Jamie and Norman

By Gayspeedoguy

Published on Jun 4, 2011



*Hi guys, I like this story and hope you do too, please let me know by emailing me at gayspeedoguy@gmail.com. *

When I was 15 my mother had a friend called Helen, her and Helen spent a lot of time together. I liked Helen as she was mothers only friend that didn't go to church and was the only grown up woman I knew that would swear. Mum didn't like it but she would roll her eyes and shrug it off, I think Helen only did it to annoy Mum most of the time. Helen was a single mother as well so I had to spend a lot of time with her son Norman. Norman was not what you would call popular, In 90's Australia the name Norman was a bit of a joke, a government organisation called `life be in it' had run a series of commercials featuring a fat lazy idiot called Norman who would just sit around the house and do nothing. Norman copped a lot of crap for that. Norman was also quite unfortunate looking, he was average height, very very skinny with black hair that was always too long to be short and too short to be long. His hair was always oily looking and all his school uniforms were either too big for him or so tight they would rip if when he sat down. He wore reading glasses in class that he got from the free hospital clinic, they had thick plastic flames that were better suited to old men then young teen boys. He would wear this hat that was old and must have ripped at some point because it had a patch on the front above the visor rim. Once on the school bus guys were teasing him and calling him a dick head and I yelled out that he must have had the dick on his head removed and the patch added to his hat, I was proud of that joke at the time. He was covered in pimples, not just the normal teenage break out but some days it looked like his entire face was one big pimple.

Helen had taken Norman to many doctors over the years trying to get him some help, she knew how much trouble he got at school and wanted to do anything she could to help him. She would take him from our home town of Innisfail to Cairns on the bus to a new doctor every time she could afford it but nothing seemed to help. Some things even made him more pathetic like the pills he was on at one point that would make him burn if he went out in the sun at all! OK so I have to admit, I didn't like the kid, he was weedy and ugly and the only time I would talk to him was if we were at his house and I had no one else to talk to. He tried to sit next to me on the school bus once and I put my bag down so he wouldn't be able to sit there, was he kidding? Being seen sitting next to him would be death at lunch time! Norman would spend breaks walking around the school with his back pack on looking down at the ground or sitting in the study area of the library, with the geeks trying to blend in. It wasn't easy when you were the weirdest guy in school but luckily people didn't give him too much shit to his face.

Norman and I were chalk and cheese, although I was not the most popular boy in school I had made a few friends from the swim team and as I did well in my classes and didn't act up the staff liked me too. I was just under 6 foot tall had brown hair that I was growing long and had a nice body coming on since I joined the swim team the year before. Even though I was growing my hair out I would make sure it looked nice every day before heading out the door to school, every 6 months I would ask mum to buy me a new hat and a new back pack so I would stay up to date. Norman on the other hand had not had new shoes for so long that his toes would stick out through a hole in the end most of the time. Mum would give him some of my old clothes when I was sick of them and I would see him around town in them but because he was so skinny they looked silly on him or he didn't like them so he wouldn't wear them. I didn't know what else I could do to help him so I didn't bother. The long and the short of it was that Norman was the kind of guy that you would get mad at for being so pathetic.

I guess you might be wondering what we would talk about when we did hang out. Well most the time we would hang out under his house, at the time Mum and I lived in a unit but Helen and Norman were in government housing but at least it was a house. The house was high blocked like a lot of the old houses in Far North Queensland at the time. The house itself was upstairs but under the house was closed in with vertical slats that offered some security and privacy. Before Norman's father killed himself (under the house!) he had done a lot of work under there to make it nice, it had a bar, crappy old pool table and a dart board, as a 15 year old in a shitty little town, under that house was about as cool as anything got. I would hang out under there and play pool and darts for hours not even caring that I was having to hang out with Norman. Norman was good at both games but would let me win most of the time I think he was just happy to have someone to play with. I would always be nice to him while we were hanging out at his house, most of the time I just felt sorry for him, he really had no clue why he had no friends. I hated it when he and his Mum would come over to our place as they would send us into my room where there was nothing to do. We would end up sitting around watching videos or reading books and talking as little as I could manage.

The unit Mum and I lived in was across the road from the local catholic school but Norman and I went to school at the Innisfail State High, it was about a 15 minute bus ride from my place and the bus would pick Norman up from his place first from outside his house in the suburb of Hudson. Now days most of the housing commission houses in Hudson have seen sold off and are privately owned and the area is nice, back then the area was what you would call a bad area. As mum didn't have a car we walked or caught a bus when we went to visit them, they didn't have a car either so it was the same for them visiting us but this didn't stop Mum and Helen hanging out a lot. One day when I got home from school Mum told me that she had to go to Cairns for a week as her father, my Grand Father was in hospital and had to have an operation, she said she had spoken to Helen and I was going to stay up there with her. I wasn't shocked that he was going into hospital as he had been on the waiting list for the operation for some time and I was glad it was finally happening. Although I had known she was going to have to go up with him to help Grandma deal with everything I hadn't given any thought to where I was going to stay. At the time I had a few friends that I could have stayed with and had spent a night or two at their houses over the last year but I knew mum wouldn't go for it as Helen was her rock at times like this.

