leave our cabin!" I said.

"It's been my dream ever since I first discovered that I was gay." Steve said. "I'm half afraid that I'll open my eyes one morning and this will have all been a dream."

"Oh yeah!" I said with a flash of brilliance. "Wouldn't it be horrible to wake up one morning and discover that you're straight after all?!"

Seth and Luke heard our last two remarks and along with Etta, started to laugh almost uncontrollably. It was fun to see the normally sedate Luke cracking up. They had brought a new game with them and asked if we wanted to learn it. It was one of those hilarious games where you draw cards than have outlandish ideas on them to stimulate conversation. Not really a game, but I found out that night that Luke was not as sedate as I imagined him to be.

I asked Seth about his "brothers", and he said, "Jamey -- you may as well, get used to calling them YOUR brothers too. I KNOW you and Steve will fit in with the rest of the `family'. And Jake is about Steve's age too. Well, come to think of it, Luke isn't far behind!" Ribbed Seth. Luke gave him a jab in the side and they started to wrestle. Luke was much more built than skinny Seth and instead of giving up, Seth called for help -- from me!

I went to tickle Luke and he turned on me, and both of them attacked me, which of course brought Steve to my aid. The four of us were giggling and squirming like a bunch of little boys. Everyone was fully dressed, but I had wood as hard as oak, and I bet everyone were the same.

All of sudden Seth bolted from the fray. We all turned to look at him. "I -- uh -- sometimes get too -- um -- excited -- when being tickled." Was his explanation.

"I can vouch for that!" Said Luke.

"I had a really embarrassing incident when I was a teenager." Said Seth.

Luke continued, "Rob -- you'll meet him Christmas Eve, if not before -- was tickling Seth - "

" -- and I `wet my pants'! and it wasn't pee! Well, that was before I was even wondering if I was gay. Matter of fact it's what got me started wondering about it. Omigod, poor Rob! He's like 7 or so years older than I am, and he was so embarrassed -- I think even more than I was. He wasn't out to himself yet either."

"So," I began, "you're telling me two guys who thought they were straight got into a tickling bout?"

"Oh no. It was more like we just did. It was a bunch of us -- my brother and Craig, and Jake and Colin too. It was a free for all. And remember, I was a teen then. We did that a lot when I was young -- as boys, but it didn't occur to me that most older guys don't touch each other like that. It's stupid, but they don't. I think it's their latent fear of their own sexuality that makes them that way."

"Are you guys gonna go anywhere after you get married? -- Er -- well, say your vows?" Said Luke.

"We probably will at Semester break." Steve said.

"Well, any time you want to go to Hawaii, you know you have free pass -- ANY time!"

"Huh?" Said Steve.

"Luke owns an airline." I said. "Somehow you don't strike me as an airline owner." I quipped.

"Haha! I'll take that as a compliment, Jamey! My sister really runs it. She doesn't have to, but she likes it. I'm still going to school. (giggles). I'll get a real job someday, but the day to day, 40 hours a week thing doesn't appeal to me."

"Nice work if you can get it!" Quipped Steve.

"Seth doesn't have to work either, but like my sis, he chooses to. That's okay. His bosses know his situation,"

" -- and they've let me know that if I need any time off, it's not a problem." Finished Seth.

"Like I said -- must be nice!" Steve smiled. "Well, I'm glad we met you and that we have become friends. I don't really have any other friends that both of us would be comfortable with."

"You have other gay friends!" I said.

"Yeah, but most of them are flamers who, although I don't have a problem with, they even make me uncomfortable. Others are too militant for my liking."

"I just don't know anyone like that." I said.

"Flamers are just acting out and usually are young and immature." Said, Seth. "I see lots of them when I go to the shelter. They are like scared little boys and truly - - well, they are like actors on a stage. When an actor puts on his costume and makeup, he becomes another person, and that is how most of them deal with performing in front of scads of people. They aren't themselves, so they can be anything they want. Same goes with flamers -- for the most part. In side they mostly are scared little boys and acting out as they do, hides their fear. I have learned to love a lot of them. Others are so closed on a personal level I can't get close enough to know them."

"So -- what you are saying -- basically -- is don't judge a book by it's cover." Steve remarked.

"Basically -- that's true. Usually there is someone else inside of every human being on earth. And most often, I find that that person is somewhat to wildly different than what they portray."

"That makes sense." Steve averred.

"When are you brothers coming?"

"They have a life too, so they won't be here too long. Probably no more than a week, and it may not all be together." Said Seth. "But they WILL all be here for Christmas and Christmas Eve. By the way, Uncle Jake said to thank you for inviting the whole crew."

"Well, we're taking away your cook, so it was the only decent thing to do!" I joked.

"What do you think of Etta?" Luke asked.

"She's a trip!" I answered. "What can I say? I don't in any way understand how she knows what she knows, but she must have some kind of spiritual gift."

"She does!" Seth said. "Uncle Jake, Auntie Lindy and Jake and Carrie are the only ones who talk back to her when she oversteps her bounds. Seriously -- I'm afraid to!" He laughed. "I heard her ranting about the catering people last night, even before she met them. She knew they were going to be hard to work with."

"I didn't notice anything bad." I said.

"I think," Luke added, "they took one look at her and decided that she was not someone to mess with!"

"Probably!" Laughed Seth. "So ^Å what's on the table for tonight?"

"Ever play password?"

"Password?" I echoed.

"It's an old game I happen to have. Lots of fun and it is a good way to learn about each other too."

We played for a couple hours, laughed and talked some more. We seemed to just gel with each other. On their way out the door, Luke said, "Steve, Jamey, you have an awesome place here! And I'm -- um -- really happy we -- um - "

"We're both happy that we are your friends!" Seth finished.

"I wonder how many places like this are available out this way. It's perfect. Close to home -- well to the Smiths -- but I like that it's so private."

Yeah, the walls are double between the units and super insulated, and - - heh -- the ocean masks any sounds that would other wise be questionable!" Steve remarked.

"Oh God!" Said Luke. "We have been thinking of finding another place -- before we move out to Vermont -- that's out ultimate destination. But there doesn't seem to be anything like - "

"Actually, we're moving to a larger place ourselves." Steve said.

"Really? Your selling this?" Luke said, looking at Seth who was practically bursting at the seams."

"I was considering renting it out, but -- if you guys want to buy it -- I'll make you a reasonable deal."

"I don't care if you scalp us!" Said Luke. "This is exactly what we want. We have looked a little but to tell you the truth were getting a little discouraged."

"Don't give your self away so openly, Luke." Steve quipped. "This is what realtors are for -- to keep honest people like you from being taken advantage of."

"You'd be a good catch, Steve, but Seth already has my heart!" Luke served right back at Steve. It took me a moment to catch on, but by the time I was ready to laugh, the moment was over. "But seriously, guys, if you really would sell it to us, we'd be thrilled!"

"No hurry either! We can move in as soon or whenever you find a place." Said Seth.

"When do you plan to go to Vermont?" I asked.

"Someday. Certainly no sooner than five years." Said Seth.

"Great! I was afraid - " I stopped, embarrassed.

"What, Jamey?" Said Seth.

I looked down. My ears were burning. "I -- uh -- really like being with you guys."

"We feel the same."

"Hey! If you guys want to go to Hawaii -- some day -- let's go together!" Said Luke. "I'm from the big island, but I know them all. I could be your tour guide and show you places the general public doesn't know about."

"I always wanted to learn to surf. Can you surf?" Steve said.

"Luke is a champion surfer in his own right."

"Very cool!" Said Steve.

"You sure you want to learn to surf at your age sweetie pie?" I crooned.

"Okay, `sweetie pie', you deserve this one - - fuck you!" Steve said in jest. We all laughed until tears came.

"I have to warn you though." Said Luke. "Have you seen the scar on Craig's face? That's Seth's brother, Chris's partner."

"Yeah. Kind of gives him character." I said. "He still looks like a model!"

"That was my fault!" said Luke. I perceived that he was not altogether kidding.

"Aw BS, Luke!" Said Seth.

"I took them to that place -- to teach them to surf -- on the Maui North Shore. He hit the rocks! I was never so scared in my life."

"Apparently he came out of it okay." Steve said.

"Well, better believe I would not be stupid enough to take anyone there at low tide again! I shudder at what COULD have happened."

"It's how I met Luke." Said Seth.

"Really?" I said.

"Yeah," Luke started, "I felt so bad -- and so responsible -- that when they -- Chris and Craig asked me to come back to the mainland with them -- to meet their little brother (they didn't tell US that!) I didn't want to say no. Otherwise I wouldn't have gone."

"Really?" Seth said. "Well, I'm sure glad you did! You saved my life! When I met Chris and Craig at the airport, they had Luke with them. When they introduced us, we both stared at each other for a moment - "

" -- and looked eye to eye -- being the same height -- short. We barely whispered, `Wow!' Both of us together!" Said Luke. I looked at Seth.

"It's true." Seth uttered.

"Sweet!" I said, looking at Steve, lovingly. "and you've been together ever since!" I averred.

"N-not quite!" Said Seth looking guiltily at Luke.

"We both had some growing and maturing to do."

"Mostly I did!" Said Seth.

"Seth, how many times do I have to tell you -- and geez, baby, you're the shrink! YOU know I also had to go through some stuff to be ready. Are there really any accidents in regard to love?"

"No." Seth said plainly. "I don't believe there are."

"I was disowned by my Father. I was in line for the throne -- in the line of the kings -- one of several. But my father when he got wind that I was gay -- disowned me. My sis was the only one who was allowed to talk to me -- and that was because she was stubborn enough to buck Dad. He relented before he died, and included me in the will -- as equal to my sister in everything. I felt awful. She had worked so hard to get to her position in the company. I just told her I would stay out of the way.

"She at first balked at that. But she now knows I have no desire, nor the head for it, to run an airline. So - - Seth works because he wants to - "

"and Luke continues with school - - because he can!" Seth giggled.

"Fuck you too!" Luke poked Seth in the rib. Seth again attacked him and before long we were at it again wrestling and tickling. This time it was Luke who stopped it. "I think it's time we left these two love birds to their nest, Sethy!"

"I'm sure they sleep in separate rooms!" Seth said officiously.

"We do -- as long as it's the same separate room!" Steve shot back. "Before you leave -- Seth. Luke -- sit down a minute. We have a question -- or rather request."

"Sure -- anything!" They said together.

"We talked it over," I said, "and we want you guys standing next to us when we say our vows."

Both Seth and Luke bowed their heads and joined hands, then reached for ours. Their eyes were wet as Seth said, "It would be the greatest honor in the world for us!" We had a big group hug, complete with wet smiles and kisses.

Notes: Well, you that know my M.O. know what's coming. A note here: I started writing from my pain, and frustration has kept me doing it these past 3 ½ years. I have 13 pieces with Nifty, and this one may be my last. I am so very happy at the moment, since E. has entered my life. And like Edgar A. Poe and many others, I am not inspired when I'm this happy. Weird, I know, but we all have different ways of getting inspiration. If you don't hear from me it's because I'm happy!

But don't assume that I'm unhappy if you DO hear from me. I may just find another reason to write. I have met so many good friends -- including, E. - that I hate giving up this way to meet new friends.

Love, Steve

Next: Chapter 33

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