She said Grandad had gotten the call this afternoon and had to be in pre-op tonight so they were coming to pick us up and drop me off at Helens house before heading up to Cairns. When I got there Helen came down and gave mum, grandma and Grandad a bag of sandwiches and some tea in travel mugs, Grandma and Mum thanked her for her kindness and they drove away. I walked up the front stairs with Helen and found Norman sitting in the lounge room watching TV. He looked like a wanker sitting there in my old soccer shorts and t-shirt. He was flicking through the channels (3 in Innisfail in those days) with a remote control that was in a freezer bag so it didn't get dust in it.

He looked up at me and smiled, he was always so happy to see me, I wish I could say the same. At that moment it stuck me, the house only had two bedrooms. I was going to have to sleep in the same room as Norman for the next week! He got up off the couch and took my bag "you're in with me Jamie" and walked into the bed room. I wanted to put off going into that room as long as I could so I sat on the lounge and talked to Helen for a while. We talked about the operation Grandad was going to have and the chances of anything going wrong. After a couple of minutes Norman came back out and stood in the door way with one foot up on door jam and his shoulder leaning on the door as well. He tried to join the conversation but he didn't know anything about what we talked about so he didn't have anything intelligent to say.

Helen took us into the kitchen and Norman and I sat at the table talking to her while she cooked, it didn't take long for the house to start filling up with the smell of bangers and mash. Mum and I loved this and I think that's why she cooked it that night so I would be comfortable on my first night in a strange house. When it was ready she asked us to clear off the table and set out the cutlery. We did our jobs and sat back down to a nice dinner. We didn't talk much during dinner but I noticed Norman looking at me on and off the entire time he was eating, he did this all the time, I found it so creepy!

Helen worked nights at the local Taxi office taking calls and dispatching jobs, one of the `perks' of her job was a free taxi ride to work so it wasn't a surprise when a taxi pulled up at the house at 7pm just as we finished dinner. Helen went out the door and yelled back "you two mind you wash and dry the dishes and keep the house clean" and she was gone. Norman picked up his plate and licked the last bit of tomato sauce off it, I rolled my eyes and pick up both plates and headed over to the sink to fill it. Norman came over with a few glasses and stuff and dumped them in the water splashing me with water. I said "Fuck Norman, did ya have to?" and stormed off my find my bag. When I walked into Norman's room I couldn't believe my eyes. In all the time I had been coming to his house I had never been into his room, it was painted black and had black curtains, his wardrobe was painted black as was his bed, the only colour in the room was the dark blue sheets on his bed and the white mattress that was laid out on the floor beside his bed. I didn't know what to think about the room, the bare light globe in the middle of the ceiling made the room look like a horror movie dungeon I didn't know how the hell I was going to sleep in there. I stood there wondering who the hell Norman was, did he have mental issues? I mean who lived like this? I decided to change my shirt and get out of there. I found my bag on his bed and selected another shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror on the back of his door and thought the new shirt looked ok. It went with the black footy shorts I had on.

By the time I came back out Norman had finished washing the dishes and was in the middle of drying. He turned and looked at me with red eyes and said "I'm sorry I splashed you Jamie, I didn't mean to" I told him it was ok and helped him dry up. I decided until I knew more about him I should be as nice I could be to the guy with the fetish for black! When we were done we went into the lounge room and sat down to watch some TV. We sat there watching SeaQuest for a while not saying anything until he looked at me and said "do you have a girlfriend?" "Nar man" I said. By the time I was 15 I knew I was gay, I had even fooled around with a couple of guys but didn't want to tell him in case he tried to kill me in my sleep in his black bedroom. Norman smiled "I didn't think so". He didn't say anything else for a while, "I don't either" he finally said. It took all of my control not to say "No shit Sherlock".

After SeaQuest was over we went down stairs for a game of darts, the floor of the underneath of the house was concrete and the ceiling was just the floor of upstairs meaning that the beams were exposed. Norman went to the far corner and took a packet of cigarettes and a lighter from the top of one of the beams. He took one, lit it and offered one to me, I had tried smoking a couple of times so I took one and lit it off his, as soon as we both had our smokes going the under part of the house smelt of tobacco. Norman went and took the darts out of the board and went back to the line to start the game. He shot a good score and went back down to get them for me. When he came back he handed me the darts, I had a go and failed as much as I always did. Normally when we played we didn't say a lot but this time Norman was very chatty. "You can call your friend Cameron and see if he wants to come over and play darts too if you want." "Thanks man" I said, "But Cameron is away for the weekend" He smiled at me and said "I thought you would have stayed with him, you guys are close". I didn't know what he was getting at. At the time Cameron and I had fooled around a couple of times, once at my house and once at School in an empty class room, I had no idea how he would know about it as neither of us had said anything to anyone let alone `abnormal Norman'. I didn't say anything else just took my turn. When I took my shot Norman said "You know about sexy men, do you think I'm sexy?" I didn't know what to say, I walked up and grabbed the darts and walked back and put them on the table I didn't want to look at him. I didn't know if I was able to trust him, I didn't want him to tell my Mum or his Mum that I was gay! I thought I had better go along with it "I dunno man, I guess so." I looked over at him and he was looking down at the table making no effort to get up and continue the game. He was upset, I could tell. "I don't think so, I'm not sexy, no one has ever looked at me like that. I know I have bad pimples but shit man, I want to be touched just like anyone else".

I didn't like where this was going, I was hoping he wasn't going to ask me he to touch him'. "I know I'm not good looking" Norman Said "But I have a nice dick". He was just about crying now. I looked at him finally and he was still looking down, I didn't know what to say "Well then, maybe you should just show it off." He looked at me "how?" I was thinking on my toes now, "By wearing things that show off your dick, that way people can tell you have a nice dick and might want to see it and play with it." He looked down again "Will you help me?". "Umm ok" I said. He got up and went upstairs, I followed him into his bedroom and we went to his wardrobe. He opened it and said "what do you think would show off my cock Jamie?" I started looking for footy shorts thinking mum would have given him some of my old ones but couldn't find any. I came across a pair of bright blue bike shorts and handed them to him, these would do the job, wear these and a t-shirt and everyone will be able to see how big it is." He took them and left the room, Shit' I thought he is going to model them for me. A few minutes later he came back into the room in the bike pants and a t-shirt on, the shirt was long, too long to be able to see his cock. "Does this work?" he said. "Well man the idea is that people can see the bulge your dick makes in the shorts, your t-shirt is too long, no one could see it".

I watched as he thought about it, he smiled and took off his shirt. And put on another, perfect I thought. I sat there looking at him, his legs were nice and he was right about his cock, he had a nice bulge in his shorts but the jock line was wrecking the look. "You need to take off your jocks man, you can see the underpants line and it's a turn off" I told him. He smiled at me and pealed the tight lycra off. He stood facing me in his pale blue big w under pants and I couldn't help but get a semi, what this guy lost in his face and personality he made up for in his jocks. He looked at me as he took off his jocks and stood there in all his teen glory. He was soft but I think he was on the way to getting hard. He reached down and adjusted himself before grabbing his bike shorts again and putting them on. "Is this better?" he asked with a smile on his face.

It was better, the boy had an awesome bulge going on in his shorts. As I sat there on the bed I found myself licking my lips, he walked over to me so I could have a better look "Is this sexy do you think?" I did think! He had his cock dressed to the left so I told him to point it down over his cock to make it look bigger. He reached in and grabbed his teen meat and pushed it down beside his balls. "No man, put it down over your nuts so it stands out. He looked at me like he had no idea what I was talking about. By this time I was hard as a rock. I didn't know what was going on, this was Norman! Fucking dick head Norman! But then again, look at that bulge, at that moment I knew I wanted to have that cock in my mouth. He was still looking at me so I decided to take a chance and do it for him. I reached out and grabbed the top of his shorts with one hand and getting no resistance I grabbed his cock with the other and pointed it down over his balls. Norman looked down and smiled as I took my hand out. "See Man" I said "it looks bigger because it's pointing out more sitting on your balls. I was dying to sniff my hand, his cock felt so good and I didn't feel any pubes in there at all, he stood there in front of me and rubbed his bulge. "do you think I would get a blow job wearing this?" he asked. "Yeah I do" I said still looking at his bulge. The lycra showed everything, I was able to see that he was uncut and that his dick was starting to grow in his shorts. The longer it got the harder the lycra was working to keep it in.

He said "let's go finish our game of darts" and walked out of the room. I was disappointed as I now wanted to suck him off more than anything in the world but I knew some guys needed to be coaxed out of their pants! When we got down stairs we both lit another smoke and kept playing. I wasn't able to concentrate on the game every time he had his go I was looking at his bum, I had never had sex with a guy but I had seen a gay porn at a guy's place a few months before and found myself looking at lots of guys arses. Norman had a nice arse, it was what you would call a muffin arse and the lycra shorts were clinging to every inch of it, it was even showing off the crack between his perfect globes. I was dying to reach out and rub my hands over his arse but I thought I should wait and see how the night went. By now it was 9pm, we had 5 hours until Helen would be home and the fun would be over. Every time I stood up to take my shot I knew my hard on was on show for him to see but I didn't mind as he was hard as a rock himself, I knew he wanted something to happen but seeing as I didn't know what I thought I should leave it to him to make the first move.

I knew that he would be able to see my hard cock as my footy shorts were short enough that there was no room to hide a hard on. I had my black speedos on under my shorts and they did hold it in a bit so I decided to step it up a little, I told Norman I had to use the bathroom and went back upstairs. I went into the bathroom and closed the door, after I took a leak I took my speedos off and put my footy shorts back on. I had to be careful that my dick wasn't sticking out of my shorts but with that confirmed I went back down stairs to keep playing with him. Norman took one look at me when I walked in and a big grin crept across his face. My dick was now pointing straight out in front of me for all to see. Under the house no one could see us unless they walked down the driveway and I knew that the rusty gate would warn us if that happened. I sat on the chair beside Norman and he eyes didn't leave my cock. Finally he said "Does Cameron suck you off?" At that stage I had only sucked Cameron off, he had not so much as seen my cock so I told him no. Norman kept looking down at my bulge and said "If I was your boyfriend, I'd suck you off". I looked at him, he was still tenting in his bike pants and was developing a wet spot of pre-cum around the tip, he had now adjusted it so it was standing straight out as well. "He's not my boyfriend Norman, we just fool around" I said. I thought fuck it, he made the first move saying be wanted to suck me off so I took my cock out the leg of my shorts and sat there in front of him wanking it.

"Do you want to suck it?" I asked him. He didn't say anything, just nodded, so I stood up and stood in front of him. Norman had never sucked a guy off before so all he did was put it in his mouth, he didn't move his head at all. I moved my hips back and forth so I was fucking his face, I felt his teeth on the shaft of my cock so I told him to open his mouth more. He did so and I went back to fucking his face. I reached down and grabbed the back of his head and pushed his head onto my dick, god this boy felt so good on my cock, I couldn't believe we hadn't done this sooner. After a few minutes I took it out of his mouth and told him I wanted to go back up stairs. We walked up the back stairs so no one would be able to see us and our tenting shorts from the street. As we walked up the stairs I had his arse in full view and thought I may as well go for gold so I reached out and rubbed my hand over his bum. My God that boy had a great bum I wanted to pull his bike pants down and fuck him right there on the steps.

When we got into the kitchen he kissed me, I was a little repulsed at first, the only thing I could think of was one of the pimples bursting! Luckily for me that didn't happen and I kissed him back, for a guy that had never been with anyone he was a good kisser, at that moment I thought about him practicing kissing in the mirror and couldn't help but giggle. Norman pulled away and looked at me "Nothing man" I said, Lets go into your room!" he led me in and I sat on the bed, he stood in front of me and pulled his shorts down and took a hold of his cock "What do you think of this?" I smiled and took it in my hand, I sat there slowly pulling the skin back off the head of his cock and pushing it back up. I looked up at him and he was standing there with his eyes shut. I put my hands on his awesome arse and pulled him towards me. His dick was inches from my face so I put the tip in my mouth and started working my way down the shaft. After about 5 minutes he started swaying back and forth and I knew he was about to cum. I was excited because a guy had told me that a virgins cum tasted different to other guys. When he came it just kind of oozed out into my mouth but it tasted the same as the other guys I had had.

When he came Norman kind of fell onto me, I rolled out from under him and laid on the bed beside him, as I laid there I started pulling myself off. I knew from experience that most guys didn't want to suck you off after they came. Thankfully Norman wasn't that kind of guy and after a few minutes he sat up and moved down to my cock and put it in his mouth again. He must have taken notice of what I did when I sucked him off because he was moving his mouth and even licking the head of my cock. It was very sexy and it didn't take long for me to cum in his mouth. When I dropped my load in his mouth he kind of just opened his mouth and let it run back onto my cock and down to my balls. I guess he didn't like the taste of my cum! Once I had cleaned up I went for a shower and left him there on the bed. By the time I came back Norman was asleep and I went out to watch TV.

*This was the first of many experiences I had with Norman. If you would like to read more about Jamie and Norman please let me know via email. I also value your feedback, please email me and let me know your thoughts! gayspeedoguy@gmail.com *

Next: Chapter 2

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